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18 FEBRUARY 28, 191ft. INDOOR CIRCUS SCORES Rnoda Royal Winter CilOlli Pleases DoilBait of Kansas City. F of the Performance and Gjmment up>on its Merits. Circus News .of the Wed^ and Personal Gossip of Interest > rn, car. bM aM wmiMlUa a ' oC Jofsos. tar mat dicaa adttk. ed la all tb* •plcadar cxtntTxaae* and ptianUiT' of a (coiloioine and nval ■t vrtll be handed down In indoor-clrecs hIatoCT a« tile m(Wt liunrtCNis aod brlUtant crcat Kaaaa* City tras crver known. Is tllc t o n yet way oC telllns about the great Rboda Bojal Two- Rinc WIoUt Circus. Hippodrome and WUd Wcvt that open-d for a wwk's enxacement at OoaTcnttoo Hall. Kal»as Cits, FetKnary 14. Xbe dcaaUarw a( the sparkling wudtotie, tbe a iWlkJ l c— d ttl o B or tbe stock, tlie cleTcmeaa ' mt alt the pevtenets and acta, mark ttie Bkida Bojal Sboira In a class by tbemselves. TUs was a "retora" engastmcnt of this bis circus* rplnnj la tiie wo?.*? thai :a>t season Boyal ami txia s^ucr playeU In Ccn- Bait and tben ilioiied tbe tom jost 1 th* baloor drea jnifbt be and wa*. . tke opcBlBc "~ at tka esttmated tbat tbe reeelpta dollars, more than last. year. Boral Circos. as last scasoo. was nader tbe mulini aC th* Miriawfc mmd It la tbeir thoo^t 9 Mate « fsatwa aC ttar Wti Indoor ctrctxs ataaj «aar tf Mr. RoTaL T5ie Me«a Temple of tl^ baT« b««a nervti irlng wltb SISV fiard tor an appearaoc? of r<ro weets this eomlnr raturaa seasoo at MaJi^c &iaartf Garden atHj it I* now" alven ODt as mor^ than a protoabUity ttiat ilr. Royal and bis cimjs will be In »w Yort to JaoaaiJ'. ISIl. .\U arrangeinrots bjTc Dot doS- nitel7 b«>«n concladed bat It Is tbon^t ttiat rrctTtbioj; will go thrtxwli witboat a bltcb. Ur. Hoyal himself is a quJet, prepossessing' man, and with all bis n-putatios as the mwi, f a m o w and ctie best c<)avatrlan In tbe wiir!d la —aswiml ng and modest, and in fad la almost mtnm to notorletr. Bat be is a hale t<'Ui>w. IMII acC wh«s ha wana op to job a Uttle. n am o( ftw arotida bat what ha «a«s aay Is witb ««Kt. Mr. Barn Inrca tta anise end Rabarlty tt Haseit aad kb -ahaar ta Us press E«Vi*'-*eiitstlTe. Ur.' Lmi B. Winiams. and It is In caiaible hjDds. Mr. WlUlams Is tbe eeceral agent oC tbe Gentry Bros.' Show and apoo tiie doslns of the Rboda Boyal aeinon. will join Oct witb tbe Gentry Show. Tbeie were a cood many drens people in Ksn- sas Oty tbe week of tbe Rboita Ecoyal Show, and tbey all attended aod Toted tne Boyal 'Jir- ens a» --the one best bet." Tbere were there, ••altofrtbf-r In a boarb" tbe Brat pertonnaace: Jerry MofriTsn. ^oeral maoairer of Uuwe's Gr«3t London Shows; TT. E. Franklin, itrneral man- a^er of tbe Sells-rioto Show; B. B. Fooncaln. «e_^oootaln's Doe and Pony Show; Pr«I C«>le- »itb Sells-Floto: ami onr own Tom Xonli, -J tiarellac carrsspoDdent tor Tbe BIU- aad Iha-cinv .writer «C.those amd>lac M la Adsaaec^ atodn The Bniboatd. rteht at present ahm« aC lha KtvUmda and Tbeir Baby, and Utam m$t aaanrtl* a^MA Baecabeck Show. - Oas* KUae. 