Billboard advertising (Feb 1910)

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FBBRUARY 191,1910. Xtie Billboard Si 8IOE SHOW PAINTINOe. 8. Bock, 7X> BIM Iilaad anu^ Ctltft III. BBkaball Art O*., HM» N. ntk. OMka. Jl*»> B. J. Ilajrdaa * Co., IM BnMdwaj. Braokln. 0._«. T«it^ AWB. 0«, U-W M. - ■ • MM SHOW lBUm;ll^ • Oo«*«rcU PiMik Mi 8IQN8. Ool. 1« rrmaklla A. 8KATE8. SLOT MACHINES. : Xaaofactnnn of mmt l>«rt»n la A. J. rubtr * Co.. 4u arifti, vumhiii. p», —■ ua» x. wntKA w » Co., GlnelaMtl •LOT iiACHiNB mmihiTin- On. mt liala •(.. '- AMMrn, IM. SNAKE DEALERS. W. Odrll iMm. Sa« Antoalo. Tex. AnnitiKDji CDiika Co., Sin AnCoolo, Tts. Jhjmnrlilt Satka r<rm. Box 275, Btomnlllt, SONG BOOKS. ' r. jj. Hn t>».^ft Wllll«ai.»t.. Xmr Xark Sty. WMMM G«i, Mfr B. aiaaiMa K., OkiaagK BONOBLIOBB. for mwtimtod Sonxi. An. VlUgraph Co., 118 Niuau <t., N. T. O. Oklcaio rtlB Escbaoce, 46 Jiekaoo Bird., Chi- ««o: Oouiba: Oenrvr; Salt I.ake Cltr: San rnaelacow Gnwrotd. 0, T., FUm Bicb.. 14014 Loratt it. St. Lonla. Ua; LoolarlUa. Kr.tHfw ~ B. A H. Film Sanlca, aab^—"^'^ Ctalcafo, tarmmlr Film Sarrlcc. IDS Lake it.. Cbleaco; EvaoaTlllr. Ind.: Mrnphla. Tcoa.: OmaSa. g«b.: SaltLak* CItjr: Mlaoaapolla. Mlaa.; PorUaod. On.; Uauiu], Qm.. Cu.; WImI- . v*. Man.. Can. • Laka Sbocv Film * iMlr Ml tiipailoi at.. * Co.. «M B. tt. PUnidclpMi. Pt.: ClDcloaatl. O. . Norrltr Blida Co.. SSI B. SSd at. M. X. CtCT. H-biiia. MS MarkM at., Philadelphia. Pa. •OUVENIRS. a. a Waot * Oow. 113 FUU> ara., Chlca(«. •PICTACLES AND BYE.QLA88E8 Mnr TMfe Oltr. •PECIAL SLIDES. •nriM HUB. C*.. K»m» BMt„ CMnia.' SPIRIT BUML. . M. suia OMwile Ck, ;hh Vww. K. r. 0. •TMA. NAIibvirARB. .* OlMipw. Mr MtaA tb. irraeoa*. «. X. fTAM :u<Nrniio appliances. llMk|j|p»^M|M« Co.. an W. SOth. m. t. c. •TllilOSCOPIC VIEWS. " ~ ■ ■ 0^ 200 BTth at.. Chlcaso. BTRKET MEN'S SUPPLIES. Far Tab gaUawait S?**.*!P«? *'^> '-«'"• St. Loala. » M. Davia Soap Co., 33 Union .'ark PI., Ch'fo. JjTMela Pick*. Itn Poat, San Franrlico, CaJ. Oordaa A Uorrlaoo. IM-SOl B. Madlaoa. Cblcafo. Jawalty Co., Ill W. Bth at., Kanaaa Mtoltb Tor Imp. 0».. 122 B. 4th, CIn'll, O. ■jgW Mo*aU^ Mta. Co.. 3T Oniat Joan at.. TICKET CHOPPERS. B. V. BrUht. HtniwB Btilx., ClaTaland. O. TICKET PRINTERS. Arena Ticket Co.. SOO Dearhon at.. Chicago. Kattooal Ticket Co., Bhanokln. Pa. Baca Prtg, Co.. lOtb A HaraaT ita.. Omaha. Standard Boll Tlcketa. 181 Pearl at.. N. T. C. TIOHT8. Slatmaa A. WeU. 78 Wooater at.. -N. Y. Cl^. TOY BALLOONS. Strintn A. Well. 78 Wooater »t.. N. T. Cltr. Newman Utg. Co., Ml Woodland ava.. Clrra- laad, O. • Bbryock-TMd Co.. 82« N. «b at.. Mt. LoaU, Its. Mirr.BM., 82 tlownr, Kaw Y«k CttV. TRUNKS, Balbar Tmnk A Bas Co.. 132 Colombia are., PhlUdalpUa. Pa. B. R. A B. Xraak Co.. 44T Wood at.. Pitta- TURNSTILU. Ji and Cola OaMMIM It, Strawn Bide.. ~' UNIFORMB. Mfotfla Bna. * Cta^, MBS B. ;4lfe Mi. Otccn tUI*. ni. Wtftam ITnlfttno Co.. 214 Clark at.. Ohleico. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. PadSc Ooaat Amni«nirat 0».. Aaiicldko Bank Rl<l(.. Seattle. Wnib. Ted Spatka Tbaatrieal BMhaaBa. Cwt W Bids., Kanaaa Cttr. Mo. WATCHES. M. Shota Oa. SSO MadiMm at., Chleuo. ■taBir Bl«8., S2 Bowerr. Kew Y«(k Oij. WIGS. Kaka-Vp and THaot Kaaha. Pany Bwlac Sipply nonae, Decalar, ni. WILD ANIMAL DEALERS, Pmaam'a Pet and Wild Animal State, 4M ntahlaKtOD tt,. nnffalo. N. T. LooU Boba. S4S Grand at.. New York. WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIES. Keach. Oeotn A., !