The billboard (Mar 1910)

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40 Ttie Billboard MARCH 19, 19ia Summer Season In France Two and PeiIiaps},T]uee Summer Paits Will Be Bidding for the Hot Weather Amoseinaal Busines This Seuon at Pans—-Cpotaaiy to America, Most Ciraues Obw Up—Ftank Cl Botto^ Have an Animal Show Hew Boii <fe BoulogBe Soiob ol a Neir Park OOBATI Sprlsf and •mDmer an on the wax, and Ue spirit or tbe anm- mer t-ark. aticet fain, dmaes. carnlrala. and wliat not, la In tta* air. Soon the rain will eeaa* falllas In France, and p«a|>le wUI Ix^ln la atlck their acneu out of doors once more. All fkU uad winter the entire comtty baa been .4itani. and tsr.oootba tcuMlr.'as boor's e bineat bntlDeas. ■nidj, abd a pnniaabt ■HMar-park " ere—J. Calrln Brows, to b* mof* me that, for this reajVB, taa as* cominc moDttaa to be tbe bii nMwy.maker In the hlatory of tba bnal People hare simply been kept prlaosera indoors Cor alKmt eight months now. and they are ach> ins to set cot in the open on«e again. What, witb ber iteods and other dlaasten. Paris, at Icaat. la nady for a little fan. and. according to tbs done. It la being pieparrd for them. ^URBB PAWC8 PBOBABUS. At tba pmtot writing at taaat tbrca sn- mer paifta a>* a probabUIty Cor Paita. Two are already ahaolatcly aaanred, and work on the second baa already begnn. Paris* Otst smnsa ment resort In thp open air Is. of coarse, com- pleted, and has one corking big. aocceasfnl ■raaoa back of It. I mean Lnna Park, at tha Fart Maillot entrance to the fortlflcatiooa. Tbla park - la now andergotng a completa transformation. It wOl be almoat entirely new when tbe doon open In April, and. had GaatoB Abeoa, tbe managing director, had bla way ■boot It. It woold bare baan abaalaMir OUbc^ est fMm what It was lot saMMB. tta la not big'cnoogb to aolt Mm I t li hit too small for comfort—and he mi my sticnouoi efforts to comer a batch ot apaee adjoining the place. Bat no naet The VWDCia wooldn't tnm looae their deeda or laaaaa to It nnless Ahonn came across with a wad Of boodle big enongh to make a ship ca- faeti to startHiard. Tbeae folka, of coarse, be- llcee money grows on erery kind of regetatlon In America, from bncklebeny basbea to tbe lewly goober rise. And sbowmen are c^e- 'dally good ple^ Go. it yod wasted *• buy Mandlng-xoom near a resort to kallooos. and your accent was A r* wbntd be la Sgares big awngli ta eboka Plen^ Morgan or Jolm D. ' So Akooa didn't get bis groand. Id spite ot drawfaaeka In this dlteetltm tilings are hoaxing ont yonder at lAna. The big fea- tom of last snmmer are to be retaloed Is pghjdple^^n^^^ Tbat^^^ Ctey a re SSSmr, m» at the last MaaMrtTVgaaat eaida, la Ib - tma baada of Ifea Tbooipaoo 1?ftwinn ri n- dergolnc tenoddlas. The loy-rtder win eanca tlinagh enry Tartety of aeenciy, tram tbe fiDsea North to tbe frigid Sbotb. tha tsata be- ing anfllclently rartegated to ' ' ^Impoe eTen of the center of trldan Conner la potting aooi ' tooebea to tbe light effects. Tbe wmter-cbntes will undergo hot little Change. This featnre permits of bnt slight Tarfatlon st best. Howerer. tbe lake into wlileh the boats drop is being spanned by a "ermxy bridge," and the atalrcaacs leading to it will be geonine noeeltiea In this port of the aSS^.^a.'