The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 8$, Mia Xlme O 111 board IS SHAKESP EARE ^^ ^0 MUSIC A Series oi Recitals Begun in Chicago by Miv Maiguerile SMrton. New Song by Kahn & Leboy will Rival their SucccH. I Wish I Had A Gitl Tbe Elftat VaHW Olrit oircrnl a umt cUtrr- errniac coimrt at tbe North Sbon Coo- aniLilliiMl Oianb on Saliudajr, I'cbnuiy 1'^. Kr MttHmg fotimui wm« pnmmtfft — I'AET 1. aaUctloD* tram Open Famt (arr. tar bzlatta of PopaUt SelectloM <ro« •■an KaMra Soobb (o» OmM -Aieailia RallliMaa SlU Theme ead Vntetkw. Bnel M. Out tooa Qoartctte fraaa Blctu^tta PABT II. , far Weoil—Wind, tram Victor aasoplHXM:— (Oft Variattop* Martha WaaUnctoo Hall b of tte PuMta Miitlu audascr Ueriwft Hartf-t/ Stnau .D - xtcodcl eoKacMMM « tt» O i pU — Tly ^ aaWL «M(k caaibliMd a* It is wlik Cnc* •■■ SiM^ «lm k«r work tkat atmcdraMM ZSS cmthoilaaa to ker mtOiran aad vmSi U rsvidiT maUDC her a oiost farotcd and pSfStT alnJST Sha la nilsc la her rrpfrtolre ES3i fiSn^fcemlck. RoaXtar and Il.rri.. UI« Deltecat ha« a war of her own that la enticing aad bor IntcrpretaHon ot the popular number* ^wara loduc* tbe t>rpb«nm cotn1« tn appr«<ute Amoag tboae who ll»a tt»— ..r-j-- -zi dit for tbelr aaaiaUMO la tka olbtina: ot talk Bert Raltna aad Loeilla LaTrar. tbe ApOlu fSr. Bdllh awatd. Parau antl Bairet urt Lartoa aad BImtr. Tbe nrcralllos popnlarit; ea Bi*r Oraad aad Meet Me Tooixbt In Drr— - Wb«D are r .iM'Ia. eotbor of Baatball Id mit.<« Siatm. I« now la Mmfvlt and la nmtinc as. alib hl« ti*w root I Baaid «it Oor> 8lrtl:# SIX TlPied. He reporta b a rral riol Mirpainiac ere* hiB faadat_aS' PMta^gaa. Hp la ^ — — Wh.« I Mk at Taa. two stta* Into aaaa bT KllrkBian aB>t hi Katm'in<t I.'-bnT at« In town aivl are tlckli^ orw thr ta\e* of WTufi Tb* Uae Ot MooolUbt. Tbrlr new i>nnx jallsO lt» T*o«h When llCT flarrr Cooper ut the Kmph« a litn^ni romlr^ mtr Qoirtctte 'la ainciac both tbia and tba MooQllfht nomber. Otis aad Otac« tdoi ttor •tiaTe a anr «no la>MMdHliM-IIMlt heat t yyuh I Had A aBKaE^Maii 'wna-vu 1 \f\i*> i Had ^ iuancat. I ' . ■ K iww llairf ToMlia. lamllr'. aT the Caddcas of Utiilj Omaar, at the PHnceaa Theatre, opcna W " i—S i rWa tawa at tto Majcatic Tbeelre 4Ua^««(fc, la-'d^repertoire of meal nambora. Har-derar laodltlom In Tlw OoiUrm ot Uhrrts •d cavUratcd'JMr nraarnt, nanamn that aft<-r ' arcotldltaas jne'cooarnted t9 appear. Mia* htf^adri tbe dlnetloa at lha W««t- "'a^lfaaaden' ..AaaacUtlaa. Ulna PatM Oaral." th» Jeadli« waaWB^wlth the JeadliC waaWB wit -Tlie Merrr Maldena'Onaaanr. -pat a* Mak. nrea. a* a bis nAbef latlhe aliow laat wi»k. Mr..awi BlcCk.lho fMtan«:eOBM«taB with the aaaa.Aov.'ia ManWhlat Iho aoMeSer with hii ._ ar Tie Yoor'UMIe BnU Out «Mf aad AMa Take an Kunipii ttvm T«nr '•Mdrr. iH imUI>dM< l.y )l. WltmnHt 4 I Sllaa Mantuerlte Ruton, a «rU-kM>wn Shakes- pearean actreas, from the aid acbuol of Booth, Barrett and many othera. started a coorw oC four CToltala lairt Friday, at tbe 15l«'lairay Re- cital Hall. Uer redUla wUI be accompanleU by amaical program, nblcb accontlnc to Um Klrahhanm anil He*ly at Sehlniller'a laat week. w;re the bit of tbe b'M ampins •)(a>laK and If I Thought Ymi Wooliin't Te!l. .