Billboard advertising (Mar 1910)

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^ tt« SI 11 lb o a r d MARCH 19^ 19ia FORECAST Op THE SUMMER SEASON IN Developments In Plans For Outdoor Amusements By FRANK WINCH. Ey>r tbc flnt time la WTeral jea». New York ■ffloiemait pmaoten are aDticlpating tbe com- lac aammcr with real eagernoas—«peadiiig real moneT' and ara aaosnlne of real retoroa. Then baa been notblns bo terrifically lavUh promised. Tbe precs ageata bare comeT«d tbe market of fnlaome promlaes and 1 don't find Ibe managera telling all tbcr plan to do at tbe regular minata meetings of the Corlwtone Club—all of wblcb U til* TOT omea for sood that Mmetblng dcftnlt* Is niDK tawnd. I put a lot of Ulaardj cdB> dtUoiii aa jron'd care to find. FInt. It waa tiM pule, then again, tbe pobUc bad tired of tin •Id nmtlne laugh maketa, tben came the finan- cial cooraleacenee of a panic. It waa slow and Dr. UUfortane bad many ' good paying cllenta. Laat season waa, with most of tbe parks, a break-eren one—mtgbt bare been a money-getter badn't It been for tbe machly over-presa-ageoted bloomer, tbe Hndson-EUtOD flasco—that Is from a money atandpolnt and waate of time and mon- «T tiTlBg to get It. ThlDes bave cbanaed! Affluaementa move In cycles. 1910 will prove ■ cjcte of proaperltr. Taking lint the pailn, ■■ are tbe aldm obaMn. l oirtb. «m b* tnatSd to naMthlBK aimoBt MiMr >■» in antlr erery paik. Add to tbto Iko faet'oC the hImdiMie ■cto that wm take place Ib the boaeban paika, the many new TaadeTllle loof gardena, the ont- door Dictate theatres, a teal genuine drcos In ■ New York, noder canTBS. tbe many added fea- tnres at batbing resorts, all gleaned frooi . the adTinrc aQnoancements tend lo laeUno tfeo bdM tbat lomi'tbing dellgbtfally sanuDar Mniti tho public during the awelter season. Coney Island ontranka the wsrld aa an iiBlM mat ccw>rt. that part of the world Tialtlbt tttm Tack coee thete . and Uacua, the othor pott wWMo uceold. ^Mf aavDoe, tbo main itntt of Oubw Uaad. wiMi Mnaao the thMo iNot pizkt.'Dtoonluia, Lona and BteepioebOM. la notaiglaK a ehangc —complete la enqr dotalL ' - Both aide* of Burt avouM bavo beca lined •Mk •amaemcnt places, eafea, acenic ridea, ■IMM ahowa and the wbat-nota of confection- tty OM popcorn. But beretoton there baa been oo coDeentTatlon. Kaeh place waa fitted onl acoOTdlng to tndlTldnal taateo. Tbis seaaon there wOl be a uniformity of daslgo, pleasing to the eye and making tbe tbomugbfare one long Tlata of gay colors and onique arcbltectore. Police regnlatlan of trafflc wil also be a feature, and aboold prove a great benefit to tbe miUloas that Tlalt the laland thia year. Oret in Dreamland there are nearly SOO car- penters and mecbanica at work tearing out tbe old bolidlnga and putting op the new. A dis- tinctive cbange in Dreamland will be tbe main entrance. It la planned to tear oat an entire block on Surf avenne, leaving a gateway of nearly tbree hundred feet. ThIa wlU make tbe largest Indivldoal gate oc any park In the world. A Uto, gioinBg fMMt to to he Inatalled ta place ot tho wolwillg that have hlddea Dream- roll giowa tmo wBI bo tzaaaplaated to ■ylraa apot—brldlo potha aad a htv%.wa- fall coming from a mountain aide will be la. The entnnee to the foaaat will he AU will be weleooM to tatbar nadar the cool abade treea for a mlaote'a reeplto tram the broiling sun. Quaint ma tic hooaco are helas ~~ itznctcd. with all manner of bcnehea tor the and gwlDsa and grass lawna for the yoooc of any deacrlptloo are eligible