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Xlie Billboard FEBRUARY 10.1910. AN AGENrS VIEWS Seenand H|eard on the Road and the Int^retation Placed Upon Them by an Alert Pilot of the Theatrical a/Fc^ Notes About People which Admit of No Speculation as to Truth ■y TOM ' NORTH ' mlgkt k>** amttelvktad tba tete of whs pUx itiCk Ore. • ♦ B. a. Alezmnder to the "MbnoB Boote" D. P. -A.-tD laOluupaUa. Am mlslit bs cxpaetcd. Mra. niiMill 6. Colt, wte wu HIas EUid B miiiM» w. Is ttae- rablcct «C ■ cMd deal of Intaceat on tlie part of tliow «M> aia waodartiK koir she Is goliic to niae tta lUtla alak' boadU of knmultr «he emlls .^^vaaa."^ -Jkm a mattar of fact, Mn. Oolt ~ aatlMiB do. '. a feate. ■athods I ha'rs BO piaea IK tta lln.-Ktbal MooK t» - > a U aiaa It b hBttfai Car 'a babr to te bald. ' On tka. eoatraiy. Uttia Saanal. ar San.' aa ha la callad. ia Ib Us wttac*a ana aboat Mfea-laaMaethim.-. ;^tt la «scieaa to watch ttaa chawlBr tta pobUc la Rgaid to- TanderlUe p of ^ . — --_— — . pcocraDis. nat It la tba pnliUe'a taate mora than the ■aaasv'a mind that ehansea and la naponatbla pgr cwtalB "fada" or "craxca" la endeneco tr the wortlns oot of the theotx that U the ■obUc did not want an attraetlan It would not ■aw It. and If It did want It. It wotOd {tatra- In It. Tke pnblle, in 'the matter of amoae- ia an aiaftlng. aerraat, and It hu no ]^tar tha manager who can not read the 'la <hla adTantaxe, howeTer. Baaaco haa orer the Ba -can 'POt 4 ibate are aeii la i_ aad aatla^ a ia tjli a dp. Jadslac fttan the i pohtte'a taata ta-caBard. t* ma to iha blaarra. Tha baa bean featozed aa tha baadllnrr. mm dla- pladns tamaoa - aetan -and artiiaaaa : Acta oC an clahorata natnia, alao are partlcniarlr darir- akle nowadajB, and It la not nansnal tar aa aet aC aa ptatentloaa a aatnia aa ta rcqnlia a whale companr of pe rt waina In fact, as mar aa tt«n tblTtr ta Oft7, to «na«tt tba attzae- — entoauiM, too, lt_ftadtaw a aaja naada WUaan ahaot tha plar pot on. and mada .cov "Be ana "^/X Anhad oS tUa BaOate'a : laataommar. .Fva it' yaan^ • 'Wa 'tam ^ , mJUt,Utttat.mi!am. 1 at JcMt daTM ilm taam tUa «Mu bot kt that paaa. TUaBaSiSir^B Babr Maaa&zted OTt ta be a macaaiaa ata^. - Xt 'waa a aeitoaa aCalr and had a dnel ta the laat act. ao to apeak. ' I «)ak It ta naarlr arary pobUaher I taew. Meat of them wooldn't aveo read It. Mr. Scilb- aer lanched at It. < Ha Inalattd tbat a dnel In Haw lark waa a comleal asaehtoDlain. It waan't anr naa for aa' ts tdl Um abaot tte faadag achool -ea Mil^':aaHBa<fei9C^'bX'a -9aa^ Ua^Vlti nrerSal^^"^?'*-^^- "'^ rUUer I made a ^ar aC It. Then a eomady. Otwct think I had aaa^ TnWnw becanae thla waa I of b n a lnf aa ta which I waa known to hare z /' ■- A-RARB nCTUIW ibMc la a aaapabot of three celebrltle*, Henrr W. Savaie, * ' ** Boda. of CoUnnbna, Ohio, manacer of theatres, and I • n and fMend of Mr. SaTace. Mr. - ahswa la la tha aatare aC a •ad Chlcaao and otbvr dtlae which be TUlta mr^ certain to sea that ba baa a thtroofblT eajor ■ ktta li- able tfifc tto feat Ma w lowed hSa ta taba la tba xmm aooTe la a aaapanoc or tare) llf bt; u rn U. Boda. of CoUnnbu puTWripht, tiavalliic cooananfan i i aaawiB dadcw. ao the pfctoca. al Ml MM pacew M-a^playwright. I mlcbt WW MP Mr pniBMn ana aa a tat aa aa a i i iiw I f nUa^ »st by. the eOea bar. Itttia piajr . - _ ___J»sthr.the eOea hor- wooldn't eiaa la*, at. that maaoMilpt. lan wooUa't laok'at' tb ' 'Ob, tbafa an debt. tank, my bovP-tt^M ;aar. patttnc wi the back. 