€• IHandablp at., Prsrt' latt. 4U Daarbam at.. CUeasow T. o. itatt. WcHave the Best AdTertiser Tetln?eiitdl THE For Circusea, Shows. Excursion StAomew. Floating Theatres, Specialties of all Idndi have sold tbem to advtrtisBOVtnSoBp ■nd Extracts. THOS. J. NICHOL « CO., S. E. cor. Paarl and Ludlow StrMts. Cincinnati. O. SPECIAL WORK ON Diet ft Oardt KC.lEiiiiE.diU a Tack cfty. ama Btaa.. netia Bante, Ind. jjwja ■raa.j . t'V'S&.J'v- S^• **> Woodland. daTalaad. O. J, P. Pawed. Waofeim. IB. ■ »«»r tooa.. 83 Rowerr. New York City, ■lack tttm. Co., 126 Pranklla at., Cbleaco. III. Weatern Bartain Uouae. 272 B. Madltoo. Cb go. TALK(^N9 PIOlliliK;^ MAeMlNli. .OanMt':Ofc,':;m ■.'.'Mtk'.aU-IMir .'VMk'Oitr- ; tAtTddiNo euptan. .M#.m;'BMira,'''itn:.iuiiiiM i TENTB. ^Jl" * J^kwood. Mi * P WWfcw tl Broa.' Teat Co.. 100 S. I<aalB. it & * Co- Detroit, Ulck. W Ml 0«i. 'OW W. XadlMS, Chicago^ THEATRICAL OOBrniiin AND' ' "WUaiif:it,.<b THRATRICAL' LUMBER, 'ote onirapla Lnmbar 6a; taMsr * ata., Ctaleaio, III. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES, ■latnta * Wall. TS Wmalw at., M. Y, Olty, FOR SALE Military BBDd Orsan Bod Motor, and 200 pain MAGICAL GOODS AMD SUPPLIES IPANY. MD.yflb«t.l Lakewood Park RENTS CONCESSIONS Bow boata. akaatia* taUerr, bathiac, daadnc. aada Aaoalata. aad apaeea Idt ether caacaaataaa, ^BAa JL «• ^ TUB—A poatal carB Brti H, or naite, DTaterlea. •■ ninaloiai. new acta. ato. aaiwMfaid. TZSTBItOavnT nonXSS, stark Art. Ma^ loncttea. Organ*, Luiieltea, Was W ga w ^ Baa- nria. Ocean Ware Swloc. oaaU r. Machine. Fllraa. Slldta, M& BKAW. TIetaria. Mo. ara An. mmr- —iiMssiamx imti— Obtain pricca on Uerba. Oil. Soap aad Bain; prlcM tMiud (air tiiMtMratt pimtr ot TftS lifiE—T-Tt-rHtT copy Pathe'a hand-<>ol- arrd Paaa'aa Plar or Ufe of Chrlat: 3.114 It.. A-l conlltloa. t2«0. NeiT Mail.-I B On:At. tJS. Either aenl fnr rsamlnatlon npon tvcrtpt or fS, or Rfenl'i piiirAnieo of rharat^. O>o tradri wanted.) ACHBAK X, BENSON, Baa STl, ayita, O. . Fn Vn 171 Oai Beak af lUBla K Hi I!i XRICKS BBC. Kh UM rati R,, CBMASO. lUk THE LONDON MUSIC a ALL LOOK HERE i JmhuI wMh PROMOTERS I and addraaa aad saeh nawa ot yoor plana tliAtyoa DECORATORS Booth Saeoratora aro la damaad. TIm Food Show XtM ara _ by Tsa fling BHilMHoiiB tn If TOO want to place their prodacta and Frod JooniaL THE BEVEIUQB & FOOD PUB. CO. 41B BUN CINCINliATIaO. YOU can SAVE- YOUR MAGAZINE MONEY $ oun BIG ination offer WILL ENABLE TQU TO DO SO [STtliiiikoftkissplendU«i«i • TheBaiboBRl EBviB# ofJtoffiBWB MedniMPB r . sMori^^ Cta ]im Mat Wt Hsre's Our BIG FOUR OFFER - S4.00 ) All For \ ONE r Tho Billboard, RovlMir.eff Rawfowa Woman** Hom* C«ni| MeClur«*s MaflssiiM - - 1.80 $10.00 Actual Value Our Price—$6.16 '") YEAR] LJERE you have an unbeatable combine of literature, induding ^ The Billboard, your f av(»ite newspaper, the Review of Reviews, the adinowledged authority on all mattos of national ami interoB- tional import: the Woman's Home Companion, the fomnost poriodieal devoted to the ifltewst of woBiBnlriniL CtaSqrffmlwrMtb, "woman's Heme OaBapBrioB** BMumenltitatfwgularpriceflttli^ Thelargar and bettac msiB s iii i e and the hicresse in piriee hav« been IndMaed durine the past year both by old friends and by over one hundred and fifty thousand new readers. And McGure s. the brightest and snappiest of the "fact and fiction" magazines. This matchless off« is made possible by reason of our special, short time agreement wiA the publishers. For solid worth and string merit it cannot, be sur- passed. Your acceptancBBMnijmaf WBiiBaB anfHta for the fewest dollars. MMnr TODAY RKMIT TODAY i aaubaciiber to anj U the "BIG FOUR," yoaraubaefip- extenledoMyearfiNNBiinaaBtesninlNBdata Ifyra af tta magHfawa to m to^jgwtaiaililHMfc hiiltiBti ia THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., 416 Elm St., Cincinnati, 0.