The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 26, 1910. X n e Billboard BO I L D O W N •AN FH ANCW CO, CAL. N* New ThMtM BMlMiiHi* AiNMuiiMd Durtn g th* WmSk. jlnolb«r wpck ban pnancd •nd no anr tbe- am>8 Imve Xiren rvpnrteA, althoiiBli any ea» connxlrd irllb Ibp ilwn- IhmIiicwi, sdiI dii mat . I«r vbat cap icll;. ir tli«.r arc iw«n nralking ■•tm*ta wllb a rolt of paper wblrb tan^ aibUnre of a bliin print, la tullomred •boat III tlir bopc* of lorallne thp a'te of an ImBKlnnrx tlu'Hirc* II la ivniarkabla bow maoy - new peopit* bava gone Into tb« abow l»u»la«aa ami D'.-iiiJi' more tliat ar* rradr to loml. ' A n*pert «-■« rurrrnt durlag tho »««k aM «M> o( tbe mornlag papm ilvrotod qnlta a lot «f «|M>v to iiw ract Ihiit III* oirarr aloar «r' tlw AnwrlPM Uos'c Ran (wliMi waa art 4M<aK tlw Laadra Mtgascaaal) waa atnlni. Itea'l knaar nrbo workml II n|i. bat It «r«a Kood Brcaa work. A i>R-u-lar loelilvnt waa tlial Chan. K*ina anUrd lo tnwo at B:43 p. m.. and tlw r^m-r atoiM waa l1lU*^d at lU p. m. the nine <*v*nlfiie. Iliiitarxl Morriaoo, one oC th* Unit charter iii>inN>n of lb* T. U. A., ami orlg<nal_|in«- «rtr maa at tUnin'a Owin Haw* aad Tvwt <i>4 VMtw(r;T. at tk* ri»a Mca IF affMr raam. Tto ataff at Mm ilW CImtM Tbaati* la oiade «p «f. tlw .IWI«« ri« > w*ll-kM«B .aad ntprrltwmt . Mit Air IIMniaa. hoaw aad at«s* awiwinr: JWRlfa -Artaaw. aiaice eariwntrr: Jamea BUkle. Mapartr aian: li. A<lani«. nwiataot rarpvattT: ■«r Dowalav, elMirkUn; Tom Aoilrrwa; Oj mrn; Cii*onto Penntti. nma'ciil dirvctor. aou Olillr Sniri. In front of lUe liaasv. Tlir Cliarlra M. Abraliamii Grratrr Plalfona Stiovva, after a moat aticrea«fnl aeaann nioMlia In X-oa A'larlca. tiave loc-atrd In Fill- tnnrc wtrwt. Jollj' Nllle nod Tlabj B«>«a, tba iar)i.-«t ami fatlMl boj aod girt, ara tlie fea- A i a n g lb* aataMt a that hava Mlaterad at TlH> Billboard oflMe tb'a w«ek atr Mlaa Herre XoTit. Tbr D'Tlog BniDtr. wbn baa prorad to l>* the blircral aitrarllno of lb* aeaaaa at the N.lllnnal Tbi-aire: HrU-D BTTna. tbe ilalallvat of all oficraile conHslleiiiiea. wbe baa loat coo- cIiKlnl a four weeka' aarcaaaful rogagnnent • t till- l>ortota Tbi-atn-: imf*m mail Sanlcl. tboM* fnnnx arrotiailc Jnmpliu; corolqiir*, wbo are notv plajrlng tbe t'aaUm rlrmll; lior* and W Ifonl, wbUlllnit prima dAonaa: Charle* Krn- na. tbp •tn'<-l r.iklr. wbo la p)ar<ax lb* Ot|>b- «nin; Ponr MHaalM. atr«<et alac«^: Stfwart and llalralm, plajring Ibc Bnt U-rer CImilt: Cliaa. rbr«l<Y aa>l Comiianr. alao oa the Dert Lrrer Glivqlli Ca t a n i I C^ae, Ibv expert rMe and MM.abot: 3Um Amj IVbalpr. tbe prlBia don- aa «MNl»l. aillail an eagaawMil at tbe for- ttla^Cafr. aail Joa Xorl. who trr'rti bwe Ibia wvtlu alnvt rruoi rtanev to ail aa extenled MgaaaaMiit at tb* PariSIa Cat*. Mr Noel : aa act on lh« enter et Jnllaa IIHago, ,«B>1 baa a tninkfal oC prca* aotlcoa fmn all aarta of tlio vorkl. RilralH-lh TralDor, of Tralaor aiMI Dale, bow Diaring ilip 8. A C. Clrmlt. aero ml a dlroer* thla wwk from C. Val Tra'oor. bar biwhand. Tbr r«i|il* were narrle<I Marrb 3T. !