Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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6 xne etllboard JULY 2, 1910. THE FOLLIES OF 1910 GREAT WHITE WAY Tops the New York Theatrical Menu with a Cheer r Diiiiier Conglomeration of Pleasan- tries-f^upersedes All FonnerSwes; SJ? SSS^ '"5* ^ (Specl«I to The BiUboard). r^.£W»» o£»10. a mulMl ««»ne. In two SHE CAST. SgSL Mlt^ .. .. Harry W.t«on 9li?^mn " Maurice Heeeman Sta^ •• Arthur Mc^.tJS Hetty G. •' ■• -- ■'i?asf*„'^"»«« t.aretaker Bert Wniiasw g*y,g 3>*i"«"Br- 'Jth the am night »aa- g^jf . ^^^tW Biljia the toot theatre to Its nt- WaSJSrSii JSSm ?2 •'""'It scene the IKr ratfod off oa a mUe-a-minnte ana ammmlng to the eatetir nclodlea that wr^ »ndered throoghont tbrSiSSSSnw. In^ an. It b desuoed to be jKttS^Sttt ot a Bumner enterteloment S^riS a2T«!SdItF ocm hot nuDmer'a erenliig. Folllea ot 1910 la Doniea Ib ■ moat ■topendons. cUtterinz *°°«». trmyeatlea and pretty. girls. The iS«l!l2l?"i*5 ^P"^*!"' compounded ■e SmlO. fins Bdwarda. Julian Jfltch- A^aiid oOiera. and wdl did theFou^jT^atthc^ J«dpe for the edlflcatlon of thennSS^^ 5Sr» ? I,"",''"'.. fertile brain of JUlan MItchen pUjed a pleaalne trie* opoa tho noe- '^ ^^ TOtchIng the surprise rntraiMM of'Uw Pl«ref». At one time the grlnelpala. Make Good New Tork. June 2T (Special to Tbo Btmioaid). —L. Lawrence Weber, treasurer of the CMom- bia Amniement OMnpany. who reeelTcs weekly ttatemeuu of the bnalnas done at an of the ttlrty-elght thMtres operated by that corpora- non. U authority for the statement that the graes neaipta of tbo ttat weak oC the anmmcr eonce. \mrat of llie OoDcae eidg nt the C-.Jam>Ia Thea- O* ware tha lazgeat In tbo bistcer at tbe bnr- taoe bnslneas In Amedea. In view of the nn- ratorable weather conditions ot tha past week. Don a ttaeatrlcal standpoint, tta's tact most compliment to the drawing qualities of IHe College 6IrU' entertalnmenL All last season there was actlre eompetltlan amooK the sepuate manasements playing Colimi- £i a Fpmmer mn at the Cotam- DU. Thls^.BnaUy narrowed down to about half a. doani oonpanles. Inclndlog the Behman Show. \ "" *b««R oixanlxatloa. the Bowan- Box^ '^S^y.. .tbe'ij Metry Whirl. The CoD^ Olrls scnbqa. bwln. -and Hnrtic aad laaiMa drapoed It out. After maar and exbanstlTe caaferences by the exeeutlTe committee, consisting of Presl- 5SfJL w^"'***! ¥^ "* Treaimrer U Law reuce Weber snd Secrt^ary and General Manaeer S^ner.„,the distinction fcU to Max Spiegel's JMIege Girls and Jack Singer's Behman Show. This whole compeUtlon cheated the llrellest in- terest In burlesque circles ind there Is naturally much satisfaction felt In nil directions at the ' ^"^^ °^ '^"t w<H-jc. It Is generally Mlend that The College CIr6, wUl condniieto do as Immense hostneaa, and tlic_hlgta cbaiactes (o maintain the xceocd made b)< the Splecd company. The Behman Show be^na Its four- weeks' engagement Jnly II. SIngeKis making freat preparations for the eveot and=ha win niil *«ht«dlr ja eseot a remarkable aho irJ\ POLAIRE TO CONTINUE AT^THE VI CTOR IA. >, 21 (Special to The BnibmLC^ -40le Polalre'e eosacancot «aa to have mlnated next week, hot «he ho been pte»__, e;>OD to renew, bcr eootnet. .dUhoojih anxloS' to return to Paris, to keep har eBgasemcDti, ahe .feo decided to remain at HaauDcntela'a Tle- tijtia imtn July 23. The latereat la her p eifuima nn UttH aad ahe eontlnaea to be the bf mt «■*■ •<er ptaacttted at the Tli TOO MUCH COMPETITION. Zanesrme. O.. Jnne 28.