The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 19,.191& The Billboard London Letter (OooUnocil from pace 12) Brltalu. II la twins built tor Mr. Walter 01b- Nma. from plina by rrauk Mitrbaai. (be great tbealr'cal architect, to aeat about &.000 peo Die, and wbrn (Dlahed will. InclmHoK tba coat paid for the all*, have coat £200,000. The andltorlum. will eonalat of alalia, bozea aa4 two *aat tiera. the width ot the Boor apace Mm m tim lluia SOO rtct. Ererjr portion «( lia laltarla* floor will bo carpeted, aod eren !• tka drcl*. aa the upper Her la to be called, n l w t o a aixpenee onljr la to bo Ibe prico of ad- itlislOa. TalTct Up-up rbaira will be prorMol. Laswy and comfort are to be tbe objecta aimed at In tbe Otinff of tbc Interior, and tbe ktynote of tbe color i(cli«-Tnr. which wilt ne- ccMltat^ the emploj-ment of niiaDtltlea of carred white marlil*. will be wblte. "KverrtUM will bo oa a *aat acalo la tbia sew theatte?' aaia Mr. Waller OIMmoo. "I tarr aU cVc'M wbetbor to rail It th* Palla- 41MB or Ibe Arena. Reforr we roald alart taUdlbff It I had to imrcbaae nearly a tbtrd aoee ipwnd that Heaslef a Clrna atood on. and now we aliill bam a tbaalza ' half a minute inm arrest, i%blch <boro4]|;tif Krra. "Tbi' "It capsrltT will not be ►urpaaaeil bj any Ihrttrc la Europe, for we calculate that we ahall be able to set like whole of a packed *paao talo Ibo oacot wttbia oao aUaato of the MI «r the cartalB. . "Wo obaB baic a aasnUeoat ortbcotta. and a at^e wkra* apectaele and ballet eao. If utawy. bo ebown in sraod dlaplay. Scenic ftnadoar. Ilfr. licbtncaa, raloty and moremeat aio to bo lh» featurea of the entenalnmenta to he itlven -ercrr afttrnoon aad evenlac.. Al- tbonsh a coDotant cbamte of program la to be «ar poller. *• abcU omptaj a aoiall aimy tt aniUlailaa inMj ■M* ilaB mmt -A. MOt apM tm- ttm tfw op la tbb •law -S tmmma.' 4tmm aal tea rooma. ao inrer tbaa •«» oC thtao baelac beea arraaccd (ar. Oa the gioaai Boor tbeto will be one ^11 aad lea room, witb tabica for the ae- MBmodatloB nf a Ibooaaod people. OS Ibe aaain Teatlhule there wUl be a batrdri-aaer*a 4iiop for latllfp and another for gentlemen; there will alao be a reaillac room aad a free innijr. with tape oMchlan oafoMlnB the A farce called A Cbancr of Front, b* Mai- cata Wataoo. la maklag a mlrthfal adOIUM M tte catottalanMBt at tbo BmplN. Tbc mni lo not la a railway boBet. whld. at umli. Plaat7 ot oppeetnaltr for au- «te roBctmoc tbo bona and aaadwlclMs which farm tbo atock refreslunenta ot all Kngllah nfre^mant balfata. The acbeme ot tbinga la that aoma ttnw t>efore the fare* beglna John Bawvtt married Jane igalnat tbe wtrbea of hia fatVr. who rteolcned blm for a wealthy cooalo. Boaee the father ml blm o9 wlibotit a cent, and Jo^ t>ecaa« a poor bat matrlaoalalLy MUrfnl acboobaaaier. Jaite Baaaett coana to <ha railway boffol aad Ma to a lodr with an mtummttr (Uao' "tnmV ot aiaiwaHa Moal ba!r. an old tricad. to whom aha OMMoa tte aloiy ot bar fortnae. boaaUog hap- ftaoaa bitt raainolBC aoma aaxlely u to arbether John at time* doee not regret tbe waaltJiT conaln. Tben natnratly abe dcacrlea bar Jflfaa on tbe platform, rerr friendly with a fair damaal. 