The billboard (June 1910)

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JUNE 28k WOk Ttie Billboard 19 far iDpsdor to mur at Its kind. The Ad* Ben Edwards Mo tan m act wlilcli U not only darer Int amaalng. Jaa. Lw VtBmtj Is quite a twUter. HU mur tsMi iMM* OM'a «7e«lCbt In a bad aUta of twiMariM *» Uw otaoy twiats and oatwlsta. na f^BaU Blafa ta*a paodtd la air by ttair teaCh. dMaaed and ca^ly won tfta i ciowd. Tba Bldkard Blatan •1*0 Mond Id a limUar act. Tb« boat ct tauBj MOowa. whoaa nooaenalcal 7et ladlcrana ezbUiltloa Istoadnccd manj new and moat comical clownlab atnnta. Their panto- mimic feats and acrobatic acta are a acnaa of nad-«ap trollca, wblcb II not Fdirrlss, ar laaat cmtertalii and amnae. Amoas tbose wbo ai« moat Dt ill th* ciowBlili eoBsraa an Max Jimum. BoUbte Bacd. Bam lid Waltea, 81s. Oemaa, 0«o. Kocrla, Ab. Jobnsaa. Geo. Jenlars. Jack BcbartMO. Ftcd Mah. Jno. Oaodo. W. K. Donabotb. Jack Harria, Bert Im. IM BIsta. Bd. arloaldo, rred Oenlo. Jack Baraall. Artbar Oaxnoa, Burt Suttoo. Geo. H. Olffflcd, Adolph Moutler, Hanr Barlleld, Bd. Hairar. eisnor Msco, Ed. Sebmldt. Dan Ryan and Mlanat OtcrL Ballay*a Ooiaat. tba Poilca Patiol. lb* BoTared Woman, and tta Animated Lamp Port vara tta aaat twilnant down anabaia. ..^■IB dLJ|Ma ata at tta ati e m a it anra- apBiw aijNMM BaHMaaaaa aaaa la Kaw York aaaa tiMr umife as a*M kraak «( gaod nek aad fair Matte mn^Sim^ tta aaMW ai- Broa.' Bbow, . . HOWE'S GREAT LONDON 8HOW& Fa., Joaa IS^Ita Baiaa^ Onat tti Vim ta Btaaitao. Fau._a tii«* ti ' ^taaSar, Inaa 14. Ita aaiala la : waa eaaiceded to ta tta Wt ttat ■ata ta tta bocoosh far a Ions while, to •vfBtnaDea eonlatt of OoL Howe'* deal tiephanta, |ft**ir* fltarldaa and her ueifum lm Ilooa. tta Kazraloaa Bddy Family, Boslmato'a Imperial lapaaesa Xtonpa. Wallett. tta BDflUh ebaoplon baie-baek rider and the great Delarore. wbo la a premier clown. Otb- •r acta ar« Introdaced In the rt&c tbat ar* worthy of notice. Tta Ctrl eboma bis been tbe ■abject of moeb commant. while the horaea of , tta abow are kept la execUent ccadJtlon. ■AL W b e aWr hmm a pranXer band ttat' yl' •aeallant caoecrta tafor« tbe parformaacea. na tfeaw ta> just come from Btamiton. Va.: H aaaiatuwa . Md.. CtambacabaiB. Oarilala. aak I. O. Banks, tta eoi ut eoa a pnas acaat of tta g n w. la a aradnata of tta Blf. Sawtalle Stow. Ba la a flalahad troopar. PetttaMw tta Totaran lloo man. la a member mt tta ataw and ta haa aoae lateicstlnc tatea mt tent Ufa to relate. Tta Annex, nnder tbe capable manaxemcnt of Doc Osdea Is praaperUis oleely. Hoontaln Jack and Hamle presrat a leij tbrOUna Impaleatent act; Cbirlea Camm la w«U reeclred In cl^los kla aaKle and Punch act; Frescb rrlxxo, tbe ' —' chief, la qnlte entgrtalnlnj. while Oa /WIttTa Oeoisla Klastials erata tooada of laoak- , iBaw's stay. It alao pro- rtdaa fta tia mtiSk at $ao with tta aaperln- teadaat of atnat rIaaaiaBja laaan Ito xaaMtal of all traah and rctnse. dinanca becsme ellcctlTa, eoaaa waa <380 a daj. NOm- FROM LOCAL'NOL fi^ Intamational Allianea Biilpoatara and Biilm ef Amarica, MinnMpolia, Minn. Blllla I<amta, formerly at the Deway Theatre, aad wo^lna for tta Brealaoer Poatina Sarrlc*. left for Cbleaso Jon* la, wbcre be will ta mar- ried. Mr. and Ura. I^emke wUl tear* for tta West to attend the JeSrles-Johnson flcbt. after which bfra. Lcmke aoea back to tta clioraa with Mr. Lemka aa