Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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2 Billbo . - - JULY 2, 19ia STBONGEST >«U>IKG CS&IBS on Uie earth, tbe kind ther use at Hlppodromn, etc S«nd (or boaktet. - WO ud tao per hmidted. OAKWOOO ■ OBtiaKZna.. OO.. PhU«delphl«. nu Eadttnal* nbatltnta for BM p«t«nti d; HUa on ilsXt (or «l. Pu IB .IV JEHAPX SnO—Ooapleto uts. lads* far MiBiBad* fUMU br Headlal. (br Mctenan •ad ballybao m«n; bsndenff —fin a^^dmlmcs. lOe. Prof. B. B. TICS, Lou Fuk, Omlud, O. TZSXEILOaxnsiI Unsbt br eomspODdenea. MBd me •1-00 and 1 will mail jon ■ penonAl IjMf Of laatractloo by ntum mall. SAUHEL Zg^miAN^eiitrlkqiilst, TOS M. 6th SUMt. AoneonreBouiK rmt mSS^ t tiat tt iM a a POLDINa CHAIRS ffetiL CTOAn"SBURn^ OObl^Sjt' iMVt Knr York. THEATRICAL LAWTBR fiWiliB or what Ihir eaa — tte In tb* ««M. tot jao FUB- id half-tme fiom jonr OMatac aad sam^ea for 2-cent atamp. aatraTcd amrk, with drawinc and baU- toaa* of jonr act to order. Send description and 73 casta for color aketch . W e will or return j oor money. 1S£ OLAL MTIae CO., Clay Caatai^ KaaMt. : TJtXMEIX lEEAXBE, Plattaawafh. Vak., wlileb nm TaaderlUe and plcttnca last aeaaon, wtU In the fntnre plaj onl7 legitimata attrae- tlOBa. as the TaodevUle and morlnc pletnrca mta not a aocceaa and will not be contlnaed. The manaser, F. H. Dnnbar, win be pleaatd ta hear from any and an flrst-claaa companlaa that aspect to play thia territory during the eomlac Back in the Retail BosiDess Magical Apparatus inntrat^ Catalog, free; Mammoth Professional OitalOB, 3S eta.; lost oot. :Netr Bargain Sheet ' 'WtmJBMjkylLlK^ Tmmense aad cooa^late 151 W. Ostazio St., OUeago, m. THEATRICAL GOODS . ^^^^ Wonted Tl^ta and Shlrta, S2 ead&; Cotton TlghU and Shirts, «] eaeb; ^^^B CanTaa Pnmps, 2Sc; with leather aolea, SOe; JJI leather Pompa. 91JB0] ^B*aa Aaea, SI; with laaMsr H nimk wUh eallar aad colla, apaaglcd aad trimmed, 99. Sa sure and send ■ ■ aiae and nlor. (Deposit required ob . ■ ■ aU gooda aeat C. O. D. Catslognea. teUlng an abont tltxnt goods, lent oa reqneat. ■.-a. GARS AND lor Show PiQople ktlMtA, GA. Chairs Suitable tor theatre and moftng ptetnre abowa. We carry these chain In stock and can ablp Immediately. Second hand chaua, also seating for oot-of- door OBe. A d d. De pt. B. STEEt. KnBNI- \ TUBE CO.. Grand Baplds. Mlcb. Bos- ton otBee, 2U Coo- CIGARS From SO per 1,000 on up.. All erdars shipped SAME OAV^ MMfK, SmS^T ■XSBN; OBIKNT DAKCE; DIAMOND' DRESS; 4 Seaaons; Ooddeaa of Oeld; Oorgeoos : lantenis; Slides; NEW Original lADT Acts: Poae Oatflt tlS; Serpentina White Silk Dreaa, taS; Fire Dance Ontllta; H. P. ^imd effec ts; set. «20. Portable Gold gtame . Screen. 00 Sacp. or Poae SIldjM. ^lO; CoatnmvM. Effects. PBOF. HHIhl.DS, IMT BxDadwmy, ARTISTS! MANAGERS! aal'alwaya It ta with «icat yjai—re that i tofan a y on of t ha fact that I a» hack "In GREENWOOD THEATRICAL AGENCY Geo. B. Grecswood. (**Greeay") H^.. Entfllah* Aacricaa BUi..AUaat«. Oa. THE.BEST WTHE SEASON Man^' me Antmlilic HMBgu ft TTTAT G£T TOY PlCmCS AHS ' AT MKI8, r Ants, CASHI- BBWSTB. HoysxTr BAZx,-XBXownre e. YAJS, STREET FAIB8, Beal aotomatle lignrcs representing the most popalar coBle dmaeteia known. Ptodnce more fan and unns^mcjit thiin any others. Keeps them laaghlng and