The billboard (Mar 1910)

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40 MARCH 2», ma g THE I^ ARK SE ASON Spob to Open— Managers Are Optiimrtic, and All In<£catibl» Pootf to One of the Most Prosperous Years in Ffirtoijr of Outdoor Amusements « >| oyd ia the put tUMMm PAUK OUTL06K. Br JOE PAZEH. A niortr ^t-jniniine lot tbaa the mld-seasoD aniai»emeB: pruritleni at prvAvat would be bard to Sod. Id iUI oC tbe cities east oC tbe Mlssls- elppi rirer. loclodins tbe major <me» oa tbe Atlantic snboud, Uwre to ■ bu«tl* aad mrry oa the iMTt or axamttvs bMBd nwlin mmA Mo- ■Doters ttat has Bot bean Ib ay l d we a aiaee IWM. tbe nmt IdctatiTe xm to'—" middle naanos bare quarter ceatatT* - llie raras» of tbe elements dnrlns the past real winter bids well, uecordlDg to tbe tradl- tiOBS, for a sammer tbat will t>e Ideal la wormtb and snnsbtoe. With this potent factor la Ma Cavor, cntbiutasm ainoog ttje nuiDagers and concesaionaires la at fever pltcb. Ibe yearly rvatala for privileges bave taken on a beallby boom and Indglns from the ahaip competltloa la bidding Jove talmseU mnst hare abown KUdaome tldlnirs to the many "hmieh" foliu-eia. Band areata wbo represent "artistic, ecoen- tzic. pletnreaaiie, stately, aooUnl, enltlTated. toraUa ana telcd direetora wbo drew all the r «t Ike i«nU In whldi tber appeared, beads bad nearly mined bnalnesa." oot, eoistrlppbiK la eloaacace and t Biece rtriiilrtnr Impnnrias who have "HDetUac nev," lost Impated fraa the etber ride. U the Isdlndn^ wbo beatese the park beadqnartets voold derate snore at their time to landins tbelr oim goods and refiraln from using aledge hammers on tlieir ooatem- poraries' drawins ability, they wonld be more sacceaefnl In setting contracts. u<<ot locJaded in this calegoty of anvil workers, b'owerer, are Uenteiunt Carle Carleton, of Britlati Goard Band; Bembaidt Rsnk, of tbe Rosslan Im- perial Band, or Carta Edooarde, who looks after tbe Interests of his own band, mte trie Is In great contrast to the babbling bnBek that bare tew w«rds ta^ any bat rtwimlTM Ml «C tbm park managets are glrlag ceoald- aiabla. attention to tbe development of their •ndetie Selds and playcioands which, tmtll this season, have been almost entirely dive* garded feattneo. General Maoager Salen. of Lnna Park, Cleveland. Is having a grand stead Installed -that will ■ seat aeveral thooaand people and wilt afford visitors an excellent view of. all contesta wltboat Interfoing with tlie plajera, and will also net more or less revenue for seats, cnstalona, score csrds, etc Potest Park Highlands and Weat End Heights, at St. Loois. are remodeling, to glTC over vace _ OtOe that aamn «C new- ■caa or has aoveltr featores. Abe Shapiro, at Toledo, Is honking a nnmber at bands and tree acts and In sll probability win have a few of the airatilps for which the town Is noted for attractions. Profeaeor Trostler la visiting New York and BttrroondbargB at present in tbe interests of The Scenic Ballroom, on wbicb be has jtmt received pstents for tlte United States. He is in com nmnlcatioa witb Paol O. HoRse, Anttaony Stcu- rer. Frank MelvlBe. Logla Qbn« and attM Car tbe bnlldlng of his ittrtHiii Or tke ialM pert eC this season. RIVERVIEW ADDS THRBK NEW WONDERS. ChieagOk 111... March 19.—The latest annoiuee- tto BivecTlair iMedjiuaitais la. to "caatraets bsTe b tan daaad wttb Xbbe O'pn i p t Br to bnHd a glasa taiMr aoo ftet in ba^t, wttk a capacity of IW le 200 persons. xUs tower will be oon- ■Uneted on modi tbe same principle as the poemnatlc tube rfde, except that It will be of aoUd glasa and will be oprtgbt. Tbe small car wOI be ralaed upward by air piteama and will aifonl a novel method of obtabxlng a bird's-eye Tlew of the city. Tbe Victory In the Cloods was also given oat last week as one of tie new attractions for tbe Bowery at Blverview. This feature repreaents a small town or country In about tbe year 1930, When airships ore supposed to be In commoo use. The. town Is besieged br tbe oliadiag alnMna aad bar Oeet desnrad - 1v tt» aMat baus Slldi are dropped. . AH tke MMdiiB tanlHMnts war sre inadi aaek ike air t ntp adeea and tbe famous