The billboard (Feb 1910)

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rtue BlIlt>oar<i . •»»- FEBRUARY 19, 1»ia (OsnUmcil fram pace 29.) TORKTIIXK. tUIc. DNIQUB (E. L. and TaodcTlUe. MDBBAY HIU. (Fred Wi DalDtT I>iictacsa cloaed Ttb. Diulcaqucia opened Feb: 14. BUOD DRE^ (58tli it.) Motion plctmet and lllnatrated songs. BUOU DRBAM (UBlaa Sq.) ItoUoa pietans ■ad ffioatiated Bona. . . BDOn DBEAH-(m at.) TftllW lUw ttmttd i an«a. . <j*ax Oberadoct, mgr.} aQDABB (Cbia. Fagwta. ma.\ Vorbw _pletaice and Taoderllte. CTfl HABLEH OPKBA HOCSK. XAaBORO.—OFSRA HOCSB (S. A. Schloaa. lesM; Jobn A. Weddall, it., local msr.) St. Elmo Feb. 17. whjuhotok.— ACADBjcx OL a. scUom. mcr.) BIcliani and Prtosl*^ JiBMIcto piTfonnance, crowded Iioaat. St. EtaMf 14; cood tA fair letarns. Olrl tioa B » i.tJH IB; erilMt. CRYSXAIi (Uarz liattaaa. Mr.) Jlaa «lntln» poor; DeMarcoa, noraty act. It; Btaelbn. and WlliUms. aaiig and ■ttri 3lim» Kama Atutlo. UlBatratod ■aasa: s«od: plctm—. week oc .7: tailaMa cood. BUon aad WijOtYLUSD. SNBi.aad ptetmaa: drawtac flar. KEITH * PBOCTOB'8 USth SISEBI. UOT lag pictnrca and Tanderilie. FAXILY (Wm. H. Fas lliiiimiminl Col. k) Xortas pietatca ai ~ ~ ~ iW- Bar Oanatock. Ta aii t ; 1. Gllbaft eordoB.' ran. ingi^; Stmberts. booklnsa ascsia) Dnattn la Canao Kiiby 4-3: agreeable Smj. drew bis h ona ca . Mr. Lode of Koil 7-8; Lena Bircra 10; Jeffeiaoo DeAoaelU In Tbe Beaatr Spot 11-12. FBOCTOB'S TBKATBB (Howard Graltam, mgr.; K. Jb P. Circuit) Week 7: HlcbtfLlfe In Jail, Jack Wllaon * Co.. ElUabetli Mnrrax. Fotta BrtJH. aiHl Co.. Wmi«ni'B ClnmB. Cowttor WO- llams. Julia Cmtli. KilPLHB XHBATKB (J.~ H. Bludea. nur.; Kaatem-. Wluel) VM. M: ~ ~ " to At Hnaa and ibroad. with ,^nOle 'WcMos and Joe nda and- lUUea 7.0; iMdon Bdlea 10.12: OAIBTX TBBATBB (H. B. NIebola. mgr.: Weatem Wlied) >«>. »«: WnUam'a taperiala, xettOB e na a gei uent.- Work of Harty Cooper derer. In oUo^ OnrtSDr De Itotrest. dcTer ainger. Wataon'a Bnrleaqoeia 7-9. UAJESmc I^EATBB (Anil Sdehea. mgr.) HoTlng plctnrea and TandeTflle. FBOC- TOB'S ANNEX (Gay GrmTCs. mgr.) MoTlng pictures suil Uloatrated aonga. AVBITRS JEFPEBSON (BeU Clrcnlt) Tbe Man on tbe Box Feb. 12. BAFPTLAND (Bd.' Simpson, mgr.) Ed. and BoUa Wblte, boxing •ketcb; Tbe Gleason Bros., moslcal act; Stella WUej. singing comedienne; Boms and Bnma* s. d. and piano playing; Martlnes and I^iw- dOD. iketeb; Joe Can , mo nolo gne; OaOL B. " ■ '* l£SSPc S^S-«^ ^BQ^MB ■vMMs^ a^^OovBtiT-T^mM eooipaay la HOnOS WORLD (B. BrDay. ~ - — and pletnrea.' DBBAlCLAIiD t Wi«. M eOartBr. mn.) Plctsrta. BIBSUAMTOB.—STOK~ DNB OPEBA H0D8B (I. P. B. Clark, mgr.) Bowdl-Kelth Stock Co. 7-13; good boaineaa. Doekatader'B Minstrels 14. ABMOBT (F. A. KaaiMT; mgr.) Four Stewart " "I, J. W. Cooper, Ftask SItteta, WOaoo and Bldi, HoUeran. Daly aad Omm. aad pletona; good bBBlneas. I.YBIO <K. M. DaTtdaon. mgr.) Mortng pletnres contlnite to- good rctnma. COBXLABI).