Billboard advertising (Mar 1910)

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•MACH 19^ 1810. Xtie eilll>oara 21 ftjuS wortbj oppo«ltIoi3 of good llm plctiire flutl vaudeTllIe sbow ODC minE 'or f>* imiif itifot tbat !• oSer ttam wnufhlin merltorloua. Wltboak d«At tkt bMt tracthuia la tk* mat an tb* M«Ol tfmrttfmt (HoolMr mat Meirlrue aod CraaUoa), M ke ca>t b* th* ulTaUon of all the parka, §nt ka can't akair bat oua park in each citr ■ad accond, be noat bare btc cltlea for bla wonderful ibowa. But what a bletalnc It would ba it tbere waa a atrlog of dlffereot McConacU- Itea of vartoiu alzea to Qt all differeat aUcd parka. Wltb abows of tbia character to pander to the public wlib I abould aar tba altaatlon would be lolTed for a wbtle and tbcn joa moat be maklnc ready for aootbar cbaas*. "Tba amnaement palntea faatMioaa," aaa It baa onead tbat it cbaisea too qafeklj for tk* mMMMIHmv aaaa BavcBaat* MU»cr« cce>* tti* namtn who aeaiilagly an pacalyaad ta tbair to taeet tba denuada ot Um patrooa. thins tbat baa hurt tba paik gama la mualc If the orsanlalac of mediocre baada contlnnea aa rapldlr tbIa aeaaon aa It did tait we will loae all of our white wins street cleaoera, apasbattl makera and German baker*. Bealdea I fear for tbe creat toaa In the population of Scotland at well aa tbe rlie la tbe price of sarltc. About tbe only tblns enterptlalns manaser baa not booked la mC OaclUaa" I saaBoaa tber would aba If ttv mSM tba monka. fr cbaap Mrie .to kaad tbe poblie aaa Maa the cava of an this. Tba people ■se aaar dama adlns better moatc Th a i a are seod baadal Tbe; can be aacoied If tba mooey u ptodnced (or tbelr btre. I w»y gin yoot patrons sood moalc. Alao slee them sood alsb ^aaa free attraetloos (where yon ebarse on the Biala sate). GIto them aometblns elae be- tldea a look at the tower and electric llshts. mey have seen these tblnss for aix years. Tbe amnaement park baa come to atay and the people will ba*e It. If tba p r aa en t ownen dart (It* Item what ttg wapt tb«B aome •Cbar elaaa of .ptaoMtara i baUdete wUL It ** Inatlto tioa aad wtUalwaya live It MBtfPCtcd pfoparty and la aoiwlklpc 'tntj eeda. Bnt to naka it laaaelallr ■aceaaafnl you moat have experts In the b tial neaa to handle them and alwaya keep ahead of tbe peopiN demands, nerer let tbem tire! And abore all adeertlte! adrertlae! In all tbe flelda of pnbllclty do a little aomethlns on the BIll- Boards, bolletlna, weekly and dally papeta, nasialnea. tatcraal pablleatloBa, aerial. Iten- acaat. daba. eaavcatloaa, fraternal orsanlsatloiis, cel l eaea. ata aa t cats* ap e e l a l pobllcatloD, prea* aarrlce bntcaaa, aavaaneat Joomala. and evetr Bcdlom yon can poaatbly Oad and create, ad- eertlae In aomc way In eTetythlns whetber yon have to pay cash or by reeep p oc l ty. It mattcre oot, hnt It moat be done If yoa expect to ioececd. Tbe secret Id dolne adrertlalns on a slaantlc acale ta in holdins down the expense, to do this It reqaires expert knowledse and expert knowledse costa money. A well known fact to rrmember and tbat la ttala. "Eeery man to bis trade,** ao when you set a abow pobllclty manaser set one who Is a showman as well aa a pobllclty man. Don't set a merctMindlslns add-WTlter or a maa who baa Berer had any ahow aa« tBttotHB. ~lC*ittaw baalBets'irmUy three fonria paUiel^.