The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FeBRCrAtlV!<«|, ISMT 21 fl^ OF FILMS Syuapm of the X^afes'ToM in Pictures of Recent and Early Prospective RdeMi^ with Information as to Chaiactttf, ■ Ixnglh, Releaae Date, Etc. I'ATHB rBERsa THE OUNBVH SOJOURN IN THE OOUNTBY (Caut-itr: relnxHl rcbnury 11; Unctb. 344 rivii.—Tbe OuDbjr* unr^ «aj<irlns thalt. d*j Ib tbr rwiBirr, wii«a. Mn.-Oiutgjr dcctdca to Ukc ■ ««la. Wbrivaiwii' aooia mUctalwroM UtI* ttral brr eIotb*4 aad tedcck wlUl Ika.MB* • aornr crulnji IB a BMrky ObU. Tbea tkc aa- m»l ta M •« Of »• p u w y d Jin. IBB anrt tfeaS^ UN MMJi Um sMm sanMBla. UHW,a «rMM or •MMMMBt IB " - " ■"— ■ Tkc lag ant tfeaa I to flir MliMMt of fkoda. - O tw u. bell«*tng tMI all bop* of Mac aolMd to bla lorrd cm bM- nalabt'd, decMca to lean, but bvrore 4n« IS. be nlu to bid Cal'a rarewrli. He li dl»«OTyt*J br Calla*a brotbrr. and la tba dud tbat raaur* Imlb ar» noriallr wuuadnl. Tb« «lrl'ii bratber aiBasn to dnc btnself back to tbr bouae aad tell Ceila. rDrcetttac all cIm thr ein to her lorer aod artoilDlalen a cor- -atml, wh'cb restnrca (bo Touaa maa to coasrioo*- ana. nut ak be opened bla tbe alrra tatb- rr makra bla appvaimiK*. aad wild with caio, ■■Biorillalrt Om DBoa bin. Orlla. aee'nc tUaC Ar UMana to kill b*T " IHM- af ik> lattir, aa* ftMwa hit to tha atarc (OoBMdr: eri).—Mr. me LAMP POST INSPBCTOB rrlraml FVbruiry 23: lenctb 884 ferl) Lambrrt. a cuaa ot meaoa. who apeiit moat e( %la ItoM* In riotooa IIv'db on tb* q. C la or- 4n In rarrj oa bla Utile feati, luforma Ura. Laaibert, a pottlj and iuaplcioBa Jady. Ikat •ataa||MB a p palal^ laaap >im'lai n«nr . Tbi* nfaa Mb aa .asaiMMNiit. la awac Na'aav. avB* »mBw. AnframekSr it. ana. uSwt la- •lata tbat aha wtit acteiway tar iNMbaad ea W« nmada. Ha a ii a ia . bat Ike labar la ard- «<«a ra* ber. aad a brt|bt Mha .alHbta Mr. L. lie aofgeala (bat ha bo ana war aad abe tba otbrr. lira. Lambert eooaeata aad aiaagen away on dnty. whlla Idr. fiaiBbert botnadly JiUna bla trieiMla. Poor Bra. I^mbert It atrrated hx aooe mde roana mea. and beliv albl*>tlc, rr*«Dta tbe'r nidcoeaa landlna anally Id jatl. Mr. L^ameOrt baa oiadr tbr acqoalnt* aare of a bnltle or nrlne. anrt he. too. niot tfiiil the pollre, wlndlac op Id tbe atmc celt Witk kla wirr. Ili-nr Laoibrrt'a frland, tha Cbanilaalooer. r*lra»ea blm. Tnie nARRAAH. imOTnElta lAdmbatlc: i»tr*«^ FVhmary S3 : Iroath 220 fr^l.—^TWer two bmlb^ra aire a marrrlooa dlaplaj of anp- Vleoeaa and eBer«7, plarlna tbra In Ih* rorr> ■oat raaka o( tb* mra aerobata or tbe world. 01UJIXV8 mnrniuT (Comedy: releaaed' Jf'•* ^ «..,»— i.h.i.i . ■.im.i.ji baa pr*i>ar^ a baakrtMl of awl Ihlnaa for ' ■•■•a Wwa oo tb* «ocr and reecaalied Carman ilnn'taioiber. It belnit ber hlrtbdar. Oa ber wlib OaebaH la wfeldk Ma AwBUw to tha chat- tel, rif^hieard. tha <lii»la.TQlMiia laa away and loaa poor. Uareha la left aloa* with tbta terrible man who irla* asaio and aaaln to set ber to drlak enouah of tbe native wine to atupefy ber, Iwt abe realata uoiil, barlns led ber protvatloc to bla bnt, be makea ber drlak tbe fnaldloua liquor bj mean* of tlircata. In momrot tbe wine baa Ita effect. Tbe tenae* are dulled and tbe ctreiaea ot Oncbud are teat abborrrnt— IdiIi^. almoet welcome. la tbr mfaollme. Marcba'a