The billboard (Feb 1910)

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46 Tlie Billboard FEBRUARY 18, ma PA RK LIS T . Complete. Compendiiiiii of Infomiation Gardens and Theatres Wldi. tbe QaM of (z) Jlo ObcBit. (1) Park pUyi Tudarilla. _ Oi AuiKtoa—HokM aty Park tWiiftt Elcetrle and 6aa Co.. pnpi. BIrmtaisbBsi—Eut Like Park. R. D. Biuintt. prop.; Chxs. Ponrtoa, msr.; also m^. attc; (I) (3); also opera and moslcal comedy. Oadsdeo—Elliott Psrk. A. C. G. & A. By. Co., ut>Pl: Cbu. J. ZeU, mgr.. attr. <i) (1) (3); C. J. ZeU booka raodenue attractions. lfi>H« IMTia (te colored people only); B. U. 5: EE * A* Ul.* DOUkB VW <l^^Sberidan books Taode- Mobile Usbt aad R. a) (S): iL x> * B. K«ctk A. BUAk'I i>e attr.; (4). .^■elBia—Elkdmle; Selma St. & SA Xf. Oik; IMk .- ^Wntv. msr. attr.; (1) (3). ...Aaaeid—TrMatics. Florence. Sbeffleld and Tas- ■'. - OBbla Sr. 0*.; Bany B. Elmore, mgr.; also •i' mgr. attr.; (1 complete companies only) (x) (3>: Barry B. Elmore books all attr. .gheflieU—^Woodslde Park. SbeOield Co.. profit; K. PttUau. mgt.1 B. A. Aadtewa, mgr. Oa.. . («> Vboenlx—East Lake Park, Phoanlz WMtmrnj Co., praps.; S. H. Mltrhril. mcr.; alw mgr. atts. O) t4J_<xl <xx). (4) Park doM Bot play (6) Park playa saither 1 (KX) Park playa Stock. OlppI* Creek—Uotcn, Elka Lodse. fBipb| li^ ■cabcrc A Stanley, msrs.: (51 (x). Dt am —lM tnUe , Frank Bart. mcr. OeoTer—BUtck Oudcas. T. 8. Cimg, pMlb * Uranr-^bBata Park. Ctaa. Jiei—. agr.; alao agr. attr.; (I) (St; Wratrra States Clr- enlt; W. A. Weston books TaodpTlile. Denrcr—WUte City, Wblte Cltr Co., praps.; Prank Bart, msr.: also'mgr. attr.: f2> (SI EVrt Conins—LlndeDmeler's Lake I*ak. UMB- meter A Son. props.; W. UndeMMlw; Jfc. mgr.; alao mgr. attr. <3> (3) (x). Poeblo—Ulnneqoa Park, Glasa & UcQalllaii. props.; (XX) (3). Trialdad Central Park. Stere Patrick, msr.; l ata Fattlek. mKr. attrae tt o— ; (xz> (S); ■riUnk A Coosldlne drralt. . cosncncuT, Brld«epa«>—aUBplaa — 9^ CL prop.: Ovk B^MK MRIVT attr. Bristol—Iiake Oain iiuun ce Park. Pierce & Nor- ton. mgrSL; Katfonal Park Manaic^ra* Aasn.. New Ink CItr: Jolm KaekeU booktnx act.; (1): playv local baAda ooly, B nrrTllfe —^ aglUa aa LakeTus Oaanaetlent Co., prn pBi 4fc wgn.' Cl> IS), - Tampa—Salptaor Sprtncs Park, Jos. 8. Rtcbard- •oo, prop. A mitT.: alao mcr. attr.: (1) I4>: Mllran * Conahllne Circuit; DaVctSS. ai- ' ----- „,f_ OEOBOXA. Atlanta—Wblte CI P«H».: C. attr.: (2) (SI (X) Atlanta—Lakrirood Park it. Jacoba, prea.; J RUIet, secy It trraa. Co., ■sr. Annata—^I,ake VIrir Park, Atunwta By. * Elec. Co., pnipa.; GMmte n. OBnklla. mcr.: alao BSr. attr. (11; Kmplrs Tbcatrical KzebaBca bonks Taoderllle. Colambns—Tnidwond Park. ColDmhfa R. R. Co., props.: P. W. Llllr. mitr.. alao mcr. attr,; 111 (S); r. W. I.ltlr booka t«ii<1ptIII» attr. Oalnnmilf^—Ctaattaboncb^ Park. North Oeorcla ElM'trtc CV).. rropx.: O. SI. Martin, mgr.; alao initr. attr.; Empire Theatrical Circuit; Geo. Grr-roirood broks nwleTtllr attr.: <1>. Uacon—Crtimp'a fMk llMMi to* # U«kt Co., propa.: (1) (tl-CQt HmmJL. * ' " books attr. Maeno—-rybcv Utma*. X , Bom»—IMMo ruk. BMW 9j. * Ugkt Ooi. propa.: H. J. AnaM. Ugkt Ctu U W. Co., mop*.: «i: E. W. tleos. Baraonah—Ba llw iW i 3c mgr.; aJao bee. mgr. Sarannab—Lincoln Park. SaTanaMb' props.: W. J. Wblteman. agi attr. <1| and toliiKtrel (."<). West. Mat—BoMosoQ-a Park. mm-t to (sx). IDAHO, Bolae—Rtmaldc. BrknelaFl A Pyle, propa. A (SI (4>: plara borleoine. Park. W. E. Pierce, p aa p .t H. B. r,; (3) (I). nxrtroiB. AltDD—CbaDtioina Park. W. M. Sanrage. mgr. A prop.: alM mcr. attr.: (1) (3): Western aVndeiille A<n. Circolt: W. U. BauTaga booka TanderlM^ ■ttrartlona. AltoD—Ainlonie. niplHMlrome Amose. Co., prom.; Mm. SaDTsge, mgr.; also mgr. attr. (1> (3): Westers Taadrrllle Aaaa. books Taadnlllc.— Sock l^lags^J^Mlk^ CTg of Alton. pa«pa. and fU CS) ■ f- -MB books raad^rSa attr. ■ Bamiln Dreanilind Airdome. Uajestle Am. Ob., props.; H. D. Bowers, mgr.; also mgr. attr. (I) (X).—Queen CltT Tlieatre, Majestic Amosement Co., props.; B. B. Carlson, mgr.; also mgr. sttr. (1) (x). Fort Smith—Electric Park. Fort Smith Light * Traction Co., props.: J. W. Gillette, mgr.; B. J. Hack. mgr. attr. (X) CD (3); J. W. Gil lette book a_ rande rina attia cttona. - igr.: (5) (X). Bock—Wondetlaad. F. JeBBCs. prop. A Bgr.; (X) (l> (2): r. Jenoea books TanderiJIc attractions. Uttle Bock—Pomt Park. B. By. A Elec Co., props. A mgrs.; Abe Stirwell. mgr. attr.: (X) (1): plays city bands only: Cbas. T- Taylor. books Taoderllle attrsctlona. Uttia Bock—Alrdoma. 3.. P. Bead, mgr.; Wwmg !.i t. r. BmA boglH attz.; I. w. IBC praps.: F. E. Cberat. mgr.: F. E. Cbctot. ' ngr. attr.: (x) (1) (8): F. E. (atarat books wdfrlllt atttaetioBS. Utatast BMai mill A- Burg Jacaal. gi a p ; O} W: k<«ok direct. CALI70BHIA. BakciaMd—BodKt DrtTtnc Park. G. Lots. Prop.; Ken Cooatr Mr AM^a., mgtu. attr.; (X) (1): plays lacal bnli saU;. Ws ama^meot park □.•nisDr b^ld al week following. Corooado—Coronado Tent CMty, CVirmada Co„ props.: Carl G. Lnndqolst, Cnlon Bond- ing. San Diego. Csl_ amnse m g. _ ~ ~ Co., _ _ a>_H>; Waatm States Ti , ^_„.,__^ , iytKfc. iMganms—Osk Park, Sacramento Blectrle ■■■■ar Co.. pmpe.: C. W. McKinip. mgr. : ttfmftmj: A. H. Klnea. mgr. park; (1) (3) ■n^nardfoo— OMHa ■ardlDo Valley BLattnck. mgr.; (XI (2) (3). Ban Francisco—(^ntes Park. (Tbotes Co.. propa.; . K. I*. t<evT. mgr.: E. P. LeTy. mgr. attr.: (1) (3); Fantsges tMOks Taaderllle sttrac- tlona. laa Jose—Lima Park, San Jose A Santa Clara County B. U. Co., pr4ps.: W. B. Lswsoa. aigr. sad mgr. attr- Saa loaa—Congress Springs Park. tatMlv