The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY Z^,.^910. Tine Bill boar a EXPIATION NOT GREAT "Mn, Patrick Campbell's Fint Vaudeville Sketch Lacks Merit and .Ofien No Gnat Opportunity (or the PMtiajFal.of the Talented Actress' Ability Tbr Initial performaace of EzpUtioo. wblcii Urs. Patxlek Campbell ««]Mteil mm bcr Taa4«TtUe offering, la a oue-aet plaj taken ftaia Adolpli Olaxt' A BnaUn Trafcdr. Tbe i>l*7 mmy trvi aa an introdDCtocy TaUel* bnt It dnM not ■Sonl i1>r iMit otm u t tun lty of partrarlnc Mrs. Camp- brll'a weU-known ooiotlaiiall povcni. Ttw tAmj It at mdodnmatle character. It plctnrer a •cne In tbo hoi i oe ot Oraeral VatalUretcb, <]«Tcmor of PMnmlak. Mra. CaiophoU. aa 8un- In. becoBM Ikt mlrtw «C tb* Oorcner. and RTCi«M tkn dMth tt 1m tHwl nd bratker t« i>nllB« kla ■• k* la i*im»il ta a plilar. itaa. Cu^mW* fowna ««r« cxqnlalta bat tbem 'la taa mm BcladranM to make bcr aetlas ct- IMilt*. Mwart Martlndal. an tha Oarafnor, «aa not aa coaTladas ao be mistat bare baM. real Vauooff. aa tt>e brother ot BaBla. wu aaalT am effcetlTp. Parcy DerrtI lUanrtlat ~ ■» aac wteiy te llw O aa i m t . IC y. IMCORMilATIOmb . Lacw'a Can aol Wat ad X. Y. Capital. 9*.- aatevniSaaa a( lew. m Ttk art , j«at aad Btaadwar: Adolpb « B. Mik ttnat; Hwiy Banli. 39 M«fv Tack aiT. 'nlcbt Ama ae meat Ooaipanr. ITlt ^ Bntralo. X. Y. Capital. •S.OOOi To tanr 4B« VNlacc. leaie and operate tbeitfct and aBQaaaaeat derlcfi. Director* — Archie C. WitletU. mi Main street: Wm. B. Smith, T. M. Ana. Bldg., BalTalo. N. T.. and Fred- «rlfk B. SteraberB. Boelld Hotel. Clereland, O. Wanca * Snreeaer* Inc.. S115 Fifth arpnoe. Bnoktyii. N. V. Caplul, «S,000. To own. —«*f aad deal la ptaya, tbeatrea and tnovluc atrtana. aad to encaea plareia. DIrecton— fitvaid t, Mmrmorr. MO 4>th amet. Brooklrn: Vm. 1. Warren. TOO Cortland alreet; Jobs W. Sweeney, US 3d arenoe. Kew York CItr. The Orient. loc. New York. CapIUI (4.000. Tn canr OQ the tnaloeaa of theatre proprietor* and manacera; to prodnce playa. Taoderlllc, ntoTlnt piclarei. aad deal In pMpertlea per- taloinc to the amuBement bosloeas. Directors— Bnle Cordon. I.<-j:' dr-Jon. 233 Grind street: Morris's Denver Project Off Tbe WnHatB Hocrta Tawh-rUle rlrcolt will net taiTada DeiiTer tMa acaaon. ai>d the tbra tre which the Oaao-Downa Company waa to caret for William Morria. oo ttM> i.rapertj ad Maine tbe Uajeatlc bDll<nn8. at .-tlrteeath and Caort place, will not materlallie. Tbe Gano-Dofv-ns syiulleate tias abaodooed Itl ■•Riject to balM Mr. MorrU the mocb talkeil aboot theatre, becalm ttie Mocrla circuit peo failed to put np tbe necemary caA to " ' ' yeor'a rent. Aaaibcr aaaaaa la BONDY SELLS MAJESTIC at. i^■nI. Ulna.. Feb. SU—Jack N. Cook har become realdrnt manarrr nf the Ma}e«tlc Tli atre. anccaedlne Jack Bondr. who baa sold bla tnletrat In the b a idn a a a . Mr. Cook la