Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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t> o a r d JULY 2, 1S1& les Frohman Qilte^ His New Yoik Offices That jHas Coiisiiinrtia^ ^•>c» TgA^buK 23 (Special to The BUIt>oaM>. J^-Okaries•Si9>s»» ■> xld to tuve cablt-d tils TJhw Tarlr>M«p;es«nMtlTe that he win return to Mew Ym^MntMl weeks earlier tluo la -■nvim naifBgte.lBnsnrate.B mUqae crateaa a* fte .taMBSBgaaL^xekaiice of pUrs and J l i ym . Tkfr'fMtwttc stmtment has been ae- eaced ttom theSBObman offlee: In tk* IMsic X«ofidun, Mancniler aDd .I^lTerpool. peagT Paria. will 1>e k.-'bart ot t6r same drenlt New Tork. Chldgfc. and. PMailelphla, foe m of tlip American cd^paoles. Mr. Frobman will disrrgard all precedence lo theatrical matters and wUl treat LoDd&i precisely like an Amer- ican dtr. - ' > The Srst ot the lone list of attractioos that will be Intervhanged between London and Kew Tork win be Henry M^]er and his company In Her Bnaband-'s Wife, wttlcb la now mnnlng at the Crttoloa Tbeatre. ^iHe plans to send the .liy t» Wjjalaiiil Immedftely opon the close of MJtar -xoik eBguenest. ill. mfenan bas occaiionaUy tn wtaMi A. E. Thomas, the author satlrlaes woman's wiialaiee, and Tet.aaanaors to keep the entbe n —Jy dan tram all flat, m CODUBOO In the Fteaeh and CermaB docaestle farces. Hciit7 Uiller is aln>adr well knoirii la Eng- land, havlns prodaced The Great Dlrlde there two aeasoos ago. Klaw & Erianser are co- opeiatiae with Mr. Frobman tn this sew more. iVgetber they bare arranged to bare Henry Ulller present revival^ of seven of bis other sncc«se5, while be i^. in Creat Britain. &lr. Frobman bas not yet disclosed his plan of addliw Paris to the eztcadcd circuit, beyund intbnattas the poistt M l tr. Be Intends to devote seeecal neks iMMsdlately apoa Us ton to tk* >«flMliM-«( Mb BILLPOSTERS MEET S ______ PenpsyIvania Association Holds Its Sixteenth Annual $}opya|ition at Johnstown With Members, 3.* The SIxlaeath Aninial Mcetlnc Pennsylrsnla BIl^ostear-'Assoclatlaa was held at Jobnatown. Joe 9-19 With aa attendance ot torty-nloe nemhcTS. 'Mcaolntlons were adopted, heartily endorsing Gaorse L. Cbennell for re-election to prt-jldenr, and Charles Bernanl for swrretary. While na definite action was taken, after a dis- cussion on tbe adrlBabUIty of continutog the poblicatloo of the *'ETomotIon Bureau." by tbe National Association, the opinion wav expiv^Aed tbat tbe cost ykfLS extraordinary and should be much reduced or the publication should be dls- contlaued. Tbe followinc cOcets were elected: President, lahB n. MIshlsr. ■ BaadI—. (i tn c e ocfaalaatlau, UM): ilti pttildrnt. mt MMm, Osnwlls- Tllle: s ec i e im y.-j^ittfcn A. Taekitw LncMter. r tean eompanyte .stMb'> His preemt plan is l^to replace eMk'AiiVB eaaapsoy In America ^wttb an AmedCMi' cakpaay tn Eosland. allaw- Imt each to retan boase at the end of the tonr. "I flraiy beUere" Mr. Frobman is said M kSTe stated, "that this new method ot exehanse of companies and plays will stimolate friendly ilvalrx In tbe profession of both coaotrles and will broaden the players by Kltios them a Sseater variety of andlences than bas yet been poHible. It will also serre to . make tbe pro- dnctloos less proTloclal and more coamopolltan.' Tbim is tbe great need In tbe development of the stase In both Kngland and America, Play- wrights win select tlwmes that wia appeal to to And a piaT more ad- I'.tis.the experiment than the one MMets. Her Husband's Wife was , dioBea' from amone a number of last seasoo'a | prodoctlons l>ecanse of tbe brilliant and amosing | New York Summer Shows . New Tork, June ZT (Special to The BUIboard). —Kow that tin tliemiODeter Is registering nearer to tbe terer-beat point and 'tis hot a« bath sides of Broadway, it Is safe to saj lft|Kt'ttn:ttB0MfeiS attractioos, now on the boards^ .VB'lMnlB W- tll the swallowa homeward fly: Girlies, at the New Amsterdam. Its catdiy BDnsIc and its bevy of fair creatures (none over twenty), and its scenic splendtkr cootlnne to jHke