fatbar has spent all be bai) In wloe and la thrown oot of ibe tarem wtarre be baa at ttat become unwelcome becaos* be has no more mooey, dared 'bono, ills wife la alttlaa atone awaltlnc la fodara deapalr lha tctnra of her btaaciral daoghtcr. Tb* father (alia la a atoipr oa tbe 1 tha rada bat ataaM hat Ihoa tbe „ ihr'nHt~aeMM wa ata ifaicha with tar btad hawed aa her ama, atoptfled hr tha w' abe baa takca. Har bMia black bair baoca two Inatrooa bratda aeioia ber abooMera. aad Oocbard, who rtallMa Ita ralne. ateala behind her aad felcalna a earvsa, cuta her baIr off alwrt. ' In Bosala It la eooaldcr*^ a dtasraev for a woman to bare abort balr, and to tbe poor girl turta to ber feet to dismay, bnt Oocbard, who now baa wbst be wanla, tbmata Ibe na- happy alrl ont Into the road. Bomcward the at har toelber'a atMy a( her axperleBce. Tbe laa tb* bowed bead but . poor Msrcha'a witl tar aa irtik aa, "a woman'a — la hw hair** ♦ CARVEX—(rnm d-Art; icleaaad Feb. IS; leogtb, Ouo feel). Doa Joa* Ktrim, a Btaqoe, and a Christian of tbe aaeleat tjnw. bad en- llatrd In tbe caralry regiment of Almsnaa and waa no doty at Ibe tobacco factory la Serllle, where four or Br* bnodred girls were emplored la roiling dgars. Aa the ImII rings for tbe girls to mara to tbrlr work tba yoong men watch them aa tbty paaa. One, a baodaome, mcnr-ioaklaB girl, tba haaatr 9t th* plac« and haawo to all aa "La Oaineadta." atniu ht Ih* naa M admiring aeik Ma loae, being a qalet aort tt fellow, la not ouch attracted at Bnt by th* ajocy-tooklng beanty, wba, not ae- tual en wd ko betng Ignored, sakad Nsrarro to Sr* ber tbe chain be la fsablonlng oat of som» aia wiT*. Nararro anawered tbst be coald aot, aa be iraa maklag It for a certain porpoae, whrrvopoa aba took toe flower from ber mootb and attwk bim In tbe face witb It, mneb to th* touaeoeDt of ill tbe otbera. At Carmen paaaed oo Nararrow when no one waa looking. atoo*H.d aa4l picked np the flowrt- and pat It la bla pocket. Tvo or tttxtt homa after tbI* laeMeat a patter^ ri i ydte lw tiktjgari^^oawa wl^^ """^ -~il ^7*8S •aaradaSl'llM*^«ai1hafr!M «y. Ur. Oray aplea th* nrrlly girt. He JomiN IS.I2.. aa hia wheed. and eaWag an with hef. at. I y!-"»r»- BIIIPMI i — M k WMh her baahet of da'alleai and Orey hao* aad kl>*r* tb* ywoiw girl omat alTtctlna ttely. Wbll* Orry la having Ma fim h<a wife. air la Oraaay'a rtolhea. Oertrade her basket of ~ ' ' aa lylaff oa lb* Oocr and reeognlied In tb* grasp of flee or six of her compsnlooa. Wtiee th* woonded girl beheld tbe toldlem. tb* ■•h >... I accoard Carmen, who atood with a deflaat ez- . 11- • •.? predion oo her face. Don Joaa's dotj waa tells hipi I p|,,g. ^ moat srrest the girl, so Uking her (she being s woman) be boond her anil placfd ber ondrr sr- gjpay aaked for ber mantilla off with Don Jose. Oo tbe ay ahe torard and tsked bIm tn a cblld-IIke tooe where be waa taking ber. Doo Jcae, de- termined to do bin daty. aaawered tbat be waa uklax h*r la prtooa. Upaa which aha h*n*d ant nlrtdfd with bIm to bare naicy. Booo. whn baa been mt antmnnbtllag w'tb ber conaln ' rb;;**^;;. When" they came to a namMV ton*. eranf.