B. . tt. Co., propa.; F. B. Cbapin, mge. CQXOBADO. ataiwiiia Patk. tStj ct Boidder, ; F. A. Boggess, mgr.; F. A. Boggeas. attr.: (X) (3). > Ikslnis ~im Park. Jobs 7. Osaghlla. JackaoDTllla—NIcbola Park, City ot Jaekaaasil^ prop*. A mgra. (2) (x) (S>. lla - Rawane^—W(odmoot Park. ~ O. * K. H. R., props.; B, n, Baywu^ JahBsoo. mgr. attr.; (Ii (8) (xf{ aoo booka randevllle attractions. Uarlon—Coal Belt Electric Park: (1) (i). Matloon—Urban Park. Mslloou City By. Oo. propa.: Chaa. H. Cox. mgr.; ^-BratC^ Pstk, I. W. Bowrr. mgr.: (1). ra—Majestic Park, Obi B, . Ottawi . orla By. Co., props. A mgra. ITailfiiad T.iiaa Park; Iks. H, (X) (1) (3). Meriden—Ranoier Park. Consolidated B. B. Co.. props.; B. B. Lee. aopt.; R. Blake, mgr. attr.; (1) (3); B. Blake booka Tanderllle at- tnetloiia. Hew BdtalB—Wblte Oak Park, The (kmitectlent Co., props.: Z,. S. Blatey, snpu. alao aapC attr. New Hareit—Wblte City, Wblte CItr Okw Box 15S1. New Haren. Conn. New HaTen—Light Hoose Point, Bast Sbore AmDsement Co., props. A mgrs.; (x) (2) (3?. Orange—Soboiban Park. T. G. UacDennott, Kaks Orsia. Capt^ A. T. tt mgr.i ain aigr. attr.; (Tz)'(1) (3);~ Ur. TboBpsoa books attrac- tions. Warebooae Point—Plney Ridge Park. Sprlngdeld A Hartford St. By. Co.. props. A mgra.: Mr. Newton, mgr. attr.; (1) <3): Mr. Newtro booka attracttofw. WInated—Highland lAke. The Connectlcnt Co., props.: Wm. Ilarrts. mgr.: N. R. Bnod. Tlurr- Tffle. Conn., mgr. sttr.: (li (3): Psrk Book- lag Clrealt, Hcaiy IlaxbasC; agr.; booka at- ott—Lana Park. Cbas. 7. CooAfellow, Room enr Welgbtman Batldlag, 1S34 ' St.. Pblladelpbla. Pa.:.U}: ~ ■dhTlB^—wukctaaaa's Pstk sad Pair Orsnada. WB.^^ffInkeIaiaa. prep.; Frits Telliua. n«r.; OaatOB—Van Wlakic Park. J. Bcnaett A Sbbs. ore park o«ir« tat 'My vavfcvlllr this O aaps lg a W est Xod Park, nilnols Tractloa Co.. ■grs,: Matt Kosell. mgr.: alao mgr. attr.: (1) (SI: Knaell's Warm Weather Clr- cott: Matt Kiarn booka TaaderDIe attrac- IXOBIDA. JacksonrlTle—Florida Oatrich Farm. W. W. Fra- ser. treas. A gen. mgr. (z) (1) (3): owner books Tsoderllle attr. Jaefcaaaeflte—PhoealxPSfk. Jac ka o a i tl^ Wx- trlc OOL. aaaik.* m^ma.i Tailaaimt fWlMaad Parfc, Di H. Barrls. pnn,: Fasl CL BIma. mgr.: also- agr. sttr. (1) (Si Paai C. Rloa hooka rnnderine. Jscksoarflle—Flwlda Oatrlcb Farm and Too. TtarUlM Oatrlcb Fans Co., prnfM.; msrles D- pyaser, mgr.; also agr. attr.. Ill (xi (S). Penaacola—Pataetto Beach. Palmetto BeacM Amnae. Co., props, sod mrra. (11, . ; Tsmpa—Rarlaft Point Park. Tamps RIeetM Oa., frapa,: J. A. Ttawlrb. awr.: also aigr.' ■Hcs W M ft» «».»s*^ ■ — (Aailcstoa—RlTFriew Park. Thoe. T. Ttnh keld. prop.: Karle B. Threlkeld. agr.: alas mgr. aftr.: fSI (SI. Charleston—Urtian Park. Ontral miaola Trae- tJim Co.. prop*,: otto Schilling. Uattaoo. ni,. mgr.: alao mgr. artr,: (2i (.71, Olrago—White CIIt. Leonard Wolf. mgr. Chleago—Forest Park. Panl O. Tlnwae. mgr. rMoago—l.ona Park. Jaa, O'l^earj. mgr. Chlcaro—niTerrlew Kxpoa[IInn Park. P. W. Cooper, N, P, Valerlna. airt W. .M. Johnann. mcT!.: alao mgra. attr. (11 (Si: Panl W. Cnoper booka randertlle.