The billboard (Feb 1910)

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'EBRUARy 19^ irai Xne Blllbourd 7 THE WEEK IN CHICAGO Lewr Fields in Old Dutch at the Garrick Theatre—Audilgaiiiii HouMt Follies of 1909—jQieat Noitiiaii Soon To Inangwnte New Policy--CQming Shows Eiigetl^ HK Gnrrick Theatre is tbe crater oC lotenat tbli week, hoo*- Io(, u it do«s, pncUcallT the 0DI7 eb«DS« tlxmc lefMla TarlcCy Co Um local theatrical map. Lew rieldt, lo OM Dutch, U tb* •ttnetloa that ta- *lta* attaattr wake €€ Faw KmlMtcd it* mtm ata popular and ax« ar aaflctant eeo' «ttB to nerit tM patMoaf* tb«r an «ij<vliif. Tlie relllea tt 1MB, with Era Taatuajr, la the cnireat aitractlaa at tha Aodltorlam. Tb« well kaowa Zlesfald rarae. wlUi popolar prle«a, make a (ood comUnatloo. Amoac tke abowa aooa to be on rlew la Chi- cago are A Wooian'a Wax, with Grace Georse, at ibr Grand Opera Boole; PeoeloM, with Marte Teriip«t. at Powert'; The Silver Star, with Ge- aee. at tbe Coloolal; Dtek Whlttli»>ton, at tM Great Northara. and Polly «C tha Cticai; at Mr- Vlckera'. A look lata tha ' «Dt thto Uat Bai MaUr Mar. at jatmiT rtam Wailaat. 4t nininc PtiBctn. at tha La Balla. ai« a ttle which affced ammameat latarmiacled with ma- atc: Sern Daja, at tha XUIaola. la reaplnc a barrm ot manr laa(hai Tbe Fortnaa Bnoler. at Che Olmplc, la baiklnx In the imllta and coo- aeadatioaa ot erery ooe who haa either aeen or beard of It Croin frleada who bare; Tbe Girl In the Tul. at the Cort Theatre, la.a. apjcj farce, talked of aa riaiiae, but well itteaded tad eDtcrtatalna: Tbe Han of the' Ho^r. at Mc' Vkkefa*. tella sa lu aaae old atocr with' laV raUM. IN OLD DDTCH.—trrlca br ~ T. Hahart: Hade by victor Hcrhert. CAST: I Old Oateh.... ........ Jmt WMH VUIlaa]rl.....J.v^.i..^ Ada Lewla ' ~ ' ' ' ......Cbartea Jodda John B^amy Ban Toa B aa he rt.. Bra Darenport Alfred Toa B«abcr(.........Ocerse Lcoo Moore BoQ. Alccfaaa ru ■>»»...... Vemoo Caatle Jeaa. a^ pa awr .....^..«..««... ■ .Mack Joboacon WW^^OT^B ........ Haata ......»>;-..V..'Vv.'«.....>farloB Whitney Jalla ........klarise Nancbtoo MiM BIlUe Cuppla Mirsiret Eltle La Boj Kate Joaepblae Karlla aiateia oC Boo. Alaenon Ctrnber. '...atmxe Lrach ...Haii7 BatrUigtoa I>aaelas Olria—Mlaaca Sbrre. I/anden.-mBi too, V1*7D, SL Clair, BeU. WahK MAm iTaiia, Laorel, La Bteox, and Potta. r!»U<»gro Hk.js The Ijove Core, the apsraeiatioa of tha crowdi who rlalt tha Qwa alat tt jmm tt.taatUy aa la that. Joat how tha li r aai glffj aa l awaia ka«a n a fl e aa it may ba tiraiM^HB (ba anapts oC tbtir fplnlifitir. wbleb tppaand la tbe newipapen: AnrLaall*. la Tbe News: "Lot* Core a mat bit. Cbarmlac book, neat wit, bomor and ba- wltehlnc iDelod; at the Coloolil. Kl|l« Bowen a n-ireUtlon. The moale, by Elaler. la exiialalu. Oalc Camplxll took tbe aodlenea by atorm. rioreoce Beld, an locealooa, pretty girl, played with yoothfol humor, aanc darmUy, and made a bit with the aooc. Bold, Bad Men, which will pack tbe troot row aa looc aa Lore Cute keepa up ita core." Tha Becocd Herald: "Thla a<reeafala mnaical cooady la aMcc than Ita hara aamo mlcht Indl- ■arie I* tba aala tUpg^ aa, tadaad. It ahoold ba. la a eoBady aat to mrie; aa« baw dellchttal aad.aartehtly and cbeerfol la tlw aMaaaSit a< IIS auat Tbe iMwa Core coaMa ta aa