Billboard advertising (Feb 1910)

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T h e B i 111> o a r 4- FEBRUARY St, Itta KANSA S STAT E FAIR hs Rise, Growth and Dev^ppmoil and Biog^phical Sketches <^ the MmwIid are Re^nnble for its Conduct—The Weeks . . News'of F^iis*'Canuvals* Etc. pant and tntiBB, Xr. A. L. Un a as iBMaMaK atoiT. itaawliis bav a- fair kaa 1MB 'MR up. Says Mr. apooacle •*l baw liM> a Tnddrat-or tbi* state-for twrBljr rear y<w*> eomlns here from' fUlnoli, and b.ive bc«4 Interested tn r^al estale and Cannlafc a ffoud sbare of tbe time. I have al^ tero lDtti«it«l la the pablUhIng' bn«lD«<s al- ■DMt all ;>f Itae time I have been In this atate. ■ml turn am encased lo tlia pabllcatkn of a trade Jaarati and the operation of a sond -Job cfflre. I alao bsTe been brtcdlng sluirtbum cattle for the la«t ten feaiB oo any farm of 300 acm near ttila city. Tea years, mko. U wlib otbrta, orsaiUied tbe (air at. RotcblaaoD. •Kh'ch we aanKbt to makr- tka atate fair uT Kanaaa. Jo' laOS tbe leslslatne. In iccaraiOaa «( aor a ar r ea i la coadoctlas a lilc f»r. pa aa e i l $m art aalbaiMK w to Imf p wa iloma lo the game oT the statK and «Mhed aa witb aoeh aatboHtr aa t» aaaaDy strca a itate fair. Int (alkd ts ap^opttate Baaey. Tiila baa bn-o our allDatlaa erer sfacc AiuiGaDT. the tatra ta*e b^en awceaalKlT bigger and better, and W coodnct tfaem on tli*; acope of ftU otber state faSia, and offer prrmlnma In sucb amount aa to attract larze exblblt* In all departments. Prac* tkallj all of the natloDil breeillDg luodatlons Ka«e appropriated money to add to tbe _pce- ailinBa-«e otter, the aame aa tbey do to-otba state fatn. "We iMfsan oo srooDds located <intte within tbe city of llntcb'nMOn. These KTonnds comprised tat BZ arrra. wblcb we fooM to be too- small for oar pariMxe. and this year we porcbaaed 180 arrea adjoining tbe old fair sroottda. oo tbe nortb. wItb a bait arila tmatase aa Mala itrret. We placed tbe oU vmmtt oa'.tbe aar- — of HatcMasaa. . O worik''of -lots addition, oat (Br aa JIaK .Ifee eomlntt spclnic. Tba will ba a BoM for (air porposea. aa aayriy aa oor cxpcricBee aad obaerracion can make tt>>m. Wr hare — p la y ed Oeo. E. Kess- ler, tandvtpe arrbittet of Kansas City, to do tUa work, at a price of $3,000. who will plan tile rronnrla with reference to 1ieaatiai-atin&. Tbexe Ftnonda, lying as tbey do within one and mil* half mDra of the business center of tlie city. wlU alju> he oaed for park parpows and amn-einenla, and wUl t)e planned to operate tbrooKlioat tlir year. WltetliFr we win do this •■nrWe* or glTe tlie oppattanltr to aame less lay partlsa. is a aiattcr wa.haae ast decided. aueeu ne piacru uie oaa ^mmmm ket as aa addltloa ta Ike Htt o aad arttt'a ■ aaaih artd saoifiio m» will iMMMr asae tbe addiU MB jad are pknaatteaple enoaEb to gin a portlaa of tbrlr time to tlie soccesa of tlie fair. BreTT department la eondartcKl oo aoond