The billboard (Feb 1910)

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—' APY 26, 1910. Xlie 01II board 17 MOTION PICTURE VOGUE IN THE ANTIPODES Remarkable Growth In Australia Equals Their Rise In Europe and Aineiica^-Cones po iK i en t Asserts That Th^ Have Made Inroads Upon Thft Older Foam of DETAILED REPORT OF STATUS IN SYDNEY ' !• mt'wm tmr naamcm to wr <kat Ibcy J tk* nsolar sod Tiadcrtll* WM** pIcMrM. sbown tl tbr UUclarinm. ai« • kourkeld word Id all Enfllxti po wt m 'ook. Tb* Wm Praprl«tar7 liairc \tj Imr tb* largvat flaDiN*r of caoriat piclum rana'ac lo AaiimU or nmt Brtlala. Ihaa taj Mb«r Brm. Ttttj m anlfoTTQlx murtroos to tb« prcM. and orrcr ••Mn to be Inoblrd with on laactire llv«r. Ilka «MB« of Ibr olban la tbr bualBn*. To tlwlr MpariUuB tMraM the pma. murb of Ibrlr murm maj ba alttttalcd. Thar hare twrUa >irii»i»t ahaara ia Aaalralla. baaldaa luiirlac iwaiiaali i. aad auajr !• Onat Briiata. aad aia «• tMcr tha Oaaaaiaa ML Tha Weat Praurl- ^ta*T oiBplagr mvr ■*• hoadard iwoiila dally, aad thp arrat (mof* of thrlr aatartalamrsia la tha landral porlloa. Loot* DcOnim look* af- tar thai pori'oa. aad aa ba la tba Ooranmaat floniv ma«lral laadar. hla vira-raaal baoda aad onlmtraa arv a craat raaiiii* of fbalt aolrr- lilnniralt. aad tbalr atpradllare for lha IwaUo aonttia ffla>l fool op eloae lo Iba mlllloo d(4- lar aarb. If aoc la azcaaa of It. Tyt* flrni'a bv•rtqu^n■•r■ arp loratad Id IhU rll/. vbara *rr «tock» of dlou Ibil tub cloaa nolo rlx Hcnraa. Thar bara Joat bollt thr Uncnt moa- loc plrtnia palac* to Iba worm at Mtlboarar. trd tbrj If* galac to do tba aama la tbla city aiaai. aad aar ant that waaia to auhc thair aaaw tm tha ■■»la> flialaf* baidam haa Be Is baaUe aad ha«» daUaia hr the bairrl- " •» P«* wtth thaat Thf* aaiff talD ahoot t«u.M» acaal* saahly ta thraa ■tataa aad Xaw Xtataadr^aad tha alaff that laaka aftar tha conaapeadrera aod of tha Mii'araa ha* ae How to fat off aar cold cheat- aalB dariac h a il a t aa hoara. T. J. Waal It at tba imani Haw to ffadtead. hM to v par tha arniaa af Ma otoatoha a-aMt- tha nan faar — " ba arm ftt. At Iba Lrcrom Tt)«tT*. C- Spaocar haa |a»t roniplptrd ■ |oBt Irtna nf tba ai*» e'rnu bnlldlnii. tulll by Urain. WIrth Rralbara lo llrlhoaroa. aad will at ooca conrart It Into a moTlai pirtarp tbratrr. In cloaa proilmlty to Wfaft bqlldlas. »Dd Dcarar Iba city bj » law janla. be will no doabt sat bit ahara of na boalaaaa. aod tba rlralrx bpiiraaa tba two hu aiaaa y ranaladar af h'u _^ . _., a tMi to tha land «r Me Man aad SMim a raw wvk>. Ra dhwatthM a «hM lo S&b> UK*T. lo nil op tba Chrlalana halMara. ntnntt. bat Draarthalaai tra>. Maa an *ewa barr bafora tbi^ aaa tba llabt sf dar U 'ha rnltni .stataa. aad I oftaa watch tha aa- ao aat t ui t ii ta of ralataa of flKna In tha ITaltad Slilp* aud Iban roDanlt praeraBia