The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBPUARV !f6, 19ia (CtattDoed'-'-llna pacf-'•.).' ■BMtfs nrntrv. Sra Mateo, Cat., cotatlnwi^ M ■ Taoil«vUle bonae. The otbrr twi> buoaan DOW oat of the ^me. lemTlas tlm field .dear for Uart.^ - - ■ -■ ; " Wm Btltn. °Bkr° fien; Lm ■ Jqndtt, EcBnia ♦ AIlMT*' Polar twata. MalTccn . Xtonpc. Voas •ad .'Oattoo. Imrphlne GaaamaO' UUI .'IMU* Bu>-t «MM at fkli IBiriaa Tbeattc,: Mt'^Uk^ °ta>t .- - TWa vrrk, at th» Qorai TImtrK< San DIaco, an Nat Nazarro Compao;, Bobl'Cb aod Cbild- raaa, Leon Boc«e ami Jlmmj Wall. ♦ v •\ ■' Hnrtiiirttl and Grossi are bUM aa Ite teatort ■et at tbr openlns of -tbe neir TamlvrUle Uiea- tie at Bakecallrld^ next week.' ♦ ^ Jawliajaa ^Bardga ,^g*,j|^gy|!^- " TOtrmplaa aippcaiwd to aU»alralvalairU-«Dd''«Toov ^-WBeiBoatwt«r. HoiSrf^ad PMnita^«jH' Ws. ■ rf ao o . -Sbe iCpartnywl -. yar la n a! Kb«I|i>(; '■•al« tgrpcs with ^ccoapanjrtnK-waca .and OMr tum« cbaoKM. Bedlul aad AHbar.'-Tbe ' Sit! Flj-iax Banrardi. Joliniitoa and Hartjr, ainsmf coDUrliana, and tbe Musical i-i.~-.~-, vera tba tbla Bert ooeneU "T i' Bay .rem, at tbe Loa AneelM Tbeatre. fink, mad* a wd hit a» a mon o lticl at. j^EW YORK VAUDiyiLLfc- M0TE8. ^^<Pifth Al^tflftTh«*i«^An excellent MBI. OTpvdaUr ainmcad for WaablngtoD'a Birth dar week waa beaded br -La Iiole Fuller. Sb^; aaeeentvd the - aame entertaliimeut tbat pbu t«- eeotl; offered at tbe MrtxopoHtan Upera Huum?. Tbe DaDce of Ltghl waa ber nuaturpirc;. . It waa ezcvptloDally apectacidar 'and ffatnred jaU tbe diarm and Kraee for which La Loie Is noted, tbe beaatltui barefoot mald^na wbo aul^-l, dlaported tbem.'wlTea lo.^ almide. HeUeale. garb, imerpretms the woeka ot the 'maaten> laclkd'; |]is.a.iirdek ^vphonr. Vlemme-Waits, a Biu- Bu yfotk oSerlas aad a Kocwegisn giaoii.> fciri iB'Tlklac tadla: 4iiiwcib<is'a opcratlctea- Maal'-waa In ii aiitiii with toin'a oSeetnc. Cb» vaUaoa awbara of tha aeU^kixtecD la all, - - ^loi all tba Buaterpiaci^ to play an dvaeemaiot ' Uttle .Biar; the dlmlanUre red a (amrtte with taia aoB^ The bill cooslated In all of nlQ« «cta.'-tbie RmalBlBC Ore were Prankie CariicD- ter. New England'a famoOK emotional actreaa. and Jere Gmily In Tbe Toll-BtiiUce; Warreu. Lym and Ueyen. a ar% trio of amiUHinrni sarTcTon. In A Little at ErerFthlnE: the Beta llrvithetB and Mnrray. dar^cvra; ^lazeid and- Bortab Ejiapean eiinlUbrtalie triekatam; The Vi> wbo wUi idtflca da Ptva Music Hatlt-Tta^ bid Is h^iua«d |v Ilrair Lee. n-bu pre<eatul' blv^w^Htqaara Ifciiiii I I I'peclaItT', Great Uen'ot the'Paat amir M fiM t. A nmnbcr.qCneir. Impr wcD atloaa kare |m adiltd to bl*'mcrtolie; iBdod&iir Biidrard ' ' Cbaiica Dioeaa' aad Shakcapeaie. Joo . orielDal moDOIOBtw of fnnnr atoclea and -im. and Adelaide Retin. la. a akctek. nrfontor: Cain and Ctdom. hare an 'bi- tereatlnz mnaleal apeelaltr. extra'^Uiiir melo^- frnm Tarlous rnmlablu^ nt a tailor l■^01*; SIHItr Brotbprx Introdored a barlexqite wrcstl^ni; ■Batch la t-ftQtiecUon witb some gcnid fi*ata oi' ttimMtn^: Mamie Fenton. a Uttlo-Vaaatft: laH.