The billboard (Feb 1910)

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X n e B11)11» oar 4SL 49 Paris Latter fOHUHM fram puts 14.1 -A' PttOMISED PUlY, ■ ■ ' Cum I.awrtvrlc. tttr of the BouSn- In Lywivtrata, wu another flood ' Sbr'waH to bare had tbe premiere of aiH_Ja eomdlr In tbree acta, by Oeorse* TTinr- ai^^at <lie klsh water caHed It oS. Tbla i'ttr H aehMtatM for next week, bowcrer. witu ini fall.' Tblr-'plar win tie Tfnimm if » tiKmi nouviinti/ In ^)^K• f-—-'-~^ • llaurjre Leodajr -U tbe aultor. La 'fviw* bM I> flete'CbMr Thmw m mdy their prrnlvrea «t tke OpcM. Tk«r wet* •ebedoled tor Sawtrnf alsht, bat tk* ce'oeUaacc. wltli VHt dateYMet for Otealader.' at tte-Port flaint MartlB. eaoaed a ■ poatpoacmeat.'' - Tbla p> * a» l€t« will be for tbe beoeUt of the flood ^etlw». Tbe nelehhorttocd of tlie Operm waa 1>a<Ur bit bj the bunilof aiMl cuQaeqaent flood* Ins DT the iiewcra. nnd one or two perfornuaeca had to hf^ iioptponeil I^impe worked for daja Itecptuc the vralcr ilon-n la the baaenient. OLYMPIA'S IIBNEFIT The speeial tuatloee at tbe Olxmola. for the benellt at the Xelae floa< <ta«a»<r aoScran, pramlvek In IM- a corker. Ttift ¥aaaa tt Imp and as the prirea nmfe tnm no fraaea tiso) ■down, i|Dli« a- mm aboiild be Aallscd. Tba Oarde Repah'.lralne Band will tura'ah tbe unutc, tai antnof the perfarTpera will be Hiue. Bejano, MUe AOKastn rooret. Mile S de Laforr, SlUe. Slaalr. MM. Prince and Morrtaer, M. Baqpiard. Tt. Leool (AmerlrcDx nlil rcmnaber bkn wtth Frltil Scbrff). Mlie. Ludm'lla ScholUr. Mfle. Ot<fro fwbo will do one of bor famoua daocea). Mtle. Tberc>sc Cemar, .Mle. Clara Kaorvn* and jCle. iraWIre In Few ile U Men de Madame; jUrtI gtaMB Utatlacwtt la MU aC bti icpartatr. and MRaai Olxnl; jUaMta. CanllU ««l eaipa of tallct 'daaeanL " 'MEW anmTL - •ncailas oT tke OlfH *. tkta Ibeaira Iiaa aaMdtd to eat Ml «ar emU'aewaC quite a de- ■■rtwe for a Facto, tMMb. IiMcad of a mn- Sclna. dull araItTitaKnC Ifartatlll and Cot toot tuive decldvd .tft Install lonie *'Dewii" plc- tarca nf the motion rarlety. Tbe aud'eocc ,cao remain In their acats and pictured tSi! tlilnca 'beT are goaalpinc about. In other wr^nlI^. llie Tarlou* topics of the Jar. the In- trn-^lln^ bai>T>en'nea oC Paris, are caagbt on tjH* (Dotlon picture tlltn anil preaentcd to^tbe tbe- iK Ibis Ktunt was tried out ' ' tbe flr«t time. It made nn li WHEN. on. WHEN'! wtq "T llwiaH aa I ctmalcaed mr Uat letter in af'Taana tbat In tbv arxt I would b«vc a ^futitif accoBBt of tbe Unt-n'cbt of Obaote- 9r> ^ha ntoe-Tcar wooder. btit Tet-to-be-teen gtet* *t Bdmoad Roetand. I tM.v. I tkaosbt. tbe pHntlere would bare trnorplred. * Dot readers win n'mcmlM'r tbat I hail grave doubta and <QrptM-d uDboan<li><1 .■on&<l>>DCv.- In aoaietblai; arnvlDC to make the. prerolerv an ImpoAalbilltT. Tbat awnethlnc happened. At ;att Tirlt qj the preoilere was IrrcrncabLv for FrMay nlrbt. Tbcn it was poalpoani uottl «'4dae*daT of th's woek. Th«B U WfM poat- MMd natU SatiiriiBT o( this «aak>' Sbau ,lt yrtr MMpoacd until Sunrtar nifht. At I write, "alTB the ariT taint. l>crtaapa anotber date n fee act.