'ot tte TiHTIam H. Ckaw Cbm- paar. ocesrpied a b^ at tha inatea psifina- ■M and Jar CtutOr "atoaT* If Hii TWii Wiua-Wood Theatre, waa tam-mmmJ-'.- ' . ; Amid an tbis arrar ot society ptm^ aM laisc •BUibei of amo:«ment prnUi ailnasla Ifea aMMIe blew for the sraml tonnsameot. IMmdw Mtt-' her two. T:ir Ga!b.Yii>: of tbe GaiAadik teen horses and sIstcfQ riders. l with still and fmcr. socb as bss b< I u 'l<^tvd npoo. In rin^ nnmb.^ one _ pfrninr«<j3*- e.joe.itrlan D-^velt.T. Introoaclns the faiEotis Bhoda Boyal Black Hossars. Id a dis- tlnrtlTe ioaoratloo. Clowns aD sronnd In alde- The llnlMi aC this display Bla^ Hone noccurs thresdlns a series of hltlirt-to anknom In wiilch excellent horseman- all times rt-qnlred and dlaiilcyrd. The next di^plar was tbe SiKteis La Fointe. crtetoatad lawiwflin. Ida Mlaca. sweet and grei^^^ene^jki MKnIar csatssl_and arttailc BnropeaB of f.i*iti». rt iw^ig tract, tbe drills and maaraeers. Tbe Beat di9|ilay was the principal riding acta. Tbe epiiome ot ell riding restores and ttie eecy qnlnlei^oee nf tlie art of eqoystria n l am was displayed br tbe Three Booorys. Tbe triple eaDr»a-!»n perfcnn- snce. r\-martabli* for matcblerw rrace. rare skill and ease with wtilch tba dUtattt and *tr- • las fcats of «le«HMi ■la-tbe best deOaltfan af ■«» ifdcts. The Dottoos. Tbe next d I >pla T Introduced tbe mo.-dral . tbe jtrvateat of all e.jiiinf atecarara. piewnied bis peeriras moncal eqnlDea a!«.d»ant^»te tha Caitrd SUIca-a Urm iM OMt aaa aa aanal In any coontry t g ti t b t. B^kt ha a alt fu l. tbocansbbml . miwIraBr pcrTwt. w**r^ «ith aa>>wal- lac trchalitoe. on uract-tswd bcila the ■ accom- panlment to llljw Era Bartlk'a beaotlfnl so- prano solo wblcb she rendered, while seated as- tride a tinrse. Tbe NVl^on Pamlly. world's greatest acrobats, and rrttrtTf^-nted br foor p.»ne- rationx. ^re the next dtspHr. Tbi* oish-class act has appeared, by coranand. Iwfore Are of tbe crowned beads' of Earop.*. Thrn came tbe wire snd balaadnc acts Astonl.-liln^lr clrrrr Is th» f^ m me a Vlriaa act on an Invi^ble wire. Tbe_ Ty-B elle Trio lUnsrratt^ tbe cajvshcaf i.f pecfMtcd eqnDlbriBai. Tbe extnoniinary prea- " : of balancing «a an anmpportrd laMcr eesaftiilr cxrcatcd br naiUac la- ally, the doc that noont* the Udder after _ -l» sery dearr. Mairle Johnmin presrnt- •d a ««ty ptei-dnz. 'dilBctill wire acr. Tka aext dl^lay was the Rhoda Royal traape at Moc ribbon, bitb-school - borsrs. wblcb were riddfo by foortcen ■ of tbe -Boat expert riders In America. In riait nonlw aaa waa -Wasa iac se a ." xWdea br Ncitle Oar- t«: -at iMlt.' •■Rnr Xotk." riddca Ir . doii." Hddea by Vtntet Ja^iiia. On tbe lilppodiome tradt. **KeUle B.." prc-- sented by Carrie Norembnc, presented new and Dorel tricks, while bitched to an EbkIMi stan- tK>pa^ Mlaa Chlsl»stsa latndaeed her Ush.