* »le. In M>ns» of tbe Hlgblaniia and kMtkfC; Otr- doa anl Mimic, artbtic Kynunsts. . ♦ American Music Hall^—Harry L<at^- der mre t>L<i farewell apiiearaice In. tbla eouit. try for flT<> yrara. Tbe Scotch couedlan'a list, or *cixe% incluUed t T.OTe'a LaWe; She*s Ma' Dal^. Snftest of tbe Family, and hit latent aiK- ceaa, I'tp I.<ired Her Erer Since She Wat. a. Baby. BrjiKby Winiatus. the note* KngHnb' .ebantetirr Actof. wbo ftare reali-tllc portrayal;* ar txpea fmm the norcla ct Charles iMckeaa. Ales Cair prmenlad . " tkete h. TB tdltaky. _«r art OMIIas aat MB ■ C o l e tiiBl 'niiwtra i O il ti M« - "fffaiiiwww •da tbr imgraa. She nraaeatad ber -'aeir retne. wblcb tncloiles a long Itct oC diataetK-lzv tloD^ rarytd? from low coiT:v.1y a-d: bl lll e >J |Ufe to clmu-Ical dancing. E. Fmlerick Ilawley, Frances Halght and Company offered flirtr- dra- matic playlet. The Bandit. Con my t« Ualre'Slid Compan.v gare tlieir fnany luterprvtatlon. of o; Kln? to- a Nislit. The Great Lester.-Tb* Mar . nell.' Jl irnlti Tronpe. acroh.itic «f: •WHbnf Mncl: aiHl Nella Walker, wringing nnnifaer.. ana- Mr. and Mrs. Smart Darrow. win. ewtertalnrd wltb nad g l ct— aa. AIM eat-tbe rest• of the< Bronic. X*'«"*'*'~Mrs. Eva Fay. waa bnied^'aa .the featnr* Act. : She mtre ber oaual. exbDiitloo' of mlnil-readliv powera^Jeaae U Laakj'a At'the Coonlry Club:- Stnart Bamcs, the roooologL-it. lie Funr Uontiii^ In Utvlr l^aylrt. Tbrj Fonl Ilno-ie. were xavorably re- /ctItM: The l>iItoce of tbe bill iudaded Tbe .Mermaids, In a natatorijil dlrenioB; Gordon Pickens Company. C'lKer and Waiters, aln^u* luid jnaHK>ii*ns 2ind Topa, Xoitoy and T.«p, coin- cdy ccrobatk. ♦ " Harhrheratein's Victoria.—"Wm. Rock luid Maud KiUoiif,-Lite--flats. oC Tbe- Candy Shop Company. In original aonga and dances.' topped the bill; Jack Wilson (ind Company. The. Bktrkface Come«1ian, In An cr|>beaval In i)arkt<n\-n: Lyons and Yoeco. luUan alugcr* -aad moatclaiu: Biymond and Carrrly. German comadlaaa; PMagIa and Whitlog. ciiaracierisUc mbm; naA Wank Ctcmont De Lluo. La Maxe. Qnul aad Tmd, aad Manning and Ford. Manhattan Theatre.—TratisSeld Co., ' # ..... Binakal act; Tbe Vbaneroya, acnbataj Ubbgr et Ibd. Wadd;" Circle Theatre^—Belle and Richards, mtnrfcal act; BosR Brotbcts. harlroetsl bsR BiDy EtHott. rnaiifca. Jaa P. Watte am^:1ltm- paw.. Brlaco, " " " * ' City Ponr. ' The .B<»ititw,>ln's Jiate. a comedy aketcb by W. W. .Jacobs and lletbert Xargmt. la hvlri; rlsj*d.<0K' ihe Vwnr C- Wanco am! Ooaipa.>.v. wttVtMeVndKWB. The |ilar epoMd la Newark last week maH win soon be am la aome of ihe l-lg b uBa f a In K«r Tatfc. .W. W. Stetaer. ■ be iradwy«: bonev to aee tba piece make aa hig I, bit as It did In London, -wlum It ran as a cnrtalo talvr at tbe Wyndliam Tbaotie (or aearly: a year. - Tlie C!ty Falbera of Ttacoato. Oanada. have oerulnlj , heatwe-l Celtic bonora- npoa . that Peotrb comnllAi:. ILirry L«t.der. ' b.r cban^n^ tbe name ftf Murriy strref to L4U(ler avenn-. It sbnnrs tbnt tiie Canadians haTi- seen Intn nar<7*B lakes to tbe extent that be Is rlpbi- fnlly d<aa n national baoor. and befora loos «1« tmmr irriilibBiiia A. J. I>avnt of tlie Western Va.jdertile Ex- change, recently n-tnmed from a tonr tbroogb Pennaylyaida. wbere be bad been looking afrer a:-BdallMr of bones In Seraaton. Plyiiioatta. ■ B^lt a l pi, aad Wnkes-Bsrre. Mr. LesTitt fnucd ~* M. JfWd la an .parta at the '■Keystone •Jfc.tan " 1 kft natK" ;WWeIler BoaMiberg. manaaer nt tb* New Tark Hool Gaid-in. has porcbased.tbe Ciltetian Tbe- atre at Ari>nTT Pnrk.