—COBTLAKO THEATBB (L. M. DUloa. mgr.) Lawicaea Iiriag la The AlBalty Feb. S; I ■ t ansai ta good tm^aeaa. ' Tom'a Cabta U; Tie Maa Oa' tBa Bax'»; OD tf.. ~* ^.UTIMIIM ima» URH UB.. . la Tbe B, 'alwnd B. B. O. 4: tbia Ffet^ I a little (Qneea 12. MOEABT (O. K. 4k K. ~ • at maa*a-t w> iniiBaMa. Bigr.; L 'B. O.. booking aganta) JbB. SMM. 6: Bnir Bnrke's Foollab Faetoir, kl^ Btkd Cleila. wdl recelred; Boland Traveta aad Oa., good; Tbe Bnrrls, excellent: Bsdd aad Clue; good; tbe Tan Cooks, good. Ill aT.TO (T. W. McConnen, mgr. and booking agent) Vandevtlle. KINGSTOK,—KINGSTON OPEBA HOnSK (C V. OdBois. mer.) Tbe Final Settlemest Fkb 12: Pattdlo stock On. la rsontalre 14-1»: eu tCDM Beetafa ». BDCn Wml W. Cm. mgr.) Biadae. Italin atreat TMIaIrt:. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cart!* la TStnlM tbe Tamer; pietmca FA 1-9. STAB (H. E. flcLala. mp.i Bea Baaal aad Jack Ledl» Fib. 7-9. OBPH- EDM (Geo. W. Carr. mgr.) Orpbenm Stock Co.. Indefinite. LVBIC (Tbos. Peaaler. mgr.) Ptrtnrei and songs. ■XW BOGEELIB.—LOEWS NEW BO- «gwr.r.g TBEATBE (C. E. Sewaids, mgr.; iMWa E nte tpti a ea. Ine.^ booking agents) Week at Feb. 7: McKee. Elce and Co., coawdy aketeb, elerer sketch, wea acted: Wolf Gilbert, mon- ojogne. bis sloping of parodies very good and took tbe twaie; Lawiene«.aad Browa, aoaga aad daaeea. taa dmc'lIttla vkKib ■a*a:a,iUtft: „ and Ford. s. and d.; Teaman ' '.laa-Taa Dknaa Troope. acrobats; Gelger and Walters, musical norelty; Tom Mawn and Co. aad pietorca week of Feb. T. imCA PALM (Wm. Andrews, mgr.) VandevIUe. COLUMBIA MUSIC HALL (Sam Gntstadt, mgr.) Vaoderllle. MAJESTIC (J. O. Brooks, mgr.; Beis Clrcnlt) BaymoDd Hitchcock to Tbe Man Wbo Owna Broadway Feb. oz best of season. Bobert mn- laid la A Fool Tbete Was 9; Jaa. K. Hackett la ammaoa U: Ai. O. SlaM** Htartnla JS. ...OB. JMIBIUC -dbed S. NORTH DAKOTA. SXABS FOBSB.—OBAID (J. A. BetUam, Oanlda and Mack. Jack aad .TMaC — aad Slkes, Tenew Trio, ~ and pictmes Feb. 7-12. Bgr.) Songs and pietmca. OHIO. CUCOiniATL-^BAMD OPEBA HOUSE (J. H. Harlln. mgr.; K. A E., bookings) Frltxl Scbeir in Tbe I'rlms Donna week of 7; Clifton Crawford and Beaale McCoy In Tbrec Twins WcA of 14. LXBIC (James E. FkaaiMFi-DgT.; Shabect booUasa) Eddie Fsy la Sib Bamlet of Broadway weak of. Oeocga Axllaa la Sep- tlmas week of 14. COLUMBIA (AadaoSB aad Zlegler, mgn.; Oipbeaai Clieolt) Vkania Waid and Co. In Van Allen's WUa; Hyaaia aad He- Intyf« in Tbe Qnakercss; Ed. P. Beynard, ven- triloqnlst; Dollar Ttoope, acrobata; Cbaa. Mon- trell, jaggler; Cook and Lotens, comedians; Big Cltj Fbnr; PUn, mind reading dog; Hopkins Blsten and pictures week of 7. Hetty Kind, beadllner week of 14. OBPHEUM (I. M. Mar- tin, mgr.: Wm. Motrls) Grace Hazard, Fire reet oC Ooaile Opera; MeWatters aad Tyson. Imitatlaas; Brengk'a Models; Gertnde