The billboard (Feb 1910)

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20 FROM TiiK^H^AA 9h6w8:. Atoaad- tb* Haas Slunr wlnterqaart«n. then Is « spirit oC-piviBKBB In every worlEloK driMirt- ■MM tlwt'to IcaUy aorprisins. Tbe tiainiuen Has chMfilr ■bte-iattlilM an naUoic iMr .«Mkrto t > MliH ott; irtUIe in (ha earycu- ttr »b«» aoa. wM mlwfc*. Wmnaolrta to lw In a law nilt.. Tha paint alwp of color and bland.baid to M old mantecw. Tlw stodt .to..ln. thm-mr pink ot.coaUtls*. harloc ampla araalnv pastnte in tbe aat4yli« Adds of tbe fur grouads. - Tlwre betne excvUeot pntctlcinc aceommo- datlona,. many or the IDIO performen are luvd at It, working oat new atonts. Tbe MIUetB, with tbeir own stock hare an (Btlnly .Drw display, whlcb will he a startler tnat beginning to Onlab. Mr. Miller tvUI ot- •ctete Js tbe capacity of egaestrlui director. Tbe USasca. doaUe tight wire axUata, batu gam etblii K of ji . ae na a tl o afa l. oidec... tbat - 'trill taUriatltr tbtqi tot, tbe aOMtaTaad. ttme «C practtrrns to acompUah tbe tittM. WHIIam- Jobnaba' win lia*« an atrial noVelly that torpttdOrMyjrllb^ ^np*UUr;;_an«lR wlll'.bm*. iqw 'aK ip'n-batlan tanltattoa It onr'thnn 'all. Fted WHabf • bmier. .^^^ . gts^toBrfl^t.pMiOaii^ailuv faUOoaa altna- Uaidvllo. aNalqtM pre^emlmit,. will produce mm erolotloDa of a rerr maTrelooH ctaaractcr. W. & Llaator. tba parr of all trfpte bar ix- Kt*^ baa aaTC(at--M« -bmkaBi, above tbe or- ■ar^i* SiBair. Ptot-' Dnbran wn lea**- _ aton with bto' wonderful' ezblbltloa a taatlac Im in - a witb wild lIon«, lUxrk and Iconarda. work with tb?'Maajr bpid of 'perforniac .Ui- ' Bto daily ptaots. riiows bim to be a mao of great dartre Profe^Mor Bbode*. bandmastpr. with bb con- cert band,of Z3 pieces; Lav'S'inie •ivert'.ite melo- dies fnioi bis own pas, which 'will entrance the hnrera of rval moslr. Otbars contrAt'tM] to arTlro la time for tbe ap ml ng are: Tan-ArakI Japs, Tbe Powells. Lamberto. Holxcr' and Goes, Jpcsle Wearer, Chrric Sbtnrrra,' Blidla Usriloo sod others. ■psrf sl' IWaliu— turn been angngvd fkir the WttbU, tbto MAao* opeoa ana of tbe1arc>at and best perforaanccs.-alBcb'tbe show's adreni. Tlie South Is warming fast; tlie b:in!l will ^oon begin to plsy, and ncKljr and gsllj cmipart- ~^|il»Bd«at lB.-"B|fnntr7, the Uagg L.npeed away on one ma of sessoaa,' . , "SCBATCII." Noris' nibii 'Alii6i>Nb iiuN mkotif CAMP FIRE. "Baldy** aaoen Is spending the wibter months at bis home, near Baltimore. De writea the gang, that It la awful cold op there, sod soya that be will soon t>e In tbe Sonny !>outb, with a straight be* line tor the Msnm Circus Depot, MUT* ad' false annnmiceDirata to the coa- tiMT—^Wblter" Bcynolils win he ofaa of Uw ■^!!!»