property company. Tom Oally'a car arrlred la tows Jona 12, and aa lock wodd tare It, most of tta man waia OB It. Ttaca waa a atsalar laaiMar Baaday tea a( tha MB «na liafi vIMen. Ties. BoalM Meb n, nada tfea ipatck ef day. J. Uidwte. «f WIItaa-Bazra Nol ST. la aaC Ilka fela tavScr Haz. Ba waa too baahfnl ta 9aak. r. ZaC. PbUadalpbla Mo. 4. aad r nam, MUwaokea No. 12. mada a favnaatfea, ad O. A. KaniMdy, Onuta Nat Bl. MM'.fema to aa ta waa wen known ha(a>'BM* winter ataad of Tta Wolf: . ^ . Itad Bll9 has Ua lat aMI^ fiM- wiu boUd a hooaa ta BagaMtaa 'aaB 1 rled la tta winter. Lao Bart and Bob Unwood sia ima doliix rootes with the roiepaosh-Sclla Stawa. John Carr, with BBlla totg._OB t ta_>ly. ad; TortiainB car BBBbtr dM^ wDbiv' Bnoanr Shows, aaya ta ki SAOH VOKEHB, TNasarer, ears I«fla Xtaatra. rkB _^ wax, M. XAR. HELP 8U8IE WILEY. , - amaU tta contxttatloa yon -2 1 »a giva, dta credit win ta gtm joa it taatowad la eara of Tta Billboard, to help Basis Wiley to Uqnldata tta debts tnenncd by tta death of her hoabaad. wnilam Wllay. wta was well kMwa to tta clieoa fratenlty aa ttaa to tire wbeia aaalstaaes waa aeeded. and ta waa Uked by an tta tr o uiiaia with whoa b« baciiu acqulatad. Bla widow haa worked hard to pay ber debta and cet ahead to boy pio imly for ber act, and la taally anSertnc for tta aemaaltlaa of life, aa her haabaad'a death taa rtodared tar deatltate, aad prcaent amployment brines tar bat a mara atttaace. Bta la BO serrlnc aa JiiilMaaa at tlS North Haiawaia aveana. ladfanapoMa. lad. Traop- «n wfea an la muattr win BaCortaaata men- fern i( tta f BtiiMCB afa aakad to aalat tbla »SilBl waaaa. wta Is sarin as ta ast aat oC -Beta aad BSC sasaaB ta asv tot tta aiaasny *a Bttda nkna at ««tk «a tta toadT Hd cootrttalloos In car* of Tta Billboard, payslds to Ura. Soala WUey. Bontaar Brothers, pn^ prletoca of Bonbeor Brother'a Showa. tare aaa- ■•atid tta laitltntioD of tUi toad, asl thtr gBHBBlM tta canaa a worthy oml OONTBDimONS. Tta BlUtotid Fob. Co 910.00 ■H. BaUe LOO Raaal Arnold 1.00 AdT. Oar No. 1, Jno. Robinson Shows..,. 4.TB Nat cross BO Wm. TOdd LOO lIia>-.XMd 1.00 B** ^ > B . ....■.*.,,....■,.........,,,... .00 ■Oat HBal .00 ja. y.,'- .. ............w................. '.80 taai^^ '^^Wavasa^ .00 'KPFORTS TO REPEAL CIRCUS Li- /.^' ^ CENSE IN KAN SAS CITY. v-Maaass Oily. Mo.. June IT.—Cast March an ■cdlBaacs waa passed by tha cooncU to prerent tta cominc of tta big drcasea tbat teqolra tsraril trains to tranaport ttaIr ezhlblta. by demanding tta payment of a lleenaa fea of too for tatt car. Tbe fee for one of tbe big shows WOold tmoont to Msrly 14,000 a day nnder this —"— ' — — ^ ""'^ les s ttaa.jthtety riHtt 'alBhtar ariM«*cSr I aty ttia MBimar. . Itoaday aMit an oaaoeeaastBl sSSrt wss > jaBsal tta Ucanss mcasara sad pass i m» ttnag all stows. Isrga aad small, aa eqnal etaace. The deaire on tta part of ssrcrsi memtars of the lower booie to hsTS tta ataw lleeoaea In Kanaaa City correapood wltb thoaa of ottar laraa citlaa waa teapoaalhte for tta refetcneo of tta ordinance to a committee. Tta new fea ordlaanea. If paaaed, wiu mata — , HQ d OPPOSITI ON IS LIVELY. Narer before baa tbe State of Maine been SO tboroozbly decorated as It Is now. Tta 101 Banch wlid West Show and tta Varapangh-Sella Shows sre la opposltloa sad tta Bght is a sqasis aagr aacieaa tactics. 