•«• la "Tbe Little Cborcb Aroaad tbe Conirr," X<>w Tnrk. Ther ara bnib placing In tba aaoa akrtrh. and witl flnlah Ibeir rontnrt. Rohi-rt Mantrll oproed bla aeaaoa at tho Co- la Lnnli XI.. aod waa n-arailjr grm-led br aa ■mnwaaa aoilleeM. Llk* all at Uantell'a tmbMlaM, It waa rrefrthlag that «e«U ba •|akM .far>.aad aa tbr plecv baa not biva area km abifa liOS. the andlaie* waa land la Ha pralae. Wedseadar. BooMa aod Jnllel jra» ttlTi'n'd, and Onrlna lb* WMk Maeh<-lh. Hamlet, Mercbant of Venlca, K'ag Lear aad Othrilo were Ihc otrerloga, aatta plajr bcltg l.onnrp<l bj a b'g booae. nUndM* Walab and tier exeellent romnafur bn'ii (tar heiinla at tbe Van Neva Ttaratre In Tb* Teat. Miaa Walab waa (Ireo a big re<T|itioa. anil at tbe eod o( the tlilnl art ahe waa girrn rnrtala calia. Sbe la one of 'rr'aco'a tar- orllea. Onr own Florenrc Robert* opened her wiMO at Ibe aewljr pollabol-np Norellr Tbeatr*. lo a rnjiaelur twaar. Tnmlajr and leealr^ aa •railvn. It wai aerarai minaiaa brM« abr ««* ahio to apeak biT line*, aad aflrr Mcb :«(.lha (Btw aeta Ml»« Rabrrta araa ftttctd lo IVWMI lo riakt ami tea enrtatn rail*. Ulna IMitrt** boeie-coailag Ihia llm* traa aa a Sha- hert atar. Th# Ttaaafemilloa waa tb* new pinr. aod Pioreneo R4»brrla waa eiinal tn tbe taali. plaring two dlO'-nlt rale*. White Whit- tlp'«T. a* Ihj leading maa wai alao welcomed and ahar^Ml conaldrrable applao^. 3Jani1 flranir- er. an old frifad, nude the moat of a rule, which Id olbi't hnnds nniild have fallrn flat. Maniger Charle* P. Oall ran f<<«l nmid of the <>|ienlii(. and Jndainc from (h<> nd>'Mnr« (ale. It louka Vke a verr prodithle vosaix.-ntciit. At th* etaqt Baroy, Roa* Mrlvllle In S'*< nopkln* 1* a« tn'iiur aa ever, ami allbauRb thla *b>iw baa been beior* tb* nnhlle for Ibe l«*t Mrvoa 7«>ara. aar. Jiidglag Ckmi the Mk ban** wkMi 8tt<«iM lb* ttpenlnc. wonld ih'ab tb*ra 1^ ^ lli^ anil'eaes that bail i»»a M. wm wtr few or III* anil eiies that ban i»*a It. aa tbey laniil^l and langbod at tb* fMaar aar- Ing* •( ••mm.r a* It It was • Waad aaw mun. . Kolb ami Dill, at lha Prla«*M. at* NvMai Lewnome Town. - *fba Mnn of the n<mr. - witb a atock com* panjr 1,1 at the Alrusr tbia wvek. Reldom'a Venn* !■ th« hendltn* art at the OrpliPiini th'a wwk. and although ait-n here on rormrr ocraiiloni*, wa>* «nucU ailtnlrx-il. The File UowBlla, alao «c«n here before, are a Tcry elever bnirh of eiab awlngeia. Kat* Walaaa. Ona Cohen, Roy Uilri'aw. Plnra Palrlh>hl ami Mar>e llaanaU mvaented a aketeh railed Tba llnaMw OIrt- WW** waa xtrr eaierialalBit. iGiAna PHBtta..a aal* *'tliin««, her nral ap* ae a r aa r* Kfta. waa a w*<l Iikvil innaleal nnm. a**. Angnato IValo** SImlaa Xerelty CIniws k*M am from laal week, waa a* popnlar aa •*«* with tbe gmwo-uii* aa well a* Ih* ehM drra*' aiid th* hnnian-llke manofr th** inn*ik.