bnslnesa pnBC>[Hes. and erery fair lias resulted la s handwrnie haUoee at ttie right fide of tbe ledger All of tbe money that aras ever derlred IB pmdta from nwlucO ng the fair, has been pot Into ImpniTnoeota. and this probably will contlnoe to tbe p<4ieT of tbe AsMcUtloo. "Mr. E. Hatinn. whose portrait alxo appears on thlB ' pace, tiaa been our Snperlntendent of* for tbe last three yi-arn. He Is one of tbe best prlrlloge xnt-n In tbe MU«lsa*ppI Valley and Is a hig bosineaa man of Hntchln- aia. wbe d t wo t a a oafldott tiaw to tbe fcfvllese fcusi tsM a t la Babe U m Vg waeetm CorSe Bfl«a aad tbe fniifiailiai It Hw tbe gewenU SDsd of tba britofM la a Iblr Uka aa a ' • tbe leih. sad brfniaat flor a oc cesa . ba anj'7—ra M. ITc t*e a fi lt bt a tk» ar mt the Uoegraas aeeUaa oC tba tbaac la Sbelby cooaty. baea " artlve la tbe Batter a( off tlrmf aa d i of tfolbai^ asBe aff iba finest herds In this ssetka «C tbe alata belaa fcMuid la Shelby cmnty. Prarttraliy all these rattle men will bare their aniaiais oa eablM- tloo at the Kentncky State ratr, and they an certain to make an ezcelleot show against any that might Ike pot in the rlncs with them. One more crop, wblcii It ta not grnoralTy reaUxed means macta to KentncVy, and wblcb has t>een soccvssfnJ tbia year is the meek snJ lowly Irish potato. Jeffervon cooniy, Ky., In which LooiSTiUe Is altnated, la ooe of th' largest Itioh potato markets In tbe coaatry. In tirmw aHBset. aal tbe fsiui e ia eat anw - state aar raa cainot d to Bock to the (air la LoolariDa ti latie aamb e ia . to hear their leoa off tka hick coat ot Ustaa. . . 'I.'SLADIZBTSB^. NEW MIDWAY.IN niu. awm& WaAlngtoB. D. C. Feb. 14.—WaMilocten'a new Midway opened with a midt tills attemooo in the - - - cbOdlia np ' ■ Witt their W ae jitr i ; an^. pa j laU wmftr t'.Vi^e tta bts.anjlttuifiuu ahotl^ afisi ■SMiniii rare meeting to — mutr fair cmands by ciie 'tkklabnoia CMy I l * ' J dab will be bi-M JuBf.18 to July''!. Ti»e ImprOTcmrnta planned by the State Fair Assorlatinn for 1810 are a Hre ali>ck paTlUoo, as extrmilao to the agrtcaltural building, min- eral remirre tmlldlnr. new pernumnt a mn s w meat attractions, and a complete aaaltaiy aewee •vatesB tbroaghnat the gr oon i t s, a new wire 8ACKETT IN THE FAIR BUSINESS. B>4TldeT*. ni.. Feb. 14.—Ooo. O. Sackett. manager of the Grsorl Opera Hoose of Rockford snd Interested tn s nnmt>er of other amusement enterprises, may Uke up tbe Mea (or a Til- eonnty fair to be heM near Beloit. Wia.. and gir.