'Ho daobt aTJiiBd^^ and all that, hot yoa'ca ao antSKt-' It waa raaddenlnr. "FInallr t had to prednee it on mj awn le- vmalbllltx and at mr owa czpenaa. I brooght m a few people to fill oat aod nheaned it last aaaaoB with the eonpanr pISTios When Knights Ware Bald. Ftem the flist aet of tke Ont per- mcmance 1 coold feel It waa a »o. Why sbooldn't II I'd been fedlng that or tbe other thing •t other feDowa' plecaa all my life, has this aeaaoa we pot it on at Atlantic aad tha-KewTork baneh came orer to sea: i-'ia^Ria aver Ooa Tbomaapot hla arms ■^gWri g ab M il s and aald, 'Aank, .rd he tajaaa mar bum «b this play.' That led to B8 Ifta flntaUlt .aMk. Tou've got human I n t a ffc* paid SfeU .Mlir.' nil aa aa well la naaeh aad Oacnaa aa la Bagilsb. xan' ll be gattlBg mraitfaa tram all anr tba warU.' rm gUA If paapla Ilka It; bat don't Ibtak It eama wltboot yaais oC hard wart and aabady to lead.a bdplag band. Howl ■etttn* the albar alaraa^laya aat aC my Ifarle Dresatar loraa bar art—oh. yea. mfaarm; abe Iotm It deazly. bat aoae day wbaa aba haa all the moaer aba wants aheto ^ag to deaart It and qwad bar days la trard. ahr aha lorea tbe good eld American eagle ena battv than bar. art. and that la all aSe la la tts baalaeaa fur today. 8ba baa no "frnia." fur today. 8ba baa no "frllla.' other ataga celebriUaa; abe has no -' Bar doca she beHere that wocaan ta basa tha light of tba ballot. All aha *- " - Itia'a algbty taat way to the p^lc '"I daat btflat* la peatng far arfa aake. wbaa aa a -anttar «(. tcet-'wn- are aU ;aat .Ar tha ■May," aald HIaa Dteaalar. as aba reatad ba- laaaa tba acta of Tinie'e Nightmare, her aaw ■call al pmdaetloB which Law ficlda baa pr^ vllad for ber. "I am free esoogfa to admit that I-aa i l a this b nilnaaa for the money tbeia la In *'tt^'v8t*aaa lefc^i^^gajw~VBtf 'yeaxs of held, leiJ hard work on my pert' to reach the position whara I eaa ba at tba head of my. owa eampany. aad now I am going to gtra tba pobUe aad my . maaaatr the beat week. J hare In ma. aad my hope la to maka anoagh money ao that I can fanaka tbe stsga aad spend mj tlaa ia tmreL Mai Fa aet laagiag ttar a boac, dtber; I gocsa ~. am taa tguafTir tha. ^. . lUa oC.Asaol..which ~ a-ktML..dn "I tMir that aaaa of ny brattaran on tbe ataga .wm probably ralae tbair eyaa In horror whea I' tan the acwapapeta .that my sbject la- to gat all tba money-I can.' I care nothing for tba .thrj and the glamoor of the atage. It'a only ephemeral at tbe beat. Bot nxmey la the 'sobatantlal ''reward of 000*0 labors, and I beUera that aa actor aboold bare aad 'la aotitled ta bla reward Jnst' as mndi aa any one arfao ' has ' to work for a- HTlng. Don't Infer from my talk that I don't like tbe stage, for I do. ■ . "If I did not like the. work' I' woold not be doing It... 1 don't helleTe' In doing aAythlng that yoa do not like. I am glad that I am