tt«ae o( the hig snoHaer Uta. The Btatone Hnter has beeonie so popOIar and - aaie-ao great, that'^shn ~ is eontlaiilng ~ the It made at tbe Liberty. AltlMWgh'U was todoT. The Spendthrift contlnnes to moralize at tbe Hudson. JudglDir from the capacity bouses and the Indications tor a continued heavy advance will have little time to en- > tills summer. . Miner and his coopanr In Her Hns- bnrs WIttt win cantiaM^at Jta OtltctiOB tn ant pisy nntn Mr. H passed -the word that Om IBCsent indications, h o w e rw , Oe endless. Marie Dressier. In TUlle's Klghtmaia, coatia- ties at tbe Herald Square to excellent bns- Ineas. Mayor Gaynor's open avowal to attend the performance has packed the bouse at every performance. Tlllie expects to be with us until rtie can wake op nnder winter covers. The Summer Widowers is still attracting atteatiOD at tbe Broadway. Lew Fields and Ills at Uts^aC femininity have sans -tsTor. -Xo aeOalte date an ap- aaaaad Whita Way, GRIFFIN CIRCUIT GROWINa TonatOb Oat.. Caa., Yaae Tbe GrIIIln d iiiiissia t at Co., X,td.. has takes a Isag lease «• Clem ooera homes wlthia tbe last three wcdta. Owing to the larse laccease in tbe IhwI- aess. Manager Peter F. Grillln. manager ot tbe Gtlllla TaodevIIIe Ctrenlt. bas increased his oOce staff with tbrce more stenograpbexs. with Brace Fowler In charge. David Stewart has Joined the olBce stair as assistant manager, and is expected to take charge of a branch offlee on the Coast in the near tatore. John CriflUi. ■resident and sole proprietor ot tUa Is making a trip of Isvectioa cnlt. The new $40,000 fllm plant which wlU be tbe only one In Csnads. will soon he la coone of con-structioo. - Doc Sloan.' a well-known motloo picttire photographer, bas Joined the Grlffln forces. The Gdtno bon»>s are now mnniDg four and Ave acts, with two reels of olctores. glvlos three sbowii a day. and dolag blis ~ field. Executive committee: Ollvor E. Gromaa. Bethlehem; Eugene H. Bryan, Chester; Harry L. Carey, Philadelphia. Delegates to National Association: James Reardon, Harry B. Bell: alternates, O. E. Groman, Barry W. Mwnr. The audlllnr committee reported a balaata la : treasury of $1,020.30. Pbtladelpbia « ' ~ for tbe annual mectltkg of 1011. It was decided that hereafter ao for membership ran be voted npoa, aalMa tbe api>lleant la In attendance at the ananal a>eet- Ing, or appears previous thereto in |)erscci befon* tbe executive committee. Also "when a membiT finds It expedient and feels fully warranted lu advauclng bis rates tn the town or city whlclj he rt'pres^-nts, he shall make a re<iuest In per- son at tbe annual meeting, when the appUcailoo Is presented." Tbe annual banquet was an elaborate affair in the parlor of tbe Merchanla* Hotel, with flft.v- slx plates. The goests were Lieutenant Gover- nor Bobert S. Murphy, Judge of Cambria County: Francis J. O'Conner. Msyor Alexander Wilson and tbe editors ot the dallr aa asp a a n s, all ot whoa spoke aa adurtialu, Mlawup aad ~ TRAIMiTOIIII MOTKI.' " TRE. Wotresler. Mass., June 27.—The Lincoln Theatre will flourish after Octot>er IS or Korem- t>er 1, in place of the IJocoln House, which bas been'.a caravansary since lS3i. Edwin W. •r the FtaMaat atiact : Bdward EL'Ffcaat, the asnK^ _ balld there an amosement bnaas . he aays. that wiU be worth between |T3,000 aad |M O , 00 0 . Mr. Lynch, who Is tbe owner of snstbet Bar- ing pictnre theatre in Woooaocket. said tiut the lease-ot the- Lincoln Hooae p iup e llj la tar twenty-live years. He ptirposes bartac a Mat- ttMtaaM&Mi'aC'atoir%Stt ^^y*f- f For Equable Railroad Rates NELLA W Morris Gets Kilties Band iKBtlcB ibcty mo- jiMtkHI tiT •wumm- MoBls, inc., for a toar oenr.tlielr ti-q- iertUe dfcnlt, and wIH sooo sppear at the American Mnaic Hall, New Tork. ' Cbls cr. ganlsatian la said to have been a favorite with tlie late King Edward VII., who iJ«4.aHcd tbclr lesder with a Tlctoriao Medal at Bfljiicnl. The Kilties were In Loodon -tt t>e time of tbe King's death and at the special n.:\wmz. of Queen Alexandria, took part In tbe fnactal |.io- Among the teatnres of the band will be tiie Clan Johnstone Troope of twenty Scotch pipers and dancers, and a male choir of sixteen -voices. AU the mtmtus at tb* band wear fcUtad regl- •M jtf ks OTcr. NKW MILWAUKEK THEATnBr MUwaokec, Wis., Jane 2S.