13 «C tBa tana ta baaa aasiwad aader la tta blUlna. Baacer, Angaata, Fnrtlaad. I>w1ston _ Waterrllto are tta mala tattle groonds. bnt tta battles sre being foogfat orer an area of oaa hnadred mllea Cntn cha tffwna Ia which thraa shows ai« to v*-"^ 3ta two big ibowa srs working three brlgsdaa, ■ ba s ld ss thalr regnlsr GENTRY BBO»._ ENCOUNTER A OBNTRY FIRST TO PLAY CAPITAL CITY. Oklahoaa City, Jona U.—Gentry Brothers' Clrcns wiu ta tta tat tiattd attiaetlOB to alar tta new Ofclataaw Blata Os»iM Ott^^^XHab qalte a dlallaatlaa. aialM. XSv Mttt. tta preaa agent. WILLIAM BARTELS CO. Dealers in WIU ftnimsls, 1« Oi aaaa lob Strsat, Vew TaA OHr- AV9 WHO umHTB nil kUda a( ta haadla. wm aaiaMla ud pij yoa with sU kinds of Ttaas Snakes, flash DOB tta farm, and fixed safe to handle, cttaan- ea thm othpra- AU CH^Jtra pnjcnptly abjppaa. P. O. BOX 2T3. ErowTiaYl]>, T>ias. TENTS ( AicMi (,()i Dir. \jr(..( ,(>. }\aiisas Cit>; Missouri VS I'iit' tot'OupShowTontCatiilo*;' OUR mt LIST OF SHOW EQinniEIIT IS FREE TO SHOWMEN It prices and a fan doo^ption of ieveiyth^ snd are interested in. SEID FOR IT lOff. We paint the best of bannenoDsluiitiiotiG&Getoiirquotatioiis. dapartDMBli. We ta9tiab i^fiatB tarlB6tba AW«y<irHijito. UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING GO. ■OW. p. NKUMANN. JR^Praa. alOHN C. iMeCAPPnY, Troaa. 22-28 North Desplalnes Street, . p. ORIVBII, Vie«>Praa. UTZINQBR. SacraUry. CHICAGO, ILL. GREAT PARKER SHOWS! B CON. T. KENNEDY, G«n«rai Manag«r. ROUTE—OiMi. Miu. Im 2ett ti 2511; HiUiBg. MiuL. Jm 27tt ti Mf 2M. SPARKS' SHOWS WANT SIDE SHOW PEOPLE BiLLPKTEis'AiHiiL einanai;iiirii-i4.^m^ Oe n Ts n t l oB HSadqaartan, Aadttoctam HoteL HMdgotrtHa ftc BIBKABO'S BTTBA IZntA. OttBODS BBCSS and other soppUea. BERNARD BRUSH CO.. 9th Floor BBOtor BHildiiits CHICAOQ. WANTED FOR MillW Bros.'ariArlilgtin'S 101 RANGH RHLWILD WEST An Exparianced, Sobar and Raliabia Haad Ptortar Oaa asBdla ad taidBB fldl «kaxBa of sleeplac coaAaa. SO haasscs or vatlsca assd IS; DaearJnnenCt^ SS; Honlten. Bt; n aa ta e Ma. 15; Bamar, 3T; aU : XHREE HOTEL CARS Sleeping eapaeitiea, II, 23 and 25 ain^s. ALSO EVERY SORT OF CARS FOR SHOW PURPOSES mCKS LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR WORKS, Rtker 1 Dickey's Wild West and Indian Congress WANTS—A fiist-class, experienced Circus Contracting Agent and five good BiUposters. Address H.E. ELLIS. General Agent, Evansville, Ind. URRAY & COMPANY (INCORPORATBD) d aad arUtsw laeksts Uas^ tioss si a tad: aD Uolaa Scam: TallOTr aaab; A-1 nastttnaj eilalssllj' east ■mn ^ , n> Band QbUoran, asna aa stora, wltk gian vcata; fMlMarff ttlnasd and attcaetti*: eost laoaw: wtu tan ftv isaoa. na abefa iBlta aia at ■eod aa aaw. Bittar «« tka i aalts wm aasver tot aalastial band aa t fteaM. aad tbar are la A.l oondltlwi. aad an t(c kafi at prieaa oaotcd. e4o-e<a M«rt«iuut sfep««i. Chicago SEND AT ONCE fdr Our Big Ust «f SECONP-HAMD TKIIT8. UNIFORMS Bands, Militacy, Minstrel Parade, Uahen, Bell Bojrsa BaaoBan,Poot^ll, Basket Ball, etc, eto. Ba Sort omf JKmMm WKtmUBtforaiGo. TENTS NEW or SECOND-HAND , . ^ 216-217 W. Ontario SU U. E. St M. CO. CHICAGO. Monster Python Snakes From $200 to $400 Each. THE HNEST EVER IMPORTED |[ains in Imported Lions, males and females: Chacma ~ my for Trminera, Zebras, Camela, A ntdop ea MEITTOIK. TBB BIIJjBOARD 'M'A'girg a SPXXTIAIj OOBfPU3d£NTAR'S' RATB ON ADVBRXI8INO TO MBBUSEatS OF THE PROFESSION ON FROFES*