^caSL ^iL^SS'JSA^ tar. , . na WllcUar Wana—a aexlea of idatfonna '" I * to 0> np and dowa, to and ho eease- ttmtTi whOe people try to walk on tliem—^wni be oia of tba nuor featnits of tbe leaort. An entirely new atnnt for this section of the eoiuitry win be the "B^msa Boolette," known already to most American parks on tbe other aide of tha water- under Tariooa Of conrae, this Is the rvnlvlng sortsce, from ■blch those wba attempt to atay ob it are teowB OS br. eaatiifnal ftecc. At the end ot March tbe nlleraEitlag a r a s on at Ixna wm doaa. and tba boUdlag boonlac tba rink tiauafiHiiied into wliat Akoan wHI call A Palace of Miles. Here will he .fonnd all aorts of fan d ei lcea and small noTeltlea to entertain tbe bnnch on rainy days—and other daya aa wen. A Mirror Maze la to be bnflt on a bigger aeale than la nsaally seen and a Tapay Tsrry rbambrr »b> ot -thoa a attiaetloaa where one Ima tbe UlariaBet si s ing room , conten ta and aD. rovalva ^eoospletaiy oeer——la expected to be a wlaner. ° Tbcta' la alaa to be an Optical nio- i Tbaatre, baaed on the old Idea of Pepper'a at. aato a ua i i ed y win be pnformcd. and tte^ aetara M idL aetiaaawjgl .agpwgta ba lha clerer aedia aC -■SiawnBni ~~' naak C. ]loa(od^ I am told, to aTiaagtaiC to laatall a mys t erious nordty of some aort or olhar. the aatnre dl which I ean't now make pabllB. Bostock to not In Parte at the Mcaaat wtlltas; and. wbUa tbe act wm ba calM tbe Thqalaaor, no oao aew U loaa caa ttU what ITa lo' be aboot. Tbere to a Ftrach word, tain anft'-'Tkqaliier," a reib, meaning *^ teaae. Aad. tbenrfore. a "Taqalneor" wonld eertalidy be "a teaser.Soanda like a good name for a nimiiier park attraction, whether tbla Is what tbe show will, be or not. It may be on the order of the American *^cfcler," bnt witbia a (aw daya I can tea an abont It. So wbH ' qalt gaaauBB. Tbe una nnfc Campany. cneoaragrd by last sesaon's big anccesa. to gotng to lavade acTeral new clUes. Bmssels to to Este a Lona Park. Joaeph Mendien. well known in America, to bolliilng tbere a new lohnstown Flood. Thto. however, be Is aI«o ilolog at Vienna and Bnda*- pest, where sommer parks are coming Tery mnch iD^o rogne accordlog to report. Tbe Jo- aepb Mencben dectrfral Co. waa to bare In- stalled Tbe War in the Air at the Paris Lona r^rk, bnt for aome reaaon tbla wHi not be doa a —prsbaMy bveaaae of the fallnre of Akoan ta SMora tba addMooal apace be waa after. Tbe deeico wOl be bnllt, though, at tbe Beriln Mrk. - while the aame ■compaay'a Pharanh'a Dangbter. and a Tery elaborate electrical foon- tala. are now bring bnllt at the Ijua Park R!SPi?»J*S"Sa^*i wm,h» ^ -.. _ Menchea fountain. . looka Ilka a abewad na a model of bto ya It to bto aaatasvleca. It go, ooniblalBC aajt doaa Ume- and llrewacn A NEW BK80BT. The Jardia d'AecUmatatloii. whore ttaia bare been far many yeara a aort of menagerte, a lit- tle tbeati*. etc, and where the Midget City waa for so long a big attraetlan. to to he con- verted into a rvgnlatlon amosement park. Tbe prime moreta in thto deal ate Henry Fllea, aa Eogllabman, and Pemand afcon**. the younger brother of Oaston Akoan. the Lona Park maiL Aa a matter of fact, the taro places are not far aiiart—not more than a half mile, say— bnt there will not lie any claahlng. I'm sure— and ao are they, for that matUrT the one aerr- lag as a aacood stop, or an ora r flew place for tbe other. Perhaps tha blggeat ahow holding a coocea- Bhm at thto new park will be the Frank C. Boatock Animal Sbow. He siya be wUl give the beat animal exhibition Parto ever aaw. and Paria haa aeen a number. Indodlng the Bos- tock beasts, which for two seasons held forth at the Hliipodrome (now the ancceaafnl akaling rlnk). Boaloek. aa U seen, to not a naweomer to the Parto public he harlag ahaadr won hia spura. Bto name will mean Vrita a lltda,prea- Oge at tbe new place. ■otbcc bis featara bas bad to be abandoned two or thrca laaaeaa. It waa propoaed to I a bass Jnaneao Ttnaga eeenpying aeveral acies of gronnd. and Akoun the yoongcr waa actnally en route to Japan to make np tbe troupe when the troubles began. Tbe flrat waa that the French goTeransent waa adrerae to totting tbe Japanese sbowfolks in (so I am