Billboard advertising (June 1910)

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JUNE-4, 1910. x; ti e Bill b o a r a 7 MUSICALSHOWS POPULAR <^if TKf«'*»iiy** } *^«^ Light Opera Shows Cuncttt at Th^ Chicago Opera Home and The Colonial Theatre—Comment OnSomepithc Atliacti(TOtoWhi^^ . ' ' CUmco. May 30 (ttpri ltl to Tbc Blllbo*rd).— n» llgtat open kbowi which >re cortvot at t&e Chlraso Opera Bouae and Colonial neatre, an bllEh Id popular faror, and of • calibre which compare yerj (aTorahlT IsdMd with tl>« excel- lent cranl opera whiM l« (l*eii at yeVtekfr'a neeli*. or enrae. tbia cenpadaoo rata*' to Ow aailcil Mm, and It muf •avMIr be •iated tbat the ODalltr of tbe mokie la Tbe Oar Hnaaara and In Madame ShanT la far ■bOTe the arrrace and of a aort well worthy of a olche Id tbe meaorr Taolt. Mr ClailOTcIla Olrl baa aome (ood mnaleal anmbcra, anfl haa caocht on ao well that tbe naDaKcmoot now cornea oat with the aonoaoce- meni that thia "metrjr mnaleal farce will bold tfap hoanla of tbta popolar plaThOQae (the Whit- Brjl nntll October. ' Bualneu la aood, and the plar la a deaa and worth/ eotertalnmeat. ' With aaa i aa l a a MXaa Anser «• veatua tbe MtaNa vEaTw (Mr Hwaaia to "flrat-elaaa." ft to oiae of Iha bnt araaleal ceoedlca of-tbe Oblrafo aeaaoo. and la handled fanltleaalr br a eompany of well-balanced plarera. Loo An- car itvta awajr with moat of tbe comedy, and baa been deaerredly called tbe "bit" of the abow. Sophie Itamard la taadnatlns aa the widow, and hpr roles la of a qaallty and Tol- nme that dnp« full ioatlre to the aonaa abe la aafely entmi^tiMl with. Ulaa Florence Reld. aa the joiinc military lady, dora all tbat abe baa to do well, and alnm dellKblfally. Frederick ■■■IIV, aa lb* bajriah cadet. toOne. He doeaa't 'M«Hg.1M'»aMbjud,it.flta Ra Ilka a .lore. ' Tan Binaalevr. Whaaier. aa tba daabtos uen- tenant of Haaaara la pbotosrapbte. aa we know a character of tbIa kind, and hia actlnr u qotte ap to the atandani of tila aInglnK. wblrb la high. William E. Itonney, aa the dotInK Field Maraliall acta bta role well. In fart, erery manimt of The Gar Hnaaara la Intereatlojt and the mnaleal acore of a bleb degree of ez- celleora too aeldoa prearat la aaalMl coaicdr. Tbe Chlcaan Opera Ifoaae te ftwlaaata In tbe ya ea a loo of tbIa pretty prodoetloa. and Bctwy Karaite may well be prood of It. Uadame Sherry la familiar to tbe tbeatregoera Of CblcaKO by thIa lime, for tbero at* bnt few at tbc *'f*sn1ara" who baren't paid a rtalt at tba Colanlal Theatre, aad aaloycd tba perform- . aaee of tbe bl« cocnpaay of ntayera who bare ■■Ida Ita aoecow. nliabetb JlBrray eeatlaoea to neelrc tba bcarly apfiaoaa dnc bar, and Harry Askin's Contemplated Show Cblcano. May 30 (Special to Tbe Billboard).— Mr. Barry Aaklii haa under way a production whieb la conditional upon hIa future tenancy of tba LaSalle Theatre. We are told that tba tea- Mtoj^tle of tbe new niece will bo SbO. Olrl Ralph Hen, Una Abarbanell, Joaeph . Tuohy. Francea Demareat and iKoaclo Martlnettl. each and all sraeefaUy aeknowladcc tbe plandlta of their admlrera at erery parfoiaMaea, Tba ma- alc In Madame Sherry baa muA tt It atlalnad a wUaUlnc rofue, and alt o( it to ebanalor. aa we bear It from tbe cxeelleat orcbeatra at tba Colonial. It la aald tbat wbao thla abow la tranaferred to eaalaia tenitary tbat John Park will hare tba rate bow B M aa l ad br Jack Gardner. Tba l aa n aa t d i f a i Ma- wuTi i daa