Dean Foibea and Co., fbrce; Tan Hoff, mimic and comedlaa; Snyder aad BoeUey, comedy musi- cians; Browa ud MaTam. a... and d.; Tbree BeebardinlB, acrobats; pletnres' week o( - 7. Kamo Comedy Co., hcadUaer week of 14. EM- PBESS (Danld He<3oy. mgr.) Anna Bra Flay, beadllner; Lewltt. Aahmote and Co.; Three Metbven Slaters In A TMp Abroad; Bio Bros., gymnasts; Fetching Bros., mnalcal act: ple- tnres week of 7, Mme. Bedlnl and her horses, beadllner week of 14. WALNUT (M. C. An- derson, mgr.) Tin Wlreleas week of 7; In Old KentDcky week of 13. OLYMPIC (Geo. F. and L. Fbrnangh Flab, nna.) Fortpangb Stock OaL-la -A I VinlM.1 aTxt^ week oC 6; aame - — ■ ita wack of M. (George Heod^ _r.> Monte Crlsto weak of 6: Elgbt BeUa week of IS. LYCEUM (H. M. Holden, mgr.) Holden lltodk Co. In Fanst week of 6: same company la Lena Blrera week of 13. PEOPLE'S (Jas. B. Ftanesay. mgr.M^aatem Wbeel) Fay Foater week of 6; Wine. Woeacn and Song week of IS. STANDABO (Frank J. (SeaMnta, mgr.: Eastern Wbeel) Parisian Wldowa week of 6; Harry Bastings' Big Show week of IS. AMEBICAM (Barry Hart, mgr.; Son CIrcatt) OriaB aad Swlaebcr, St. Armo aad CtaMMr, loalae B- Uotte, Wm. Brerett, Laite' Dmmb. Ales- andrla Troone. Otto and Beawarth. Bab Daptae and Nellie DeToe; Albert Weston, Eran Erana, Mnslesi Maya and pletmea week of e. BOBIN- SON'8 (Harold Moraa, mgr.: <^Ino (Sreolt) Tanderllla and pictnrca. AUDITOBIUM (W. J, ri^nwrfj, mgr.; Son Oircolt) Tanderilie and ptctnres. COLUMBXre.—«HSAT SOUTHEBN (AL Wis- weU, jncT-: K. * E.. booking agents) George ArllsB in Septimus F\eb. 4-5; a dellgbtfnl play that had too much oppoaltlon to draw toll Margaret Antfla la Tbe Awakening of Uebte Feb. 8=9: foyatneh liked: good COLONIAL (7. V. Howell, mgr.) Ooidalal StoA Coamaay' In Tbe Great- Divide week aC F*. 7; tUa la tba second week of ato^ at, this boose and tbe company ia winning a .warm place in tbe bearta of tbe (Mnmbns tbeatre-golng public by tbelr excellent work. Tbe Other Girl week of Feb. 14. KEITH'S (Wm. . Prosaer, mgr.) Oaletti'a Babboona was tbe openbig number of a good bill; Work and Ower, acrobata,. are tbe best In tbelr class sren here this year: Blcbards, Daley and Fergnsoa tn LoTe a la Mode, did little acting and mncb slnglog; Mignonette Kokln. enaedleaae, waa liked for ber aonga aad daadac; Oomieny and Webb tn A Stormy Flalah. and Charley Case. ^nnffra" *, drew maay a laagb: wbne Clrcom- staattal BTUeneew a oae-aet atelodrama, pnred aa excellent beadllner for tbe we ek of FM>. 7: bnslneaa Tcry good. HIGH STBEET '((%as. Harper, mgr.) Pierre of tbe Plalna Feb. .7-9; an enJoyabTe play, wen acted. Brothers Byrne In Eight Bella Feb. 10-12. GEAND- (E.-A.- Stoffer. mer.