bate tad flnti for an ■msal fart tba/ bava alraadr baia •bnwa bare aod baaa panad oa to at bar OaMa. Wa hate bad hcra Iba Olnu of tha Hudaoa-ral- toa Olahratlaa to New Verk. aod tbay bare gna Ihalr wack aad pa a itd oo to o«b;r citlaa. Nr aa New Tartar to alt aad aaa the daar tU straaia or Xew Ywfe. aflrr rear* e( ab- •anca, ahaoat hnaflM. MR ta tv afce. aad tbanka to tha raaMca af Ike aiaitoa picti haalnaaa I hara haea r aahfcd to alall areeaa of at.* tratela to MHV (irclfa tea Tha oor (trat waodar fa. that a e tat a af traaal aa tbla a'da will ararralx dfaw a haad. aad tboaa nf an abaolntalr BOOaeadcal aact wOl htlKB dnwB the hoosa. T^a Naw Vlrtflrla Hall. TUa fam of a Dwr* plianra lhaatra haa haan raballt fraoi tha CT*<nnil np. and lo tba moat op-lo-date atjla, aad la tba inoal parfrct morlBS lUrtara tbralrc In Anatralla. bol aot b.T ana owana tba lantaat. Mr. KIna manaaaa to kaap bla booaa wall op to data. baalDc pood boalaaaa all the tlaa. Half ~ farther ap the me abaet. to the thr •Mhr T to i a t H i. which haa hroa ndwdll aad' la •aw hAi aadcr liaar to IT — ncrr TMrto. toMr aC _Tlw^jllJna Ptrtotv Palace. TMa waa apaaad tha dar tba Scat laadad at ardaay. aad haa iMw brra cnlarpad aad aaada np to data, the mnf ra'aed and tha Ulael opera chair* pat la aad Iba plctntaa afa aa leed aa aie a h u aa to aar hall la Brdnav whan It romp* to tbp nat- tar or alcadlnpaa. for tba raiton that tha (tanil for Ihp marhlna la bnlll up of anilil rock tod la down to bad rock, and tba nacblna boltpd to that. Tbp oaarattna room la lars*. wall Tpnillatrd and alvwlntprr Dta proof. All the cbtnrr for an.r Haoip lo lat Into the Ibaatra «aald ha rhvoash tba hole fraea which tba ll«ht aC tttf lanap protacia. and tba'llttip ha> that H aaad tnt alcMlac the piclam oa tha •ertra. Kaw. whr daa*l aoow oTlhe ~ ^ . _ that aiakp anatlaaa flar Ihe •aapla af ihi- ■■kp aoa «>l fond. tb«ta la a dty. Tbla wia the hoaae that ran Ihe Radaon- Palton BItn, and I bare aot appo II ItaIrd at any olhar thaalrp In tbla pity. Tbp manaaar of tbla tkaatra la Mr. Vaacbn. tod thp lhaatra la owned by Tba n'Joo Amnaampnta. Umliad. It la a llm'iPil llabllltjr company, worklaa no dPr rhartpr fmm ttia Ooiaraiuaot. and raatfr tarad by tha OoTanaDaol. All limited llahll- lly raaipaa'aa hate In kpop a Hat of their j hwhal ll na at tha ■aalale r tle a afl'a aOeew aad mr mm ha torn i tetTtor aagr aaa ea pay- iBNt of a Wo «( ahaal twrho rrato Aawrlcaa aMoay. ae yaa kaow JaM arhat the peld-ap cap- ital and tha oa w ra af tha aharaa ara. and tlia •mainaaa daor. aa It haa all to ha Blad at the ■eglatat t l aaaiial^ aflfo aiai j afai aa thaatn. with . 