* In. aaklna fee reftage. aa their mschlno with oae tbrast of ber tiny bsnd she gleea Paa ha» broken dnwa. Oree Is compelled to pre- | Jnsr s pn»h. ami be obligingly fslts back aad pare snme tnneta tad watt on them wblle they bit prlsooer, bopping orer bit prottratc body, all down In enjoy II. At tbe height of b's anf- regalas ber liberty. Nararro Is compelled to ferlnaa Ornney i-ntera with tbe rector, and then retnm to tbe gaard boose witboat su c c eeeding a mit np labaa id t»tt Ib* mat M l tea. N*«dl*at ta aay, Oity n TUB am* nr mlbbmo nireaiat oa tte annae aborra of lha Major aad MlB« haya. doae aelgbbaen of the Bay af Xaple*. m* mn- _ _ _ lvI"l»;r**,i'!2i!Jl.''*i''* "^-SL"! «•>• *» attaaipta ta cot It PIHW and frlewlleaat alto a panoramie riMr aT hie knife strike* aomelhlag hart and hr Badi In lo>-atlng ber. and conieqnently It reduced to lb* rtnka and ImprlMiard for a month. While ha I* In prtaoo bla keeper come* to htm one day with a loaf of bread, which be satd waa ■eat bIm by bla cnatln. Nsrarro knows eery wall that be baa no couain In Serllle and Im- aiedUtrly aoapecta tbat Carmen la reaponslble -- -- J pai •be Mwa of AawM. and the cwnaat a( th* Ca]inr!«aa,_ win it* . haaaUtMly £ai>«rMaa,_ win It* haaaUl ■ riiiiiihii. The flloa aida with nto« aritarareeta la lha loira af Mtaia. I f tnaat girt, U th* dtaghier af a M dnaknrt. whnta m»r atUtct la ha ta. gat .eanagh.'W drlai. ,Ib »• w* PI* Marrha' ' b* tta rOlM* ' eatfeaty Ih* aid a MmAmib THB VBUmAXT—<nim d'Art: .rrih »t IVMKh, T3d fe*ll. Uareha, a t » dla- la Ufa . JB the ^- , —^..ha-heggtag ber mother to take b* tta rOlag* fitr. and after con alderable. eatyeaty Ih* aid wmgaa- eonaenln and. aenimpaBled V her hashsnd and.ber dangbter, the leads th* «ty to tb* f»tr grbnnrtt. Her* we see Ibf fieasant glrla aad Ibe stalwart anae or Rnasia, daaelag the qnatnt country dancre and Mtreha jAaneea tbe J>r*t and seema to take the greatest delight la tbe rb.Tth<nlc motlona. In* emhndlea all the grace and beamy of pet~ •eef yenib In ber mornnent*. 8000 there come* M iBIermplloa. A wagoa la teen tnpmarbing aad wtwd ta passed from month to lanntb tbat jatebard. tiM weslfhT meerhant Is coming to abow bin wares. Ilelllna. howerer. tn anch snr- •anndlnga aono lift* norbsM. whn wnnM rather «ak* lore, dane* aod dilah Itak wnirk. aad an •any peelty . gMa >»Mlt«'' htal • Sway from Ms C»h talw lb* oMa. U, th* daac*. Brelav areha'a fblhrr.. iHWarrr. wha haa. dnmk bll bni la eepBlsMI by, th* old ntolbee. ta wha« Ib* bww of Ibe- family la sini dear. Th* Uhr of m awe y ha* aa etferl tqwia 'lb* old wstaaa bat' tn bftng a'hiak af'arani la ber wrinkled far*. Man>ha>s falbe*.' bAweeer, who be* dmnb all tse Wine p»r which- be caw nay and la In seareh er ainr* rtniiry t* l>ny sfm more wine, orer- that a imall Bagllah 81* haa beco alaetd la tta dwgh helOr* It wn baked. He also gads twn •laMaa wtlh wWn CaioMV ctMeatly lalended Bim la imfchak* a elrlllan't coat, and atao a not* frpm Carmea telling htm to meet ber at Lllla* Pastta**. Thanks to the gypsy girl'* tbongbtmlaesa. Nararto escapes and Bnds - bis lore watrblag for him at the old gypay rating boner. Well, tbe end of It all la tbat Carmen bad decided to persnade Nararro to Join a Ikand of smngglers. At llrst he would not listen to tt. tint Baalty. oat of tore for tbe girl, be con- tented. Poe bla derntton. howcTer. the fickle besnty repay* him by flirting with