«ehaol bocae. •Taleaa.'* attached to a dacal cart and aa- idMcl by cdoeaM potdca and data. '■Sunrbe." was ridden by Captain Walter C Shorn. "Biaalda." the soly bune In tbe woiU. it U daimed. that has aiastered tbe srt of two-step- plnc and whldi same Is really mwt marrelnnf, was bidden by John Carroll. Tbe "Bridelesa Wcmder." waa prt^r^nted by Virpll De Bainett. nnd "Batbboase John" wss ridden by John Agee. Tbe cake-walking hon*e introdnwd dar; In^ this display, showed the Tery plonadu of a ft i ma l tralnlof. In rlrif; number two, "Poc Soird" was ildden b.T Marie fflarr: ''Hadfwil" by Ida Miaco: "Sheridan" 1^ CtaiL AoHr. and "Sy r ec" by Bertram Potter. Ttie next dlfpIa,T InttDdoced Omar, the Alr- ilp horse, Europe's greatest arvnlc noveliy, the ariatin^ equliw. leadim; featnre with tno Rtioda Boyal Show, and wblcb wa^ positively tbe most extraocdlsaiy and biautifol feoiurr pgaaaited._In fitct, Jint aucb aa act. or display " -- - prf. Then . j_ tile world . — at BMlao whtrlwthd dancers. IB a aMta at besriUerlnc crolatloos. both as. toni^iar aad pleasing. lo .Ok iFixt dlspbj'. tlBc number one was occnpied by Jobs Bonv. tta andd'a ■■■Hllll somersanit rider. Oa tha Mwa hi. IbahSa? rroite tra^-fe. » Jajva^r-t JoOf rnwiai Blhia'wf clon-ns rbat pots blocs to perpetnal fOOtc^ M by Ab Johnson, great Jester, assisted by Bfll Jami^n, l-'re-l Sterilns. Jack Uarrls. Pbll Darling. Uttle Nemo (-Plstlroo"); Georxv Wcrti. John Bdtrard Casey. Franc CUiytoo Ar- chie ilcCabe. Harry La Pearl, Xey Elllntt. Cbarlie Trimble and the moat fajnona aninijl and ftrrl clo-^s. "Cbnm," the dog: "Napolefm " the turkey; • BHl," tbe sooxe: "SnowbsJl '■ the Icng-eared slncer, and "Bobby," the abort- tailed mnle wtiieh abaolately refused to be rld- oeo. PartlTtilar awatioa lasst be made of ^atte ("Oenm") JehaaWa ray darer act. . ^l^f ^gf/Bdgrls^. 'ca 8 waaainai*. pnaolpaa. tider. care aa ax- cellm e rhtbHI aa. Tha aezt dbmlay taatradaM tbe Tr-Belle JalleB Slstn. talSTit t^^^ est seosattanal noretty. acta. In wbltfc Ika iteaa yomg ladlea sarins In inMaIr by their ssrtfc. Dorins the next display Carrie Marembera In- trodnced on the su^e her trieb penles and doas- a fccr-horse. lax-ny and. trick act was intra- dac^ by J*4in Axee; Ab Johnson rrtmmlaad the Immrnse audience with ols famuBs mole act; John Carroll, Chas. Buuney and Kinc and Potter IntrtKloced somi^. wnuderfulLy derei trtek hi.-r»t!a. Tbe next .dlapl\y waa the PuDous Sel|CrtBl Fam- ily cf seriaJists in a a ipoibly aemuiiluaal array of a msrtiiK .-mldait. cxplolw .on tl» Kyttta trarexe. ^•^aCvtbe cm test Idcb-ak' ajaasA Jn the —gfc . . li la a ite MMa ■ and.. brlpS Jtyli^ somer- mnb; jMMdHr etch other, bt-arid-alr. catrbtnc one snotber l» hsnds .or. feet. —^- ooe performer .to tlw waltlnc. aeroM ■ yawnioc diasm. snd astoniaUss aad fudtc'iiiM tml».