The billboard (Feb 1910)

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2 X ti e . B 111 b o a r d FEBRUARY 26, 1910. THE CIRCLING WAVE ror tb* •null «mouQt of cipltal raialrt^, la th« m<mi itrutftuble lurfMtait-ut. Tb« mehle«t •ad ucMt iKiiiiiljr aiuu»tfiui-ut rlillnff «J«*tIcv lu nnr. K»»\ly niiil iiiili-kly wl up ami lMk>-a iluwo. inaSpnulTe to operate and to IraDainrl fhim placv to iilacv. UiNmnl bf gmMwt engine, ■ma M prupia. Uuale hr eriluirr idanv or •nag. Xoir la the time to plac* toot ordMr. O j t ahgw ^ jicfc* ail to -atlioBlaia ua apptkatlao. •factwn^ BpiiasidUa* Eria anil iiule Slaa- Co., Haw Toik. AUTOMATIC MOVING SHOOTING ANI> BASKBAI.Ii N0>1-:L.TI »t* for price llat. vnL WUHl'tXSIH, Xcr. ■jU fcaM* miaJelphia. Fa., tf. 8. A Ibe grvatni rtdlnji One of •I derieea anatber. MM la aii< <lar In a park. An olber carried 26.0.12 paitaenci'ia at Bti alMi (alia: Sl.^. '7r> clear piullt. Writi- for new -IK-iiaie cat alame fall at farta. fiinirvs and fibiito sraiiba. EH Bridge Co.. Box Itt B.. - ~ i«. IlL THE LATEST MUSIC FOR PUYER AND ELECTRIC PUNOS SN SraaU IKI EKILESS IOU» PRICE, SrO tilts 1141.50 fir Roll 60 pi'Tes so new every month that they . are old by the time oUien inoduce Uiem Sand fair CataloguM and Bullvtins I^SESf 1939-45 I. Wattara in., CHICAGO, U. S. A. UNITED STATES MUSIC CO, KansasCity,Mo. ORGANS Alsxander Cbrisbiaii 2317 Helnwrn-St. Ganatdlllbpiiirtm WANTED '•5!»"t"5s*i.C<*nfy Fair. Anir. 22-28. jtS:^*'"^ ?• J*"*"- *^ AltractliiDii. 4 WIM Aaland Mmw. olb>-r clnan Sbnvra. Will <a4l Hall |-MtII«icp fbat •lni|>> nuu In walrr. fclrlkHH. rsriaaler IMnilalty. Otta-r iarxe oio- ' vM. nLAHX PLE8SIHOER. Secy.. Ohto. A aet of ilaiiilcna Plrfca t*: CDfT: explitnatliHii' w'tb plr^-'; eeeret: prire. fSOO.per a«b KAGicuv snppur owii^ SILVERMAN JEWELRY CO. TIB PENH. AVE^ PinSBUSfi. PA. Borne of the l>b. K: and far on*. WUrtED—A alndp man. a mlnlatnre nllwar catnnm-r: niiwt oocIrrKlaiid bla l»o»ln. T<a. Wae<.> Hfc. ralii nr ahlne. Apply BSOWHIHO AXUSZ- CO.. 5908 State St.. Chlcsaco. MAKE JfERCRASTB PAY T01TS HEBT—Tbrm- alMr*. tkrvv c u l M ni, any twenl/ flre nrordu vacb yoD want, anil eoaiplete dlnvihitiji fnr maklue tlivni yiHirx-ir at binie fur 3c rarb r<ir a iKilfar MIL MAnVEL 8UnE fO.. MlBm-apoll*. Mim. Tks lUCI STSTEM of Raadisg Mgtie AT SIGHT .Ifallrd far t<^a crista ao<1 niam i*. Al uo rSEE par- ^OmAmr* of bnw (u nla.r VAUDEVJJLU and DBA- lumo Kiraic. miACK studio or Mmu. Q Ba jt . y> PaBTUla. m. - nUiS FOB SAIS—SS Bn-U In ptrfi-et cendl' tlMi. (tb^i a FHrl: StniK sllilm KJM and « p^r art; v^HiiMl'baml EdliMin Uarblni*. complt'te. $75,011. »AYEa SILrCBJiAX, S2Z Fallon BulldJnc. riuitiurs. I'a. PATENTS SECtntED "OH SXE ' BBTUKH. ED. Krve firpait m M fH>mt- ability. Illuarratnl Gnlde Bank iatf'Bat flf la- Teatluoa w«nt-il a*nit Prt-v. ▼II7X0B X. E7AHB * CO.. Waahin«tOB. S. C. The Chair You Are Looking For. Do not get in your mind that this Chair is anything like the ordinary revsiving chair so extensivd} adv^tised. This chair has a stH-laeklittHk and a wH-r^ttn ttudvd. It is fiist-class wimc through out and weighB a half ., mora than tht ocdinaiy remlviiv chair and to kdeatiruelibla; DdBt mak Cor oatalo^iis, bat oMw's aamplB'aad ■ee it, then you can jtidge for younelf. Addn«, The A.R. Ml LNERSEATINQ CO NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO. ■f :. 'HieNewAdas'' -18- rOB SALE—100.000 f«ei of Pllm. In prrr<^i ODD-llilua. t^c pt-r r<*«it. wia trail.* DIma at (2.1*1 per rr<l. 8<i>d x»jmt Hat. ECOHOXY mv CO., Booa m, 101 FMith Avaaaa. KXt»- Tiw aCNagasI ttoBkla ^. wwkiiMS.. Oar —tilngus win tall yoa iiky. bmdad, 32 inieh..... .$10.00 " 34 " 10.75 " 36 * ....w 11.50 * 38 " 12.25 40 ...... 13.00 THE BELBER TRUNK & BAG CO. N<». 