froai Oklabon*. For a nambrr of yeara he waa actlreir en- 'aaeed In aewapaper work, both aa a writer and poWliiber. In more rrcent reara .be baa de- Toted bt* time to theatrical' >v->rk. rngaclnf ta theatrical baoklnc b u a ln ra a . and 4l«e In the ■ af " ■ ■ ' AUDISNeS Un>T TOO SOONj Tba •llM af an aaUia'audience tear- tm a t b e at ie %ft<^ tba eaa el a al o n -. of a per- ce. wai " ,a«l' wItaeMwd dorhic^ the perfor-u aace of The <l<jlld»n~Olrl nf 0«nn»T»rine, Ind.. canard paHly hr a badly pHnled't<r«enm, bnt malnl.T becanw the atnce manacer'lowered the *«>>eat<i» enrtalp between the lant two aeeoc*. and the'-'aiHllmre thonaht' tlie-»hi»w waa ore.-. When tbe final curtain went np, there were btit ri«r i wap l e In their iMta.. Cart.ot -the andlrar* Into tt»e-tt>enlm. hot la home. uoBe tlio wlacr. pOeiftV^ W ELtM THEATRE. The nijon Theatre, at "llfalne'r<l. Ml'in., haa chanited han^K. .\1. Cowley of the CowIth Fam- ily, baa aoifl the aame to Mcura: llnTano and Tmaa of F.nrko," R. • P. • The bow nwneta bar* bad the houae nrerhanled. T. Uoyd Tmaa. who liaa had aereral jreera* esperleace. la tbe BUTTERFIELD'8 NEW HOUSE. Jacknoa. Ulchlaan Feb. IS.—W. S. Bnller- IMd. greiteml m-naarr of a circuit of rande. ana iHinaea In MleMsan and Indiana, aanoaneed Jka aar4al opeian* a! bla Ratlla Creek. {■aomal Katla^kr. 3S Btary atreet. New York City. Praaiaa AaaMMat Oompany. New York. CMltal. $1«,0M a» ■■i>iii «c aOenrlw ac qnu*: ta daal la MfHa. aC. aflalHlaB to piacaa of ABaaaoMBt; taiaal ta aaaaaaa. tlckata. ate.; to ctwdoct amaaaoMiita ot an klaili, Inetadlnc nmrlaii ptetniaa, aad to act a* acaala. IMcac- ton—Mw. a acblffmaebar. dSS tTtk abact. BraofeUa; Baltla J. KUk. lU W.' IMMt alnal; u« Qmm.mufmi SSlmmmti t Mnr. Yoik'CMf. ■ " ■ -• MOW i ntimr naalia ba.. BoCala, M.. Capital. SMlOIMl Tt> apmta tbcattaa aad Mp. Blab tbaatileal atid lanaleal paiftraaocaa. rectoca Edward J. Schlcnker. Jay O. ICIt« aad M. R. RoWnaon. BoSalo, N. Y. FEIBER AND SH EA OUT Dismissed Fmn the Indqiendent Booking Ag^cy—M. P. Sheetfy Elected President and George J. Byrne Secretary and General. Manager—I. B. A. Making Excellent Headway The laoc'i dlacuaaed breach of contract of H. II. Pelber and .Mart ttbea. of the lodependeat Booklns Agency, waa the moat Important mat. ter broufbt l<efore tbe. annoal nieetloic of tbe atockboltlera. which waa held In the : Knicker- bocker Thettrs; bnlldioff. Tncaday. February IS. Fotb membera of the arffanlaatloa were found pillty of chargea d'.