-K. J., and will torn It into a Tan<l»vine and plctnre bouse. Mr. Eiis- I Fibers I" also mamser of tbe f^inoiw Bnard- -walk Ca<dno. in which many of the big Met- ropolitan prodnctJona are given their initial [MTformjnce. ♦ The Great Howard, the new Scotch comedlitD. wbo made his first appearance at Hhinmerstflu's. has made a big bit In tbls conntry. being hiM •oTer aa a bealliner at tbe «ame house for two weeks. Tt>^ comedian !* tmder tbf- maoacpmeat Of Joseph Meyers, wbo Is iww bonkii.K him for pn extended tour tbroagboat the L'slted States. F. Zlfgr.IA. Jr.. lias entered the rsnderllle field as.a proilacer of girl arts. Skr-tcbes la t4e vatKre -of -one-act mvsleal aiae>ites la the ■^>amrnt 'pl4i. Mr. Joltan MIt^«iI win assist In the stiging. Tbe first ar aaaad week In Vatrti U «bednlad as tba 4atm sC the Jnt ffw 'dQcttau" ■ - ' " . .♦ " .' K -OiM^ tbe Beettlc »aik pwaw t aa . has ae- .9ajtvta»> fbrrlga amaaata, whe will kItc •aMIMBa .aC aera-plaae fiigbts bMr-'«BBBiil;. It la a a peetsa tb •a:fw9l ■■*'«''vest attracts as. Ike .wfll- »F«M «r 5* noreltlce of tba sow ♦ 7aBa' W. Couridlne. of tbe Soillran tc Coosi- 0hie': CIrcdIt. wbo has been Tlslllng friends slmcg-tbe Rialtn.-left-for tbe Coast. Mr. 0>n- 'fcldlne contemplated taking bis EnmiM-ao trip -early tills year, owing to presKing bnsjness will not ,^a^ for tbe other ^e before May. '^Wniism Osiv* otwos bis- B.*adlng. Pa., hoibie «B. 4%4>iTiary 9H. The arefaltectontl design and "elatiomie httliuts make It otf.; ot.tbe most mnd- 'vin- Fn<t artls'le hinsre la' tlie State. Mr. Cans "ulll o|»>o a new -hciBse -In Philadelpbia tbe early I ait of tiarcb. Wbltlock. Mr. Wbitlncb waa mairtsd'- l-nttia- UTlBgHtnoe, oC-Caiana. U L. lai dar. - ^ •. • • TV- Arkwrtght n<tb prsatatst Ilatty Lander wttb a MIrtr lurlme eiqi at th* Atfirtna Hwlt Hall, i Lamtor aalls Mairh-SiM wMl. Wt wear In tbla aKHrtiT agda toe- a a» a w l j i at s. ■ REVIEW OF VAUDEVILLE IN CHI- CAGO. MAJISTIC. With 4be exception of tbe besdUocr, MU« Fannie Ward, in her dramatic aketcb, van Al- len's Wife, tbe bill st the Majestic this waek waa all comedy and altiniately good at tbat. •»l«i,_ rn< aa,a « »b»'g._'Vjl«r .fj*: *at8n'u^tBrMt«r\aJS«r, 'aia ac?1s a Iflfle alinr, bnt.tbia wa* orerlooked on account of tbe daring of his sereral feata; and be was mil rccelTed. Murray Bennett, No. 2. la an entertainer on tbe order of Geae'Greeo, and la a good comitllsn. Murray reanmcted tbe aame numlx-r that Nvllle Kichola sane here last w«t-k. Wlken Grandma Was a Girl, but It went over nicely. He fol- lowed tbiB wItb Tlddle On Yoar Fiddle and My Southern Rose, of wblcb YIddle waa much the better snited to bis ability. Herr J. Knbens In entirely new novelty was next. A lerlew of tbla act will be found under cited safl eaOH fesia be» SrwHIy placed modi loirer on tbe bllL Tbeif are so maar tood points aboat this team tbat we bcsitste to make even the slightest criticism. The bmtesqoe