} Ab Ling Foo, maKielan;. Tbe Great Santell and Co.; Jayne and Cbofllc,. aong and dance; Tbe Aeolian Trio, comedy aad music; Banxette .and I^naa, acrtbata: and am. tlon pletnres Feb. T«. MEMOBIAI< BAIX. Mme. Tctiasilal aad concert company Feb. 4. delighted . a aaitita-*'*' number of Colonbaa Bin*lc luma. _ _ _ . . _ . . ALXIASCE,—COLCMBIA (J. Stanley Smith, mcr.: Mose RcU Clrcnlt) Polly of the Clrcns Feb »: Daniel Booce On tbe Trsll Feb. 10. r.RPHEDM (W. H. Crawford, roer.; Gas Son. booking agent) the Arch City Trio, hesd- lineis, moslcal. singing of minsnal merit; Mlas Grace Barton, character change artist, online ary act with an extremely good Bolsb: Mark^ (V>bden. romedlim. Imltatlans were good; The Great Bennee Family, opeiat'c selections, rrand ~ sa^d ala^aBi. AlWila, cootortlim' .aaBata) .I. W. Oaaa aa« Oa. la Ti Sg o f MBon; aMgi aaC aietna w«ek ut T. mnaaaosa (p. cS£^, mgt Sf22- Baa^sa.. b yiaaM afc . M» bJU NORTH CAftOUNA. PBBA. BODSB (S. , .fsaea' sad mgr.: L. C. sli * C. bo<*Ing agenta) St. -Ttlha Oat and tbe Fiddle 10: The Banker'a Child 17; De Bue Bros.' Minstrels 19. ■THEATOBTOU (Chas. Isenlianer. msr.) Pic- tares; largo bnslnesa. THE PASTIME (J. L. Stone, mgr.) Ptctnres: good retnms. FATXTTEVILLE.—LA J-ATETTE (J. G. Hoi- Mugs wortb. msT.) Gentleman From Mlsalsslppl Feb. S: good show, andlesce well pleased. Geor- gia MlDStreU 10. OBEEX8B0BO.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (3. A. Schloss. mgr.; H. B. Tate, res. mgr.) Hutton- Balley Stock Co. dosed engagement Feb. 5; good company, boalneas shore arerage. BUOC (W. H. Slater, m^.) Pletnres and Tanderilie: large andlencea. BOCKT XOXnra.—MASONIC OPBBA BOUSE FINDLAT.—MAJESTIC (Ifc. Olrl tram tba Monalalaa 4; Cilr IBbBTOB—MASONIC (B, F. Bllsbeerr. lagr.) Elks' MlnatreU (bome talent) Feb. S-4: did a Isrga bnslneaa both nlgbts. Oeontry KMa 17: Geotleaian rrom Mississippi Uaich 8. KMPIBB (Henry Hunter, mgr.) Addle St. Alia, character comedienne, sloglDg and dancing well recelred: St. Amo and Ciroamer, band and bead biincers, good: King Cole, rencrlloqulst, O. K.: Spencer and Aoatin, comedians, dancers, well liked; mo- tion pictures and lUaatrated aoos«; ffood bos- loess. SCENIC (Hugh Cameroo, mgr.) MoUoo picttires sod lUustrated aoogs; boslneaa cootlnnaa good. NATIONAL BINK (BL C. TacBsy. mgr.) Skating and dancing. UMA.—THE FADBOT (U B. Omalng- bSBi. mgr.) Borr Mcintosh 6; rery good. A Oaatlenaa from Mlaalaalppl 7; good show and limlmaa Tbe Thief 11: Howe^a moTing plc- tnrei U-IS. THE OBP»EUM (Will Q. Wil- liams, aigr.; Son & Murray (Hrcnit) Arthur. Demli«,^black.facc: fair: Ida Lowell, aong and diuMtL passable; Mnacal Tolmana, fair; Amolda with Icoparda nnd psntheis, fair; Ma- bel Vana and Bomalne Fielding In Tba Cash- ier, Tery good. DBEAMLAND (Will B. Gau- dy, mgr.) Moving plctores and songs; ROY- AL TIlEATRii (Dnpuls & Dapols. mgrs.) Cher- ry Mine Pictures and lectnure. STAB THEA- TRE (Cannlagbam A Smith, mgrs.) Morloo plrtatca aad Ulostrated aoaga. LIMA THE- ATBB (W. L. Bacfcenstoe, mgr.) Moelac pic- tures and Tanderilie. UBBOV.