- Oaa't aar. But in tbe metuitlme __mtan at^tav an aorta of reasons for tbe ^;olIt bare awnnt np and down tbe bwilevarda. I went over to tbe Parte Saint. Martin mjr- «elf thla morolos to find out from .M. Herts bUnaeir wh^ the po^iponemeot bas occurred ao often, rir said tbe .acronnt of II piren by the Fluaro was corre*!. Thl* slated tliat the flood b.ld damaged *hc eli-ctrlerl coaoectlons to kuch aa e\1<-nt. at Ibo last moment a poetpnoeiaent Was nL'ci'S^ary CD account of It.' But I ao- ttee tbat tbo other bulldlncs alonic tbe same •qaare bsTe lights tbe aanae aa oaofl. So 't Is •kltprred Uiat tbe llfbla hare aalklac to do wttb It. Oee rrnlOD arblrta. (anad iU way Ma tbe M t wn ia uiii a and acceaaM hana arala SirMk'back of it. wa* that Bdanad Soataad. all' the' latt monieot refnacd to ^t piece ao'on aa it stood. lie is aild to hare found the tbiril .-ct tiko dull. too ctimbiTiiome. and .Ch3n4e<\ It wholesale, oecesaltalloR many addl- llooal riVarsals m get tbe plei* Iwck Into aba|»e. ' To.da.r. a;;aln. I heard that tbe laat poatponcmeot h-bk due lo Georite Clemeaceau. «x premier of Prance, ile Is said to ban seen tbf. rebeaml lait olcbt and ertlMnd certain Mats M sererelx tbat aoiac of tb* Cfeaaces be fbltceated are to be tnade. Aa the cast has Just been taade pobllc, I ■•hall «lTe It here. 5rme. Rlmooe, Hen Pheasant: Hme. Au- SMtlne Lerlrlie. Guinea Fowl; Mme. Martbe ellot, M|Ebtlnt:ale: -Mine. Iknobctil, QUI Hea: Mme. Carmea Deraiar. Wblla Han; Mom. IMMiane. Black Haat^llme. Xtoraar. Gear Bra: flaww Dneaal. Ha* Iran the Boadaa reoaliy (IhiB hMt ta eat boiled with rice); Mme. ncnaer. ■ aKcakre d Hea: lime. Moaae, First Tomtit: aima. Itearlo, Second Trmtlt: Lnrlen Gpttrr, Chaatcder; Jean <»qnelln. Tbe WntelKloe. Paton: Oaltpani, tbe Blackbird: nerlval. Orrat White 0>vl: Moanler. Small Owl: Kenolr. Screecbowl; I.ainnionler. Carrier PI«mo; d'Ancb.T. Peacock; Walter, Woodpecker; Obahrr, Cat; llarraent. Turkrr Cock; Dean, flalnen Cock: Pally. Hat: Sidney, Flahtlns Cock: Person. Cepoo: Adam, Oandtr; Suarca, Sack: Nattier. Uasple. . There are ta addition to tbe abore cbarmctcrs, a few more of levaer Importance. Kor In- ataace. tbrre-ara,three aaeia owla. afma laare noalcn:' bata. grndMMMn.' toaila. aad Mhrt cMtarra of the tercet aad bamyanl. .There aae four aeis aad fa^ aeeaca. - The flrst eomca ■ader the title of Tbe Ren Phesnaat'a Nisbt; (S) Tbe Cbanteder'a Ueralas; (3) Tbe Onln- ea Vowra Uay: (4) TIm Msnt of tbe Nlchtbi- snle. The acinic work and properties, so I am in- formrtl. aro tnnde on a arale to antt the alie of the chlckena. For exa'mple, an orertnrned *l»*M'lbarro\T la twenty feet hich. or there- ai*uta: a IndJrr'a roundi. If* 10 feet apart; a ■40UP plate Is alx feet in d'auietor, and ao on. A« I iuld Inst week, ail France Is holding Ita breath ualtlog for Chanteclcr. I'm of tbe opln- Itia that pretty nearly tbe whole world la In the aamo fix. Certainly Ba«lan«J. Germaoy, Italy and Spain, and all the other countries on thla aide. are. Eren tbe Opera, after aanoonc-. Ins a date tOr a reiietitloa senimle. weeka ahead, a ad a tely and Immhly .witbdmr that event irbea' a Mteatr-thiid iioalpnni'nai ' Una of a date pata Obaateclar a* n'tat. And yet Baatand aaaoaacea teeler laa't ^erythlna: It la only aa. imat. mya, la' bla lltarsrr life. One of tbe dra- matic papet* here remarked editorially: "What would bappen to the leorld were a cris's to coffi.t In bla literary life?" We, irbo hear more talk of Chantecler than we do of tbe rarascn o( the flood, voader'UW same thlnic. • * "•' ■• <\ j ■» ■ , . ."