^'MlluM la alv) inaklng good with the aame over at the I'rraltlrat with tbe additloa or iierlip-a bis Idt N-srt To Your Mother tVUo Do \oa Um. CaiTi«- Srott and Ttrr _ Itac and <>h You Teiae iiunitiem ami nay Uiat tbay na laBed -with tl»B>. —— Bsitoa u wtatlKg m a«M top ta MlUKlrela. ♦ Don Beatar, the po|talw amagcr'aad coauio- w-r, I* tbp anthni d< a new tatenaeaao poh- UAcd hr XhoaqnoB called RIppiea. TMa nom- V"—^ "IVaapana'a Tineflil Meiediaa were Mmud UM wrtt aa liiliiialK ■ —i—^t-n- tj.tta MdNtlni at the new Ttrtntx Tbiatrt^ ♦ Dona, IVanda aad Company, who are nlaylnc tha Orpbeum Oircolt. are nalng WItmark'a "Tu tba Bad of the World With You. with aleaainz a arf iML . 3Mr laadltlaa of ~— '^r^r^ Dstar aad Otaiaa at the Majestic this week, ^» i darlmgf b^ Bait aad It la mectlac wiib the way Iher rat It $mr. • Wnllc Howard, U ate \ ♦ ot Howard and tlnwud. aoar ■IbfIbe t»o aoi«a which St ita bet- ut Tao. by J. Brandon Walah haa been takea oa by the M. " *ho win aabllik tMa ^tDbeeawa'wkMt.. Ttw Big Tliree. Tecxy Sbeimaa. Hanr (kauu- man and Marty Bymao are agtin tocelber and with tlie help of the Harris aambera. ai» golnx Mg a« entertalnen thU ♦r in ♦ by U. a City Where Noboity Carea, baa » wondecfDl fait coniiderlng tbe abort tlaae that thte nmber haa beca lanaehed. Bentoo and Bleilaa ata tV Oh. Taa Caady Sid. liahri il. WItmark * ♦ Trlile Derrllle, aaUig Rosaltrr's numhera In her DOTel cotnedy act. ts gotng big In hrr elerrr of these aong hllii. MUSIC AND THE STAGE. Sbapln offeta a asw aorelty I. Mcdhmat. luMMad RusUlsg to Fn r a bit %<ingh the mna aa folkma; It eertalDly keepa me haitUng to fUl eecfr date It eertnlaly keepa tne gueaalng whcra IH meet ny fade. An tadoor phat. or moonlight walk. tMt» Of hot air ami ttoo-goo talk. Bach one tWafes ttat abe to It: Bach «ae thiaka that rm hacA hit. That*B why I hMtale. aad leaUy. tmly atate K certoliily keepa me batUaK to flII date. IN PUBLISHERS* ROW [ol the Combioed Efforts of S<mg Writers and Pufalkheis New YoA—rChoruses of Popular Pieces and . Description of the Themes George W. Mc.ver ami Jack Drislaae hare compoaed a new niunlKT. entitled That China- town Bag, in which ibey glre the Celeatlal a rather unique place In the realm of popular male. Tlte P. B. HarUand Publlablng Co. claim Ifee ocw piece Is being well rccelrcd and H mlpBhB lla way lata liiTli fataa. Praaey, tecy, Chlaee. daaer. Hear that taae that mafcaa yaa Ho-Mo-Kb-Ia wigsie. Kins me and call me your mi TVll m« that I am yonr Ya-ma, T a ■■, Slide-y. aiide-y. by my 8ldt-y. I,«ali oat Utile Itelle Dett-jr. Mka-aa m*> ee tad ao Aee-ce; TVaeh me to prance and daaee that Chlaatawa Rag. * Jeff J. Brannan. who wrote the big hit. oaUed Anywhere, says be tiaa a bigger winner In liia new song, entitled I Lore My Wife, But Oh, Her Family. Mr. Brannan Is also busy with aererai new aooga that will aooo make tb<lr ap- pearance on the TawSevUle atage. CHORUS OF I LOVB MY WIFE, BUT OHI BBB VAMIUY. I lore my wife. hat. OhI her family. Oh! ber family, Ob! her family. Ob! ber family. Looks more like an army, when tliey'te march- lac down the line. _ Yoa oaght to aee tbeiB, how ttar haadle aa^ It I n^' by AIbeit~Tai7 abmild not tall ta « TVae sins Nora laale MBS.. GHOBDS. Nora Malooe. call .me by 'phone, Member one, two^ three, four, Don't forget the nomber while yoB JaalUT Oi>eB yoo eyea for arise. " Hear all the Blarney Carney trooa KIBBMV, Colleens are few, there's nooe like yoa. In tlM> old town of Athone, Mnsba-wiil><ra, Old Erin's'lale coaM not make me