-trlinental tu the concern and were therefore dlamlaaed; their bond of (1.000 waa el limed forfeited and notice to that HNct baa baen amt tha beod T*nr wba la. Mil tka aan». ttoaldnlktca ba amr Imw of pm lacorery of tba bond. ImaMdlata aetlea win •t'taken by the Independent Booking Aeency: '.'tta o3Ic-'ra for tbe enaiilag jmi are aa (ol- lam:' M. p. Sbeady, ptealdeat; Edward Mo- aarti vlaa-piealdeBt; Jobn J. Qoi^y. treaaorer: Ccatiia J. Byrne, ceanal iaaaa«ir aal a ecwtaty THE CAMlkO^vWASHMliarTbit. Ok'ci to tba Board of Dliectoca. Mr. Byrne waa alao Klren power to book all acta he raw lit to ba. oaed all over she drcolt. Hie re(>ort from the dlSerent olDcers abow tbat thu corporation la maklnx (rcat headway ■Old la ad.lint; a l&rse number of new and proa* ■■acoan boojce. Inirinc tba paat year n aa r ly r<«tj taiMB bave.btaa adM ta L B. .A. tlaaa. . ^ BARY MARY MAKES HKR DRMfT. ' Miim-iapiitla. Minn*. ElUott, ot tbe Untqae entprlaol and delighted t be In trodnctluu of yean ot place In the ahape ddld aaA atoria*. Ala waa Feb. 15.—Manaser Jack Theatre, of Mlunrapolla. hla patronR laat week by a extra number oa thia of the tr7-out of Baby aoBbrette of about tea St. Paol aa a bMb- appforal ftoaa tba at> ber Ilttia act of aaa<a bar fliat appeanmea opoa — of I " ' — at •uociMniL <H»iNiNa ntanaftfa tt tfea 1 aiajMMe w if W m I at Batoa Bapida, Mich., adrtae tbat tbctr open- "Vbaiuay T waa a grand aueceaa. aad Ins on tbat ' mat tkifr b u i l b t aa for tb* aatba week mora tbaa LEWIS LEAVES PORTBMOUTH. Floyd E. law la tiaa realencd aa maoacer of tbe Maleatle Tbeativ. Pnrtamoath. O.. to acce|:t .1 managerial poaltlOD for the Wnu Morrla Co.. Id Cbarteatao. W. Va. He ta niccvedcd la Portamoalh by Thoa. T. Ycacer, furaiecly trar- eUac aadUor Car'tba Moiala oieaM. . Vaudeville .Act Disbands Brie, Pa.. Feb. IB.—WItt'a Boaea of KUdatx-, tbe fonr ' rlrlo who acoced a hit lant Woek. at the Alpha theatre, dlabaaried with tbe cloKe of laat Disbt'a perfooance. Three of the ciria retomed to New York. ' Ulla Warner, tbe alto, wtio baa hitherto done only concert and church work, will he anoclatad with her for- mer manaxer. She left tbe city laat alKht at tba cloae of the performaace and will Im- mediately taka op ber work in the metropo- polla. Ulaa Pearl Keaaa. . tha aopcaaOk wbb pnane* aca a aMaHBi b l y pmu t-WfH dj«r^ watce, left *a 4aJ»«B HEW VA UDRYm a^ ACT. . ' NMfolk. Ta.. Feb.. 14.—Ur. Mocria H. (toad- man at tbla city foraaarly ddac a black face act. alao tramp iketcb oo the Pol'Kk ao-l other ran- drrille drcQlta I* In tbla clt.r for a lay off of two wr^ka. Mr. Ooodman wlQ probably ioln banda with Mack. Saaconi. tttr well-knoWn Ilallaa trick Katz & Bailey ill Charleston Mmns. Setrand and tatca. at ^latSrtd. UL, clow'd n cnotCjct with Katt 4b Bailey fter the lHircba.w of tl*e \ara1ty Theatre at Chxrieston. lU., aad will contlone nmnlns vauilernie all throoRb the enmnitr. Mr. Knta will leare ou Mar>Hl 1 for Sonth America, wberv he Intends to install aerrral motion ptctorr abows. Mr. Rall>-y will C(>nttnne Co devote bla time to thr iMtel buftlneaa. W. S. 