The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 19, 19ia Xtie Bill.l>oara The Week in New York mr tbmt aU eioara WBltM l ngbls of •ctM la Ibclr Ta Chaolwlfr, » It win ba . _ _ rtoiu countries, before Ike cartala kad (alien '« tbc Orel art. I preiMae haTtay Cbaatvcler irleil In New York it one ot mjr Urgeit tb«- .^Irvi. Nexr York will >re Ibe play (or the flnt lime ■•arlir atit autnmo. 1 aiiall tben make 4 prodnclloq or Omoirrlcr dcelraed ezcloalrel/ Mr thv Ka4t. at tbe Boaloo 'fbealte, Boaton. illaiulttoemjair 1 Inivod to prodaec tbo plar M tbtf West at the urw Blaekntooe Theatre, nieaco, wblrb will be of aultable alia aad «rtn be la nwolb raanlBt order br aatumL. '•Aa aooa aa I arrtre la Paria I aball make Jednlie arraogenwDtk r«c Ibe balldlas of ib«ae rarloua prodaelloos la Parla. The pnductloa ■4 tbe play for ParU required a 7eai*a work. II will tike foUjr al« nootba to reprodnn- tbe plaj- for America, ne adaptation of Clkaot** .•Irr Into Bnrllab will be made by Boatind'a •on. worklog la akaoelatloo with hia father. We aball derote at lea<t cisbt weeka to oacU produclloo of Ctaanloclcr la America, dorlns Khlcb lline nolblDK dn will be done or ai- imtplrd In the theatre where tbe uleee la to be acted. I Intend to bare tbe play doo>- la tMs eoaatry not oolr la Basllala. hut acted cMMgr bgr. AaMtteaa plajren. rtm LaadM sassr.a-xjj^is!" «- ■■I haee oo bcaltaacr la predict^ that Cbaolecler Aooe la RnglM. with all tk* aalce- dor of Ita rarla ptolnctlea. arlU ba tb» laMt femarkable diaialle ■ea aM x «C am Mae. ra feat tia pirtwi wia n tgr tkp »Mtqr it R.* taOQ. TUB TKLESOCM>t: OS BilOADWAT. WUIIam Collier, tbe ector. waa reeeatlT ae- cMteO Id the lobby of the Hudaoa Theatre br a loac-balred playwrlfbt. a atranicer to Mr. Coircr. hot who qalckly maile bla bodDvak laawa with tlie noDouocniieot ttaat be bail wHWea a arw eamO]- for Mr. Collier tba' •J?"'?* "ia Charley* Aont or The Man •Wawter, who wak acwm- P"'*^.. >y >g ■l a aa i l U it. ceDerooaly nffrred I'f JS.Ht.'^SSSF 9f ■»<*5 'he aetor di^ fir riSr*!? SJ?Sr»*nLX the jwrfMasca Ikat hTwmU aot be ahlT iS ♦ MUa BUUe Uurke hea perfettrtl ao .rraoKe- oieat thvoash ber ataaacer. Charlm Frohnian. to abaadaa arr fct— t H elait to ParU. nhere Calllarei and Bobert de lien. - the aatkom «f lore Watrbea. Inatrad oC TtMTalmSjiliS Barke will appear la Mia, am te^a ttUi nar-a cagsraeat wltM lalinjlia: h" rrobnian n-.-.l\r,I fr..iu l..»ioo ' ff we o* that Ibr nOvanrv ^Ir i.f iuk. l« fo- ?iAsSSL*SS£^' »• 2? * W* Tb«'airi- ba» |ua«.'<l ib,- irreat- ifT"-*''^'? , •«'b • thi-atr-. Ibe ^ggg'*'';' '"»<• mW- "t ■«-al» tor Mis, .Mxms- IH'ilWiuaaee l» tliviMly ot,^ »-^n.Oiin ♦ . *"»'d«r. Feboiarr IB. 1. Marc lln.• » birtb jta r—Mar^ lue I. Ine. ..f r,mr>,.. ,h,. famno* •VJE?"''""" c»o«Ti. an.l. ..r imir-,-. ih.