\r Hdnra go thronah Ibrlr cimia trirka on dng% jtaantaril aa pnnlra wi* marrelmia tn hrtiold. JMIIn* Hteaer. for hia aecoid wi*k off.TiMl The Fifth Commandment, mhlrh waa a better abotr. lac thin b'a tirat «cek'« aVi-ti-h, Dainty Bern Nonl. known at The tltrlng nraiil.v. prOTiil ■ big lieadlli* attrartlno fitr the Nat'onnl Thi>i!tr<- thla week. Hhe cprlalnly I* a beauty, tMlb In fat* ami form, and at once dlred Into popularity. A large tank la aet Mi the alage In a woiil leeoe. and *acb and ctary nurrwcnt can b« teen by tba aid of atlt ma. ' Ulaa Xucd porforaia aovtwal dUteibt dUaa aod flnlabea tbe att a high dlru frum away up cl«ae to tbtt nof. I*aiillu*tte and I'lquu do a hnrlenino almug auB act that tir.osa (b4-ni mnrh Uiuriiter. Tarn four Uelaala uKeml auuio Kao>l Itallaa. alnalag. Itubvrta and t'ulioo In itafir ekelib. Mil la lienk-e, la ona bix acrvam. Wllllum J. CallMDaB ht a elerer no.HHiq:iat. Xbr Columbian rknr du auwe aplendid aluislnc, full of couiedy. Tbe riinlet Theatre bad retrolT'a Comedy Clmia, w.tb Muud. a bucking mule, fur It* bt.*adllucr. and It waa tbe reai thing for roark of lautfbtcr. Ibe act Iniradueea wiulcal dog* a large trained h«s, piwle* and tbe »t<.r Imck- Ing mulp. UlUaa M'U* and Joata Ftyna, la b-ark tina^ Mas a ulnalral Ant ban, wltb eud aiea «alr. traa a real bit. Chrtlld* Mnolruae are a pair of excellent comedy acro- liatH. Kilmer. Tayior aod WUaoo are a tr o of talKb'Claaa almcrra. blllolt and Wrat. well koowu alDKcra ami dancer*, and Ibe Kca Cum- edy Kour. four colurv-l (ivrfuruwr* who know bow to eotrrtala. Tbmadiiy amateur otgbta alway* and Ibe bunav entirely too amall tn acroramodal* the cnittd*. and belcaflat iMeaday night will he aet aalde for try-«ar acta la ad- d tlon to tk** regular pruifram. Tbe Amrrlrun bad Wbiimaa Btotbna, Th* Operator, Three Keltoaa, Uertmd* Van Dyke. Iflckr.r'a Cumoly Clnti* and Maria Fllxglbb>m OQ tbrlr bill ibia wtf«k. Ed. Homaa 1* tb* man- ager of tb* bouae at prraent. Tbe Bosant.y 'I'ruopu ara making thing* ham at the W gtvam ttal* week, where packed hnuiea are a twice dal.y occurrvnce- Fuur l>*nclBi; liell*. Frank Uarcfcley, J. C- Tremayae and Co. and Bally Stemble are the otbt-r nulable*. ^Tha Partala Thaatr* had aa *xtra good bill tbi* week, wltb Tho LaeaU* la Ibelr deter aerial act; Edtllo Beerea, a cbamploo clotf daiirer; Stewart aod Ualrohnc, »ketch ttnm; Davi* anil Tliurnd k*, alnglng aad akatlag act, aod a TeuirliotiDlat act- Man iz>-r Ben Jllrhaeia, of th* CkllfWala n«- ■tn-. la doing an