IHMlit 'mf ttlfmri Tbe Tletary la won by tba ilinindlni tamahlp npon the arrival of ber fleet ot airships which, being ftesb ftom the cloods. succeed in driving back tbe foices of the enemy and saving their native aoU from the ravages of the offendera. The Derby, a monstrous ride which baa been recently constructed at tbe £xpositloo. Is des- tined to be the "winner" with tbe "ioy riders" of tbe summer. Tbe ride Is tbe fastest and tbe longest tide ever bnllt la any enclosure sod fta many twists and curves add the tfariU tbat brings tbe cbUls of ddlgbt te Ifesse jsoag pleasmre aeekets wbo at* tmm «■ It* tMfeoot lor "daredevil" apot AL ntnM PARK. .\1 rrpsoo Park U at Peoria, III., located on the banks of tbe Illinois river. V. c. Seaver la the president and general nan- . af^er. lie i.s kept busy looking over plana, ad. vising, changing and anpeiintendlng the many new novelties for tbe coming year. Aboot two- thirds of tbe added epace to tbe park baa been granted to responsible and thorough ahow and privilege people. Tbe battling beach will be In crcat faror tbls .vt-ar. us tbe n*-w sbO(ver and bath houses are fast nearlog completkm. Tbe cafe, with its well appointed serrlee, wblcb la ezeelleaee in tbe enlstne department, will modelwl and UMil for a new feature, tbe Brst time In an>- pork in America, known as ibe "Tee Hee Ha."' most laughable and ridiculous abow ever seen. The Shoot tbe Cbutes is belns overbauled; an addition of a quarter of a mile of waterway has been added and will be called the Cave of liove and Mystery. In tbe Bazaar there will be many new games aad souvenir stands. Tbe Ball Hootn. surroaaded by mighty oaks. Which stand like aentinela, and dowers «f every hne and dime, with- tbelr the dancers aad sisltoia cat SIX ATMADIMNI aOtlAIW OAIIDHN Harry Six. premier high direr, wbo baa Jose leturuMl from a serea-nMntln^ toor ot Soaih Aueiica. annuonas tbat be wlU letoxn t» BrasU and eJwr aoa.biirn Lnaaniia tMa tall tor an es- tenM %«aMMcat.' Bla a n B ag l a anlTad tUa waA% aHimar, Hr. Hx cootcnwiatfls cn larglng bis act by adding ten women swimmers, end will also take sloog several otber acts undrr his management. Six Is having a new tower built, made entirely ot alnmlnum, and In place of .tiroe hundreil (Dd lifty electric lights will use nearly on-.- thousand, including six encased submarine arc lamps and a glass tank. Tbe Idea la a new ene and trill demonstrate the dang« eC BaklaK ^ high dlTo into shallow water. This sammer 3dr. Six will appear at Uadlsoa Square Gard&n. under the management of tbe American Hippodrome Company, and will play tor ten weeks as a featora act. He will dive troo tbe done «< tbe loot. Is the Siting nnmbw a< Tke Blilbeerd. an sTor was msde br ststng ~~ 14Stt Braedway. lic.ttA- at^jlMO^KgMiMa^ »all» n. BUYS nwrre cmr. . Xew Orleans. L,a.. March 21.—White City will throw open lu gates to the public April 8, This park, known as White ICty. baa been purchased bj Benjamin J- Megglnaon from the Pbiladel. ptila Amus«-ment and Coostructioo Company, and he will ran same hlma^. Since -Mr. Meggiitsoo has remrnvd to tbe city he has atsrted work on bla pjrk and la making extensive reivaira. For the Casino, Mr. Megglnaon has secnred a ant- class epcni coippany, which wlB prcaent the heat operas and musical coaedles daring Ibe s es aea. A military band will give ootdoor con- ' nightly. KINSILA'S BIG VENTURE. A Mb epsB - air • peA wfll Ibe Bonoa AlRa^ Anicrfca. by a __ In lea. tT a comrany at promlneikt dtlsens, witb Edward B. witiatiM, formerly managing director of Dreamland, Coney Island, New Tork, at the helm. The Teatore will be along elaborate lines, end It la an- nounced that «l,00eiM».wfll fce verting tte ^Ite se. 8f Ibe me aunagement as last year, tbeatre bonding will ~ be te- FROMOnON FOR HAWKS. Wells nawks. who was" !a-st season ptws agent of Greater Dreamland, faa.s been made tbe general press agent for all of Senator William B. Beynold's enterprises. This will include I<ong BeaA. Gtaatcr Dreamland^ B oron tf i Park. Wearminster Helgbts, Vaadarraer CMsaing, Lanreltoa. etc. OoiiaK tbe ao a m i er. Hr. Hawks wlU dlTnde Ua ttae prindpaUr between hrms Beach aad Oceamlaad. At pmeat, be la en tbe toad te abaise of Senator Beynolds' leclKe twr. PARK NOTES. S. Z. Herb, a well-known musician, formerly prlnclcMl bass player witb Innea, 6rook». Cbicaro 'Marine end 'Pldaney'a James- town K.