other ad- mirer*. . twa ' making Doo Jot* taast natiappy. Sh* had at this time become scquslnled with a eery haadtiNie and skilled picador named Loca*. One day-an* of bla ea mr a dea -laid him that eery haadtoaw and ski' One day-an* of hi* ee . a*w Carmea la-a ahtB with faoeaa aad Kaearro beeam* Indaawd -aad oneatlaoedT tta girt who » w ifia»i d tier lore fOr the picador, at lb* ssne llni* letring^^^ Jier Bbger tbe '.rlag- IVia Jos* Th* latter, naable any- loogar deadly ■ tad gtren . to control Ms rage, strike* bee. with bla knife and then remslna wItb arm np- liried a* If tamed to ttone aa be gate* down on th* hoddled up little Sgur* ot the womaa ta bad! a* goMlaaalety tored. ' ' RDimx. • A VtCTtM OP. A RRfriaB (nTam*rrelesae<l Mwnary.tb lengtb. toa (ret) Tbe stsey «r tbl«; MrtMT* waa srritten by Ritwaid W.'Twnaend. 1 The moag wif* of a wrtl-lo-dn trail atfeel, am* ^a a elrtlm of bridge, tbd plied np loeae* arMrb abe dare not fell him. On ftie oleht wlwn the winn ers hare made espeetally atmng .dteaaad - aayateaT'' tw^-hastatrfd briars borne fume. She hss .pccTloualy sent oat ber nsid I ^T^B OSTRICH AND .TUB LADT—(Ednea- to pawn ber Jewelry, and It borrifled to leata tlona:; relette- March 0: laagiB, — feet). A Bla tbat th* amount It brings falls ihort of what' plciuro depleting aeeaea on a big ostrich farm feqiilred. Later' Ibe mubl puta aome of t*te new perfume 00 the bandkercblef of her mfa- tresa. When dinner It orer tb* card tbarpt invita- tar to Jala MMm in tta gamau Again Ob* loa ea . Sta la dtl**B to deaperstioa at their damanda and thrtato d( dbiclasiira. Batrilog tb* mutle room ata ditearefa ttat a ralvable diamond pin oa tta ahaoMcr of tta lady at tta piano Is l oata, aad abwrt to falL PiwtssdiBg to pat her boateas on tta alnaldar, ab* coram the looaeocd pin with her bindkcreblef aad taken It away. Later tlie loss Is dtacoeertd. A lasld Is snsperted. and srrested. Through th* odor of Ibe pecnllsr perfume, tbe buabaod cooclode* that bit wife It gnllty. at be knows more of tier losaeo than abe anapecta. Qnlelly he liolda out his hand la wocdieaa demand to his -wife* Hesitating a moment she plscee tbe baodker. chief coatalnlng tta Jewel In his tand. He atea** Ita wportanlly aad allpa tta Jesrel Into a meic*. In a Bea i b y etalr. Oorlag tbe aearrb which tta cOcer make*, tta Jewel la fnond. When tbey return to their own bom*, tbe eriala la faced. Re bellere* he can not for- RlTo her. me packa up her helonglnga to leare, hat be ttopt ber. tean np tar eoarcnton and foldt ber In bis protecting embrace. IMUT AND BBOAINED (Drama; released rrbmary 25: length. 445 feet).—A hatipy tailor la shown enjoying tbe pieapurea of home life with bis wife and child, when suddenly he Is recalled to bis ship. In the conme of hiB path to tta pier be paiiet over a drawbridge which la being lepalrrd. The iniard being re. maead. tta aaOor idimgca headlong Isto the water. attlUag Ma head agataat aa ototacle la Us faU. A workman tetcaea htm. Upon Ma ivcorery. a few weeka later. It I* d'acorerrd rliat the blow oo bis bead baa destroyed ail memory of tta past, and ta waodera afmletsix about. Ilia wife and cMId Icam through the papers that tta ship 00 wtileh tbey bellered the huahand and father bad aallrd had brrn errecked at tea, and tbat all oo board w*t« loat, Oae day tta hoitand patalng along a atr**t aee* a baoa* on are. Be resriM rram Ita gamae a child. II Ja bla own. Bnt be de- •IfB tUa «Mt iMMfl •ifhiliag hraa. ttriking ■ tha CM of blood ly. It at the THB OIRL OF DIXO.N'S (nrami: leleaacd Fvbniary 29: lesBtti. 