The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 28, ItlO. Tlie Bll^l>oar<l 19 RHODA ROy/O.. Preptteior. tb« BMa Boral laioor Okml 41n>rtor: buiiDmi manmr. C. B. Pn-dcrlcln: grixnt mm mot .tlvr. lUrtx-rt S. Madtlx; icn- ac^nl rod prt-«» r^prrft-ouillr^. L4.n B. Uaiiw; offlHu r*prvfc»nutjrr. lian\ W. Waic«- flrM: manlrtil dlnvior. Prof. Park rrparl«: tfva«uiw. Albf^ Wilt: awiHtaot fn»«iw«'. ao^^• •rt Co«rln»-.T; cnaD«ct*r of anor^. CTiar1«* A. BHI: adTaiKv r*ticr«nM*tm, rraDk Uairia: " mttat. Mm Ckmll: mxr-' Cm*. WaStar Skarpc: . . McCUk*: BMrr of Iraaa- pwMHoo. J«lia Acce: fnoui ivprMniUtiw. Gas IlnMlvrm and L. .ITOcM: banafT refk- NaivtattT*. PVnl CalraMK wUi «r tiaa. J. O. Mlllrr. aul laaaaial 9t ar. Stafford rent Ira. It la a prcttr wen dctac« nw tkat ttll will Bod Rbala R<7al amcoc tb« clrn* wu - na . TtiU ia Dot saj-lQC t^t be la Dot a clrcoa owii*r IKXK. bat It win be a nsnlar one that be will pilot to tbe 1911 aeaaoo and dm a wtetn- dr- cua. Be bad b!a own drcoa OGt Id 19O0 aod made a eerr rcod refratatK^ wtUcb wfceo (wpM to U>e ooe be baa ««tabllrta«d as tbc oaraer of the winter dms. win aerre Ma tn Kood atcad. Gecrre T. Ciiiiuii will bare tbe ttb iSc ~ k Baal WIU WTC4 tlww n •fllMiMiiia Ma *nr ■ paavoa a* vdl a 101 RANCH WILD WEST. > wafk In tb* vlatcniiarten of tba 101 Win Wjat^ Skaar. at Kaat St. Lwate . |a ■nrb Antfe#r adraMvd tMa yrar (ta* la«t at' Ibta tiair. Ur. 0»orfr Arllnstm lad ry«d Beekman ara la re«i«tant aHeodaoee am] rr-^rr rp|<alr and alrmMllon la br<iir dooe mider tiwir ain-erTl«loo It mstura nnt bow ainall the ilrtall. It !■ neTf-r •tarteil. op OalAbed. nn- leaa IheT are pr**ent. Tbip pxi^ranfe.-* the wr.rt being done aa 11 WxmM l»e. Tbe ^ncoo aljopjt. palm abofv anil reiv^ral repair nhopa are all wopkinc elcht honra a ilaT bdU the fopiv of aion la aafflrieal ta earb to injure aM tbe Be^rde-I M tv^ln brins m WUI taka to tb* cocaine ■!> af vm rtermte tbera. Walter L. Uala vfll not co oot tbe comlac aeaaon. Tbat la. aa an ownt-r. He mar leaae mtiat drma atoff t>e baa and rake aa Interevt In tbe abow ttut leaaea It. He Is cr^-dltrd ivltb aarlBs ibat be •rill not go ont acaia oaUl be MAJOR BURKE NOT TO MARRY. Mfe M—ld Arihwtan. In kia Xrir Tnrk of■ ■MK I* intajtiK a teiaporary rraplte tmoi Ma ■MHk aa fir baa ahaal rleaoxl bp bla pn-taln. wtw- m mk and amwed oat bla waeb far tbe naaaaa. At a aeMlac f>t bh eweaila* ataV. IMM Mawlar. ka aatltaM^ fa tbaai bla lataatVaw lad aiartrtl anme of Ma etnUarlea Mi tbe nSA tt* eloi*. np enreted |errtr«»rT. Mr, Jne C, Miller la nrotirlna the eotintry fnr tbe Tvry beat of draft boraea and alreedj hia pnrcl«aaea are eeamtearlBC ^• arrlee al the ini Rawh In niSa, Okla. ASHWi^ lh.w who met with Mr. Artltir- tea were: Meaa-a, f^eonce .\rltnrtoo. rrr^l Beebman. w. C. Tho»rr>«>n. C. W. Mi-i'llntoett. rani W. narrrll. Joe Rnaentbal. I,eo Monferer. ■. n. Fielder, J<*n I>. Can-e, AI. itell afkl a t at tba n» eii al and ircolar aBrata. «bo > feaati.aBI •« tbe read fnr tba IM* n a n a. _Tba «mr nr tbe la i a n laa par at tbe IM> MMk MMd.WM Weal.Www r wtD be mad* aa, I S^^na-xvtetana In tba iw l a r aa. IVaa far tbe MtaNHaa hare breti -aa^aaevt to It:' •*nnaa'»^ - jt^laai l»o-a hlllpoeterr John R. Felt«a. Rdwani y^aar:- f«eorre OrllTfB. llaeeT- Stneiler, Jan*^' nindV. rhart<<a' Maiile. Joe IWw.