^' ....1-.,' A 15,000 KOBE. .. -,. rase now In tbe Parla courta la atttaetlas' eoltyldemble professional tpterest. A vefx pretty mnnle hall artlat wtft walklas alaac the •iteet with a yamig Mii —a-.wi t a tm aad,' belac her atwijr. he'Utk It MB M M tgr t* flar a t-m Ihlaaa ta bee fbr hntaic sadled at a rlThl darlac the cooiw tt- Wm aiaht parfona- ance. The 'aingef *dlt''i t&m things heraelt, Tbe wonia grew Into a soet a( family quarrel, srhen .nxddcttly tbe young man "pasted** tbe mlaa right la the nose. The nose was badly Ix-nt. TO badly tbat eren tbe physicians conldn*t llx It up. As tboy expressed It in court. **lt will never look tbe same." ' t^reo the famous In-. Batbjtard teatlfled to tbls effect. Tbe artreaa waats tSOOO fw the kink In her nose. l-h<- Jadae haa. iM .eC^A Soma weeks ago t gaira a ai aapa l a a( tha Paul Boursct play. La B ara' cada. It deala with ttie soelal questlea.- labor aad eapitaL Tbe ttai-ne b> tbat there ta a gulf .between the two and the one mtiat stand, each on bis owa aide. Now moat everylKMSy l»as besrd of Pataud, tbe electrician, who.- lost for fun. being secre- tary of tbe Elertrlclaus* Cnlon, rut off tbe I'gbt soitply all over Paris some time ago. He It was also who cut off tbe llitbts oo ttiv stage at tue Opera, tbe night King Manoel was a mieat of President Pallleres there. Be has d^ine many other stunts. Oi>e of Ld Barricade's cbaractecs. tbe atrike leader. Is quite like Pa- taud, so he WLinted to see the show la spite of tbe fact tbat be der'ded tbeatregotng as a nsel,-«a iigsadllasi ad aiaaay aa the vast of the Idle rich. . Ma aaca*sad pta paaa. ha aai«i. and neat. Jo* ht aiked 1^ tbe paaa. too. that'a lb* faaar part. Said be la liU letter to Boor- get: "Ob the sticagth of the fart that we both belong to iUaattlaos aaaodatlaM, tha.AcadeinT Fraoealee aad the B l e allklaa if VWaa. Intake the Ut-erty of aaklag far a cnde." The dcUdoos 'iMMr Ronrget to huatle In ?l»e Iioose. AKOl'.VS SCHEME. t^SKtoo Akoun'. mana|;eT of tbe roller akmtiiig rink at Luna Park, rau out of ideas for presa notices, lie b't upon a scheme. He decided to iitTer tea aeatao ptases to the ten people flrst •ubmlttiaa «• bla. tha tea beet press Botiees. aod tferVaat ailglaal. n_t» a ccrtala date. Ihe date Is ataaagt ap. Tbe •eheme attracted a mnnntJia of atten:lon. It's sate to say he'll pet plenty of material for the rest of the eea wHi. and at the same time, wh'le tbe thing was KOlng on. be got plenty of notices to tmoT. ST. DIDIKR RINK. A special mntlnee performance was given at tbe St. DICler or Victor Hugo roller skating rink, tbls week, the proceeds of whicb went to the flood sutterrrs. Tbe perform.ance was under the ausp'o's of Ibe .\roericnn CX>nsul, atMl wa* a huge sticc-.-ss. Several Paris umatfor skaters. n;eo and. women, did tricks for Ibu poor, and 'tilas J ts a l a Daillaig, tbe yaaasweaaaa now looked at tbii.CtavM aalirnDM baore, nipped' the bin with Mate rtaiirfcahle work. l^e place was speclali.r itecnrated aad apecial music was added for the occanlon. AXItrSEMEXT 1'An.