able ta make, people Isngh;. make Ui e ui fdig et my .. a ^ . -5- — to mar BdlcTe'me, I know tba mna- of money.' T have had my tnmblea In that line and I know how hard It la to get money when joo Ofsed It moat. And that Is why I am wnklng so hsrd all tbe time—to get enoogh maneT to be entirely independent. Why didn't I atay In Taoderllle If I wanted the .money and nothing alacT ' Bccanaa tbcia Is la In TaaderiUe." ♦ Haonr W, aa - nam Mlaalaalppi Company, aiaylng (be part «C ChBlta Hartsn. aad playInK lMiMM«ny Femberton Is In the Tbe Oeotli- for two yean of Ub kMb •t;ttg Bdla UU Culao, De- troit, at a rcatal jS' tlon of the commlllaaT'e^jiAymai SaffraSS Is confirmed by tba. ciMaell. - b re^nas to tbe clamor that tbe taatal:ba xadoeed ftao fTJIOo to $4,300. ttae coonilttee ralaed tbe amount t* (9,000. Koom is t» sdl aandw l cbea aad coifee at are ccnta each aad acrra aaala at pogolar pricea, laaglag (ton U caalg'tP:'91i 'bM an parts et tba bolldlag ata ta ba'-^'opaa to aU 'AUgaaaay rOa.) ptocr aaaoaaeaattat-Mtbi, Paol baa baaa mahlad by tba •oiMHMMlMt of aehooia to *^>eelta.aa noatagi— dl banded la.~ SbaM M wad^ Job. ' ♦ Hare yoa erar aetlecd that sboat tba only eleratcr la which ama take off their hats when there at* wooMtt pooamgers la In a hotel: It Is 001 boine and the Jioaie of tbe womea as well, and they are treated Jnst aa tbe condlUon la. Bot In tbe clcTatora of pobllc boUdlnsa men pay no more attentkiD to women UlsB tbey do to metsenger boys. Tbe lams la .beginning to apply to the street caia. In fact, tha larger the city the fawer men who will giTe a woman -TUs-faaa beta braogbt aboot,..! think, hr tbe female InTsaloa-oC the boalaaaa warid. Hardly a bBalBaaa^caa be-oaatlsaad ..la'Which waaaa ai* Irlka-ahepa. their do aMea watk aad ctek la elgar Btarca. Joba that mea did bald, to aay nothing of their p rea e a ea la tba we maa 'a atciaa. Mea-regard -then as their tnnti In 'liMlniia to tbeyi^dlmgacd the little..caarMtltaaUtlaa of Heard' la Two ^apa jB*t - "HenoTSd muir- "Wby, bowdy; bow are jaal? "Great What ate yon dinat "Sore." v-'i ■■•nne. aowlaagr?. .. ,.•:■..,•,.,•'..:/ "Three yean." ; ■>:]:'..'■.■>■^C--^^ "Begnlar " froibollM.Aabt membaa - pfaMM: wi the praatMaa' aSear t* n3l.can wHfe'-aoo Aid. Sbapland and Tbompson declined to sign tbe report. Tbey may fatlBg in s minority tbat ua priTlIage be iBi.b cer- , .the- Laolafllla bay. who Is tbe star at tfce ■Mltal eeoMdr, The flmay Bide'of Broadway. Ibia aaasoa. wsa dlacaaalng with a n um ber of Manda ia bis dreaatng -room bow b** happened to go on tbe atagc. He remarked: "It was either that or ssfe-crseklag. aod I chocac as I tbongtat the esstcr way." Bnt It waan't aa bad aa timt, for Max -waa sblnlog aa a - clerk In a haberdashery, and was msking ss mnch ss glO a week. Max la drawing more lhan ten times that aom now. bnt hu expenses hare - and tbe.set laanlt.nay not be _ tat JIQT KOWt" - (7iiih aa««B - - - - plaaae note). ' Ml*, ataazt Babaoa, arbo is playing obe af iUM waart-'-mabaaa.nev;dmt>>>gnianea eoaiMisa. Mta. BabaoB^baa taga/^^ptOBUicnt.00 tbe'atago alaee her IMbaaTg iaatb. aad.