amUe, wtth- oBt yoa. Bdca I AHfeor 9. pJuSST has wpB papalar CHOBUS. On the good ship. Lore. yoB 'WiU With one who la fond of yc And the good ahtp. Lore, will As loox as iMtb aie trtie. So keep the annahlae la Hio* afclea are dark Let And yaa Lore. nil sway. ■ Bine winners, ClOTer. CHORUS. Red Clorer. when yon came. Swt-et brwxes breatfacil Yon 'yux the roeo to stiame And Tar heart's aflame. When other lips drew near. My lips will call yoQ here. For I'm crazy orer my Bed Clorer, dear. ♦ George H. Diamond is pntailahlag a aaiu celled Kiliy. br WllUaa J. SIchol* aad WO' Ham ~ " ■ Kitty. Kitty, always fair and pretty. All tilings aecm brijrht, since my ftat of ber beantlfnl eyes of blue. Kitty. Kitty, always ot you I dream. KlMe I're been In lore, no star ap abs*» brighter than my Kathleen. That Itailiin Rag. one of Leo l'>Ist's new aong pnblicatlooa. Is winntnr faror by all per- fnrmera who are osinK It. .VI. Plantsdoel. the eompoaer. aod Edgar Leslie, who wrote the wonts, certainly pot forth their best efforts to mske the aoag a aaccess. Two other new songs that Imre amde a lilt with TandeTlIllans are Be MIy. MoHy. and I Didn't Mean to Make Ynj Cry. O. Seoeirp. a ynnag eompoa e r. who haa beea al ad H B > la Barape Cor a . aBBACT of on tie mirket. .Vmoiis the latwt are: An \atomul>lle and a Man at tbe Wheel. MeAdo<> Bored u Hole bom Bi^wlilyB to the Pole. Tbaio'a Liphi «C Lorera Bcatacy^aaSMar MBmt Sum, Blanche Ring, tbe atar ot the new moaieal comedy. Tbe Yankee Girl, Is making a iklt with Jean Sebwarts'a i>ew soof. I'll Make a Ring Anmnd Bosle. Helen Bertram is slso slnjslng with mach aaceesa a soog by Jobann C, Schmld aad Ohailes B. Baer, eatltled The Tea Ate't Sat tha OM fU tka la « Her Vtoccr. by IuhUs aad Ftfay. to oae oC the late hits that l!i IwIdk pat out by Maurice Sha- pink. Let tlK Boaea Tell My Siocy. by Al. SterrBKn and Ollre Chapman, and .My Mamie Rose, br WMIIe J. CMcaa aad B. Ray Ooata. ure alao T'^ " ■ I eery cateay little StacdaM, ta oae ar (CO put «Bt ty tS* My Beaala Blae Mb. -u Itcotrh m e l edy . by Mlgnoa i the Mr inoecsB ttat has hcca pnl Great Eastern Mosle PahUshlas H( the other big hita credited are I'd World for Yoo. My Lore, Bhow Me In tbe Light of the Same Old Moon. . ♦ J Fred Hdf haa recently braaght eral songs that are sore l>ig wli those th^t are slated to leave a Iastla( na- -ireaalca oa lorcra of sentimental maate are Bailey snd Tearo have hooked for an eitendrl BKli4 Uuuachont rennaylraola, and the a,1- htfftm atataa. Xtinr ore Batas AUied aaiaaaa'a baOad. Mamhave Thm^ Saawaae. aa a eewet ado. Slid Vm Uaekr's Amlaa. aa s daet fbr trcDiIioce .ind remet. In ttie (.ftnl-rn .ot My Herrt. and Tbe OoKr of Hope are two new pabUeatlona of the WItmark Co. Ernest R. Hall » the eompoaer. Both song' are sun;; by ITertiert ClIflOB. wtio la known pn,- fe»sliiMllT ;i» The ilnn with the flO.UOO V>iee. ♦ Any OM Towo Is a Lonesome Old Tbwn. Wien Voar Sweetheart la Away, and The Ulac and the Hoee ate two successes from the pen of Mcnrice Daniels. This song Is poUlshed by the Rotbsm-Attncks Co. ♦ Noble ami Hrools. of the Vanity Fair Cem- |.any. are Tiiaklnir a decided hit w:tli a potv Uttl - song called Sbairr Eyea. The piece la oae of fte str-ms^ atOactlcas pot M>t by thr Wltauifc Company. . , ' Westoi aad Williams, teame, hare two good raddy Was 3 Grand Aiaar Man. letamt are