toldi. and the second was the big ahow al- ready, arrangejl for on the aame plans, at Shep- berd'a Bnah. in lAndoB. Tbe rormer obatacie could probably bo oretcome comparatlrely eas- ily, hot It waa deeoaed wlaer mt to claah with the hi^exhlbltlon acroaa the channel Next In place ot the Jspanese TDtoge tba Jaidln d'Acaimatatlon will hare an African village Instead It la tbe Idea to bave a geaulne lot of Central-Africa negroes, the wildest and moot plctnrea^ine species to be found. It to thongbt that. In view of tbe great interest Booaevelt's Afrlcsn trip has excited all over the dviltxed world, a stlU gteater Interest will be manifested lA-aach a village than vrould ofdinailly be tbe casau la other words, Boose- Vrit baa **nmmmm mrmmttA*' ' " band. TUB TtTTBW PABK. One of the blggeat park men in the eoontry. wlMae name 1 have promlaed to keep secret, telto me that he la going to bave for Paris one day aooo the biggest thing In tbe way of open- air amnaemeiit any city on this side of tbe Atlantic can boast of. Tbe nature and geo- graphical location of tbla resort he fceepa a ae- "preas agcBtcd" AfMea to boat the cret to Maiaelf, iaaaonich aa It to not entirely certain Oat the ptojaet will ba laalbcd thto smnawr- or tha next. It to propoa e d ftir tlie bnt certain other Tentnrea msy llble to get things going in time. B;dBCBLONA. I am tM'.'ttiatvthe aammsa path which J. Cslvln BiowB' b bonding for a g tamJi and Efianlsh company of promoters, at Baicelona. Spain, to going to be one of the best lieta of tne anrnmer. wbether or not tbere are any coa- craalons still open there I do not know as yet, hot will soon. Tbe city to ideally located on the Mediterranean Sea. la alwaya delightfnUy cool, and tbe people thcf* ato among tlie moat ta all tba . Urnliianto They are >-loflns; and aro more tm air Siaa la tUs ROrXiBB SKATINO. It now appears that two or three nUo akatinc rinka wOl laaula la tba bnalaesa throi^ the aanmar meatha. Thoaah thto spott^^ii^jiot [gggffy^ *^BP* SLJ? aSSuonsd wm add MM .SntaM «B attar ta What they already hove fatlh« ta tadaen piipli faaUc. For Instance, Oawford tc Wnkln'a Hippo- drome Boiler Blnk, in Montmartre, to noder- gotng a transformation for tba warm montba. Tlie hnge stage to being made into a Grotto Mervenieose. the roof of wbleb will glitter with atatoctltes, and all about the place Amer- ican, Ban and cooy-comera. hanked with palma and llowen, wm give tba toneb of coolnen necessary. Electric fana wm ba a featnre. Americana iriU mnUe at tbla. bat It asoat be ramentbeted that, la gVanest alaetils ftaa far irbcre lord drinks may ba had, wlFba alvrays haady, and dancera wUI perform on carpeted llooca. In tbe center of all this to the risking floor, and from any point, of course, a good view of tbe skaters may be nad. Tbe rlnk In Place TIetor Hogo will undoubt- edly doae. This floor .to In the heart of tbe wealthier reaidence dtotrlct, and to mare of a family palco. XhanttMi tmtag tha aanmer, arraasoeBta hn» .Mm ■ataTw' adMtlons, fain and ao on. In the Boe d'Amsterdam to tbe Sksting Pal- ace, a bouse just opened np a few weeks ago by tbe Engilab Barrasford Tamlcvllle peotHe and tbe ParkluMn Brotbera. Tbla bouse will remsln open tfarousbout tbe summer. Here the roof to of'.special deulgu, and can, by a slid- ing arrangeuient. be left entirely open. It ralna but aeldom during tbe hot weeka here, and nanally the sky la of tbe deepest blue and studded with ttie most brilliant atota. Star- light and m oon li ght aolrees pr* beiac-ammaed. with JapanraeTetca, when caataawa OC tUa oriental allka wm be worn. aMUaff tbtaci quite comfortable. Tbe door la one of tbe beat, and. with all the little tblngs necesssry for the comfort of the sksters at hand, tlie