Billboard advertising (Mar 1910)

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36 Tlie BIlll>oarcl MARCH 28i'19101 Pictorial Stories . ' • t.. - ■ f It. '.• V ■ ■ «••» EDISON. ^ CASE MTSTGBT (Camedy-draina; Haieb 25; lengtb, 935 feet).—A yoooe la lows Ills poaltJoa bf reason of the CMC that • pioloDsed strike- has closed doini tk* WKfei t» which be has been cmplcjed. Be- ^ b« ia itinek tr'-aa aatMMblle In tetaat «ajanMar«C ■ Imti i coo- .wttli • ntt csn *wti aCmooey. I atagMn of tbe maeUn* throws tbe jat. aM In tlie nlx-np the two cult eaam (ao* CUfM br the dtanchtaman) Identical la nppDinino, ai* ekcfaaaccd. When tiie young dnftamu dlaeoren the mistake he harries to the tmllee station, where the money Is retamed. Ilie cootractor. who <ias rvco^nlzed In the younfc draftsman's mother tbe widow of a rrk'iKl of his younger days, glTes him a good poattMn. Xha dxattaauui baa alao met t ba^g rat- BRADPOBD'S CI.AIM (Drama; release Uaieb 2B; length. 730 feet).—Jim Bradford, a band- aoma yoong cowboy, acta as nlda to a Kaw Zorfc Btiniaaali* wbo _b«» jprnrBaatd a cAIn ta Jin* dlaeavailBC la tUUiK la ton with BataUa. ttw - nallilat the __ _ . daa to so In a iwm Mft «e <ka owmlw a* a maapaetnr. Be ~ cna to heap Ua bcaotlfnl Mack aaddle ^ I. Bradtord flnaUy loeatea a Taloable aad poata bla location notice. - He has been somewhat dUatsay, bowsTer, In recording a copy of the notlea. On the last day on which this Is possible ha atarts for the recorder's of- fice. After his departnre. foor claim jumpers destroy his location notice and Dian to reach tbe reconlcr*a ofllce with a notice of tholr own before he does. One of them orertalces and waylays Bradford. Bradford. howereT, maJies his escaoe. and arrlTes at the Sterens cabin ahead. of them. After telllog Bstelle of bis sdTentnre. he faints and Is cared for by Es- telK snd an lodlsn glrl. Bstelle looks at tbe pAper OB the floor, and determines to record it hetsclt. . But tba claim jompcr* captnia her and bind bat to a tree, alter taking the claim ttoB 'har. DOD. ataodlBK bj Ua olstrcaa. Is ■Had'to ateal a nealiar no» oo* of lha cow- feag% nua he doaa amighm it to bla nto- tndL Shan tba sU ladMiiia to tho hofaa that aho ■Min-hlm to nUolho cava with wutt aha to IMM to th* toMk no hmo noUy lo- opaBda. Vkoo and annad* hod Boaatad on Doo, Aa gin corata the man with her gna and f occea them to glTe her Bradford'a notice, and makea bar cacape. A desperate diase ensaes, tmt Es- teUe reaches ttie recorder's office before the cowboys. On her relam to be* father's cabin, ascorted trr the aberlll. she relates to Bradford IMT »fcrtnim adfau t i u e a . BealWiig her lore, ^ TtM lo 01 on and on to THE CAPTITBE OF THE BTTBGLAB (Com edy: release March 28: length. 270 feet).— Two young girla. alatcn. and their llttla biothar, are left alooa la tho hooaa aoa araalBS. (Oar an atartM br a load aeloa, aad coacMo^thwe la a boislar la tha. hanao. Vhar laoeh tho ■ftoot atapa. atad IMr Uttto bMtbar la too dl- ■gatloo aad tkMMrtrao otait la tha oppoalta. Tooac Mr. jrooao, d fOaod aC tha family. Tolm- tMlo to lavootiioto. A Oaaoaa bafcar la alao Mosad ' to oama -lato tba hooaa. Still <1m ■aiaao coottaoo, oath time latatnvtlag tha WHk 9t tha Inraat^ton. After going throogb AOOF 'iacIdaBta f*«w**»g to the epectator. It la SooUT' dlacoracad that the canaa of aU tba Dolae la a Iain tBMff. . yhlc> la ctaw Uod otaog a narrow abatt^-^ knotting one Ita ' Taa WIZARD or OS (ralry atory; relcaacd March 24: length. 1,000 feat).