alia ' »BacaHiH la. bar- Kr'iy Day. and tan. niBari aad samm with mae^t y aa ra to a eooa song by «^ Mth. that U making e hit hi nt * nite comedians. The soog is by R. C. McPhersoo. ♦ A MW entitled Tboae Good Old Busy thoar F'jtd sa.1 Swor. playtnc the maaU-liaM biinaa i in aa arrmtHedaartat; aad emaady •nps Ml ntNk ^. • ■■tth- * Op. t Kind of a Girl and Gee. bat a Grand Old Plaee. are aome of Its |>nldl<<ie<l by the Joseph W. n,e BMat eOeetlee namber latindieed by tbe ^—aeyw^la^jeggh tlYgt^awe MMa Utr IMS to creating no ei»l of langbtcr CM fheMlMIe coaaaMiit with hrr »tu> it^tltr* of in as«r Ilia Ste-Saw Down. The Itaakal >aha*ow ate aslng. with _^ ^ BrtlllaiF BHRh.. SoBset Brings Idle Dieama to oae «( Id* Bennett's nnd 5taK U. Lewto* toteat «Ctsae& Ft -pciwonAl. patter pertaining •. ,to^ performers. • V (OhatUaet MiM .^aaa.S.). r. Vasty, •llreetor . of ' the creheatra ScMtaScr's, is r»6eanlnc dally bla new eomady. Called A MMHpllalre'a Pipe tWraai. a Tandeetlle aet In tbre* aceaea. to be I>radnc«d r ity aborlly. apiieaitag Omt.' ar cmuae. rt Rrtallnder'a. -Hie book aed lMlcs are by d. w. Fried, moale by Clijs; F. peety. Th.! Tnrry Twins, an act aeir. to pbirago. when seen at the Ilayinarket week ;before last, !• al the atar tbi* mek and Its stfceeaa la tre- meniioos. Thete two eotcrlalners leak fexact'iy xllke ami iMa Airt pnupled wHh' tha tr. ah llUy " perfnrmera makra them aa i io n i il a r Wfth tlH>- airvaner. as miiat acta aspire to Be.. ♦ The caae of Kelly va. Rnchanan la which KeMy elalma. to hare dai " ■ a aMadalMBlr car privilege* with the Yankee Robinson Clr- last samaaer. was tbmwn oat »f roart last leek e( prMC betBg.tka saaBK B. f t op ened ItwatPi a. Abw la la OMaipa itp^ ftie th^ Wat it- aK t aa a with . Bebliader's Mme'a auay years. They aeeaaa the watoe aaS ea- Al. tl'apla. rt Ike riaaa. ClnclnnsU. O., last week, OoTinetoa. this week, wll not bn seen In Cbtpagn for SOON Mate SB he t* fessfead aa Bsatem time tnr se t ee a l wiiks. aMr fMlb he will proiiabiy go OB MuailK* aev ehaaHaa Ctr- cott. Traak ami Oladden. orer at the Preeid»r tMa woek. are eren more pleaalng tnan when laat seen here. Trask'a impersoiuiting daneci ere rteiwitr nnt forth - - — abae aa« hack an i Fltiyd >f.ic1; has brought suit against J. G. Bnrrh. manncer of ttie Comedy neatre. for $73. It Is uniVrstond that Mr. Mack «aa CBaceil<J ht ;tla ho;tsp. ami tbe aelioa waa tshea on a ray or pl«r cvmtract. ^ The case of Adolph Potter ra. tb" EUls Are. Theatre nsMttled uat e< eaa rt by. WaMring- t!tJSi «*t& tSS TototoAS&K Ethel MIWV. the lady TCOtrlloquUt. haa made goad Bs OMeaso wtta a Tendance. She ia one of the be«t in tbe hnslness. says Conlf Holmes, wbo ia booking her. ♦ Mlaa Mabel McKlaley. who appeared at the Lyceum laat week, will take - a BMClMSedsa rest tMs week, going to her haaw k Hmt Talk for a three dayV stay.^ . Oseelto Fortuna will join the RageakS*. WaUaea Shaona the last we^ ot Apirn. ' Kiacta ami Vyne. with their aofclty atngtic and talklBg act. were at the OiphiiMm Thcalie. Jamestown. M. D.. laat '" — ' tbiag ta geiac ane. fo r ten weeba with their act. calM la Bits of Nlgjffel«B. Mr. Lawceaes. auaager- of the Doailataa i1wsti a;-JWIaalng. Mr. Wa MSia n . sT tbe ' - ♦ The RfPhard Gntbman Oa. has Inatltnted salt sgaliwt tht. nicagB Railways Co. for dama g es. AAiIbIi Mhafca * ^ sae BtMaaay. - -