The billboard (Feb 1910)

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PEtRUARY 19^ im i • Xtie Blllboarcl 65 This is our 75*eent Half^Tone. or • 3x4 for $1| cash mrith order. Knnviile Engraving Co. SIS Ml stmt, imnnuE.niiiL FOR THE SEASON OF 1910-1911 NOW READY ESPEaALLY ARRANGED for Maoagen, Agents, Per- formen. Musicians and all those interested in the Amusement Business Complete in every detaiL - 10 PRICE. PAPER * LEATHER 416.4IS Wtm atrmmU Ondanatt. O. Oaka Doable Myatery TiM Klnc of mil tricks. Raw to t*t Mt of >BT ardl- nanr iraok mad uek. A challcng* mt wkleh «•■ l>« pcrformfd ea aor tt»f or In may prlraM hem* whn* ttacr m ebulncd. Tnuk U aMunly locknl. Baa It ttid ■Bd B^alvd. No coofMlrralt*. Prlw, tl. Tha Oaka Va««ltr Oa.. taapt 11. OikkMk. Wla. $50 TO $100 PER WEEK •aally mad* witk oar rgaataln Paoa «d mdtaa carda. BTvrjthlns mnpin*. Oold a pit iKarl amantf^ p«iia at lowMt pricM. MWfPHW UALXX CO.. m K. luia flt. KampUa. Taan. Paay VOa SAIX—bktliaDd l<ealas, all color*. Bran- OM ipottcd oiwt (or (TIrcua aod l^nnr 8bu»*, M tte eld rallabla. OZOBOX AaXXTta, - ■ »■»■». apritt««»ld. Ohio. VOB ilU OKXAF—« mlalatiitt eama. M ihet- kr—6 mlalatott eamiL . — to 44 laekrs: aaAl ania. 48 yn. oMi tickat, baaO, Oarmaa wacaaa, ■11 kiBda, aaUOnaa. flaaa, plama*. A. 1. r. B. S, Mt. llain Sd.. Moat. i«e vtauB stntt • • aswroBK. BwlBwJ r«t«a la tka ^ tafr w lto. TATTOOl NO OUTFIT, S3.00 JDWni & BBOW»^ ■noiAL zaoaATXD SSSSSIos. «uh Mir laaa cnttfroui roar^alw. SaiMl rttteh oOMFAar, OUT Oaatsr. »aniai HOTEL HART « Six Flying Banvards World'* Greatert Aeriia Act Add. BERT BANVARD, Mgr^ cara The Binboanl.N«ir -lUU OPEN AUl ATTIIACTION- Flying Baldwins Aerial Baton Act. T. W. SBZEVUAr. Kit., S14 V. M St., Qaiasr. SL SAY! MR. MANAGER! MR. AGENT! Don't forgat that audienoea want novelty to intanat tliem aa wall aa eomeitf to amnae them. There'a a differanoe between an ACT and an ATTaAOTION If you want tha aanttf and attiartioo (bos oOfls). IT A THB OIRL MnrrAIMTa ■■' •■■ '*-f Diffaraat from aU othen. WB RAva aoifa oraa nxa for KBatk^ BB. a. H. Bnuuo, «•!• amkaoi. PLAYING EAST FOR THE F1R3T .TIME : THE ' ■ • " • RICHARD —HAMLINS —LOUISE THE MEbUY MAN AND MAID Di HIOWNa Praaentlim <ioa of the moat noral aad etIgBal tiiaichocean aeti la THE ELLISES Mind Readers Supreme Drawing record-breaking crowds. In Vaudeville. FAMOUS WILD WEST AND DOG and PONY SHOWS Playing Indoors COLISEUMS and RINKS Open* About Apn^IS CAN USE RIDERS, ROPERS, MUSICIANS rORBAIlD, For Open Time addivss BUCKSKIN BEN Cambridge City, Indiana WITH TRICK DONKEY WRITE QUICK The Leading Journal of the Moving Pictuie busiiwas in Europe. Has the iHflsrt droulatbn abd is the best Advertising Medium, bar none. Subaorlptlon. S2.00 • Year. Sampla Copy Mailad Frae. 31, 33 and 35 Litchfield St., LONDON, W. C, ENGLAND. The Bioscope THEATRICAL LUMBER- Alwaja OB hand BTIU8. BATTEm. STXITC. RAILS. sBon, PBOFiua. staob flookuio. me. for vraispt abliiiurnt. Writ* tor drllmvd pncaa. 