11 a. to. to II •. at., at' prMto aaheofd of to tUa cooalry, aaoMly S caala and • caata. haa aoecaadad far bayond nrll>laat drratua. Tba owaara bata alao otiraad ■ buoaa In Uvlboumc, and I would bare Lrl blm UXOO to a chaw of tobacco, tbat la laaa lUat thrpa wapka bp would hava cltMad op bla cootlnuuna nerformancr. Tbay haaa a lyplrti Amrrlran froat, all pan whita, wllb plaoly or alpctric I'cbta and a lone ballway that ipaila dirvct Into tbp tbealiv. and an np- tiwlata odlca. wbrra It la a plcaaora to look In anl aaa the rlfbt way the bualacoi la haa- dlpd. ProKr a ma ara cbancad daily, aod It tlM-y are aM all of tham the lataat aiAJccta. ha wt to a to wt held af Una that hare aot heaa ritaaa Mm to Aoalfalla. Good tock to Mil. J. Ol Wni'aM aad hto partaar. aad tba Aaarlcaa haya with blm. aad It la a deara- rlshl plaoaoK lo go la aod Ret a doae of sood oil Amvlcao lansuapa, with all tbalr naw pbraapa atal np-to^data oaaaalna- Tba b<*ya rooip from Seattle, and bara more than dalla- prp<l tha toai» aad niada food all the tlma. Probahlr ore will he aadoc oooia tnore oaaf .^•aatia Mto hoUdla* to aaabla •haat to aotaibe tK^ aMmatlle ~ lluaanr, tart and a poally aura •( cola of tha raalin «!ciirpd a ttane-yaor hfoae. aad b«''< haiipy. Uaaom. Sprlnfatt tha ••S.ibivay'" Mich. Thp to toana. cMiCAao wm WOW. ur.oo* tMr'*bl!lS2H^I *SnSr*C»S*'*JSfp.* wtoacea Ibe tvleaaa. March S. of the I'ort of tha UaTolnlloo. wbtrb poanad by alara af the thaatraa of I'arla. ataicrd apva nuoad aiaile aa^ crrd by hiaturr, Ig aald to ecuiiaa all ptodne- tlona of lu kind. Tbara la llttia fartbar opwb arallablp coaram- lot Ue. Carravlao and Ibp latpriiallunal Prujavt- las A Proiluc Ok Co. Tbt* odirva of tbp cuui- uany In thr ikbtllpr Full Una an quia, and Canatl>-o'a abwruce la outlcaabla. ♦ Tba Old Ballatla Film Ranawlns Ootnpany harp muTad tv orw quartan, aad axe uuw at 22 Randutpb alrrvt llr. Bpaar the manaKpr of tbla cuai-prn. taila aa that bualnaaa la axcal- Ip-U MDtl atcMdIir Impruvlotf. ♦ Oicr oa OrpPD etn-vt. Ihp CblraRO FIlniarB ot tbi.* rDt_«i roruyivt*- and beat ap- to boHp'ta:» lo lu^ rvuQtry. INSPBCnNQ CANADIAN THKA- . TWKS . ka. IVh. 31.—Oa March 1 two _ detailed hy tb» Ailamay-apa acal. wlU atort oat to lour tbr pror'arw with a riew of a rliiaroa* laapacltoo of movint pU- tnra ahowo. aad a proapratkm of all oparaloo' and ovnpia auUty of latraetlnn of Iba Uota- rift ri'^latlnna. Xupt. J. E. Uoe«*. of the proTlDC'al pollre. haa lasord watnlns InotnMrtloaa. Thla aclloa A STRIKING RESEMBLANCE Bciaa fMaa aaa at the aalect aahl*cto telaaard by Tbe EzcIoolTa Amerlcaa Film OMapaay. hare, aad thaee I* oiaawy bara for tboaa tbat are aot adeap la aomc of the atrva* llae* tbat ore aaacr area bara. Tbara la au AoiaHcaa bara now on tha atrcata la Ihe old gtaaa callar Hop. that aplla Ibam all day at lScMk.ea(h aad haada Ibam oat aa fait aa tka tan dH wta? a rlrcolar arouod tbam. \7. H. a. tiAlUC. NEW Y ORK NOTES. Maiara. Bocaa and Shapard. who own tbe ntjoa Thaatrp. JohaBiwabnnc. Sontb Africa, to Jima. raw, imrrbaaid two Powar'a Oanspra- g rapha No. 5 Npw York Approrp.1 Rfinlpmpnl. The marMnpa harp itlTPO ancb aatlafactoay wrr. Icaa In thla far olT tt'M. whara moTln« pictnraa harp bPCncDp rorr potMilar. tbat niion pztcotUitc Ibpir tHsalnpati thpT havp Joat .