** If State atreat mereb- ants in Chlcsso coold cttt It oat they would do it to-morrow, and this la not abow bualneaa. Tbe pid>Uc baa to bare coomodltles. They can do without amnsementa mtKh easier than anythius elae, because they can each and eevry one create bla own amnaement In a small way before they win be bunked or annbbed, and you soub tbem when you don't pander to them with pablictty aad yoa crab them when yon sin them bad ihP«B, lauirialljr «k(B ikey aia vtpaatert. Re- MHtar taa aaik wa. to atick to the town you CM*t kaak nam and be sope tbe next day. like tbe tented ahow can if they ao desire, so you ■aat adeertiae and also gin them new and (leaalns attractlona, to set tbem to repeat. Ad ecrttalns and adrertlalns like blazes made Cas- eareta. Bed ~ - ..- - — ~ oos. But BsTsn Splits and Oemo Cisars fmm- Bnt many years before B. T. Baraum and James A. Bailey Uosbt the world the trick with the Clrcos Posters and from the clrcns tMtaialty tbe whole commercial world baa been ■iacatol avto tka p w i nt atate ot ontdoor MHMQr. TDana caaaerclal forma are near aa a to oaaia l adaatttoata exceptlns tba dicnaaa «k* Ik Ocir pro rata atlU lead, ta tkto ant MNCk of aa example for the park ditaetaiataa wka ata contlanally cboppins the publicity ae- cooata. AboTe all I adrlae all park manase- mcnta to aeenrs notblns but sood latior for bUe and for tbe amuaemeot departments none bat Bay year maa Ilka g» t lean him alone, don't fODr-Bnah and oas or butt Inl Mo sood man will stand for It! Backed by money I Exploited by talent! And dlrecMd hr axpencnce! are tbe three phrases tkat look good to print aad will win if park ownaaa actually exemplify them by being the men to make the laat two pbrases good. Then adrertlae and s>ve the people aomethlns new to please tbem, sod your modem amusement Krfc will win. Get the people In the parki ease tbem and tbe flnanclal end, tbat now acts so many of these directors dalTy, will take care of Itself. All you need then la good honest atidltar service. Tbe great trouble with all tbeae managements la tbat tbey put "Tbe cart before tbe horse." And when they bare three daya of rain. Ol! Tol! OI-I-l! You can't hurt a real abowmaa If yoo ponred the Atlantic Oecaa on bla bat. Be abakes bla bead like a ' >g op oat at water. It to tkto spirit > tka aid tiM aad the modem Aaaerlnia famous. Bat yoa can't erer let tba majority of tbeae modem i>ark directors aae tbe weather reiMirt for fear you will have to call a doctor, let alone allowlag Um to see tbe water fall. Drawing the Crowds. How to draw the crowda! That'a tbe per- plexlns problem wblch coofronia owners and manasera 'caatlns tbelr -deatlnlea In any phaae of the amusement bnslncss. For seneratlous tbe purreyor of public entertainment has rack- ed Ida Imcntlva iatellaet to aa effort to derlae somtktoc -MW wkteh' mold be elfectlTe in lorlag oia a l a aj a a astoaa paklle to tiui box offlc* ar oaket -arasH. . Ba has spent many a aad coo reftourcefolDess. ever ready to sraap an op- portunity to aooex a printed paragraph to his acrap book. But some of his storiesf Whew! If a cbortoter nnfortonately bsppena to be muddled up In aome dleoroe-acandal. Is named aa co-ren>ondent to tbe wife of aome prominent man In her anit for aepatatlon. or to enungled In the meahea of troaUa to any way, Mr. P. A. briskly snd sleefolly mba hia baada tosether. chneklea a little, and bematb bla bicatb: **Ba! Bal Here we bare II; excellent mntertal tot an Interesting little Ule." And tortbwitk tbe dlcklug of the typewriter may be beard, for It la our friend **rapplng off" a compoalUoa of "dope." Or perbapa a certain show baa a repotatloo for ita aalaclousaesB, so our estimable acquaint- ance, the P. A., graciously Infonna all tbe minlatera and reformera that it la time to ex- ercise a very careful watch orer the nmtallty of the city. Ot course, an todlgnatioa meeting la immediately called by tbeae dignltortas, and aevetal repteaentatlTea ot tbelr ansnat body cboaea to vialt the auyar aad ealce a pro- pro- teat againat the preaentatloti of tba ptoy. Tbe story geta into tbe newapapeis. tbe pnblle com- meacee to get tbe feeer of cnriosity. and then tbere ta a mad mata to tbe bos oOce. Ad- ranesd pricea make no dilferanee. Ererybody appolnta himaelf a committee of one to paaa rn tbe qneatlon whether or not tbe attraction tdd be permitted to fill oot Ita cngssement. Meanwhile the creator of the whole diaturtH ance, our mutual acquaintance, Mr. P. A., complacently puffins away at a fat black Raeana, watchea the eager crowds enter the tbeatre, and then drawa Tlalona of tbe **baaa" toformtoc klm of tbe big Incraasa be baa aam- wlll facatoa tor iiamiai a - - - the ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, CINCINNATL atage, to And It an IgnomlDoaa failure, and a sreat deal of labor, time and money apent. Tbe amasement-xolns pabllc If a flclue lot. VOQ can Dot foretell Its likes or dislikes. What may be an Instantaneoas aocceaa In one city may be ahunned entirely by tbe box-oOlce pattoas ta aiaittor aad tkeie yoa are. It'a a gamaaf akaa e e ttam A to Z. Heada yoa Owaeia aad manageia of attxaetloaa and tbelr bireltiigs—many poaaeasing rcmarkaUa la- gcnulty for originating achemea to totersat tka dear public to their offerings, bsTe enllad toto play cTcry eonceleable device and method to besnlle tbe possessors of the "eagle" Into their confidence and erentnally Influence a change of ownership of the Uncle Sam piece. * TUa tbe tbeatre for an example. What astolaaHly baaa't tbe pra a a aseat dlaptaiad publicity man of a local vaaderllle tbeatre. Besides belap an exceedingly pretty stroke on the part of tbe press man. bis story was moat spproprlate. During Cbrlstmaa week there was appear- ing at tbe theatre In question a company of well known players. Tbe two leadlct: memtiers of the ocgsnlxstlon happened to be man and wife. Accardlos to the press agent'a story. ]fr. aad Ur.a Blank, sock to tbe name I aball glea tkeoi. on Chrlatmaa ere. ware preparlns to atart for tbe Uwatre at wblch tbey were appearlns. Whsu they had reached the lobby of the hotel, Mr. Blank remembered that he had a little bnslncss to tranesct with the clerk, and Mrs. Blank, during the time her spouse waa completlDgr bU arrangements with tbe hoatelty'a representatlre, proceeded down the atieet t o w a id a tlie theatre, which waa located ■a-, aw ay. .'vkfk ni areaway a cronchlns Indlvldoal atepped for- ward wltb the Intent to rellere Urs. Blsnk of her purse. No, she didn't acrtam wbea tba fellow demanded immedlato traaafer of bar Tatuables, Quietly, bat aalekly. aba glaaead at bla proportlona, then wttk tamatkatto apaad and precialon. deftly planted a wallop oa tka Jaw of tbe man. Mr. Blank who appeared In the hotel en- trance Juat at thla juncture, aclaed the altaa- tlon in an Instant and daabed up to aid bla wife. Tbe man. reallilng that the beat cowae to pursue was to best s hasty retreat, took to hla heela. Beaching the aide of hla wlto, Mr. Blank baalUy gathered