on Where -Are tbe Pspers, bowerer, was lost a little bit raw and not needed at all. Tbey gave us gonl parodies on Pnt On Yoor Old Grey Bonnet and My Dream of tbe u. S. A., and Lrstcr'a medley puody waa original and Swst Mltllgan. a big I next. See "Nfcw Acta.' Mr. George W. Cnnaincbam and Mr. Rennon Marlon, tbe creative comedy couple, followed with some droU diversions and acrobatic bnmor In An Acrobatic Talkfest. Tbe comedy end of tbe combination took some of the moat pfmllar falla imaginable and kept tbe baoae la an up- roar. Tbe atrslgbt of It waa great, bla split and hitch klckli^ being one of the real featurc-s of the show. Mr. Tom Edwards, tbe English ventrlloqalst. and tbe Meredith Sisters In s singing act. wan Kombers 7 and S. respectively. See "New Acta,** Tbe beadllner of tbe abow. and deservedly no from all viewpolnta. was Miss Fanny Ward. In an almost perfeetly-wrltten playlet, called Van Allen's Wife. This, aiao, is s new set, being Miss Ward's first sppearance In Tandevtlle, and socb ao occofence was heralded wllh dellgbt by aU. eapedslly by lovers of •motlsoal acting. A detailed anaunt la imnng other fiiat appear- SBCeO. Ocarral Ed. Larlae waa aa eztn. at least, his nam* did not appear on tbe pragiam and bis aononncement was made la the way of a card. Tbe Bine minotes which be ap p e a rt fl on the stsge were truly nine mlnntes ot the best s|«ecialty JajTgllng ever preiM-nted before soy audience anywhere. General EU., In one of the most comical make-ups possible, makes s spe- cislty of bat and cigar juggling, at which be ia witbont doobt tbe "tiest ever.** Some of his feats with ooe hat aad one dgar are aatooading. and Uttle (hott Ot aanetaML .Be was aiiren a good posMaa, aMaatfaB at Ml aa Ibndsy night. Jnlioa Tanaea—oat ced. Mtaa never eprings an old one. One of tbe my Cnr ical sieat ones, by the way. who doea not need to atleS to an old act Just becanae It takes.' Bla stuff la slways new and alsraya tabes. Be waa on for 23 minutes and tbe andlenea was loaib to let bim CO. even tbongh they were at tbe point wbere laughing burta. As a ptralgbt monologlst. Tsn- nen has very few eqrials and no superior. Vlttorlo and Georrretfo. European novelt.r ath- letes, closed tbe bill, and ma.v also be credited with keeping up to the standsnl set by tbosc gone before, by offering "something new." Tbey dance and box upside dosrn aad do it In any- thing bat a domsy manner. Tbe cam i dy o< tWs act. bowcTcr, fslla reir flat aad eb aa ld be reme- died at OBce. to be In keeptog with tbe other exceUent features, A perusal of tbla bill showa iw that, not oiriy was It fined with ooveltlea. but It contained five asar acta, which aloM speak sciy highly. where good ones .Ingtoa Broi i:boas«. Benaiaston Brotbeca. la an act at temarfcabl.; (rata of band btlanclog. opened the bUl and abowed themselves to be meat dceelrlag la ap- pearance. Neither one betas. T«ty laaaa. they snrprlst> the andieisce * aslonndlng feats derfol strength. Katerlne Mlley. that tnnpfal yoong songstress. Is a delight to all andlences, aiMl tbe American Slnslc Uall andlences proved to be cxceptloos in no WS.V. She Is spplanded mthnsiaatlcally from