to club luember- ahlp wlfhODt coat. A goodij portion ot tbe pier haa been act aalde for club rooois of the Uawka' Club, an organlation of prominent newspaper men of New York City. The ehntea la to be widened, and a new slide, called Over Niagara Falls, will be nu on tbe middle tracks, the ride, while having every ap- pearance of great danger. Is perfectly aafe, tre- mendously exciting and exhilarating. The Lagoon Is beloc wtdeoed and ao apper cor- ner of it apportioned oS la a concrete beala swlmmlDg pool for thoee who are too timid to go In tbe ocean. . Frank Bostock will again have the animal amphitbeatre thla year. It being especially en- larged to aocoouDOdato hto acta, manr ot which will be entlzdr oow Id tbto eaimtiT. Booavlta. the greateat llOn tamer the world haa ever known, will en^er tbe cage on certain daya with thirty-six lions. General Manager Samuel W. Onmperta, to whose keea hnauma . ability Droioiliad owes iu phoBoaaail ipaoM -win gm lao park bi« PMWwal att tbtttj,: _ liR..QbBilrtl iC the greateat circua and ouMoor aeto tbia eooalry baa *iver seen. Aad just aeroaa the way there'a a avriad of busy men shaping Luna Into presentable form for the aummer. Superintendent McCieilau spent sever,il mootha In Kurope this winter and tbe pnrpoaea ot hla Tlalt are oiaalfeat la the whack- ing of thlnga lalo abape. - Frederic Thompeon. owner and manager of Luna, la oa the ground every day penooally e<Aag over every detail of the Inatallatloo ot hla new big atsactlona. Probably one of the beat money mskers any park baa ever known is tbc Ttlp to tbc Moon, sad thU comes to Luna on a scale never before attempted. Tbe abow will t>e boust^d near tbe main eotraace. where tbc Monitor and Merrlmac bas been for two seasons. An additional building bas been torn out to make room for the **Trip.** Many new featixrea are being added. One that la quite unique and ahoold prove of great drawing power, via., a ride In what to all appearaaeea la a genuine aero- plane, full alaed, aad apMrcatly oador Ua o»b motive power, eoariac throagh elovda aad ohy. Thirty paHcogcra wlU bo ukoa oboaid tot meek Olgbt .oad tho trip atarts fNm tho wum. fltoo DREAMLAND, CONEY ISLAND. NEW YORK. Electrically cots trolled airships win ma from the forcat to the mouataln topo, where a view ot majeatle grandeor to apread to the gaxe. Within the park proper the big dance hall la atlll to remain a feature. The old dance hall pier to to be converted Into a theatre. The affair will bo al Creaco, a canvas roof will be drawn aeroaa the top during daylight. In the evening the sky will be ita canopy. Vaudeville and hlgb-art moving pictnrcs are to be given, with a rea- tanrant adjoining. Popolgr pcieoi will prevail. On the lower deck ot tho pur wD ho a yacht dabk boating hooao and a Beat foe thaao doalir alilag m ■m I i ' abowlac Blactrle OMItala*. away to scversl stars and returns to tbe earth. Tbe mccbanlcal apparatus makea tbe Ulualoa complete. Mr. Tbooipsou plans a gigantic show for tbe lot ocupled by tbc Man Hunt. Nearly one thousand people will lake part in tbe spec- tacle. Tbe WItcblog Waves will spend another aesson at Luna. A military concert band of alxty-flve pieces has been engaged for oatdoar coocerla. Tbe L. A. Thompson Scenic Ballwav Company la busy tearing out a ride which wUI be replaced with aoa that tbo owaoia claim to. braad aew, oclBlaai;' bat aoA a fin aakor. Clrcna acts aaaa tbto year oa aa «■• larged pUtfOna over tbo lagooa. la all, will hart poMlMr thM)r new. bit, featureo