ftaaa Gretcbea Oreanald Metaenscr Karl , Ocndaraea Bahetta UtUa ^ Utile Ulna Ufhtalnc Charlie Boberts Norwich Aombers. Brooks Buth BIder BcberawalJ. U.i'.... Kdaa Dodawortb Fraofc Orlfflth Vie toe Hyde Paul Moore Geo. ttowUaff and Joa. Tcrpey Vletor Hyde Mettle Hyde Shea Bcaa .Bdea Baya .By Blmadf Lew FleHs and his vdilcle of -suc- c<«a. Old Dutch, opened their Chlcaco eocaxe- mrat IbU week at tlie Oarrlek. Tbe peraoeal popularity of Mr. liaUla aud bu happy choice la thla laataaca uaka atahta (artbtc eoMwat ♦ TBI LOVS CURK.—A Uailral Bocnance of Slaselaod. by OIIto- Herford; from KueoeUer- blut. by Leo Steio and Karl Lladau: Moale by BUmood Byaler: Biased by Oeorte Marloo: (nrheatra under tl,e dlreelioa ot Aosuatua Bar- ratt, OASr or CHABACTSBS. HmU. leadlaa nan of Norclty Tbeatre. Charlea J. Boaa t^tis^^'iis^- jgVi^JHiM .••.«.*«..a>Rir Chad ^•■■^■i*" •••••• ••••■■•MO H. Walah a bUM« ..Olto KaeataiTi ■^•a« (Md Haa. Waealte Tbeatr*. Jaa. Joknaoo qai wioe r h aaaai y. - AaaMaat DIatrlci ' At- llinr Hyde V™."''.: • »^i.<:«..Joaepli W. Miller ^eIlle Vansba. Prian Baaaa Korclty Tbe- ..„ ."re BiKle Bowen MIMr.Ml Bllllmin. ao brlre* Ptoccnca RrU M'> Julia Slllimao. b<!r molhar....Allco Boaaar I.uJln« Old Wumao. Noralty Theatre Eoe Pnltcd ••bonii Olrlt of the Not»IIt Thritre—Mabyl ,, VIrya. Kleanor St. Clalr. Myra Landrrn. >'ac<a BUaahath BeU and Grace Waldo ^■•jte Dooitaqwr Paal achwafer PullcnMa ...Harry B. Baaarll Ubrello Roe .JalMa B. Rlark '^arriacc Caller Kay Van Blehlv Manager of Notelty Tbeatre.....Joa. UcUcrmolt -Staler Manager Morelty Theatto..MUloo Pollock ■^•>•lalaol Slaga Uaaagar Koreliy Theatre. ,, . Harry B. Roaaell ^«llen. NoTelly ThMtTcUcOwfUla aa« Cnbitf atage Dour Jobonli-a—McaaHtlMIMaBlL^Miib Van SIrklr. acbwagnr^' BaaaaMrMMMBi. ,Baldwin aoil MllWr. . :■ ■ ■ ■ Mallnea Qlria—Mlaaea Pultoa, ' Weat. Hart. Bockwell, PI~ Banhaa. Ony and Rellla. Bniape, lod Mr. Sirace, In lafatlM M la Mr •horea. baa added appceelahly la tba' stack of ionoctfot amasvmenc which tboaa wha care for Ugbt opera may enj<7. Mlaa llaaaa b a de- cidedly clerer young woman. Craig Campbell poiaeaaea a pleasing voice, which la 'abooi all that the role demanda, and be left tlie actlntf boadn to Charlea J. ~— — lira. Chaae .. Mlaa PrlacUla Ura, Smart Mlaa laobel Amea Mn. Ureter Wlathrap Mlaa Beld Abbla Patter ....Mra. Blackmaa .Xicftciide Barker Kate Hayea Kdna Smith Kate Leater HiM tfaaia Time—Tba present. Aet l Mlaa Phllam*a hoaaa la (A f a r aaaia la AsMI.) (Two dm latw.) . Aat/l ll ■aai aa Aat I. lAa It may not advlaedly be said that Ulaa Philora. In la catlialy, as a play. la "hit." but certainly baa It ptoren of worth to Mf«4 Chrystal Beiaa aa a aaedlnm throogb which me Is beralded aa a star. Not that It oCan her the acopa aha dealna. hot tatbcr the atooo to tbe wBjcu sue la ueraiaea as a acar. aoi oCan her the acopa aha dealna. hot n pUaa wbleb. as aa aitlat. aba baa la pled. In tha Chlcaoo TM aald ot.maa PiUara: "Blaaiaafaw Ha tba time the ethical InaecnrlUea of Mr. BMaaoa's play, we turn with pleaaore to lu firmer featnrea. ctUef amoog which la tbe actios ot kllaa Ctaryatal Bent^ wbok thuash la ai dlaa. aaliaa at THB Olllk lll THB TAXL tho tnanguratian of new poUcIea, i. being- tldpated by all Chlea«a with much Intenat. Brecythlng