The billboard (Feb 1910)

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T ik ^ B rrx l> o a r €l FEBRUARY 2S, Wia Stories of Films tABtlnttcd Anm pas* SlI) after,' itbe imag fellows. to brake asd decide to bltckniaU tier.;.,The; will (Ire tbe plctnce to her botf^iid ff does oot seod tbetn oiobex. Bnt tbe bosbaad ' accidentally ;s«ta bold of tbe note. leams wint bas bappeoed. Amnmlas a iUfaiMe, be. goes to meet tbe yooBC ft'Uoira. and InMrwl of .gitlns tbem - mooer adttitlabtcta., a tkOMMBk IteaMav* RetnruInK MaMb-'UB-'wlEe , wblcb be xeaoDf TBE SOCI< W VENICS—(Celbedj-ttaauir^w- laaacd Feb. SS; lcaxtb..ssp feet). A .▼«MIIaa BOblemaa desliM that hn danshter tnany a wealthy, pcinea.. bat Oe.clrl la. In love .with.a poet and moaleian. ney endeavor to clooe, bat tbe poet lover is cast into priaoB, while the girl enten a coavent aa a nno.: But when her father dlaeorers ber whereaboata he takes her borne. lo bis prlBon tlie poet recelre:* word that the rnler of Venice offera a prlxe for the best poetical compaaltloa which wlU best ex- press the sool or tbooght of Venlm. Tba poet sets to work and succeeds is wti ' bU loTc^ and. addad to tUl^ tlons of ber father. ADTOPHONE. THE SII^T HESSENQEB—(Drama: re- leased Feb. 1«: length. 1,000 feet). A soldier and tbe- captain of bis regiment, old friends, become enemies when thfr (oMIer dlscorets the captain attempting to embrace bis wife. . When the two men meet In the woods later there la a flgbt. In which the soldier la wooaded. .Sealls- la the soldier's paekft; I«ts.- tbe ^ la dtfcorered and carried to tke bwriidM, taptatn acctues the soldier of treaaon. tbe KS are foaod. be -la riacsd under arrest And ientenced to be shot. !xhe wife receives tbis nwat-ige and tbe eaptalo cornea to offer hia aympatby. The wife makes a bold stroke, and at tbe end of a gnn compels tbe captain to sign a coufwlon. In the meantime, the aoldler Is being marcbed away to be with the confession from tbe t la granted tbe soldier and stajcd la tbe nick of time. aB4 donning their batbing OifltaMM; cause much •BmaemeBt by - their comieal ■■nicaranee. A camna flend, endMTwIog to lake h snap shot of tbaai, gala eangbt br a bnge ware. While the Bowaeta are Saviag aU tfisaa exclling ez- pcrlraen, bo^MS-«M«r ttclr '^kOMr aoA-auke • daaa •»«••.' - WkM' ttg' eMnlr'nanB haoa Mra. B. leuleaae her'wrath on tbb head «( bar untortnnste boaband. •taB BUBIED SECBBT—(Drama; rdeaaed Feb.: 23; length, 478 feet). Arthur FlUgerald and beantlfnl Mable Duncan are very much lo lore with each other. Arthur proposes and Is accepted. Tbe next day Mabel receives a letter from ' Arthur In which he tells ber that her father has denied bim her b'and-^4he must marry the nun ber parenta have chosen, and that be, Arthur, ia leaving.' The', poor girl'-is prostrated witb ^efi' NeTcrtheleaa: abe obey* her parenta' conmaDda.' Kext. aba la asm Is an armefealr la tbe diawtng.iooB ai bar Imababi'a .hoaaat bnlcd In moomlM neoUfeUaos •( paat bap^aesa. She arc* <ta' a *Maa) her hn»h*Bd 'Ondint Artbm'a tU tof* lettara; ne tee* Mm pnvoslng and. then awaken* with a start and In a very fererisb and nerroos coiidltion.' She takes the