-n for the WIcwbaEo (IR.) . and Rock CWIa.) roantiea. As neither BoAtWd. BeMt aar JaBeasiDa has* a fair aT afP-^Mk U to aff tba blncot trr. LOUISIANA STATE FAIR. The State Pair of lyntalana will bold their flftb snrnal fair In Shrereport, Norember 2-ii. It win I* s ten-day fair, and the management Is DOW planniivg to bare earti and ererr day a f^tnie day. It la Intended to bare a horse CBdng CTcnt for siz daya. antooMMIe radngr lor rwt> daya. aad other attractkas (or the atber days. It la alsa baatd to bata atrsplaaa "^"^ Take-up Troubles Terminated WOODWORTH & CO., 907 WdU Street, Chicego, IlL WHISPERS FROM THE SOUTH. New Orleans, reb. 15. T««h« dttferent eantral and SBOBeaeat eoBpa^sa played the Stata 01 fsB and wtnttr. If IbMa JbA atata that has a popolattaa tbMe M Itet did ant bare frcm ooe to three com* aMia I 4a ast knon- i do not -KKsrruciors prosperity and HER FAIR. ■ X<onISTi11e. Ky., Feb. 22.—Kentucky o*aT t»t be tbe jrreatest -wheat state lo tb^ union but she raises a lot of wte;it. She may not he tbe greatest com state In the oontitrx Lot she man- ages to gmw consIdenl>le com. The same tblo^ can he said of ber hemp and eren iKvw she haa b i aua to raise cotton. aJoog tlie MMaslppI Ifeer. Bat when It comes to toluiecok One harsPiL 'envy cattle sad bloegrass,—wsO. that*« M the aext atata ttSr to ba held te Laals- ■ eBe la the (all. it Is i i r aba M s that Kentorfcy oapa win be the gieatsst crer Aowa. eivectal to la hortor tobacco sod Jrtwrj eattle^ for tbtai two branrlles of "a^rnltare" bsre had their i Mo ner years In the Blue^ra^ State and they win be greatly In er1rtcnct>. In all branrbes of agrlcnlture, htrsrcTpr, Ken- tocky has bee n wooderfnlly pmsperooa this season. 9he has raised tbe liigaest crop of barley tobacco erer raised Id tbe state and la preparing to raise another nert year stin lanter. wbile the prices for the crop, rtesplt^ Its sSae. bare been as good as those erer ■»btalr..4- In addition. Kentncfcy's crop of aigbt rldera has beea ab«rtar tUs srsMia tbaa fcc.aeteid years ar the idlBittaa to the f> . _ fa Ike aatter tt wbrat. tba htaviB af the tbe sanwa off tba the 1910 crop. Of com and bemp there haa sat been aaA ao ' aboDdanre. Imt the tienp' rrop srill be pnal.-<l aad will donhtlem mlnr good i>Hres. Atiotber crop tbst has been pooled and which will p4it mooey Into tbe pockets of the ' nn- Snpt. PTlTneges. A. L. Sinniilw, ' Men wtio bare made it the great sncceea It la. tbe doors opeied at 2 o'clock. Officlala of the local Playgroonda Asaodatioo. of wUch Pust- maater Oenermi Hitchcock la ttie chairman, were ■ad ts partlrlpata'la'tbe nei..and laddent ta MM tta ««lB.MBt|M.tHa aaalac. _ Ihft li eiaerted ta^dsht ta tska a "laok ta" aad la aalieipatlaa o( tUs rlslt of the chM caeealtsa a box haa beea gpecially pi U S W e d for hta «■ a raised platfam. Bos and pUtfSna aia srtlatle with the aatloail coat off ama aad flaga. Bxtra featorea of the opening are alternate concerts by tbe Marine Band and tbe ATca>l« Orrhestrs. I>a rw! sr^ce haa Ix-v^n prarlded for in one end of tbe kibby. Tbe Mldwsy wlTI be opea ttom 3 o'doek'ntfl 6b aad again t*nm 8 tf'dKk aMn 11. CARNIVAl. KT MNOMAMTON. the mo Blnghamtoo Ifair. naaair StM. 2T. 28. 