Billboard advertising (Feb 1910)

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FEBi^UARY.8a,1M|Bl,.. 33 l—A Japaomr rracb II07 (ftilnr itocj).. W40 A—IIM Ju'tt. DcM-rt* (ladixJrimi) .... MS j|_Tbe'Snrprlw-Party (coinrdjr) 369' ' B«d Mas fram BUw^ Oulcti t-Ti?%[i?ii|atM Cnv (dctectiT* itotr) MS 11—Aa KIlllB* (dnina ....'.....>X m 11—A: 0» ' « i » -or lb* Rurlmqii* (eooMdyV MO U—Tlw rmUrat'a Special (nalodnou- tic) •'• ••••••••••••• 0^10 Mtotatnrr Mraina) 723 283 - , . BOO 2a—Lost and RrinliMHl (drama) 44S 2»—Tba Olit o( Otaaa'a (dcaoa) 4TS 18—A Trip to Man <raiita«T> .. 22—A Vicllm of llrldsv (micli-ty drama).. _ ' ■■■ ■ V**t raiMMi«']fMifMr zst XaanaiT'— VMt 1—Why B» QM Itot ipit j Sit ......... m ^^Bow HfltobF Itafw Ooss ••*••••■•••••« 4TS •^h Odr Child- WT tt-Hactrtc toMili!* B03 IS—Tb* Old UaU and tb* Bontiar IV—B«*l»w of D. B. Tfoopa, It. LaaTaa- wartb, Kao. looo W—Won by B Uold Up K» n —Flowar rarada at I^aadaaa, Oal. ..... ttt S2—l%o Ooofeaaloa ••*••*••••*• NO 38—Tbi Modrra Mnarnarr Boy ....v.... 3»— Ad Oatlaw'a SaerUca Ptbruary— ITaat 3—Thr WroBC Uan (Coowdy) 8M 5—A Toica tram tb* FIrt I'laea (DraaM- tirt ... — BMtlaoal catlaaal) ».»Vba Price at niaia idraoialleV ^ n—Wmivra. Chivalry (MOMdy) ........ MM IS^mitrr SiTMt (imaady) dW t^ATlatloa at Loa Aaseleaw Cal (adaea- tiooal) 10—lUby'a First Tootb (eamnlr) 10—Tbe Cowboy aad tbc Skinair (drama).. 3S—O. So SIrk (coranly) >........' 31—Tb* Wlnalat of Father (cooMdy)....., 30—Tba Uaxicaa'a Faltb (drama).. liarrh— Itwt 3— Tbr En Tra>t (romrdy) 9*-Ilaaa. Olfl Iron (comedr) 6—Tbe Oalrleta and tb« Lady (rdaea- tlnojl) IS—Tbv Ranch Olrl'a Legacy (cooicdy) .. Kxaumm woM oik Dac«mb*r— Vtat ■O—A Romaoea er iba SMth ST9 Jaaaary— rwt n—tut atr B<an (Comady) _*re BasainlilanM (Draaia) oAinio:iT lOaom KMM.) yy»i -A CtaTcr (Baath 623 -Haih Hoaay i 861 Jaaowy— Fa»t- 1—Th* liraloa «('Honor Itno •-Vha WtMk at 8«a 4— Vfea A*m«lnc DratUt SIB 5— On the Bank of tba Blrar OM »—A Brat In ibe Baleoay STl SI—6ho«tlDC Ua the Rauntad Woada .... STO U—Towaer'a Now Job 3B3 15— Bfcoratcd by ilio Bmnaror 008 16— BaUway on ibc Ics Baa SU 14— Fatal Faaclnatlon 880 •tiiag agoaia with tba lavnatar .... ns — S Smit by Iha IWa* OTT i*naa SF Patrlatlaa (DraBa) ... BT« SB—8aa-8lda AdTOatuno at Boaia (Com- ^ »—TbT^rMt' bifid* *(Dnima) " I!!:!! T " 741 BO—Wild Wa*** at St. Jtaa-datLn (Sce- nic TraTclofM) 14S Bhbmary— FV*t 1—Tb* Ooldca Uly (aarrrd drama) TlA 1—^Aivraillnii tb* Jora Uuuatalna (icanic travrluKii*) 23S 8—nni War (drama) MO 8—Rvrrant Prom tli*' ConntTy (comedy).. 808 ' 8—Settlrd Out or Oart (drama) 4IS 19—A Baa Race (com*dyl IVT U—Th* Oa«bl*r*8 Doan Mramal. MM t»—HI* Pmis Oaaflrowa (diaaM) dm SB—Dnpad (farevMliania) *»] ~ > rbblac Nota (acenlc Indnatrlal) OS •*.