Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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^ AMERICAN IBADING AMUSEMENT WEEKlYt Volume XXn. No. 27. cmcnnTATi—HEW tork—gsegago Jiify 2, 1911). On Amusemetit Life „ . ^ ^ and Environing' Harry Earl baa a friend who la fond of hearing blmself discourse. More- over, his converaation la not always ao Interesting as be lUmaelf beUavea It ' ~ ot humor. iM plote Mnrlonsly alon^ through myriads of words, descrtpiive. for the most part, of hla hum urum adventures. It Is only because of fa Is exceptionally kind heart that Earl manages to tolerate him at all. This friend is well provided with this world's goods, ami whenever Earl malces his presence in New Toric known to him a vritM dinner Is the in- evitable consequence. Several weelcs ago Elarl found - it . . . necesnry to visit New Tork to see about some printtnr for tli» Vorepangh-S^ Show, and the Invitation to dinner, from the friend tai HIIMIIIIH. «M «TTT~^*» t'tir fffTthltOTBlBg'. -Kwrl pleaded an engagement witk aaotlMr Maad. hat sn»iiAe& t» Ma* Idtii i^ along. So they went. - . th» host launched into a monologue which, this time had for _ — - — OM aoperlority ot New Tork over all other ciUes, American or Baropean.,.^v^..^^^ v 5;;i;V;%V z. Now. EaH ia 'i^Chleiitoiiii iAi^'^ ^fr^reumatMttcea. was Just a trifle prone on this occasion to resent what his friend said. ^ As he was about to retort, however, a large clock In a nearby tower commenced to dole out the hour. "Well," said Elarl, "we don't have a curfew in Chicago, anyhow." * » his .friend dropped New Tork and in costing abolU Xofr a nilllloct diMttats^ hit. from habit, upon a personal r«mlniscence..v=!;.> ^ ___."TIU8 happMMd at.ilM'Oiapa Xata^aoMi^>i BMtie Cit^^ Bart tatetn«pUd;««alK;.j;>^- -"^^ -• ' . f ^T^''^-■ - i^'uld. *S>lease don't begin : of Hie lettw* repraduead below form the efforts of two embryo «' ^'«Mir beta SsrwarM to The Stroller bgr the icelidaiu Show- er the "Dear Sir: "I would like to Know whether you run vatervitl in between moving pic- tures if so I W9uld Uko to have an open date for single and Double Trapeze and flying rings for a three night act my price will be for tbe two •>r us S 10.00 for 1 night with a little Mick act and I ain't got no advertisement at all if you would like to habe my act Let me know before Saturday. 'Ans. 'Ans. » . iJ*^°uld like to have tbe height of your atage as I can only work from !• to 2« fcM. U Tom woaM lUn Wmtm-h^.WKf iaKt-jfm tltlbit:. ap .u» -rr— of the lUJestfe'Theatre: "Ve the "Dear Sir manager for the Tuning Concert Company, and we want jrou'to «i " iSi "** " have your theatre building on the percentage sS**^ W9 waat you to furnish house and lights and you do all advertising, write me yottr best turms on percent and .let me know if we con have the on the 18th or 20th. Will telegraph you which day we vtont If you ■■'air turms we have eight In our company and its Just fino They give •» of Batlafactlon evrj'where they have. be«^ When we hear from you •t your tarms is Satisfactory, we will mall you a sample <^rQular and you cna eopar nwm it and add anything moore to'youT'BUIa that you ,think best. ■ ^uat ■(•,*— " ^ And stm mv and JMai corapiaia that ther eaat "While stopping at the Stchoplg House during a recent engagement at the Alrdome Theatre in Chattanooga," says Lk T. Johnson, the ventrUoQuist. "I witnessed a really funny situation. ..." "As all those famiiiar with the place win remember, the Stchoplg House consiBts of three separate dwelllnga— tlia Steiiopis^HaiMiev^M^parr.the Annex and the Cottagei -1 had^nHiniiit ia the Cottage, and haviaS'^iatinrnedV'home late one night in ooaiqpaajr.'Vtth iny wife, I discovered smolce i^nring forth through the roof of the Anne.