luMuni** boalaaw and mean* to keen ihem coming. Jndglng frda th* toilow- b II: Blir aiMl Rang. (TSarle* crbeaier aad log Co.. Dare and Wolfivd, Glorlna Malar aod MiOraih and Prlmeaa Irene and her aevcn li- nn*. TbU la aomo bill for a popular priced bnnae. At Ihe Grand Theatre, PhUla Place aad Co., Fine* Ujrrlnjion and other* at* on th* bllL AmiMnaent Maaaaar Tony Labaiakl. of the peinilar IMrtola Cafe, eoat ane* preaeating tb* he*! talant oMaiaabl*. Bdia Helena, who ba* «o eomplvlcly won lha hearta of th* San Kr«nclac« pnbUe, *ml I* now OD Iwr *«r*nlh coeaecntlTo week, will remain bideflnltely. Ao- otbcr rral aliver on tbe bill la Kd th Mote, known a* Tbe Cbarralnic California Caatatrlre. ami la one of the blccrat lata on lb* bill. Ulk> Mote poMacaaea rrerytking that goe* lo make a aaec^■>•rnl art'at, ainga wltb eaae, temper* meat, goail looka and ainnnlng gown*. She bai> * Willi* r*Dx». *i>d at each appearaoc* Buda It diaimlt to retire, ro orgeat I* lb* reqiieat for tmvt. La KatreUlta, Snanlab dancer; Amy Wbalajr^atoo^a^laear alagar, aad elbata ap- restgned Petimary 8 on accoimt of 112 health, lie will learc a* aooa aa pwalble (wr Excvlvlx at lb* lla«d«a«agli fiSraBiy T-«, l« Vm bnal- neia... All tb* aaap b*«aM* penntor at aac*. Tba VliwlHlcB held tha boarda the balaae* of Ibe week, alao playing to good buela***. Vtrb- niary IS, Mra. Lean* Carter cornea for Are righia aad one matloe*. with a aplendid adraneo eat<*. Mlapah. at Ve L.llMTtT' Theatre, at 2S and SO Cfnt prl'M-*, waa « wonderful proilnctlon, with a rlever (•aal. nreuater'a MUliooa at Ibe aime admloloa price fullowa. ^At Ibe Urphrnm thl» week we bait Vtlmo* WealMU', nlanlal: Claude and Fann'c Ca:ii-r, Fnnr UMtllnga. Brown, llarrla and Brown, tNMk aad ateiAein. Doherty Slaters. Jean Cirr maai'a fkariaoaaB ClRoa, Klgbt Oelab* Ulrla ami Movlag n'ctnr*!. nardatr. ftaakta and Oriaa. Oro. B. Reno ami Cn.. Al Frvemoat and Co.. Marl* Fltsglb- bona, I>robet awl two reela of pletoraa are tb* Itell Thoaliv allnetlont. Jamil* dnd Banlrl are featured at the Rmiad- way. and were a laiishlng ancceem Othera on thi- bill were One* Slater*. Doe Rice Sainldo. Mna'ral Uawallani, aod three rcvia of morlog plrlnlT*. At ihe Omtral thla week ar* Danrlns Do- Par*. Mnalral Walker and Famnm and Rice. Idnm Park la bring cleaned op, buildings n-noratrd ami aereral of Ihe neweat cuncvaalona an being Inatallad for the coming >i***ub. RIIBK CUHKX. KANSASCITY, MO. Wltlla*W<aod Makaa a Popular Raduo- tion in Pri< Manager ' Wobdwanl. of the Wmia-Woad. laat wei<k reducixl the prliv-a of are bnmlrvU *e*l* on tbe orrheaira fli>.ir tn th* p»|iii)i<r price of on." dollar. Tlie 3>Tr*nt In the Ilomic. week of Fi-hniiry IS. w** tbe flrxt allow to b^ Mwn *t Ibe rrdiicT.1 price niid the Inrirrat In thla powerful play waa erldenreil by latm- hoiiaea at each iierfumianr^. Tho alamlard price of a ihdlar anil a half la atlll maintained for the «r*t few row* of tbe orch«Kira «ml whvn a tw»4lollar alar «nnie*. then annif .if th.