-ller. Ollle ROWnaon and "TlIU" - ItaekeH. »*f^re are "bre more men to po on thla-(Mr and* thejr will aot ba aelertrxl until after the rrr» fpr the fliat rar la made np. Thia ,Ti-«r Ibe IM Raneb ' Real Willi Weat (Mi'l •b<'ll<-«(l,>na ream eaer «■! biiialiI i aad bfty eat n l'ar'd Ml l taia tn a. One of tbe beat plecea pf fnn ,>a]lei] off In a 1 lonr wbtle was tbe joto s:»niDc hj" Ma>nr Jobn j Bnrke. of the BUI*' Sli* w?( la>t week. The , MaJ«ir. f.»f aotre Ilttl.* time, ha^s iKvn >topplti^ I at Newark's most j^^pular hMel. tbe Cootl- ; Dental, whlppln,: hli r-res,* T>^tt«'r Into !il)a|«e. <>ae aftemcajo a New York ftl^f»>l net Mob aa^Qie ajawet aiked «bat biaa«Ht hba m* ta after, ttia tHrad- araa let la an 'tba aitnt 'ef tke Majar'a fortbeaaitnr . m^rrlace—' like wMflre. the aew« apn-nd. Tbe Jake of It an la tbat Batfer baa no tateattaa a< coaabui tbeacbta—**I kt* all tbe sMs taa well.** Major '^m» .tbar an bne aa tea lartt «a lac Be WMtT aagr aae at tbna.** * FROM THE B AWHE S QUARTERS. Jamea Monov, nuaiicer ef tbe .Al. 0. Baroca Aalmal CIrma. cmnea forth wllb tbe anooaoce- rnenl that tbe Baraea SEbnw baa arraaaped-with a lasted arlaKT la fitr tfUK exbMtbaM dally In a M-i d — a . a .ffeiw •MHMlM.'bHbaa tbe oi<eBlac «C tbe aide aba ana, far tbe tila n aea- aon. Prof. AT. O. Rinte* baa telnmed from an ex- tended Raatem trip with f<air cark-^ada of new pmnerty. iDdadlnc ibe rtate.f\«w ear. "Dad die>> II la acaaaqr dMt Imk aad U a.Pnllman Wb. Paget, tbe new tniamaater, and Tat R*al7, hoaa eaaraiaian; at* at miartefs-srttiiiic their departmetica la aliape. and arlll be rejdj f'V the opening date, AprO IS. at Spokane, Wtah. Mlaa Martha Fiorina, leopard trainer: Prlneeaa Ireoe. lion trainer, and Tltn Borkley. elepbaot trainer, are In Tia>lrrille wlib Dint of >Ir. Banwa' aolmal acta. Thrj are aU'pla.iin: dit- fereflt bonaea In 'Friaeo and wUI leaT« for Spokaaa MartA 10. while Capt. Srooewall'a a. a llcna, anotber ot Bamea' trta tbat la plajisf Chleaco time, will arrira A|«1I M, Mile. Pecan. Eddie Krilay. Balta aad Mr. aad Mr*. Uoola BMb. iralaafaL afe a>|weiad '"sI'r'VMSna'aatliial S^' '* ' Street MencHigh Pitch Men, Carnival Mmta Park Mani HARRY EARL GOES WITH PAUGH-SELLS. Hirry EUrl will be general presa itent of tb* Porcpauzh-f>IIa rircua t»ie coonln^ a..aaoa. The t-ontraeta were sl^ed aome time ajco bat tbe ansoancern'Ot wa> oot made notn liat we<'k. VIr. Earl baa been ptnmlaant le tbe • prvas areata MM tar mam a.- ta n aa, Ba rrpretientru Pau^ nmartM KxpoaltlaaK, iboa t«came con- sert(< wU tbe Otnt Wallace Ukaw aa futni preaa a«eot. rrtalnhic tbat poaiHN witk added dntlea waea tbe- Wallaee Shew aaMMMd V the Oam-nbeek Cirrna, and laat rear waa vraeral areni aa well as zeneral preaa t ' pi > l eatatlre ■ ■r the SeUa Ploto Show. Mr. Earl It well known in c;rco^J,'m and In aeneral theatilcata. for be manased road cooipaiilea for sereral aeaaeaa acil al •Be daie ■■na«a< Oe IfiiMlf IM Otnien i& fw^ig,, Combination Opara &, FialdGlass Big money-gptter. Seven i combiiied in one: J. K. NBNIITS WAMN SHOW. _ arrparatloae On rebrbaiT 12 1 C atpaaa S Staraoscopa 2 Opara Glaaa 8 MIcroacoo* 3 NMding Gla»* 7 Matmfyinc Look. 4 Talaacepa Inc Giaaa The real French novelty, made of hard rob- ber; weighs 20 Um. to tbeicroK, SaOJIO day as Older nvemo. Send jour order now. 8>iiniln50e. BERI Send pfeotaa, all for a laac gnaranteed rreabai lara (lac) - a aula AMeaa Hon from Wens Mac k e na en. animal dealexa, whicb wll] be onlte an addition to their meaaserle. A Uoo den fro^ Vt» Begs Wa^on Co., waa alao n- eetred last week. Tb* roenaserle of tbe