- l.rei>» baa atraacnl a lilrihiUv p.irlv f..r him ♦ S."W t «» r-tM» ami CMnlw immiitir beat. •■ ^ ■ ■'^''^ajHIar Kaloman trllcm Frank Kee- aaa aad Tbe Relitbt* at tbe Savoy. Dooald Itrlan he» visaed Hiih Cbariro Frob- tnaa a< a •tar la. leattlBMIv iiwidi. ^•"•JT. i PMytt n a ll aa i . i la her Mkbifol HV. ne l a Hn la i Ces. at nalTb. y*?taiilMiy Sa?;1 u*^ M.Ik' W- h'lail *l«Hi HwafMW mat •■aea at llw llackell. ^>«r. amal ait la l-aaaaw. waa on tiroadwajr ycMenlajr. ♦ .J* MalHajaay a Falhtre MIed In the week at <be Weal Bad. ♦ Vakaka Saratt baa alined with Al. II. WedtmCliicago (OMllanrd frwn paire T.> Sla- —.^ Bank nuaUaH.-afl kcsia bjrfarowrtl Aawtlcaa loor at tkat " " OcMar SI or KoreBbec 1. The nallaea held at the Olrmple Tbrntcv oo Monday. VMiniaqr T Car tba a hmana of Chi- ca«o and Tier-**— * ■ much to tbe It. kTelaadrr. ttw pbol\>«Taph«T, U kept baagr tbtaa daja twn l aB ant nia h w« wb for Mw nuajr ■ ♦ ■ Oroaa. a Cble^ian. clatma o> Bdawad Reataad'a play, Cbau- lakaa mm a diama written by bla "—■— —-•— —*"- Sanniel Ibefly that 4be Idaa of The report Uiat tba Hrra of Sani 8. ft Laa NiabiTt, loe., would take over tbe Xtudebaker "?^. 'S* Oraad Opera Honae waa recenMy dc- .'•^ iKv 'i .W"'!"*'. b»» ha tortber Hatitl tlut the Saa 8. ambeft M«nHiclal Thaa- aiiaii i d taal i lall a a far CUaM» aad ibat tbe awaamaB* ar tba aita •aaH aooa The Peopled Tb aa tiu asala ivtur.-o lo Ha or- iBiBjl |:'Jll:y atUT p|.|ytO( sfrviTal uootbe of vau.I«Tlile. Monday nivhl thU nocV bnutc opeoed wHb SeU Owyan. with J.Uin J. lUrt In tiM- leadlBx male roll aad noreace MctiUl as ■■■3dlnic woman. Others In tbe roaiiny are U*^"* Sblpnian. I,ouet Babenck and Roacoe ltuK>. I. I MoataEne and U. K. ftaelt wSI ••IH-rate tb-.- boaae for Chas. H. Matrln. MONTGOMERY AND STONE. Ilani work aKi ajland MartabilUjr - tell' tka kturr of Miiotiriniiery aiad atoii'a lai mii. Vhv Old Tt.wu n««- clalma then, bnt prfiw theT«t». The WUari] of Oi kn<«w thmn. and for thiae y.'nr. TUi- Iti'd silii ami th.. oamea of ililK of artixtM. fnr such thi-r are In er- rry m-dw* of the word, wpti- aiTnuat aynooy- nioua ti-rm». Further back, hixtory rt-corda Ihf bard Ktru;a!r wblch each of theu brarcly Jmre. folloirloic the atar ot •uanlfroi dratlay. I»a»e M4atson«iy aad Fre.1 Sione Joined their fortWMa la MS. Each or th-in dellghla to t^J<i<rrt_bte eartr Mraccbw. b<.ih snlded by an aU-abmbiac deatre to ablue la iSe iirof««<lan. Iwsed br tbe aecc««ai7 dtaent. pnifk.- Tbe •Ifwtea now Mwad fnaay. bat the «x|ierlene«s vrm DMVwary to qualify each of tbeiB for ihe tiK Miw« which baa attended tbetr Joint work. Il<>rarc Thr Old Town claimed them. .T^rylBxIy ku.'w they rooM sins anil ddore am! h'^lj tlit ir owi la the ci>me*ly llof. Th»'V nroreO rill's In TlM' (;irl froro I'p There. Tbe Wlti<ril of <)» anfl The Re<l Mill, bnt few oaulde their intlmala acanaiaUacva wcca p rati ar e d for Mr. » MbBSloB oa taa alaek wire or bla wonderful laHat dance, two of tV- fratnrea nf the pivaa-nt ptodnetlcn. Not a bit leoa • retlllahlr la the b-eltlmate rh.inirter work "f Mr. Moiiipomcry. Brat aa a Stri'd'ah woman ami later J* a Japanese dlplnuial. Xo oite «ouM >»• i-urpriw^cl dow If ihej