packages of love letters from their hiding place and throw* tbem Into tbe Are. Her husband, noticing ber co od U l o n, calls la a physician. Tbe doctor ■akes- a baaty examlaatlon. Mable Is dying of OOaanmptlon. Her husband, sospectlng some- tiUog,' examlnea the very drawer from wblc^ bis wife bad recently removed the lore lettern. Tbe end comes soon after this and Mabel paaae* away, with Axtbnr'a nam* oa bar Upa, while; 1> th* aabaa u tka ataraw'enattta -tta baiat km OAITMONT. (George Klelne) HIS FEABS CONFlIUieD—(Drama: (tieaaed Fetk. 22; length. -tSl feet). Pierrot needs money, so lie- adapts tbe profeaslon of movlng-plcmre pho- tograpby. He baa. a beaatltnl wife named Colnmblne, of whom be la exceedingly jealous, and not wttboat reason. It happened tliat as Pierrot snd Colnmblne were qnarrellog one day, Harieqnin chanced to pay them a visit and xeeoDClIed tbem to each other. Pierrot, wanting CO go oot oo business, sod not liking to tnm Harlequin oot, feels very distnwtrul. After thinking the matter over, he goes oat. gets hla movlng-plctnte eaaiera, places tb* Iroa against ths keyhole sad Mtos the craak. iqiaa develop- ing tbe plctme be seea "hla faai* oonflimed." ♦ Din"ED—(Farce-drama: released Feb. 22 IrnRth. 491 feet). A dealer In old curios and brIc-a-brac. Sndla;; businma dull, blia upon a sctieme. In a valuable book be places a note that, as he doesn't to leave money to bis heirs, be has Just pat It all Into the plaster ■tatoe* adorning bis otOce. A rich man boys the book, flnds tbe note and then pncaed* to bay an the " - aaaabaa ucm sritb !■ a ragr brcaka aB tbe ataloea be - J amet Mm and at tbe sU- be amasbes the boat of the Ooddeaa of Liberty. Be ta thrown into a cell and falls Into a lie on the floor. He bteaka. Ma baad la the fall and out of tbe crack la Us-MHriHi awwls a big spotted aptder. Tbia fefes tfea'aflMt of restoring blm to Us aeaae*.. sunt rUmuiG XBIS— Okanle^adastrial; te- iMHd Feb. 16: leacth, S30 fket). Tbe OslwrfMk -aC Brlttaay. «t a* aorthwaat eoaat at Francs -laeeotly made aa Importaat dtscovery. They fonnd that, owing to tbe bine ctdor of the sea, tbe. herrings, cod. baddocka, wUtInc tsnd mackerel could easily see snd srold the .darfc-brown deep-sea nets In gcnersl use all over the world. AcconllnKly, they tried the .experiment of jlreloe tbeir nets bine, like the water. Their QK>*t sanpulne expectations were compli-tety eclipsed. The catches of Onb dnibled ami treb- led lo number and the wealtli oC the tncrvftsrd in Tbe preseaC it I* to-day. * THE IXCEXD OF KINO MIDAS—(Farce- drama; rpl>>aseil Feb. 20; length. 634 feet). 3tld3s was king of Pbrygla during tbe days of prosperity In ancient Greece. Ue potwl as a great antborir.v on ma^Ic snd offernd a prire to tbe best musician lo the land. Tbe goda were reprr<i'nted by Apollo and Pan. Pan. a frlmil of Mldm*. was swarded the palm of Victory- Apollo, the real god of mui^lc. dli>gusted, cansed donkey's ears to grow on Kins lllilas' brad. In onler to conceal bis ears, the klog wore a B « *B l lar<bai>ed capw wblcb be never took oir m paHBe.: HOwwm; tbe mal bsriier had to be let Into the secret after he had pledget] sttfoeo. Bnt the