«•••••••■■•■•*■«••* www KAUH COMPAIIT. Pe e eih»p— 81—A mmt Jaaaa^— 7—The Deacoo'a Daofbttv M—The Romaoe* ot a Tralaad Mara* .... SI—Tb* Maalc Flower 15— The Uan Who Itsat (Dramatte) rahniary— Fact ^Tb* (Vmfederate Spy (drama) ll.^nw FriHl tdramat.... IB—TlH> Oboal (dmOMt SBS IS—faatanl Scene* (oiiMical. traaalMma* i^m HAKurAcnnuM oqaiPAicT. _-Th» IVfaMSr IM 623 SO—Thra* FiSaM.laifi MO laaaary— »*»t S—Their (Thapirooad B w iym oea KiO 8—Tb* Tattooed km SnO 10—Over <b« WIr* 000 IS—Wild Duck Hnntlat oa niatacle Real Pool Uk* V» IS—H* JnlanI tb* Frat BOO 17— n* C<K RM of lb* Mstb* .840 W-A Slli«*w Day KU M—Tb» ir*of|i*r MB S4~^OupM. O. D. 8. SjS 01—Adorlaa an Ad SOO ST—Marble Q«anTln|r la TtasaMto WO 97—The Fllna Maolae *00 81—Rllfa BoaM'tChaiMin-...^.. 81—Too Much ria l ac tl aa W mi Sl I .i.... •IP ■hbraary— F**t B—Bentlmental Sam (Dramal BOO 8—It Ulahl Hare Bren tOMnedy) AMI '7—Th* Samaritan'* Coortablp (comady).. ons U^-Orieallal Veafranw W OB W Jy)..».♦... SM Id—Leelae Hforla (c«ai*«rl M-^Th* liaad aT the ll»ln« tf-A Hi ~ '» 94—Thr IS-TIW rATHS-FBSBM 0*eemb*r— 27—A Bad Bargain 27—Uarrvlons Uarlabda 2»—Ob. Yoo DoaaUl 20—A W*U Banwd Madal 81—Cgralcaa UaapltaUtj SI—A U*a Oaepaa Jaonai'y 1—Tabby'a FlaMt 1—Triala of a 8eh S—The MarrUs* of tha 1 8—A Victim of ri laaaw 8—The Kinc'a Command .... 8—Th* Ownealoua DouastiO . 7—Uodem Hlgbwayman ..... 7— An Eotllab Boxlns BaaS ........... 8— Tha Laat Look 8—HI* Ouuonent'a Card 10—Mlaa MMaybaca WUbea t* Wed ... 10—Woman la India IX—Camilla fVet ,. 630 .. 303 .. 1*7 ,. 728 ,. BSO .. 810 801 .410 ,578 , S«7 . Ml .877 .um 14— Story of a Ley U—On a Racket 16— A Si*x Hnnt In Jara 17— TeatlDt Thvlr Lara (Comedy) BSl 17—A Vlalt to Bombar (Op*a air) S44 10—The Bareback Rtdrr (Drama) T33 15—Aa Aerial Acrobat. (Acrobatic) 228 21—The I'aloter'a bwevtbeart (Drama) ... B3S Tl—FIrkI*. Jftirtnna, (Comady) jtie Dwarte (Aerabatle) BT4 24— Tht- Dnlacky Flebermaa (Comedy) ... SS8 26—Motbcrle** (Drama) 1048 25- .Tba Leather Indoatry (ladaatrlal) ... 884 28—^Tbe Dcarecrow (CooMdy) 874 2»-CoaBla Loo tor Minn (CcBiody) B04 2»—The titnms Uan (IhTca) 440 Febmary— Feet 14—^Tbe EatrrprlalaK (a*rfc (comedy) .... <M3 14—Dmidle BfmalM ta Bdttaay (acenlc) S2S tSUO wORy ^ ........ UttI* Beasar (drama) Panicky rioic (comedy) IS—Three Qac*na aad a Jack (aamady) .. IB—Fat* Afalntt Illm (drama) 21—The Ouuby'a Sojoom la tb* Oanady (comtnly)' 21—^A Con>lc*n'a BeTCBte (dtama) ...... 23—The Lamp INiat Inapector ( i.u m i dy > ,. 23—Oocbard tha Uerchaat (kla d-aft>.... ail en SOO 37—BiirM AUe* 80—A Oaagbtrr of tb* 8—Th* •magglef'a Oi - --- ^inata'a Great Scot! Listeii to These ROSC^CDHBC^ STAR THEA- TRE, Xf9VBR SAMDUSKY, OHIO: —"I mado arrangements totlay to enlarge my theatre, adding 200 seats. Your IMP FILMS are the cream of them all. Keep up the good work." (Do YOU use Imp films?) H. FICHTEinSERG, REW OR- LEANS, LA.:—"By udng yonr IMP FILMS Saturday, Sundm and Mon- day my thaatn went $68 «liead of the correspoadiflf thratto* of As previous woafe.'