«r«|prpd aaoltK'r niarblnp nf tbp aama tj-pa.' and writp, M.vlBk that thry are tptj- nnrb plaaoail mith tha oar.-- Ira tbay haaa abtalaad fmiD the Oral two mx- chioaa. wMch th»» j B i thai H i fxaan the KMHtta oiap of tha aawj B« Ryr. la.aatoMn dac«4t. WILL OMRATC MOTUHK HOUSES. • toearporatpd at J to e oa d i ie t a muT'na ai<mm«T nanlaa at Cliar- Tba Art Ai >IO.n«a haa haaa nlctme thaatta lailaaTllla. Va. ■P:ia oOlPafB aie A. D. Pabnar. ptvaldpnt: J. 11. Montasna. rlca-prpaldpnt: A. V. Conwsy, ttaaaurar: I* W. Booth, aacrplary, .\nd P. P. Paoll. g<>npaal manaRpr. Tbay will otwn Ibp Art Thaatra ahaut April 1, It will harp a apatlnk capaclt.a of 400 and will be davolad aatlraly to moalDk plctareo. HAPPY AQAIN. baa bean dpampd npc-aaary. It la rlalmad, owlBK to rcporti reaching tba dppartmpot tbat tha ragalatlooa ai« not balnic kpnprally ob^ wrrad. and that <o coasaqnanaa aaaaral cloaa calla trooB Sra bare beaa axparleoccd. OLD EDISON EMPLOYK DEAD. Oae of tbe oldaot and owat eiprrt _ la the aiapiar of the Bdlaon Cowpaay. Wm. Haaoe. diad «a VMrcoair M- Mr. Hp>aa bad bvei. OMiirtatMl with the Bdtaoa forcaa fur Ibe pB»t twaaly-flae year* aad area mnaldrrvd an an- tbortty oa Rlnctooeofie maanfaetcVa, campmo. prin'inc and parforatlnic marblnaa. lip waa alao OOP nf thp oMaat miaialoi a In tha I^ultpd Statpa, baring bapn one of tba original Cillann «n- ployi* wbn ware naad In tba dpmon>4ratloo of tba Klaetaaeopa at>pa It waa Ont placed oa tha EDISON NOTE& Hie Bdlooo Compaay will talaaoa Ijaaaaa'a Mlg. "—"— ' oa March Ray Martea% flims. nia Mairh 11. * JSr'ha*iSa!eS Salaa Manaicpr John Prlxar. of ttip Ediaon rcmpany. Ipfl tba fnrtory on FVbniary IT, oo a lonr whirh carrlaa him to Cblrago. Clcrpland. To>ado Colnnibna. CInPltnatl. Detroit. Mll- wanki^ Plttabnrir. Baltlmnra. I'b'ladPlpbIa nod Waabtnetoo. In parb of which vltira hp Tia'tPd dajlprs and pxdiaigpa and arrangad fo? • B'.taT_»l »'t "f P; .n- Staarart. tba comp eny'a Miv^HBj^^iM^rrafa|tottV|2^ gad ^ daaMaattatioa POWERS* STUDIO COMPLETED. Tba Powtra' Oorapany baa conplatrd It* naw atmllo altd tba llgbtlnx plant bam alao bppo In- BtBllcd. At tba prrapnt tlma Iba coopany arllt hat hopre wtlhta ^ _^ . . FIRE CURTAINS Must Be Provided by AU Pictmc Theatres of The Hoosier State NEW INDIANA LAW All sddliloa tm- , — .s- ■latllla taraa. BMiat ho e«abnicd with ^ ■••a rartatoa aod (oaiaroa tPlh the alale U« rptmlallag eslla fi«n aoch halldlasa, arcomlla. ta WUiIam K. Blakaly. atale factory laapedur. wboMT dppatlpa haaa bran rrpoitluK that aach atuii'M-maDt placaa