—Folk loca.. leg- anda. myths and fairy talea hare followed child- hood through the agea, for ercty bealthy yoongater has a wiMlesomc and Instinctive love for stories fantastic marrelous and manifestly wifeal. The winged fairies of Qrlmm and An. doxioa have broogbt more hspplneas to childish besrts than all otbcr human creations. In tbe Wlxard of Os the Scllg release, one of the crownliiK successes of the season Is reTealad. THE TBEA80BB H^ITEBS (Drama; itiaaaa March 28; length 1,000 (aot)^4ibo old aaa cap- tain, who for fartr Taaia has atatcod Ua craft thiooch aiaay a atorm> to toft (oUioit-tbat to^tba oo tho ovo ot,Uo "too IL an 'at ■ Uo'oldo. ~ Bta win la ^ I'to BmoOk ood toad, oad bafon tha last woid boo teCt hto Ilea, tba aaafarar la no more. Ttm will tdia of tta hiddaa tnaaoca on some dlMaat aaoth Baa laland. Waafea latar flada tha aashowa aatUng la ai ai i di oC tho oakaowB laad. the fladlag A tba traaaon, aaeaantarlag danger, aensatlooal escape snd retnm home. ♦ THE CULT BAKER (Drama; release April U; length. ).—Peter Denlg. an old Gemian pottar, flnda blmtclf pennUess. after baring apent a good portlan of bin life bnlldlng np a for- tune for his employers. Besides Denlg's little daughter la blinded by acid which Is thrown by Denlg's employer. Enraged. Denlg destroys the inodels be matte for bis oppressora, and tak- ing bis cblld, leaves. lie prepsres to mska bla last experiment, bat overcome by hnnger goes oat In aeareb of food. While away his former anployaiB aatar aad braak holes in one of his kllna aad rain lia cento a t o . Betnmlng, Denlg dilTta tham away wllfe ■a.aid army moaket. oadtDCBioc to hto i»o iwiolilog orao aaao tta ^AibanthafOioWa. Bo lo Ao«t to oanit ooldda. hot to oraraatad br tba oaaaaiaaca aC an old maldra lady, a friend at ato boybood days. By sheer arddent bo Onda tha aaeret be haa tolled and alared for. Ihco eom'ea the tamlnR point of bla life, hia elder daughter, whom he drove out In -the belief that she was a thief, U restored to him. and he ends his life la paaea aad plantT. with tha awaotbaait o( bla la naaea hwkaad IMP. (Carl Lfiemsnle.) TRANSFUSION (Driuna; release Msrch 28; lenrth. »l» fcetl.—A girl who takes her line Uttia mare to the blacksmith's for new foot- wear, does not know that the strapping, alnewy anlthy kaa a watm igot ia hto heart for her. The girl has a lorer. a SMb OlHiUt young chap of ber own station la IIW, Who takes his horse to tbe same smllb. One monlDg tbe two young people have separated after their ride, tbe glrra mount runs away, tbrowlns her to the j^uml. Tbe riderless horse runs straight to tbe black- smith's sbcp. Tha smith auapecta something is vrrong and mouating tba boise rtdea back to the driTeway. wbeco ha fldls tha girl imcon- Bcloos. Be beara her homa and a doe- tor. Anotbar phyalelan' to eallad la aad a coa- Eullatlon held. It to annoooead that tha girl baa been weakened by loss of blood, and that her system must be reinforced by the transfus- ion of the blood of snotber. Nstnrally she turns to her lover, but he Is dtsplessed, and be se- cures the hiackamltb ss a substitute, nen the operation Is snccessfnlly performed. Tbe youoK lady Is now convalescing. She thanks ber sweet- heart for hlB sacrUlee. bnt he knowing that she will erentnally leam tbe tenth, tula ber tliat it was tbe blackamitti who gave his bloo<| as a cootributiou to her health. Amazed, she leaves her home abruptly, hurries straight to tha aboo. and what tianapirea there ahowa very ^ that tho '—haa doC aoda bJa OIBD OASB (Drama: releaae March 31; teocth, SW fOat).—The bsnker'a conlldcntlal ■aaa to .a •baav7 maoceaaafnl gambler, and it MOOtfeioK to him wfeM tho nawspaper I that a CiMato Bn hao. failed, fnr It wUI alao oOaet hto haak. VUto ho and Ua employer otood o^kMt at tho aowa. and old sea captain aatato with a daoastt of SW.00O. which to aeeaptad. aad whUh naattcally ma- cues the concern from fallaia. The aea captain later reads of the fallora, and knowing' what that means to the concern with which be has deposited his life's savings, goes back there and tries to get It. Bnt be Is too late, and the shock kills bim. Tbe clerk takes the re- ceipt for tbe money from the body. Some years then elapse. Tbe money baa been tbe means of tbe concern's staying In business, and the bank- er bas waxed rich again. Be haa fallen out with tbe jcBinbllng cleric, snd tbe latter Is dts* charged; bas gone Went, gambled more, and then, a human wreck, now retnraa lo the banker for aid. Be to