rlnk to aaa of tbe most popnlar la Iiarla. A srrlaa «f hava baea armngad SM» .'fliS' tha' ^11 ■■■■■■■■ U.V to still busy booking op an entire seai good attracllona auliabto for rinklng Oul Tbe Casino 'will llkewiae remain Oi>en, and akating may be Imlnlgad in. Tbrre will be olbrr attracllona tbere aa well. and. as s mst- ler of fact. vauderlUe, which at all timra to nry mneb in evidence at this place, will be- come more and mora conaplcnoua aa lha hot daya come on, Tbr Casino to a eomblnatlon rtnfclag and vandeTlDe booae, and about Ibe only dange to be made daring the apriog and aoumrr wm be to add to the vaaderllto bm and drop from three to one or two «fc«ti|«t ses- aloaa dally. Confpiil battlea wIU be qulu tbe rage dur- ing tbe qiring leaaon at uia_rlalH.._nJa to an onlgrowth «( tho " and Psat" France. BTBEET FAISS'. With tbe aprlng tbe atreet fair comes Into ito own. It Is s great Institution In Parts, and. In fsct. all over FrsDce, at all aeaaons. bat tbe "■tirlDjf fettling," of course, adds to Ita popotorliy, and the balmy weather to a bit moro eoudaelve to tbo cta ata ra camfarta of the revelers. Tna Fete Foralne to tha dlaaz of tha atreet fair seaaon here. It to called tbe FOreIn FMe. becanae It la glren In the Avenue do nealUy. In Neuilly. and though Inst as mnch s part of Paria aa' Central I'ark, to a pert of New York, It happens to be ootslde tbe fortlflcatlons msrk- ing tbe boundary of Paria proper. So. not be- ing Inalde the actnal con dn ea oC tbo city, aad being tbe t " ' " " side. It la sine. I bave seen f^ atreet fUia la towns to eonpate with tbto iiatkiriar oaa. la the anmmer faira are all over FVaaee; la the fall tbe FVte de Montmartre to on; later a alm- Har street fair to at the Place de la Hepnb- llqne: amin It to aeen In tbe Latin Qnartcr. from Boulevard St. Michel to Place Manbert: atlU later the Boulevard Batlgnolle la Invaded at the south of Paria. Bnt in the apring all these big ahowa combine for tbe F^te Fbralne In the Avenue de Neuilly, and two hnndted feet vrtde and two one attraction elbowing another. Tbe Arcaaa de Keallto atacts at tha Cartlfl- eatlaaa aiar Facta MaOIat. asrth of tbe Boto da B on l odn e , and nna to tbe Brine In tbe west. It to one of the best suited streets Imsgtnable for street fair ponioaes—wide, with many trees and a ct-ntral parkway. Whirling swlnga. nller-coaatera, slIde-theHilIdes. Wblrllng-the- Wblrls, animal drmaca, cinematograph ahowa, theatres of all varieties, open-air free attrse- tlona, and meny-go-rocmda of all aorta, alaea, ahapes and descnptlona line tite atreet. All manner of fhUra are busy with all kinds of tridm; cane tacka, knife rscka, gaming derlees of a ttio na afid kinda. ahootiar galleries and drink stands are on aO aMaa. The fSIr always does a huge bnslneas. far nowhere on eanb does a crowd love the tetm spirit more than in Prance, and at Paria It reacbea tta boiling polat. Americana are by no meana strangera at tlieae fairs—showmen. I mean. They hare been quick to see the advantagea of bostnesa- like ingentrity and tbe bobbllag. fete-loring French folk as takers Bat tbto daea not mean tlut the nattfoa thaaaalvea are aot np in all the flne polata of the bnalnisa. Don't think it for a minute. Some of them bavo got any Tankee I ever aaw tied to tbe poat and beaten four ways from Sunday. For example, there to alwaya a veritoble awarm of glrla atioat each merty-go-roond. selUng confetti and setpentine. The aernentlne to arranged in rolla bound up in tbe fllmalest aort of paper. When the rider of one of the galloping bogs, steers, or whatever tbe snlmsl may be. mooato bto steed for the next whirl, aa the thins atarts, a pretty dri wm above a roU of sirutnllua Into bia baada. Be haa to grab It or let It fail' on tbe gronad, and I have never seen thto latter hanMu laatead, be graapa the aerpentlne firmly, aecorely. and awings on to bla beaat to Inep from falling. At the end of tbe ride the serpentine roll U Invsrisbly broken, and tbe pretty girt to there to tell^ mm that^*'Bot, Monsieur, tne wrapping Is broken, aad iV have to pay for it mjtdt If Uohstonr liiTIPr ..M aha laika iw anat- fallwi and -flHaaaa .