Joke provi-d too mnch for tbe barber, and be scratched bnliv In the gmcinii ami wbla- perrd Into tbi>m: "Mldss. King Mldas, ha* don- key** ears." Then he Olliil tbe bnir* and went sway much rellevetl. It bappennl lliar t»nU- raxtam and ree«l« grew np oo the' spot where the barber had whlsper'd bis secret, and a* the wind blew softly throagh their foliage, tbe lesves sod stems mstlnl toeetbt-r. whiiqiering; "Mlilas. King Mldas, has donkey's ears." Pasft^Tshy hMld It and ipread tbe news all orer the world. ■ - UBBAX-BcjLlPSE. . . (Ceorg* Klclse) • A FASIICr OtmXO—(Comedy: released Feb. S3: length. 4PS feet). Mr. and Mrs. Bowser take advantage of s speclsl sniDmer excnrslon. Arriving at tbe railroad station of the arasldi- town. K-bere. falling to come to terms with, sn exprvwoiMn. tbr-y- pmceed to c alij tlieir tmnfc belwem them while searcbing for a boieL After irrrral^Tala_atteinpt^ they tollj^J|fce b^nogi GBKAT KOBTBBBN. NEVEB DESPAIR—(Drama; release, —; length, —). Mary Wilson Is Dr. Brawn's house- keeper. There Is sometblos about Maty that makes ber Uked by ever^-one. One day alie meeta a - painter and falls In lore witb blm. Dr. Brown also falla In love witb ber. bnt Usry marries the former. They live bspplty and their happiness Is' Incressed by tbe coming of s pretty little girl. One dsy, Mary'a Iras band, while at work falla from a acaffold and la killed. Mary flgbts bard to make an honrat living, bnt tbe struggle being too bsrd, she decides to end ererythlng. Kelgbbota, wbo bare been wateUos ber, dlaeorer ber action and ***• bar. It- ■■■■**■ that tba aaaxaat abystelsn la Dr.- Biai^Tgawy.. ■■ itlbiai trlmd be called, ma heart aeaWT httaha' w faii he a her mlaety, and after doing hi* best to bnag'bcr back to consciousness, and s ncc s a d lag, aa tmnks of bis old Intenttoca and to COM back and bt .Ua wUe. 81 FOB BE& FATOBEI BOXOB (Drama: le- leased^ FMntuy JB|^^»ij^lli^—^).—^Boae Ban- son, dangbtcr oC Banaoo, a wealthy ranch owner, la ■tarttiw on a ilde to aiaet Hal Blake, the man abe lorca. Mexican Pete, a cambler, oSeia to escort her. Befnsing snd Ignoring hi* offer, she rides away. Robert Ban- son appear* *is<l Pete suggests that tbey play a game of poker. During tbe game tbe -Mex- iccn has the better luck .if ttie two. winning $20,000. RiuiKoa. crowing desperate, writes upon a card: 'I. O. U. my ranch, stock and all egainitt your gSO.OOO." Mexican Pete coosents ti> ToaXe tbe gamble. While tbe dealing of the card* taka*' place, Pete takes two cards from BIOGR-\PH- THE PINAL SBXTl'LEMK.NT (Dramarteleaaed Feb. 28; length 881 feel I.—Jim and Joba, two wonlmen. arc rivals for tbu hand of Butb, Jim and Rntb are bacrolhed. baa before II Is too late thejrirl dlscorets that Jiai to addiclMl to drink. •»* wtgaceBiMtt i* hltm .^o*"' leara'ng of this, renawa Ma ■K~.Min la ae- repied. they are marrbNL'aaaiB**>>vara later and* them happy In thifri UM* CtMli, witb a child to blesa their - naloa.' Jiai ba* la tb* meanwhile becom.