fOr tbo George Tllyou. at Steeplechase, will generally revise Ihe interior of bis bulMinK, iDstaliIng many new devices, a't tbe same lUuc retaining the leadng ones of last seasou, uf which the horses Is one of tbe best knows- A large ptoA* enade, vine covered, cool and sbsdy, will face the greensward abutting Surf avenue. Tho:»c who make tbe Dowery tbelr aummer hotne bavu planned new Ideas. Tht- dre depart- ment haa Just finished tbe InalallalloD ot a sew hydrant ajratem that aboold iniaraBiee proteetloa. none the aew tMiorea wlU he ding Vat'e Or^ lal Palace, the deep aea divers, the cowboy poIiy, Jacfcaon'g (lido and enlal tareru, the raUy many others. A general enUrgeaiCBt. reBOdellaa and rcao- ration la going oo at BrIghlOa Beach Park. Thompson's scenic railway haa bean lenglheaed about 500 feel, extending now to the ocean troal ia the shape ot a range of mountain peaks, IbrouRb wblcb tbe cars run for about 1,800 feet aod double return, making a ride of neatly a mile. Tbe bsthlug pavilion bas been raised up for another story uoderneatti. Increaalog the capacity fifty per cent. The Pike la being lined with new buildings for concessions of all kinds and the skating rink. 83x300 feet, has been reiuovcd from Its old pusl- lion aad aow reata aloosalde ot Ihe Ocean view laa. ia owoitllaa with wblcb It wiu Be nia aa a moM Ammb aid analc pavilion and akatac liak. At the »aatarly cod ot tbo balhag beach, tho Uaahattaa Beach Oevelopraeot Co„ of which Mr. Ilarrlmaa (vle*-prcaIdeot ot the Brighton Beach Developmeat Co.) la president sod chief owaar. baa created another U'sch of over TOO feet la length, which, being cunnectrd up lo tbat of tbe Brighton Beach Uevelopmeut Company, makes sbout 1.500 fvet of bescb ss solid snd siuotb as a parlor door. At tbe moat easterly enil will be constructed a reinforced coticrete «»lium.lng pool ISO feet In length. This will be Just at the Manhattan Beach New Terminal of the Long Island Railroad Oompaay. A ajadkato ot Chicago eapitallala roller eo — running . tune avenue. Thla la an enlarged of tbe slant roller coaster at Foteot. _ cago, which bas ben so successfill. COfiylL. bslt a million people In the last two yeaci wtlh* out an accident ot any kind. The company baa Incorporated under the laws of New York atato as the Brighton Beach Giant Safely Coaater Compsny and expecta to be ready for bualoess early In May. Negotlatlooa are In progresa for a mammoth spectacular hippodrome ahow, with wstcr, fireworks snd other novelllei. In the Great Arena of Orlgbton Beach I'ark. All In all, Brisbton Beach Park looma op as one of tbe foremost of Coney Island'a parka and bathing beacbes; catering only to palrona of refinement and cultured taate, which, with Ito ekwe railroad coaaac ttoa a, both loaol aad. Ml- press, reaching 0««n poM «f Onator XOwSwi, makea It one of tbo tavarlt* wmoMr (oaofti within tbe Umlta ot that vaot diy. Two new veaaele ate botad MIt by tbo bw Steamboat Company to baodto tbe oowda tbat Journey waterwards to Cooey. The ride on tho ateamers Is one ot tbe most dellgbtfol featurea of sumHmrlog in New York. Adjacent to New York tbe parks are showing marked activity. I'alisadea actms la be tha only one In doubt of reopening. Plana bad been SSI?'Wtt^wByTlfuIty* ""''"''* when,mid- Ucago eapiullaU to hnlliliBB .ikb lUIMt eoaster yet prodneed. ballr«IPilaH.aB< ig 3,000 net from tho oeeaa bMk tf Kw- I H tbo DRBAMLAND, CONEY ISLAND, NEW YORK. DRBAMLANO, GONKY ItleAND, NSW YORK. mm^mmm Tlow Itam tbo Boacta. HotlMi of tbo Omta*.