475 feet).—Diana U aMIeted l» tta drlak taMt. and b>a yaong Maghttr i imai aa tta hottla caatalnlag Itqaor. Har father ahoaoa h*r. In paaalng DUon'a yoong lad witneaeea tb* m ~ Jo Swthsra t^lfornla. Ttie Urn abowa bow tb bird* are canght for pruning. It slao shows tbs keeper picking tta Talaable oatrtch fealbecfk aod clones with a Ilttia noteliy. Ftiat la shown a Urge hat. entlxvly bidden beneath eotxick ptamca. - Tta tat tiewly, calaia, d lw ri oal ag a tiaaa aaA iBaiWnK tyta. • ■hltfc-.jatab ta TBB BABCa eiBLV bBQACT—<C leaae Maitrh 12: length. — feet). Joeh , a taadaoaae Boaton goath. la tofanaed ttat I left gl.iil».IM» tr Ma oael*. a waatcra ca aehmaB . Bat tta wm atlpnMlM ttat ta omm matrr HIm CarH* Ferhlaa. aT Chlmaoy Oolch. Arm..- A almDar letter la Tec« l re d by 'Carrie. Jack de- cide* to go to AriaoiM aod tar* a look at tb* girl betora forfeiting bla claim. H* attlrea talmaelf In a rtdlcnlou* coatnme 10 make (be gin dlaguated and gire up her claim. Ttie gtri doaa likewise. But Jack glrea aod signs tb* not* ot forfeit. A few days later. Carrie. Who baa discarded ber oullandlah attire, ta Immlted by a cowboy wlw prvteoda to lore her. Jack, bearing tar aeteami, hurrtra np and idmlalalen a tbraablng to tbe cowboy. Ttien Jack, wto tan also remored hi* funny attire, tuma to CUilab and tbe two recognlta each other. CarrI* la ~ np tta sot* of Mfelt glraa tar hr Jack 1 stretches oat ber haad to tim, Jaea tataa in bis arms aad presae* a kiaa nfoa bm POWEBS. HER COWBOY LOTEB (Drama: Marcb S: leuib. tMO feet).- man of tta Loaa U loced. by ,Kat*. tha only daaght«ir it Star Baach and ta loaaa 1 house a I'a actloa and succeeda tn ptoteeting tta girl. Tbe lad th»n reports the ocvnrrence to h"* fatlwr. who dlach:irgra Dixon. Tbia aronsea tbe hatred ot Hie Inebriated man. He tends s decoy letter, purported to i>e from tbe girl to tbe lad, asking him to come to the compress. Ttie t>oy goee, saying nothing to his fstber. When tbe boy la confronted by Dtson a tlgbt enaoea. 'Rie boy I* atmrk on tbe bead, and aeoaeleas bs Is placed In the gisnl corapreas and tta taacMaa sMrted. But tbe girl, bellertag toOMthlng w>,mg. eaters and ssres Um Isd. mtn Qranger. tta owner oi tta ranch. Tta of^enlng acene show* Sl>n Harrey aad Jack Boas, tnro bad mea. gambllag. Th^ llgbt. Jim Carmo dl.arbartree them. Ttay swear eengeaoce. An nlil pal. Sam Lewla. adelaes Jim to Inrrst a thoiiunt) dolUrs In a gold mine. Old maa CSraDjcer glies Jhn a letter to Dale, a leal aa* late aKrnt In toivn.' with $2700. to pay aS • mortsace- Jack R4MM aees tbe wsUet or on the table snd when he gets Ih* epportanllir^ ta ateala tta money. Jack take* to tta wooi* and la cejnilag tta maay whea Slim too w n Tba two tar* a territa Oght. wbh-ta inally iw- anlts In Harrey** death and msnlfald iojarlaa to Jerk. Upon retelling town Jim dlsc u re r oa his loss. Re telegraphs bark telling ta haa lieen robbed. ArrlTlng at tbe raneb Jim la r<>nfmnled by tbe furious old maa Orangar* Jim pmtetta bit Inonrence, but tta old maa stiowa hlu tha letter ot bis friend tarn. ad*<^ Ing him to Inrest money In a mine. Tb* a h s t Iff arrestt Jim. Mranwhll* - tb* body of Jack la fooad by a cawboy. wha hrlaga Ita an> fottaaato maa to ttajaarhJwiOi n» at^pbgaif M* a' - die*, w*U. THB WATmn BnBniB-ai>»Mu wi wiBj reb.. IC: laagth. BM Cmt). .JLXV *99^. girl fnna In^aea with aa artM. Tta t lll Ma priest notices ihia aad warn* bar father af tha aaaiHlt danger af imtting aa antophlttlcstad girl to an artlat. Tb* father, bea d * bU warw- lag* bat tb* gill has already taUea too dee pl y In lore, Tta young maa.ifraca ta matty her. Sta learea a note for tar tattar riplalalaB that ahe baa fled with her lover. Tb* old mao'a eoarow la great, bat hla lor* for hla cMId eua- tains Mm. Detertrd hj ber lorer, tta young girl leloma to the scene of tar'chlUhaod ipd resching tbera falls In a swt eoreted by her old father wh letton of hla daughter. ♦ WTRIEL'S STKATAOmi — (Comedy-drama; reletsed Feb. 18: Irogtb. «83 feetl. UnrWI llraa with ber grsndfather, a widower, a nal aid. aristocratic aouthem gentleman. gta iB ai lore with a worthy young maa named BamVt bnt grandfather tg p owa tta match. Sa Hnml ' tar chlldhnod irta'tljlltia & Bta latnt* portrait of ber graadaaotber when tta was' a girt, which ptetnt* la eaaetly Ilk* tar- •eir. she decide* to riotta beraelf la Ita eld- faabloned garment ot ber grandmother. Oolag to the trunk she nnds in tbe boitani an old nempaper containing an account of ber graad- motber'a etopemrnt with and marriage 10 tar grandfallMr. Unrirl earrte* cat her plan aad going Into the room where ber grsndfslh^ t* qnieily dealng airsy. ttsnds before him. When ta awakena wa tell* him of Ita riopeaieal. Bat graadfather. completely oi mt om* . falW bach fa a bait fbtat.- IfarlM ttaa tella Mm ttat ata la Imjiecaoaatlag hor gcaadmottar aad. of 1 „ XAHBAI. AT aiUL (Comedy-dTamni leifoed r*h. ill length. Sis feat). Tta MW Aim Statoa ManhaffDand bla work cat ant for htm for Poor rtnab Pete baa been mnning IMngs st Oils Creek pretty much to tttit bimaelf. So tbe marstat decldea upon atrttegy to arrest Pete. Now, Paul Bayner has Incurred tbe enmity of Pete, and Pete de- crees tbat be la to be carried off to tbe moun- tain retreat by bit ging. Be Is traund tnd gagged, and when Elite follows her loTrr, she meets tbe ssme fate. Juat then the marahal dlagulaed as a farmer, comes upon the scene and Pete la caoght la a trap tnd arretted. Thea tta new maiatal taa a abaee aad a hair- rut, widle tb* ha i ta eiu a t ic* marrlee KlUe to Paul. ■ ♦ THB DISTRICT' ATTOBNET—(Drama: re- leased Feb. 24: length. STO feet). The palltlcal bos* has made a protege of James Fellows, a teiniant young latryer. Pellowa I* elected aa diatrtet altoney and tbe boa* belleres timt Ms oppeetaBltlc* tor grsft will be Inerrssed. s* Jimea 1* alto engaged ta Bmlly. tta boat' dangbter. But FoUMto la tma to hla oath and t<ro years Istcr tta hota Bad hla awtolnte* are defeated. Tta boto tat hla dm^lSr helleTe Fellows It In wrong aad tta ragagement la tiroken off. bnt when Bmlly galna aa tafcllag. of tta truth, ata confaoses ber eteer to Jlou j^affi!^ "^ff!* *»• ^ Mata '-1 li wun. >t this tigto a yals. ■ THB BGKI TRUar—(Comedy: release Harch 2: length, — (Nt). Tta Smt acan* abowa farm- ers gattartag egga. Tta Bgg Tniat clalma tta bent tare «alt tvlng. taM* tta lacftaicd cott. Next Ik'a ae*na la-a dty alrtat. Tbre* wagoaa. filled with caat* of tta detectable hen fintt. slowly morlng dosta the street, are caietnUy gnarded by D. S. soldirrt. At th* atorage- lotn* tbey tie caadllag tta egga. Oceaafcinally m cmestM clow to the dame aad explode*. PAID •§» FCLL—(Drima: releaaed Pebi. «»'"J« • '^•"•""Ji J'R length.- SSS fe*t). A yoong ««e*r of '.n '""^•'{2 ^?S?-*'^ ?««^ PS.! i^SS army, tait In a typbooa. aearty fhmb •Htm and Bgg Plant. |1.»" A typical we*t-(|sked. ta naeard and anrted tack to life by as >raer enteis and when ta oindcm tarn and eggs f Arab snd Ms wife. Tbe Prrorbman aeerrtty rTerybody to electrified. We are next shown .mske* lor* to the ArsVs srlfe snd one ds.T. dor- tbe Interior of a InxnTlqnt banqnet tall. Tta ing hb ahaence. they flee fmm bIm. tbe Pr«ich- 521^ .t?**."L'?"L Hen—mesa Her." I maa Uktng a large snm of tbe Arab'a money. When tta feast to throagb.tta president coa- Wben. tbe Arab returns and learns what haa dncu Ms gnrttt to a prlratc room, tta aanrtn-I orcnrred ta seta sfter ttam. Tta fVenebman. ary. where ttate It tn. ygnn miBt ei g oa which to- aow-ltrlng In Algiers^ reeelTe* a mesaage siat- !l!2E5^L.*5'!f»5"S5l5i. '»»»•■*•» snaata ing ttat he has been teft s Isnre fwtnn* la "yg.- t ta ir nead a. arocaMp Cor a nnatat aad, Psris. He lesre* Ms mlatrra*. Itealtxtng ber VBnV'Winaap. , [yretcbed . eyidltlaa, tta 'wbmaa 'take* .polatB glffiS- . ■ • w BSAiri'irul*" WniDBBXVBB—fllreale). imraey la tta atol HW Uad of. Bl ' Wladermera aM ma aoRoaadlaga. la tta M«eea Itr tkt artM; tta vaal aad an.tamBB of EgtaMi TUB- UBB' OF MOBBM—<nnh - BlMlaa atocy: niltaatd PM. Itt tongth. fret).. TMa Imdan mint iimrlHn Tta Utt aC lanit ansnmBW-ta i tt a^ ^m. Btaal- aad daalBB •r lha death aC IBMta. and la fatllng from 11* effrrta, Jnat ta tta ha»' Uarch band enters . ■ He, *%iehea h er to Ma awaa and int .to tafor* sta,..egp^ni .forglfe^ hty*'., W* tjttm^tjiB _ BARS. OLD IBOX—ffVimedy: releaae : leagth. — f»*t). Winie and ttay want ^. ... ^. ^. ^ ^. —... see a pictnt* show hat are witboat fnada. Ttar ^1* t«r*n1t .nft*r tta. F tin th mt^ I n i o n n l deetd* to gnther together rag*-and old tma. tat,on a Itady r>t^ had then .chM ant hk | wben tbey gnd they baeo tut anttateat of tbt*. ! It tt aoggtated ttat lay _cniwl • - ' ' to make np Ih* weight. Thla ' "mf pnrebsaed the- rl lato tta bag niB/LiaewX BT TIIB. KBA—(Oamti^-dtamai . .. la don*. After'trleaiM Peh. SB: leagth. S83, feet).. A taanttfal tbe ragman bar pnrebsaed Ihe- bag aiul pala .It younar wlie. apeadlng ber a sessboca Into hla wagnn ta notice* It hoanring and rolling: resort, .dnriqg ber bnataMi** slaenee.. Innorently. snd snsnects something. Rnt after msny dlffl-, ttke* ttralls with two dashtag yoong frtlnwa. enttlea ttiy get* tWay tnd the two boy* meet .One day^tWhUo ttay *i».far. oat. 4her Sod thay snd see tlie show. FlnallT tbey are pot out csn itot-retnm- homeward... ss .tta water- ban iisht when they (tart-a ranah boose, aod ateet tn^ ^-rtav. Oae-of the young fellows wdnntean to s;? j{as*«r!UiiiW;?^^ ™ - r?^;.- f tar.-haai»; T-'U, tOmttooed at» »^ S|:b,.r .. ■, !...,,