- <tt tUcht' aad, rccfcttaa-nitO'/- After .tbia .C8M tbe'wnd Wea^'Bi,. snd tares. A cviqdeto'srtid weat sbow. iwua rate ani distinct Is-ltseU. bended by Cohoel tVm. H. Labell. Oklahoma BHL the famous ^llltc Chief .if the Semllkoles, bMrfalDdag- bhi f.iraons rimgh riders from the platiss of 'N* l.raska. W.roiulns an;i Oklahoma; siso John Ase.-- the siT^^teat Urlng saddle rider, and Capl. Walter C Sha.-pc. and bis truope of es-Cult..d States cayalrynien. Cowboys and cowgirls ffci the t-lsiii;' of Kansas. Xebrssks and Oklahoma atteatplcd to excel the bsaaz and t^Un of ibe ban-taaa aC tile blstorlc Soalbland In a vinclnia red. aad ezdttnr cowboy races. In which dar- ing riders snd sure-footed steeds strained eren- n.-rr..- to reach the wire ahead at their rtrai. Tbere were—Joba Agee care a Mnod-stlcrtnc »a- hlbitlon of the despente rMInc of Ibe publk: the Internatloaa bipiiodrtMne race, la which n cowtMy- cowirlrl. lullan and Cosaaefc Tied with each other in friendly rtralry f«jr snpren*«ry. Cowgirls fr03i the great WIM We«t showed their early training on the plalna atid deraoo- Rtratlng sturdy worth of Itie American bnrae- ivomnn. Ihe manner In whirb ]n»*»Ire xsk ci*t- cd out to tbat most despicable of all tbirres. tlie dru iia rd bac>« thW In tbe far Wsst. sras s tbe pen#e«wlaau The mai os t astlsfsetiMn waa glren by tbIs performaaee aad the Bbvda Boyal Shows scored tivmenduoaty. Quite a onmber of notables of tbe wtilte top world were presenl. .\ penn^rent mtnor had It thui tbe Rl'oda Royal Stoi^ woaJJ fni Dmler canrtis tUIa conjiog ^um- mer. but it is rxwItlTely denied as Mr. Royal open* with the Two Bills' Sb-iw» lo llie sprlui. The earcntlve ulall of Ibe RliOila Roral T^o- Rlng Clrraa. nipixalnioie and WIM We-t coo- tlsu Of the following: . Bbada Boyal, owt>er and MURRAYJL.COMPANY 640-648 Meridian Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Oar ImmeDM Stock of ftecood-band Tenta U alwayi morlDs. bat w« bur tmmt •« wm mU. •o'tliat 70a mmj. he sore at all timea of ccttlnf Id toucb wltb real barcalna In abow aqol^ meat by fcttioc csch week OUR SUPERIOR SECOND-HAND LIST. -ABB Hm best trut at tbe lowest lirtce la Ibe Irul )uii are luuklmf for—ll*n the l«M ja Ijlj jaa wuL Voa can make tnre of botb Ibese fealun-s if you look for tba ^Z ^^ "C.-C." Thi-re Is s guarantee behind that uama If yoo hare SrVThT^^^S ' a "C.-G." tent and tbere Is any reanuo for dittaatlafactloa all ■m M 1^ m May jao bare to do Is send back tbe tent and get your m'>oey—j It's aluavs Holitntr for von. •■FxiTvihUip In cajiai.'" of TE^TS CARKIEGOUDir KANT.T ACTTTR tVO COKPAJfY. 10 KIDS KErjTtllOl ItO OF (lE>T TEllT GOSS' SHOW ^ CANVAS \^^^ TENTS CIRCUS FLAGS Waterproof Covers SEKO FCB HEW C«T«I.OC ilO SECOKD MISO IIST Ihe J. C. GOSS CO.'Vi'.",'."" 