iinnnuncrd thnlr Intenllcn of tnrkllns Shakecpear'-. But tltf Tprsatlllly wasn't ai-^iiilred la a »e»»<>a or N-Trral aea^nn. It Ir the result of a •inartrr ■•f a century <»f the banlwt kind "i '•» •«»««tUl part* lb* atacT of ibe^ early anassiei Mr neaipiltba daaa not dmrr ■MtcTtanr fna ttuST HufdHi of other arlom. , Mr. Moutfraoerr araa bom In St. *iaepb. M<k., tKtt was railed In CallfOmU. bU family retiimiDs to St. Jowph wblle be wa» atlll a yontb. Mr. Stooe was bern in IV-nrer. bnt h!» family era'^rateit lo K.tnxa;^ «borllr after Ih^l aueplrl.His erenl. n^Mli an' on the shady aide i>f 'Uiriv. r.nll|^l nith their atlacb- r»ent for .-a'-u '.:'i' r t;:i si inie#e twiaa ar» nillea apart. PROSPEROUS FIREWORK* SEA- SON JMmCIPATED: ly Of II Pi and Mr. tlmtWf Xl W U ai. pr<-si<li'nl ••! the (ireic- i<ry FInrwariM OaBpani' of Cbioii:!). ban rec^-nt- ' f^'-t* b»* MMa» with an attack klialiad t** develop Into -^^ w. bl* mxeerl eoostltutina ■ awl fc a r cn«'-paWed kla tbiwab a« that he. IMP wn*. inMna la bb> Mt r«a«r isir work, a Ultle weak hot deeblrdly still hi Hw rlo«. Mr. Ncwl«in in i,"r>- .^othuj^lajetU- ov,-r |*rtit»- p*ft« ftv th«* imiMfvllnp w^Atn and hack* up hU anlirlpatliitut nf bir c^rfiirnpi.-i ,nn«l eooarqneni inoiH'.i with n pile of in (ulrle.: linil onNv'S iiueh as he ni.iv w-tl he pnHHl of. The «";rvi:^.ry Kile- w«»rli» Co. ha-» ptilleil tbroiu:b lh<- f^perimentnl >l»cv tif Its caiH.,.r nn*i now st.iit<I.s neknon-I- ♦ ^tce^l as !«taml:inl In th** worlil of pjroteetinli's. Tbb* M w v e w* . is thie prLnarll.r to tb*- fi<<i;eil. per- •Meat aiiil i«u:naelou« <rrort« of (!r«rp^ 3C*»- Ma aad B<'rt «r>>jr»rj- an<l h:ii> K-en roaterlally ky ttie personal poi>nlarit.r and bnalnem ~ " rwi 1 men. „ . -■■ now enjoytnie a draerveil ra- rntlna la Mexico but win st«^ be back In tb.- Mate* aaillk wailT for the hameos. brlchteimi in healtb and apirlTK .ml brlmfni of new .--nit iinliine Hrai^ A«i ft«- Mr, Newton, be !« now In th4» 1iam«*«a and Is m\ il-e >)b ever.v itay, •Hf- f«<etinj; Ills o«vt4nla.-\tin«» at Ihe factniy and im^ relntentllm^ a canipalKn nmoni; ine park and fair maiMsen all over the cmintiy. _ It la aka M k^ a ^ work bard for their mder* In a mann'T, "om-e m i-ti^tomer. .nl\var«t a cnS' year far' Ika Ommr la aiBd mt.tK Ht tb^ •ra aiMl ilellrer tbe aooda THERE IS BUT ONE Western Vaadeville Mana- gers* Association Aad the office 1* In Mana«rn>. 1>I f d cawi a.aaj tM < be ral>Ii<d by alaiat bcada, cUTeloftea ar all rnramnolratlom b> B. V. HAT, SdMtal RMiagw. Tkt Waifin Tigdiriltt Mtitfin' ItneiiKoi, Ma>aatlc Thaatra BIdf. CHICAaO, ILL. 100 FOR $1.00 Shap Photn of TaimK Like cut. Oummed and per- forated In abeeta Joat like V. S. atampa. Stick to anylblng. Send aar sood- •Iw photampk. dalUr MII or aaaar erdert «ki«ta not acceptuia. Wa ' are well- kimam actlata: aak The nniboard. SkATTOH no. 00»MB WHEN YOU BUY IMPERIAL OPERA CHAIRS Vmi Oa* Mofa Than YOU GET THE SMAB TEBT. MOtT VP-TO-DATZ. MOST s—asa- ABU AMP BBW C MAM O ggRA