<c I quickly sought out the proprietor who. upon being apprised of the situation, fled to the Annex, where he spent five minutes running up and down the stairway, yelling. 'Fire! fire! ged your- selves oudt, yet; flrel' By this time all the occupants of the dwelling wera busy removing their baggage, and I, being unfamiliar with the prem-bes. could not locate the phone. I therefore again sought out the Colonel and advised him to go to the telephone and turn In an alarm. Whereupon ihe Colonel rushed into the Stchoplg House. Ten minutes elapsed and no Are department appeared. Harry Hoyt, who was present, then sought a phone and turned in the alarm. Within three minutes the chemical wagon was on the scene and soon had the blaze eztingulabed. In company with Uoyt and several of the roomers, I entered the Stchoplg House to ee o tljbrt ;^h a<t het altec the Colonel. Imagine our surprise when we found; hint s widladl ir ewtmiflln g the trtephoae boat. .When aeind if bo had .caUid .tnr .th».«epartmeat. ttio Colea^ raiJIed; Taw; I e atft Sadt dto artB^ar. Sofc ^'f Mr. WaUter R. Seymour, the clever actoir who is now llllins an engagement. as leading man with the Klimt & Gaasolo Stock Company at the BUon The- Mlnneapolls. Minn., has a few good ones up his sleeve, and is respon- Ible for the following: "I belong to a theatrical club in New Tork,," said Hr. Seymour, "which reckons among its members a large number of Hebrewa, 'We.bave. been, la the custom of getting an excellent dinner at the club for the vety moderate sum of fifty cents, but, on account, of the increased prices of food products; it was thought necessary to raise the price ten cents. Some, however, objected j to this, and a special meeting was called to see what could be done to lessen , expenses. Mr. Charles Dickson, who is a .a i ai B b e r ■ ail'tho. Oti^graee,aad-.eag^ ' gested that they cut oysters from the meBB.'... 1 aaW iWaa vety.faad el vn^ teis, anyway,' said Mr. Dickson, In concludoo. ..miorwipiM^ 3ir<JUtaa ItoM. who also belongs to the fraternity, replied. In, vety br e a d 'Hehrow aeeeiit; •I suggest that we cut out the ham.* " While touring the wilds of Virginia with, a •••oae-nighter" last fall. ~ company, whose name was not mentioned, aiilca that it bad : and funny experiences, two of which, we believe^ bear I epaailny Having been obliged to leave their last stand at 3 a. m., they were unable to get breakfast and. consequently, when they arrived at the next town all the members oC tbe company were hungry. The manager ordered the hotel proprietor to prepare breakfast at once, which he did. After all bad •nlahad eaUns it was about 11:S0, and the bead ' went to the "opery house" to prepare for the parade. After the parade was over, It then being about 1:30 p. m., the entire company filed into tbe dining room, expect- ing that dinner would be ready. The room, however, was deserted, and no one came to wait upon them. After a wait of ten or fifteen minutes, a blear-eyed, gawky girl stuck her touseled'head in tltrough the door. looked , us all over and, retiring to the kitchen,' cadled on^' TAWagr. me^ ,ma{ tlima ' 'ere show folks is a-golng to eat again." ' ':-r'-^-:'''r :y Upon another occasion this sante company was lieiaK'-aaalsaad'.4a>;:l» rooms, when one of the ladies discovered some peculiar. hidaO hk.:tt4-;inillkj "Mercy!" she exclaimed, "theae look Ulra boUet botea.^ ~; -. -V; :ifSn(^:> •■They be.^' replied the laadleidi *!tta'.Mler.ttlM.:|M:tMB. : ' ~ shot hla wife in.thU room.*" "'-"'■;..:-=n;-'.-'i^s^>; :' itl^- aM thOr.lad»; .?ahot.hli wUet -mat AM be te^^ wld"! tbe.^Wn«lordi':-nM: the ftUer. .lM;:aet S5-