The billboard (Feb 1910)

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4 Xti« Billboard FEBROARY IS, 1910. Notes o( Personal Mention and News Interest Regarding a. Score of Feminine Stars of the Varietyr Stage in irh» to fciimiiln thi. Oc^ tM: mat -MtUfacUoa «r. th» ■aCttalr patraoi. is bwded •1 WMka mir oo tbe PMllIe At-Sut liik* atjr sha baa tba boiior U zanlT* a Hue n'btlee' In the Desert Mrwa —• Jooiml cm'DCd by tlie ctaarcb and bmr- tag a. etltlc not eaaUjr impreiscd mUh the val- ~' .a . TaadevtUa act. Bat ate got real la ina>lB« a lamWay m Daiir. which aiw -pconead » Witt a eompanjr-at TtlKM a«- Thm act IrMlM aa'CBOU la ▲ Slti cnttr iB . aoetate play^ca. BarbK. Anhnr HiU and Oo. ; Wlam It to Unsti*. A Btmmoaa Oal^^'jHaa' tair aqpula. .■ ^ ■'■•■V iMta. BacUar, wtaoae bnpciaooatlona hmm tea*. NMtraA;'wMh araat fkrar no the Ocph- tpftjaaailClt.4t tS:iiB7 ADdaiye Xteaire ■ fc. ;:M»lgl0i»v-«h '/. wig k i ■/ViKa-... matea bar '-Btbd'Babinaoa. wbo has chanra of tbia 'dnli itvartawBt of tha Woteni VaoderlUa llaoa- ■paf itaaacUtlaa. U c«iatloiiaIlr calM'ivoa '3Sr*i?'wort{ to. ata r ya'a jSBiiSfc^'^'"*"' [iOa<iK Hamlin, of w«»niiii and Nogrea, la eq- tartalnlniC an offer for mnatcal comMty.-' Mtaa HanllB' pieaenta a cbatacter wUdr ia ooaaat) aD4,aclilnaI with, her, aDd-wblrb .praoarly gaead ; m naalcal comMy -U eertaln - to be. ■ An nette Oraff. bead ateooKrapber Cor the Wmiam Morris Cblrago olOcv, boa been In that porittoo alooe the Ulddle Weat offlce waa op- aaM, acrriox nudnr Jeaaa Laskr, Aztbnr Fa- _ -fH^-^ffi^ ^ p„ JUUmtmt La Kolaaa, ot the Ifnaleal La taken la JDoetir recently, and her akt* uibt oc «h» fact ao fr*- ta, t&a.MUtec,tfM ar iir. ^M«»*t 'MeKMir li 'haadUalBC tfet una a» tta OUease tbaatfM booked bv nank Q. Barah I/oala* Coaswau baa apeat tba aujac' part of the wlntn In Chicago, wocMiv OA fiar new art. In which iha .has tba aaaiataaea ot Can Ptyor aacbana a tb* tMn belag Bn- ehanaa asd Oogswen. WILLIAMS SUSPECTED Mneh apecnlatlDc and snenlog baa been Id progreia In real estate circles as to Jost nbo the theatrical man was who last week par- ctaaaed tbc block In Brooklyn. iHionded by Broad- way. Howard arrone and Uadlson street. S'tme uld It was the Sbabcrts: othais aald It was a Klav and BtUaaer - tranaaetion. Tte ml a*- at aoiar and Zmo, who aegotlated a apblBX-tlko allaaea and aald OlIdlBK anil tbejtr-! wes to ha eii«tf4 oa~tbf block. The annooncement haa baaa'Diaffa that Percy O. Williams, the TaiideTllle mairaate. has se- enred the plnm and Intends ererting a mag- nUcrat edldce. corerlDg the entire block. The bnlldlttg Is 40 be aereral rtorles Mch and of brick and white Ktone and to be uiwl aa a blEh-eliaa offlce balMIng probably calim the "Williams Block." which will include the . laoKSt TandeTQle theatre In America with a nastlnic eaparlty of between ^.500 and 8.000 and srin Tlnl, If not atiniaia In apleodor. every mamnia tbtatia la Otratw Ktv Yatk. :aMrastate itSn feet . 1 a fnnilaga of S(r..Wllllana ezperta to poaseas IS. aad commence operations at ansa' oa the new stmctnre. Architectural dtstcns are' betng prepared by W. II. McEI- fatilek,' who ao sneceasmily planned and bnllt aemal other of Ur. Williams' theatres. HH w»w TsndeTtlle tbeatre will Iw aometblns of an innoTatlna Inaamnch as the large seating eaparlty will enable him to present higb-clasa eandenile at an exteroely low price of admls- atoo' and while the attracttaaa p i iaaali jl win not be of Inrerlm- rrade. Ik* pgMr-^>>n ■•sale- TandeviUe. , • he WILL TRY VAUDEVILLE. nqiete.