—.Sana Rooel Park. Sana Sonrl Park Co., propa.: Mllea E. Pried, mgr.; alan mgr. attr, (1) (3) (x); Goy Mllli iKwika TaiideTllle. I>ecstnr—nresmland Psrk. Hecatnr Ainnae, C3o.. props.: Ed. S. Baker, mgr.: alw mgr. altr. (xl (Si (31. Oeeatar—WOsaa'a Park. T, O. Wilson, prop. A mgr.: aha awr. atir.: (3) (zt. Olxm—BsM Blcor AavaMy. BaHl Bltcr As- aenhly Amm,t B. R. Ijac ,aNry.: T», A. Balrd. aigr. attr.: (SI fsl ISI. IMtob— Alhletle. B. B. Paaa fc Mgnt Ml. 121 Ml. ■"" ^ * ' Dli<iB—Pron»et Park. Dr. J. W. lll»|i>isa. agr. (xl (21 (41, • ^ W*'«>—Central, K. B, IViwas, Mgr.: (t) fgl E. E. Downs books raadrrtlls attrac- ttona. ■aat St. T,onls—Lsnadowae Psrk. Bngb Hani- ana, mgr. East St. T/Kila—Ontrsl Park and RaB; Wat aimon, mgr, A pron.: (2i (gi, Elgin—Trnol Park. Elgin TieTelopmeat Ce,: B. W. Tbnrafoo, mgr. (2i (.1). fyaafort—nighlaod Park. P>»» | ii m Aaaaai at Co.. prm,: S. w. Maftbvsa, a«r„ alas awr. attr,: (tl (31 (x). Oal»«*inrg—nighland Park, Oaleahnrg Ry. A light Co.. TT'T**.: n. P, Carlej. mgr.; E, Wnnda. mgr. altr. (.T) (xl. Harrlrtmrr—While Hty, riarrtaborg Fair Aan. propa,: Tmier Broa.. ingrs,: O, L. Tnrnar, rarr, aUr.: (Ii (3). _BcFmta'* raik, J. & MeltNfla. m <a). . , - (»leago, Ottawa * 1^ mgra,: (1» Mi: B. Doatrtek .(^mlt, Chicago, (X* Pans—KIichell Park, City of~i>ana, props.; atj Park Board, mgn.: alao mgm. attr, (2) (Si Chauraoqua week ooly, Parla—Resrrralr Park. Baacrroir Patk ^:^s:srfcsriaariV-^ attr. Fsoria—Pt*ltkl*s Pala Oardca. Ifra. B. Pfelt- ar A Boa, props.; Cbaa. 0. Prlfer, mgr.; alas agr. sttr.: (l) (3): a O. PfkUar books Co.. gen. agr. CaloBBtinrtag Cs-. '▼tosWa Baach. Fiaak A. IMack*, Mag * agr.: Cka*. B. Doatriek OUcatt. alls bsSfe TaodeTllle sttr.: (1»' (SI. Psorla—Al rreaco Park, Al Fresco Aas props,: Vemoa 0. Sssrer. Peru—Nlne»a Paik. Star props.: Charles attr. (1) (3); — TauderUle. : U Odm. Bar. S. H. (at OI. . <BaataB«aa Park. Wa. gaarag*. ■B,: ate ottr. O) (8); Waatat^Va^' TlUa Aaaa. .books TaodeTllle, O a l aj —RIghlaad Park. Beary A. mgr.: alao agr. attr.; (21 (St. Qolney—Baldarla Park, Henry Geahwlod». Mt (1) (81 (zl: Beary Gcabwiadrr bwks sMlT Boekforrt—Harlea Park. Ratttaid * r ' Ry. Co. mgr, attr. (I) Taoderllle. xk lalaad-^ Clly B y. Ofc. l^^BP^^a Fs ^tw* secrrtaiy aad Co., preps.: J< attr.: (21 (8), SprlDgfleld—Zoo Park. Eoo Rak jOh- I W, Allen, mgr.: alao aa-.