a few detalla of tbe Incident and quickly decided to chaae after the fellow. "Don't do It. Jim,'* commanded Un. Blank. "Tbe poor derll baa bad anoogb. Bcatdea In Chrlstmaa am, yon know." Aad ft Tbe pnaa agent got • besldea the atory nktek column In a pramtoaat graphs of Mr. and Hm. embelllabed It. Another lltUe atnnt by Mr. P. A. haa come imder my obserrallon la tbat perpa- trsted by a bright young dope-throwing artut, doing doty for a New York tbeatre. Hto coa- trlbutloa was aa original one. hut It waa a rather daagstooa ooe. toob inaamaeb aa it a u ha a qaeatly dcrclopsd tbat yoimg diap waa tortaaato to aertooa lajary. Bat belag aaxloas ta lish his mark, taktag a long chance didn^t feaaa him in tbe ailgbtest degree. In woman'a like tkto: "Deareat:— I'to Jnat leaned to " ~ that yoa Bow about an erenlng with If ererythlng to all right, amet ma to iTTkaaf - - ■ ■ tba loMv «( Blaak ' attracMoa oiacybody a •katt tap I itta at son o'doek. to KllU^ ~ Sacortog the names of tba men guests at tbe leading hotela. Mr. Pma Ageat had tba letter addreaaed to them to the aame band* writing aa that naed la the letter. Many ten to the deception at Hnt. hut upon eioaar te- spcctlon dlacoreicd tbat tbe mlislre was menly created for adeertislng purposes, which por- poee It did fnlOll In a moat effectlTe manner. But here's where tbe Intelligent young chap put blmaelf to bad. He happened to mall oaa of tbe lettaia to a yaaaa.- marrlad maa ftOB the west srbo had ksMMk kto wUe to Nov Vocfc fOr tka drat ttoaa wlhaar kar tka atgbtiL DnfortoDately for tbe pma afeat. and otbtfg aa well, the wife accldeotally came tato paa- sessloa of the letter, opened it. aad—wen yoo may readily eurmlae what aubaequently took place. Vlrtoilly, It was a brilliant dIapUy of Terbal pyrotechlncs between tbe Newlywada —accnsatloDs and denials, one TOUey after a>- other. Finally the unhappy young hnabaad. unable to coorlnce his liate soapae tbat tba letter waa merely an ad., aclscd hto Itat aad roahed audly oear to tbe theatre and lata tka odke of tka picas agent. Tkat wortky tor tka. next balf hoar ■adcrweot tba ordaal of bto life, la faet, made bla almost resrat kto earthly czfatcBce, ao acalbtog waa tbe acrmoa dellreied by tbe hoaband. Needleaa to ma Nell haa eeaaed to write letters to her old paL Tbere la one fellow, especially, who haa crated for himself the title of "story teOar,** and that la tbe clrcua press agent. Bcaldaa his routine of press dope, inclodlng Items eoT- erlng such stibjecta aa **Jamt>o bad the tooth- ache,*' et al he haa a collection of outartol concealed to kto apstom. aaoaUr wactk a caaato of cotomaa. and at tkat .tka atoC to mK otdMto aKwad ika^S lK V^ ^^**^ verily, tkcaa cfKPa paaaa acnto da gat tka apace. Altbongh the fair and camlral proclalmeis ot the merlto ot their reipectlre fondlings In- dulse In the aame game, to a certato as the clrcua "atory man." yet olfen a yarUtlon from tbe routine by tbe totter named petaoiuse. A seat anay fkir and camlral atraaw' a dtatt to a their free attraction, from nto aootca dafdap many an to artlele. The free attracHaa to. aa a nde a and aensational act. It ta generally to be a moat Imiiortaat requisite to the coat* mittee'a llat of attractlona. although aome ma agers and amnaement committees are likely. " lato the wortk ot tkto toatare. «■ paf» •«.>• KBNNVWOOO PARK, PtTTtBUIia. CONEY ISLAND^ CINCINNATI. Tke Opca-AIr Tbeatre. Showing tbe Huge Coaater Dericc.