2» snd 30. TlM cacnival wHl be liejd In tbe e^nln^ aad many special featares will be arrangfl. with the Idea of held lag over tbe people, who cotne to Binghamloa to rtalt the (ur, thereby work- ing a dfeast bsaoat ta ths saiirbiais a( tbo dtr. . . . KEPPLER^ PLANS. . O, 3- Keppler, owner and manayer of tlie Keppler Show, writes ttiat he Is m-ttlng rea<1y (or tbe coming seaaoiL Two new tenia bnre been ordered from the Onlted States Tent acd Aarning Oo. A etiong TanderlUe abow will l>e rsrrted tbla season. Tbe stKTW will open mi March 4 aad wlU aafce week stands. liStar MANY IMPniQVEMENtS PLANNED. Tbe foortb aaoaal st»te fstr of Okiab^a \% to t>e held at Oklahoma rily, BeptewhiT 27 tn (V- toher 9. The management expects to n-pen tfe atate (aic srooods ss aa amoacment park. Miy tlilnk that there was a single ccmpany tfaut made expenses snd mcMt of them bad to difr duwn Into tlielr bsnk roll of mocej tijat tbey bad made. in the early part ot Uie season. Tbe prladpal caoae o( bM bai^wa vaa tbe srteetable w ea ther, the w«aat la anar yaara. Bnt they wm an go hack la tto^^les sad sivai" e ouuity next fall, ♦ James Molrtry haa Joat cocne In here from the Mobile. Ala., Mardl Orss. He reports large attendscce. and a big buticb of norelty men ssld that boal ui BS was not aa good aa unnsl. Molro7 Is ao old-time drcns candy botcher. He was with the BaSalo Bill Show when It «as pl^i^^Cilr groaaJa, sad aude the Orst trip Bl Kardi Orss is over fa ttfa dty and mor* people paid It a rlidt lhaa cter before. The four parables b^d twenty doats each, and were the Boest erer a^n at Marrll Oraa. Aside fr^MD these float! tb^re were qnite a nnnil>er of little paradea," put on by aooe of the haaloesa * " i. Wllb the thnn- fa Bake (Ba aad id a Tisit to the "Winter Capital ot America." ♦ T«ao|t Bros.* Sturws are plsylDg across tbe leer ni Oretna. I.a., thia week. They rarry psy ailractlona. a irfce free set, anl a boad. The maaageaisat dues not carry say 'Iglrl abawa" ar " ar a rt." If all ramirala wnald cat oat Ihsac oblRllaMMe featnns It woold be Baar doBara ta Iba iBanagcra' pocketi. MsTdi Oras week. Paalhao, the French aria- tor, rare eihlMMnns at the City Park Tstr Trjirk. TbrwiiunitR wltneSMed hla wonderfnl flfrbfa, I prertli-t that In \*-*m than two yejr> "aertiplanes" will be as esoiBoa ss bol-slr hsl- ~ Mae at MB lha Mk (airs 7ffT M«pil Orn* wp^k, tbe OrpJionm hud a firm Mfl nrvl p«fk*'d thr-m tn »h*» wiilli nt 0^*TT p^rfrrrmttrir*. Th^ hnndllnrr wmm Of«*Tg* Anr*T efvl pUr^r* In Jnclt ihp Olunt KIM.r. rjght 6f thm nrnt-t]Mtu nrfu cOTTlflN'tPil th" hill, ror thim w#*k. the beadUoer Im lleirlnv-OarUii* EdisMltoviig Piclore Maeblne Oast SiTO; New Tork approved; Taylor trunk, enrtaln, stage cable, etc.: ererytblag ga<l aa new. OulDi comiilete. coat fJSO: will srll for ttto (-..!:, F, C. TAYLOH, II W, Siti 8tr.ol. Kaw York C;t7. Wentedforthe Greet end Only TI6ER BlU'S CIRCUS, WILD WEST AND I TRAINED WILD ANIUAL SHOWS Cowhoya. Cosrgtria. Mexicans snd laillaas. Rop. efs. Trick