b tedly add oocb to tao paay. The Abom Eaclah Gran Opera Co are enjoy- ing much faror at McVlcker'a Theatre, where tbey bare been playing alore May 8. Tbla week AMa la the attraction. Tbe week of June 6. Carmen will be preaented: week of Jnoe 12. wtU bare a doable bUI, CaraUetla aad Pag- Uaed. aad weak a< Jaaa la. Ilartha. CRITICS PONT EN THUSE No Raptaiet Expressed by Chicago DmiMtie Reviewen Ufiaa iIk - Advent of Lulu's Husbands to die Western Metrt^nln. Uoaninious in Calling kOem but Not New Chicago. May 30 (Special to The Billboard).— Btaged by J. C. Iluffnian and produced by the Meaara. Shobert. the play, Lnln'a Hnabanda, la ollered at the Grand Opera House. liola'a Bnabanda. with Mabel Barrlaoa and Harry Conor, by Mr. Thompson Buchanan, from the French of Maurice Soulle. ASSIGNMENT OF CHARACTBUS: lAla Boccra. Mra. Bimnia Un. Uarcnerlte Mocttooa. ••' •kMiaa Fknchoo Campbell *»=«•••. • ..: ..Mlaa Sophie Toeker Miia Oollamore Mlaa Mae Carlisle Doctor Herbert Morrlaon.. ..Mr. Barry Conor Albert Schwartz Mr. Bobert Dempater JOferaoa Brown Mr. Edward Heion - — — - .lia Bale IDA RENE ARISTOCRACY REVIVED. Chlracn. May M (■ itoTto BlUbaard).— Arlnlnomo a" SmT jSii ferlh nowant. IterlT feld Theatre. JeBMaon BloektOB Virginia Stockton .. .. Diana Slorktoo .. .. SBerldan Stockton .. . Hamilton Lanrenee .. Katberlne Lanrcnte Stayreiant Lanrenee .. Ramlltoo LanreiM* Hakfanwald Igay-TolaBla J Kanaaadalf .Oanrat«a.Maii OAST. .. -.. J. n. OlUaoor Cbarlolte Ires Mabel Turner Allan Dwan .. carl A. Wlolerhoir .. .. Sarah Clarion . John Weatley Helen Boberlaon Arthur S. Roll Praaela K. Ueb rgiak QllUaore ^IrarS Tbe rcrlral of Brooaoa Howatd'a famooa play. Arlatocracy at tbe Zlegfeld Theatre, created ■•eta iBtercat aad commeat. Hera are aserrpta ^ftMLtto tatlaiia aftba'flar aa prlatad la two no ■•«at«%mld?"btamatle tMbntqae pro- greaaea rapMly.. Broahoo' Howard'a play. Aria- tocraer, waa drat pndnced at Palmer'a Thea- tre, N'ew York, oa tbe I4tb of Norembcr. 18S2 —leea than eighteen abprt yeara ago—yet Ita rerlral at the Zlegfeld Theatre last erening waa like a gllmpae Into tbe pages of that tbomb- wom old 'aoclety norel' yon naed to pore orcr BO raptnroualy when mother (who abbMrad nor- ala) wasn't looking. J. H. Ollmoar, aa tba waaltby San rraiKlaena. leada aatborlty and dlgalty to tba tola, aad to catlrete adaqaata In two or tbrco oaietloaB] acaaea. no real of tba company ara affaetlta, aad will be omto oowbaa tbey team k..elr llnea. Kapeclally wotthr of meatloD are the atately Diana Stoektoa of Kbia Maldel Turner, and the rlllalnooaly dabiraair Print* Rmll of Arthur 8. Hull." Tbe Tribune—"Ttie preaentatlon waa ade- qoate, bat Arlatocracy doea not aeera to Riease tba modem audience aa well aa Caale Or Jim nw Ptaman, and other playa of tba laat tonera- tlOB. Wbtck hare been again nut forward thla fiFar. Arthur Hull aa Uie Prince Kmll tob laldrawald, gave a aplrltad parforBUMCft n. Ollmonr. in Ibe part of Jefferaoo ilMkiaa. did aot aulfer In comparlaoa with aetan WM played tba role In other daya." JIM THE PENMAN COMING TO CHICAGO. Cblram. May 30 (Special to The nillboard).— Tba anaouimmeot la made In lb* programa of the Grand Opera Ilouae that Jim tba Peaman >a..eomlBg to Chicago. Among Ibe playera who will appear In thla all-atar rerlral by The Wll- Uam A. Brady (Umlted), will bo WUloa Lack- Kha MaaoB, Theodora Baberta, Arthat Tharlow nergea, Bracal OtoMMMmb otlB aad Matgnarlta Clarke. . Windy City's rokiovar Shows Chicago, May SO (Special to The Billboard).