Billboard advertising (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 26^ 19ia T ti B-i 11 board 16 AN AGENT'S REFLECTIONS Scout of the Professional Persuasion Indulges Himself and The Billboard's Readers in the Discussion of Afbin and Personalities of Interest to All By TOM NORTH. It li not > bit uDtlnelj to remirk tliit Tbe Blllboanl'a C0T«r pain hart ercatnl mont favor- couiiurai. Ibe atvt«vtrptNi liln at • rvga- Inikio fruail«|>l<c« 10 tha |Mat matk«« a vamg- uliie or iH rliidlcal. OM "Blllr IHV" bM liiii'd witti tbe llinva and plaevd ttwlf la lb* (mat nnka of luUrMuallrai aad orlelnalltr. ntmit immilDrnt ibraUM or tbaniasbrarat itaat -~ III* iirofcwluii not alone, but atanjt Btmrrtt math paami uvoa. trampled aad wtU apruK op awl Mom proiKrlr, as laillcated br atl nlgbt work to clcHr up ordorii Hint arr plllog lii. Succeaa, liors, (ron "Blllr Bo>'* aod Ihe acrltw. T. W. Hoi^h*.. UnuvUlc, hauaea. pittldMit and Jack Oh VarlvllM and l^rrli Ml., nlait ilw LfTte la pctvaUa at all A pp'acbrr came at a aewtpapcr man In tUa war: "Xm fdlma «• m trii thv troth, ir m Mk fm iiii i ir^ mnu jraor m wap a i trfa w iia l i- ■>• rallpica." n» •dltar n-idird: "Xtw - ar« rlfht, and tbe mlnlatrr wbo will at all IIium and under all circuitulancra trll tbv irrhale tniib •IfOut hla niMDlMT*. alive or dt-ad. will not oevupf Ua pnlylt Mr* tbta «a« Suada}-, and tb«n bv Id to tee bim receotlr. I didn't get to nntll 7 Id tlif rri-ulDC. °llin-e Tirliu waa Ibe atirar- lloo 'tiat dIuUI anil. iM^llrvt* ojo. tbt* mob tryliijc t lo jraln aduilaaluo was uf triple dimt'DKloii^*. And CoUlna callirj- ticket selli-r wai IIL .Vol o:i tbv Job. 8nni. I aold 'ein. Jamiued 'em lu r*ir fair. Omi IntlaMH. Anal tben Tliv Xewbrwiili naw aiMil^Mr «m4i latnr aad faaiBiij *nn asala. tfaaiv dkaa to all tmrsa If yon gtra '•m , Ibc risbl abowa. CuUlux la sure a wurker. I ♦ I Caracr aad Obodoian an tbp Inaeca o( the KratMd ar. .i'adj wali 'a ina ttr flarhanaab wtt^ Sir. arWp'XtWs?*' * autwer. than tht For a real Ilea wtrc ami Cbarlea Sweeten, nanr pxi want ±V«Ua' amm. want t^ m eat or tbe bell lifted np bis rolce In a moat dismal bowl. The old darker atoppeil and aazed at blm for a moment, and wltli a **hu8b yer moutbl" start- ed rluKint: avail). AkjIo Ibe ulii boctod with noae in the air seat furiti a lua« drawn howl. Tbts was too anA (or the ben turning on tbe hwod, he lit "Xoiv. what lo de a tn-M erboutT Yon lessen yer wants ter." ♦ An arent maj flirt with all tbe choma girls some o( the Hue. or soaia of the ehmaa tfila all tbe lime: bat no aaeat haa -a il«hl l»1M with all the ehucaa ■tAa all tha Una. {Xav, AL Wan*, Win ha aii«n IBJM aafelor BMh hB*e tar aat haie MILWAUKEE MASK BALL. 7^ V • N . ... II i 4 (Photo made tepcclally for The Btllbnaid) Taken at the Tb«alrlral Prlie Maak Ball, Wrut Side Ton nail. Milwaukee, TTediMay eTeatUE. IVh. •. alrea bf attarbe* UUwankte theatres. The jdrtnte u pwiai a ta nembers of the Vrw Orntgry Olrls, Tbe Trocaderos Burlesquera. Brown of Ilarrard, Qay Musician coD|ianlfS. and Tandrrllle peoiile playloc last wrek la th* "Crtsm City." Can yan and any o( yonr frieadsl raeoaraglna smile, like tbe wlibrrinc Tlolet In 4ty gnnad rslm-e Its head lo a rerrrshlac ■w»n. Pew men nnderatand the aatnre ct a weaaaa. Par be It from. Take the atria eat •ajRaaaaa. They weie ■ettint iready tut Val> wttar. Our. Oae of the Hmskms ihat fMnd jfaiia h| OMrir lihotaBtaph alhaaM raada aa (ol- ''flar tTM hare met). Onr llpaT Not jrcti l*nl. Oh. .To« kidl I'll get jrou xet." _ And atlll. In a recent lamie of tha SatiirdsT Beenlnjr Po«it, two and a half pairra \vi*re Ar- sated In "Dnea FarmlnK Pa.rr" and the afnrr ■nnvlnced you that It does—lo Kansas. Think It orer. . ♦ OTer In tiprlnirlleld. 