abontln; all tbe time. Aiat's why they get top money cTerywhcre. Prices: "Mule ootllf," complete, $15; "Hooligan oatflt," compete. $36. For foil particulars and Olnstrated circulars, address dHCIHHATI VOTELA ~ 804 W. ISth Btiaat, Ciaeinnati, Ohio. THB HOTIOGKAPH Motion Picture Machine is A WONDEK And win INCBEA&B TODB BUSINESS. It projects FLICKKBLBSS, stead: and WONDEBFITLXT BBIUJANT plctniea. has patented IH mlnnte rewind from mala crank, renlrlng msg salne a, antomattefre- pioot dntter. etc, aot Csod la othar wsrtiliwa, Wills WXAB TWIGB AS VUSQ. '■ C. a. D.. of Keokat^_Iowh, wiltea—'Vetlocr^ MAKim ▲ BN BIT and BUSINESS INCBEASKD WONDRRFinLU." F. L. F.. of Chlogo, m., writes—"Used erery day for aaraB and NOT ONE PENNY FOB BEPAXB8." , 1 • < • .^=1^ F. J. K., of Kansas City. Mo^ two ypsn^ Hare operated all makes, bat NONE TO COSfPi FBICES, tUO.OO snd HP. Tke Enterprise Csldnm. sttbatltnte (or riaet rie ligh t. Write for catalog to-day. amnisiBE opticai. laa. co.. cm FOR ORDERS Wntefioraar] East Lyiiy THE LATEST MUSIC NB HAjffiimEiisiiie niMs PRICE, 50 enfs ti (i;5l fir Rill 60 pieces so new every month that thejr are sold by the time othos produce tiian Sand for Cataloguas and Bullatlns ' •* 1l3Mt.L Mn An^ UNITED STATES MUSK 6IL. The New Atlas IMPROVED We have dumed it to be the strongest trunk in America; for the improved we claim the lightest in weight. At an enormous ezpoise we have changed the bindinKfropicaat inm to pressed fltied.-'Ton in' the change. THE BELBER TRUNK AMD BAG CO., 1641 N. Hancock Street, - Fhlladelphfa, Penn. Orer TS per cent of tbe flnest tbeatres In tha and Canada are fomUbed with them. They ai of the 405 aoflas idcton ^^jSa'S^MSE^kW' _ . ^ a Bomber of atylea wUch. 1 alTC, are tbaiatlaiiaHi of ANDREWS QUAUTY Write to department r for trated In colors, whlcb wIU \ pnrchase of opera ebalra. CHICAGO. 1T4-m War SteaeUa. lOe ap. _____ , at lowest prleee. PMealliti 115 Mala Street, An Qewin$(iiini V^ar all i>ui |>o— U— oar *>—BTt 4a gpt and prlcea. HKUIBT OUII SHOP, """^-^tl HOROSCOPES PrtBtad Ibrtoat, n par LOOO) Fatnra Photea. «WhU aMI la- Tialebia, gS per um. aad Fsrtaaa •tiSkmt Sta DDI . „ - ■roahlya. tt. T. ad Fsrtaae tOkmt ■mMh. AIRSH "mm on request TliB DoDaldsoD LitbOa Ci. S.YEAK GUABAMTEB M-ia. LOOK AT THE PRMKI 1I.M »ia... lt.M ia.M I4.M tT.a« Boand with cold-roUed staal bind* lag. Thne-plv B. B. & B. tnmk wtwd, hand-trvetad tipping timv. SEND FOK "CATALOGUE. B. B. A. a. thunk coMm»v. 447 Wood St. IM PMSalSt^H. Ehsbii; Tidiiiiilidiiics leiB Tha AUahlp ManatPJ No. S. Takaa ^ 4M aMee of pteta OBiATISr aaeUM^mr laTcatad. Wa baea S dlT- fereat alylao of i iise hla aa, III.M. *n, 123. Write ftc catalogne. UBCBANICS* MFO. CO.. Boebaetar. ». X. Maw Teak Oaee. 9M Stalk AlMMk. Bnitfi, MMMHV la now featnring Om WiffWiT. apparatne. Siberian Trannort Cnaln, complete ..91.00 Padlock Leg Sbacklee, per pair - LM Magic nandcnffs, per pslr ..« Mi lloadlol Padlocks, each ...••V-.^a FOLSOlt ft JOBDAK, IQntifactnrEr Mtrlclajia, 25! ^'«hixflon St., Bcilon, WAHTZD—Ageats; resorrsctton plaala. Map dCBOd la tha Bible (Boea of Jericho): Bytin CToriflrins plaat; ahraakea dry ball, tlghliy praaaad laaleta, appaarelly dead, win lire (n^ tnr wItboBt tatag plautd or vatrnd, lanuaed water umis _f life. tiaaafetaisdTaW leglT