— Tbe eogageuent of Tbe Third Uritrre, at Ibe Illlnola llieatre, baa terminated, and now. at tbat booae la appearing Mi«a Ethel Barrymore. la Sir Artbor I*li>ero*a maatetnleco. Uld-Cban- ael, Tbta play baa beCB wtdaiy d'acaaaad and much intereat aPMiaed, wbleb faela, la coaiblna- tloQ with tbe popularity of Mlaa Barrymore, augur well for the ancceaa of tbe eivagement. Mary Mannering will continue at the Oarrick Theatre In A Man'a World. The play la Inlpr- prcted srell t\y tbe company In aupport of the star, and Ulaa Hanncrlnic'a work Is <iulte up to her well-known high a'.amlanl. At the Princfas Theatre, there la a (jnestlon an to just how long Mabel Hit* will remain there In A Certain Parly. OJr. Blagcr alatra tbat the engagement la Indeflnlte.' - Tba apcclaj matlace at ft'^^^^^Q^j^ Tbntlio __ Deeoratloa Day marked ___ aaca ot Tba Fottnne Hnnter la Obleago. Thla Cohan and Harris production bas .^iiKiyed a-i unbroken ancceaa since the firat night it wan dlaeloaed here. Is Matrimony a Failure? baa made arery one who haa seen It at Powera* Theatre laugh, it la a great fare* airi It haa been long since a company of aucb delicate and perfect balance baa played here. It ^ one of tbe beat enter^ talnmen'a of .the araaoo. The La Salle Theatre baa ofieaed under a eew poltey and now la soogbt tar tfcaaa > i l|l l i wbo can eajtv tbe beet rarMf «(■ MOIlM j tolar e s — ' — ' randerUle. , . ■ ■ • Alma Moves . Back to Chicago ' ~CUIcaao, Msy 30 (Special to Tbe Binboatd).— It baa been unoOlcIslly atsted that soi>a tbe Il- llnola Theatre will be occupied by the German mnaleal farce. Alma, Where Do You Lire? which waa recently on riew at the Chicago Op- era llouw. It la expecte^l that the title role will be played by LouIm' Bartfirl. who waa for- merly a memlter o( Emll Berla'a company at tbe Zlegfeld. MAY BUCKLEY ENGAGED FOR THB utrui New York. Msy 30 (Special to Tbe BUIboard) —Henry W. Sarage haa eloaed a contract with arneara _ ._, production nf tbe play, which abe witneesed In i.nndnn. Wbtle tbere abe met Mr. Sarage. wbo ialOfaMd her tbat be contemplatra return. iBK-bb'^tMB country early In June. Mr. Sar- ago to at present ao>>unilng In Parte. Jowfih M. Galtea baa re-enjtagi'^1 Clifton Craw* furtl aa principal comeillan of Ihree Twin-., with al>lch attraction he will r«^maln until after tbe l>ol' after which he wlli be starred In a new play. Mr. Crawford sailed for Scotland on .Tnae 4. wbere ba will -apend tbe sammer. Oaicer H'AalUa.. Officer He na aaaa y .. Offlwr O'FlyaB.. . A. Lyre.. .. James , Charley , ..Mr. , ..Mr. ..Mr. H. s:. Sargsaat .Jlr. n. A. La Motto .■r. Frank Danlela. Jr. Mr. Sargeaat Thla Is tba second week of the engageiaent la Cblcsgo. Following sre a few of the oplnloM printed la tbe newspapera: Amy Leslie, In the DaUy News—"Good farco at tha Grand. Lulu's Hoibtad's eiploalra. brightly gabby and distinctly amusing. Plqmut and gay, but clean. Capital work by Barry Conor and the atar. Mabel Barrlson. Others la the cast eicellent." O. L. Ball, In the Journal—"Lnlo'a Bnsbaada to a light and looae entertainment. In which w* are oaet asaaa tiaated to a dlatnrbasee of tho moral da as aaUe arrangeBieBt. The people of tbto farao aio bmc* ddttlab than alnAd, ud while - ■ tbta fare* - . . — - entertala moring at to^ l amusing." Jamea O'Doaadl Baaaatt, la tha Bcea«B-l aid—"Tha aaaia