111.. Tbe Co-OperstlTe Aniiiaefnent anil !lnppI.T Conipan.r. Rimer Ott, arrelary, haa oprnnl up what ppcnntaoii to be the real thlnf In thf anppl.T line. They are loetirt In the (Wd Fellnwa' IlHllillnit, that cllv, and, altha<i|ih quite yoiina aa a llmi, plainly Illustrate tliey have struck lbs public want will and it necesssry to leare town In a harry. The press aad tht iwlpit no haail la hand will whl tiwa idl feMhra aaid pleasant wanla. maenl- tyinc little elrtaee lata Mc oaea. The pnlplr. the pn and the urareatoae are the great |ie«ce- maklu trlnaielrale." A-mI the great minlal'-r went sway looklna Ihoaablfni. while the e<lltor tnra-M to hbi work aad toM ot the aa aariiaseloK braniy of tht brides whilt, to CM, ika- wss iljr. ^ . . • aeo.-tte Rsmlg han ahatge *t Iba wal w M i a at tbe Urrlc. Terre Baale, aod Mir. fchrotdtt, at the Varieties. O. H. niimsey rialma he waah't'a really Boort sgent herauae be eoiildn't . TTell, nt'vi-r mind what. but. at an.r ralo, the rank* of th.- agen's Inet a irnn,| man wht^i Riim.t'.r toft the game. lie Is now anreeaafiilly piloting tbe Ma- jestic Tbestre. KiiriagMd. III.. <• rMaiy. Mr. Riwisey la well llh«« by an hk OU* blip, la bla succves testlles. Plae chap. J. Dee Collins, manaircr Park Theatre, Hen- deraoB. was In • terrible stow whan I landed ererr nttniMv and the heal It **ne't a secead Htm Lad- eh> Bat tnM. ♦ TxM n. Williams la certainly stepping along tike a 6.ey]ln<l#r car. ahead of Rlnala Rojrari* aho^ra, bamlllnir tbe prt-^a. Snmt. larice pn-ea aai'ht. !a TVIIIUm*. Inrldi-ntall.T speaking. Mr. WUIIams will be THE general agent for Gentry llntlbera* Enlaraeil l>og ami ron.r Showa Ibli* ei-npon. and I'll ailaa nty gnera (ao will many others) If these shows do not show a larger limAt than ever before. Wsteb *em. Watcb WlIlliQia. ♦ Campl>ell Kennedy, that prince of good fel- low*, ami who reprt-acnta tho Plj; 4 Railroad at Lotitavtlle. contrlbiiten the ft'llowlns: A rallmad eatlna hniae In Ronthem Geoegll. which entnys the ra'pntallno of litlng one of the wneat plaer* of Its kltd lo the state, has an ancle-It darkey who annanneea dinner to the la- coning psssengetn hy riaglH a bace hell. One dsy the m j t w «8b artltipaalii hy a ssd- rcd. kng-eaiad finafc wtaii at the liat riaglug The fsTorlte story of Harry Daley. Dlst. Fan. Agent. Rig 4, ladlantpolls: Na-arly ererybody la ladlsaspoUs known "OU Jim" BoMy. Yeats ago he waa a wea-kaewB lawyer, hot aosr he pirka ap a precatlona lire-. Ilhniwi hy delag edd Joba of tmeklag. with a ditapltlated. raasshaekle wagon aaal aa eld. hmken dnw^ herte. Mind and eery lame, which he can b«ep in malloa only by dint of much iwofailty aad coaataal application of a stick. Oae day he a ecati d a Joh ta hart eaae (amltore to a aeeood-hand dsMsi' a .' aad to tbe street he net • fHtad fumltnre. ahonted: "Hello. JIni! MoTlarr* "Ta-a." drawletl the old n iFnnny how these zalltoad i eh() - . ■ "Jnst barely." I thiak of speed. TbeFItt gonpeoap an It hta e«ar . lap TTnopa hart the . > aaa seillaitn of ear Jap mr p h aaw ia t* srHaeaa.