- «*ata tbat ftinn*rljr anid fUr two dollar* tn tlie BW b eatfa will b* a d«ll*r and a half ami tc m aMWdMT at Kaaaaa aiy Miii SI 1L A., at III*'laat minlar ae a dwi. Mr, l^ieerabam aad Uarnd aro at tba Ibabart at tba Ibabart tbl* week. - - ax xna .aaaart S. I. Shnbert *r*«t fVhmaty 10 and 11 h*ia». cw M* w«T to St. I.niili>. Sir. Sliiihert wa* ploaa,..! with the r.-marl;aMe hilNlneaa malntalno.t hy the 8hiih.-rt In Kanaaa Cit,T, ind comi-ll- mrnti.d Karl ittewarti, realdeat minager, upon bla linnae*a *liowlnir. The Kewlywrd* and Their Rahy, I* at the (IrNntl Opera Bonae. at pnnnlar price*, and the Grand Theatre la doing ■ laml-nmcfi bnalne**. Jon. L. Stlrliel, capaMe ea^Urant manager o( th* Oipbenm and la chaig* of imMtctty, ant MIcbael Lenge, dinetor of th* Orpbenm Cos- cert Orrbestra. had aa Inaoratloa for Ibo week of February 1-1. It la hi* cowpoHltloa. A Day wllb Ibe Clrcna. A mlalatnr* elicoa atreet ■■arade panw* iii rrrlew oo tb* at*g* aa tiie orertnre iieglna. Tbi'o fiillmva In moaSe. accn.-s In the slile allow tbe anlmnl tent, and **niiil4fr tbe bit; lop." To make tbe piece reellatle. Pn:nk Allen, tbe |H>i>uUr property man of IIm Orpbeum, meke* bla app>araiire In ping bat, ted coat, tlght-attlnit wklte tmnaera and iHut*. - - In the nreaerlbed Ua aanonucea In ihe nreaerlbed eircua tone tbat 'nika all tiaTCliaiK abowa, we giro wbatia con-nonlr «alM a coarert." . Allen wtU aow pam amoac jnaM, Mc^" aad lb* aibeni raiTT oot tbidr part by y*lllnff "llekala fbc tba concert, one dime.'* Thla nnuaiial aMaricol aam- ber w*a a gnrat hit and rated by iba a>BWd*d ton ara a "ifreal a»t." While Charle* Grrmand waa away from bla hotel SomlaT night. Frbmary 13. ut Ihe SbDn,-rt Tlleatre, wbi-re the Krvncb Cmnd Opi.-ra Com- fiaiiy, of whieli be la a m«mla^r, and wa* aing- ng. lemc one enteroi and atole money and |ia- per* raloed at one tliomMiml didlani. Mr. Ore- Band Itemlaed tbe loaa aa being aenintr dollar* iB Uoltaa Slatia mmex, a check for ninety "SS?*..*^'!'"*.^" »nd a lottar of errdlt for nine bandied dollats «a a Vkmieb bank. , ^l**"' 'W>ni»ry ts, lb* Kbaaaa City Laliw T. M. A. entertained all ibe piofeoJiinal pcoide then In town, at to lnr.>rmtil Unleb iani-b. The Rhode Rnynl Show, at Can\-eiitloa Hall, week of (i-bmary U. wa* (plivilld and aa It had ■Iremty e*t*bll.d>rd * repuUtlOB beiv IbU "le- ».i2'"*~A"? • i*«bT maker. W1LTJ.V.U w. nBLunr. OMAHA. NEB. . ► • II — BiHy Amngifia For Opaning of Naw Brandaia Thaatre. Dmtaa tha d eHag daya at tbe Boyu a» a S: *-'fc-" "ait aoai* agfcaaw attraction* win ursMo - A gyw* "* Jhatr. mt <ka Aadltcrlnm. week «( Mcntir tl. pi oo ib iea to aaniaaa any prerlona ibow In tba way of drcoratlun and rni* exblblted. A large band and moving picture* ■re to be tbe *mo*ement feattirva. W. J. Barge** I* eery bn*y *rr*Bgliig for tbe opening of tbe New Brandela. March 3. Th* pnhllc will bare tbe pleaanre of aeelng oa* et the tiaiMlanmrat playbooa.