3be borrowa tbe barmald'a (aloe froot. apron and apcetaelaa, aad thoa fraaafonnad. preparaa to apy upon John. Jobs OOBOO to tbo boffct for a farcical laeal. U >ot bot affecUooat* taarard bio tha dtOBulacd Jaae fn««a fb- . _ at tbo end of a tnrbnieat timo tto bcwMmd pair make a hnrr-ed eacape. Jbba itralo back for Mxne forgotten trifle aa< to* tto barmaid tranaformed Into a waep- tat wire, ah* taUa blm what abe tbinka of bla aad goaa on telling, and be haa to hold bar Toelferatlnc month to keep her qnlet *Dei«h to bear tbe tmth. Tbe ta'r atraoger la bla only alater, wbo haa come to tell them that lb* atem father ban relented. It la only to add that thr maaqnerartlng and ~ W. played by Mlaa Fanny Ont tbc farco went like tbe t t* talib. Tbe not of tbo ■I* good and Ibo Utile picoo f atl* reeopUoa.' After thr»« >-.-r> iniitluuuu-. pUyluE Jaiuea Watch baa returned to I^oodon with Wbcn Calfhta Were Bold. TbIa farce baa been an ■baolntrly pbenoraentl aucceu. It ran for ateaa on to two yeara Id London, and waa taken aa a ncceaeful toor In the prorlncea. and haa ■ow alarted acain In the metmpoUa wlU tbc ■roapeet of at 111 aaolber long mo. Appareatly aa tbe time haa coa* oa tbe ■lac* haa deaenerated not* and aaoc* Into Wir coaidy pure aad oimpi*. Naturally Welch ttaaolf baa not ImproTcd. Hit playing of the ■IrtiiB fcntetit aeccnii to bare loat all apoata- aoltJ. and la aa cniM-haalcalLy fnony aa a pan- Mam* at tbe end uf a run. Theae long mna Mtm abDoat a alty, from th* point ot tIow oC tb* actor, eeea tbaagb tbcr mf brlaa la^a carUaad at nMoey. iRlcb aaod to b*^ th* <NM taab 9t onr Uuoatlag a play la uu longer a olmple boat- ■Ma. la Dr. JekyU and Ur. Dyde. which H. B. Irrlnc la loat aboat to produce, expert aa^itance hn< had to b« calM la to adrlfo ao tha cbemlatrj that forma ao laporlaat a part or tha pUv- Curlaualy eaoocb tb* cspan lio,^wa <« «r Joba Bar*, tb* great t» Ipnii MBblM >ak to oMdlrlw .acrioMj L,.*!!! Waller's pU}-, Sir Walttr BalelKli. b» beeo such a terrific aucceaa at th*; Lyric that be haa bad lo poalpooR Indelaltcly Ibo pro- <inetlaa_*( p. K. McMbwra BMr *la)r. «b* Ruth Vluceat Im nieetlug with enthualaatic recepttona at tbe tllppodrome Juat now on her Itat appearancra before going Into gnod op- era. Mlaa Vincent li without a rlral aa th* prima douaa ot mnalcal comedy, and her de- fect lBB Will b*a aadUwa. Ficlda aad Lewla, le« irMh v*at mmm at Am Paris Letter < c>B iin ia W «> cl*r pnrmler**a date. It la now fixed for next Moodoy, January 31st. You, when you read tbIa. wlU know whether It held good or not. Mow, a* I writa. I coofea* to direful mltglrlaga. Icot a audden terrible aomethlng bappena to aom* oo* ot tbo ao acc cooary for tbo pndactloa. I b^ ^mSSiar i Bl k M id Ibdt. ta datot •tM40b lo tba aan takca la at tbo boat oOr* at tb» TbealM Fart-Salat-lfanln. Wbleb. for Paria, St Icaat. la tbo record for a new play. Per hapa New Torfc can beat It. but I nerer had tbe story repeated to m* if abe ever did. fee aeen great advance booklnga for ahowa. after tbe aald sbow bad been SEEN, and people were TBIXI.NO WHAT A CORKING SBOW IT WAS. But before any one had any Idea whether a piece would be a flnt-claaa hit or a Srat-elaoo Oaxle. I. peraonally. ncecr aaw tha Ilka. 1 bear tbe accnery and cootumea coat qolt* a aam; that tba acenery coat $40,000. and tb* coatumeo about aa much more. Som* (cporta plaeo .tbo coat before the show open* at ao JMa Ta^lfbt. cat public MOUUM ROCOa. it. at th* Uonlln Booge. wlU be tbe perform anc* of I,a Bevae Amo uf e oaa . tb* new eehlele there- It la In 33 aeenea and probably 900 coatnmea. all rather pretty, are naed by a big company, princtpala and chorus. Here 1* a reaome of aome of tha prettier acenea: Th* Betura of tbe Ttoopa From Italy, where- in a line dlaplay of marcbet and pretty coa tuae* ax* aeen, Una Baby pcnonlfylng the Im- p*(Btnc*: the Dance* ot uadora Duaeaa. laalta' lloaa by Bbbc* aad a cbacoa