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FEBRUARY 19,1910. The e til board 6 IS Theatrical Agent Pleads Guilty to the Charge of Killing His Common Law Wife—^Indites Letter to the Press • and Home-Made Kind of Philosophy By A. F. LAMPHAN. WllkM-BuT*. P«.. rrt. 11.—OM. U Untat. 1° ,h. Br.t delrej. ft* tt« midtr of hta com- mOD law wife. rrMMlO U. -BlOoMw Ot WlUtjy- Barre. P«.. Tliun4«r. imui «. 1»I0. He cell In tho cooaty^IiriMB « the nJ«ht of Ike RiUniooa of bl* mvletUra. B« wm hi* ^!iM«i. alMMit 1:30 o'eloek In the mornlnt. UMdiBS trIcbtraUj, h* bavins cut an arun fihla rlabt wrUt with a doll knifa wWeh h» found In bit cvU, and bad been bleeding tor nrolioura. Upoo arUlns rrom bla cot to llsht a lamp b» knocked the lamp oTer, and the nolle attracted the atteotioo of the keeper, wbo Dpon lnTf*tl(tUoa, fonnd blood opon tbe «oar' o( bla cell. Altboosb much blood wa> loat be wUI ""doJIbladlrMKTlTfc In tnlklDC to Om^ttauttM-^aMr •«« be {TnlittMt «bat Id tto pwMO St OMn< L. Sartaa OM ttnda a man not p oi MM ld of the aSlMUloa found la an ocdlnuy criolnal. Be ■Sum that Harloo waa raalH bin aUgr ■mS£ bat did sot diacloae bla real IdanUty. and an far tha aaka or tUa two chlldrcii now HTlnir In tbe Sootb. He doeo not want tliam 10 know that tbelr father baa been coodemned to die opon tbe (allowa. Am ao actor be waa not or the claaa wbldi CrMnented ttaeatrea of a cheap atandBid|;_ bnl «ta part of tbe team of Marloo and FMrl. tbe celebrated riOK daselac artMa.^^wtoar and a mater part eC tat bH. n wm wben bto partner died that he beeaae ao adrancv aceat. Tbe ettaie of which be waa cooTleted oe comd on the nlfbt of Aocnat 20. IBQO, when be mard«tred hla cocnmoo-law wifp. Praocia L>. Brankr. Ip the olBc« of tbe Chlvf of Pollee. Uartoo aod ttw woman be abot wet* UtIox an common-law boaband and wife. Tber boarded - at Blalratoam, N. J., and laat Ancoat. whUr Ur. Marloa waa la New Torfc Cllr. the wo owa MB awajr with tanm Brooks, a taUiMd «r. Mid to he JbriBeflr «t Wllkt»BHM. Tbw went ta JKnadihoat. when tbwr aeenad a MMM .WMM. nd were ■nrrled h7 Be*. Enl^b^^MK*' Biaaka hMaght' tbe wootao tTwOkM-BaiN, ud thagr Mcnred a room on Jeekaoa atract, wbere be d eea r tad bar. Marloo laamcd of tbelr wberealMata by tTaelnr tbr mnk rbeeka to Stroodnbart. and then to tbia tUr. and tbroofb tbe aid of tbe police located tbe wOBiaa. She waa broosht to tbe Clt7 Rail, where abe met ber aiarer, and tbey talked tofetbcr for aereral oinnlea. Tbe Chief ai PeUra. tblaklng tbeT woold boTo a tccoa' Mkt hr WM Mutltd bjr a abet n« • wo- Ma*a a n — oC ■■snlib. aod'. raabiat back gppled with Marloa. who atood with a anMik- TeTolTer In bla band, while tbe wmnan laj OR at bla feet. Ttie murderer waa dla- armed after a atnutsle. aod later the police leaned all tbe facta lead Ins op to tbe tiac- t«nowln« H tbe letter Mr. wwit for the beneflt of the jwaaa: . "Oaatltawn «( tha P ra J Saw that 111* baa la^r aaa laat aap aaai l aeaa that hwai ' can lad. la «a a aalcM*** eadlac la a Marlon EfcfTERPRISE S ©RIGINALfrY I ntothete aad Ooapaajr. preeratlatf Trmbtea. baee iwat eoplea of tbe allp n>M0dn«td below to the Onltfd Booktaf Of ■fee.and to the manaiier of each.of the tbea> Ota banked br the Unltnl. loaetber with the MUairlas aocteattoo: 10 TBB PATRONa Or THIS TIIKATBB. . . It la _aiw a*m to pleaae oar patrons and Hawaa Mwh acta an you wlab to nee. and you