'Mlteh<l, funuer proprie- tor oC. tha ColDBlal retomed fraiB Oktabama Ctty. a bat e bo baa been in the tbcalia baataMaa. AMJ^TRUR DRAMATIC SOCICTY. Thruush the elfarta of Ted U. RrUer. ana- agvr of tbe I'aatlme Theatre. Lawtataan. Fa., la to hare a dramatic aodety. ' At a Biaattoc beM at tha Pactlma Theati*. Batwriar aeaalac. February U. i dab of twaaty- flee p aeaoa a waa tbaui e d eaoipoaed of tbe lieat local talent, at^feleh tiaie' tba foilowlnt olBcrrs nere elected:' PitaU«)t, Ted U. Rcllcy: rtee- preiMent, J.' K CUtka. Jr.; aecretafy. Ward afeaaaaher; C. E. Sewarda baa been' appointed maaacer of Loew't New Borbelle Tbeatto. Tblt Ir Mr. Seward'a - teat Tcataia la tba thaatilcal Ilae, be haatat • pwatanily beaa la bWhwaila Mnr^ik Gllr. Leslie Carter is Remembered Snn FrarclHro. Cal.. Feb 12..—Mra. LeaM? Cnrtrr. who hapoeiu-d tr> be In Omaiia oa Oc- tober 27. when nn'-t waa commenced on the flrat .Mnertc^n Mnnic IfiiU to t>e bnilt by' tbe William lorrlp rorap^ny, WV-^tem, and wliv> tnr*l«l the Prat apide of earth on the ^\tt^ of th.- vaudcvjile hooie. <ra* ylren j viirprlw .ie*t'.>tda} momliKt. n fitir. Blatitea after mldnl«bt. wbea Fmak ro mw. atharav far Oe canwcatlaa, aad aeUac ror 'Walter Boir Saely. seaenl auaainr. wm In Silt CItr. prraented bee a aaull RnM r.aa allTer aliovel In coaamenMrailoci of tb» orent. Ti e preMnt-itlnn wan made at the Falrmcat. and the keepaake waa Inacribed: "Ti. Mlax I<>alle Carter frum WilHam Morrla Compony. We^ern, Jii«t for rem-mbrance of tbe flrst enrth tnmed tn thr Weattm Circuit. Omaha. Octnbw 2T. '900." PMTcn wra accompviieil by Pblkp Baatlcga. preM rencvaMitaUTe' f>ir the aa ad a « Iil a ' ('ei»ti!. WEt. C« " ■ ■ ^ very Iriat i»lah._ __ _ rriM oa the radde Oaatc aad wiat of tbe Wm-; WBIFDRMRR . ASKS AID. Home. Oa.. Feb. ML Editor The BUIboatd, ■Cincinnati, O. . near Sir.—Thomaa J. "Carroll" the bai»! cnir aine. Is in the Harbin Hotipltal of thta elty and la very HI and will nc»t Iw* e;*le to teara for yt I<>aat alx wreka and he wnold apprreiata II Terr much If you 'vill i>nbi:iih Uilr to Infnra* Ma frt-MUla of hla coD«11lioo aD«1 any contnba* tlon ttey feel to rcotribnte will be hlchly ap> pte«iatc<I by bta.. Send an coettlbatlaaa ta Mm <«i» BalblB lloapital. Bn oi e. Oa. T b a akla a yaa la : 1 AMENT ADDS ANOTHER. Kaahvine. Tcnn.. Feb. IT.—Capt. W. U Ament. wr*ll-knowii nmit^eireDt tbanafcer. . and pnwirletor of theatres at Jackaoo. Tenn., and Mrrt-tlan. Mi»«.. haa pareli<i«ed tb* entire cai>l- tal atock of tb«; Cre:«cent Amnaement Co.. owa* t-ra of th." Crv-^o-nt "Hieatre. a vatKleellle hoa«-. W. P. Realty, manager of the Creecent. wnt latlvr oo areoont of 111 health. STOCK SUPPL ANTS VAUDEVILLE. Mtlwanfcee, WIp-. Fili. 21.—The rolmnbia and Rmpire Tbeatrra. under tbe (canal vaai meat of Hrary Trina. iclB. «• IMfaaiy .ll*e»mlmip nuuevllle aisd laatM^f*- ~ OR ANdRLMP NRW PLAY. a laa la Tbe Brtaty •wm aivaur la a aaw ItM Captala raav. aT ■r. T1» aaaale la tha a