-' Kka.. PMi wa t j IX.—The Olympic Tbeatre. which has had a rarled cureer. Is be- ins remodeled In 4<le and oat end will be re- opeD«d as a stnlalit TSOiIeirlllr b03W about liaicb 1. B. S. Taylor will hare Ike mas- bHRitna (iiMboNALD Um Is reported to l>e contemplatlog s second trlaf at matriage, bnt thta - led by a rittaborg mllllooalre. She has deoled the report, allboogb she GUlM^ u a "dear friend." The minor la jtetslsteut, bowerar, In j^htatrleal cirelat. Biu now talniMcg. bnt bag ipuit noch ot lla.tnM la Parts, where Mlaa UacDonald waa lag Boale diBliv the year prior to the granting of '— " " lUas Itaenonald is iww appearing with Andrew rigbt. ^. . — alodr. ■m divorce from William WlDt.>r Jefferson. Hack in The I'riiico or Itobimla. THEY'RE IN OR FIGHT An bnpoctant Deettog of all tho manageis in the United Booking OIBca last week resultad in the ezpeeted dfdslon that all honsea. on th<> Tarlona small time eirealts not hoofccd (tom tlis TTnltcd Ollloa would he "oppoaltioii." This Is a protection to tbe bolder of a Unltol franchise that they hare been asking for sni) which was their dne. A hoase looking for United booking ooir Is depeodent opon the O. K. of a preseat holder ot s United (rsnchlse In that particular city or he cannot hare the book- iOiPl. This parlicnHrly affects tbe People's yaa<1<?- Tllle. tbe William Gane Clrcoit, the Fox booses and others of tbe popular Tandcrnio class that bad not heretofore been considered oppoaltJon. LOEW GETS EA8TON. Marcus Loew, bead of I/oew's Consolidated Enterprises, Inc. formerly tbe People's Vaiklc- Tllle Company, has obtained control of Abie's Opera Bouse, Eaatoa, Pa., and nill convert It Into a voadertlle theatre, the pdicr being sis acta of vaoderille and ptctnrea. with an admls- stao pilea ot IS asd' 2S cents. Work on the B. P. O. E. Home at Globe. Arls., whlcta will siao.loclnde a Tsodevllle theatre on tbe groond flonr, has been com- menred and will be completed by May 1. Ed- ward B. Keith, wbo has a flre-yrar loose en tbe theatre, .will install vaislevlllr. seenrius .aalB ftwa-.tbr nrnta^tf.:a!ft0t^-. , , GRIFFIN ADDS SOME Tba OiUBa TatMlaville Clrcoit of Toronto. Caaada, bsea added the following boa«ea In New York auta, to their big chain of popular- Klred hoases: The Bappyland Tbeatre. An- im; Psrrish Bsli Theatre. Ithaca; Novelty Thestre, Pulton: Park Theatre, Oneida; Ravoy Theatre. Syracuse; Star Theatre. Herkimer; Opera ITnn^e. ilion: RIppodrome. Onrthage. and Lj-rlc Thralre, Wntrrtnwn. J. C. Belmont It ropresenting tbe circuit with offices in tiis Usppyland TJwatre, Anbom. N. Y. A. C McArtbur, a reprcAeotatlre of tbe big. Orian amoacDcnt Company, hoa nceuUy returned, la Toiaatn, frem a toar oC laapaatlaa of the e aaapa a y'a boaaas la the lloHK. >>" y' COMPLETING LITTUI lidCK HOUSE. The new Kempner Tlientro at Little Rock, Ark., will be ready to open abont (Wptemlier 1. Iilaylog ayailleata attractlooa only. No deflnll* plans have yet br«a made for the Capital Tliea- trc for tlw eonripg aeason as Haosger John P. Baltd.doaa oatrlataad la taaaw bta laaaa, wUdi e«>iwB'ija^a pai;i:-y...rt;A';^v.:;. FANBURQ WITH SUN. . la sbowlac. Chsstifkalii. thtoagb the ' what Newark. O., Feb. 12.