-* erer eneted. The Sinaw Han drew latge hnklnr** at the Rmg. PrbmaiF 10-IS. Tbl* aplendid play wu ptmited by an *se*lleat company and well ro-* «■»•• andleorew. Aatow.Ullttntbal T<«ll*d bla Bool Klaa Com CINCINNATI, OU '.. ■d Light Comadlir far Ci iw i a ii t Wook. Mualcnl comedy and comedy witb mnilc. tor the aei-ond week In Lent, la beioi; offered at tbe two leading; tbeatrvs. Mua.i*! couicy, by Anna lield, ailaa M1»m louovencv, la at the Utaiid. wlilla Mabel Uile awl Mike arc app<-arlng at Ihe Lone In ■ cuuieUy entitled 4 C'erUItt Party. Alltauugb tbe p.a> I* a vum- w^y pure aaj almplv, Mlaa Ulte luinniucv* ***- - «uag» wltb bar oanal Ttracity aod avcigbt- at 10-lS. Mr. MItteathal lefwrM botk Sun paniea d-dng an excvlloat bn*taar~ main wllb the«ap*a|r befnee rrtnraing lo New Vork. nnm-^n Hearta played to fair ba«lae*a Rrag. Febmary IS-IO. At the Orphcnm, Mr. Hymack tb* Chameleon, heeded a kwkI bill. Fi'hmaiy H and week, Inctndcd AnfM L.aochMn. the I>eHaTeB Si'Xtetie. UHlan Mortimer. mttrr-Hartwi-ll Trio. r»or- tnn. I.ncler aod Company, Thaalng Auatlni and the RlnMrome. Capacity tnilm-aa. The Merrr Whirl wa* the Oayety attnctloo. wK-k of FMwnaty la to rand Imalne**. The Win. Grew Btnek Company are arranging a rlrcnit of g|x town* la Mrtoaaka aod Iowa, hi wiit-h tbcy wm appear fw two perfbtmanrea each week. Robert EdeaoB aad aa facrilrBt company pre- sented the fMor-aet drama. A Man'a A Slae. to lara* andtenee*. at the Bard. Pebraery 13 in. Tbe WonAwaid Btork Cnmpaay will open * long *e*«on et the Boyd. Match 5. Sir. Wond- wnrd will clre Ma personal attention In tiM ataetsg of th* to lie preaenteil, and praan- l«re one of the beat atock romnanlea ner aeen n la HIMr that wmt of th* old faror n %• la If* aoot. B. J. BOOT. •POK AIili, W AiHt anii Othap (. Big Buttil At the Anrt'tnrlnm Theatre 7-8. Darld War di'ld appeared In The Maalc Maatcr. The ad- vance aale of seata wna «a lar^ tllat ll WAa B.>»**»iry lo give a apcclil m.itlnrc Tncaday nftemam. iltandlig ronm wa* at a premlnm- Tke Merry W id o w played a rerwrn engagement »-1S. la pa«ft*d b n ii B . 0»aa Xatberm i r l!i-i«. with a mattne*. In The Writing oa tha Wall. TYe* Second Ml*. Tamneray and Sapho. The Omhenm he* a gMH h*H. fta'I of ro nw dy, end on* hl» tnnch. Latlle WHIama atid Cora pnny. In her headline *k*|rh. On Stnny Oronnd. give* * elevrr nortmr*! of the alangy. happy- Bo-lwky Iteat Side girl- Ofher« are J. Franela rvmley ^ml Cbrinn* Saylea. Tbe Abeara Cy- cllig Tronpp. Pamln* Moran. Chnkap aid n<arl<w Jlmm.r iJiea*. Deaglaa aa4 BiMgla* and mot*on nlctn-p«; lar«e b<in*e*. At the Waah'nstnn Th* Seblarmiy** Tnan* nil Kelly and Flo Wentworth, flarr** Barb- eller. Ralph C. Whitehead and morlng ple- Panlln* I* Ih* festnre of the prosram at r*ntnae«*. Gm^l honae* all week. Other ro«y| niimhern on the hill ire Vl".