* JSSHf* with ■opertadent TlMkar. Arthar.WSUMr. aiwMBtandmt of Onta. baa fMonrd (Ma a Wn to Gblraxo and dtlwr Bortbeni polnta. ^Mber will a|ii« liavrtlw barbsr shop prleilfg* wllb tbe. sl»<r IMa-asa- aim. He bnncbt with bIm two of tbe lalkvt style of portable bather cbiitrs and a mrgo of tonsnrlal embrlllAments. He will carry two flr^l rla^ htirhcra. Jark ~Vn'^" ileoson wlH sicain be stake aail rbslii lusn. HI* ieTrnteentb yrar in t!ie aam^ eauarlry with tbe Sun Hhow. 1. md Riley, the Poel BUIpoMer, Is stopiilnc at onarteni this wlnttr. and to one of tbe nrin- ^|Ml entsHalnm at (be nigbtir ninalcalmi .aoil toqmaptn entartahmianto brid b tlw (Bsn'a c*< omttnn moois. 'AOsCa posois af» alwayn' a Mb Ua latest eimataB. Playtac. KiMaefcir. was to- tir^mosly reee l fed. ■ ■ ■ r . ■ The culinary defisrtmeat. nndfr tbe diraetlo n of Oeorge B, Oamiiier. Is well msnsgM anl glrlng the Jloest of satlsfartlan. Rr«>trl meals and tbe best edibles, pnenrsbte sre fnr' nished tb^ ri<mi, rncln Bin Riadnlpb to prestdlna nrer the deati Mrs of tbe ring bam Slid tbe stuck of tbst de- partment. He Is boKlly engaged In ~bresklRg" a ■SHMMiy aet. tfait cootsliw s Int of new Ideas. The bine Mids sre chirping here, and aonn lk» onac ar the bnipaatrr will, be twaitl la tbe JCmrrtMaa to-*radr far th»:naA.agd it laato MMU- lWbmJia«e.«aaKtbeto..«i«k laatrti, w Muliiaajha -tta aiJilliaa Mta HAVE NARROW- ESCAPE. The <7ntbr1e«. aerlatlpts. well kno w n In 'tlio Hrms an^ ramlTi*! field, had a ntrmw e sco ps . from death st Ibelr Imtne In GIbsonhnrg. o. Tbe family after msklnc an extended tnnr nf the ffanlhem states lor llpee nmfuha. r<>tnnM.d tn Ibelr reiddenee In' OIHennlH i nc . F'tinary 10. rimi Ibelr anrfral tbe Imnse was beatrd up, and ansa after t^e fsmllr letlrsd. II was esriy the neat nHnlng that Ed. Ontbrie was awak- SBi^ by tbe ndor of cas whlrb lain bssn -e*.' esplDg dnr*ng the en>f;lng fmih a bird.emi bgr- ner. The entire family wwild' bsre' bi a n ■ an>' fhyxisted nidy for the timely swwkenlnc -of fr. Cnthrl". They sll showed III effects ,fyo,n InlnKny th-» gas. .sod « nhrslelrin was. tmrne- dtnteir snmmnned. Aerwdloir to the latest re- ports, tbe fsmlly has folly-recorerWL* snd-ont of danaer. Sir. On'brle .was mtlflpd thst bis little trl'k pmiT w'-l'h w*« crated st'Shi^erennrt. ts. sad to he lAlponI ln:bto homeu bsd 4|ert.. The snl- mai had bean IB pacihet health whea teft. tor •blpmeat- - . . . ■ ■ i . ., .. COLORADO GRArrra Wli-P. WKfiT. TIte Crtiftesdo nrant .Wild wAt 'and TVslned AntniaT fOimr will .open at ^nart^.. Kr....'alHiiit. The mMdle. of Arri! and make fh»'p>ine.'t«rrl,- t«n- II made fr^o' rears atco. ton'lna tConllicW, Tefin.*""**- .Mfsstwilppf nnd Al**iim.i. , ^le. shnw win' he aImo«t hrspd new thl*. year, sod msnv iiew'nnd nnrel fefltnres hi^ lrt»en ;idd.Hl te tlie Mren^. * A rreat mwnT- of -h.. f ,.