—SMILKT OPKBA HOOOi Om. & MlUer. mgr.) Daniel Boone Feb. 34. aBAMD 4F. P. Bnrblck. mgr.) Pleturca aad aoaga. tOLLAWAT (Pierce and Morgan. mgr%)_8kat- ing. dancing, athletics. OBI-HEUM (Wnilam Jonea. mcr.) Pictures and songs. MABBFIELD.—ILIRMORIAL THEATRR (Al- baogti A Doerlgbt, 1e«»e««) Bicb Rollers Feb. 4: poor rhow, big boslness. Trarellog Sales- man 12. Tbe Thief 14; canceled: show closed. Polly of the Cirrus IS: cancded; show dosed. SerrADt in tbe Hoose 18; canceled accooat closing. ORPHEUM (CSiarles C. Deardoortt, mgr.) Ttiree Qay Sisters, song and dance, fair; Bnimet and Lower, alnslng and mn«lc fair comedy, cood maalc:' llmsaiU Caaaaia. ImpcrsoB- ator, aical la at ; lim ia,—g^fcittjwek of 7. Morria *tcaba»a, Wiki BiMila -TMape aad others week of 14. BZWABX^-AHDiTOBimi THBATBB (W. D. Harris, lessee aad mgr.) Tba OMsa mA Feb. 11: Hyde's Tbestre Party week af 14; Gra nstark 21; Gny Stock Co. S8 and week. OBPHEUM (Gna Snn and O. O. Murray, lessees and mgrs.: Geo. M. Fknhnrg, local mgr.) Week Feb. 7, Tbe Jenslets, Uorrla Abrama. <}ordon and Henry, Holland-Webb A Ox, Stanley and I^neaster, Johnny Baaeh Thaw FaaUae Field- ing * Co., and tba 9atmmmm». Waak of Feb. 21, Bamnton Brawn, and Electro. NEW PHILADELPHIA.—UNION OPERA HOUSE (A. A. Bowers, mgr.) Beretly Feb. 8; pleased fatr-Klxed aodlenee. Dorothy 11. Oen- cral E. T. Sweeney. Jectnre. 18. BUOU (& C. Mathlas. mgr.) TaodrTllIe and pictures. THEATOBICM (H. A. Ackey. mgr.) Pictures and )M*njea. Barecy Om aad Od. In BoUy and ibo B«ra. wcO icertred; Bllnac& aad Jamaa. Toy good; Tba Bolfanlans, muslcsl oSptlng. plaaaad, week of 7; S. B. O. BUOU (Leo F. Lamar, mgr.) BUoo Stock Co. la rcpsrtelrs Feb. 7-9; reiy poor, hot bualneaa good. PASTIMB (I. M: Thomas, mgr,i Arthur Kirk, Short aad Miller, Anna Norome and pU-turra Feb. 7-9. CAJ>INO (Harper O. Smnll, mgr.; Tasoar A Co., agents) Florenco Buasell, comedlcaaa, rrry poor; aoogs and pleluraa 7-9; fair baal- oras. JKWBL (S. J. Kvca, mgr.) Songa by y. Thooaa and ctetares; EaaakratiMaa. STAB (H. Kroba, mgr.) PletMW. TOXilM (LawU J. Braaa, mgr.) TaadMBa sad pletnna. STAR BINK (Blehard Roller aksllw: Baa hai HABint9B0,-TBB UAJESTIO (H. ■. Melrick, mgr.) Kirk Rrowa Co. wr^ 7: Boal Klaa li. THE ORI-UEUM (Floyd Uopklaa. mgr.: Wllmer A Vincent, booking mgr.) Loe- enberg's Operatic Frsllfal of slzteen people «as artlsilc. Btrry Horton and players hare a nice playlet. Tbe Farrel-Taylor ars cUrer performira. Colter and Boolilaa glra a nle* act. while Le Compt, the Urn eater, . and The Juggling Hanoeoa fiolsb a nice bill. JOaaTBTOWV.—CAMBRIA (U. W. Sbcrcr. mgr.) Maale Carlo Olila 8; ssod islaras. Soal Klas 8: pteaaed laim kaasau For Bar BroU er a Sake 11: Bastcr Biaira IS; St. Bbao 14. I'ABR (H. W. Sbrrer, mgr.) Ptctaras; goad rvtnma. MAJESTIC (M. J, Boyle, awr.) Jata- P. Wade aad Co., good; Artoia Bras., aaa- bate, pleased: Marablo, good: Ortb end Fera. pleased; LtUlan Ashloy. sooga. fair; aantaar and Bcrrrr, gmd., AUDITORIOM (Usriy Uabr- man. mgr.) Mr. and Mra. Besdrraoo, fair; O lla Hall, eome dleone. fair; plctorss. LANCABTEB.