—The Sebnils Opera House, playing tTnlted Ekmlly CIrcnit TaudeTille. has dosed tOr the season. Hot weather ai>d la. ability to am at aummer prices of ten cents, decided tbe home. Son Sc Murray's Orpheum played Rolfe's Ye Colonial Septette, a aeren "d-doDar fcataite, with two other acts at It tm eeata. nmlBiw at tUa instead of being on the stage, were making their appearance from all parts ot tba auditorium. It kept the audience a swinging and oannlng their necks watching from what spot the next player woold pop up. White not new. a pretty novelty was introduced In a swing song, a group of ••rnerri-merri," neatly attired in a Eumxnery garb, singing the choms of the number while swinging over the heads of the audience. In the current song rerue. Mr. Zlegfeld has a wor- ttty cast of interpretators who are big factors in the success of tills summer gaye^. WIllhuii%: tt* dcvan ' is lnd#'iB'-«!a«H. tr carri ed off the houoN e(' the _ Inimitable singing of eoiai waga.-; Kuar Btlee, a newcomer to Broadwar. ttn B dead heat tor flist hooors. With Iter oeisoaal magaettiai and her eccentric facial expressions and qtieer Tocal lnteri>oIaticns while slnplns LAvey Joe. to which she had to repeatedly respond t>efore her listeners were content to let the performance go on, the schooling she rcceircd wtdle with a leading burlesque organizations, has 9tooil her in good stead as Ulss Faasy Perkins: she certainly baa antTCA a» a camedlenne o< the simoo-pnre qnalltr. la adlttte te — .witk Bmy Beem> impoaalble a jaak of Personalities and Business Associations Liberally Discussed—The Week's Gossip Along Brpad^-' .- ■■^^yniy:^^ed Up in TabloidvFjin^ New Tork. June 27 (Special to Tbe Billboard). —It was a treat watching ttie acton and aet- orines basking In the sunshine along Broadway, and list to their conquests and triumphs. ' Two prominent theatrical managera were seen leariog the Knickerbocker Building with a mr. rled look—wonder whyt Lew Johnson tore himself away .from the farm, upstate, long enongh to say howdy to his old iiala. Incidentally dlaplayti^ a aerlea of photo poses ot the only eighteen-mooths-old hoy Iwby on earth, so he says. J. Frank Olbbona. tbe well-known Ink-aUnger for The CUmax. arrlred In town. Says he is dolag some pabiicity promoting for a sana- tailma in Pittsburg, in lien ot a course In pro- fessions! nursing. Expects to forsake theatri- cala and open a Swedish masaage parlor In Kew York, Walter Messinger and Eddie Lester are hold- ing daily conferences in Messinger's oDce on Broadway. These lire energetic boys must hare a surprise up their slevrea to spring opoa the onaophlstlcated public A paramoont question—How are wt galaf to book oar. attraetiaaa aext aaaaaal . Tbm. pl a a iia t ' a Urar't aasa- eeatsr; M. CMp. the klalt* with a Us coont«oance. happy and was tiCENI fROM OmUES TMat The Rog and tbe !>••• la Act S. tt Sbompson Saccess. Ika Mb JMcHc Famous Play Has Revival New Tork. June 27. (Special to Tbe Billboard), —The beat did not deter the admlrcn ot the Corse Payton Stock Company from being present at the rerlTal of The Heart of Uatylaiid, and though there were many wilted coIlv< !