The billboard (Feb 1910)

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#1 . Ifausvr Bbavcr uffcml an rxeHIent bill, bar- iBf l*u beadltuen ilurluK bouun. I'aul Klnrus Oliruluit Ittt ruUTIaliuiirut •iMrlnl lb* ■■allruoe' tsto « pirumj friuie ur.mlod «-|ib bU ulutbuM plijriug. ma uuuibrn cuiuUli-d nf ■ HuauhOi Kircilua ralli^ O Mctrm, tbr Vort and IVaiwot My Uivaui of lb* D. 8. A., Tlw Uldulsbc Wblri •uil Yauklauwi Rag. WIllliDis and anbnt In lirtwo mioulei of cooiMly and fan wn* Na 3 anJ mad* mud witb S_?^!9P*^ jewjjwlj'a Uapp7 Wbro tbe Ma BMOIM. Mac l<9r ttarm, waa >bu»-u to b« •»tUaf,«rt dMUT William, aaj. tbat lb!? Rk* la aloe aoii«a tbat arc aJrradr uuitular and tbrj .■>■"-■ «««>d r»»oo. II la ■ ract tbat tb^y rto ml oDir alac aoasa. tber acl tbvm and In artlnc tbrat tbrr are at iIbm totvtd to ■■MXIMV aiMur uf itw worda. TIm-* alao are tra- tnrtac Tbr JlraDMt Uan In ToK-a aud Id Tba L ^Hw r W. Mia «Mb bU Klo* Badpatb Napa- ■J*..<!"l!l*' •nlwM or tb> bin aoJ ara H «<rtl IIM M Mw. Ur. rM* aa ikr ll«di ktiQdacca htr dandac apaelalty and bar arae^ nil uanorr waa tbv iuiaru.uf tbv wltuls huuar. My tog »ii»l||»n Unuta a.^ tba aleq r iw-wf tag las nat cataMly warkad lb* ahptcb iu It aboaM br iriiiiini, a aoecMa fnim cTrry rlrw-tiulni: mil Prawrla. tb« alllr kU: Jac? Collliu. ib<: al.»y kkl: Sam Rabrr. tbr Daso; Lmirr Allrn. tl» Irw-. IWIIr SIoDIRiaa. Ibr al<«p7 «1rl: EthIth DrHwrbr, ib» cair acbolar: Jranorttr MHlIrn, tbf fuyaj «lrl; and Ftanrto KIrld, tbe boaT »lrl. Tbr Napamta alu Rlu Annad a R<>»r«- aud ftrtW UttI* Kapanw. TbT^art laatlnjc 16 S!!!*2!'_? "**.r""!'' eoawdy aod brlafa barb fond cveolWllana of arbnul Omra. 0'l\>Dnani. MaDBdm and Elliott la a abrtrh. niral aod mil of CDmcdy. waa No. S. aM BlvanHl tmnidwly. It tril* of ■ rbap looklaic for a doc vbo b^coOM'a lnn>lv*^ )o a mlzoi* «wlaa to a yooog rubra ibloklojr be la luofelas for a wooao. Tbia lad iminlara to bare brr at a glace whm tbr rbip can are brr and affrcta tbr mrrtloc wblrb fa a antiirlar to alL Tbv .taraa oat to b« a cood frirod of tbr bj Maaat arm in mra aod of T-i- - -i- •■^ailbiart. Tbr Iot», ivrlTcd. aaaia • tear waada to caidala all aad It dainty llttir n-nibrn In tbe lUlavlaK wier: Tbr >1ow.-r OIH. Mully Ijtt aad Tbe^l " tbat Ibr7 alwaya arr. tbr Arniiilmxtr. Sbr la a rlrrer UttI* Writ aa a alnarr and promiaea to b* ' aaon aniona Ibr brailltam. Barkhart and Brrfy wrrr tbr oaaal Tbry pivorot tbrlr oara tbe booae laogblac all for baa blay Ktmlir aa t ai Ulid oa tbr . tvritv nlaotaa aad proard brr ponalarlty ■ot waned to the Iran wbleb baa laatcd i yrant. FVmann aad Mark rioard Ibr abow aad IIMIc can br aaM abnat Ihrm. Aomnir tbe " tbr boalnnai, tbry arr wril koowo bp thrlr art la furlty mnrb tbr aauir oa* a»^ for Ibr paMt aaukhrr of yrara. Hl«. Era Uandrl lank fai* af - •ocn In tbr latercat a( tka X. ■ Itihint Cotspaay. Itr. T. J. CSamady. e*rr oa tbe alrrt Cor fro- tatv arta, otTrrrd an rardlret bill at tb« Star. laM wrrfe aad itlayrd to iwekrd booara all wrek. Araold aad KtbrI Oraalrr. In a maalral dirtia. wvt* alnmt too cood for oprorra bnt tbe bUI waa ao cuaplrir aritb cood acta tbat tbrra jraa pruhably ao batter poaltkm ofirn for tbrm. lOnB MM Otaalcr peifbnard a arat Itttir trirfc ■ O j ap to a ja Jiaaa aad a bora at tbe aaaar tiM. IWlrctlir W<odrMiw ta bia (irat act. Haada ISf. Wbi fc. waa ■ d wW id aaiwlty. Wtdaa. a reaaipa l i d by aa faei M r t hvtwa. g^'d tbe bb«aty of tbe GMra«a paUee fbnS Barrlaoa atrrrt atatloa. Mm raae nua. Onniray * C& la a aew mni' ady rolled Wbra I Wan In tbr Rallrt. wHttrn by llarry Darlra. Ur. Harry Wlhua and Mlas reart ilcntt aa Mr. and Mis. Roland Pllnt took thrlr porta »»ry well and Cbarlra Toairiy an rnnk niirord waa a aemin. Tbr Jralomy ot a yoaMI wtCr la Ibe caonr of it alt. 8br rrrrlrra ■ Mmai iBtaaM far brr bnahand and thlnk- toc tt b "antlber womb." abr d«e4<lr« to Irare aad ca to nwtbrr. Toeac bnbby. wba la laao- eaal thrradi ibr dtt brine Ma ab«pr. «r «l d» a ta pnnlab bla vlfr, and grta niVatd. bin pal. to dbvniar aa a balirt itlrl aad br booara aad rs- tertalna "brr" aaaeb to thr anrmv of bla wife nn baa rrtnnird alao dinnilnxl aa thr nrw •rraaat idrl. Rrrrytbinc tnrna ont wril when Ml hi eiplalard aod wUIa promlara to "nerer ■■ala'* l>r Jenlooa. • aarr aad Mrlar were Xa^ S wttb a new act. f ■ m i ia t «c «Mck artn b* iMad aadar tbat . Tbe Maa lia l O a alia aa Hbo ai d t b aa i aa l tta to be aanaa tbe brat a i aa tt al eatrrtalnrra la tbe bnalonw by ■eliliiK load anilanar ihroocb tbe whnir of Ibeir Ifleea ailaate rrprrlolrr. Tb«T prrformrd nirrly no lyrra madr of alaaa ttibro. norrtry mnalral alarm clorka and xrloithoora. Tbr wrrr rihanatlnic act of Whitr and Slm- ■ooa rnlird Oo Ibe Band Waana. pleaaed Im- .World and Kinntae ma Ibe beodllBPfa and tbr hit of tbr blU. Tbry are Mllrd ao caoHdy ontrrtalnrm and are tbat aad a little bit Bore. Mlaa KInimtan la a rtrrer atniier with a aweet rolcr and drarrrra to br compllnirntrd bichly oo brr Mrlrctlnr aocb piraalnir nnmhrra ao adap- ted to lirr ability. World,- ophnHlna Ibr roia* ady end. waa a teal "riot", nalnjt auar alanr. nr-flral antirar* atratabt. thro a ranrdy aoldirr aad a tramp, rloalna aa an Italian onrra alnarr. ^Tbe PrOMBaa. wnnderfaV acrobat*. aMie Will l a aad ' awi aad tnaihlera. rhwrd tbe abow. Be lady la tbe aet actlloc eonaldrnihle ai^laaae . adib brr stolie tolllaa terter-tottrr pvrforBaaea. LAST WEE K IN CHICAQO. Wlr. nada la ber nrw dramatic pantomtiar to two areaea, prrariiled a drrr* little alary ealird I.*Amoar Pe I.'Artlat. «Tbe t/>Tr of an Artlat.) Tbe plot drala wllb tbr adrrolnrra of a rarl* toarer jHrl, wttb wboea aa artlat hr. •Men talblaaled. Tbhi happeaa at flnit alyht. g itl aa bar wbtle WItb bin own awrrtbrarl. waa I m ta d lately fltrai* aa lateiwa batted Par na ■nwer alfL Matrbell. tbp aclM. M^li!''bto a*nd"^aMaSk^Sj _ wadley. * Co., prearallac Tbe gMaaf fla biii i a. Irlla a alow wi-artaoaio etocy arblcb la trdle a a la <nrvry driall. rraaconen. a yooar luilan woinao dw«llla| la a irarurat diatrict, wbu baa grown old abead of brr time from omrwork lo an atVmpt to aupimrt brr faouly. U iBfurmrd by a arlabburlns aoaalp Ibal ibriT la anutbrr wotaaa wbo la wubIi Kraacmca'a buabaud'n . affection and- la pre- orolloa bim wllb arblta raruatloDa which br wratn la bla butlunbole. Thm Ptaneraca racrd. and wbrn tbr boaliaad eomaa lo a druuken con- ditloB. awaring Ibe fatal wblte camatloo. »br Iraard apoa bUB la a fieaay. He aitrmpM to kur ber wllb a balfb bat abe. wmllng It from bla. alBlw It Ma kb vm bnfat. tb* cattala faiiiag a* llMa «BV ««ak aadtaraC a fHr Maak ataiy. . •. : ■ ' ♦ . Ha a«Ma, . « MA by Trea Miranda and Vraaa tirbar. at tbe dawrlcan Moalr Uall, which la alae a botd-orer far tbIa w«^k. riraU fur booeta only narb acta aa Tbr Caae of Pran- craca. tirraldrd widrly aa a big bradllorr. It baa aotblog which will apnral to aoy claaa of tbr prramt day. It la offenalre In rtvry dr- iall and can conrry only one of two Idraa, tbat of ritbrr ropTliix or burlraqoing the L'Amoor do rApache. Molaaao'a ivmarkable iiaatomliar act. Ma O oaaa lella tlir atory of aom* Eagllah Tlaltora la a tbirm' kitchen bring Inrcd la'o a trap whM tdlevta tbem of tbrlr Taloablen. An aoao aa tbe rialtaca bar* fled. Ibe Afiaetaea. boroea. etc.. tbe p upi ii af a af tba trick, dio- catd tb-dr d ia ga l ata. i bil iida g tbat tbry at* •nly artoiB. taaUag aaMHT — "" ""—" Bra. Thia aort of flaair 1 aaakra ooe woado r *ae aM la a boilaaqae. aPaaTt WlUlama aod Walkrr'a Cboeoiata . at the AmcTlrao Slualc Ball, aa aet oo an tntlrrly dlirerrnt iilanr dearrre to be beadllneia. All the partlcliiantit are colofod. two com*'dlana of Ibr Cole and Juboaoo typo ably aaalatrd by roar eboma girla. Klag takra off tbe Cole end tt It and la one of the brat In tbe boalneaa. Hta rccrairle dancing and facial contortlona keep bio aadlcBcr* la ooe raallaual apnor.. ] partner. Bailey, la Inat aa good la i I Jabaana. Smv^ II HaBffJT'.WM tbt flM rt ^jiwi Mf^wy MBgB whteh at - Dnpc ptfftWCly* The Week in New York oil. yi>a. thrrc la a ICorwortb In tbr coal at tbe Broadway. •le ot brada On tbe rre of the aainnc of Mr. CbarlcK Probnon for Eoropr laat Tnriiday. conrract*^ rv- iu 'w lu g tbr agrreramta of Ihr ao-ralli'd tbrot rical aynrilcatr for a long ttfm «>f yrara. fol- hnrlng thr rsplratloo of tbr pivamt roatra.'ta wblcb rrlll barr aootbrr year to mo. mt^r algnrd by him. Klaw and Krtaacrr. NIxnn ao I Zlnaeraiaa aad Mr. Haymaa. la ibia connre tloa_lt, By be tat eteotliiK t*M* that tbe eyadfeate ^atoveato ad tb* Myae*it- aaaaaa op to lapt latiuMay algkL ta *pMi> af ikp talk «f «o-«alled tto'atrital dfpM<Ml«, •tamdl aa la- TTie. tbeasaa reperarwted by tbo atwre dm bratt tiB- l aa uUy bave brra fOmlidHvl Ibr ~~ an tbv laeal nua- bead at tba*appdlciilab BHre The Week in Chicago RallrB Moatyn. arhn baa barn ln>n«r*tlfuc the mtr of a drt.<ttir In Mlaa Nohodr Proni Star^ land, now rlartaa all Ibe Prlnrr«a Tbrnire, wan anpplantrd lia* m ia r da y alaat. by lUrh- ard Lrr. aha araa area la the r-art of Iks >r^a«- doorkeriicr la A Uttia Brarbar of I' ■at ar aa , l M ia t *»< 41 lb> fNwt H-aiiw. eeaa*. la wbMt INirler flenmea aad Mkn Adri. ~1teble. aa armao t>* ataa* at Mgh apaed la taxi, tbhi " Tbr bnx* ato» far the Tiaaall Tbratiie la aa ffllinwa- rSaa. Qnlaa. mealral d<tvrtnr: t.. M. Wrrh. a*i<rral *aprrii«t»nd<*t! .\. F. rn»*in. mmertatmdrni of amlltprtiio- W. K Unrrb ■m. «t^ae wan^err; lo*. P. Wr^^w^^r. r'»^»rlMan; Prrd ItradlrT. rt^a** t-n^^ntrr: B. F. Holrhfl«»»n n. A, Mnlrr. Are gaard an* riil-r BaaA aga p al n. aad liallB.U Pearl At*wirt. wtio Tip to l««t wrrk nlanvl thr frmalr SraTT roira at thr Ar*driTijr of Mnatc. haa.lrft and la replaced by Mande Brl- muur. ♦ With the rhMlnv of thr Vl«»nr«» Opera Com- aoae. la tbrlr Or*aiaa awwinrrlona at ih* O'^hr Tbeatre. I»«f aatetd«r n<rbt. tW Oiohr TVnitri- wa* d>r^ nad will remain no nntll ^4imarr =T. wbM* thr B^jey at tbin ebna Mr. II. H. Illrbaaa. aioaagrr of tbe Oowa T^rotre. baa rotre tA ttie rowrliialiwi that a eMla^ng of Birlndraina hare nnd there thmngb the rear Imda T«rletT la Mo patmna and on tbat aeronnt l< tbla waak'aabrtae Artwma inr>n><T»m«. ar>P > i«»»a B Mr Ma Imae latrrrat aad thriniag alMaHntah MAY NANNARY & CO. rusENimo *THE HAND THAT RULES* : Tht Sodalittk Labor Playlet ''J : : : ^POigBP SQUI^ WAIMTE D F'or Buenos OSb^A.) Write at( or Satnrdajr tbe betwea 10 and 12 A. M. SHEREK ft BRAFF, 14«2 Broadway, li Ta C^^^ MR. EXHIBITORI THtRE IS ONLT aUB American Film Service Don't be misled bv imitators wbo endeavor to trade on our reputation of a of what is acknowledged to be the •'BEST SERVICE IN AMERICA.** ik Pleop. 77 South Clark StfMt. - CHICAOO. ILL. Long Distance Telephcmea, Ramiolph 3216 and 3217. . .- — ROLL TICKETS-^ ■' ' Tour Own Special Ticket, any printing, front and baflk. . ••I.OOK THESE PRICES OVER" Qiittihi|iiiieBt,«ecumteiiMiBberiii|tg ii«i»B »iiiL Qwh with order, no C. O. D. . COUPON TICKETS. BOOK TICKETS; 8IBIP TICKETS, RESERVED SEAT THEATllE TICKETS and CONTRACIS. Let oa quote you pricea. Write for immpha. ROYAL TICKET CO., - Shamokln. Penn. CanimdMaii^ 40-Foot, Twentieth Century Merry-Go-Rounda like new, only used 20 weeks; also Condwinin Ferris WhedL A-1 conditkMi. Would like to.ptaee boUi with a rAable Cteiihral OoB^My faceomhig >e—oh. 4r>nDi7oc Nesbitt Theatre,'Wlkea-BaiTe, Pa., FeK 2lBt to 26th. AU1}K12»> Empire Theatre, PHtabuig, Pa., Feb. 27th to ManA fith. I FW HOFFMAN Hcuck'a Theatre, Cincinnati, Ohio. March 6th to I2th. uaa w mawa i iiix^i^ Theatre, Chicigo, 111., Mart-h 14th to 19th. AGENTS- STORES PEDDLERS St.' ratilak'k Pay. Waatalnmoo'a BlrtMax. ▼almitlaa aad Baslar Vtaat MaKMi Mai SCaiallh-a. Oar Hkaairark Lac4*a PnTT IIaa«W Mb la akl aa«r aat ta* Mcpait wlanar enr placvtf aa tb* aarkrt. fcaaafeib Mlb . IRISH POST CARDS Sbowlna S2 dllTarrat Ttm cotailac aU parta of Icrlaad. aach aa Caatia*. Itaoa. tslaa. T-akta. rkantkM. niatatie Sala^ AMiva. vic^ w« catty Ik* larv«t " — —■ ,Yr— —-—— — -- ' — Uffa taartifi. W. r HLL«W.nap»rtiBHit B. 18S WiH» Wwfc VoHi -SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SEASON- "The BraziUanlf^ber oTthe HiUs" Tbls »vfk, Amvricsn Miuiic Hsll. Ctricaico. 5I»*t1oc with Buct-eM OQ itie Morris time.