refnacd. bat tha clerk ahows that ba atni lulda the tccalpt. Now follow a aattoo oC attampto on tha part of the banker to get lha lacdpt. Ba aato dm to tho baass oecnplod b» the-dark, hat tho.oaMaaafo «oa to raacned hj a 70Daranma. .wb0.tdiridto to hto homa for attaatlaa. The .rtai* to new aolto won,, aad axtotoa trom-hto baA toofeo oboatlta at the home of Ua haaaiaatoti tflflaalj hto apo Sana on a sortialt oa -tho walL It to that of the old aea captaia. Ibo taouo telle bito':ihat iru bto father, ^{ho OMilto*. to eroiJwod aad with added. iiLiilfllo. Iipa fA ,^hjMna of yVTAOStiBB.' CAPITAX, TS. UtBOB.—The ftangbter of a capitalist and manufaettirer to eoorted by a young olDcer of the mllltla, and at the ssme time by a yoimg clergyman. She seems to faror the mllttaty man. bccanae abe aaya she prefers a OMR-wbo data thlaga to one who elnr-ly preaehao tMB. Xiotar we aao Cbaia to dlaaatl^ faetloa tk flw tnaimtaetiBar'a plant. The pro- prietor will grant no cooeaaaiaoa and there to a strike. The mob tuma to ' tha home of the manufacturer. Ttie young oOlcer Is vHttlng the daughter, and abe sppesto to blm far protectlco and asks htm to intercede with the mob. lie dares not face tbem single handed snd prom- toaa to retnn with bU regiment. Then he leaves. The mob attacka tbe home. While tbe fury of tbe mob ia at its height tbe young mta- Ister ruAes into the toom. ^ecks snd silences the strikers, and galoa from their enoloycr aU their clainas and prirllegcs. After this bss been done the young ofllcer returns with his regiment bot there Is no nrt-d of tils services. The min- ister bss won the rpHpi-ct of the cspltsllst, the c-'-se of labor doiI the heart of the young gliL * THE HAND or PATE (Drama; released March 20: length, 871 feet).—Striking It rich In the West, the hero of thia atory atarts for the city, bnt on bis way Is robtwd snd wounded by B companion. Wblle be Is tskios the money the thief unconsciously drops his wstch. Tbe horse of the wounded man returns to town rl. darlaaa. Snaplcloo are arooaad and tbe seareb- la> party which to atartad, flnda the nneoo- adona man. Bealda him thar find tbe tH- lain'a watch. wUah thar Ihtok Maoga to tbahr wounded friends th«r woao It la hto pocket ami send him to a haapltaL WUto to tha boepttal be fella In lore with a nam. When he re- corera tnm the wound bla ooasaaalooa are to- tnmad to him, among which to tbe watch that waa dropped by the robber. At ooco the bera MeofBtaao the aaam of tha thief Inacrlbed In tba conr. He teevaa the h«t«iltal and goes bee^to Om {Dliil^OMP to mmi_m fNab otazt. pretty ' with tbelr dsogbter. who pnwa toto wonianliood and tiecomea engaged to a Terir worthy ^oung fellow. Who brlDKS his father to meet bis sweetheart and ber father. When tbe two older men meet, the jouog woman's father recogntres tbe father of the young man as the treacherous friend who bad shot and robbed blm years Ijefore. He makes himself known to bta 1 false friend. They agree to keep secret hU Tlllatoy for the aake of Iheto. ddUiao. but ■with tha diatloct aadentaadbw that ho wiu leara tbem forerer. ♦ A BROKEN SPELLi (Drama: released March 26: length, 975 feet).—A celebrated planUt ia the guest of the Count. A reception la held, and after tbe guests have departed, escorted by the husband, the musician and ttie wife are left alone. The pianist declares his love and passiooately kisses the wife, who, when lesrlng the room, throws to him a rose which abe takes from her bosom. Under tbe spell which tbe musician has cast over her she retires for the night and dreams of the erenta of the erenlng; aha dreama that the hnsband end tha o wate l a a axe fighting a duel, and niaUaa be- tween the two to prevent Moodahad. the heart of the wife is pierced with.tbs sword. AI this moment tbe Count enters and kisses bto wife, who wskes stsrtlcd. With tbe Tlvidaees of her dream Impresaed npoa bar mtod aha be- comes fully conscious of bar own waaknaea. Tba nest morning while the eompaeer and tbe Oraat are aeated at breakfast, the composer receives a telegram calling blm away, Tbe (knot leaves tbe room to aecure a time table, and while doing thla his wife enters and Is spprosched by the musldan. She repulses him. The hus- band relnms with the tlrae table. Is greeted af-' fectlonately by hla wife. Tbe mnalclan takes the rose given him by the wife snd throws It on tbe table; accompanied by tbe Count, he Ukes his departo* for Farto, witboat ao mtieb ss a " " "" " plate ty. ♦ THE INDISCRETIONS OF BBTTY (Drama; releaae March 28; length. 