MB aid m by writlnr the aamA la tha apaeea below of jroar drat. aaNqd aa« IhM cholea at the acta appearia* oa Ma WMlA ■ rirat Choice Second Cbo'rr l Third CboVe XIndiT hand tbIa allp to tbe naher on joor way out. • . ■ Dear Sir—Bpallalna the tact that It to to rour Inlemt flnanclally, to «lTe the patroaa of Tautlerllle ncta tbot pleaae, and alto In- leaee the attendance, wa b»» to offer a" Nlutloo to tbIa problem tbe vncloard allp. which Jnlly explaJnt Uaelf. Thla slip can be handed to erery patron (except gallery) when reccUIng a ptograui from tbe uabera. At tbe end of wnp perrotiuBttcc the allin can l>« taken op jrtte uihrra aa the patroua at« learlDg the OMIr*. Tbeae tllpt can be kept on file, and •tthe end of tbe week a flnal report eaa be neaMed Id the Itnltad Boaklait Omcao at New tb<t record la printed In tbe .T. .7.*'•■•"'■•'<= P»n»"- !• win not only aid •he United nooklng Oflltva In booking acta to Neaac an aadlence. but will have a tendency v/".""* performera brlghlrn np their preaent .'rtlcle and keep abreaat of the llmea.' It will also canae the flnlab'of mookey-face inakrnpa. *^t. and tbe AmarlraB dag with nixle mSS *a gat applauae or make good. .Af* ^ • tuggaatloB or Idea -« — 2!?l *• hapa l~wlll ba rei In which It la oirered. ,. Tnnra In Taiideellle, P0TT8 UROTRRM * CO.. Prraentlng Oodble Troablea. Vha Oem ThMtre, Aa«tln,: Minn.. Im re'celeed lo the 4: %^ out. hnMD Joha iha'Bta who for yeara waa fdaatUad wii vaMleltr pcoatotctn' alaodpalBt. bat maptsi ir —"— " —" inaiiMln'maM^Jt aacb'a aacctagM^artj^ rtM^.jK UiB SpeBter.'at Hew York City, taking full coatrol of tha Taadertlla Bonktng^and "ankli«P"Veta—aod big aeU at that—la nothing new to Mr. AndenoB. M* Bcmettcslhr created' aoas of tbe big acta that are working oa Dniled Time, ^riaceaa BaJah la at one hnUnca. Ur. Spencer, who bonka for aboot acTen bundled ptetnra booaaa la aod aboat New York Oty, to trotd eonfualon In the booklnga Id tbla direction, baa deddad to new Taiiderllle dmartnant. of which Ur. Anderaoo la tbe dliector. under tba name of Tha l^qolty Vantlevltlo Kxchsnge. Jnlea Larrett will t>e associated as booking maoaser, and Bd Ttnao will contlone to bare charge of tba dob department. By reason of bb apeclal knowiedga and pecDllar ability In tbla direction. Mr. Aodenoo baa decided to conduct a aneclal deoartmeat te^ Ue beoklj of 'acta In el icuaii a. cnrto ball*, and slite-abow faal\ The cai MILLGTY Adds ONE Waahlngtoa'a Birthday will mark the open- Ina of (he new aotMiMTn Tbeatn;. si i42' Wssblagtoa Aeenne. Soatb. lllaaeapeUa, f!lnn. Tbe coat of eooatraetlnn IIWLOOO. tbe bnlldlng being firepmof, tbe only wood used In tbe conatrocllon bvlnc a maple flooring laid oTer a concrete baae. Seating ca- pacity la 841. sad also of bulldlnK. suxl-J.'t feet. A pecolliir nliaac of the arcbltectore of the Sontbom la the fact that there Is only one door In tbe theatre, with a anflteleot In- cline to allow emyoae a clear rlew of tbe stage. Tea (rreo aad gold and grran teata are the Intertor deeorallon avbeme. Tbe South- em win play four a day Taudeellle with Kan- aera Orrbealra fnmlab'ng tbe unste. A noT- erty wlll.ha Hec tic jMa wa^.whte h will BW^i|,'Blipt. HOL D WKUW ' ' Batt 4^''SMK''aM at.tha prladnal t t ud laaa wtthr tha Rai Hin. waa agreeably aurprhwd whea the cmnpany played a two days* engage- Went in hla noire town, Dallas, Trxaa, Jan- oanr- ar.W. Four