^GB.VPHS Ileve de Vaise (Tlte Waits Preaml will suc- ci*«'t La Veuve Joyeiiac (TIk* Merry-Wltlow) at t:ie Apollo TLeatre, whtn the latter piece has lost lla Tbe mauagement of tbe Porte Salot Martin lIXNttre was very much grstlbe*! to bear that Maitame X. had accre«l In New Vork. It .was quite a-bit here under the rule of La Feimn'e X. Miss J< saV Daclliic has dnlabed her en- sagement at |he SI. Udlar Blak. ac will ha,Te tbe Mantelania thratrlral Tealacr oT Frolunan's. Tbo Association of Paris Tbeatre Managers aereed tbat ^ach of tbe playhouses under Its contml shotUd give each uigbt. for a certain period, a iiruportloo of the receipts to flood tic* fims. In order tbat tbe sulferets sbonM get tbe benellt of tbe money as soon as posflble. tlie amounts were turned over to the Prefect of -P^Ire dally. Again, ball.r for the abow- folkl • Why Oaa't Tea Wiita rer iBfaimatioa aa Our NEW KIND OF HLM SERVICE? ., "la a OUiB tar ItaaU." flaatr af FaataM SmU Bniqie nn M Cw ttife H iii Cd. 81 SOUTH CURK STRECTrCHfCAfiO. Ilaei*-Baaaatt Balldlaf, Beastea. Tazsa. WE ARE THE 0BI8INAT0R$ OF AUToumFOLoma ciuils TWELVE YEARS' ezporietice in munfMh turing enables us to ofTer yoii th^'perfect ant for store room, theatre geDcml seaJojo^: Patent rights substantiate by an mUdUa record of court decisions. '- * WE MAKE CHAIRS, ALL AiSLE OR SELF-RPT1N6 . . '^paoe saving, life saving, money w>9b^ ' WRITE TODAY. • THE HARDE^TY HFG. CO Canal Dover, - - . Ohio MAYING- THr BOT IN VAUDEVILLE ' SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT eEVKRAL BUBtHEUS OFFIOZ SUILIVAH Un OOBSISIlfS SLSO., XHIBS An xAsmov strzets. SEATTLE, WASH. raZD USOOUr, Sea. Mgr. BooKnro omos aOITE • AMD 10. UM UOASWAS, NEW YOMK- CITY. O. BBOWV, Vgr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES. fll Sai Oaik WL, lUT aad IIU Xaifcat It., ,4MdaaB Thaatxa B14>., ' laB Fiaari aeo. O al. niph .T BKIUUXr gfelBfda. tea Th* Aad win 8TBADT mlnnla isalad tnm aala eraak. raeal«li*-aMci proof abutter, etc aet Caaad la oilier waiblnaa -TgllJ. -WBAft XWIca AS LOXO. .. C. H. D.i at Keokok. Iowa, writes—"Motlograph MAKIIfff . A BM HIT and BUSINESS-IKCSEASED WONDKBFII1I.T." P.Z..r., of Ctileago, 111., wrltn—"Used'cserr day for-aesan ta^rntba and NOT ONB FENNY FOB REPAIBS." F. J. K.. of Kansaa City, Mcv-w tllta ' two years. Bare tnacated all makee. bnt NONE TO CO]|MMB> PRICES, glSO-ea aad up, Tbe Enterprise Cslclom Oaa d sabsUtute for elec^to^^t. _fVtlte for eatalof tonlay. USE OFTICAT KFO. CO.. 570 Waat aaadelph atieet. CHICAOa T REVERE CYCLE TRACK, Revere Beach, Mass. — For Sale, or To Ix|t on Easy Temi^^^ /' Ideal plaoB tfit. SMOMr tSunhrak, CSteuaea^ or wbij large out-door 7j00tt..AkeHa. 260x135 feet. IB/AanernXmlm haiAiimt^ lav MiHKaBewbuadnig,250x80feetr^S^ ■ . .T^ =. ■ • • A. A. MaeLEAN, 382 B—eh'St.; R<iwr». Mki H. a H. nUI SBSVICE idOHiPANY CHICAOO. nufiois Hoawdaock Ihrtldlo^, "The «kBav.a(-.a, * '•I>anr» •tD<^k of M. p. ITacblnea and SopiMIfS for 1mrae<11ar» flfltwy." STAGE HlUIOyiMIK l. RiGoiM« UMRX JniujiPisi STEEL-CVimUNS - For Any SIxa Theatra lliiiiiDEkTatQriiph^^^^^ CHICAGO, - - nxnrois. 1^1 mm mmm ■ Hi^ W^k m^m mmm w« Itenifc N«w Film*; Handle All th« U LMdJnfli Mai CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGi$ 214.21B west stu jstrssL oinoinnatiIx^^^^