-.that:''.tha . qhap-.iBwaya CIECtrSES. CIrenaea don't Oomtota mnch In Vtanee dur- ing tha mmmm. Ibcra to a coed reaaon. of oosraab., Bane drewaaa axe geaerally booaed la penDaacM baOdlaBS, and It to Jaat aa ancom- foctabte watching a drena ta aaauaer aa It to to alt throogh a performance In any ordinary theatre. Tliererore. with prcdmrnfew exccp- tioos, tbe circnsea in Parto and the other torger dtles of Vnace abut np abop about the same time aa the playbouaea begin cloalne. Tbe drcoses nnder canvaa In France woidd not be called drcoses in America. They travel about in ram-shackler wagons, and liave few anlm ala,_ar none at an, in the vrlld beaat line. The FtrtMMK feMMa MB tha wacons from tbcia Is only Ired people. EIFFEL TOWEE. Tbt theatre, vrhtcb la In the Eiffel Tower, and wblch doaea in tbe winter, opeoa In the spring. Here vaudeville and otbar ■MMa-hall faatnrea are to be seen. Comi engagemento may be bi CBAMFS-aL< Tbe Jardin de Patla, tha Ambaandears. the 5IarlKii7. and other Champa-Blyxees anmmer tbeatres. are dnatlas Bp and preparing for a 1>IE arisen. They are hoping for the best, but tbej are a bit up In the air lent the great In- flux of vlaltora—moxtly Americana and BngllKb —will be icared away from Paria by tbe Aood, and Ihe fear of Ibe ailments which msy follow. Pctaonally I daa't believe there will be any dangan aad tba aaaal enwd of touriato win Ir da H a i a and poonds Into tbMS box JAMES L AID T O REST. Ksosas City, Mo., March 8.—Umla James the !tar. who died March B la Halraa. Montana, was >i aagb t to Kaaaas aty far barial. Lonls JtoawT wifa; Mis. Apbto Jaaiea, to a Kaaaa* Oly Ctrl, -living here with mother and brotbrr- TbeF were married In tbto eltr cigbleen ypan> They were favorites with Kaaais City — Mia. laama arm London Letter Charles Frohman Said to Have a Coiner on Fngljsh Actors and Plaj- ynifjbtt N eur Rqpotoiy Is( T baa Just wbethar yoa have yot that Charlea Fnahaiaa la wall on tfe» way ot settlaft np i actors aad a ct i i aa t a , wrigbta. Tbto to a pt epaa oC opening of Ihe Bepei l eiy Tbcatro In Laaaaa. UnUI It actnally came iato betag, wo hadBFt recognbed tbe fact very deariy. Now wo dOk One only baa to look down tha programmo of the opening i>erformBncea and tba caata tW' are what jonr countrymsu baa accom|iltabod' over here. Dramatists like Sbaw. Darker. Oalawortby, Maugham—tbe hopes of tbe British stage—aro all bonad ap with him. srbUe praa- Ueally every othsr tbgrntUU a( MMIM to under aoaa ftna ^sT aaaaaat Ctoara°aoch names *Bs*V>daey TaleaOaa. Bfl- aaad Owcnn Dennto Sadie, Ulon Boodcanlt. Oscar Adye. Edith Olive and Leon AshwdL Joat the ones that wonld be choaen at arat Sight as tbe true represenutlvcs of capadtF aad IntelllgeDce from the n»embrr« of tbe pro- fesslon In Eagtaad. In tact both dramaMaia and actors i atage. To achievement. And I tbiak that aaat membaia «r tta fraaloD wm agree that what Frahaaa aao done to tba hast thtes Imaginablo Car Ihiao who aam thair IMac dtber by wrttlaa ttr tha Ihialia aa aetlac la It. Thsfoto ao doobt that Fkobaua aeto out to get tbe beat and be rets It, wbstever price haa to he paid. Those vLo work with bim do ao amid the bap- Elest larroondLoga and tbey know that nnder la manmcement they are safe. For tboae who want good engatementa and high salaries and are wortbj