8hl|aDaBta la anjp qoaotlly daalrrd. THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY. LumW and aawawl t^aalab OMIC/UWw llXm PRINTING -worn- LETTERHEADS. ENVELOKS, CAMS, CONTRAeTS AND HERALDS WATERPROOF CARDBOARD SIGNS for OUTDOOR TAOONG PrlBftf CanlluanI aiaaa. any eolar. atoek or lak. Tb* pctotaa alaM aa|>a«laily prvMirMI to wllbilani thf veatbrr, are coaaMvtably lowar la prtca than any Mhar ■loil of tl(B UHl MtrrlcMbla. Prlcm dapaail oinn quantity, alaa aad uaooat of eowiio a ltloa. To avoid poaMble delay and unnecessary correspondence, alwaya aend rou«:h ■ketch or coiqrwtdiAllt letter; this will enable ua toquateyoapneispromptly 416 Elm Street, CINCINNATI. OHIO nr xoca tntmux ov booxb cuuuw la 5c SHOW SOUVENIRS AaMTtad Importad CUaa Wan. par 100, fS-O* Japaoca* Trick Match Box .Ta Japancaa Tarda In Olaaa Box 1.0ft Japanraa Acrubata US Japaorae Zlttera .TB JapancaeZa Zb FUa Wkiatlaa 1.0ft GUm Pan Qaidm, aatd. eotaa. PaacT Hofaa Shaa lOn Mofuty Flaa Fimlaa BoaTmlr Ulrrar PnoUi Faacy CtaUdrca'a GUt Faaey Olria' Braeclata Tarma. roll amooat with year order. BZWKAH we. CO., 641 Waedlaad ATaaoa, daralaal, Ot STREnMEN We ar. headquarters for all tba latut noveIUe& Sand for our eatalogue oa Confetti, CBBftB, KalvftB, Camlval Oooda, Ritbbar BaUau RObbar and Oaa Ckmes Wft are ezeloalve agents for Clnclnaatt and vlelBl^ fOr. I. BUaenatela * Oa. Prices In aama aa In Kaw York. THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CB, 122 E. Fourth Street. Cincinnati, Oblo. ROU TICKETS 6 CENTS PER 1.000 ato Alfchisfc t siKlM if Aew 26,000 ar 001% dsesnlB p«r 1,000. Special Tidnti^ 100.000^ 010. Thft beotinthensilDBt. Bmytiekaka ^Bod oiift. PoiltivitjrsBM Qidw. TIE DOIUUBiijrUIIO. CO., WANTED Fissr.Cus$ Park Manager A Vrm irin ihr BNanMs Bathing Beach, IntKanapoUi^ Ind. tddf m E. B. lUEI. Sw'f. 121 «th LHs IMg. AT LIBERTY Oaraat and TronboBa. B. A C oo accoat a( cloalec of Blaekatooa Tbratra, Martlaartllak Waot ta locata In aooa tbealra. Ba>a mj owa band mnalc Can take charge and Inatnwt band. Will locate In town tor tbat a StrlrllT rrllablp. Write at ooe* IB MK TOK. oara BiUbaard. Oiaclaaa4 %t at «tk Btiaat. Oiaeinaati. O. : FOR BALK : On* Balljbao Orian. hand power; 100 nara n ils good aim. almoMt new; 20 macblova, lot aoaa Blldea, Mod. B aaa taaka. Oao-Catblda oatAtib Dlila caa macUato. H. C P. Play («c rtat ar ■ale. Beat aad cheapeat film acrrlctb ~* all tba time. loekiae atamp tor Ual.' BILM EXQHAXOB. Owoaabare, Xj. SLEEPING CAR FOR SALE Pullman type, ateel tired wbcela, two atat^ rooma and kitchen, alrepinc accommodatlont tar 38 i*wple. rvaJr for ImoK-dlmte »«rT(c*. PHca. »I.IO<). NEW JEIliiEV CAK * EyClPMKNT CO., risMlC. N. J THE GEM THEATRE. Mn. Jaha Woodford. Prop, and Mcr. Wanted to bear ttnm aood acta at all tlmaOk I do aonje Independent booking. Break joor luup. Will pay food rooory for rood acts. Write or vlrr XB8. JOHH WOODFORD, Oea Theatre. Marldlu, Xlu. SREKICS MMMIICS, fflHIBI TO ORDER Ortetaal Beaaaaabla rataa. T. r. Xew Teak. Write tm ORGANS '^o«^5SS'o"'-! JOHN yunio * SON, its park row, n. y. ni IVO I>ramatlc and Vaudarllle Skelcbaa. rLAI« » ^&^\3^