-ls a ehtnetcr- a nn aa of wMa'tnM,.r.Ia BUly abe has a part which eaUa fbr;.aaeaatlBgly elercr -wotfc aad those ^Woman's Clnb, of ttOt meeting recently IQepfer, tbe elgbteca afforded amoacmcat by reqnlrlog them to r i ap aed '40otatlons from "Abe Uarlia." tbe Brown-cooaty philosopher. All the women reapooded, each with the qootatloo that most sppealed to ber. ".Aboot erery member reads tbe IndlanapOlta Newa," aald one of tbe women who waa present, "so It was really easier and lota mora fun to flad a saltsble '.Abe Msrtia' qootstlsa thsn to haat.a—..ip^ftato ■ibiiiiiMi.'V 4Kaw. Kla ^iM>ni.''Mk;'Wkat': ]W:'JN^-'aal 'Mmn:j> King Bdwaid bad a loach tarred bii arty la tba Utile reUriag leoto a( tbe loach tarred bimaeU aad Iriag leoto. a( tbe l ayal ■art^taa aga- WIO,^ •a ant betwaea the acta "to as*' a ♦ Fire members of the In Africa Company, namely. Ous Xorke, Allan Coogan, laanette La- Blanc, <<eoa Weed aad Helen norlda. cele- brated their. r aa p e c dee birtbdaya durlag tbe engaganent at-Park VbaaM, iBdlaaapulta. Oik yoa. Boar AniM, tha gtape caivaalar. alia 'eele- . . --i. -— irttat an fell . I maaa. Wal- . .tar at the Mawo a t. Uy, wbKl a gathering «l iiia'tlaa la St. Uxila. recentlyl Brsolar ai ato* gathertaa. Lo^k 'rm orer: Sam Oeiaoa. John I.atb«r. "Yoiira Merrily" John Bogcn, Tad Latter. Nnrmaan Fi>#l, Walter Botto, Prank Payne, Al. Wull* and Ibe writer. Bdltocs ware lavelclad. sp*.olal trains were used, wjning, dialog, trla- t>\ng aking. Stories? SDCelalat 8t Usah never saw tbe likes of It before. last to adt to tbo luster oae chap, wired oa aad bfougbt one ot tbe worid'a aMWt famous cattoaalsia la town from New Xork. Special eartaooa won drawn and Hrat pages secured. McMaaaa wia tbe eartoonlat. and I refrain from telling the agent'* name 00 acooiint of bis atedaaty. Bat during It all good fellowah'p reigned aopraae. and Iha congregating of tbe clan dUnenalaf cnod cheer, good beer and sood fellowalup cxT' ated as mnrb talk among newnaper noa aa did the six-cyllnder hiirtnag. 'Tbe <(awn waa ■urc enottsb alire to tbe ocraalon. Probably, more actreaaca. actors, cboraa felka. ataga emolnTea, alogrra aod thoee actiraly cmployad In theatrical bnslneaa than St. Loeia baa sear before seen at oaa. tinw. ■fary atl iatM sa played. M " " eery pMlt, . _ tition oMkra taMlMii'^-lMnd'h I a gala wit h, : Ml left taaa a- toad. aad catb wtat a' Cbarler Bammood. manager of the attatfeie Hotel. St. Louis, is BOMB < eatcrtalaar, aad a aa^JkaM laa Jolly goed fellow. By the ST B. O. alga each arc taken In Saadaya. la St. Iiaals nn«sr' ese- stmctica for Carpenter and rlaben Brotbocs. aaawly. Tba Prinecta. and b'Ued as "IlftaM rnhmtea fn» aaywbera." wll be a heaaq. Had tbo pleaaore of baTtns good. Mly, -waO- Uhad Uan FlobeU abow -ma -the .alsas, celar aehamta; 'Me. - Tba best of aneeato la tbe wM of Bill y Boy and tbe specUl traraUag eat "In Detroit there anraly U as apart Hke baaeball to bring a theatre aodlaace ta IW feet." says 3. it. Ward, manager of tbe Oay- ety Theatre, that dty. "Cbaaiploa poglllfli aad wrestlers sod sthletes In gcaersI.wUl a*- trnet s certain amooot of sttenUoa. but lalset a baaebaU aUt Into a play or borlaaqaa tai rmi nai... anaatoi'at .tkr .aeetaae .— .