of ttiem, no other mabagrmect otfen BO good a proapcct aa that of the little qaiat cstcoataB of good, both of the axace and the i Natnrally tbe aatciprtoa apeacd with a lab ot trmnpcts. Loag befeca the nltht all the aeata in the lloaae were booked up for aome time to come and the Dube of lork*a Theatre was scarcdy big enough to bold all tbe dramatic, arttotle and aodety celebrltlaa wbo had aaaemblad. Tbe opening piece vras John Oatoworlhy'a Juatlce, produced by Granrille Barker. Maay of ua here regard the antbor'a Strife, p(0-- doced laat year as tbe finest coDtribotloa Bag- llab drama haa received for some tlm* and tha iiiiifHllaaa wUh icgaad ta " of earnest aim and Utaiaijb dhtlacttoa; a play of reality, sad. am a Plaj posstssti a vein of inteaaa plly- Gala* attitude to life to neither cydml ha fecla things and be undetstaad Bnt at the same tlm* Jnslleo to Strife. Between the two tbeto to a gieet galf itoed. The story of tbe play la tbla: wailam Fklder, a young lawyer'a clerk, becomea en- tangled with a married woman wbo haa a bnta ot a baabaad. Ha acrangca to dope t* Sooth Imailre vdth her aad la order to pim- Tide tba m a h ed faada, he flargce a check haaded bbn by the Junior partner. Wdtat. How. a kindly pcraon wbo .corresponda. In rela- tion to a atem and tmbendlng father to tho yoonger Aotbooy lo Strife. The fraud to do- tecled and In aplte of the representatloaa of Walter and of a kindly and lovable old man- aging Clerk. Cokeson, tbo elder How proso- cnted FUder. Herein cosaee a very fine trial scene in wblA Cbarito Bryant, ss defeadsnfa eOBBsd, a is k ta a s ptttb alinaat aa impaaaioaad aa that daUearsd la MadUi X. Be aiaaa that tba cilBw ahaaV he tiaatad aa aa taSaea «C mental abenatlaa and that lha priaaaar onaM' to he treated ratlier as a mental ease raOer than a genuine offender. To aid bla caae he bringa lo the box both Cokeaon and tile woeaan. Buth Boseywlll played by Edyth Olive. Bnt all bla efforts are In vain. The cold Irony of counael for tbe prooecntloo—Oacar Adye—and an Impmalve and Icy anmmlng-ap by tbe jndgs (Dloa Boodeadt) bring the caae back to tia nnemotiood plalna of crlmlnd law and FSldar to seat to peul servltnde for three years. The imprtaonment serves aa the moral of tha Elay. la aomewhat the aame faalilan aa Charlea leads dadt arltb rrlaoa life la "It to amr too tote to mend.'* the aotbor acta in no rather I phyalcd _ _ pOMcd, bnt red-tape hardened Oovemor:' a typ- ically narrow chaplain; a wooden-beaded .pHaaa doctor wbo haa never beard of any coaaectlea between mind sod body—all three ncepllonally clever character atndlea Several eoavieta wbo are totroduced alao give rise to devar ptoess of characterization. ■Uder himself to shown in bla cell, cagad Ilka a vrlld animal padlog op and down, la tbe deptba of . tbe conMar beating at their daaia oat ar ^ until tlie sound gets on Fdder*a-acrvsa'to- aucb an extent that be also starts trying to kirk bis door down. The man to ahowa gdag gradnally more and more down notll at laat be appraacbea sometblog very near to tbe wUd beaitt. . Tbe fourib ad Is dmost terrible. One sees Fsldrr -fcteaaed on a ticket of leave. Nerve- aliatlercd. be at laat obtains employment, ody to be agalB b s naded desra fay delectleoa far famag to,rapart. Maaaalt aad aa.. IhHr alM^ aa the beginning ■1 downfdl. We are abowa a WaOF dl»-. m entis being forged rpfcreat only to be once more e ap oe i d by tbe very moment that the nowa, aa aiiKgestlon are about to take hIa give him anorber cbance. Cokeson bad made tbe itlpniatton that be shoold give op Itntb entirely, anil Just at tbto very moment cornea the newa that abe haa beca aafaitbfal to bla. Thto and tbe coming Ito ■■adniaa. . With a vdld halailiada aad to pldMd