^»Te Ifmt were form'erly with - the show' hare idgned' .this aesMia. . XMrte. Lewis bat been rniaccd aa.roaaacrr of tbe mmmrr garden and feels Qidte sore'It win be a big winner. Colorsdo 'Grant sands bto 'kind ngudn to alt bli trtenda," WILL 43 0 OUT AjPAIN. Elstnn Broa.' United Shows, hiring sold their old atoek and show property to tba Great Biist- cm Shows of Kansas-CttTt Maki-baen 'aecmad tbe aerrleaa o( Gbk lliirtib M' iSa' taaaklac a trrape aC yaangnonlcn. dais ax' They wID •Safite the high' lOmd ator, rlilileo by Mrs. Jack WUatde. En-iylhlnt Ibis season will be new from atake to. btte rliiif. The following performers hare heen.eiinged;hThe Browns, wire artists snd cotutortioiusu: Jsck Wlianle and wife, HsMtrr Bncb Birrcb. The Bottesm;' VHsioii'a ' IVuiale Baiul, sad the Barlons. The show will o(>en In May at tsa and twenty centd St Kimsas City, Kan, . ' CIRCUS MAN MARRIED. John Coleman, with the sdrsnee of the Bag- enbeck-Wallace Shows the past two seaaoas. snd at i i i sa iiit connected with the Qrsnd Opera Hooae. 'Lvadoo, Can., was martied -to Mlaa Joscvbine Mabel Jones, of 'West Londcs. Isst week. London wlU be tba boo* of Mr. and Mra. Ooieniaa. . . FOREPAUGH'8 IN NEW YORK. Dnrlng Jane, as annonnced sereral weeks ago In The B'llbosrd, the For^sngh.SeUs. Show will rome to New Tork under canras, going to the Manhattan Field, at ISStb atreet. CIRCUS GOSSIP. Jajnes J. Brown writes that he and Ma wife at.e Bpeodlng a few wireka at Hot Springs, Ark., and wlfibes to he remembered to an his frlenrts In the circus world. He mil leare the Sptinga shortly for a trip thcoogh the Sontb l a acblng JackaoaTlIle, Fla.. In time to opaa with Bosre'a Gnat I.nndon Shown, with which ahow ha wUl ba connected tbe coming season aa legal adiaatcr. Ha baa been netlng tn that eapjatljr ear tba neat two araaoaa with tbe Howe Show, also with the Hageabeek-Wtl- Itce Shows for a nnmher of yearic Col. Vf. J TTden Is busy building, palntinK and potting into shape his oatdl fur lha coning aaason at wtnternnarten at Flana- na. IIL The atoek baa witbataod the aen re winlsr ramarhsbly wen. snd to looking welL The Cmoaei to atoo betaking in aome new acts. Sle OoUlna. of wtM 'went fame, arrired at qnarteni last snek. and to doing bto share of work framing np for Iba opanlag. Oada-Dan nman the retrraa taee taiaa tialMr,. la aMa wtatertag In Itaaagaa. . Tbm King* nniS Tuiknr Shown, which bara lilM la wintarqoarten at Hattleslmrg. Ulat., alace Jamuir I. baa been folly equipped, end will start oat aboirt March 1. Many paw acts bsre been sdded. Tbe monkey baOoon ss- eenalan wtll' be tbe free attraction on tbe groonds daily. Manager B. H. Jooea haa Jnst arrtred from the Korth, where he porchu ~ a large smoant of stock. .Z«lda T)f Coupe, "the lUtle California Gen." hss signed s contract wMi tba 'Kocrto & Bowe CIrrna, sfter baring tnmed down aome nattering nifers. Itnrlng tb« wlattr Ihe baa been much - In demand In TanderilK . BMlaalni; Uarrb 12 ehe will anoear. for IM* Waaha Keith's Hippodrome, OieTeland. CIR The Adam Fetzer Shows. «(ter be- tas on the laad Cirtr aa na a cut lre weeka. cloned a • a a caiwft i l neaaim, ead art now In winter- iluaileiB at Cntt. iMn,, prapattag for anmber long aeaaA. nh l i h 'WBraaaa tbe MMs* natl of this BMBth. pSF jITm ^JmS wBagSa ha Idtetfflid with the Vptfar flasw. Col M. H. Welsh, the well-kno'wn clrfnii man. la hn^r rompletInK the bDalivsa ar- .rsngementa for bis rlrma of Ore cars that Is tn be lannetaed at Iia a wa t er. Pa., hi tho apring. Re win innr the n a a Hy hi wid* he la as weii end fssoeably fenesra. . . Pd. E P.