- In a measure a renegade, and one dav wtalle iriuup os *ioaif comes face, to face with John. Jim picks a qustrel with John and a challenge lo tlitUt is pawed, tbe mretiug to' take place tbe same -evening, before frienda ran Interpose. Jim coot'nurs along sod comes ni> to a cablD. Entering ho is surprised to bod Rucb. whom be learns for tbe Brat tlaia la mu ried to Jotm. At flist be .Is eniad . at^tba extent of tbe rcvcnga he Is aboat to wreak, hat later bo reallaee. What. disaattr It would .work Cor poor B^tb aad tbe lltle one. So. Wbea ■— ' —~ sheUa meeta eatUIdfC*. ♦ • . THE XEWLYWEDS (Comedy: release March 3; leostb. 9S1 feet).—Alice Vance rctnma her easagenieat riag lo Dlcfc llarepart. and tortb- wttb Dlcfc becoaii* a wapaa hater.. 9tr*ngriy tbe flwctlai^taM-place he reaiove* the ■1MB tha-'iM, .aanaet*'tbe<JiaiI<>t, and fiha wUb a mapM cbaifad witb hlaak to, a •Inllw •cea* te betas .eaacted Tcry near by. at the bone'of Dora Dean, who has been cruelly JUted by ber aweetbeart, Harry, so htre we bare a man baler. Unknown to earb other, the two disgruntled perrons board tho same train. Dora, with ber extreme loathing for men, refutes to share her seat with any of them. Dick Is reen abtcivt-m'miedly saun- tering to the stnllou. mniiln}; asralnst a child laden with grocery parcels, spilllos a bag of rice over the sidewalk. Tbe cblld in anger thmwa a handful of rice at Dick, sralaa «t which tvpoxe on his bat bflm aad .fboaMar*. -After paying tbe damage, be coMlaaa* en, enteric lb* eoacb wherein hi seatul Don. Her* I* Ih* «dr atat with hot one occupant, and Dick make* nse of It. Shortly after one of the passengers dlMovers the rli^ on Dick's hat. Kewiyweds! Congratulallons are in or- der. Denials useless. On the train there bappens to be a member of the snti-marrlage club, wbo telegraphs ithcad tbe news tbat Dick Is a traitor, reqarst'ng the club members to be nt the station, to give him a reception. Dirk certainly does get It, end Dcra alM>. Ttaruagb the town thry parade lo Pors's home. Apolo- gte* are made, bat rather than disturb the wedding preaenta wtalch have heca aent to Mr. and Mka. BIcbard Hanourt.; It Is decided to pennlt the caida to remain unchanged. hi* alare, atdnitltatlng tbem for tbe cards be had drniira. winning the pot. Bed Eye. an Indian I* tbe aoiy one la the mom wbo baa seen t*ie SInicaaa tr'Ck, bnt does not My anything aboat It at tbe time. Tin next day Mexican Pete come* to Baasoo proposing to re- turn tte "I. O. U." In excliange for tne hand of bt* danchter lo marriage. Bauson weakiy Teaeot* the proposition, bnt Rose decides to sac rllice herself to save ber father's ranch. B'd- dlng her father good-bye, she starta off with Pete for the offlce of the Justice of the Peaee. to he marrtnd. Row sends. Red Eye with a note to Hal Flake, telling blm of her sacrlBre aad I bat Itbe Is on ber way to he marrleil. Red Eye. npon llnilin;; Hal. tells him of the Mexican'* way of play'ag card*. Hal then aummon* tbe eowboys, who gtre cbaae after the Mexican ami Roae. arrlTinc Jaat ** tb* Ja*tlce of tbe Peace Is aboat to make them man and wife. Hal, mabing in. Mop* tbe rerrlccs. (iMl force* tbe Mexican to adndt. he had rheated In tiie poker sama. Tanlas ta Bear. Hal aska her It aba litlll torn htak Bawti. ' " a ua w ei* fa tb* afltmstli AL. <3. WHYTE. THE MOnNT.41NEER (Drama; release ; length, —).