818 feet).—Tbe famil- iar atory of a woman HtIob beyond her means is told in this picture. In tbe Orst scene s glimpse of the pocisl set Is furnished during WhIdI tbe women aad wlfk Is Introduced to an Aoalziaa Cbont. The wife receives an Invlta- ttaa to a aoetety event, bnt declines becaaae atae eaya ahe has nothing to araar. Her friend tdta Iwr ttat aho wiU lattodoca her to a diaoa^ maker with whom aha aaa have s charge ae> eaoat. aba aeto npoa tha ooMiatliiii. At the oTCDt aha to tbe eyneoMN «la ayaa, portle- BlaHr tho Connt'a. Tbe Cfoflton pteea her M payment. A caller Is annoonccd—the Count. Nottdng her agitation, he asks the csnse. and learning It, offers checfca to pay tbe bllL She accepts them. Now the Count feds he hsa her In hIa power. Be presomaa on thla, calls oo her While she la alone and forcea bto attention. She repulses blm and aereams for help. Ber hue- band hears her and mabea to her aid, driving the rascal from tbe liousc. The wife repent- antly coofeaaea her Indtoeretloaa. bar boahaod CocriTao kir. and sppara tho.fitaat la fnlL EVERY EXHIBITOR WiWTS THEM! WHAT frt Emimv VtmtMat af Ghrc ! Here are two more prize winnersi Release of Saturday, March 26 "A RANCHMAN'S WOOING" (A WESTERN COMEDYI) (Length, approz. 651 feet) —with— "The Airship Gaze" (Length, approx. 339 feet) \ And otill another! RcleMC of Wedneiday/Marcl: 30 "THE HUNTING TRIP" (Longth, anwuc. Wtmti If ycnr exdiange mas U not nnting then filmo, atep ooftly; ho'U Iw angry ifjrou wake him up. Ordar Essanay Poatara I Wfit« for "TIm Ftwnnj Guide. EssMiy Fill NmhetiriRi Ca. !• ■ CMICAOO. ILL. POWERS. THE HAN WHO WAITED (Drama: releaae March 2B: lengUi. 030 feet).—Bob Stevens. •t, to to lore itlth —.le Jooea. tbe tho gM'a. oOMtto aairtod. Bat 0( ito aetobbor. A rich young New Laasdon ssssivsa wosa oai lae Of lea Braatad. aad bellenng It daalh If the Better reaebad I Kate wlthoot .a word. ▲ few cornea along and wlna —too aad tbe girl to Kato. Longdoo hao a wife IMov ad who ho hoo tnod far dl-, Ttane. I^agdoa taetitao woid that the dl-1 Toree haa not been wcold nean anre Bob'e aaia. toaraB daya totar he wzltea Kate, promtolag to return when free. Bob to detarmtoed to bave leveage. Re thacks Laogdon to a email hotel In tbe Ucharpbla tmecnsev- eearlsgc'h ETAOIN TAOIN mouotatna, wbcrv Langdon Is lying III. Bob en> ters Langdoo's room, pistol in band. He calls to him, bnt a mlahtier band than Bob's bas taken Langdoo's life. Tlie doctor enters, and Bob beara tbem declare that Langdon Is dead. Seven years pass. We see Kate playing with ber UtUe daughter. Bob enters and tbe cblld hugs snd tilsaes blm. In a aalque manner tbe diild brings topethar bar wbo waited. .TOR SAU-FllB. IS, tlO. (U per red: Ui- bln. Power, Cdlaoa mm- floST* ^aek'^KS,' rraj il "• ^ seta IN ides, pip; p,00O trr_*J,- «°-.»i'lpmeni. Win bay-Oteehloeo. Film. Oaa OulOla. II. I>A\1S. Waterlown, Wis. na ii.iiisTRm^> em NOVEurpimLEnEs WUto lOr lafOiBoltoa. It'a Cna. BIG IVIOIMEIY Is being made azblbltlng the genuine Sept. 0, UM NELSON-GANS HGHT PICTURES 1. lOHdo wtoolili tnm lMla> ta« qoort sra to haaehaat. Write for our low rental lerma. CHICAGO FILM EXCHANOC HMdor M, aidg.. oxxodao, nik adi sdko atp. TATTOOINQ OUTFIT. $3.00 -OP TNI Custer Massacre And Actual Indian Scenes, takaa OB the Crow Reaervation in Monta 3,500 Feet of Ezclashre Filiii. Don't Bothor Uf If Yoa. DooTt TheafrillaBagij-J^^ ttthouaafet flat isafaallik Montana Motion Pictoro Co., 4M Hadgaa Bldg.. DETROIT. MICH.