her entrance to ber exit, tbe latter, wblcb Is very hard to make, owing to her arer>laereaalaii I>o|nilarity, The aoags- ikst' sks fc a law d wetr Tbe net My Father Wna sa St. MHeM Itay. tbe Bnmhasbay Bsg^ aad Has JMV flaS' Bare Sees KdlyT . Oertnale Dean Foibw aad -Oai^ Wild BiMv. were ' " -Acta.' aOM aad ti* w^ld Isnghs wltk Mm.' hi-The wsy-be te Idllrd. siHr truly It U all ari» take. He Is sn etjnal In .maDoer 10 CtIV QaaCia^ and better thin most of the Jew cnmeaHsas Ihr dialect. lie si igs s medley parody that IS well rrrrlved, but bis talk Is tbe tirsl. Ma (insse. a bohl-orer frota last week, waa^he last act before tbe InlermtsSloo. and after hB«ier- colna a few Improvemeais. It appears lo mrn-h iN-tter advantage, L'ndotibiedlv tbe scatblDg new«ps|MT criticisms htil aoibethlag |o do, irlib (bis and we Ibluk .this one proof of tbe raa) value or ttntHsss-il press notices. Tbe last bsir was opened by JObany Ford and his aaslstaat. Ibe laller Mas ■ tlrtft iilaolst. ■bo la siesa Ibo. arlrUe a s eg plaglaB^lwa aolos. aad Caaey Jaa>a. The (gft sras.-fscrfred tbe best, and brooght aU eacfteeL .Tba Kmllc smc la a good one. too, bempy>w..aad'aoonds like a popnlir bit If pDsbed prtverly. Tbe coalaaie Mr. FOnI treirs f'>r Ills nioeulng Slater number Is S hideous cuQglnmeratloa of' nothtoa Itiat Is sopiM>«4-d to n-preseut- sn English escfcacx* aad Is tbe only nnn-tlremlng feature iB.lfes vtalp set. nts dancing Is far sbove par aad-Ma ala^ ias anil artlculiitlon are good. No. T. a sketch, calleil Tbe Operator, appear- ing at 4M p. m. (Turs<Uy, 2:1.1), was tbe real bit of tbe wbule hill and at least deserved to Mbani bradllai banatw with Miss McCuy. TMa sbeteb Is tbe.'ttUk or CMeago and wiU sorely set the whale aaadeellle world agog before It has lived many BMer weefca. Tbla. as s new set. has bees written op nader that beading. Miss NrUle McCoy, playlag a qiecial engage- ment, by penalsaloo of Cbariea OlUIagkam. Ia tbe beadllner. festurlog five sooga. Her cos- lame change Is tbe only thing thst drives away tbe mooolbny, "■ ""— ■ - Is very clever BrscefnI. See ' count of this ace Hall tad Earl, Xo, 9, ind lilt oa tbe MIL presented their ariainsl cDtertalnlcg non-lty In the wsy or acrotksttc tomttllDC. Tbelr work la hasd aad w^ liked, and their comnly Is goal, hot nke mast all similar acts, tbey mote a little tea alaw. Saap aad etaa la what is always de- aasDded. aad BsB aad BsrI lack t h i ss two cbsractcilailca. Tbe p k lui e a tbla week wetc iisiwiallj saii a Blograph and a Srllg. BATMABKET. I<sst week st tbe Hsymarket Tbeatre, a »»ry Paaely arranged entenalmueot was presented, am la It sd orersbondance of singing and danc- Inc speclsliles were latrodoceU, wblcb, when offered as rrewwatljr aa they iren Usl week, grow —-—-*■—-' 4Be only taing last onvcs away alihsogh Wm McOw'a si«lM Chlqoita la Ibe aasa ns s t of all perfectly formed Her act Is desa-cwt and tabislatalns ^aalnSa singing inteicsting. doe to bar dimlaatlse atat- ure. " Miss Ethyl Yonng Is tbe pmad 11 i i of one or lb~ best femsic baritone vnlcea. of whicb she bss the uioi-t excellent cootrol aiMl hrr rea- dltlon of the iiopolar numbers as well aa the classics brings for ber sorb apprpciatioo aa tba anrileDce ran give aad wblcb rvctlen ber attoaa al the box-odlce, Tbe Goaid Usters must be given tbelr dae credit as tbelr alaging and daaelag affards mast clerev aataetwinaKM. bat they are the Srst eg tbe series sT sacb atsglax aad dancing acta »blcb are more than onnierooa on tbla bill. Aa topllnera in this song and dance proarsm, appear Amy liulier and Uoys. an act. ailbough ilnKliii; and dancing an<l on a bill where this sort of ectertaloujeDt r< Igus ao|irrme, that is a U30«t cleri-r one. Amy llntler tlas a way of her o«-ii In the rentlitioD of ber spedally namber and asalsled In boib ssas aad daass OS abe Is by tbe quartette of bars, brt^ . - _ - a iH'arty aii|danse. James F. Mctiiasid. ban a singing specialty «Mcb to liminbat although [larts of Ms act an WfH -WSL sD4i n-ceirr what sppivclattsa Is-daab --Tbla act jMed^rtngfiejuas Bja^ a nuot be hlll where jiresenletl. Tbe Gould Slaters bsve snotber song and dance specialty In wblcb a clerer preseatatlon of a teipaicboreaa crraiinn of old Siain la well re- erived hv_thF aadlencr. who sma to apiiredate ■a of theae two talented yoong la- dh«. Ae ballatlona of Harry Lander. Anna HeW, seversi other well known vsndevllllsns. are excenllngly well Interpreted by tbe Goold Sisters, which relieves tbe fact of tbelr lielag snotber of tiie ssme old thing tbat fills tbe program. Manley and Sterling hare a clever little sketch In which are IntermliiFllDg of singing ami danc- ing with some poorly lntpn>retnl slang In- tnalncrd. The sketch Itself, liosever. has sof- ■cleat dramallc pniport to boiil tbe Inten-st of tbe and l i i M a who raee| » e it tat tb ap en anna._ AgBea'Babr ptostals sobs tieavr tae AaadBf aad In her oars way ghca on I m ii ii aaiea oT Bea Tanglisy. wblcb Is clever snd It receives doe npprectntlon from ber sndleocr. Csriln and Clark present a German comedy akelch In wfalcti suIBclent come«ty Is Inlnsluced to give It s soap thst gets Its fsrnrsble re- ception Into the opinion of the Ijeople. They Introdoce a few clever iwroillea on the ponolar aaaas af tbe day sncb aa Tbe Cabaania mm. rat an Toar Old Grey Baoaet aad .maar otbsta. BMr Peadar and Brstber nie srlthnnt deaM two of the beat perfetmeca today. ptMratlat Ibe stmng awn and band balaiHrlBg art. Robbir PawdoT 'a CTMMWap af ma i lt a l ar de Trtnpw r at la jaarreieae 'and- eeiy eatertalalag* aettlaii a BMd ind. -=nnagbaat tM^ MR sarfe wmm .as ral mirmk -jm Oiey BaaaeV' WM^CkMiy BaCt OeMotefi TSuBtttai BwHoi^'^ar tteJ^ lietrap6GtiBOpamOn,, liaw.Yoilc^ . AltoHeo <aievanni Pfeefehi, . Antonio Seattiire, Direct froTn thp Politpama Theafrrp, - - -f^i'- ■- . , '- . ■ a EUROPEAN ARTISTS 6 \m§ tho World's GvwtMtAeeordlen ■ Undor Dir«etlon«ff , roT tbPK daspa. aB d. «U«h Ike elecMcal effeeta trjnaCatB Is tbe baantr of s Kaples -aanset, while Ihe mslaniia ai* baimiia l iiaa In ricbniws and coloring wllb the a cene. The act runs nn full'alsge. for SO atniitea.^ In which tlnxi a iimgram .of operatic aelec- tioaa. awl high claaa mwdc la icadend In, such fsshlon ss lo ralee tbe qoeollo a -la this m \-sMi1ev1tlp or s grsnd others coinftsnyT —Thr r>;llK-.«rd.