—Lem IlHnlon and Jack Tbnme were rivals for tbe band of Both Stlrers. Jsck was tbe luckr man. and so Jack wanted to get even. Liem attempted to put an end to the (lie of hla rival, bnt tbe timely arrival of Beth saved her lover, and Lem was compelled to fee. Another year and Lem and Jack again OMCt. Jack has dhanncd Lem. bnt. Jack, arlth atin ■ kn'fe for a areapon, follow* him. and entet* bl* cabin. Them a right confronts him—a coo- ing lltle baby. Jack Tliome tiad made Beth his wife, and Lem had lieen wrong. Sobbing parslonitely, yet more at peace wi:b tbe world than be bad ever before felt. Lem ded to the the rocks where Beth and Lem bad plighted their troth, and tbem. humble and rrpeatant. asked fMiltaa***' and sa'daajs* at Ua Maker. 8 K N D FOR OATALOOUK surrcss. 11B-11T Nm iu at.. NKW vomc Don't Get a HALLBERG EcsRonlzer If yoa want *• aqpaader money la aiMMtaot alrcbrl* bma. BUT it yo* are oo tbe JOB C«r all tbera U la tt. TALK TO in. Aafc aboat aay FUckerlaa* M. P. maeblB*, 4.000 a. p. are lamp*. fcLMTTBA PlBk Labal *POt meat Bllde*. all kinds of sap. piles. Writ* M ran oatai*iw M*. 1«. L I MILBEIG. 30 BnMBith In.. lEW TNL •»a SEI-IO. THE VIU^AOE INVENTOR (Drama: relenKe Slarcb 21; Irnftb. ).—Jobn Dean has Invent- ed s piece of mechanical apparatus, and one day Is at work nerfi'ct-ng It. when an auto stops la front ^ John's ahop. In the onto are Mr. aad Un. Vaa Dyk*. * wealthy hardware merrliant. and bis' daughter. Mildred. Soni- thlng Is wrong with tlie machine, and John i* called npon to repair tbe car. This be does In a abort time, and thanking John, tlie Tan D.vkes proreofl. Jobn is bewildered at the ynnnc girl's beauty. Presently be notice* tbat the cirl ban Uroppetl her hantlkercbief. TbIS he picks np and concesis in bis sblrt. After .worklne honrs that dny. while John and liH father are returning home, tbey encounter Mil- dred Van Dyke and ber rath«'r -n t:!!- aiiio- moldie. Jobn mtums the handkerchief, and npon John'* father showing the model of tlx mechanlcsl df-vire formulated by bla boy. old Van IHyke sancsets that Jaha bring tb* aodri to hi* - wl deaee -for lospeclloa. - lU* Iw itoni. Vaa nrke nalbKi the ralne of the tavnt'oa, ani olfei* to "back" yonng Dean. • Aa a nat nrnv fnlinwlng. young l>«-un. nnnccnntomcd to the glamor of aorlety envlronmeots. and In dally nHnpanlonsblp with Jlllilml, forgeta blx old love for the pretty Sally. hiK conolry wweof henrr. Only a short time elapses when Sally reada the innounrrmcnt of tbe ensagmiiioit <n marriage of Jobn and Mildred. Ten years later, 3IIIi1red. new tbe wife of Jobn, has rrad- ually estranged from her hasba a d the per. alMcBt allfMlaaa of Hrrbrrt lavev Aa rU- mas I* taaMM a he a Jhba eatna'aad laM Ms wlf^ la tbe eiBbcaer «f Bmre. He orosM bnth fmOi tbe honse. Salcide srrms to be his enly dellrrranre, bnt his bi>by g'rl eaters, and John pnis aside hU reroirer. Let as wander on t. several months iafer. besring lo mfnd that the Arm of which John was a member had been wreeknl, John i* now managing a little grn Cory store In tbe Tillage of bis b'rth. He re. rf-lven a mcmui^ tnfornilns him that bla divorce hits been granted, and he lias been glv^ii Ihr .rttrtodr' of tbe cbl ld. - J ohp hnrtln to Sally's 8—The Boefcr Bond a—The Dancing tjirl of Butte 10—Rer Terrible Onlral I.V-00 Account of the Milk ... 