->wlor, Fl. Rre8.i1<>r, O. L. Patton and K<i. p. Kinizaland. mn«lrlsn« with the King and Tneker RIk*ws. hsre been plsylng with the nnntrler Orrhestrs. idnre the show went Into nnarters at Hsitiesimrg, HIsa. Jnck Jnrnbi. th» well-known drctis rrngram adrerHalog anlleltoT. formerly with the Pswnee m|i otmw and the 101 raiMh Wild Wi-st, .to now^iSS^ai^TjuSil'-v* CTajjaaatl!'"!?' **" yinoik (BaA)'WmimMR wlU p«y « Tisit to Ibe Ragenhet'fc-Wallace_MBai a h e a he Hoses with Tbe Olria From naafalBall wtwT' tWiHtM iTraBt' has imrcbanid aiMt<W 'fhna adMnbnr' lb»' 'Id 'win M 'i iii i i Ws. end-be''near lesone fww In MaT. He will snees wl>fc.hta ml. nias. R, Cnrr. Tbos. W. Svnn wfll manace the aide nw with the <!sninlis'>l Bran.* Anwn Ibta era- son. Mr.- aai'mfb-tV.W. •raa are aow at Rot ffnHign. ilf£TjJfM a«*maai| -fa fM Maa- 'rlee'Bsib .lTnase ■wilt rearh Ihstn. TTenrv X StnVen 'writes that he wll! go In adTsnce of Andrew Dawnle'a New Rati- mad. p'»d IV.Ia*.' WIM Animal flhow^ O-omttlned. He will tx> manieer of Car Ifo.- I, assisted by a .rre<e of-fSTi men, ■ Colnfnhtis, the danctntr horse; owned bT C. F*. Hafler. of California Fmnk's Wiow, was homed'tn de^th In a Are which ' deatrored the harw at wtnteninartetB. at Aognsta. Oa.. laat 'weelr. • ■''.'i^'. Qu lmniffr ■Hiwi.l rt^ta, who. h»n JosIa Awhton, t>Hn c!gU - lider witli Ih^ atid*m of lilne.^blion horses, hss been en - w--"sed *fnr ♦^e e«-el»g s«>s.nn '-with- tbe Al. F. Wheeler's Nmt Mnrlet Shmra. W. C t>ine and ATltlle Ada hnve jdenea «itb ♦•^e Jones-Proe.' Ytalfsln Ranch and \^^d West Shows, which opens at 'Cony, Pa.. 'J^nia St. -■ V^^joerrr.'tlW'evin^^lanMi hM 'Stcned " 1^*lhe entn*- "liifaade- who pride tliegiMiwi ob dw^ u i fmin g ^'^ iftAM^k* CkaUenge Wstop^ot CaBato lOi esaigr nqatMaHat ai rigria arf oomfoitaadthqr nnw moiMy. ' , You will find out ChalleiiK Brand cstnly diileftst hem the OwwBmarif watenaont collar. Tliey hare the Hyle and dreny look af ti bm colic atfi bob* oi annoyance and expeme. They _ ■ can be cleaned with ^^WATERfROOF emi tofl *a» faeai CoLLAi^ a Cuffs Jr^"*''^ P.t.Dec.Stt. 1905. ^ r»t. Nor. S«. 1»S. ■ if THS AKUNOTON CO„ ^O'^fitaa.'g . Dept. O, 728-727 Braadway, How Yaali KttablUned ISSS. TH£ NEW LUNA:PA RK JOHNSTOWN, PA. Under New Management* The only Park in the ci^. 5c car fare. Population, 7S,000: 50,000 to draw from. Is andergouig extensive alterations. Wanted: Bi^ Open Air Acts. Can place good Ridinj; Devices. AmusementB and other IcaitimHte con- cessions. Nothing too big. Opens in Mnyi doM» fdlE Bif lalar- Steto Faira in September. Address. LUNA PARK AMUSEMENT CO., BOX 517 JOHMWOWM. PA. Johnny J. Jones Wants To Buy state all In Best letter, rictore Msctalnes, siOKle sod double Slerrofillcon, Fat Obi Banner. Two Fist Cars and two Stock Cara. FOR SALB—Black Train, niaa, _ Isnner. big Femsle ti a o i ss. Bne for nntsnisble for foiir-ln-one show: one liiwhie strliied HTena._ Addma JOKVIfT S. WttM, 'Weak gab. «1, galatha. rls-; 'weak Tsh. la. Oasis. TU,t wash jtar«h_T,_Wa TOi »a ^ WANTED—FOR THE SIDE SHOW! ^Wiedemann BroSs' Big American Showio nojwiitan Uixigh BMera and lodlsn O ojg teafc _l^j£J!itb bet.