6B0UP OF FOUR LEOPARDS ARD OK PMTIBi Trained to work together; also IJona, yoong ,Pastbei«, Blstoroog. Cassowaries, Monkeys, aod other anImaU-aad Mid*. WBtZ * MACKEH- BES, Deft^'jB^ Phsna Canal 3«6<. ZstabUaksd IIW. Thomson & Vandiveer lUSVTACTmiEBS OF GBRCUS TENTS TENTS. FOR RESrr TH E BE ST SCENERY AND SHOW ^AUiliVO at lutiest prices In the lead. Blgb-graoe work only. Iltuatrated catahv to tbe profes^loo. Tell ns what yon need sn d we will send lowest estimate 00 iob. EHKDOLL ABT ool. »aas vcttb ara St.. oauha. vsb.. v. a. a. ■ TENTS - FUK'SAIS 1011WNT HIstM. StalSO. flO ft. Rooad Top. SOxM. SOxdO. SOlM. 30^10 llladt. 20x30. 800 camping teola and XJOoa tt. s( tO ft. side wall. B. M. KEUM " >t>tj(OU Ha. tW). SMI. WILD ARIMALS M Wm Soakee fixed for aaCa hatvlTmg. GULF COAST WILD ANIMAL FARM Brownsville, Texas. art ftnots I, 7U WILLIAM BARTELS CO. Dealers in WUd Animala. laa Orsaawieh Straat, Vsw Tork City. SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTINGS joHir HaxFUBXB. nn..Ba«aa Itiaat. ffleiliaitl. 9. CIRCtM * JIMSGUNG APPARATUS^ Clohs. BaMes aad Korrltlea. Slsnm for csla- loenck CBWABO TAX WTI^X. {rudnnatl. O. WAnXO—Loeatioa saaiiui t tbr my thlut new aM _ . a £ wamxx, «i d nark darlac mm srlaaer. Addreva - at.. Hormsn. «. T. WMMTED —Manager foe smsll morsl show, ea- CM|M. ana. freak, lecture, miracle. a day ■yi.Otw. tlO a iluy mine. Ad'ireiii BESPONBIBLE, ears BOIboaril. Cinoiauti. Ohio. PORTABLE LI6IITS FOR ALL PURPOSES THE BOlTEftWETER CO. • C MIehlaan Street. CMICAOO. > IkUNOM Tents BPEciAi. pmioM cm M U.Mwm am i HAMD TEjrrs mnmi TO BEoncz ROOb TOV WABT. mri COLUMBUS, OHIO. TENTS Black Tenta. Verr^-Oo-BonBd Coaars. And ererytUaf m caavas. Sand for catalsgss. DOOCHESn BROS. TEKT & AWKING CL U»-U SMith Kala ttiaat. • wm XATZ TOm so tt. la^ tm ih lMl ug scenery, smomoltllee. adrance. tMCgaga. nt l e l le g e. stock snd ineiTy-gn.rooDda- IValrabla for sisiw and drcna companies. Heasooabla rates. THE AXIIB PAZ.ACE EOB8B CAB Oa, use Weasdnaeh Bldjr.. Chicago, ni. TENTS! For all parposes, CIRCUS, Car- nival, Case Cover*. Bii\' where COTTON grows and DDCK is made. Freights saved two ways. Designs perfect. Hand sewed. Sanden-GloTcr Tent Co., Rome, Ga. THE BUCKEYE TENT and AWNING CO. columbus, ohio SideShowPaintnigs SIEGMUND BOCK. T23 Blu* Island Av«., Chicago, Ills. E.J. HAYOEN A. CO. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS OMfilNAL OESISMS—REUAIU WOM iaS»110 Broadway, Brooklyn, N.V. RCAn, MAKES, MOMKEYS. lARMMl rrMkSk Meaal.r Saahaa. Cm.w.l^M rVf- KAM-8 WllX) AMiaal. BTOBa m WaaS- lagtoa Btnst. Bstslo. M. T Horse and F*ony Plumes roe 8bow r.ra'les, llnrae anil Peay Acta, AA- rertlaing panvees, etc. Sroi ftac price list. Maonfactured br M. StSAXXBa •!< tU " Topolitan At.., Broeklya. X. T. WAjriKD—«l«rk t'ompaale* and Vaadeetile t«r "■ * ■~T» Blahl or week staada. re»al ~ rattreada aad lateeatbaa ear I HATTOX. Sirard. SBaaaa. ^rersl One new steel f i aW i d Beial Otia Harry Armatroog. sn* Rrblller BMc.. rbl WANTED—ti Iris mualclans, for rai ln« act. Addrei atl. Obla. m staa daaw. nr Mi act: alaa alrta tm w*^