■> the theatre ereryhody was cnthoslastlc In applanse for tile work of the company. Special arrange- ments bad been made for the hot night. Corse Peyton, with his left foot, characteristically turned almost orer to tbe ankle, made a speech after the third act. anoonndng tbe production of The Two Otphana for next week, mlch la to be foUowed by Tte Oarllng' ot tbe Oods and aereral ether Broadway playa, Claude Payton. as Alan Kendtlck. tbe Korth. em Colonel, in tbe play, scored a bit with tbe packed house. Flowers were thrown on tbe stage to Minna Phillips, who had the part of BCaryland Calrert, and awuag from the bell In the effort to stop the clang. Grace Fox was extremely amusing In her portrayal of the char- acter of Phoebe Tancey, Tbe scenery was ef- fectlTe. and when tbe red Ink had t>een well splashed on the soldiers snd on the spies tbe ia tbe theatre shnddcrad. And they si- aaamcd wbca the "eraet solalers of tbe polled Uoyd Oslrert's bead by tbe long CR^RLES FROHMAN TO RETURN Kew Tork. Jwui'Sf ftpitUi t» —It is .Irtth m«nr tbaB efT- the retofnkof Obailea ftifci _ _ rumor has'It that he ia schednled to sail for Mew Tork tbe esTly part Ot July, He fa said 'to hare under consideration an ex- ceptionally large number of new pli^* for the coming B«ason.^ His annual annonncement. which wUl probabjy be made immediately after his letnm. la most anxiously anticipated aa Vr. >MnBaa;-lt la iaM. wHI baee nncb to air that fa — The Cheater Has Kew Tork. Jnae ST (Special to Tbe Billboard). .—I<ODls Hana appeared at tbe Lyric la a new farce, Tbe Cheater, an adaptation from a Ocrman actor, on June 27, . Thla will be the lint appearance of Loola Mann, who Is now a Brady star. In wliat la said to be a new play on the part of the Independents of entertaining the tbestretolng public wbo remsin In tba dty In tbe summer. Xmannel Pllttetsdort, the part played by Bfana, la written In a whimalcal Tela that ao well anita the actor and it aOOtda Mm an ample Tehlcle for hia Rifts as a fnn-aiakcr. The plaj la a ftee adaptatloo by Mr. Venn huiaelf ot Sew Doppelmenacb. s Oeraisn fsree, by Wllhelra Jseoby sad Arthur LIpablta. A8SIONUBNT OF CHARAOTEB8: Godfrey Plltteradorf Mr. Mann teokadia, bis wIfc.Madsme Usthllde CoUnilr Elly Pllttersdorf, their dsnghter. .Psrke Pstten Clementine Deacon, their daughter. .Bthel Conroy "Jack" Deagon, PUtteradorTs soo-In-law... De Witt Jeonlnts Aorella. Lcofcadla's'alater........Jeffreys Lewla wnile, Anrella's son John A. Botler Henry Bammetaly, attsraej .. ..Albert Parker Sandoty. kappdmelitar at SpHtoa mi^ .< >E- pheiioi ,- • >'•^MSB'saany Joseph PltttandocTa tatler...,Bawart Bortoa Freda Halloway .. .. ., ..Emily'Ann Wellman A MATINEE IDOL CLOSED SEASON Kew York, Joae 27 (Special to The Binbeard). —DeWolt Hopper terminated bis aagag*. meat at the Lyric Theatre In A Mallace Idol on flatnrday night. June 2&. II Is Mr. Hopper's Intention to spend hla Tacatlon moiorlng alioot tbe country. Tbe present plan for Ibe contln. vatlen «C A Matlnaa Mol iadodca a tear to tha SSl to tSS&aSf^ ■•'Irfiial dMt going to continue aaj (Mr-aMit' tilm In Happyland. last at present lann tenuis Is tbe popular game that Is being dally Indulged In by the theatrical producers. Strenuous game for these hot summer days. Interesting gsme at that. Strong playing teama on both aldea ot tbe net: wonder wbo will be declared winners—Oot-door la great tor summer—but what about tba wla- terJ Beau Brommel Kid Morrison Is brightening op the shady side of Broadway with bis rsolaat smiles. Gammon talk along tbe line these sultry days. No popular price show for mine. Me for bur- lesque. Can't blame tbe boys. "Jaded abowa for Jaded people" ia no longer the slogan for a certain amusement caterer. State* nothing but tbe almon-pure sundiy-sciiool type for his hereafter. Gee, but the public wUl be TCied. Hsiry Learltt, looking the picture of health, is in town. Lucky day for Harry when be signed with his uncle. Westoo McClatn, who is the possessor ot as orer abondance of oatnra'a atoatncas, la to go la tsalalw for astt iisssa , A ' aaaaw Mr that IHar UUIe » Jaa ilaRla. «ks l a tnl