aid tbiag. Lala*B Baa Again Ibe Mlot paratdag tho aportira yooag woman, again tha "mlatafcea Identltlea." again the Inane yams, again the door-alaioming, tbe squawking and moeb donble entendre. Tbla timo tbey call It Lnln'n Huabands and It la on exhi- bition at the Grand, a playbonae tbat haa bcoa kept noUbIa ctoar of that klad of thlag. ' Mabol ~ " waa ilangy. U'M Barrlaoa, who aaeo gato of a career comparable to Lotta'a, doaa aot a#. ranee In her professloo. Her good biunor daaa tickle tbe fancy of an audience, howerer, aad abe aeema to bold a rery special place In tbe public heart. Mr. Conor la a buay pertorme* and be is expert in tbe depiction of comic dla- tress, knowing all tbe tricks and baring qnlta a faculty for grliaace. Tbe rcat were rather beary tooted by eoatxaat.'* Said and Seen on Chicago's Rialto StntamaB' and May will not diaaoire parl- nerahlp. aa baa been reported. Tbey slate that The Sosp Peildler, by Usrry Newton, shows aa s'gns of hecomlog tbresdbare. Id aplte of tba many rrpeata of tbe eaatrro circoita. Frank Wunderire and Marguerite Snow bar* IniroiluFcil a duet la My CladaiaUa Girl at tba Whlln.y Oiwra HoiMk, ttlM Oot.UO BttM*. This iH Mr. wundamn Mat a ' soDK and dance. •Mr. Pilgrim, naoagar of tho Crltaita I lived up to bla prom'ae to BalbHag C Campbrll to comply with tba Sra o we Mud tbe Crl;erloo doing boalacaa at tha mam good pace. Much talk about bringing tbe Haw Thaalia Company to Chicago each yoat to.MlM aiOMik anil 11 la boped ibat a upr oaaa t o i wo Ch'cagaaM will b*- maile a menitMrr Of thO HOW HMOIIO t>oaril of directors. * Charles Mitten, one of tbe property mcB'tf the I.rrlc Theater, ri-cently had the mlsfortnno of baring the toca of one of bla feat maabed. While pultlag sooie of tho mach'nery la placo one of the hearler plecea fell aa hto not. J. n. Ollmoor'a paplto la the Chicago Ma- Blcal College Scbool of Acting nreaenlcd oa i Tuesday, iS»j St, T. W. Robertfco'a coasedy. I Caste. 1 Thoao wbo comprise the execotire staff far Msiars. Bbobcrt's Loin's Hnsiianda. now cn rraat at tba Crand Opera Hooae, are EUgruv F. WU* aon, manager; Mr. La Molte, atsge msaagor. and Pmlerlck Donaabey, reprea.>afatlTe. Get Bnay With Emily waa denied a Jury trial by Judge Scanlan aa to whether it waa 'Im- ' Bsacal and Indecent." June =3 U tba data aat tar tha taal hearing. WM. BRADY ENDEAVORS TO PUR- CHASE SOUTHERN THEATRES. New Terk.. May 30 (Spcctel to Tha Billboard). —It to aald tbat William A. Brady. fatlia|r ta Indnca tho Laath Thaatfo latefcata. coatioIUac tha Academy of Masle at RIebaioad. Ta., aad the Academy of Music at Norfolk. Ta.. ta filay Independent attractions, bsa made a tcmpt- ng offer to Mlaa Lrstb, ooa of the beira to tho estate, to potchsw tbe coatrolling lataraata to tbe tbeatrca. which offer la bebg lUtuUg conatdsrcd. NORA BAYES AND JACK NOR- WORTH RETURN TO VAUDE- ■ • yiUj .-. New York. May 311 (S^al to The BUUMaan. —After the Jolly Bacbelor'a aeasoa'a ma at tbe Broadway llieatre. oa Satarday. May 28^ Nora Bayea aad Jack NorworIb will telura to TaudertUe. opening' at tbe Onthenm Tbeatra. Braabtya. oa tbe foUoarlng' Moadinr. weok o( Jnoo C Tfe» will appaar w aao of hfcy Wit' llaasr Xav Taatt TbaatSML . New York. May SO (Special to Tbe BIIl>vvird». —^Tbe Member of Oiark. Aognstiia Tboraaa* newest play, to to be glrea Ita premlete pco- doclloB by Messrs. Ootaaa —a-milto. early to September. Frederick tor tbe leading role.