Beorr Sbow BOW nm^ta of ooe Itoo, a puma, and Jafuar, two baboooa, foor mookexo and tw«> oaraw Mr\l«, whirh mike It one of tbe I^- ;cet with an oTerlaiKl ebow. Tbe follaartnc people hare aisaed for the eea- aoo aC ISIO: Bd«i> Oapfw. aitb kia elctal- rieca bead: Tba Tbna ra»«laii caaardy aero- bata: noa. Mny. alacb sHa aad aiaida traoa: P. M. HedHrk. bavdhv wfea aad lanaa rla- eer: Tbe Parkenw .OMSt sii>li: MaJ« T. Taa Dyke with bla tiaapa aT tlx Sbetlaad ponie* aad dasa: C. C ba ii iaa m . a pl alar for Annex So. I: Cbaa, N. Swlnncr. ipieler for Aimex No. 2: Ftank Gcntrr, boaa eaBraamaa: Ramer Lee, ebars* of tbe ^epbanta and anlmala; Geo. Coo- per, boaa boatler ne abour opens at Siooewiii. Okla .Uarcb 12, ROUTING AG ENTS ATTENTION. Pla<iiiMiitBe. La., reb. 14.—Oar town baa not been elsited by a larxe Hrcoa in aereral jran. We bad Wallace and Sella Sboao aome jeara aco. iKit In tbe Isat few years there has not been a real rood drCTi* here. Otrr town baa a popolatlon of aboait 8.000 Inhabitants, bealdea a larce drawlni; popolatton, and I think If one of tbe larser aw»i would coot beta It wonld par tbrm. Ot coocaa t am only wiltlnK tbia aa a aacseattaa. a ad It tbe l aiser i biwp bar* not ^ - ***ilae .i» IM Circle Wave (Annltase and Galna make.) fbr mnttj- pmpoaca. (ood aa new. t^a ba and la operation at^pabaaa^ Waab. orsaa. Icaa power. ftllOL OL W. Ci' AGENTS Saia'a Tba Wssaat Snap Tat! Ooa't Faae Xtl Toa can aell oar bllka. Draaa Gooda. Sbairla. Walata. Baadkerrblef*. Pettlcoatn. Balt^ ate* at bait merebaata' pricaa. Toor ctadll la vaad. fVea trial order— do depoalt. BIk- gaet cammfaalnaa. Bxcloalre territory. Write ta^lay .fkr Bl« P We Catalog .N o. l is aad Samylia MnrABXS X»OiaiB« OO,. — W A N T E D — Immediately, a (ood Coraat Flayer to fanilah teaaoa bera tor theatre, hotel, daneea, etc., aad for anmmer aasacement. For aommer, tea dollara per week and board: winter, on abarea. Steady work for tbe bisbt aaity. Mot aeccn- aary to be a aololat. aalr dnt leader aadnad bati aeaa pl ayer; aet aaloa, wha at oara, TMOg, ».l*TnK«S W. Umm WUtM, Ba' ~ ~ P O U N T A I ■.a people, acanta. and dmmii IXTT CO.. 401 Sararra Bide-. St. I,omla, Ko. "iSwae Beacal ticet* fh.sp rrr baa rd fiata tbe Srlfa-rVMo Show bare aad tr^aera aae bai^ breaklnc tbem to a i»w act. " C. C rialr. a «alalw aC ii pl aU oa U tbe tn- ma wnrM and tbaae aMlMaMn, lana ai H i e d at qnartera aad Ibrlr'edhita are ta^iMtaa to bear fnilt. K. K. (lamer, rallmad c\»t ia tf "ast BMNal a#ea»t. baa laat returD<.d with eaaincii davartas bait ot tbe co^Bc s n oo i i. UNITED STATESTENT&AWNIND CO. TSW. F. VYXntASn, 7X., Prsa't. WAI.TZX T. SXI7EB, Tim Tun '' . JOHH a XcCAmaT. Tnaa. EDW, B. UTZnieEK. SaaTlL ' Our 1910 Stock List is Ready Our list al Tents, Bannera, Seats, etc., indudea a complete variety and many Bargains in Show Equipment WRITE FOR IT QUICK AGERTS FOR BOLTS * WETER UGHTS. Wiite SB wbat 22-23 N. Desplaines Street CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker gJ I Second-Hand Lamps —Very Cheap I" ^ THE THREE BEST MAKES IN DIFFERENT SIZES. Co . CI Send for Complete Catalogue. 2* QQ . . - ^ Baiser & Lockwood Manafadiiriiiff Co. *^ Kansas Gty, Mo. ^ QQ Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker ^ BEmiAIIM BRUSHtS AND COLD WATER PASTE BXW STBAISKT BOBS OBtnra BBOSK—Bamm A BalI«T. BInnllafiw Buffalo BUI. Miller Broa. 101 Kaarb, llajteabeek-Wallace. Sella-Flom, Xorrla A Kawe. aad m n^ a bnwa aae tbem onfall