*** Model*. Prrelo Pmlh.M*. The Rord'trka*. The MiT>lc*l Mont- mmerya, Wlll'am D. Gllaon and motion pie- tnre*. Mia* Tmocta*. of Donrlaa and Ponrla*. plar- tne thi* week at tb* Oipbenm. allnped while ••alaa hap a*t aa4 h«i h**a ont of the Mil, but la i a pi H it «• ■* 00 Mar la the week. R. AXBU80N. ittju. DazI*. who. It WtU b* tMBcmhrnil, waa lo nuich fame laat leaauo when aue aiMMMIod with tb* bVdllea. U at tbe Culumi'l* Kn.aUa thla week. Mta* Itaxle, da.uiy *uU iKilie. atuaa ber da.irtng In a rvOued *ud urtiailc manner. Sharing bouur* with her ** a tupnuicuer. ju.lan frUtlnge. *t the Urybeum. 1* luak.Utf bla Ural appvaranrv aa ■ vaod.-vltle aiur. illa luijivr- Mioaliua of feminine cbaiactet* U tbv beat ever »eva oo tbe Auii-rlran stane. Ullu-r act* ua both bill* dcaerriag cndii are meuilunnl la tbe cLiaaldcd iwtfult, apiwailng ca auutUvr pag* of thl* lanue. FullDWIug In Old KaalBCkp. tb* perennial aad saraMfuJ m o lml iaai a at the Waluui, Mm. Wun* «r lb* tathboBB Mleb. lat«T|inii«d hv a gcwT ciinpaay. opcocd Baaday lur ua* wovk** e.igagi-meul. The cowpoity la rapahte, aad ■ tleiiUauc\- baa bcvn gtiou. An exn-lleut abuw, kiiuwa aa Charlea Uobln- ron'a t'ruoue U.r.a. I* making ihe dtamlard Ita home fiM Ibe curreut we«x. Tile buriea.|ih-« ar* gooil. while tbe laudi^viile number* «rv excel- lently given by attUu of cur ablv reiinlaUoa. A beialy ctaorua of goad couMnUaaH. aud aa added allrarthni, Mlaa Cora UrUgataOih Iba' unwdar. make op Uie abuw at Fiimi d'g XM» tre. bllli.d a* Bam T. Jach*B OmftMr. xS uaiul gvwd allemlaiire ptmaltb Bu*:u«** Ma.uiger Tbiihay, at Ma Omw^ Couipauy. Wk* lo Clnclnuatl l**t «m>k wllb tha necvwety evideuce co abuw that hla »lar la aa ■tro.ig ■» evir after hi* reteut acriiieut. aad that be baa wade uuc uf Ibu hjt* vf liU carwtr lo Ibe tltie rvl* uf lacvlialttut tJeoiae. The b.g hill at tb* Awvr ran Ibia week la at- lr*clliitf largo andlvncva auU geuecuiia aiipi aiiaa. ..l-ani* audlmicva ar* Ibe rule at It iiiainiira thla anMk., Maaagvr Orvrpi'ck I* girloB ~Aa belli alHMr far Um nraavy la tba cllj. i'.'!^..»<^ >ak wmjifum ou Waaii:n«- ton-i Blrtadoy. aiaa,MPWn*a XaU gato aitay fuurti-eu muury prixv* aa au'ard* fur lb* beat «od ni.iat plc'tunni.iue culoul*! nialume*. V*iHleTllle au.l nuivlug idclurea wiU bw tho ' IMW iHillcy at lieu* k*a U|ier« Uuuaa la Ih* Aa. ton-. The cbcugv* k-gan Huuday atMnH »liow* will be buukcd |.y ibe Loaw Va and Moving l*'clurtf t:oleriirlae. When Omatabl* Joiepb iliuu, of Si|nlr» My- *ta CMBTI, Willi (wu latllcvmeu. went lo Ih* « rthm o f tbe^Wrgmwa DIxl* JnbUee Co.. an ?