1641 N. Hancock Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. ^DO YOU WANT TO XEASE-r— Spring Lake Park FOrUULilON. 30.009 GOOD ■AluoAo cmn TMa ^rk is the "REAL THING." ONLY ONE in tK* City. K NATURAL SPRINGS AND FINE LAKE BATH HOUSE'W THEATRE, CAPACITY 750 BOATING (20 BOATS) . >SfKATING.BLm mitetoTEXAlllUiiAtMS & CAROUSELS RMtaf Qallarias, Mamr B t t aaaii , Othtr M«M|*«anlag DtvtoH. AMUSEMENT OUTFITTEBt Hersohell-Spillman Co. Sweeney St, Ho. Toaainuida H.T^ U J.A Cheap Kew York office, i: Theitn CMn Abaalntaly Hoa-Bioikabla Suitable for amatl tbeaire and movlai picture aliowa. We Ktiry tlwee cbaira In alock and can ablp Immediately. Siioond- band ehalra. alao aeating tor oat.«t- door uaa. Add. Ihvt. B. SrSEL POBSI- TUBE CO.. Grand Raphla. Ulcb. Boa- ton office, 2*^4 Coo- Rresa Str*ft. Boatoo, II Kifth AM-nuf. POP-CORN FRITTERS MAKE BIG MONEY Wa ocliinatMl frlttar crlap- eltea. Dellcloua cvotitllon. SflU like wUdflre. ProOt. 4u0^t. »I00 a moQtb Income easy. tl.OuO a month iioaalble on- DMNUfT* W Z t-ONC ChewmijCnim For all porpoaea. tJae otir teanda. - _— anil pricfa. HELMlgr OCM SHOP. CTnclnnatt. 600 two-eoler Lattaikaada. a».»0- New de- alKua aod a half-tone cot made from yoor photo. Cttalos and priea llat or balf iooe enu and aamnle a of lette rhead gy.'jlM for a 2<m" Ur IfBWTf ZKeKAVnia OO., Olar 0a«lar. 10,000 HAND ROLIED CONES IN TEN HOURS This machine ia entirely automatic and is set up and ijuaranteetL Cones at the very lowest pnce. Popooni ball and fritter m a ch i n ea, etc. . THE Tl'RNBlJU. MFG. CO.. ' 469 N. Market Plac^ CoIumbiMi, OUo: Moving Picture MachiiuEilia ' '' StereopUiNtns, Slides, Accessaries. 1028 MAIN STIEET. . . . V .Iii'nie/Jiiiiejnf Edisea Goods. KANSAS CITY. HO. Eau 1899. ALAMO PARK LEASE —Seuai 1910, or Tera of Taart- Tlie only Amnsenient Park in Qity of 40,000. addresk, G. K. BArTON. Cedar lUiphls, Tbmt. For information, Maslclana' Acta taUt.^ alos and 1) " * copy "Edi CO., SU ' MAGIC Btased aad I t^laelade m Oa^ nr FZBOirSOV VBIBTniO CO.—Show Prlntcia.aBd BograTers. Datea. Beralda, Bannera, Tlckata. etc. PBS MOINEB, IOWA. ^ FILM AND SONS SLIDES FOR SALE OR RENT Flfly recli, aorplua atock. le to 9e Mt fcat. Eli-sjnt eondlilon. Will arad ■oUeet la a»i«> Inatioo upon rreoipt of eapraaa abaisn^ fla<V Slldea with nnale. ViM per Mb' Srad Film and Sons SIMva rented at Ia«Mt vrUaa is the Sonth. Write for partlentais. . F. O. BOX sot, Xaw OiUaaa. La. CABINET PHOTOS—$2.50 per 100 Mr aesallTea to print from or a pboW to rainrt Knahand or Wife Pboto., white, Tlalhl a or la rUlble. $2j»-t l.OOO. Send WZBDT, Vboto., Baootoa. M. 3. XxblhlHon Machine aad Play Sin. Bmt-claaa. Wanted, p. O. Bos ITS, MaaUla. Ind. saooan uanas. nwMow ibow Maaonle Temple. Trmloo. N. J.. March S-JS. Inc. Sbacva, M mnntns foot, S ft. d««|k ICQ tboatand tree tIckeU throush Bctalt. ONCarr Aaan. No whecia or jramhllas. _ . *. o. adk see, XMten. v. VaodeviHo Acts—Tho Griffin Circuit Can use a few more experiencrnl road or field men. Ilave plenty of time with short jumpe. Booking Ufflce—Variety Ibeatre BulldlDii, Toronto, Canada. 8Baa> XOOB BOVTB TO £HB RilJ.BOaBi» TO^JIAX. MAOIC—nnadreda °ot barcalna In new tricka. ailranoNl niaKle, mind feadlns acta, new eeraiiea. banil^iir., Irona, cablnrta. real hypoo'.'SSJ" etc. Oi't my 1010 bargnlii prlcpa at onri'. > KKB. J. 8. HA2T0, 70S 8. C»pltBl Are., Indlanapolla, Indlaji.. SLOT MAOHniES—llllo Sailed IVaiint Ma- cblni-a, braad bhw, fx; Mllla* Rnrlniliia llac, f.£:..'iO: Mill.' I'rH-nmalle Tuiirbrr. ftlLUO: ri> tJiiiM Mnr-hlii.-.. A.t.iHt. Alt KOHralltet-tl: no L. M. CO., em K. York St., PhlU., Pa. —r OR SALE — Uorlos ricturc Show; comiileU ouiat. No oo- ioalll«a. cheap ruit. MBS. L, S. XOia, PaaU.