—FULTON (C. A. Tecker, mgr.) bonl Klaa-IS: lUrfc Browa Stock Co. week of 14. FAMILX (Bdw. Moaart, an.) Sam J. (hvtls aad Oa., SI Jaaba, Taa Taa Qmka, Wood aad Lawaaa. Peny aad Dostaey, wing pict ares w eek of T; b aila ssa good. LOOK XATEB—OPKBA BOUSE (J. J. Hon ■tna. mgr.l St. Elmo Feb. IS. PASTIME (L. C. Jonrn. mgr.) Pictures to 8. B. O. LYBIC (A. C. Caodor, mgr.) Plctnrea and aoogs; good busineaa. McXEESPOBT—WHITB-a NEW TBBATBE (F. D. Uontcr. fflgTii Third Degree Feb. S; good booae, show pllasrj. Charley GrspesrlB in Abore tbe Limit 3: boslneaa fair, plfsaad. KOKBISTOWM.—QBAND OPERA UOD8K (Cba. M. Soothwell. mgr.; M. Bels Clmlt) Red MIU 8; Cbaoarey oTcott la Bagged Bobla W. OABBICK (A. * L. Sabloaky, awr.) Oay- «aa Blabop. mneleal act; nicased: MBat. Talas- co. alaglac, sood: Brsdley'a XIastada, MB hit; ncboap*a cata. bit; pfetataa; good boaT POTT8XOWV.—OBAND OPBBA HOCTB <B. C. Manger, mgr.) Feb. S: First alabt aC WhH9 Tbere's a WIU. played to 8. B. OT MIgMM comedy, A-1 com pany. COLOMIAI^ an^'aaB pictnm. VIC'ltlB. Plctnrea. BEASne,—ACADEMY OF MTTSIO (PkO Lery, mgr.; M. Bels Clrcnlt) Mrs. FUke U 8al- ratloa Nell Ab. >:' suslltnt pe a ds cll oo to a large and appcedatliw aatisat (Frank Hill, aur.; WllMir_^' and mgrs.) VaaiasiBab C (C. a. - _ rempetitloo. FBnfCENI fOeo. I*!^ S^LJ*'*""^ P."' tana. EDISONtA (T. P. Kaanwy. mgr.) Mo- tion plctnrea. LTBIC (T, JL. Hartsell, msr.) Mnt'ou pietmca. ; Basl aaaa acetace at motion picture theatt^a. CAMBBIOSE.—OOIAXIAb (Chas 4c George Hnmnood. mgrs.) O iaaa t a ilr Fbb. 2X: Hie O-w. pBBCher 34; Tbe Xaaasfetaer'p Danghter 23; As raid In the Hills ST. OBPHEUM (rhsa. tk Geo. Hammond, mgrs.) Tanderilie. PBIN- CESS (Taylor * Clirk. m^rs.) Picture* and songs. CABAL SOTZB.—NEW PIKE (J. E. Allman. mar.: Son Agency) Fonr Lnblns. singing snd dancing, rery good; Beese and Alfrey. comedy skrtcb, derer; The Norwoods, nordty sketch, good: capacity houses. DZFIAXCE. — CTTIZEXS' OPEBA HOUSE (R. W. Wortman. mgr.) Howe'a Plctnrts Feb. IS; Tbe Toymakv Tie TmreHaf flalinaaa 23 EAST XZmPOOL.—CERAMIC (Mr. TmU- maa, mgr.; Moore. bOoMac aeeati Thy Time- the Place and the OW »»-^»: TWM De- gree 8: Bercrty of Oraastark •. AMERICAN (Mr. Berroo. Bsgc: Sna Aseoey) Belmer F«m- Oy, comic opera: Peter Alrln, aemhst; Thns. T. Sbea. eoawdlaa: HaHIo TWo la Tommy Atkins Cata aad Cs lf a a .