icpreaaatloc Mlaa Uaacaa'a oebool ot daadiw: tbc g orcB WMidata or tbe World, to wblcb Bctboceoa. a woadvfUl aaako cbanaor. la latraducad: Ifaiaon d* Dana*, a bvleaqoe oa the TanderOIo'a play, cndlog with ooun doTor daaelng: th* dance* "North Pola-Champo-Syaeea": La Conference da Gram- l«r, a take-oS on Mme. Qrasler'a audience before Kalaer Wllbelm. whea aba talked oa "Lore'' and aome otbem, ture* of Boatand aid* ot thr poad. Oa th* l*T*I. Paila baa loot hv'baad a« tbo enbject of American a moa aw a i' There are now. in Parla. ao dlatlnct roller akating rlnka—Tbo St^ Didter, Luna Park. Caalno. Boa Amatardam, one near Pltre Plgale In Moctmartr*. whoae name I don't recall, and yet another. That'* going aome. I underatand that thcoo an not all we hsTa eomlDg to oa. hBt fOC tbO Ook* Ot tbe game, 1 hope ao. for 1 waBMaTt Ma to ao* it klUad oS In tha bud. Aa eathaalaatir ac«a* occnrrod at tb* Sany IkMlto, tto other croalag, whao Ulia Amy ~ ow prlBM dooaa, waa praaeated by any ot b*r coapalrlol* trjai wttt biBi ^ ita by arty ot her ( n* mar to oat, aad, like tbc gboot ot Ban- let*o fhtbor. It wlU not down, that tbet* wtU h* fOar onaraMr amuaement parka In or near parla tbio aommer. I tliink tb* refiort la ax- aggerated, bot I know there will be twu ot the regxilatloc kind, maybe three, with another half park, half aummer roller rink, throam In. Look* to m* ilk* Pari* caa afCOid iIwb. Sh**a big oaoagh. BACK r>OM SPAIN. Mr. John dalTln Brown, proprietor ot White City, England'a moat successful amusement park, baa Juat paaaed through Paris. retunUng to Englsod. from Barcelona, Spain, wbcr* be algned all contracta with a Spanlab company, coapoocd of French and Spanlab baokeii. cap- Itallato aad • turn poUtldaaa. toe tbo cob;^ atructloa at a luge aaikhor ot tbo ktod o( AuMrleaa amawoMat deelcea that hare made hIa Engllih park ao attrtetlTc. and with which be aoceeeded ta making tbo latcmatlonal Bzpo- alttoo at Nancy a financial aocceaa laat aummer. Mr. Brown will erect tbe longeot ocenle rail- way In BuTopc, or, rather, bo will erect a riding dvTlc* that aball embrae* all tb* t>eat feat ares of ttie scenic railway, tbe flgare 8, tbe roller cosster and otbar mechanical or gravity amusetseDt rides. He will also erect a water chutes, a fun factory, a haunted hoaae, a cake walk. box-t>all alleya, rlnka. ballxooma. cinrmatogrspb sbowi. Uckleia, etc., etc. The park in which theae attraetlooa are to go 1* on tbo old* *( the Bwaatal a . eeoriooklag tb* mlUloa tohabltod dty ot Baicehiaa. the todua- trial aad •■•attol capital ot Spata. It la a moat pletanaaa* algbt aad moot admirably adapted t* Ibe balMIag at th* Oaaot and haad- aomeat park to the world. Tb* place la already a favorit* tceort with tbo belter element of Barcelona people, aa it baa for many yeara been a raeognlaed summar reaort. with a magnlflceat hotel, caalno and other at- traetlooa. Becently a syndicate was formed to take ow and develop tha property along ttM moat modem llnea. and a QoTerament coacotaloa. ■loaf tbe Ilnet ot Mouto Carlo, wia obtolned. and to tartbcr tb* ehlceta In —fci-g a rs ao rt that woa l d" api t a l . to an cl o n oet aad at aa aaaw ttw |lt* • .ftaw «r daUy t«MK aad «• terlalBBMat to M tmt yaaag, accwIUc to tbeir taata*. tbo Aaaadcaa amuaameBt-parfc idea waa adopted aad tbo direetora ot tbe com- pany Tialted Parla. Loedoa. Manehetter and the Eipoaltloa at Ntacy, examining all the place* ■ oa Itt* atroeture* built for amusement to be round In all thro* placea, and finally settled on U*. Bntim aa tha aoat Itkety to aalt thorn la ■ a ■haip aad O e af ad . WdiOB-PMIett, Qarto and Haato^tto^Idral. n«Bpa>^.th* avaaatbemnm Palaea. am at th* Ctiolo- Th* Laoa Park BoUer Skating Rink. Ita man eger Gaotoa Akoim, declares, waa not In tbe leaat hurt by the Ooodt wblcb bcaet Parla from one end to the O tb a r , OortalBly' tb* a oBdo of skatera thaeo dMat aaoa totoa.toaM. dlmla- Isbed. •!