•^.Dsn a« S nabsa. Punch and Magic. Oelatrt ratSWMa^fbr Mlasuol ant uart a.Hl m^rn. Cosmoftolltan Iluiisb Fk-aiure FtfSk, Usn for ruoch and Magic, Show opeaa abaat the. and Top, la FILMS FOR SALE 70 raels A No. 1 serviceable condition. $6.00 to Sll.OO per reel 100sets sUdes irith musie, S1.00 well. HATCH MIPMsV cblllMUIV 4Ui Ave. near Ferry St.. nMsbu(«. fNi. TENTED THEATRB FOB SALE.—A conplete Tented Tbeaire In fliat.claaa coodltloa. conelatlac of one 00-ft. Top. one thirty and one forty middle pieces: Bele Rlog, 4 roles and hack; tws' U0I1.S arraosed so there la 00 alase ot>stmctlon. All Ropes, btskes, etc.. cmoplete. Oos Stags. hOxi'l ft., of Inch sod ooe-dghlb while pine flooring. Jacks sod Btrlngcra complete, Ugbt Dn-salDK Booms, of celllDg. parlltlons sad room to acoaoimalats 30 people. All bloea. wilb foot reata aud made abmluiely riEhl. 300 McBugh Cbsirs (new), uoe Msnioee, 10x20, Bcsssn sod otbpr properties. All ascd about twanlg weeka. on wnrk alaada and aa good as new. Srlllng on scc«ont of coaifBct atlth ■ijaaHitHa tat ■a wwr .ar' " ' A reasonable pilaa aMMMMlag IM fNaalty. JMNH'S* Ing the ownera. Electric Scenic Effects and Stage Ugkting Appliances Complete line of CI.OUP Effccta. SNOW, RAIN, FIRE, Etc, Ala« 81-OT and ruUOO UUim, Sn-Abe rOCKETS, l-LnOOINO noXRa. BIIKOSTATB, and eTetjlhlac aaef la ~" Electrical Stage Lighting. IlIPOSTZD OarteihJUaiae r * ~ " ceota to corrr postage and nulling uf CATAMMjM. el lATgest maoofsctDrers of Electrical fluaa JtMlliaMa I ««tb Btrset. Haw Toifc dty. V. S. ■ lllliil A BIRDS and TIQHIi, IIOHI. IIOHRDI, POMAt TIPIRI, VAkS, BEARS, LAI8E ■OMIIYS, animala of all apedeK WMSrS lOMOMSAl ARiSA, Kanaaa City, Mo., or Denver, Col. Shooting Galleries 113 OCieota,9e9. . . NpYfBilty Ball Gam^s MiVliime, MO. ■ ' Write for circulara. blli'lO lOIELTT CO. S :HEIECnDr, I. T. For Sale^-24x52 Tent Eight foot wait; ronadicinll.'bine and white drill Altemsle strW'jMTt ■ -- Isao.nA bnys Use. ry.Oo.Rooad arttb 30 horses. S cbaH- ots, organ and gaa^ oliha aqg last comnlets. UMlEe Rimai HiaET' 00-aODVD 00^» Mills * Allison Atss.. Merweod, Otnolnnau; Okie. nEonOR MAngOA, sr., Manager. THE A, B. 0. or HOnOW nOXOXSa—Third Kdlthm. All shout the blagest mase/.msklng Imalness out. Only book published glrfng trade secrels and detalla of Iba bnslness. Clolb, sfics.iiisvsi^'*' ARMY ADCnON BARGAINS TMa,,ai.4')as|tU.aHws fl.atm UaMK-r.. ,l|e IciM VaM l,W<i anJW ;i ><41Na.7r.vnr.:a«».*e<s- rrtlln t. >M.|„d»AnsaTOl.. J»" TlwK t. i-lUrm Ut£frmm.,. t.lAn Larrssi iVKic Cart AMtiia Baitaiat u V* wetl^ U maim asanMsdlaa lu al aiaga, ^ itB