la being di ' — — leaa br I make tbe new veacuiw a faciutlea and Jndgmeat IB lent, here's boplaat As Is tha eaatoa at Mart Slncer, Ua MhI e o c c ea a la belaa llfimnaa, reeamtMKi and flaMK ally rerlaad aad brtgbtaaad aa that, aa tba da|B Ir. It iliiilly laaMMB m aa eatictalaaMt It bad a paatu aBed alast afeaa aa feat ea«r U. SAID AND SEBN Dt CBICAGO. Law yielda' ezecnUva ataS for Old Doteh. whIA la now correat at tha Oatrleb, la aa_'" Iowa: Prank O. Langlay. geBeral auaaacr; BayraoBd 81U. gnieral praaa wi K ua atatTra; Pliilda. bualneea manager; BIchard OoIUtct. atace mauag^T: Arthor Ftahar. aaat. atagv aaBagav: AL Van der Warkea. cataealer la iblff; J. • tt' iiea a llie ; r 3te oxaentlve atalf for Benry W. Savaga'a nadnctloa. Tha Lova Ctare. now playing at tha CUonlal Theatn, la as foitowa: B. W. Ucrar- laad. manager: B«y Crandall, bnaloeaa manager; Berbert Farar, aacretair: Barry CbUd. atagr dl- icctcr; Harry B. BosmU. aaac. atage manager: Jdlos Slooay. aiaster ot propertlea: Eddie Uem- '■ctrietaa: Madamo Keating, wardnba «B«J.>. ^ Beary W. Savago^ axaeattva ataS for llta Phllura. at the Stndehaker. Is aa foflowa: W. B. Wfidht. Baaagcr; Fnsk T. Boall. aaet. bna l a i M aaaaaars Actbar Beyt. ataga maaagers ftaafe Tha Bieeattra atUI tor UeHer * Co.*a Tha Man ot tbe Boor, aow cnxnat at McVlekor'a. la aa follewa; Oe iaga C. TjhT. aanaj^ng direct- or; Oarld Towera, acting Tba CniTcnt attnettoa st tba new OMtaMB Theatn la Tha Bocky Moaatala Bxpreaau -* - t £e Ba Pelcy Bammood. In Tbe Tribune: •'We ven- tate ta leter to Charles Boea as the Kyrle Bel- irw oC aailHil atSHdy. Hla U aa able Mt of plaiNs la bis aatiaa o( a aceaa la irhleh he MHrre* Ibat BMeSt that or golag fraa comedy Into palhoa aad taking a Samlay night andlrnce with bim without the latarfereaee of a hfogle dlatnrblog laugh.** Frederick Battoo, In The Poet: **The Love Cure la by far tbe beat mualcal entertainment wblch the Colonal Theatre baa offered ta patroiia ttata ruoefnl aeaaoo. Tbia play la a clear-cut ctMuedy with muale. The elemenla of farce ami bnrireque are wanting. It coold he carried tbrtMigh wltboot Ita mualc and atlU entertain, la mnaical numbera could be placed on a vanrtevllle bill and bring a tiny company of slngcn a ringing sacccaa. Charlea J. Boaa, who la to Mjwicar caaf dy eibat WUtoe Lackaye E aadara frtUs. adda sT-tba piece by his polar, bla able acttaa aad Ua paaaaat laler- polaltaaa. .And in Bglo dlaeoven the latcet aad one oC SS^Smrtt of the forelgn-aecrat actreeaee. Craig Camp- hell la anoiber whom tbe play promlaes to bring up In tbe theatrical world." Coaatanee Sklaaer, In Tbe Amerleaa: Tbe Love Oaia ba* gaod KISS PmLUBA.—A comcdjr ta Benry Rloaaom; adapted " Klagal«y*a atacy ot the aaa "Wbat IMacs aaerer ye dcalie. wbaa ye pray, belief* that !• lacslfa tbm aad ya abaU bare Ueak>v-4last ai.. ai.. ' Brtvwi Scnttwvod ■ S<*ki> SealteTteed ... Rleela Rrorkett .... Pbllura Hire Jiklgw BrocketC ... ]<ilio P. Famaworth Bob Van Duaer IE»|ieelally engagrd Mm. J. Mortimer Va Watklna Fiaae Ufa. Cabot ...Maty Barker ..»lilnnle Milne ..... Qvo. Obrr Cloaer Hale .Cliryalal llfrno .....'