Uldera and Broocbo Twiatyra. Other acta aaltable far Wild West. Also want a few citeas sets. No act too aimng In elilvr -Inialrlaao to esoqriete Iwod: most be Wale aW fa fast toiler. Bsnmad _ i»«a BOX, im vaitstiur Aiaaaa, fa. Vaal. — FOR SALE M. P. Machine, 223 Chairs, StBie, 8cf*eB. Tools, etc,, aa «3n: phetoa (or lOe. B. C. Fhoaogrspb. oBly a few dsn. r Bacbsage—Six ~ " HUsa In aaaA teeto o( Bai Ibr year , Irst letter. Mr Bale—Falbe rwiffaalsMi M. P. Machlae, Bcoaooy OoO. TMl aad.MUea. flw 1323 cash. FMIItaa paya ttLobasr week far oae how la p. bl. tias at atabt. OUB. '^mwi. WANT^ TWo CIrls For GALARMO TROUPE wenkaast* SOT O. Tlapa. ^ , 'X Brad photo. 71, Oaklaad dtj. FOB >Axx-i,oao n. reels flim, IS, tlO iDd (IS per reel: Sellg machlae, $30: Optl- grsph, 130: BdlsoD. IViwer's. LoblB. (40 to (00: new. tino: new UlseodrlQg Ster^ ccptlcoo, $tO; Model B. Oas Outfit, (23; Paylar U or log 1 lei ore Tbeatrea, cheap. For Beat— e.OMit. Ma. a arta I " — PATHE PASSION PLAY Holy City I.ectore and Posters, (S.OO per day. 0. E. BuTKFT, Xaaa, Pa. : ILOT MA0HIVE8 : We hare on bioil is<l for sale, at greaUy daced prices. pecoDd-baod weighing scales, card, - ■ - ■ Write for and electric wmrhioea. FM SALE-MARIONETTE OUTFIT. ■rw: fart t30 tskea It: no trafa. MM H.. care of Tbe Billboard. WABTED—Conipetcnt, attracllre young legiti- mate actress for Ingenoe part lo tbreo-pwce TaodFTllle akelch. One-third interest to"*"" party. No amatenrs. Address J. N. caie The BUIboard.. Clndsaall. Oblo. WANT TO IIENT MOTEL CAM May 1st: Hre months. Win boy If price ts right. HOPKIBS BKOS., Das lUlBaa. Xewa. MZKSTmO-KOXrVS tor sale, cheap for caab. Woold lease out or Join Carolrsl Oo. on good terms In good locaticD for early operation. A snap fnr Ibe rtabt. party. Address W. H. T, ESWAB2», Dairas, Tesaa. Flrst-Clasa Vandarilla Acta baring open dalra. write or wire. 1 am booking Indcpeadent. Poac srtora don't need, to waate stsmiai. H, BOH- TIZ. Mgr. ramllr Xhaalas. BayaoUsrUle. Pa. rleo l*Blvat; aars ataaii. Bxriilac. aorri. new. Rend for deocHpllrc ntnatrallon. J. w. BOVBKZ, 17 Laylaad St.. Paiaheefr. Mass. FBEB-A postal card grtt It. My WM Ualaa< msgle. niy.trrles, e^neai ■tfl sal'llgO fc-JPf ■Inos. n.-w arta. etc. Bsw Bedford. Mais.' Hcfrlng Pletora Film Far Bala—«0 reels, all Boa cni«llil[«. »ll> s reel op. Will send C. O. P;. for rx«m(ti«llon. If eipre** rharcrs see paid. - .^^ itrast. Phtla.. Fa. 0. BCHAEFXS, KID -iBTBXBTMXK i •I once for oar Hal of "selli WKimOB OOKPAVT, •to Bast Madlaoo Btrsat. Chi LAKEVOOB FAXK. Atlsata, Os.. waalaU ip to-date Mefn-a^roaad. Meriag l*lrtan_Tba> itre sB« o WMd West Mww piMsataas badla. «pply at sare ts J. BtlXXT. Mar. Cam gMo 1 year lease aader smirlly. FOB BAU—Wsana Show. Property, si s ly Man* ta^ Alaa Wrk gardrn gain If sold b; ind four secflnea htahjMw O. B. WIBWi ft, Mich. PATHE PASSION PLAY IB A-1 rondltlaa (or ssls ar rest. bU Besers