—It Is reported tbat negotiations are oo between John Saxe and Patrice Codahy, by which Mr. Saxe pro- ! poaes to establish a new tlicatre on the north- east eoracr ot Third and Wdia stiina, (eccatly Alliance, Ohio, Theatre Sold .Alllaaee, O.. Jaaa bas beca soM to ^ O., who assaaed po menclng Jnly 4 will open with raamer stock. W. H. Crawford, tbe former owner, will de- vote hla time to the management of his theatre In Charlerol. I'a. Jack Uall, who has been manager onder >Ir. Crawfortl, retains tbe same position with Mr. Hlnes. It bas been two years since this city bas bad sommer stock. HEROINE AT REST. Members of tbe profession will regret to learn tlut Angnsts Fasslo. the Italian acrobat, whose aeck vras broken by s fsll st tiie Empress Tbe- -atie, March 0. died last week st the ClndnnaU n il j l t a l , after a aont basaiejMrBHrie .agabat dMth, laatiaK-ascr Jkrrl afaiifc, Tjiriat at Mdfe paned tmtj Editor The BUIboard, Cincinnati, O. Dear Sir:—The Cotton Belt Railroad Compan.v has made a ruling to charKe freight rates on all tent show property csrrled In private bag- gage cars, and all tbe roada In Arkan s as liave ralaed their rates on one and tsro-car shows. Tlw Bailroad Commlselon of Arkansas has-set Jair • to give tbe show people a hearing: it Is veiT iaportsnt thst af many managers of one and two-car alMSn aa posalble meet at Lit- tle Bock. Arte. .OB Uiat date to show cause srhy the rate should not be raised. Tbe Rail- road Coaalaloa oC Arkanaaa Is Inclined to deal fair siBd Jost In tbe aatter and it enough one and tsro-car show msnagcrs meet at Little Rock and put ap tbe facta as tbey really are. we can aectire the same rate In Arkansas as we hava la ftxas, bat If fb« locrraM is per- d-tt att drive all the one snd aat. d(- Arkansas. Bespectfnily yours. A. O. AIXEH. PMILUM AND STEIN HARDT COR- PORATE TO LEND LEGAL Altt: - _^ and Mr. , haidt bare taimtS a copartaenhip Ut Iba gw- ecal practice of the law and will sosa be la- staOcd In s new snlle of odlces oo Braadway. Hr, Phillips was formerly with tbe law depart- aent of tbe United Booking OIBces of America, and has a wide experience In corporation law and legal matters pertslning to tbe theatrical profession. Mr. Stelnbardt, who was also form- erly associated In the law department of tbe United Booking Offlrra of Amerlcs, is now geu- cral rsunsil to tlie Pat Casey Agcaer. lac sad. aa aaaaal jaaia.past Ina aada 'a..api tt*.:iMr^-fi:: ..ips r la lt y af her Bolber aad father. Atutasta, with two brothcra. had tor many years fonoed an acrobatic trio. It was while ataadlog aloft, poised 00 her partners, that she fell, snd sus- tained the fatal Injnry. riir two hrotbera Im- mediately left Clevelaod f</r Clnclonatl. lo or- der to attend the taaeraL she was iaiettat New Tork, Jane 21!.—Oas RlU'a aaw arodac- tloa of Tbe MMnlgbt MaMeaa. writtna ^ Jsa, . Le Brandt, anale by Lee Orin Stellh. •eraeiy br Gates and Morange and T, Doild Acfcerman. ens- Inmcs by FVsnk Ilayden, will open Ita seaann Ang. 22. with tbe followlog arllsU: Woods, Rsl- ton sod Co., ilsrry Emerson, Welch sod Malt- land, Crelxhlon Bros., Lena La Couver, Gladys Sean, Howard snd St, Clair. Kmllr Hall. Wal- ter Boeal and Matthews snd Harris' sketch Will Cressy, entitled Adam the 1 11 t e al. Maaon has t»een secured to nnt on the aaahws-- Gas Hill states tbat a number of Borelllea vU be Introdnced. \ ROBERTSO N IN MILL CITY. ¥laa«Mioiirk »!■«,; IImm 9r,-n. 0. Robert- ofiTthe UBli^dlhaatns Osagaa a r of <bl- irss In MlnaMpoUa tMs «r>4 !■ M<«»u.t«- -Itb J. B. Boctts, af tba Calqae Theatre, la iJgard to tbe geaeral oudliM and plans of the %wo new events which thia company now baa bsder way, aamaly the enlarglos or t>>* - "^Tbettia aad tbe balMlag of lbs new " iaai..r ■