The billboard (Feb 1910)

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28 Xtie Billboard PEBiniAIIV «b WNL PARKS ^jadyStatoa News of the Open- Air Amusement Resorts Thiqui^ut the Laod.. New V cjitK, : Mdrpt;; / Hanr Six, one o( tlie iroid'a foiCBMt U(|b jdlvvn, has returned from a aeren moaUtt' en- .nscmcnt in Saath Americ*. M?. Sis pUred BU PanlOt Penuibuca, Babal, Oampos, >etra- polic. asd all of tbe ImportsDt ccntics. He will ■atntn tiila wimmw on mother loos contnct. ^*«en««l Hvmcer Sam*l W. Guixrpertx, oC nreamlaiid, U twek trom bin trip abroad. Mr. XSnmpertz looks ten yean rounser and. Is brim- tol of cool Ideas Cor Preamlainl Uils anmiiier. ■'f>t amwt," tdi. Ooparta _aeld. "ibr Enropuan irttbiB • Ikir daja ov plaaa aiiu Ik> oot. Let «• vtaUet tkia as Dnualaad'a ctecteal rear." 9aat statement will brine rluer to ttav ■prtiUe and eoncwlmelre as Mr. Onmperts Is ,jmm aC tte moat cooaerTatlTe inaiuinPTg of parts 'In tbe eoontry. Drcsmland's nii{«rece<lentcil .wire I f«« last aeaaoi. Is a > li n i ul»d enUsaIr tn 8cm Gaaiperts's shrewd flUHliatilfe MA vUmm-- Is Dot s more popular ansa fir bTaMt'CHBl^ Hub ■Sam'l W. Gnmpertz. Tbe old reliable Florida OstricA Farm -alut Zoo, Ih dolDff a Iloarlsliliic bustueM at tbe old jrtaud. tbe featme sttractko. Oapt. Lools Sor- jefao's Onat Oaey Sss OlTeia ceeclvtoc tbe waimcat anraraL Xk* rldUv and dlifnr of OsMsh'a^ tt» Dmanart's H|di-win) act. TImw. jSloS aaiiaiil» imi jiliw naianfcnln dn», 'imi > ■ Maaaur ymuSnttW jtiStttmnm,' msiK ipiitt a aaoaatkOBl ansr or railelr and Inier- jklt. Ogoado^ tbatal Italian Baud fnraislir^ two adalraU* eoneerts dallr- This Is tbe oolr ^unnseaent park now dotor boKtoess In or near JJsekaoaTille, tbe Florida Ostrich Farm and Zoo. Uark L. Stone ki miiklnK final preparations to alilp hlB fftjrantlc Bpedacle. The Munitor an>l Menftmjkc. to Europe. TboH. Meadowy and jOOl, o( 17 State street, wUely known exportrr^, 'WMl book passage for tbe attraction. From tbe Florida Oatrldi Farm at Jackooo- TlUe. comes wonl that Lonls Is »tlU splellog Cor Oapt. Sorcho asd "Fst" Is dolof tbe usual jSXtiMW stmt. Qs&a a plB s ani Ma-UtUs paitr sathand at tba Bod aad Gn OInb at Oiiva, Floaida. last arask. Mr. I ts ss r , msnaaar at tto OatHeh -nam, waa.aa kost. ladndsd in the sstksrins • lOsa lYaasr, Miai Watsoo. Oapt. aad lbs. ramaiTi I Park win ■M MlUlcsn is ' B. C. Carllale flEW PARK AND THEATRE FOR A new stael flwatie. with s seadnc espaelt? ^ 9,0lf(^. entlrelj coreied, Himrgh oi>eD at tbe ^Ides, wni be erected br the Baptd IVansl: foaipanr at OoondaKa Taller. Syracuae, N. Y.. hcforr Juw! aoth. and a plot MM) by 300 tn-t will iM. fiinde Into a park. Tbe conn>3iiJ afao cipjTt to aoqnlrc abont flTe aove of pro[HTtv Kljolnlnf;. for a period of ten yearn. 'th\n will Klve the <comptmr about six acres. It win apend aboat $20,000 la lupromnenta STREETIVIEIV, HIGH-PITCH MEN, CARNIVAL MEN, PARK MEN. PEDDLERS and AGENTS, ATTENTIONIU ATTENTION itt OOM«NATION OKRA and FIELD GLASS ^ THE BIGGEST MOKET-OETTSB OB THE KARXET. TRS lATEBT. OXEATBST COXBIHAnOH NOVIXTT. Just Ibe thing for fairs, parks, camlrala, aide ahow9, street fairs, caart>ntlaiui, etc., etc. It made SQcb a bit last rear we couldn't supplr tbe de- mand. Remember, TOV cooldn't fiet them. Seren instruments combined In one. 1. Compmss. 