of hla brotbera, all rande- Tllllana. came ttom dliretentnarta of tlie coun- try 'and held a reiinlon. Tbla Is the aecnnd awnr brelhera rennlaa. The ' fliat took place About in yeaia ago whoa BaM and John were 1Mn««« ta «lM wSjaia <tf Oa. , ALBERT LEA I^WISE Ueaager J. B. Schmit, of tbe Sceole Tbcatio, Mlnneapolla. and Aaslstant Uanager nany- T. Lsytbon. of tbe same theatre, hsre entered opon a oetr enterprlae In conjunction with tbelr prea- ent boalnraa. It la the opening of tbe new Au- dttorlnm of Atliert t.ea. Minn., aa a Taoderllla tbeatreu The Aadttortom eeata 890 people, and baa aa eneatlaadny large alage. It will be tbe <>nly Tandrvllle theatre operating in tbe city. The drat perfonnanco win bo gitea Ptbraary 21. Two nbowa a day arUI be arranged far. tha booking circuit bring at yet andeeMfd. Mr. Harry T. taymoo will ha tha rtdW«M BMaMW of tbla An>ert Lea bouae. Bo ill All mill arenle lecturer and aaalataat tuUMfir at tta Scenic Theatre. Ulnaeapolla. BUSINESS MANAGER ULRICH. One of tbe aurprlara of tbe preeent opera aeaaoa iraa apning rebmary 0. wben It became himwB that Betnard Ulrlcb. tbe well-known concert manager, and at preeent In charge of tbe Lyrle Theatre. Baltimore, bad been made buslneaa manager oC the Chicago Grand Opera Company. Re will be In complete charge of the big ta«k of glelng Chicago tta drat twenty «'eeka aeaw>n of opera, beirtonlng next Kovom- ber. lo tbe AniUtorlnm Theatre, wblrh a few mentha ago was leaant to John C. Shelter, own- er of the Chleaao Xrws. and Andreas DInnel. sdmlnlatrstlTe manaiTFr of- tbe Metropaltt«B Opera Company, actlag for tbe direetara of that la reealTcd, case It DO dlaappelalamit to M. Mack tw been asid aa to aiy aaaliy. hM I 4a Ml MB to dwell noon that nnb{|>ct. hat I «| av noon that that after broodlpt aa laac a . - there waa bo power aa earth, aa tba alght a( August 20. laat. that coBld htta taalatad tha fanpolaa I had to cooimlt manier. aad Imtaadl- ttaly after tbe deed a great cbaafa <•■» anr me. aad I wia tranaformed tela tha haaplMt frame of mind that I had eaparteneed far yearn. Whether or not aocb an ezperteaee la that of a aaaa or Inaane man. I feara It ta wiser beeda to decide. I did not aboot va wife with malice In my heart. Tbe enltro af- fair waa brought on by my mad Infatuatlaa. aa she waa tha oaly woman I rrer lared. "With me time ItaaU daaa aat jna«ia ta;It reroiTaa. It aaeme to ettcla laaad aaa aMMa of palB. The paralyidaa l iiiBioh i lig,aC a ^ ercry chcaBttaaea of which la tagntottd after as naahaageablo pattern, ao that we eat aad drUk and lie down aad pray, or kncd at leaal te ptayar; according to tbe Inaestble lawa of an troa fataula. "For me there la only one aeaeco. the tea- aon c< aorrow. Tbe veiy ann aod mooo seam taken fron me. OotaMe tbe day may be bine and gold, hot tba llaht that creepa down through the thlcUy-mnSled glaaa oa the Iron- barred window beaeeth oae alta, la gray aad niggard. It U alwaya twilight In eaa'a eall. aa It It alwava twIUght la aoa'a haatt, 'Where theia Some day | Tbey win — . - ... "Regarding tha peBiii& I am to pay.