—George M. Fanhmp, lecetitly of New York City, bar soceeedril SC fs. local manager of the Orpbrom Thea- tre. ■ Jtewsrk. O. The Orphenm Is pisylag vso- .Oasiito aad ls^MnM and MaiM* bgr aaa.a«k.. Lottie OIlsoQ left Cbleaao laat ■atardoy ts open at tbe Amarlcaa Maala Ball la Maw Minnie Belle, of ^he Jaollaw La BaUas. la conatanllj adding new waidNka to tb* act. aad It la (vparted tbat aha baa aaplTatlwa rcr tk!L.«llia aTtba beat «iaaaa« iSaa m Iilly Cbsriene, o( Charlene and Charlsns, aae ot the dsintlast biu ot anBlalalty la vaodevlUs. haa raeastiT. takaa to Jaaclag. aad tte raaHr is tbat nm *anii ate I* fea .Mia li N» act. -■■. '!•>..., < •■ . ♦ Baaale WyniM nveatly daaertcd vaialrvlUe to play tha title role of Misa Nehedy traai Stsrland. Mort Stnger'a latest predocUoa at the cmy Princess Theatre, In Ohlcaga. Tbe Three Methveo BIsteia neeatlp earns nnder the managfsneot of Tom la also baodllog Madam BedIn] Onetta and tbe Qreat Paifcar, ■ ♦ Adelaide I.or*ne * Co. are p i aa» ii ll ng a ms- siral playlet ia tte rnak Q. Dayla teaan la The Bslnbnw Slattr^ara play^iw Iba Intar Mtate rirralt again, after recently toorlag those hoases In an set with Word DeWolf sad the Pony Boy Olrls. ♦ Riets O i es sy haa a new act. The Bad Parrst, whTh la iikeirto taja >i*jaat. .ite i» eently fctarar* ttHt aWMHa CfMi.MV «W ?notber akatA Rosalie Mtiekeafana baa a cfrralt of brr san In tte. ■oatk. .btridea wy^jM^lw j«l>»^ THEATRES EXEMPTED In aa elaborato oplaloe delivered 'aaaav f» laMk hdne rsalar. of tte Manlrtpal CM& Cbleago. beld that tte city ocdinaarfs Ing owners of theatres to |«ay for BresMa itt. tloned by the dty at' tiw thestrrs wss lavalM as being beyond the poirers conferred apoa tba elt; by tbe atate ieglalalnra. Jartlt. r«atar n- vlewed st length tuhWf ,. rl9lons besrins on tte al quesliooa involrad. The parllcniar ortlMaea taftittd ta^la drrtsina waa laiieaM by the caaaell moniha ago. bat tte principle which It lalna. If fieM vnIM, ao tte coort balda. tevo penalltsd tba dty to atailoa dmaa ar evta noUcanea not only at theatrea. bnt la tka department atorea, chnrchrs, mamarsrtnrtag plants, and other placca where large nnmbera cnngregste. and Impose npon thn private own- ers or snrh piscee the salsrles ot sneh flremsa or pol'cemeo. Jndge Foster held tbat the city, havtag doe right to maintain a Bra dcpartmrsl by geaarv tasatloo. eonid not. nt least In the slieenee ot express leglslatlva grant, raqnire the ownsn of tha Iheatiea 10 eontrlhuto toward tbe pay- ment of' tte flremen . for servleea leadats* cli'elly for tte ptoleetloo of the pobtlc. Tbia - Is Ite aaceod case Invdving this erdl- nancs to bring a (onrt dedalon. In >n* '«r- mer tnstaore Ite measnte. having been held ts l<e valid. The Circnit Court rendered this and- ing and (be rasa was then sent to the nuprems Contf for flaal deeltlon. The two aepatate and opposite oplnioos ot tbe munirlpai ana clrenlt Judges sre now hsnglng In tlw balance before the higher tribunal. HAROLD O. MORAN GOES WITH RYAN CIRCUIT. MarBa'bM.i«llard..rraai thaMaa; Hsrold O. Maraa bM Ifllard sgpment of IlnMaaaa*s .OHjaa' na;l. and Is ane e ia Sl kr ■» er manager. >for«l Mr Rrsn CiraiS' paclty.' lAk<i Chnrlen, Ija.. la to hava * of plsyhense. . The local alvle sodstleo sis