\position Bands, wbo is now located aa mnalcal director, at the Kansas-State Industrial BeCoraatacr, kaa WBib.liiil a band of 40 pieces. Mil Sab .Baa atpaii jC osalncr with the man- ager ot tbe Btrarside Patk. Sntchlnsou, Kaa- sss, to furnish band concerts for the entire of 1810. The manager of liake Cliff Park, Daunts. Texas, is Cbarlea S. Mangold. He is at present In Cliicago and will pjso go oo to New ITork. making bookings for the coming season. He Intends to pndoce mnsteal oomedlee snd light apfiaa at ae CaaiMk witb atoek company and Tanderllle at tbe Garden Theatre, which is also at I^ake CUIT. Stanton Park, Steubenvllle, Ohio, will open the season May 30, with all the usual perk attractions—boating, merry-go-round, roller coaster, bowling alley, shooting gallery, dancing ball, band stand, etc. Harry Armstrong Is mao- ager. SteubeovlUe and East Uverpool Traction aad light Company are proprietors ot the park. Manager EML S. Baker, ot Siremm- Isnd Park. Decstnr. Ill,, baa relaaNt<tMi feis trip In OUabooB, and Is srrsagiag Ar opailbg of this bandsone park 3fay 1. Mr. Edw Baymcnd. now manager ot at tbe Jfew Majestic, at Sransrine, Ind.. will manage Oak Simnnit Park, tbat dty, dnring tile rousing summer. w, J. Brown, manacer of tbe Or- pbenm Tb aa wo . ■ H a ll oa. Taaaa. wm be theaMa- aser of tke Fartt ^WaltOi ttat aUjr, tMa •eaaox White City, a new park at Des Moines, Iowa, eootaiaing 127 acres, opens June 1. C. P. MeLanghlln Is general manager. IngerBOll Park, Des Moines, la., with with i'rcd Bacbanaa as maaagrr opens May SI. AMERICAN BAND ^ORCHESTRA o( Providence, R. I. MR. BdWEN R. CHURCH. Conductor A pennanent oraanization since 1837. Laige Militaiy Band, or Large Strinf; Orchrstra, of any size, can Be furnished on applicaition. Or a laige ofganization that can pUy both in string and brass, thus afTording both s band concert and an orchestra concert duriijg the aaine evening or the dame e miigniMWit . Address all applicatioaa to HOWARD PEW. 121 W; 42ik1 St. NEW YORK At Parks, Fairs, and Amusement Resorts EVERYWHERE The Greatest Fun Sfaker and Money Maker la our Langblng Minor abow. Best Piepesltbai to-tiar far fan tanlialaibi . aotollb]rwBUii«Pemla.l VANITY > FAIR t PASS PROVIDENCE. R. L Millioii Dollar Park of New Englaiid One mllUon peo^e te draw from; open 7 days a week. Opens May laio. Tbe followlog concessions for sale: Knife Back. Candy Wheel, Bird Wheel, Cologne Rack, Cin« Board, Plate Game, Ice Cream Cones. I*opcom, Frankfurters, reanotn. Lemonade, I^Dg I'ooff. Hbootlng Gallery, rtioto Gallery, GIsmb lilower. Tintype, Weii;blng Macblnc. I'slralstry. etc. All tbrs^* coocesalona sold on flat rental. 3 buildings, 40x80, for sbows on ixTcentage basis, also 2 buildings for Illnslon Shows on pcrccntsKe. Get busy, snd address LEO 8, ]CET£E, Presidsat sad Gsasrs] Xanagsr Vew Vanity Fair, Proridenoa, K. I. %A# A lU T r O F'or Downie's World's Best W M IN I C ti/ DOG and PONY SHOWS Circus Acts of all kinds ezcMit rldlns: Man to lectore on flrlBf nactalne and sell concert aad reserved seat tickets. Conceit Team, good BoM CanvaamaB. A-1 Fteak to featore. AJtn that can do concert torn. Clarionet for band stiil orcbt^tra. General Aeent wbo has bad exporlcncc baDdtloff mnall Railroad Show. Sobor. rcllnble. experienced people wanto<l Name lowoHt Ralarj. &1io« opens M^Idb, N. Y.. lat of April. Wanted to boy, %m%\\ Tablrau. Band aol Ticket Wayon, two email-aired Railroad Baggagp Wagons. Shetlan*! I' -.v inrr -aa. Miniatnre n n*. Cabcb and Tablcanx, Pony X:barIot«, and CnJllopo, At1dret<» A.yD'F.T^- r-'i'STT. -t. York. All Perfonuers most do more than one act. SEA side: PA.RKI A UTB oonr iBLASS nr the zmt, as aataial park. Eight years' bonorable record. Wa aaa _ I. mraJBOB PEOPLE wbo are not yet laeatcd • aad ' ' ' ~ ' Wa baTe tbe gooda. StatsMIr ■ wbo are not _ bave tbe i tbat wn ebaer yoa a^ ISO TO-DiAX;