8, Opera Glass. 8. Baadinc OlaM. «. Teleseops. Usde of hsnl lbs. to tbe pro4s. slia closed. 3HxlH $30.00 ns eBoss THINK S. Stereoacops. e. Xionseepa. 7. Hacoif Tint look lac tfaaa. $30.0< not SBoas IT OVER 'alrts SO 9' BEAOnro GI,AflS SiBClS No indtttg—goods shipped same day as order receivcid. Send your order NOW. Samples SOe. BERK BROTHERS 529 33 Broadway, NEW YORK MTCROSCOPF Ttu lapld Tranalt eompanr win ornamental f^nce around the park aitf alsu, eonstmrt a loop. Tbe cars wQl be ran arooad tbls loop, and a co>cred walk will be ncorld.-d so that patrons can KO from tbe cur Into tbe Ibestre without fcetUns wet when It rains. Land we»t and south of Hki. p»rk bt beln; negotiated for anil wUni tb's is obtained tbe eompanr will bare a larite park within the 5 c<nt fare limit. It Is prot>aMt^ that tbe nropertr will be turned oier to an amotiemPDt compaor for opeiatloo bnt tbe compangr wiD r<arta«t 11^ jpallev aad.aM that It is kept'Cleaa- aad ftaa Aon lowMam. No ll<|uor wUl ba. sold la tht park. Tlw cooipaar wiu srant k f«w blidl daas eoncesslons. It was stated t->-dsr thst tbe tbeatr* wUI bs ffttlsbed before tbe sonuner season begins, JIaUS liOth. It has not been decVlai whether Tsn- dcTllle or ofwrs wIU be Klren. Last snmmer in ten week* tjie companj- car rled 80,000 peopla . to the ttwatre. The nark will be graded tkla Mat. Ud; Wllkg WUI be laid. Next rear It'WHkMM' iMpiau i wIB be made. BAYONN^ NEW JERSEY REOPENING OF MoBETH PARK. Lisia, O.. Feb. 11.—Kcsotlatioos an noar nandlaa eaoBamlng the opening of Uellott Tark. Lima* ttala seamn. after baTlna bscn «lue4*d tor a. «oilvl« of reara. Tlils park sraa furm- erlr known aa the WliSte ntj and was doaed on account of poor traoHitortatloo faelHtli-it. C. O. (SI) I'erklun. formerly connecled with the Aodltorlom In llMt dtr. Is beblnd tba present more and. If the present deal goes chrougb, manr fanproTenicnts wIM be rand© and lha park put back to its prsrlooa high stand- I* SOFtCHO'8 DEEP SEA DIVERS. teatoraa each OPENS MAY 28, 1910 PERCENTAGE OR CASH BASIS APPLY FOR TERMS WILLIAM P. NOLAN, Park Departmeot, NEW YORK BOOKING OFFICE 212 West 42iid Street, :::::::: NEW YORK CHT PARK AND RESORT MANAGERS Write now for open time to secure EWIiilf''fi*«.~l!MtniiiMiiUl and Voeal Artlils TE RMS MODERA TE (Six Weeks White Oly, CMctiv booked. Oflyr fonyracte pepding) G. B. LOMBARDOi; Director E. A. STAVKUM, Manager Steinwmy Hall, Chicago LUNA PARK 4th Season. James Oleary, Prop. Luna Park is the only park in Chi- cago ninidiig bee attraetioiis. FOR RENT-Space for one large ride, two theatres, also hippodrome. i RUSCMENT ENTERPRISES ANV KIND ANVWHKRB syw'UisriHr^Ms Slafalal Ufhita C Pn si* Cnlcaio Op. Houaa BIk. nilllc a UU. CHiCAOo, II.I... u. s. A. UZZWOOS »AIUC Atlanta, Os.. wants an Bp-to-dats Marrr-co-noid. Morlng Pletnrs Tbe- sQs and a Wild Waat Mow on pateantaaa basis. Applj at osea to t, BUXR, Bcr. Oia i^m SIG. J. FERRANTE And his Slipetlar Band of Fifty Italian Musicians Now booking for 1910. Addreia cars Tba Blll- bo«rtI. H^hilltT ISu'.Mlng, Ctilc.f\3. I tt la lha Ml