- ■B i ll il aeta_ mgr.; Beta Ctacalt) Ttttt Btpaa M. 7; moi abow and baalaeaa. taalaaflM Co. 8-12. NA- TIONAL (W. O. naitshma, ■gr-: Sun Agency) LaFkyctte Troupe, p aa te f adata; Foot Benning- tons, srrobats; Barton, moae l ogoe; The Turn- ers, mnslcal act; rood show, large audiences. PALACE (A. C. Irons, mgr.) Margo'a Mani- klia: Brixton and Brixton, comedy aketeb; Mar- garet Blcbarda. rocallst: plctnrea; good abow aod bonacs. AUDITORIUM BINK (M. McOIR. mgr.) Skating: fair boaineaa. CENTBAL BINK (jT M. Gorman, mgr.) Sksting and orcbeatrs concerU; business fair. TrKRlCHBVXLLE CIXV OPERA BOrSK (Elrln A Tan Ostran. mgis.) Prof. IVank Olx- oo Feb. 7; crowded booae. CMonlal Stock Co. 8-12; Elk's Minstrels 17-18. KBUPP'S (W. Kmpfis, mgr.) Pictures; boslneaa fair. WOOtXnU—PRINCESS (J. R. Ksepper. mgrj Pictares and aoaga; baslncss good. AMUSE V (Bylcr aad F aarar. m m a. ) Pletntrs and songs; good baaasB. CIl'I OraBA HOUSE (KetUer. aad LUb,- mgn.) ecaOcaaa tioa MtaaMni Bbb. 11: canceled. OtataS Stock CoTiSaKaCSI. . OKLAHOMA. . OBQUOUSViDUB-OKIiAa a. F. Flynn, Ole-Olsoa S: fair. PHastasc lOaatreU 8. C SEUM <Orcy Btsa., mgra.) Boiler akat PENNSYLVANIA. — P. O. S. of A. OPl HOnSB (Gliaa SMtb. Widow McCirty THlATmSn^oCMM Tialiiaiia. ava.) Cloaed. -J - ■ BDTIXB.—^KAJBBIO (Geo. N. Barkbaltcr. mgr.) Third Dcgna'M; STAB (Uoyd Oallcb, mgr.) (Hare's Aalsala. TIdor Tarmout. Ladon anl TIrctta, Ben Hllb^rt and pletnres week nf 7: good retoma. LYRIC (Waller H. Babl. mgr.) Woods' Mnslcsl Comed.v Trio. EIranot and Rsrtlett. Marathon Trio, l^eemsn's Oosts. Joe Ellis aod plctorea week o{ 7. COMIQCf: (R. Stokes, mcr.) Betty Norn. Rjrsn and Donffiss and plcturej wpclc of T. COHBELLBTILLE.—&0I8S0N (Fred Robblna. mgr.; Rela Circuit) The Time, tbe Place and the Girl Feb. 4; excellent buslnesa, poor show. Tbe Conrlcl's Dancbtcr 5; fair production and bualneaa. Tba Scrrant In tbe llonac 8; The Tbifd Deaiaa 11. COLONIAL (J. H. Bath, mgr.; Slwfafc Baaklng aarata) St. BiaM Plrb. or CAStRO OFBBA nODSB (Fred Kobblaa. mgr.l Hoaae daik. KICOLBT (Earl Clabangb, nurr.) Pictares aad songs; good bnslnesa. AR- CADE (Gas Wallace, mgr.) I'lrtnres, songs and randerllle; good relnrns. CASINO BINK (Earl (Habaogb, mgr.) Good bnsloess. (;OBBT.—LIPBABY THBATBB (Harry W. Parker, mgr.) F. b. 10. The Maa J* tha Hmw. Stetson's Uncle Tom's Csbia IS: Mi- IB Ml March 4. Motion plctnrea are ahaoe. oaw Bat- onlay night to fair bnslnesa. CAKOV.—ABtB OPRRA HOUSE ir. W. Alles. mgr.; Jnllna Caho. hooking agnrtl' La- fe'irb Tatlry Symphony Orcbreira 7: dellghf.! mnsle Ior«ra. g.>od-slie1 anOIpnce. The Yan- kee Pr'nee, with Tom I*wls, 0; excell'-nt. larce alleoilance. onpHEl'M (J. Fred t>«Ier- stnck, mgr.; Wlliner A VInci-ntI JIarlo Trlt>. rom'Mly bar srrobats. clcrer; Hsmlln Dno, sing plctnrea Fhb. good bnslneaa BHABOB.