.'V.J.loha D. 0*llara WlUlam Lewera I^lwanl Abelee by coorteay Wm. Ilarrla.1 a Duaer Ilriro Tracy , F. W. Thoniiawo Olive WIndaor llts. Ooatge B a ra a a rapt Quality In Ulaa Berac'e acting Is role or Mia Phllara. Tbe saall-towa ^ aacritaa bit love far Ulaa Pbllara I* bis «nln tor her happlneaa aad that of hla Mad. the paraoa, a bright and natnral Mt aC caaedy. raarrM by no dlatraeting vrhemeaee. aa Is or- dinarily the case la eadi ralea." Beglaalag Fcbraary 30. The Poorth Brtate wtU be at the StwMaker la the pUee of Mlaa Phllura, as tbe attraetloa offered by that bonse. During Ita May at the Grand Open Booae. The Foortb Batata baa at«.iuad a atroog bold 00 pop- ular fancy of Chicago theatre-gorra, wboae de- mand it waa that cauaee the tranafer that alloers tbe big newspaper play to atay with oa for a looser period. J. M. Pattrcaoo aad Barrlet Ford ate to be coogratnlatrd oa their aSorta. hot It Is to he hoped that aaapleaieaiary wrlt- hwa sad rsrlaiaa win gira tba ciiaaa af tba iteF t aalt I new la. Bam StaU bas BMt with a flattertiw wt l ceaa by-the tnaay who have docked to I'owera' Theatn for another iierk at The Cbnnia Lady aa we know her. Ber work needs no further commeodailoo. It Is reeognlinl for Us irtlatlc value, and eon- tiauea to be a valuable mago**t to the box otnce. TTCvlpta of whicb fatten .and ait up and take notice as soon as It la known that Boae StabI la (oming. When she has arrived, her entbuataatic ivceptlooa are the anawer. Nest wrrk ahe leaeea aa. to awfce way fur Marie Tem- peet. wba wUI appear at Powen' for a two- ereeks* cactOTarat la a ceaedy by W. 8. Uanghaa. caBed IH ai lut ia. Ahoat tbIa Han. Ulae Oraee O i aga wlB be at tba (toaad ttoera Hoaae la Tbaaaa Bartna- aaB*a eaae^K i Woman** Way. Mlaa George am laaala Ibtre for e forinlght. 'Slba Paliv la a funny farce, enacted by a eeapany of general excrllenre. and brixhtened by tbe wurk uf Gi'rtruile Qnlnlao. who doe* much ton-ard the succi-M of tbr plirce wbleb la now current st ibe Chicago Opera noaae. Chicago Ukre Ulta Patay, and all the crittca have Indulged In remarks which scknowleilgr th* play to be funny lo Ita way and well baadlml by the co<npany of playera. Tha opening of ibr Great Northern Theatre t. Butktas. aa It will. a play of railroad Ufa anUdat . full ofthrUIs and latenellsx aoaeats. that la doing moch toward swcUlag the ncelpts at tba box ~ Thomas Swift la thla ireek Interpnttac tba part of WlUIr Uve. In Tbe Boy Detective, which Is the current sttnccloa at tbe Academy. Aa attnctlea that will soea ba area at tbIa play> Bslpb T. Kettering, who docs prres w(wk ftr the Academy, BIJou. Crtlerloa and College Thea- The Beesemer Amtiaemcnt Coopaay waa re- ccatly orsanlacd. with a capital ot «S;JMn..tsr Grace George, who opens the the Gtaad Opera Boase oa Uoaday. Ftebrnary 31. la A Woaaals Wajr. .wBialM the ont PHfhmaapa.aar MM baaA aC flS Ml-Ccaelty feelifr. Great Tbe Savoy. Tbe Hent ot Alaska la thla weak 1 ..withjneary C I «t tha At tb* OMitt, NaSBO Only, a ■ ftoUoaren at thla .... IB tam Wlfs IB that la plauUg the ALBSV* NKW PliOVIOKNeK fRe U '.'SHbUSB. Rdward P. AAeaw lf I* ntated. wfll roon begta rooNTrartlng la Prewldewe. B. I., a booee ta harlxr flolv hlcb-clasa altractlnna. Tbe pisss are n<'t yt-l fully oumiiletnl ami It h Indednlta whether or ant It wll|.« ~ claKS vaoi*—' the Inul Ot that city. rr or ant It wlU oM* Wstltaaatf or .higb- vaniWiai^li^Albnr^lha^jM