* (Do TOP osO Id^ films?) ED. J. WAGNER, HARTFORD, WIS.:—"We are all daffy about IMP FILMS. I want every IMP FILM from my eitchange, for they are the ones that draw the cnnrtt.'! fp» YOU BBS Lnp fflms?) ■ tTa. mOQBBta, JAOEKm. OBIO: —>*l want ovny IMF FILM I eisn get. They are certainly the can^ AU we have to do is advertise nfr FILMS, then push out tb* cud- boards and take in the (Do YOU use Imp films?) S. S. CXJOKE, RICHMOND, IND.: —"Keep it up. Keep it up. You've got it on all of thoB.'*. 0a YOU use Imp films?) JOS. E. GOLIDEH, HUDSON, N. Y.:— "Your IMP FILMS are great. Best I have ever seen. I feature allyour reels big." (Do TOP use Imp films?) SINCLAIR GRAHAM, steubehville, OHIO^—"I havo to advertise ifsaa FILM aat it Mags th« crowds. IflaApeople in attendance who have never entered moving pic- ture theatres before. It's all due to ?our high grade pictures." (Do OU use Imp films?) W. R. WALKER 4 SON, PERU, ^^).^—"We wish to extend our heartiest cofflctBtulatioBS on yonr mp Fimai^ g>» -Tgp «• imp films?) E. AUGER, LONDON, ONT.^-"You certainly deserve the warmest con- gratulations for the good work yoo are doing." (Do YOU use Imp films?) EXHIBITORS' FILM EX- CHANGE, 138 THIRD AVENUE, HEW YORK:—''More power to the good light arm of the IMP. And other xsel per wodi. more powor that.'* oKiravmiiwitiff) We could priat hon* dreds like the above because our mail Is loaded with them ev* ery day. Back of this there must be a pow- erfiil raaaoa. W h y don't you use Imp films and see what it la? Two More Monday, Feb. 28 "The Governor's Pardon " (AbovtlQOO Feet) Good man takes convlel^ flaoe in jail 80 convict can see d^ing wife. Wife dies. Ck>nTict starts back to prison. Is killed by an anto. Oood aum sHD in jail is recognized by gucjd. Whole story comes out. Governor bears it all and extends his pardon just as the last of 900 feet of dandy pictoFes axe about to run into the can. Every weep in this Story means money in tiie ezhibi- toK*a po^rat Feofialoife to payniiapa^ to weep at a dioir. 2 REELS AWEEKI Good Releases "The New Minister" (Ab«nit Q40 Feet) JJfpj old tdstor^ bean la a nUnister. Pretty sister has an up-to-date beau. Uf^y gid's aim in a sling. Has her risler iRifee nivla to her Jack for her. Other beau finds note, in his girPs writing. Hal A rival 1 Rushes out and diallenges oflier fslkiir to a duel. The duel is a scream, a scream, a scream, a scream 1 . I can hear, the people in your theatre laoghing Oair heads off when the duel comes OIL. Whi^ to your ochange KMUL. Independent Moving P.ctures Co. of America lUK l4UiStr«ot.NKWVORK. t CAMI. LAKMMLC Proeldanl 2 REELS AWBBKI