> Edmond Bofltand gmrm to tbe flood nffeffers bU entire royalty on tbe flr»t performaDCe <rf Cbanteder. Tha wblcb, aa I bare remarked before, certainly amountefl to aome thing wb«D Baron Rotbicblld paid 9410 for bis box and otber prIcfB scaled downuard from thla odc. UMsra. Hertz & Coquelln, managers of the Port- Salok-AUrUn Theatre, tbe scene of tbe premiere. nnfcbl^ Shobert !■ rUIno Widows. Mra. aIm vrlth the ibow. Plo Cnluaaa, wbo recently l*tt Tto to to Chfcago. tahaaiaia* a gav* aa Eoataad, . Aad let tbla parssraph volcv Just tbe loadeat JOrt Of praise for tbe theatrical profession gen eralty on tbe ecore ot geoeroalty. It was the profeaslon In Parla tbat came forward with tbe ttrat auegestlon of aaslstsnce for tbe poor devils pat out of bouse and home by the water*. It'a alwaya tbat way. * Meaara. Cottena and MarlnelU ought to be inoud of their show now rannlng at the Olympla. Priac* and Morlcey and the pretty Ulaa Caiard are two of tbe attractlona which add Inater to tbe bin tbere. Tbe preaent revue at tbe Foliea-Bergere la one of tbe warmeat aeen tharc in aoma time. ♦ La Venve Joyeoaa (Tbe Merry Wldowl aeema boaod to make a record at the ApoUou ♦ Tber*'* a line bill at tbe Albambr*. tbe Bar- raafocd bouae, near tbe Place de la Realdent Manager Neighbour la the mu tbe gnu in thla particular Inatanc*. ♦ Her*, la tb* program ot tb* "talk"' deUmrcd by Ifa*. T*ette OnUbert at tbo Oyiaaiaa laat SatoTdajr: Boaga. Tba Kara of Hcaraa. J'aftaa Prto Bca PaatooacttM. I« Jalaaa at to Mtataak. _ Wife "talk," arMck waa aalto lalaaaM.aC tow dit Uea aad th* Hkcu Employes of roller akating rlahB i tba flood anfferera. ♦ Vma. Bejane waa compelled to drop out at tb* eaat ot Mme. Margot thla week for a few perfarmanca*. She waa replaced by Mme. Arcb- amband, who had never even rehearaed tbe part. She did brilliantly, however, and thoa* wito know Mme. Bejane only allgbtly did not know any anbatltnUoo bad be<^n made. Zt la aald that Mme. Aiebanbaad bad meiely watched Mow. A eoapto o( mighty aodltog tacea drifted tato tb* oOee of The Blllbaard tUa week. One ot tha face* l>alonged to Frank H. Beatty. man- agw of candy atstada witb tb* Hagenbeck-Wal- lac* OlrcuB. Th* other wta that ot Don WUiob. treaaorar of privilege*. Ttacee two abowmen. not having anything on their banda for-tb* moment, and getting loneeome In America banging around Pblladelpbla, New Tork and Chicago, elnrply hiked oat for Italy. fVanee. Bnglaad aad a few otber tbl*«lde-of-tbe-watar corn*!*. They re- ported the bnUleat kind of time* and wlU aaU oa tb* Manratanla tha latter part ot Fehruaxy. ♦ After thla week. La Sonate a Kreutxe (Krcutiar'a Sooata) will not b* given at tha Theatr* Femlna, Cbampa-Elyaee. bat it la un- deratood tbat a revival of It will be made at another Paila theatr*. Mlsa Jeasle Dsrllng. wbo created tbe cake- walk on roller akatea. after a Tialt to other Earopeaa eltlea, ha* rctnmed to Parla. She gaya a abort engagement only, at tb* St. Dldler ollar Blnk. one of tbe two Oawford and WU- kltts bouae* here, when abe baa otber datea to take e«i* of. Ber exceedingly clerer trick ' lilac, ottea «ilto daageroaa aad atann thrll- t. ta getttog_a whirlwlad o( agaHBW at erety aeaiMe. Her eagageneet at Ibto rink cloaea with tbe coming Satonlay. Jllkv iiahthy to alafa taiatatto ultk *> nixoB'o Big Bcirtav. aad todn itovtoB a amall part. ♦ Harry HaatlDga talks of taking a trip 1* i mm tralla. bla old home, at tba and ot th* aeaaon. Amy Oofdoa, with tba Gay llataaa tBMbbiK aMK hit ifith lHr.«iiS8ri JOj^ jatoM aa Bm Ttm PHILADELPHIA BURLEaOUB. witb a lot ot nnuaually good couiedlaaa aai a particularly attncUve cboms. It wa* tto Batumi f««ult of elfact. following cauaa toat tb* Waahlngton Society Olrla ahonid b* waU received at the Troc4dorn. Tb* procraa was varied enoagh to anlt all taata*. iiiilairal aa» itaraganaa, a touch of comle opera aad -a 'tt chate eaadaillto tnraa aU laadtaa What' IHtthn' asaletad to toa eettlnga and a rich aaaortment of made tbeIr pretty wearera (till i Harry Stewart, a langbmakcr of llat of li^ IM I Plenty of plaaBtag in tbe pngraai ot Tfi* Tirana Tklk OMaaVi tbe BIJon Theatre. In lu bnrleoqua, aa la Bpcdalty tnraa. it gar* tb* amileae* plaatr to aajoy and applaud. Th* caat of artlsta r waa partlcnlarly alnng and a 1 did Ita pletnreaque ahar* to tb* cleverly. In th* cour** ot tto ctAat extravaganxa. ttk* ace n e a among otb*ra. lactadad earden ot Eden. Battery Park, N. T,. «M tto ' a Baw Day. la tto i««ttr at pot^ tn Chaa. 3. Barfctort, Baa Meaia. Beott, Loato Daere, w~-"ff aad Kato- rya DaUnar. ♦ What bring* at»oaC tba many amoal^g ass* pllcatlooa In A Night at Rector'a. which waa th* offerlug of Tto Vanity Fair Compaay, at tto Caalnow 'a tto ability ot a yoant maa to ■ at a <ic» aao tt ImagtoaMok •« toa m*a y ay far a. t toa. tooBBht aa wtia a rMiad ttm. Ueaawbile. botrerer. theiB haa I'een a lot ot unuanally langtobi* coaplleatiaaiL Tto Rlteblo CoiBedy Oomblaath for their ttataaly, AT HaU, ar* tto" tor Nec*, and baMi i abUiUecL ♦ Ed. LaWrotto to ■ "•n r mn i trto < rellent work whea It cornea to audience reaaona tor laughter. BO with lb* rarc*-ratnedy, M*. Rla aad I. b* baa a part that give* blm aqtul opportaalttaa In Tto Olnser OlrU Company, which laaildad the entert,tlnineat at th* Gayety Hieatre. Palrday in Poeatella waa a tmrleeiin* lu which there wa* plenty of fun. aoog and ctoae** far th* ehoma lo dlaplay Ito Humu*. Cbrlataua Ev* waa another of Intereat. Oao. Btona. tile r^Hrsn. HjrrT Hills. Jranstta Itiw aiis« nnd Bertie took part In the WU. Tbe Qandy Family, thoa* clever children, who inaka many fW older trick ttotcia aitanud of tbemaeleeo for eluaataco*. ai* addti to tto pepolarlty *t tto HIppodram* ~ Tto anaber *C ' ' The .Klnema.aabka. at Zt Boularard de* Ital- ian*, waa tbla week booored by tto Tisit of the Japane** Ambaaaadcc aad bla ataC They cam* to ae* tto B t a t lw i p l twi a Tiawa ot Fllaco Itora faaeraL IT* " caKrad Oa . Mtlo. Oaaire and Marcel SIgmond and B. ear In a n«w sketch at the Olympla tbla week, entitled Fene de la Mer* It li Ulgtilj prslinl la advanc*. THB WORLD OF BURLESQUE. (Oeattoacd from page 12) ♦ Tto Beotik Maitm, a aewty Imported oingiag and daaelng aeC aiad receatly with fto Oay Uaaqaeradeia, toe* ape atd oa latiiatoto tiaa. ♦ BMK IN THE RETAIL I HI«b.Ctoaa MAGICAL APPARATUS lltaitiatcd Oitalogne Na Mo. 40. f»**. Mai Xa. H. as eta. atock. " ■ A. B( 10. and UIQ Bargnto ftc*. Mammoth rrofaaalsaal Ciia- PHOTOSJS,«SS!igi?ff copied from aay pbetograph.' Sampl* either atyl*. SO ct*. Bamplea and cataK atamp. Addren Mmo PBOTOOaj' M* Waat dW Btwat. »«w TaA City. V. T. ^T-eo-xotm vos balx ox txum. Located la park. Shrercport. La. WoaM laada ~ I 4a aalnula. 4 CbaftaOk vav*. naa for CSirel* \^avc. .