*«"?"l'*9.. •* • •»'«'» n.>'<" • ii-ii.-.l. *>f •««J*w a**» waralml afi«r boU ■ddc* wer* bndaed i^ A cook mm ••««* aoo a div*H mit ra*i. ana* Ih* MM tanTarite ■ttaehMi hr at tile «C •aMaT^np imb ^r* tbe Ibealrical miwtMiur wwa atlaahid w^BaWw ard C. W**hlngt«a. of Uanda uvone. Auuuay.. bat tba n.-grue» ear*i«l. ««<~i«-y. .1.?' , «« «h* moat iparUralar aa- rie* of roller rueea arrangvd lu the Went In many Xearv. wlU lake Ji.a.e al Ibe Sew JUuaic Hail RInt the w.-ek of February SH and March 7. On Ibe former date a niimla-r .if i-hul. Irngera of llarley l>airliUuu. tbe Inlenulluoal ooe-mlle chamiUon. wlU meet to d.-<-l.£rwlis u to racaa* UariUaaa Ij a mut.b niiv fur^tb* li?S>. ' ySHT trophy. IWgin.ilug Mouday ?•?!!!; *«*»aary 2S. ther* will lor r*ce. Im- tareen pmelleally all tb* aiiaiil aiiTiri Aintrlca. with thi a(al-aM& STSati^Tlgb? whin Uarldaoa-a opiioooiT^S wBllii** tiS we'i!rht*^?si:r.:,'.i<i*, 'X'\m''t:J^jssL |ir.-i>are fur hU flffbt VllfjMT'jahSHmS do a roouoluKiie ..iiiui at tSToiBBaM^ta&S the week of February 27. "ariBB If lb* iiiaua uf tb* moatrlana of Cincinnati nelier* tbat they will aot. the comlUK meet- S« «jr £"S«-» MnrtcUaa- UalSr'bJ^Tx't ^Sf^^Ji ^ «llh tb* man:ier lo wblrh Ctaelamtl baa been arrnaiJ^." i? treatlBg «mn«allniia. Tba cataulllee* that tei*rie.l at tb* Bie*lla| •( Ita* Ctorln mn Mi" clan-' Unhw dewumilrSted that vTe^ib ag waa toil Older awl that ib» eaa*»MI*B wmSb heiiL X^tbmtl viSmVim In ilpti he lb* .k"'".^T***'. Mf*"- tomtr leading maa al tbe Ulymple Ihealiv. arrived la ClnrAmiil l*M week. *ihJ w 11 rriiinln hens a abort llm* b*- fore golug to St- ISiul, where be ba* euwa llt- Igalhai t-unrtniliig an ealate uf gJ3.iaai. |||s wife and cUII.I arv lo Corlngion, wb.i* Mr- Mayall will n-alde imfj b* IniTe* for tb.- Xorib. !?tl:n *'T!*'jlSL?f Ibi-alrlMl ll jir. 3i*'?!Li"''*' r"??'"*" ■» > have learned t»» been good all o«»r tb* eooalry. The .Lvk rampanle* bar* aU b(*a Mac aa eapoclalte Sue boalaeMi. Tb* thralia l(S* nfam to Seat' ter* ai^d boalneaa ar* going along In a aoMatth ch.iniiel. The direetnn of the Ohio TaHey ExpoallloB bel.l ■ mrrllng laat week for the punwe of making ont a lUt of Hie tnilmcrliulo,,, r.Telved fi* 111* guaraiileu fund. Prr-i Mi nt Rola-rt Rtr- reciom toiir lyiaiar a i l rJ lb* *xpa*lt'aa conllanni miHI Oetobrr 1. It baa deralaiwd the mlnrliMl bindnar* la Ibe extenekm to fart tbat th* geoeral cwirentloa of ibe 1. copal Chnrrh ba* an option on Unile UaUl the entire RKinth of Oeln|i*r. Rio Brothcra Poar. who played al th* tta* pre-.* Theatr*. C'arlaBatl hml t«**k. opea oa tlw Coa<l May « ._Abat ririMbii t IhU Irnipa will atari for ■WMu wfeMa Mav will tb* eoatlanil^