w i ' next scsaoB, OnrreBt oplnloas are iw irUl hare BO trooble in redndng nla welabt. Leon Victor ia with the apirit of tba times, for he has heea attacked with a fercr eemmooly termed Arlatoritla (copyrighted). Be atates that b* la baally engaged to perfecting tba con- atmctlon of an alrablp and la to make aereral trial fllgbu orer Long Acre square. If lur- cesafnl, Iw Is to nae It aa a means ot transporia- tloo throogboot tbe country next aeaaon. Who can saj- tbst "Vic" Is a eowaid? JoTtal NelUe Be*eU was thenclplaat et a token of w ui t e ^y ttom Para' wmiam a wpe» hla return from BaNBt.u Ite (Ift to bta. pNM Jt^ resentaUre waa ia the aatota of an artlMie dttk clock timely d i anttt d th ti i aD was; "Oa the lob every miante.'^ Tha Uttia ladr Is aoae factor In newspapaidaM tbaae daya. Write? Yea. but what la asra, ccti them orer with telling effect. Newsgatbereis in Paria wlu think a western CTClone has atruck tbem when ■be atarta her tmaty typewriter agoing la their rUlage. In the tolarcst of MUe. Polatra with whom she ntana aaara tiM ia Jalr. , Margaret illington Returns to Stage New Tork, Jnne ST (Speelsl to Ibe BUIboaid). —Tbe lore ot tbe fooUlghls has at last oew- come Margaret Ullactoa'a erarlag fee the slinla Ufa. and abe wUI Mtom ta p i n ft aai s as l Us early in the fan aalaaa tha pnaaat riaaa ce awry. The eehlete Ur her laina ta Oa ata«i la an adapution from the Ptench In wblci Miss Illlogton will bare ample opportonltr to display her ability aa an cmotloaal aetreaa. Tha name Of the play U stiU s secret. Tacoma, Washlag- ton. Is nuiored ss tiia dlr selected for aer premiers and tbe month of Anausf. iiraiiahiy about tba 22d, has thus far liecn achmluled for tbe commeocemeot of an uttndel tadt. Bdwaid J. Bowes. Miss UUustoo's husband, wlw will trarei with hla wife in a prlrale ear. will aeeoapaaF her aa Boch vf the tine aa his boalDcaa wfU Btnait Idwatd BUaaer. it !■ ' wia he the ptodajw ef the pUy. it.nota a(-;hct,lMr l« a* tMlews: «Ma«i.'WMb.. Awgut tt Sm win thta pujr Kbit Lake City. B eao. Kee.. Saeramesle, Saa- Fraseiaco, Lea Angelea. and aeroral snaoer citlea, after which she wlU go to Beattlx. Pert- land. Spokane and other pirta ct the Nxthirrst. rescbliig Chicago on 'Jtcvmher 11. She will apend Cnrlatmaa in bur boon towa. Blooalngtoo, 111., and pliy there on Dtwsbct 30, She will eloee bar aaaaon In New Tec* Otty In (bo spring at a Broadway theatre, John Oert Is aald to hara braa last:nm<>nal la l.lUlaglaa vi n«llaua-her ivnfM. 'rtmt ^ the. Iail.!ti«ai1«at«. :MlMf*tae. cirllt sail oBler their taaacr. plar* ^ apaardeor booacs. to Ibe cxchtataa ct thoaa of Jba ajradlcate, Tbia, howerer. baa not Tbe pUn. aa ontlined, for gratifying Ibe wish of lUaa niugtoa to again appear in tlie Ume- lltbL laclodaa the expeodltata ot aboat IM.OOO by Mr. Baaraa la pattlag bis wife eat la a play at a peiaaU «ac <sr hsr PAULINE .CHAE».«?'ANO f: ERNEST LAMBERT'TO^tTAR IN OUR MISS 0IBB8. Kew Tork, June 27 (Special to Tbe Billboard). —When Our Mlu Olbba la transferred from tbe Bhaftesbory Arenua Tbealra. London, to the Knickerbecfcrr Theatre. New Tork. the caat will inelnda Paallaa Ohaac, who baa flMda^har aaaie In Loadea. aad Kraaat f art wi. ;,>aiif Sartlaa aetaci ■ hs ss aaaw ' aad . f aaia .■-w* t a > wada-- la O. 9. Haraden. manager af. 'Hw'MNa Tande- Tille Show, celebrated hli Mrtbdar aaalmaary Jobs 18. Member* of tbe coapaiur prrssnletl him with a l>e>utifiil ruby ring, est m gold with a snitsblo Inacrlptloa, snd a sllrar moaated faoBtala psa. Tha BRaenlatton tpeac h wa* mad* IV- OmiiK Onatar. tba ataa*ar nt iha