Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY 2, 1910. Ttie Bi llboard AMERICAN CLASSIC IMANAGE^^qpfED Play to Deal With the Early Mission Movement of California and the Adventures of the Noted Smd Praoclaco, Cal.. Juiw 37.— Tius nfiortK tbat have b«en clrculatlDV anvat tb« ctnnloc |iro<lactloa of tlie great mlialon plajr of Mrly Callforola life and to deal wltb tbe iacldenta ami aJteoturea Id tbe career ot tbe noted 8paa- bb Mlulooarr Patbar Janlpera Betra and plc- iiire blalorlcal cpliodea lo California durlni Ibe lltne of tbe Doted prleat, are now corroborated. tVoro tbe laleat anaooocemeotri, Guvtavf Krob- niin. wbo was In tbe W«t a few werka ago. r><ii>i>lrted arraDsemeota wbcreby be will take ■ k-tlve liBDil In tb« comtns production, wbtcb nill uo doubt aarpais uurtblDg erer betut* at- ipiuptetl Id Ibia ar amj oilier eoniitijr. Alntdr of. tk* arfpMaa draaa aad; lia produc- Ikw at Blranll%.;'CUi^.:kiM «M'-tk* iutlae- tSa ar belaceWDed' tto cMmblWdac of th« lloo aC . American Obenmioercaa. The iBtwtloa of ttao nroJerion> Is to otter tbit dmnatle feotlTal dnr- b tbe Cbrlatmaa bolldar aeaaoai annnaUT-. ^^rank A. Miller, of tbe Olrnwood Mlaalon Ino, his be«B at work upon tb« drama for manjr mra. H* kaa loog aougbt to perpetuate and IiiBbliilMi tke ilialin featuiao and Bis masaia- PSAT -WHITE 8AN0BAQGED ON .. . >;«ROADWAY. Xnr Tort. laic S (SpecUl to Tbe Billboard). —ntriek WMto. MBWdlSD and tbeatrlcal mana- ■er. IItIsc kl tks BaM Xormandle. ivporled to the nolire tbat bs was aet. npoa br roar nen Tbnradar. Jane S3, at 3 A. M„ at Forty- tklrd atr*et asd Broadway, drassed Into as area and kaocknl a a e iiMcl at u aad. wkbaj of vatrb aad riMl >,.t Ba« ia rt lat fc ot. a aJjw M natch tke*'hea«' a wftMaa. «M»^ to the Sanaaadle. Dctcctlvt-^ shlhf'f' and »1i«od hooq afterwani MW-two m^n at Furiy-thln) airvet and Broad- Vay* hand n nrwapatier packaire to a tblrtl Baa. 'Vbe rrl^ wrre arreated. In ttie packoK^. the police f^y. wt-rt* the tbinxa taken frtm WUir. Tbe mi'o aald tbe^ fuuml tb^ buudi*-. were todred lo I^^llce II(-ai1.]uart»>n< anttl mnv ran ai^pear la Coort. iSavage Declares * Tberv 1^ no one^tloD nf doubt tbat an aband- •nce of fivj for tbnujcbt baa been siren tbe tbratrlcal Korlii In Reoeral upon tbe annonnce- Bi^nt Ibit llenrj- W. Sarari" baa declared tbat for tbe rnsulDK Tear be has arraoced bla book- laic plana In a nunner tbat will take bla at- liacliMi nrer roatea coatrolled and iMoked bjr TWa ac- BfoadwaT. next Mtt the Syadlcate and Independenta. Hob ffcta haa atlnvd aoislp aloo« Bi gjjag^^i mp i MI MMllM J».;.yh» la i leot —. ot. Mr. Savaao that ^ —~ hMo oOMMcts with tbo Katloaal Tbeati* OwwH* AMOdathw rad witk Moans. Klaw and ErUanr, which ptooM* that ftr a ItrtB of rear*, Ur. aaraiio*a pradnetloM ahaU •pprar In ti>e tlieatrea owoed or cootroicd by IvV Sarajto's sametOH prodactlom will ibua be olTered In erery city and town of tbeatrlcal Importance throoKboat tbe Ualted Stateii. i.larlnE the Klaw & Erlan|ter boaaes wbererer the.v oxiit. and those ot the Inde- peaorat forrea Intlle amaller cities and towna. II the cireatts wboae ownera or noiclal ilailrn bccaiBC alcnatorlea to ibis Im- ^^Maortafothe JoUowlng num- jnMcia ^irijlallMa^%GiMn*M *aBd* Paclfle uT**; * ' * ;' *« — Bxrhange (Loola- «'*'«b00M). Oolemao-a CIrcolt (South aad Sunthweat). Copper and Iroo Clrcoll (llln- n^wMa. WlaeooalD aad Mlchlsan). CbamberUtn. lUrrlnatoo and Kindt (Middle Weat). and Ctawr.ird. rhillcy and Zojininn (Middle Weat). A" In prerlooa aeaaona, Mr. Sarace'a produc- wtll also p]a.r. br this arranaeoient with Kisantic acale npoa wblcb tl>e play will be dune la erldenced by tbe fact tbat In addition to tbe large cast ot principals, there will be naed some alx bnndred full-blooded Indiana aa aopomumer- nrles. Tbe production will be made In tbe OfieD- air aod durlag the early part ot tbe erenlng. Wbatercr light effects are required will be ae- cured by tbe enonaooa aearcb-llgbia tbat will be used. Edward Eisner, wbo was one of tbe chief as- slslanta to MIsa Maude AdamH at tbe Jo«a vf Arc production at Harrard Unlvemlty, has been engaged to write the play. IIo will also appear Id tbe leading role. Tbe entire stage manage- meat wW alio bo la hia can aad be Is wtir en- gaged Ib l o tiBlat Ms . aaototaata. Onatare Fnbwa was la tam wItk Tba TbW Coaipaay. whieh .was SMB ar •B».'«C flw Frank B. Carr, Weil-Known Burlesque Manager and at One Tiine Owncq^ Third Avenue Theatre^ New York. Juno S (Spoctal t» IbS BtHbaM). —Frank B. Carr, the wen-known borleaqne man ager and at one time owner ot the Third Ave. Theatre in New York, and tbe Unlqne Theatrtr In Brooklyn. aeeldentaUy fell or deliberately Jumped Into tbe North BIrer from tbe pier at tbe foot of Weat 38th atieet oo Tpeaday. Jane 21 and was drowned. He waa seen oo tbe pier a few hmn before the body wsa picked up. MeatIflcalion waa made from carda and letters. Amoog tbe articles waa a card aaklng tbat Carr's mother. Margaret E. Carr, 201 Seconil street. Brooklyn, be notlfled in case of acci dent. He wore a Maaonic pin In bis bnttenhole aad carried docnments ahowing tbat be Is a ncmber of Corlnttalan Chapter, No. ise. Royal AAb MaooBS. aad of Baltlmoce Lodge. Ko. 7. thrns Messrs. Klaw A Kriauger. the bouses owned aao controlled, or represented br that Hrm In SI! the larger cities. They will also play la "H-h rlrcnlts or the Klaw * Krianger llat as n^li-'Sl*.*!^ <Deii»er._etc.) " tukh. sad todlam). n.r this smngesMat tbe dittsre a re o belweoa ""■ "."-ndlcate and the ladrpendenl forces at* 1 Insofar aa emeema the 8ango pro- ,IV P'- ""I* mitiairrn will like In prolr<t their own Inlereat wilt be eag- "7. "slehr^I Inaaroneh that the so-called un- "riM.n uvr that the producing rainager »f- Jl'sl.-.l with the HriMlIrate la barred from their ^*ltiB prlTlleic vthen nlarlna theatres not Can^ MMta bdlsvs bs csml lo a at of deapoodcBcy bwijMbi oa by Ul health aod Imslacsa roT ti aos. Ha attempted to cut hIa throat two years ass la Chicago after he had Ion considerable money In a tbestrical reatore, and bis lock did not change after tliat. Bccently he bad desk room with tbe Taa- ' ner TsodeTllIe Company, room 230 Knickerbock- er Theatre Bnlldlng. He entered tbe tbeatrlcal boaloesa aa a mem* ber of a qnsrtet known as tbe Uorsesboe Four, coDslstlng ot 'himself, Qolnlan and the Lore Sinters, and made bis first big aoecesa wltb a burlesque hilled as Frsnk B. Carr's Thcroagb- breds. In tbe meantime be had gained ■ ot tbe Unlqne Tbeatre In Wmiamabiirg. Then he Joined forces la exptaltlog ' Rose Melville iNorfolk Academy ^•kltiB nrlTlleic when plarlng ■fler their roolml. It Is self-pTldenl that Mr. !«atas,. s iledaratloa of nan nartlsanship comes niere or leas la the form of self protcrtton In Ik r,M,iin, 1,1, »srloua sttrsctloas. The e«- "•'I'Sni'ji'? ^s^'u.'^^SBHrti jr-J'.tiVfc!?.^.«S«J!%i^5ooh^ 2"" <>e the basla for an a fg aawat far other ma:,.,Kers to assume tbe aaow atlltnde. nolCM " V s.rnilirat<> can otTer soiao rfsionablo tiplan f,'""' "'VT Mf- Barage should he aeronted spe- E_- 53r."*«** '» carrylna out bis plans aa be Iri "•"••se'I In bla announcement. It may be ™*rr araoed that while thti new mora tp- '» be a usi, ^ lasportsuce for the Inde- r^Meats. tt_aEM may be shown to base Its n It baa Jn»t iMkM Mrt Ihat Rase HelTiMe. of 8U Bopklas (ame. waa secretly mazrled to Frank Mlnaey. a member ot her company, oo June 12. The ceremony took place at the Mattda CoUegUte nivh. New Vork. Ut. and lbs. Illliu ate now at their home In Sooth Bend. MsSLjIssey will not retire from the stage. Mt wn ceo- tiouc next aeaaoo In Sis Hopkins. what future steps will tw taken b.v Mr. Saragv. but tbooe who are on llie Inside ot thi- present warfare are ronlldeni that when the Theatrical Myndtcate holds Its annual meeting oo July I. Saragv wilt lie added to the conwaatlea. Thns playa In whicb Klaw * Mitager. aad alas Sar.- age are Interesleil will he sble to eater the theatres of tbe Independents la Saeage'a name. Mr. Sarage'i more had been anticipated ttnce he attended tbe meeting ot ttM Naltooal Asaoel- alloo of Tbeatrlcal t>ToduclnK Managers, from which Klaw * Krlaoger and their adhercoti withdrew about a raooth ago. Cooterencca be- tween tbe leaden of all tbo rarlous factions had been held dally, and It was not antlt oo Wctetdajj^JiiM Ikst Ssvsve dsllmsd to Changes Hands Norfolk. Vs.. Jane SS. —^Tbe Academy of Music, here, recently purchsied at aiKtlOB by O. W. Qrandy. haa been leased for a term ot ten years by Otto Weils, b t o t bts aC Jake Wrtla. and local maaaBWjk ' bouse will forai a IM iBtts. of theatres. HER HUSBAND'S WIFE NOW AT TMK;eillTEIUO|N. .... New York, Jnne 37 (Special to The BlUboaxd). —Mr. Henry UtUcr and hts supporting company, which hare been playing tor aereral areeks at the Oarrtck Theatre In Mr. A. E. Tbomas' com- edy. Her Hnsband's Wife, mored to the Crt- tcrloo Tbeatre to coatlme their New .Tork ran. Tbcre waa a latgs aadlenes at tba spaaliv per- formance IB tbs new locatlM lo glTS wnlriigM to Mr. MOtar aad Us aljiirlatil MS at to SfeTlsM tt tbe AM Ats ^ essay to auks a biirleaqae hotae ot It; AtUt be loot this property lata' burleaqne tnleesata. were entirely In tlie Empire Cirmit (Weslen Wheel), who are to take charge ot tbe borlsl of the body. It Is said at one time be was es- timated to lie worth more than f300,000. wblcb grsdsaUj' waa loai la oaproatabla s e u tai es. HAAS IN WAUKMAN. Waokegan, III,. Jnne 2S.—After alx years as press sKeut for SIgfried and Boaeothsl si the BI]on Theatres of Dnboqne, Iowa, and Decatur, III., Wm. A. Haas bss mored to Wsnkegsn. HI., t" sccept tbe management of "TheattV Beai^Ufal." owned by M. Flecklrs of tbe Laemmie Film Oimpany, Chicago. The honao will play fODT SulllTan & Consldlnr acts, split- ting weeks with a Chicago and a Mllwauke* honse. Prior to leaving Decatur, the news- paper boya of tbat city and tbe entire force of employes of tbe llTe theatres of Decatur. pr>^ sented Mr. Haas wltb s gold watcb and Elka* diismond studded antler button. Mr. ilaaa' family sre spending the ram- mer st Frentrees Lake, near Bast Onlniqne. IIL. where they hare resided during the. MUBae|r montbs tbe past seren years. The taaiUg- wni moss » Waakscaa ikis (all.: .ttm T Henry Carleton Is (^^ale^^^ng Hot ■8irrlat*.^Aik..,Wr^%^r^kmmgth» mm peoBlo -soismalnK laMHs-Tapflr (9^. tenths w^Stosva playwrigbt aad tareator. Hency Gay CarlctaB.' Mr. Oarisise was sfllcted with a stroke of paramia abobt foor years ago. Tbia caosea him to loae ' bis rolee. His mind la clear aod he can un d e t st and one bat cannot nse his tocs] chords. .Bouses a slate wltb alplial>et K-ttera oo: TbIa'in'bla only means of commnnleatloo. Henry Qiiy Carleton Is the author of Tbe Glided Fool, the play In which Nat Goodwin met wlUi flo much soccesa; Tbe Impudent Young Coaple, NeTCT Again (adapted). Tbe Oirl From Maxlm'a (adapted). Princesa ot Erie, and a number of ctber s n c ccss e s . ARTISTS TO APPEAR IN ANTI- GONE LEA VE FO R 'FRISCO. New York, loae 27 (SpecUl to The BlUboaitl). —The ftdlowinc artists left to aaaUt Margaret Anglln' In her fortbeoming special performance ot Antigone, at the Greek Theatre on Thursday. Jane 99: Edward Rail. Frances Jordan. Mar- gaiat Gordon and Mrs. a W. Brooke. Mlis Anglln, It Is ssid. will, daring her San Fraa- dKO engagement, rerlre for a few *P«<luai£ formaaecs. Mrs. Daae'a Defence. In addltM-ta plarlbc .The Aw akening of Helena Bicbls. iibuQH RIDER NIGHT AT. THB ' NEW AMSTERDAM. ( K«w Totk. loae 27 (S^lal to Tbe Bnibnara>. —Frederic Tboopsoa has extended an Inrlta- tlon to tbe groop oC Roog^ Riders who aceom- panled ex-Prsaldent Tbeo. RoooeTelt In the land sarade on his retsm to this coantry, to attMd a performance ot Olrlles at tbe New Amster- dam. Harry Breen^ls orlslnatlng seseral new tar Sks occasion snd a tew specialties win ' which will make the * NKW PKHN rXAN THEATRE. be reaa Yan. N. Y.. Taas "n - jffce i . Theatre here, will »» «a»ilrt!« and opened aboat. the middle tt J?"^,S32' —~- — tiaapiiiti a Cbss. n. Slsson. at tbe Tales Lyceum Tbeatte. ,« ly aie la March. 1907. wiU tnanage tbe aew tbeatre. Tbe iortl«T_^ tto boose wm be eae.lw feSlMg alttartlm, taflf week. The boose is .alNaar pialllinni,. asia. oat tot t>e s»«ala>. V - ^ , • oiMwyrARk opgN s IN AudtArir. Kew York. June 27 (Special to Tbe Blllboanl>. —Baker aod Castia wtn send oa roar early ta Aagnst. tbe Bastern and Wealrcn ~ ' caopaalcs. This vlU be the UIrd: Ibis leBMrkable. saccessfal plaj. ' la- ssreTt: to Im Mt fhs L — - to^Msa^a ■a fO i y iltaI^.*sM! «C i