17—On the Beef 20—The Call 24—The Honor of tb* tbmllr ST—Tbe I.a*t Dual St—Tbe Clolrttl^* 9mA CDtUM) t^nMf7— 3—Tbe Woman From llellons (Drama) . 8R9 . 88S doi •03 Feet BDg BxT •ta , sin 7—^The course of True Love (drama) .... 10—^Tlic nnke** Plan (drama) .......... 14—One Xlgbt, aad Then (drama) 17—Tbe Engllahaua *ad the Olrl (coB' edy) 075 21—li s I>iist Bnrgiare (drama) ........ bOS 24—Tnmlne a llnsliand (drama) nsn 2^Th* Final Sattlamcat (drama) ;l»>t Mertli— ■ . ■ ■ Feet Ifawvwtda. (e o midy) 08i mw XmK »; P. (». plate and Thta la what yoa can earn by op- erstlug our IBIO Model Telo Cam- era Scope, sod we csn prove It. This machine take* and dellrera six pictutva In one minute. Pries of complete oat- fll of Tido Cam- era 8co|ie, wllfc sii|iplles for mak- ing 400 picinrca (enough to pay foe tbe complete onlflt. with a pro- flt). *3.VO0. Oar Wonderful FVrro- tyiie machine make* ibree atyles of pictures on mrenlble for taking gronijs on the' length of plate, and button pic- tures. BnttOB idates to at any buitoo machlae. 00c per BW. name*. ll.SO per giw**. Uoaaia. 30c to avr p*r inn. iweiopiag' powdew Me per *et; Cnd 03.00 depo*lt with aB wdsfa. FILM SERVICE All t**l* aad aeaii* rrleaard Sine* Jaaoiry. lOOB. That means no old worn ont Jiiuk like ths so-called Film Bscbsnges bsod yno. 00 to g2.'>.U0 per week srconling to sge of ti'Slnrs lllin. Bunnfrn. <«iiniii. tliliop-. n^^iiiz PUB* DY'B FTT.V EXCHAKOE. (Old B«U.bI.l. Kt B. S3rd Street, oor. Snd ava.. New York City. Kebmary— Wttt 11—Tb* IbB aC Bpad**, «r a Weataia Bat> 9^ ' CdVSIBttt •a•a•••••••••••••••••a• It—Toana Deer** aratllnde fdrama) 13—Government Rations (drama) 22— For Her Pallicr'a Honor (drama; Bi- son) 2;i—^Tlie Two Mothers (.tmhro«'o) 23— ^T^ie Myoterlnns Tuck (Amhmslo) £*,—Donley Rrrercea Ibe Big FIghl (Dlson) 2n—F<>nliinend nt tbe Ball (llnia) 20—Tbe Dog of the Cheesemonger (Itsis) EDISON UAKOFACTDBIKO COUPANZ. p^cemtiei— P Set 28—Tohscro Msnta .•.•..•^'.•••'•••••••••.. SOO mience fAtnc expoai'tl. niinple when .von know 28—The Pallpn I'M ......... ••••••••••••• aao boir. Any one rao learn li. Prialed loslrne. 28—The Cap *r nrtaao.x....i..Mku«**-> ^ tlons. Inclnillne r na apiet e 31—Fishiyialaem at mmmmmi Maia i wis. ovince )CEEMZB.^n Jannary— . Feet Baplds, Mich. MS, <I7I> I Bargains in MAonNW And Slot Machme Sopplies. Wtite for our Bargain Lilt Diamond NoveltjX^oi •rh^eta«y'N.Y ORKAX TKREE-BHELL OAXE—The great con- flilence g^mc expoai'tl. SliMple when .von know 810 11-.^Be*r Boat In lb* Bockles 075 14—A Warrior IbiM 475 14—Tbe l**r*nn'a Dmltrall* 2S0 14—Troop R. tntb n. H, «;aeialgvB at » b *ak fi<)nad In The Moafccgr pml, at It. Meyer, V* ...w.......... 38S 18—In tbe Kick of Tims 073, SI—Tlie CnnnetM 4in 21—The Tjirk of Bnaring Camp .>•.«••... 400 Kt'A . Tr?o>*o**-<i""''*2 Si' a.' Baac .......ado Wanted LADY- PARTNER W«U-kiio«n«ett quick. Time all'bpdkidl MustaioK Mid lind linea; neat appourae*. Send pboto. Addreaa . S017BRETTBi BILLBOARD. CINCaNNATI, OHIO. i »la«ba: