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to pan 'aMi^:flrt*» B*a In order to«M^in tb» ^>)iv Uwf, and ontr bard wotk a<BBMpll«b«<l vbat ibey - wrat after. The noTlrc iracjt was Hon In rm»f TaiibloD by J. Vcnrftx, oT-Bf'rrvlfir Risk. IbU beliiK itie Ib'rd nantlre WUsrrl tu 1b« 8ooib-S*de Kink and rapion* tbefallver-Daed- al. Manazrr Frird Intenila to nis> Bvt'r nlle lacM tu (Ft. hla tDi>D lo coodltloo for^ tb*; cmrl- latt c<l7 ctiamplootlilp ennta <rbl^ ara'^abaot ■ BBCKKH WUeS TW6 MORK. ' . Startlnr from' acratrb wltb Frvtik'- ttemwmj, and of-rn-uuilar .baodlcaps raoslos rrutn tw^ty to ooe tiuiMlrwl ' and Sf 17 yard*,' Uratr; -Rn^rr <iluintrat«d bU claaa .by; wbnuac 'Wib and SaDdaj^rralitr^rju*^ al-^h« wcdirar fnan a OvIjl'j'aC: twrntr aaatviira aocb aa; Gcorse^wMnn. Al. II<«ie>«. Ilanr Mlkkftea. Md: BalSaugiMJhaa. BasdrrMwI and A. K t m wt r . S rnSk.'^Oiiau i' y •a'vbed arcoBd, and Ovocir Brb«<rac;«aai» la tbirrt. The time, for aatitrdara;tacv'jniB 5:11. and Bnnday waa aiia>e«bat taater."tbe'ttme be-; Inr BUS. la aw>tbrr.;trial for mrlir^teeonU. Berker allpped oa ono oT the t orn i ta aM failed to Imrrr Ibe recard tat tbo thnr^qiuiUr mile. Re paaie hMfe the iiiolni and WM for Jj^^.S^vr-^ *««^« •» JOHX McimkAU) .AUjbwro TO SKATEL. SiMpradrd by tbe Boenl of bontrol of tbe Weairm Skat'ns Anoelatloo for alxty dajra. JaaoaiT S, for belnf mixed up [n a riot at B4snraler RIak. John Urt>oDjiId'a nisr waa re- ap t n id at tb*. Iai4 nwetiaf of tbat bod/ Moc- -wr .•(*■>■(• IWnwiT t^ aad npun plea . of Ma ^«aaai*l. he na allomd tocaaipete In '-tbe com- lac citr cfeampioaahfna. wk'eh ban alfeadr Maitrd at Bdcivatcr Rink. Al the aaan aeet- •tm the Board snated a aaacflaa.to the IHa- ' ~!t'aK ANwrlatkB to hold Iho Wentera jlaBahl»B at St. tiMdi^-~ EMraarr I* the tnt itMliI «r t>» =«t. (da to praait* tUa ■i«at'.i*art.-«Wrh Imn been caa«ldefed\.<lnd-and :ft U ,hat wbal thia Umo «IO'°Me -a. sreat aaav n lee akallng. aa tbo Bott laOnentlal taalaeee prnpl* of St. Loola are adranclac and pconoclBS tbe r'nk. Foor raeanele^'^irere'Blled. at the nwetlnc and amonc Ihoae who. »( " _T» Kraao. -Bdw.'Scbvarta. bard work on tbe part of Air: Blcliacdaao.- Af- ter tlM- r rk Is in operatloa. It .1* bU Inteotluo to ocsanlu! tbe 3i«w BBRtaad BkUlas Aaaurla tloo. wblrh «ni ho a hraack «C Iho lakwllwai Statins PnloB of kmrntin. ' ; - ' BURKHOLDER AT.ST. NICBOtAS RINK W. Burkboldrr, of RivmUle Skatluc Clab. New York, abowed b'a lieela to a faat drM of lee •dutm la the aUIe handicap al Al. Nicb- ohiai -.Blak Jiaaday • angaliic^rMnnuT \*. BatUaMer Woa- Ihe' ereul frvm the llfur-xard mark. with -W^ M.iTaylur. of the ICew Yurk Athletic Clnb.' anciiod. and W. Kuebne. ut Ibe N. Y. A. anbk third. Bnrfcbuldrr akated the ilUtanee In 3: IS SS.^ Edmund La my, the aiua tenr cliamploo. m*aa.anabif lo irft lo Nt'%r York for tbe racnt. Tbungb beati-n In tbe mllif ereut, W. M. Taylor manacvd tu capture ihr-UalC-iullv handicap from TbU Kearney. Taylur hail a forty-yard baudlcap. and Kearney atanrd from «rrateh. "— * " '— I'tblnsa too ■^■Mik^d SPEED SKATRBS _ _ camlral. to be tieid by the Weatera y pe e d Skaters* Cinb. Saturday eee- Blttc, IVIiniary 19. at RWerrlpT BInk. prom' He« tn be a |cn-at roccea, as phowa Ii.t the en- trlee tvr all llie erettta. The priixram for tbe •aeuinc win cooalat of three roller raeca. ooe Wryele and a aiotoreyele rare, and a ran.-? hr WUIIaa Siymwe aad ra lh■■<a^haat tha ilaa of l.,IIMH,<kO^.;Mho. aal. BBI^ The en- hr lha laraa MnHT Ml aad. tbo fMlowtnr ate ente<*4 la tho tmi.m'le hnrUaltoa rare: Pna Sana Soad, Mtl^r. ifa w ar d Beanmont. Carl Carlaoe. Chaa. OIlHihiwa, A. B*^ Joa. Moody, B. Proctor. J. Ualtoa. ■ II. Uiiniclaa. R. Gnylela. B. Angelica. Kew- «»-ld. Prom RlTerrlew. n<>ary Brr-ker. Prank Henne».y. Cbai. Smith. Charles Maidlrfraxel, A. Kmeiier, Jno. SIrllODald, E. Crpmlroi. l_ , Oonli-y. II. liikkeliu^ P. Rarbnrr. EJpQcai, Prtrra M'lwaokee. Wl»„ GeorKe Derlne. . Oily MrKooe and Jark lieUtti-y. Tbis aK^frailnn of akatera la nndoabledly the best ooIIr«tIoo er- er aottro toaether for a race, anrl ■KMue (reat t'me ahould molt. It will be dlfflralt to pick ttie wlnnrr, aa all the akiters bare been work- tnc-oot at Rlrerrlew Speedway for tw» weeks, and every ooe tiaa ahoam woo*Ierfnl apeed. Manager Hannon baa aw'tted tbe dob to a gnat extent In aecarins aereral good atttacr tiaaa , among those which are moat prominent ■m to be a flee-mne mntorryde rare between •mso Sallh and Pkaak Bach, wlilrh wUI ere. SLSa *** •'' J ' t** '" *— «a ase naat oTgotng ataaaa omb iB^k Rk oomb aeek apn^ to tho mmMr% ■■■ If iPforda. Aaaiber •MM of the cTealBg wh<(h wfll he apiwadated, ■ the Meyrle rare, aad Oro e afl h a har Im-n • tai lI i l . Tbe fancr akattag eaUbMaa-hy Babe •ad BUI will be aboiM tbe bent erer prrvnted at the Kiik. aa they hare made wonderfnl Im- pr oienieut In tlw past few montha. and not be- mtr peofea el onaia. are raaKldeml Americn'a beM amatenm. ^Dancing, am ronclod* tbe eTcDlag*! iwogiaiu. Tbe ofllelaU to -act wi;i .he takra from the mdng board of the Weetera Skatfag Aaanciatloa. Cmr CRAMPIONSHTPS AT EDGEWATEB. What rcMilted in tile «OTatcst tmahloic and rmgb boow cootrat erer wltiie«vd at a roller, rbik. took place at Rdgewiter Rink Wedn.f«day erentnic Febnury 15. when ten sfcatera who bad qoallflfHl In tbe prel'mlnaT'es foe ttie aemf- Boal for tbe two mile, atarted 19 crowd and fart aao aaotbrr. and before tbey had rom- (■etad tho zaqe only four remeln«d. Tbe wln- aar aT tba aeml-Onal waa l^arl farlMn. ftom •m Saacl. with B.. B <aB»» »t wennd. aad Faak Iblnl. and B. »eatmlne fnnrtb. Six ~ It Befeivg ftlaarbard OoiTMe Btb a aiU fur "Chick mt tba I boya. t boa- : era. and took adeantace rnar ap p ort uu lty to use roorfc work. The imritt aaa that only four boya fin'ahed the race, aad ta a ataterarat tram Uanager Benaoo. after tbe oeenlng pro- gram of rarea bad been eompleted. be atalvd that be wonM lot pat oa any more raee^,' aa It tainrrd bU bnalne». Edgewater rink seema to be tbe mlneky rInk for sneb aotbreaka.'aa Rl*- errlew and Sana Sotiel baee been mnnlng.. races for years and nerer had any trooble of tbat kind. S!x skaters anal'fled for tbe taalf-mlle llluL Thry were OIHIekaon. Bamerman, Ttelk. Demmlsg, Schwartz and A. Reed. BOSTON ARENA Manaser Wm. T. Blehaidaon. wh^ startad mr- tfCeiallee riaka aoNw la the Bant lUa year, aad piam<ar* to nro the akatlag faaa a ehaaeo to afcatp ft lee hrfoee the spring season sets la. atU'n that .he e xp e cts to have bis rink ready ant lalev than Hie tenth of March, and It pon- 'ilMe--wm endeaeor to hold the New'England Champlonvhfps. Mr Richardson baa been a hard worker In the Pkat'nit worM^rand for-.thls laat promotion of bU meat be gl^en ureal credit, aa sereral attempts have been mad^' In the past aereo yearn to organise-ancb a rink; bat met with fallnre. and the au> 'ftea of tllla bean- <lfBI itak -wlB- ho the-antease -M PUSH BALL IX IOWA BINKS. Laat week, at Sloox Clt7. la., a great of piub ball was played at the Prlnceaa Rlok between S oox City and UanrarxUo, and rv«ulu-d la a Tictucy for tbe Siuux City team by the s«Ke of 3 to a Mdoaicer C. U. Wvlberliee, of the Sluux City Team. Mod who is tbe main l^-ad- er In Uie promotloo of pooli tull aod roller polo tbnmsboat Iowa, baa Issued a ctaaUrnse to any Knh ball or mlkr nolo teas la the alala* «r wa. NAraaka «r gsalh pOkaia. atallaBlbal they haee not as yet be«a MhatcO. llnwctb- erhee slates that they hare aoao Sw races at the Pr'ucei>s Uluk. and hare book ed several of tbe late^ altracllous of the aeaaoo. Jark Folcfa played there a abort time ago, and made a great bit.. FINAL NOTICE TO SKATERS. The. ni>w hJDd'Uwk of the Weatrm Skating Aaaoriatloa, which has taken over a year tu ctiaiidle. Is about ready to gn to press. We know we hnea aald (Ida aeveral times befoa*. bat this tlaio wo are laialUTe tbat we are not at tnidt bat are Mdy to go ahead, bat be- fiire nv do so. we wvald like to glee akatecn who lisre made emlltab.e perf.iemaocee or whc are holders of any leciirds. ur have dime aiv Ib^ng In tbe skating line tbat would warrant be*ng recognised by having their cut and blug- rapliy In Ibis valuslrfe tiuok. Ilie cut we will pobUab must nol be wider than one Inch, bnt can he as high as necessary to prodnce Ibe plrtnre. This Is tbe last ttnie we will menllMI •h's.ahaat yoar.eiua, and (huae that base beea wA ha li«L!lt jr jh««rait to at SKATING RINK NOTES. The team of skaters Crom La Junta. Colo., rink defeated a team from tbe fink at llocky Fonl. Coin.. In a mile race Tbe tl.ne was 3:Sn. Ted Uehymer. of tbe LaJnnta leam. mailc a half mile In 2:10 over a tvogfa 24- lap coarse. Robert Gorton, at Daytaa. Ol. was deCratrd at Indiana pelts. Pihi—J hC.«M hlUfc of that dip. .Xha ttaa «>H — mile. c. nnpdgbo-aa Port Royal. Ta..' be playad. HOCHESTBII. N. V. Two AddWooal VaudMrilla Roehaslar. • iHb la lU For This city will noon bare two more booara devoted to vaadertllc and nrlll be welemaed. an thin form «C ■atsckalaamat la ioct p aind ir r the Iseal Ihia n i in i i a haw kad hot aae ka orrvIaK ihia elMi «r aatacialMBcM. caavqaeaHp tLe blUa srerw no* always of a hijcti standarX .The Loew ComiMuy have taken the lenae oo tbe Baker "nieatre- and opened It PVbmary 21, with Ugb-cia«« Tanlerllle at prices ranging from SA centa down to 10 cents. Tliese in-ople are In a pcadrloo to offer some very attrsetlve bill* aa tbelr rltrolt extends from New York to Cbl csgo. anmnng performers of from twenty to forty weeks* work. Tbe Conk Opera noose wfl] hewse vaodevflle on and after Jaae 1, haohlaK the I. B. A. The tnttv has hw la i*p H|« or arpr thirty IsMsvs - f^ai - pefffieiasea--aafefag" de*-tbe -local oMinaa of tba OrlSa Cfacntt. I want to ad- Ttso all tb»* who have wrfttea. - tbmogb the eotaaaa of Tbe Binboafd. tbat tbe CrtDn Clr enit have no nAee or i v pi vsa ut sHve In thl« Hty,. slthongb varloiv tbeatricst iwpers. dirrinx the past few weeka, have carried reading no tices to the effert that noe wonld he opeuort here. Socli. however. Is noc the cane. Keao- tlatlone were neniling with a local ng e mj to repres»nt the GrlOto people hafPb hat the deal fell thr-nch. I h iUi a a OMt Mr Mg.:»rtm ' lias of>en.>i aa «■» ta 'tu^mm bat aa aot sore of tirta. • The oaly na ey y la tMa e«y fa Urn Barhealer ThaatHiiar ■Ma-aw P. o» a ihlHl A»a W. M la the hesai. TbIb eaaeefli Is haiAloa smae redent time ihmaah thhi i r t l aa mat are ad Ing the better rlaaa of acta ftaai Si fo JW weeks' work and are addlag new hoasao at tbe tare of flee or six a week. Work of reemistmctloo b«« sireartv comnv>nred at Ontario BeSch Park and some rxteoMre pmvementa will he made; only the hlXA-^t oofrt«^or seta will he plaeed and the exrlti.lve booking of same Is In the hands of the vrrlt*^. Tbe AmTte^n HlMiodrome Comoanv h.ire closed oecntl-tlnm wberstv they will glee < mm perfnnnancee at tPe B astaia f^a a — Ball Park hi tbbi elty. WhNp the nrhess baa pi ai» a _ oaMe _» aeeeaaftjl_ la other ritles. It In a %afy 4aahlfM' upaanairina here owing to the faet that the g i u aad a see ton far fmm the eeo- ter of the fire aad naly eoe ll<ie of eaea rrsel>. Ine there. Then tbe besry ali ee l esr trsllle takewsrd eseti evwnlnc t o gether with the s»^- Ice In the city perfcs ma^e such hcnrr demind* on the rnlllnr stock of the utr^H-f . .r eomf»-nr. that It la donh»f"l whether an arlronnte arrvie.» t» tl>e hall rwrV cen f»e ohlaI'»rd. In any event tlwae the«tr1c.t1r Infoeeiwed here wV aa H h l»e OB^rlment with Inteeesr. . eUhoaeh ao «PM( of aoccess la anrtclnated. .CHAS. W. NKT-PON. NEW ACTS SCCN IN PHICAOOl (Ooatlhaad troBi.'paga •.) tbe sphinx and pyramids of Egypt, they next »aiiB Walt for Me In Yoar Hume by tbe Pjrra- niMN, a song ao milcb like Ibe Arabian I.OTe Song and J.ve llowKrd's WiKulpiM ker aoox from Tlie Oiildc-n Girl. th«t the aaillence fell to iiumm'Dg It ttuiuedlatel.T. No. S ^vsa a Chloeae Duoilier called KoMy Tally Sam. sung In three, lib a s|ieclal Oilnese salting. Next, la full alage. with a setting ahe w lag aa Indinn wig- wam and camp Ore. thegr aaag their best num ber. Suoic Bud. Thnr daned a'nglng Ibe ever-popalar Piu Oa Year UU Oiejr Baanet. A anlklag - Cralnae aT this nnmher wa sibe cbaagUw.ar key tram each verse lo the rhumr. In order to allow one of tbe rolcea to take tbe alto and harmnntxe. They hamMstlsrd all right, but tbe effect of tbe strain cbanglng the ki^ upon the sweet melotly waa slightly JsrTlng to a Icatatlve uaslral ear. tXUfBDT MUSICAL. HOYS. Starlhtriia. Sa. 4. mliaiiea. Barr amU Belae are aad for perforaera ao ttrw la the are descirlng of much eemmendst'oo. Barr is an extremely yuod planlat. and Reine of jood voice. They present an act not unlike that of Howard and llowanl. calling It Tbe Plsno Fleod and the Ueiteeoirer Poy. Rarr op- ened the act with Cjddoo Ball Rax. wblcb wan possibly tbe weakest fealDre of the art: out the rendering of It. hiit tu oi>en snch s lire set as tlie'rv wirb a planolociie was rather fiat. Ttie mes^enxer bo.r slsrts things, howex-er. h.r singing YIddlsba Bag, and a parody oo Dream- lag. Following Ibeir toII*T of mmeily. Rarr s'ngs Ity Oioski Csiaai^ aeeaaipaaylag hiauelf — elesetUt 4oae aad TMI XAT9 AMBLIA ^V^^^ V. H. CiirTi»r, pr»«s reprcaentaflVA of r^ T^erle T^^rrm. T>*etmi, O.. Is tempor- arllv srfinr as manager of the hmiae In the eh- or MsT Itnrtlg, who la a eeompanytng bis OB the p HaSL Thh tieaccvaa the Had THE OPERATOB. A ONE- aCB ML. ., - Elgbicea alBaML' Tbe cattsta ilasa oa tbe telegmph «prmtar*a mom la tbe stafaa at a smsU town Is the Went. The operator ban hsea oa daty for aer- eatr hi Bii . wltboat iel>ef. wfalrh Ibe anlborl- tlso aee ae^ng h'm vrtih oB spaed. Be tries to he a r ap nnder tbe strain, hwl hia an en g th I* fiop nnd be gitea la to the graap of sleep, ma wife and child ore la tbe maaa with blia. •he bohy seemingly pentsi a i nd the wife rest- lees snd oervoas on se«oot of tbe wiirry for her bnshand. The Ia<tmmeot starts to trans- m't a message, and he. In a dased coodltloo Is awakened by his wife to answer the mramnos. Ffe flndtf that he min*r pelts two tra'ns at a certain point, sod wblle In hts sleepy sniper, aends tbe wrong orders. Later his wife noilrea the ml«tske by nadlag the Ira'a aheet. aad la a at of madasoe to naee the Nve* «f rbaae aa board, gets the — la lai fhllT awake aad tella b'a of Ma Moader. He coosenneotly endear- en to raltw the apemtor at tbe station ahead la hope or s t spp l a g the trsln. whirta Is doe st any ■n aiiat to aieet its fate, hnl tbe Instra- laeat falla to bring hark «n.r eommnnleatlon. A.S a last t i s sr i be crahs bin rerolrer and mns oat of the mom. When h'n wife dlwcorers this she begs and plesd. wltb bim to wsit- la hope of the trslna belnr dela.red. and If be mnat r» l Oft to solctde t'. take rtie hah.T and h er.elf w'tb bim. Awalilnr tbe stroke of the fatefni Vsir. and tbe wh'stle of the doomed train, we find tbe onemtor with revolver In band ready l«.4o. Mo *eadfai work, aad wheo the last itiafci of It lM hi beard, tho aMad of the sP lsCtr fkaai tho appiaorhlag train nh s ia the glad news of the safety of the pawi a g » r «. The atory aa It mns H Inlemiely late l est ' ii g oiMl tbe stage and acenic effects lead atnksi- fihete which N truly realistic. Tlie apficoaeb of Ibe treln. stopping at tbe statlmi. and movlag on. are ell broovht onl by ttio nse of clever s'mnd effects. The psrta are well acted, al- thoagh a little too mnch stress la laid «a the fact that tbe operstor bss been oo dniy fnr seventy honrs. Ibis helag hrsaght Bp at every possible moment, llie art baa rBaahl aa la Cbl cego. snd at present la sBe of the aMst tolhsd nf drsmat'c sketclkes M tike v s w d i v W Ie *«sge I.y^ler rhsmtters. ss tbe opeTBIne. la eaci»d- Ingly clercr In his Interpreiat'on of tbe dra- metir iartdenta and Is ably anppnrled Iw Wm Alice Weeks. wh» aiiaaiii the rale mt Ma wilW. aad who lg M|p i SINOINO Kok & la. NV^.IlE VeCOT. SIPAL HITR. American Mnslr Hall, two. Ponrtees mlnotea. M>ni Nenie MrCnr, reeentlr fpstarsd la The Silver Riar. niters five snogs fotlnwlag each irlfh a dsnee. The nnmhers in order sre: Of Alt the nirls from airland. Pnl On Yrmr PMnpers. In Philadelphia, Y»nk.-e Ijind. and Tearh Me now lo Swim. in»s McCov la graceful sni* dainty In apf>earanee. and la the poaseewir of ss sweet s ToJce sa she la dainty. Pollowinx the Tear* Me tn Sw'm nnnih»r. ahe drops her hair letting It flow as It will, snd •• she gws tbmogh her sIowo bs dsnce she Inaks sa pretty es a irtetBre ^'"ij^Jg^l^p^ *^ line aa It waa lai« a««fe at tfes 'Aawrleaa Xaale FTiM. It Is sti eery pcetlly ar rsnaad. hot there fp nothlig st*rl<la« at any time as there l> no chance for Mian MeCny In show ta other sdvsnisgrs other ihra an elated above. Bbr aeema ont of place wmMaa. la a ahiele art In vsnderiite sfter we hare aMS'What Oho oaa do In prataeltaoa. who waa fsaooa and gnce, dl.4 rebrnsry 0, at the home of her slater. Mrs. U. A. Lodlam, 83 West Slityalilh alrret. Nvw York city. For years Mlas Olorer was ooe of the alara of John Buaaetl'a Coawdlana. aa ofssa- laatlsa that sraa as celebrated ss Uogrl's cs» poisles or the varlaaa llarrhiaa pfadr ' Sta Olorer worked ao a ■■■ b r of the aggtvaailaa with each weU-kaowa aiage Mfe as WUllsm Canter. May Irwis. Usa Daly. Theteoa Taagha. DarM WarSrhl. Igaarto Mar tloeltl. Joaenb C. Ulroa. Nat aoodwra and Kalo Csstleton. Seme of tbe shoam tbst Miss Uluvae a pi i» sr i d In were The City Olreetory. Abaat Town. Natnral Oaa. and We. Co A Co. lo liai Miss Glover waa married to John U. Raaaell. ika manager and proprietor of Ibe eomiiaalea la whieb alie had been ai^pesrlng. Re had aarrl.4 Kate Ireland In 1880. bat be was dlrorced fiw her lo ItSI. and married Mlas Glirrrr In the aame yr«r. Mr. IInasiU died sbont ten ye axo. aad aooQ afltr that hie wife lo AL Lawieoce sod She was abaat 48 MONTRE AL. C ANADA. I of MBMy FirMe awd Mhw Ma Strang In the stidlearso, is eir-eer. CamlUc. pla.ved psDks th«t a grand •orcesa. Cnle and Johne^n are the Ajn-makers la 1 Red Monn. st the Francsla, It la ooe •* best drawlag cnrda tbat baa appealed at I Rae. haee a <«ond mam. Mr. MeBae la a Mi*' Ileal bay aad received qnllr aa oratlea. At BeBBelt's, Miss Moirstt snd CotnpsRj. In Avrshe at tbe Swltrh. and Chsries l.a«>l<^ ud 4aagblsfa. were tbe gml headllnera. The hal- ■aee mt the blU sns op to the slanilafdL_ A. N. saAKMOM. Rajf Btnn. the manaaar of th« Cnl' dfsa Thaat i a. al lawn Cttp. taara. la aolte o Isdk' man. and while oa a reernt vlidt to lha RapMa took hie lady frlead to wllncs a vsn- devl'le nerfnrasnre. "My. wtist a craiy little theatre.'* abe said, gaxing ahoot. Then, as lbs •Omw wsa In penwrees. st>e eorly roaed op tste Mr. BwalD's cmraleosncr aod Innocenlly a'^**: la jhig oaa hic *ov. or a lot o( iMM NEW ADVE RTISI NO DEVICE. An atfiaetire e l ectr i c adverH<(ng device wlilch will pmhahly h» greatly la d^ msnl by tSeafres. ha« heeB pisced OB Ibe market hy tbv Olirer Rnto Co.. of CWrB—■ T!«e device con- alata nf tn-n allllllgg tt ltg^ mtflr foap g 1**^ nnm red and ooe srasB. vfeMi gPMM B laiooaar colond ciRle. AgwoMAU T war n wmi*. rrof. Kd. n. nntrhlsnn. the well-kn^n a»i» naiit. ha« porehaard a larao. farm al VlneUad near Phlladelpbla. Dg. Mk, W alrb l saalWeada hiilM s win he heller ifsTiSrhS ,«^SSf>af*d BOND FOR CHALLENQCS Th« Billboard will not print ohalloneos, olthor In Its or forfait for sppoaranM- to namad and pm a / ftd tha dapoait of amount aoeompanlaa ehallanga. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO.