The billboard (Feb 1910)

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44 B i 111> o^a r <1j CCantlmied from prise tS>l^- 0BASLE8T0H.—CHARLESTON O. H. (btto 8trw«rt. tagr.t St. Elmo F»b. 21. VARSITY (Srisuid * Lace, men.) Blllr Link and the MorrjTs lT-20. COLOMAI. (W. S. MedeUana. vafT.i Pictures.' ELQIH—KLGIX OPERA HOUSB (Fred W.' Jrarkih mcr.; C.' H.-. *, R.- aad- W.' J.. bMklas acwts) ;A.OiH of Ihe-Moanula* 12; ■to i t il H .poCotmanee to- (ood bnalncM. Vw laol Kto" in. I,^an H. Roire's PIctace*- 21-i 22. STAB (TbtelcD * Prfekett. ngn.; Gbam. imitrlck. booUoic ■gent) Vandntlto and pie- turn to bic basliMa. .XBJIPLB (Tblelra * ra<-kett. rngm.) MoOoa plctom. ■: LYRIC 4Cv T. Smith, msr.) Pictures. GLOBE (Jul SnlU- TU. m^.l MoTloK 'Plctow*.^. 0OLI8EDU- (C.^ E. AiilrlPh. mgr.) Skatlos. ' FREEPORT.—GRAND OPERA HOCSB (H. nannrrr, merO Coautj -Slierlir 18; Qlrl at the Heint Id. RUOO (Molebolc * Oaaratt. mgra.) Howard and Esber ' comedy moos and danca.' gnod; Welln and ftrltiv. arrobata. Ktxxl; Mo- Drta Five. Initnuaentaltota aod ToeaUats, good; pIctnr CT. OALESBintO.—^AUDITDRIUM (F. B. Powcl- ann, mia.: K. Sl E., booUbg agentii) Lmnkm Ufe 12; fair (bow and baslnna. CmOr Sbet- Iir IS: St. Elmo 16; Soot Klaa IT; Mootana ID; Gentlemen from MIsalaalKil 22: GATETT iJcba ^panople. mgr.) Tb« Carten. cooicdy; Lola Brny, alnglng eomedleane; Bon Air Trio. ■rmtntB; Dick Miller, dialect comcdtan:- Ton Troupe. JniTSIIng; ptctnrea 14-U. HOOFESTOir—MeFEBREN'S OPBBA HODSB ^^^ilUOJIVUX&—GHAint OPBBA BODSB ttk P. 'ABdenon. mgr.) Rentlnwa t&a* Patb-: «Mns wwk or T hi repertolTe'to Uc 'boaiopaa. Wntoo Laekaye In Tte Battle M; fair bmdaMi, flne perfonDaaee. Motion pletnrea on off BlgiitaL GAIETY (T. a. Scott, msr.f Motion ptetaijEs a»d aoBga. UAJE&TIC Tw. L. Belt,- Ptetnm and aooga. BOLLEB BINK (A. L. Hood. mgr.). Boiler akatlng: Dare Derit Daniel.' leclal attraction week of 14. ;CADB OPBBA HOUSB (O. „—. ___ _jr.) Shadoired by Three 16; knt o( .aatMaetioa to nod feoabmaL Oraoo- tnk IT: liuua a praettcdtr sold oat. BUOIT •Id Stark Oo. in The-Pariah Mot A dleeoT FVanee to S. R. O. . ^ KEWAXEE.—KEWANEE O. II. (O. P. Bnch anao, mgr.) Kimball.Ban' Slock Co. Flib. "IS- IS. BUOn. Cloaed. MAJESTIC (W. J. West; mgr.t l lctnrea and vanderflle; bnalnees noad. inCKELOnEON, PRINCESS AMD DRBAM- LAXD (Chris. Taylor, mgr.) Fletnm and —.«. B. . Alniey In aongs: pletoras: -BOLAKD THEATRE. Clatk, good at' The Oelahi XATUntTXCXE.—BnjiS THEATRE (Terry Began, mgr.) Granstark 10; rzrellrnt company, big bnalBMS. Old Fiddler's Ctontest 14: Mr. Ropklnui iSt Wm. Sterling Battls (lectnre) IT: Hlckman-Beaaey' Co. 21.2S. tntBAlTA nxiNOIS THE.VTBB .(J. Earl Monr. mgr.! VandeVUIe paeked the hoaao FU>;' SO-tS| Baiarand sad. aSnaMon - «V*B«a J farShm . . , nyae. elerer eidand 'mtubn.^m Great VM- ter. dIfOralt tKKindlng.'w1re worker:. Mae Addl> •on, cani<Hl]enDe; Tlmmaa Reed, mnxlcal act, and motion p'rtnrrs fteb. 14-16. • .Wllloa-LaiPk aye In Tbe Rittle 16: 81s jBTtnile Mien. Amk and (^nnt. Chljo May Caldat a«l athcm .It-Wl VARSITY (Bermav UpaldH.- aWB.> tnres doing welL INDiANV _BL001inieXOV.—HABRIS-GBAKD (B. - B. Bkcrla, mgr.) Bndtigb Ciab Cik .FM, T-1S: boat S Fjjg** etoirtil hoMBB. coBHEBffKduaLTSrRB AnbrroBttnL (P. B. Keh!. mgr.) Tlw Gulden GIri 0. not aa good an attractloo aa anticipated. Company latn aod well roamed, bat- mtisle disappointing^ LaPorte Stock Co. 21 and wr-ek. Whitman Mmk' leal Co. 2S and'Week. TBE VAUDETTE il. f. Scb'niag. mm-.) Moving picmrra.. THE LY- RIC (J. A. Cbrlmner. mgr.) Moring- p'ctnres. TUB CBYaTAL (J. C. Wbeeler, mgr.) Horlag SnnnXZX,—WBLTJS BHOU (C. Swcetoo. mgr.: R. * B.. booking mgrs.) Feb. -13, 8nh- abtne and Tempeat to targe Sondar ' ~ IB. Inrael. THE NEW MAJESTIChTI , oMind. mar.) Febt 13. Three nil i M i Bw a . Cladyn Mlddleton. Dacey and CDaie.- Rtwf and' ^Maater*. Will Tlockray.' Roeedals >V)Or,' -and mWondrord'K Edncatrd Animals..-- THE.-.NEW: ■ORAXD (Martin Reck. gen. mgr.: P. W. Wsst- ■Jer. re*, mcr.: Orphenm Clrmlt) Week Felu? ^ Mines Emma and Ethel Bopklns. Mr. PaiB Hnw tas and Rnby Erwood. CTbaa. MontrA; Bliyr Keenc and Jeeae Adama, and Donald Bowles. Kext week. Mary I<btman.-Eri. Wynn and AU Lee. Geo. Bloomimest. PDn. Bemy'CIlTe: Prank-' ■In snd Stsndards. snd IMbmbs .and DsrnU: BABTFOBB COt^kfC CtBVB (Wm; Kemp, mgr.) Jnst a -WnmanV Way Feb. 45: ■nod hnMneea. Tbe Girplw: hypnotlts. week of Sl: Voeer« Mln^treta Anrll 2. XOKOXO.—SIPE THEATHE .;(0. W.; Slp#; mar. I Keith Mock Co. 14-lBi Rlmmeletn*a Stock 21 2". PAIRVIRW lO. P. VWeed, mgr.) .Jack and Jill. Mlra Hnrlbort. and motion pictnres. Bay Odgra and Co.. and AngrtI :sut(!«' 2V2a." rPKAL (A. Vomn.- mgr.)- -J ne Ha ft^a. •'BohM*: mil. aongn and pletnrea. PICTtntEIJlNn (G. V. Weed, mgr.) .pietnresJ andi Mng^ QTAE <ph* :Beed, mCT.l^ntb/rolllas. WxTsge aM ptetmca. PABK |tIN|C (John Trees, inigr7) BoT ler ekatlBs. LA .rOBTK—KATJ/S THEATRE (W. J. n»IT. mgr.1 TltBiy."1*» CoTiTlct (local) Feb. *. 10: plesaed good lion»eii. Cbarle* RTana. In They LomI s Tjiaste ~l4t pleased excellent bnoao^ Jliil- lee Wetfird in Mr.' nopVlnwin' Feb. 21. "niB PHOEXIX TIIE.^TBE (Kolar & Jenlrk. pr«n.) YaodPTl lTe a nd nioT*ng ptc mre ^: eicr eHenf lard*- Tie«. .THE MAJESTIC THEATRE (W. B. Eseh. fimit,) MoHna pletnre »-.'rn«t ''»diigsi;"'d<WE' . good hn i dasa a . -THE' V- «W. •«>-.Pot. (8eb*f*r. Mwc\.-T^--Wi&m- THE. mUSBKM 'tnnf.\ (>oe4,' jmlmtagt. ; jj. . ;■> > BnOss 17., KBW UintiAr (O; O. ynnay, mgRi -Skwi'CtrciiIt) Marimbs Band, Bomslne Plidding la Tbe Cssklvr. Mable Vann, MartelU and; AoaaLvM-lB. PIULLIPS' (O. O. Mnrray. mgr.) Gay Morning Glories Feb. IS. CX>LISKUM ( Clem Oarr. m gr.) Skating and basket ball. VIMUENMEB.—QRAND (Wlllla and Moore, mgrs.) Xhreer.Weeks Feb. 18; Blaoden Flayera Stock . CcL waek of 2L BED'MILL (M. B. Moore - m'gr.)'' Dark for three weeka preparing for spring TanderUle. LAKBWOOD BINK VS. Cf Ob snell. mgr.) Baees .week of SW>. 2L ■'WASHXHOXOB,—OPERA BonSK (CyrU Dadnerll.- mgr.) Old Ftddlen' Oonlcst'and Ma- ■Wal FesHral S& JobMOn-ReltlNl priX'V flgbt exhibited hr tiM Date OpOaal Osu. of Jgsgo..Feb. .8g. WnaCBXSXBB.—IBTHCO- rTBEATBE ■ (D. F. Inrlng; mgr.) Feb. 10-12, I^HIe Orsce Bell, trapese nrtlat, took weB:- Jack .Hack., come- dian.' aatlzlled: Musical Bella, featnre of bill, made hit; motloo pictures. Feb. 17-10, van- rtpTillc. Feb. 21.' Preston-Brlckert Majestic Placers In -The Shadow Behind tbe Tbroite. DREAMLAND THEATRE ' (H. S. Djckann. mgr.) motion pictnres. ARCADE TBEATBB (B. Pflssterer, mgr.) Motion plctntes. IOWA. BITELIHOTOM.—GRAND OPERA BOOBB (M. 8. ScotUI, mgr.: K. A B.. booking ageata) LMiIa Mann In The Man Wbo Stood Still 10; Hoe pio- doctloQ appreciated by good booie. Son) Klaa 15; Satlle Flataer and Geo. Pamomi In Tbe God- dess of Liberty 18: London Life 1>; .Gentleman from Mississippi 21; Girl of the Moontslas 22. OARRKnC (John M. Boot, mgr.; W. V. M. A., booking sgents) Week of Feb. 12, Brat half: McKsriaad god Manr, tbcm eomrdlana; Stan, ley snd (Sismheis. Mmsdy trsmpollne srtlats; StoBo and Bsyes. comedy s. sad d.; and Oar- rtckseope. Good blB to good bnslaras eonsMer- lag lent. Last balf: Cat Stewart, king of men- ologists; Dixon Bios., Enmpean noeelly mnslcal tttm- Coogaa snd Bancroft, toller sksling; Msy .Wallate'. coraedlrnne.' LYBIC (P, T. Pitta, mgr.) Motion pletnrea. PA LAC E ~ — mgr.) Motkm pletnies. mjTE ' mgr.) Motion pletncs. tbrre picture bnnaea. OEMS BAPID8.—GBBKNB>8 OPBBA HOUSE (W. 8. Coaler, bas. sagr.) Week VM. 7. Hl ckm sn - B t a e f y Stock Oo,i_ Three Twins 14. MAJESTIC TBEATBB (Vic don miM Week nb. 21. Blaaett and SeatI; Bd.^i». Wmiana, Tbompaoa ft Co^ Kelly Sad Beoaiw Swains Oodk- afeoos.''Bobt; Leefets snd Klnodrome. Week or .28. Mnrieal Goolmans. Battle LeVon, Geo. Panl 'ft'Ooi.. Aiaerican Newsboy's <)nsrtette. Donald and Oaisaa shd Scott and Wtlaon. Week of 'Msrcb 6, Cswanna, Dixon Bros., Canfleld aod .Carieton, - Katherine B. Palmer, and Trrata Seals. Week of 14. Maxlm'a Modela, Arcadia, Grade Emmett. We«t snd Msck, sod Montrell. THEATBE (Vie Bogo, mgr.) Troos- dale Stork Co. In popniar plays, iBdennlte, TBE \r. s. <-i(ia^ and hnslarss. IB, QIri Aightloa; 19. Thru I Twins: week of 21, BlckmSaesaey Co.: March 1, Trarellag Salesman. TIUC 8IJ<1U lArcbur A Hetrorr, mgiB.)Mlgb-claas eaatevlUe and moTlns plctorca; good bmlneaa. -">> OSKALOOBA,—GRAND Sf/^ Frank JerK<y, mgr.) Ttir*e Twins IJ: exoeUant aatlarsctlon. packed boose. Grsce Csmena In Ksncy J4: pleased good business. Dsrktosra MlastiWa (locsl) 18. ORIENT (W. II. Bowen, mgr.l Pie- tnres. LVRIC (Herbert RIges, mgr.) Pletores. ONKIDB^ (Chris. Msloae, mgr,)__nctnfes and Taoderine. TUBNEB RIKK vn^J^ SfSS' ■tar.) BOBsr ska«lng: baalncaa ata* WOOO.H. Maes Hsgsn. mgr.) SkstUw: dMng welt. I I Hlfl lit HI III OPERA BOUSE (A. W. WaIton.'mgr,y Beno Slock Co. week of 14: good bnalness. gare satUfactlon. 28 and week. Mor- gan Stock Co.; March 14.1B, Miner-Wtlber Op- era Company. wx-n OAK.—BEARDSLEY (L. M. Reardiuay. mgr.) Wm. Grew In Tbe Invo-ler 10; well balanced compan.r, pleated good lionae. Two Merry Tramps 14: St. Elmo IB: Roysl Slsre 22. COMET a.. P. PHe»o«n«n. roxr.l Fr<nk- ling Bto«., singing sod talking, pleaeed; Bnms and (narke. failed to nleane: pictures: good boalMsa. MAJESTIC (L. C. WslUee, mgr.) '"SroSxTSirr^^ISSw oBAKffoftRA bocrb (Manrlce W. Jencks. mgr.)-St. Elmo, two per- fonnsnces FVb. 1g-14: only fslr. fstr sixed sodl- ences. ORPBEDSI (O. B. Wilder, mgr.: Or- pbenm CIrcnIt) Jno. Bymer snd Co. In Tbe Derll and Tom Walker, rerj good. smDilog, oolqne sisging: Mln Jean Beraac. featorlng ber donkey Mande. excellent animal act; Marsball Montgomery, Tentrtloqnlat, a big bit; Roy Barnes snd Bessie Crawford, good comedy akelcb: Etbel snd Msnitee Pleqoay. band bal- ancers, Terr coodt Bab A daa w and Bob AKIen. piano and snag ar^ md arri bwtotfls tttj targe. ACDITOBtini Uartao. mgr.) An- tomo bne sh ow week of Msrst 1st. WASHntOTOK.—QRAMAM (W. P. Brtntoo, mgr.) Brrbert O'Cooner la I>>ndoo Life Feb. 14: plesaed only fair bonse; performance nirpasted expectation!. Mooa. Dnbec. with bla Animal Actors Frb. 17-19. Donald Robertsoo In Tbe Art of Life Feb. 22; Girl of the MoonUIn SS. KANSAS. ATCHIBOir.—ATCHISON THEATRE (E. 8. Brigbam. leioee: Carl L. Dees, mgr.) Girl Qmt- tlon Feb. 27: Cblrago Glee (Hnb March 14. rORT 8COTT.—DAVIDSON (Barry C Emieh. mgr.; K. * E. bookings) Only Law 12; canceled on seeonnt of illneaa of members of the com- pany. Wai. Dnnean 14-18; pleaacd. Brewster's Mlllieaa Sb Kin g Dodo M: TWy at tbe Clrcna March .C^AISbTTB (Claade L. Benty, mgr.) Plc tnw :Mi.'marieaI pragnmt bga lae ia good. PlcmnLAKD <BnMrc Saidaii. nsn,l Ple- TU^KKtWtt—OtUkUlD (t>.' L. mgr.:'RJ A B. bookings) Ida St. Leon in PeUy of^ the Clrms 18: Lllltsn Rmwell In Tbe Flwtt KIgliT Marrli 4: Frank McInlTre In Tbe TtST- rllng Ralesmsn 8-7. B0RTIS (Chas. Kindt, mgr.: Cbsmberlln. Kindt <3o. (Ilrcnit) Mile Per- tlns In Tbe S;m1 Kira 14: good bnfflneas, cnm- pnnT np to stnndsrd. ctioms attractive; Tb(«. WbllTen and Florlne Sseatman In The Tbree Twins 12-13: lively snd entrancing ss ever, cast gnod. Mc linalnesa. Ssllle Flaber snd George Parmat In TTie Goddeea of Ij11»t«t 17. NEW PRIX(n^ (C. R. Kindt.'mgr.:' Cliamberiln. Kindt :0a. CIreait) Tte Princess Stork Com- pany -i n SbB. w sek tfvldi.iila r Mgiat. tntnest- !•*<. nc«**vM^A'BrtBWi* •■I^Wb*'*VMp^ ^* fects «ma, KBVr ASIBBICAHMCkaa. Barken, mgr.. William Morris Imokimts)' ■ The 'FVwalo Tmnre nf scrOhnts. Jn«eaS--New«<>Ay« Trio. Job*i' Btfektey. ifftiiolaglst and dsncer: John W. Barr, i^^•trs^«1 songs; Mills snd Mnnltnn In The .TrIjI Perfnraane?: The Five Dancing Galfner Olrli*. tbe .4m.*rlcaempe. latevit moHon pfctnres. week nf F<*. 14: bill one of the best of season end glTlng satUfarllot:. F.^MTT.Y (J. .A. .Mim- rir. 'msr.; Western Vandevllle Awwlaflnn bnnklnea) Flrat balf of week. Feb. 14. Tri- Tflll. shadnwgraphlst; Loos Brothers, ainslns snd dsnrlng comedians: Mrs. Mae Rlrbard Casey, mastrsted rones; (MIeens. Isdies qnsr- trts Wood Balhm and,Onnpanr. cooiedy mnsles) act: motlM^BlPtam^ . taat'kaV of week: Ho- rrr and f l a i a ma a. MaHtlhea-eoaedlans: Ur. artd .Hea; Elllnn. In Meena Ftom Meenasota; Mlw Orth. ninstrsted seter rlallnlst: Marrel snd Looett. (omedF eett mntinn itictrres: hense Rowing Istrst Itlms and doing trig bmdnesa. ELITE (niaa. Berken. mrr.) The (?nshman Mnslral Oranedy .Company, jn Lonemme Lake's Lock, week of 14: s snritely mostcsl comedy company pleaa- In g'go od- bmr^ew. ■ DE8 ^ "OlREa.—^FOSTER'S OPERA HOPSB (Ed. MlOard. mgr.) I^ls Marni Feb. 21-23: Wm. H. rvs"e 23. GRAND tEd. MIT'snl. *n«nr.y Mttle Bonestesd 1it-18: peeked hnnaeii. n*>^ri and fbe Stampede IS-ID. AT'DT- —IWIM. JWamg, BMT.) IVmpest and • W-td-. W^unsn 8IsT» mill: gond PKINCKWI (Elbert 4k Oefehett, mgrs,) Stnek rvt. In Z'rn. week of .14: asaie enmnany In AiCiMifxrted Wnoaa wwk at 21: b ii slii esa Mg, mrxINTAL rrvnifmlsl Amw. Co.. reers.) pie- Infrs snd snnas: dolag wsll. ClnQfE (Elliert ■* (MeheH. mgiK.) Pietw g snil rsnderllls: laeee sttendanee. ORPHEfW (It. Snnnn hh erg, mrr.; OTihenm rtrefrlt) Rdwln- HoU snd r%>. ti T»ie Mayoe and the Munlcnr". heMlllner- J«>.. ,H^g»n.' trsmn Jnsgler: While's Panrlne Bn«s. Pntlr ■pinhd*. Jnbn Meri'<«Ve». Dnnnvan e«#I, Arnold.-Off* ,Ben4erwei snd Kln " d r ome..w-eefc of."1«: -eTe<in»nt nUl. goM be i i l ns. . mrPTRB mgr.* Wandeetlle mtK w t etoee s : • nse%ed , ^ . KAVn.T •Pd-mwUMTJMtn-CT. KoI- ?^!?^iiS!j * ■' T*"**™*. U4 .. iMtitHi^ KMU .'".i>""""UE.—i<TirA7''»"OPRRA'"HOIWR >Wmi I.. 'Bradley; mgr.).' (laasmateg 10; IWr hnnae. 1*>"T of Hie rreei'S ISt'lTnniaa Heaeftf IB.- .BI- JOn, f^ake Rosenthal, mcr.) Amerleen News. ttnryt rtwertette. ■"•iTie 'BroKarts. snow shoe danc- eear' F'does and -Co.; besTr wMchti. bslsnenra; Doe O'Nell. moiMilncfst; The Two ArfcsKsws. mo"lesV-,ert1"^*d sahnsted Tdetores week of 14. PBTNCFIN fWra. 7„ Brsdier. mae.1 Van- !L(XaSd_NAPAKEE. <7AT .Ain>.BOZAL. Bach eit^'^elny ^ .y* !^ Watee. .. . ,v >■ FTis7>«*W*Er^ARVORT> fWtB.! R •. Dernier, nunV-GMiQfissfinn 12: pleased a: ii«Hied ..himse. mare- pleased capacity boslncaa. Xankaa ^oodla Boy 12: worst aeen hers In yesrs. BZVDERSOV.—PABK (J. Dee Collins, Bgr.V,, Voci'l-a Mlustrela IS; BlSDdon Plsyscs 21 SB^|^'. "lQCIVOTOII.— LBXINOTON OPEBA nbDsiT (Chss. Scott, mgr.; K..AE.. boohlag sgeota) Friial Scbeff In Tbe Prima Oonna FVb. 17; abore average opera, attracted large andlenee, Vlor- enee Gear In Fluffy noOea IXrb. 10: fglr at- tendance. ' Orace Van SInddlfon) In The Golden Bnlterily F^b. 21. ADDITOBIOM (Parker Bat- ley, mgr.; The Sbnbertt, booking agents) Marts Dmsler In TUlle's Nigbtmsre FM. 12. BIP- PODROMB (L. R. Rsmsey, mgr.; Osa Bos. booking agent I Week of FH>. 14: The Four Mns- lcal Mays In s muslesi comedy; Miss Ufnlae Den- man, tbe sootbcm comedienne: C IL. Bnr- ronghs snd Co. In The Trthnlsllons of S' Msr^ rird Oomde: St. Ano and Cinamer, In head and band balancing act. TBI PBtNCBSS (Stanley natt. '!^->^^jsssskjSS (T.T= isg? big bnsia ____ -. -- mgr.) UorlBg ntatmrvg^ and soon; boalaraa up to tba aMMS^^B HAJBSnC (John Blllott. mgr.) Having PIctntaa and aongs; good bwi- VASnOK^-^RXKI) OPERA'Borf<e*(Eltie«t'niekdistt-1>«Mey Co. ''4-18. MAfJTC 13: JoDy X. Msttbews. mgr.) • Rsnrey. Stark Co. I4:so4 Jones, jojsr.) . Vvd»eitt. aid motion i>Ictore«: week: opened to 8. E. O. Vogers .Minstrels/Psirked bonse; EMPIRE fLeo Bernstein, mgr.) Har eh .-t ..... Yji^'Arnte wwd . ple^rea: hig honses. BICHKOJTD.— GEXNETT (H. "C. .■trnnmers. -. XASOIt-CITT.-^WJLSnN (Arthnr * Heffner. ■gc.; Ora Psika. rsa. m^.i K. A BL bo«Iaga> imgn.) Feb. IS: Woman's-Way: coed attraction (Harrr P. pl etnre a. KERZROTOS. — RERIKGTON OPERA HOUSR (M. Manbelm. mgr.) Honse of a Tboosaod Can. dies Feb. 10; strong company. St. Elmo IT, MAJESnO (A. B. JMrnseo. mgr.) .Ptetma and seagSL gosd bnslaee s. BBCUBWATCTkank A. W ar's, m ar.) Pictnres and r a ndemie.' HUa e aUBlB K-HOMB (W. A. Lag. mgr.) Polly «r tbe Gitcaa 14; I. B. O. Little Johnny Jones IT: OM Clottes Man IS: Serrant In tbe Hoaae 28. ELITE (BOF Brana, mgr.) Pietntea and songs. LYBIC (Mr. Itsrrin. mgr.) Pletnres and songs. MAOIO (Qrorcr BUL avr.) Plctims and aonss. STAR. Ptctnras and aoaga. OEM (Edw. Stnbbs. mgr.)'Kawb-aad Lake Xnsleal Comedy l>>mpany a#aaad AM waak rA. 14, to good hnatneffs. KePHEBSOH.—OPERA HOTTSE (C. w. Bach- elor, mgr.) Honse of a Tbonaand Candles Feb. •; excellen t sattsfsetlon, goo d hon se. Pll ' JBBUB O,— LABELLS THBATRB OM. Olendnrf A Ballard. Aanne. ta>,. liaaaaB) The Third Degree Mi. 11; fnW hnoae. TOPEKA.—ItRAKD OPEBA BOUSE (Boy Oawford. mgr.) Bobert Eileson with an excel, lent snpponing company In A Msn's s Msn 11; to big hnslnesii: LItlle Johnny Jones 12; can- celed. Brewster's Million*, with s fair caat to Itxbt attendance 14; Lonla Mann 10; Polly of tbe Circus 22: King Dodo 23: Lillian Rnasell 28. Otin Skinner la in earl.v aprlng hooking. NOV- ELTY (Direction of Raw Oawford: Jamea B. Kearney, acting mgr.l Two featnre nrte are on tbe bin for tbe week of 14. tbe Zeraldia. np-slde-down balancers, and Mildred Grover and Dlek RIcbnrdK. nnrelty singing act. and bo*h are entitled to tbe dlftlnctlon. George X. Wllaon and Crmine De Monvllle, i latitdj sketch. A Tbsnksgiring Eve, good: Ot si gu snd Bella gtelling bare a rterer b»t-thrnwlng set: Osri Fletebtr aiags Starttated song wlthiencccsa. snd Brst nm pletatcs are shown by theJ'^fliTelaeape; good pstnmage. MAJESTIC (Dl n ^fWn of Roy Oswford: J. F. TTnltt acting mawger) North Brothers' Stock Company, with Oi n e i leve Rna. sell and Rtcbaid St. Vraln. In The^tHiarlty Ball week of 14. In preparation: . The ' ^jklfe . Prac- tically capacity bnslnesa niebtly. MfTKTC HAIJ, (Cbas. Stelnbnrg. mgr.) Roller' aMtiiBg. AU- RORA and ELITE. Mortna plctniv^ honses, mi- der msnagement Charles Elliott, Anwlng only high-class pictures. ,wlth chsnge of^'alms dally: dr awing bi g bnalness. WICHITA.—KEW AUnrTORUlM (J. A. Wnlfe. mgr.l Polly of the Circus 12: pleased tw» run bo«nws, WoMIe Stock Co. tn Rasa 14: Brewster's Mllliona 1.1. KBW rRAWTORD (B, Msrtllng. mgr.) Baymend Tesl Mnsieal Cnm- edy Co. in The Snnoners week Feb. 14. rRIN- CESS (T* M. MIIIer. mgr.) Kwsln-x rerformlna Cockatoos, s moat Interesting roIIocUnn of trslned birds: Billy WIndnm. The Colored Nnise Ctrl, anod mnnnlo^ne: Snm T Ipbert snd (Vt.. In The End of the World, fslr: rhas. Blsmnnd snd Mlrs Bestrice on tbe harp snd saxophone, far- nrite nnmher .of, the bill, both people srilats; -KsrI Bnmmel.-songs: Prtneessmoe. ORPHEUM (Rsriy C. f^ewts, mgr.) Bnatnnlan Ideal Opera roi TAT.B, (Jake Preen, mgr.) MARPME (W. B./Marple; mgr.l BT.ITE'CP. Beal. mgr.) Tan- derllle snd morlog picture hmisea. NOVRT^TT^ t^sok Osriry. mgr.)' Mnrlna pictures. WON. PKBLAND PINK fj. T, Nnttle. mfr) Roller sVstlna; At. Vslentlne msadnersde akate 14i Pnii nABMONT <Tbeo. JJndberg. mgr.) Frieoda Unleerplty T.ycemn 21. WUIFitSU).—GRAND OPERA HOrSE (0. O. Gary, mgr.! .PoDy of the ChTn« 10: good cnm- iw nt-. anod-i*lxed andlenee. well pleased. NOV- ET.TT (Frank OerritT. mgr.) PIrtnres and songs: hnslnesa rond. ArDTTORirH (A. J. Pettit, mgr.) Hollar skalfag: doing well. . .; : ksMTueKV. : BABvnxE.—."rrorrs theatre (j. b. stent, mgr.) VandevIlie and pictures 14 IS: S. R. O Voee'-e M'-uitreN 22: Tsnderllle 2S- 2«. WEISTGER'S TfTFATRE (M. 0; Wrlslgrf. mi'".) Pir-fneoa an<i snnar« 21-2S, pw SHKFOBT.— TAPI-roL THEATRB (J.- M. Perkins, mgr.) Marie Dressier (a TiUle'a Itlgllt- lOVUTIUB,—KACAIILET>S (J. T. Ifaeaa- ley, mgr.; K. A B.) Mtxi Scbcff la Tbe Prima Xlwina 14-18; weU attended. Anns Held la MIM innocence IT IB. MASONIC (O. A. 8hsw, mgr.; ShnberU) Week of 13, dsrk; James T. Pw/ra, in Bstsus. week of 20. AVENUE (F. H. Sbrlncr, mgr.; 8. A H.) Mrs. WIggs of the Csbbsgs Patch went wdt; attracted large cmwdt. UABY ANDEB80N (James L. Weed, mar.: W. V. A.) John Hyama and Leila Mela- tlre In tbelr comedy aketch called The (Insker- e«*, a real feainre act; Big City ()iiarlett«, cs- cellent singing set; Mr. George Peny and Vlai Lee White, comedy snd mnsle, went weUtOeab Bloflffliinesl snd Co., comedy sketch. Xillg.^. ■cream; Ftlo, mind leading dac, •■MNHHr B.. Franklin and Stsnsrds. tbe Uving .rabber>alb. goad: Ed. Wynn and AL Lee, the Btlliken Fresh- mmi good comedy act; The Bardt a, hnrl sanne acMw^ (air; motion |4ctBrc8. GATETT (Al. Beorller, mgr.; E. W.) Psrislsn Widows, fall of lire and comedy tbronghmt the abow. Olio In- cludes Hlckmsn snd Benlley, those Two Bon fair; George NIhIo and Belen Spencer, singing aod dancing, good: Margie Bllton. aaalated by Weber and Roab's Dresden DolU. ocdlnsry; Tbe Moalcal Belles, bell-ringer set. went well; bnalnns gnod. RUCKINGBAM (Horace Me- Crocklln. mgr.: Empire) Sam T. Jack'a Own Coaipaoy. A Midnight Spree, sci e a m from atsit to finish. The olio Inrlndes Eddie BaitOb tk*- Amerlcan Boy, good; DoogUaa, Blasriie Waah- bum and Co., good: ADman and McFnrlaad. bUrk-face artMa, weO t a e elrtd; TtddF la tks Jongle. fhln Aba IMtt. ggads Marias Omb^ bell, paaaable: extra: Cera Uringston, fleaaw wrestler: bnslneaa good. HOPKINS' (B. W. Dostln, mgr.) Motion picttirea; hoslaess to ca- .—DNIQDB (T. L. McNatt. mgrj Ma'n Mew Bnaband 14; Girt trom V. 8. A. Ml VOBSABFIELa—TBR GBAND (Chaa. P. Bart, mgr.) Vegel'a lUaalieto 12; ane ' Imslaei VAOVOAB.—KBNTOCKT THEATBE (CanfV and Goodman, mgra.) TAttlmer-Iirlgta Rtofg Co. week 14: Boster Brown Msreh 8: Tanks* IV<ortlc Boy S: Tim Mnipby 10; Honse of a Thousand randies 11; Porter J. White's Fhoat 12; A* Told In tbe Hills 18; Traveling Sales- man 28. STAB THBATBB (Jos. Desherger, Sop.) HIgh-elaaa vsndeTllle snd moving ple- rrs with aongs. ROZY (liOOls Farrell. pnip,| Moving pletnrea and songs. BIJOU (Wbl Wrlgiit, prop.) Moving pictnres an dsongs. LOUISIANA. ■EW 0BLEAH8.—TCLAKB (T. O. Campbell, mgr.) Tbe aimsx week a( 18; Vtctar Msgar Is Tilk or New York week oT SOi . CBRMlin (T. C. Campbell, mgr.) A Stobbom ClndrrsNs with Bsrry Stone week of 13: reril fkiooner ia repertoire week of 20. AMERICAN MUSIO BALL (Bsny Grover, mgr.; Morris bookings) James J. Corbetl. Msgnetto. Post and Rnasell, Eilwin Keongh snd Co.. Almont snd Dnmnnt, Bsnboldl's Cockstoos, Wsrd Bros.. Vletnrins and Zolar Slaters week of 13. ORPIIEUM (Jules Elates, mgr.; Oipbenm Clrenlt) Herring Cnrtiss Aeroplsnr. Frank Fhigarty, Tate Co., Lsvlns .Sbsnoon snd Co., Mile, negalla. Bont- blaek <)nartett», Ratrhen L n aw i t and Was SH Mnricarm* week of 14. iSSnrB UBlp (J. ▼. VcRten. mgr.) The Arianna Camhmr wmk of IS. EI.BC1^IC (B. B. McARIster. mgr.) Kelrbe|.Jobnson Contest Pictnres week of 14. DAIIPntKB (R. Greenwald. mgr.) Arms Bnr- lesqne Co. week of 20. WINTER GARDRN (t«w Roue. mgr.> Vandevllle, movlog pletnrea week of 20. ShubeBT (J. U. Onbba. mgr.) Mnving pletnres. songs weeir of 20. MAJESTIC (L. E. Sswyets, mgr.) Vsodevllle. mnving ple- tnres week of 20. VICTOR (J. t.evy. mgr.) Vsndevllle, mnsing pictnfra week of an. AI.A- HO (B, FbkteaSMB. M " ' songs week of SObFBBI (J. Layolle, mgr,) CI said __. _ WORLD (B. Flebtenberg, mgr.) Mnrlng ple- tnres. songs week of 20. WONDBRIJ^Nn (O. Flebtenberg. mar.) Vsndevllle. moving pirlnrea week of SO. GRAND (J. E. Pesrce snd Sons, mgrs.) Moving pictnres. Illustrstrd songs week of SO. DRRAMIJ^ND (J. E. Pesrce snd Soa^ mgls.) Moring pictures week of 20. HAPI'T nOgB^liJU^DoiMilnj^, mgr.) Vaudeville, moving WILLIAM A^ KOEPRR. AXEZABBRLA,—RAPIDES (Prsnk A. Salls- hnry, mgr.; J. J. Coleman Co., booking agents) The- Climax 13: capacity; heat sltraelloa ot retnm dste, 30. A Stubbokn Clnder- ells 21: Tiro Murphy In Cupid snd the DoUsr ST, ELECTTRA (N. J. ibiMathal. mgr.: Wllllama A Knrble, agestaWrasla. 0* Wmag^ tdek-basis m?Sefy:*ptetinra!r^n«Sk a/H4f^%>ftiB*^ A McMahon. mgra.: .Independnl), nsmiwr, singer, and Strickland, trick violinist: also nle- tnres' sreek of . 13; esiwclly. WONnBRTJlNO (D. P, Bolenmb. mgr,: Shn Agenerl.-Mayne u*ysi>.. *taf*fs -sM issoanb dsisn. taiga basMs aeak at 11, jnlnCT MAINE. lEWUTOV.—EMPIRE (Jnllos Cabs, twwiklng direeti Myrkte-narder Oi. 712: _ _ bnalnesa, rnhao and Rama Minstrels 13; Qnlncy Adsms Sawyer 18. MD8IC BAIX (Jeff (Vllin, mgr.; U, B. O.I Prof. Wllann's Trained Beara, 'i'?!LJ?!!BS-*"4 Performing Ant Raters, big Mt ■g..MBt-na MsRlsas. maslcsl act. very flne; Martin gnd nbrinl. aongs and dsnees,. smd; The ,Bslidnl|iha. aerial and gmnnd. sen*ai% went well: nilmore Rl«trra. tbe rsnch alriA gond: snd rlrinree 7 and week: Isfge busfiina. P0BTL*VD.~-^EFFE88O\ TBRATRE ('al- ius Cahn. mgr.: tHfoklng direct) Cohan and Har- ris.'Minstrels 10: J. R. Dodann - — ~ ^est Dsor SI: Mand Adama Ma '