„ aiaBee..aa act at the Oayefy t e «i «a Hf la whMr'.. all tbe teaiaa of the Amerleaa laagas an >**■'> naeated. erokea more tpplauar, timpla aa ■ Its eoaatmctlon. than aay other featnra la toe - - Speaking of red bot compatitioa In rol !i aa | - boalacas, bow about St. Loolat The a«w «t x aato l a ur aao a tlag -tbe auty <-to-(be1tmisst la tbe coaa- . . .rMd 'CarUlaly Uka to ■»« tbe gnat that laada ta tbat teora Sunday night that^aa aot tact the eatbre aet ef rallroag bnatlen by nine -o'etock Monday nomine. Is tbe good old days tbe roond-np took place at the bill room, bat ss Ibe years w<rBt sa sal tbe oUl bUl room agent vvolred to a {nram agent, tbe railroad boya erot'ed with tbaa and became hotel and theatre bontcra. Take ■t from ma, yon're got to take your bats et to the paasenger ageola of St. Lools. Oar chap told me that tbe "Closed In New Tath*' talk was aa otdlnary aa "Made la OenaaiVv We're all got our trleada. aad tbe crowd., -■• — " be II - feet wd'^ara all ear .Msada. ■ Kasns On J >hiliM.'BMr.'MMV -m 'MWMWHg^ailk ct Hnm Ibr tfer Mtw et M Naeati ' Bbrle M. Marsh, formerly stuebsd to aaow af Uia lesdtaig rood ergsnbiatloiis, tat tor the naat flee yeata trcaadnr at the Plekwtek -Tba- atM:at,B«a JMag«> .OaLi, Ji.:aboat «o_ leeTe.lSr a a(B''aad''eMinl'citicg-tomiHrald aeqnalataaee- aMpai .:' Xluea :lg.'.ao-suae-.popular aor widely known and- sa te i ui ed- eroeenrer In the entire Wcet .thaa Btria Uaiab. aod be will be ptaag- tDtly'rcmeaibered by all with whom be baa eeoe la coetaet daring his conosctlon with the pretty OaHfWalB plsybeuse, where be bss at times araetlcgllf v bad eqnrol .at thg PItkwMu Mr. --:^:v^'5,-.,'y« -.■;v:'-.r-7Arir:J:.-.,v';.,.;;■/.'.-' .; The Oraod Opera House. TWra Haote, lag., has tbe followlog personnel: Tbs Bsihydl Theatre Co.. leasees; T. W. Barhydt; Jr.. maa- ager; S. P. Katsenbach. traasurrr and peoto agent; J. W. Heath, adrerttalng agcat: b *• Murray, stage earpcMgri - ~ - — - isKT^ £s;igi;!,'nap IVank Sbrlner, laonlnllle, baa *< John Flemiiw, manager Aaieticaa Tbaana. St. Jxnia. certainly has a beaatlMI tbaaM. and Juat as certaiuy is the right maa In tbe right place. Tbey tell the feUewtng stocy 00 Fleming: One of tbe telephone girls st Ibe Betel -itoar Icon gut Into a tangle the other day sad U too)( aome explaining to atralghtab It a«t.__l> seems tbefo waa a privato parnr at diatr, and. Pleoilac. the. haat, ealM down oe tbs pbooe for mm» Ukmta. the young lady ,mu- Tta ye-^ — . . ondrratAod aad g eCtop l ly calM for a taxleab. wbleb was aeoa at tbe donr, aad tha ban wm '"^Jftfi the bead -waltteao tbe tagtah Is eai beta far that paHy." abe aaM to tto;Mtl bv- led the vOM* *f ■wbat party 1" asked n tba prleate dining room, ^totty aooa the bead waltreaa IB w< a^ toHiSH baas lavaai* e»Bta«awww w ^liZi wttb Ibe laformatlon tbat tbey ' badan--ealM for a latleab. tat ihMpetatar. UMlatad. aa* It waa eair after aaet her 6l|utn ..t^^aaM tbat Flefnlng'a aider.waa^aaeaftalBad.y . .... "I Mked for Ubaae^" gpM )w. "Ml tbr oraters dlssppeared a long time age. sad wr don't need It anr more tAsn we. do the taxi cab now." -(Not«I^"lf y«a wlU wglt tar* « f*ir. ■>■> •tog- in an aad- get air :aMH*hMs,r>> <;