^ <U not on my own aeeoant nar the diagraea a( the gallowa, bat on aceoont of the a a ma. net Mar- lon, for ibtt la oaly t stage name. I htar, wblrh la an honored ooo In tba aanala eg my natlTo aUte—Sontb Carolina. Daring the reoooatriKtlon daya of tha Sontb my father took a promloent part In reatortag my preod old state to an booorable place In the Untoa. Many InatmrntMaa have baea made ct mar former marrlaga. LM aa ear that tha notblag Imcalar to that. Whea I «• at tbe ago «r twaaty4i«w*MI a( laaaa aeotlmrnf. I met. throogh aa laatt ta t tloo. upoo the atteeta «t CTMliBaW. riugnt IB eaea oaan. wm thna la heiy grooad.* taallia whatiStt maaaar Mm 7 Ult tot thay da,' while 10 my wife died tMoi a par- npoB her death my goad aid th raised and cdacalad upoo J there, a Bcqnalataaca ended In marrlaga, and — waa blaaaad with three chlldraa. two boys aad a girl, of which one bcgr died. Beta ana twelre yeaia ago i aiytir atroke. aad op mother In tbe South two cblldrea, and aa a raeult oC the day I bare a baaotltnl daagT three yeara of age and a haa twenty-one yeara. My " tbe age Of twenty-oaa a ancceeafhl bnalneee maa af tha at the death of my eaotber, threngh _ qoeat, my two children Inherited mjx abare ar my father aad molhrr'a cetate. amoonllag ta About 110,000. Before the war father ewaed im slaTca and a glsantlc plantatloo. and waa worth 9200.000, and we llred In lozory. My aon, with bla Inheritance became a partner In bnalneee with my dangbtar'a baabaad. I played their town arer a year a| tbelr l e t ldeBea daring tha Si Oaimtt that' .aa .a latut < aa pact M,) YORK STATE AcnvnY uieo aiaiaa curtain Aorsniaing ua, Totk aty. Chnllal. gS.OOO. To do a g» tdrertbilag hatlaeaa; lo aeqplia thattia a . 1. moTlag picture bouaia, parka, etc.. and Uaacot Amoaeaaent Co.. Now Xaik. Oapltal. $50,000. erect, malatr*- —* amuaement enterprlaea. DIr rta. Henry O, Wiley. W Broadway. New York City. Dalted Slataa Cartaln Adrsrtlalng Oa, Haw Totk City. ~ ~ oral a" - " balls. vtnxe ibrstrlcal and other amnaement enter- 6rises. D m etara OaataT A Schllehtlng. git . 138tb atreet: Jnlet Cohan aod Anguat C. Domcr. 1402 Broadway, New York City. Debnar-Rsrkley-Rark Railway Corporatlaa. Buffalo. N . T. Ca pltjJ. j 25.000. Ts deal te aad draaaatle MM., aad ta caodaet aaaat- ment eatirnrlaaa. - Bl i eet o i a A dam D. Ja- cobs and ned' W. Kareber. BolTalo. N. T.. and John H. BiawB. Oelmar Oardcna, St. Loula. Mo. Bem«teln Amnaemrat Co.. New Tork. Ca^ ital. (3,000. To produre all aorta o'f amuse- menta. Dtreclon—Rove Reroatrln. Bermta Bemateln. Btmard Benwteln. 124 W- llTth elreet. New Torfc City. Sun Theatre Co.. BolTalo. N. T. Capital, >10,000. To act at proprleteta of theatrea aaa <lo preaent mnakal aad theatrical perfwa|> ances. Di mlms Chrlatlaa niecl. KaUe B. Butt. Stiaa H. Bonce. Buffalo. N. T. Tbe Brighton Beach Olant Safety Coaatar Co.. New Vork. Capital. ttO.OOO. To erect and operate smni,ement devlcvs aod to carry on tbe bnalnea* or proprietors aod maoagara of amnsetnen'ta. Dliectoia—Edwin I. Zlmmar. ag LaSaile atreet: John B. ITIlllams. Ilf N. Tbjjba^ aeenue^^^eemenji B. MalrolBb. 82 La- Sn M. IjAtWa^ th a e aa ha ad Bay, U I. <1tltrai?Tiatr» CO.. BoKlo. N. T. Otp- Ital PaAiOOO. To own and conduct theattaa and protkte theatrical and mnolral perfurm- ances. Dlrntor * -Bdwsrd C. Schleokrr. Ja^ C. King. M. B. RoMnaon. Buffalo. N. T. Sladle Stndloe. North Pelbam. N. C Cap- rial. tP.OflO. TO manufacture and deal B theatrical propertlca. acce**or1ea. ataga aa>. nllea, aeenery. etc.. and all efiulptnenta uted 1-1 theatrical product'ons. Directors—Bdwald Sledle. OuaUTe A. Weldbaaa. Jr.: Cbarlta M. '. I Mtdltta aeaaaa. Ha* Tark dtr.