—^MORGAN OBAKD OPBRA HOU8B (O. B. Swartx, mgr.; Bela (nrralt) Stctaoa'* V. C r. Co. Feb. 6: big boslnesa. OABLB'S (C. Gable, mgr.) Ladlle Saroy aad Co., sketch; Great FIAer. Balelgb aad Balalgh. Maxirall and Sbaw, JaAaoo and LUNA (JaUaa and LUa Bam rera aad Maalcai , _ (F. Dalo, aggr.) Hoff and 'Rax, Bea iinbert. Bryant and Kramer, Grrat Loora Troapa, Clark's Dog and Monkey Sbow and nietnres; big bnslneas. CASINO AND BIPPODBOMB (Weatley Edwards, mgr.) Pictares; good baal- 1 ana Aajaign. siajiwvii 1 Maisaiat aad ^etatsa. OI.l'S THRATVB tosa- Week Ftb. T,' Carroll. t and Harlaw, Mr. aat lany .Seeback. AL CaH- TAMAatlA WALKBB 0|>BBA_BO(nB (O. Lrroy Walker. MikL lik Mahrraberg OoUeSk Mk^ Stock Co. 7-12. -WTLKES-BABBE.—POI.fS THBATBB. (Oa»- (lon Wrlghter, mgr.) Olliatt Troope, Dober^ "asiTi^Sf'tbe" ItaSi. «lNk ra, 14. MnMaa. Tba Wallsoa, Flaa nagaa aad Bdarards. Agaea Scott and Co.. Alto Trio. Aady Bkw aad Imnerlal Moa'clana. Week of Feb. 41, Bnrton'a Doffs. Wsterbory Bros, and Tmney, Ortb and Fern, Tbe Leading Lsdr, Brans aod Lee. Tbe Fl.rlna Martins snd C-miey SUtcra. LUZmXB TilI5.*TRB (Loola IT. Baker, mgr.) Feb. 3-5. Tha Umpire played to blu boalnesa: aodlcnces went swsy well satined. Feb. 7-8. Tsnkee OirU; 10-12. Star Show G'rla; 14-18. Talk of tbe Town: 17-19. Wiahlnirtnn ^brietj Olrla; 2in. Sam rere; 24-28. Broadway Gaiety Girls. GBAXB OPER.\ IfdUSB (Harry A. nrom-n. baa. Bgr.l Mortimer Ssaw stlB piaylnc stock to plesaed a wdleace . Week of 7. The Girl from the GoMea W*»t. NESiflTr THEATRE (Harry Ing aad daaclng. well I'ked: Oodfrnr aad Ilea- BrewB. baa. mgr.) Tanderilie aod moriog plc- torea. pinr'nr tn big bnslnewa. WILUAMBPOBT.—L T C O M I N G OPERA nOOSE (U J. Fisk, mgr.) Soul Kiss B: piessed rnod-slsed sndleoce. Pletnres week of 7. FAM- ILT (Fred M. I.aiDai1e. mgr.) Mnlrla of Jsrdia lie Paris, scored; Sam J. Cnrtis sDd Co., Jenkins, Foor English Belim. Clinton sad-Baaa, Sam Barton. Slay aod lilllle Bona aad »*C- tnres week of 7; biisloesa big. ORAWP aad ORPHRUM. Taoderllle aod pictures. LXMO. Plctorea: gnna bnslnesa. FOUBMBTH -Tmlr. ACE. Skating: good patnmage. . RHOOB ISLANa PB B f IBEi iOfc — ntOTmBKCE OPCBA noCSR (FHIx R. Wendelaebaerer. mgr.) A» drew Mack In The Prince of Bobemls week of Feb. 7: sn cTcelient show aod big hiisioesa. IMPERIAL THEATRE (Frank (Irey. mgr.: K. A r... booklnmn lyorr Among Ibe Lions: sn ea- Inyable performance, a atar east, and good hnsl- nrsa week of Feb. 7. KEITH'S 'ftlltATRE (Cbaa. I^renherg. mgr.) K<M*dllK>. wlasrd at tbe wire, a elerer. tkrilllag set: Will It. Msr- pby and Btaacb Klehel a la A Schaal for AriM. aaofwIM aiait l9Mali. • big bli: -Tmi nwaa■fc^7^■«a«~ u SttHsaa l st ad: Ulttoa Sbaw^ dtalstt. alaalas cnasedlenne, rery (^*ss- la«t tana Pka, comic rnnjnror, IsnghsMr: narry aa< WaMM. la a ttlking sketch; Arthnr Rlr by. tho artaatrel comedian, new stories ana saoas, rery good; Jnaallng !>• IJsle, fair: Lai Ijiwreacr and Geo. Edwards, two local boys, aiado a. big hit wtib their Jnyous bit of }oll7, Ina: new motion niclorca crtTnt»lete the eTCelleat program. EMPIRE THKATRS (Spits aad Nalhansnn, mgrs.) The Girl from Rector s swia af PV4i. 7: a aea aatlon . and 8. B. O. bmlasM.