out over tba Btate ara not runiidylng with tha law. *-\VbpD a niua'na idctora abow boooe pota oa Tauda'lUe." aald Mr. Blakaiy. "It baeoaiao a thpatra la tha ipgal aanie of the word aod miMl runfonn to tba itala law goTamlog thaa- tta. Aa long aa they coaOna tbalr amiiaeaMt to moving iilclorpa wa bara no law tmUar which wa csa laai-b thrm. The moclug pldaae to laallaaapid'a are'CBMnM tg a CM* Me. but ontalde ttm Oir U9. aap Ito* to do no. thay ^pla a ae ao tmm aoTttar laa ia i a. BMjra pirlafa ahaar aaaaaik CHANGK AT BLAN CHisTER, O. Amoa I., Wood baa aold bto Dicaalaad Tho- atie to Mr. Jofaa a a h i rt ao a . Mr. r ' ' 1% mi^SSTiSp SmTSSS Sw Ti^ta'% Btttobrd aa fctitflafhw . Ur. WM trill coa* tlBoa In tbe : alaawhare. MILWAUKE E HO USE SOLD. MUwankaa, Wla.. Trb. 12.—Tba ramlljr Tbcirtre. a popalor moll>iii picture buuae. wuica haa baaa nadar the laanaaaaM'Bt of K. B. Tfult. man, waa aotd laat weak la the Oltihe Aanw^ mcnt Company, of Mllwaakae; <I,SII0 la aaM to baaa baaa Iba price, NO MORE DARK NIGHTS. AiiplPtoo. Wla., Feb. 14.—Maavgar Tahaea, or the ApT.lpton Thpatra. will kapp bla hcaiaa rppn PTpry nla<)t liptpaftar by glrlng routloa likliirai' nn nlubta that i>o other albw la book'd. A cnmplat;-' cbanga prrry day with inailiw on Salurdiy and San lay. , EXCHANGES MERGE. The Eoiplra Excbanta. 3 Tramoat Row, Bo» too. Maao.. baa ahaorbPd tba Raalara Pllat Km- change and tba Olobe Pllm Raatal Caw. f oparatad to Iba Hnb City. Ha P. Nom^ Lonia l>ay ba-« pictora tbpstre at liloa Horiall. Mr. tha^tra Grand, a nwrlng 1. Ind.. from Al- Dgfjiafaaa of^she^gjangaat niaataen yanee aT aafc Itow. ■ Ittstrated sanga at hto tfeaatio. E. J. James, of Blloxt. Mlaa., haa porahaaatt- tha VamlPTUlP Tbeatia (TandprlUa and ptrttirpa> at Galfport. M'aa. Frad Abhipy will mat1na.> t<r bp manigpr. Ttila la tbp third thaatra that Mr. Janiaa haa fiorrhaaad. the olbera hclog la Blluzi and flcrantoa. XIaiL ^ The Xatlaaal ■Mlaa pMaie thaatra. Eaatno. Pa., haa rioani panaaaeally. and thr Oitana anM. Ma B. •tta, tbe pmpcletnr. will ronrart Carl Laammie haa taaoed a rlrralar to az- blbltora off<-rlnjr tbam tlia naa. frpp of ctxarca. of owtria or elo Miulf p r o of lop jdctaaa ataeh Andrew Ban la now oiaaager of tha lla» Thanlra. Cbarlottrartlle. Va. Mr. Ball waa fnrnirrly raanaeer nf Tha Star. Lomrbhnrg. Vo.. aiad a paomottw of aarlooa abating rlnka. A. a Wanl haa aold Mo Idrrle aaeUaa. ima thMlBo to Ifiwthtaaaq Kaa tin. who to pitaalag to aiMr. tl tlrely. Bogal. PopMo. cm., haa aaa prade d boal- Maaatta StiaMe hia Mtocitl a aatr Mf of Mr. IB. B. ntikarl. «n plctaia " ■arter rvt«-<«> of tba Mlg C*. ~ ' of Ol. 8HUBERTS IN HARRISBURa Harrlabnnc. Pa.. Fab. 19.—Tha Chratnnt St. nail Is bplnc ramortplpd Into a thpatra. Is h^ known aa tba An'HIarltim. playloc Staabert at- trartloaii. The^ oeaMag^capaeHy wUl he MMU