The billboard (Feb 1910)

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>BBRUARY ai^. -wo; 1MM B I L L B O A R D PEBRUAIIY 28. I9ia MORE E SSAWY FEA TDRES. ^ Release of Wednesday, Marcii 2 99 99 THE EGG TRUST (Comedy) V > ,' 'WITH RAGS, OLD IRON : (Length, .^prox. 598 feet) ItefeasOf Satotday; Marcfi 5 ^^THE OSTRICH AND i A;.* .. (Educational) ' ''''' 'lQLiikiai,.vi>roxl 17S feet) .\, WITH "THE RANCH GIRUS ' (Lraigthi approx. 825 feet) ORDER ESSANAt POSTERS. 4S8 N. Clark St. "CHICAao/l!.!.. LOOK HEKUjI ! mn tbe low- Mt price whole- Bale Jewelry and Novelty HoOM Id Amerlcii. WRITE FOR . ODT-PEICE CAXAIAOITB. We" h«Te trerj- thlsg of the Ute«t and Urxent ittoek of JZ WELB T "T7T*T ' W* aNr'-'tnlotfTa V. S- A^Miata (or the gnatMt Moner Maken. Hualet * BiTiiald Watebe*: alio Hamilton beat acllinc Kaior*. QORDON «, MORRISON ' IfMU E. Xadlaaa Mnat, OUea«e. HI. OATAIAO IGORDON & MORRISON 7vfralsn and . Opticians Zatab. ;. OktaU*. BL- UNIFORMS Bands, Mifitaryt Minttral First Part, l^Oistrd Bnad^ >' Ushers, Bell Boys, Base BaU, Foot EUU, , Basket Bdl, iMHi^ el& SctirtrUTAUC. Be Sore and MenHon Kind Oiq/fanR Wanted. WestemUnifM! Go. 21«8^CUUiKaT. CHICAGO SEND FOR THE ■ M? JEWaRY, KNIVES and CANES. MARRY L. WEISBAUM,886^288 E. Maflswi 8L, t. E.88r.llMftlt4 lh«8M«>,,aiKM0b lU. tA'mEFRERES vFHM D'ART 0 To Be Released March 9th. ^Wm Arrest of the .99 the-v^pi^^^^^G^ of La. . ; de Berry, widow of "tiie Duke de Berry, who was the son of . Charles X and was assassinated . ^ during the reign of Lbiiis XVIII, was urged by party to head i a^ • ;^ ^y)wjiit)y^ result ^ ^ in placing h^^i^ the Duke of ' Bordeaux, uji^ Ft Mce; Tiiei^ wasdisqo^eired ^ cpnip^l^ iib ;;' ^C^iflpv yp to " her arrest through the aid of a traitor in her party named Deutz, • are marvelously interesting. This . ' historical film will make history' for your .theatre .provided you ':i..,!i-'..-y.-V'i>-.'7' ' -«• ■ ■ •' J^imAjemst ot the ^liicjp^ss del [ Merry^' ■•.•■■■Vi-',- BMIIE FRERES^ WEW YORK XmCAGO 41W.aB^jBt, Z6 Randolph St. NEW ORLEANS 813 Union St. i —FIT— Bolte& Weyar, And Other Gasoline They Are The Best Made. ' ^ UsmlfortlMLi ' :^''Yiat^'^hr'thn' . Shows. . . , Pi^l^ 7c Eaclir-UH) Lots. -If: Peorless Lifiht Go* t sasr UoHilsSt. CHICAGO B.B.&B. SPECIAL —tOO K — ' AT THZ PSXOn U 110.00 •0 n U.00 M U.00 I( M.O0 M M.00 10.00 .■ IT.OO This Trunk io made ol 3-ply B. B. A B. Trunk Wood, heavy DuckOov- ering, Hickoiy Slata. Malteable Scroll-Bouud Hand-Riveted Tipping Ttay. OUARANTEEU. Three Store*. Send for Free Catalofiia.. B. B. a, B. TRUNK CO. Mnr wooB vntxxT. 109 Fateid at.,H.8. SRS SmlthflaM ai. »lOlURI. j»*S , , . ■ . ^ SOUVENIRS Noyaltta* ami SpedalUea for Falra. Carnlvala. Nickalodaoaa. Picture Sbowla aad ate. ' M/m carry a very lar^a aaaortad alock and caa maba aalactloaa freai $2.00 to SSBOXN) par <reaa>W yaii-aaa a' a l a c t lv«HB<ha« «t> alo^na al aay . ■vatairi coat ls|aw- yonr parpoaa. W« carrr Itw largeat ■morlneat of Katfe Boan) Knivea weal oC tbe .Mlaalialiipl River. Our lirlcea are abaolnloljr rock liottoDi. \Vc alW' carry a full llni' of Rtreetmen** 0<M»tl.. Carnl- »al Noveltle* iiiid siKxI.'fur fair.. We arp (ne olileat Htrei'tuienSi BU|i|.ly hou.e in Ihn uolteo. btalea ana bave tbouaamla of »atl|4>«<> tuitt^t*} we can aatlafr'jrOli aaa wrai wr M aii l e O W . Or- . ii(rr« aiiipiwa-aaan. day m. roMhwd: IMuMaa* FREE. ■ • ■ . COE. VONQK a, CO.. NlalhaadbieasAvs. • St^UOW