-altr TaodeTllle, (II (Si (z). gteriing—Mineral Sprlags Parfc. Great North- western Fair Aaaa.. preps.: C S. Oat. agr.: «l (SI: S, C, Coe Itooka Taiidenlle allrT •rlbTTin^—Forest Park, J, C, Weatrrrelp, pnp.: (3eo. Roberta, mgr.: also mgr. attr, fzt (Si: U. a. Wabster books rawterlU* at- Paik. TkytareOIa Baaball ■ ' m (g| Aaaola—Lake Ji Co,, pf props.: C. W. attr. (2) (S).—SbadF Itatt^ftr at" Valley Une B/B7 propa.; bTb?^ mgr. attr, (3) (xl, Aadersoo—Moonds Psrk, Indiana Cnlaa Tkae> tlon Co., prapsL: F. O. NorrcU. agr.: Sm mgr. attr. (I) (S) (g). ^ ^ * Bloomlagta mgra, A •n«'oo. VlijigglpjkJ Wm. Msc— tractions. Blonmlttgtoe—Woaderlaad, W. A. ______ prop, A mgr,; slao mgr, attr,; (I) t.i«e~ Bedford A Blooalagton (^mUt: fS); C. h: ■ booka TsadeTttla attraa- thdar taka—Ifaaoa Park, Moaoa B. B_ Cliss. SIgler, mgr.; (3), Oswfordnlllc—Airdome. Lea (XXI, Elkhart—McNtngbtoo's. ( Board of Worka. CItF < mgrs, attr.: rt) (31: Taoderllle attr. Elkbart—laland Parfc. City of Elkhart, propa.: Board of Worka. CIry of Elkbart. mgra.; aJao- mgra. attr.: (SI; Board of Works booka Tasds- Ttlle attr. '^ g, »» ad;h a ksr. City of Elkhart, propa.: Board^of Wacka. wtga.; alao aigta. attr.; (S> Elkhart—iokkgft Drirlag raifc, i. h. Hkr- cheaaear. aiv.: ataa agr. attr.: (SI <x) (SI. ETansTtlle—Oak HaaaMt Park. BraaaeiBs aad So. Indlaaa Tree, Oa,. Bwsstaa aad Ray- mood mgrs,: ate agta, attr.: (1) a>: Wsst- era Maaagera* Aaaa.: tmmttm agl ManaiM - bonk Tandenile, » ;. nmUad—Mills Lake tuti. Jank imia. ang. and mgr. (2) (8). Port Wavne—Rohlaoo Parfc, Ft. Wsyos A Wa- haab Valley Trartloo Co., proia.: O. O. Ba- mona, gen. mgr.: Oeo, H. Planer, mgr. attr.; (2i (SI; Weaiern Manatera' (Tlrcnlt. lodlanapolla—Rroad Rlppls, R. B, N»e. mgr.; P. n, Korriel. ladlaaa Calaa XkaetlsB Oa,. Inrlla Ind Ua ap a t l a BtrmH i a. B. ABM. tlon Cs.. prana.: SI. B. ataftaa. mgr. sttr. (S) (z) (S|: F. D. Nscrall attr. Kokomo—Athletic. K. M. A W. B. B.. T. C. MeReynolds, aigr,: also agr,'aHr.s (11 (») (X), ^ La Fayette—Tecnm»«b Trail Park, Fort Waya* A W. V. Traction Co., ntopa.; Geo. Malrbaa, agr,: alao mgr. atlr, (2) (x) (SI. LaPnrte—Airline Parfc. Jesleek A Kolar, preoa. A mgra,: alao mgra. attr.: (II (8) (z); H» lar A Jenleek bonk Tsnderllle sttr. Ls Porte—ninffalde Rearb. Northern lad. B. R.. props. A mgra.: (II ISI (z|; NorthstB lad. B. R. hneka rsaderllle sttr, ta ga aa p ngt—g i is B W f Patk. CItF at perils.: Ft. Wayns A Wafcssb TsllfF re., ngrs.: 8. J. Ryder, aigr. altr.: (Si (St. I«gana|wri—Rnigmaaa Pafk, ITa. Rragaaaa. prop,: Wa. Wblte. agr.: Wa. White, agi; attr.:. ft I (Sis Wak WhMa bear "— MIe hlgag CWf — Waa awaw— -swa^-wa gw mgr.: F. M. BsTCktlag. agr, sttr.; (11 (*) (al, Mnnipeller—UoatprBor.PMr sad Dclrlag Amu.. n, J, wdjT. ptag--* Mr.; Ui u) w: a u Bmlth h-Mha sttK ■ 'r .'. ■ ;■ _ Mnnele -West Ma aBg CMi VSA & W. mil. mgr. New Albanr—Oleownnd Park, Loolarllla A Sontbem Indiana TractlnB Co., prnpa.: Dr. Bdw. B. ■" ■