The billboard (Feb 1910)

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02 e 111 boar d mRUARY M. mo. PARK CONCESSIONAIRES =WE OFFER YOU A= BRAND NEW PROPOSITION All concessions to let, except Carousel. $30,000.00 Giant Coaster just completed. The park will play the best bands and will operate the Vaudeville Theatre, seating 1,500 with Wm. Morris booking. THIS PARK HAS 20 ACRES OF LAWN and ONLY 4 PAY SHOWS. Show bmidings now ready—Size, 78x76, 28x62, 28x64, 38x72. Have space 80x300 for Miniature Railway. $20,000.00 Swimming Pool now under construction. COME AND LOOK US OVERi l^OOO fwt of riverfront. CMa|«».f^^^^ Address, RIVERVIEW PARK, Louisville, Ky. LUM SIMONS. Prssident. THIS CHAIR IN STOCK it'iBiwiiiiiii Qnotitlon by ntnrn mall. Tbirtj other strlM from BOe to (10: Mt •!- mjn tht AMaptM. bat ■lirajS' lb* bMt. W* sn our orSaa !iuu«i:aMr. E.I,STAF|IRONfO.M. GBI<CAOO. ILUNOI9. WANTED! For Musical Goinoilif Ciiiilany Matktam for bod and oKhiMmi vltta that turn aad due* taanetac aa»un that food TOiOW} fllstep tf~ ^ •Bd plar parts; two t dODble la Braaa: good looUog dtotna glrli tbat can line, azpciUnce not n m ii a rr; womao tbat dors mbm act to ^oabto eboma; woman wllb airaoa aopiaaa nleo to play Janono part. Onv Mr aodvr easna; mt and tlwp od car. ■myboilj mrs In iiaratla.' A lone plraiant ara- aon to ttinw wbo can apprrelato rood tmt- Bi'nt. rrrrro'im iclr«n alac |ir«|>le doabllnjc H!M>_Oao good adraaca.aarnt- that knnwa bin Oriental AmeriMii Viiu- . d«ville Company. IMt ta play at mur flrat-daia amoaemcnt CL V. aOUii ■ae'j.. tSl JackBon Bird., m. - Position Wanted By VIOLINIST and PIANIST. at Mttnm M,, Itt, aua Tba lUinoaid, AT lOBERTY AFirst FrenchHom 2009 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago, UL ARIlNARELLrS ROTAL ITALIAN BAND OF SOLOISTS. Oarrcapondenee lollettrd for the coming acaaon. SIOIIOH BIAOIO OTTTgABTTTT Director M Ontario btreot, Bochertsr, H. Y. Opera Chairs Whnn contemplatiiig the purctmae of opera chtti fi. w rite to ua for CATALOGS and PRICES. WecanfUmMiyouwUholMimto equtpeither theamall moving pietai»)MiM» or tne finait and modt beautiftil HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES Amaku^ Co. N«w York' PUadtlpb. Tbe "KLEINE" No. 991 COMBINATION Dissolving Stereoptlcon MoMiPktinlMlii 1910 M«d«l Send for Catalogua 7. C. B. KLEINE. e«4 sixth Ava., NEW YORK PORTOLA CAFE HIGHEST CLA88-AMKRieA*S GREATEST Flood Bliig., S*n Francisee, Cal. Playing 'the bumeet and beat Dancing, Miuical, Singing and Novelty Arts on tbe Ameri ean and |wRViaa ataga. From four to twen^ weeks' controcta. AHdiesa, •' TOWY LUBELSKI. Amu—m«nt IManagor. WliNTED. AT ALL TIMES ".^r..^^^^ Siogiog and Dandng Teams, Musical and Novelty Acts. Address. Di^IEL BAUER, Majestic Theatre, Cincinnati, Ohio. ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND FIREPROOF SCENERY Why not get the b»«t7 SQSMAN & LANDIS CO., two Great Scene Painting Studi.H, Ciilcinio, HI.; Mulu Office H 7-U!) S. CUnlon Si. I' 1876. LEE LASH STUDIOS SCENERY ^AND— CURTAINS 39lli and Broadway, Nrw York Novelties, Fancy Goods 110 JEWELRT FOR M01II8 PICTURE SHOn Silgcr Bns' Niw Book if Spicialtitt It'a largvr tluo onr aod conlaloa mmt *al» able iDfuruiailon to 1*1*10100 Ilonan, MorallF IValrra. HlrvelDeD. Knlfa Boaid lira, Taaka* N'otlOD Workrra. Mall Oidrr Uao and Jawalm etc., tban anj otbar caialociM laaa4.d. ~ tbing nrw la' r*ai NoTrllln. Camlral Qoidl. Jrwrlrr. Walcbn, SIlTtnrara, OnUarr, Optlaai OoiiilB, e(r. Ht aaiurxlng oa tbat 700 aro a lt«1tlaa«a d*aliT, a* mv vaol to karp Ibia book 001 ar laa coiwDmrra' banrta. and aradlng In ——- D»nt ailtlrcw, w* will Iw nli thta liniili fra*. 80D1I mr. lt t»dar. STL Toa not afford to bo witbont It. SINGER BROS.. 92 Bowary, NEW YORK EUGENE COX Sir'FlVFRY (Hew Ho.) 1528 Yan Buren Strest, CHICAGO. ^ A-J1 ^ JLJ Al. M. TO LEASE ' for JapancM Tea Oanlen or Confectloaerr. Ito rroapect I'ark, BroeklTn. Fire car 'tg door: large anmoar garden nnl ■aat dartraSlo toouloa. .»aoa«B WAN T E D...A I R SHIP Bar Wgbth Anaoal CamlTal. Aoc. la-ia-M. latO. .AMmai BDi B. worn, Sa«^^ ■ — BIG MONEY INCUR SOAP'^o.AGENTS Ott oar pricM an aoap and toilet artlclea. Tber wlH lotercit roe. Onr adTarlMnf aanrtad paeugaa with Tahuble prrmtama hare the Saab aod ralne that art tbe moorr. fi l Sjboa j naes tbem. >IAKE gIbEAT 80UVEN1B8 FOB RnOWB. CAR^IIVAtS. rfo. MoDe7 (etter* for eanTi«aer» anil fakeri One jrmng man rIi>Bri-i1 |1.0O«.B3 In (I monlbi atratntit on a hmi.e hiMir^e ranva.n Ar»- Tmi .Idlntf n% wpII? If i:or t^'nA ["..tftl InAty Wc will t.-irh Jim tiijw. E. M. DAVIg SOAP CO.. Uploa Ptjk Court. FILMS WANTED Will buy fiist-clajss conditioQ films. Independent subjects preferred. What have you? Give price. Must be cheap. C. HOLMBERG. Stahlman Bidg., NathvllU, Tann. CREATORE And His Band Spring and Fall Tow Now Booldnf niAM QUTH. ■Kr.,lMS ataadway, V.T. Keep Your ^ On lis AKssioAv rajc SXOl „ ^ 147-167 4tta Aeanua, Haw Tsrk. Flliiia, new anil aecond-bBod, aong allilea, ma cbluea, aceeiiurlei rery cbrap. Writ* for llata. ORGANS ^''^^^ifc^^'- JOHN UUZZIO * SON. 178 PARK ROW, N. Y. Pi AVC CAI ALOa or l-rofaaaloaal aad >■•- flil%lO ,r„, |.|,,,, Hkeirbca. UoMilega. iHn- atml Jukeau BecllatUina, Mako-op Uonla, MO.. aMit Am. tMck * VIKsaiaM. »laa >•