rWAIBB OM SHB MtMt XBX. mrmjoxrm a wnxz wax. vaa.aiaa »* ifea mm Maat aM.HlliMMy mnkm acMRM.kf mg. 50 STYLES OPERA CHAIRS to aelect fiom raailng from the moat IneipesatW cbalra to the moot elaborate npholatered on««. For MOTlns Picture and popular prlco Vaadcrltte tna we alwaja hare opwacda ot 2,000 VENEER CHAIRS IN STOCK for do for catalo^e~ and ba tatJalcd. WOMfrCa. ttCr STATE sr.. CHMAM Snccea c«nee la (MUm. Vallaia la tUOm. Wacaa and do thinca whlrk Bar canprtltora caa't *> aad dNT^ Tbe heat aooda awi the aant faaaaaMejaiHa;--IMB cataiorue and priata aad ka faaalaaad^ Baraaraaaaa WANTED *::r CONCESSIONS For PORT STANLEY, ONT. THE CONEY ISLAND OF WESTERN CANADA Season Opens ]vy 4 Y 24*--275,000 Ii.2!22lIe2H Reached by S. W. Traction Cars, P. M. Railroad and Lak» Reamers. Finr Bathing, Boating and Fishing. Low terms for all Legitimate attractions on the New Board- walk. .'. Have Roller Coaster and Ferris Wheel. ^Por SPACE and TERMS, Address A. F. JELLY, <- -> Port Stanley, Ont. Coburn's Greater MInstrela WANTED-By MARCH 14tfi Strong Comedy Acrobatic or Feature Act to replace Gareiiir netti Brothers, who join BARNUM & BAILEY. Jackson, Tenn., 17th; Brownsville, 18th; Cairo, HI., 19th and 20th. Deverq BrotiieEB wire. . J. COBURN. - - - Manaoeip. TED SPARKS* VAUDEVIl-LE llean. clever acta, an ama((d as to parttcolarlr appeal to all daises of aninseinet.t Mvkern. A rrltable serrlee at all ttanea. Fbotoa. bllllas and names ot all acta always Iwo weeks In THDce ot their opentnc date. A ciicnlt coatmlllns none bnt tbe veir best grade ot talent conat^ent with the salary paid; sjsbautie baalMsa BclaclBlcs actlaic aa tih» fcgndatlon_«t It all. XOU MUST ai>preciate the bi alii ao or call, and ikn-sent »tick from tbe very start. icaa priKlplcs acllue aa aatenndatlonot It all. XOH rm wMh Mtt eaiMmaH ■•aaullaK^ _wm»» wii a. t^aaa la ysnr laliiait It «fll laaMapa aad MM yaar kMBMS _ a af*! ^ ATSET a Avnx xoBnraos * orat BOWE a CUJFXOK L£ PEASLL a BOOEaT ^aiiT»; MOBS£LI. O&BAO a SEVXaNE eATX.OX a JEITEK801I TUHRA _ CT XAS C LBO aauBKR a i UgHPHT a .'«aAk uuHUib: a wooowi J. K. KATHZ xAOKis a wnsoK SATET a 7AlCE90ir AMY ooxxma o«. MKfwnJt Baoa :. KAKT ABgUTTH a CP . EEEVEB a BV TjaaM XOE REAVES JA8. J~ OAT ROSE a BT. CLAIR DAK O'VETX, TED SPARKS' VAUDEVILLE AND DRAMATIC EXCHANGE Century Building, i^'¥SSa.'»wiua Kansas City. Mo. DRAMATIC PEOPLE WANTED AND FURNISHED ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND SCENERY Why not get the beat T SOSHAN A LANDIS CO.. two Great Seese Paintias StndkMk rhlnajn. lU.. Mala Omem 417-^19 S. CItotoM St. EiUMished IWi. STAGE HARDWARE RIGGING L9FT EOUIPMENT STEEL CURTAINS For Any SIxa Thaatrw UnlbDEkrator&laciiineCo. tttaaitlf WailOnlirio St. CHICAGO, - - ILLmOlS DATE BOOKS We have ready for distribution the finest DATE BOOKS ever issiiedl Send for one today. Price, 2Scta coin or postage. Specify whether night or week stand book is want NATIONAL PRIHTING & ENGRAVIKG CO., " DtpLE, IF Ycmt wontx or KQBB.