Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY 2, mo. xne Billboard THE CHI CAGO RIALTO News and Gossip of the Week Gleaned from Con- versations Overheard in the Various Offices in Vicinity of PeartK>rn and Randolph Streets. - Cklraso, June 27 (SpaeUI to Tb« Blllbouil).— II It nid Uitt the MW tkm-aet pUj rmaUr imrtbucd br Ucwn. PnuN 4r Ladcnr tram Ilcwr Bepbu abeldoa, called Tba Oocat, will biTC. Ita iBlUal perfMaiaDce aooie Omm la gu«t la CUnaOL TIM aU-Mar cast of Jim tt« come* to Cklcag* <rlll:W >t ai t < >y Wn- . ton-l.aclni«k ' • ;-'-,v;-''» >r»-;v5;;'"ii^-^'-'^ . It la nparM: Shat-JUn lMfe toaiM tke iMa af Biliii^ BMar la ncrollr plijed at the Cort Tbfttte, hi re cntrac^ for the uroe pert la vupjiert of ICr. Drew next leaMO. It ia pnbaMo that Mr. omr. mn. «iar.:aair'.'M(r:'.a!jatt «(.:tta. Ma. -v; •■ V-' ■ ■ '"-y' Me«r«. Ben >ad FItssetald. who deal oat the piitrbMnU at the COrt Theetr*. will aooo leare Cfalcaieo: that Is, wtien the hooae cloece for ■he •Dmmer. Mr. R07 Bell win epeod hU Ta- railon In Toledo, O., *Dd Mr. W. F. Fltxccrald will ao to hts hoBM 1b the Eaet. It u eild Mr. Blebard Oreea win lean with tbt Midline Sherry Cotapaar la September, wbea tbrr lore for Kcw Tork. Mr. Oreea haa heea auoclatrd with the Sells Peljaeope Compear, ant aUo had ierenl cooceeeloat at Birerrlav ExpotltloB. He wUl be eoonecled with the Madame Shexrjr Compear aa atace caipcotcr. Th* Lrman Twiaa wUl opca their aecoad oea- eeo la their ra««aa(Ul maalcal plir. The Priae Wlaaen. ai the Natloaal Thaatre. CtUeaso. Aa«. a. Klabotate piwparatlaaa an h^ac made for thla imdBctlaa aan MMM.' Aim .Jfe 0> "*H«iwjg-;#i«IAt«V Bqrurt't that he laleaded ta aoas take hla mlaatreU for »■ l a n ner tear. >Mb C. Caratr. who haa been at White City atec« U opeaed. aalled froaa Kew Xoik on Joae St. iThlir ahrr ~ " — tlm In ~ Bnuarla a nmtKn, aaueo noaa sew xon an Joae gi5'. ^'iara^p"iagg WALT. MOMMN . WRIT^ NiW 'la— » (■ aa eial to The BlUboard) IMtarllaciaB. th* elarar aaateor tooc writer, BMr ankea the eaaeoaeemaat that he haa aa- Mkar ■aadj' tar pubileatMa ot the caUtn af Ua MM^wMt wSrou'T. Oat thSf-^^ tlTC Utia tenta- OUnn, Jaaa ST (Speelat to The BUIboard).— Occoplad to dartaeaa or the hooae eleanera. maar ef^CUeaso'a thcatrea are Ukloc adrant- as* of the eeeaon aU e reeplte and are hrmhlmi ap picparatotr to the hoar Mate ther hare la antletpatloa. Amoac the hootea eo liated are: Powen*. the Stodd>eker, Illlnola. Graad Opera Ronae, Aoditorliim asd Chicago Opera Bonae. 'WhUe the Ilgbta arc dimmed the bualneea ae- tlritiea caatlaaa uoabated a hag llaea which we hope wlU lead ta a atnaat ooaaaaau - AERO Under the Auspices of The Colonial Aero Club Which is Chicago's Unit of the New Glen H. Curtiss National Federation of , Aeio Clubs Chleisa; Maa M (Special to The BUlboerd).— Under the aitaplcea of the Colonial Aero anb. which la Chlcago'a onlt of the new Glen H. Cortlia Katlonal FedeiaUoa of Aero Ctnha. a tmlqno aad atartllic ■•■( la irliiaiilKl ta b* held at the Bawtkataa Xkack ob Jalr 9; S aad 4. The ariatlon racea are to be held oa July S and 4. with J. C. Mara and Charlei K. Wlllatd participating and with Olea B. Cnrtia aad Cbarlea K. Hamilton aa pasatble aatilc*. Ia the antomobUe racea Baraey <HdflaM ia (tatored in a Held of aome twentr-flTe conteataata. For the motorcrde races nearlr thirty xacata bare entered. Frea Hnrck wUI defead bis lepnU- tlon agalnat thla strle of apeod artlata. Tboaas Carer, owner of Hawthorne Track, haa seen to it that the Held for the arlatots aad the track for the antomohllea and motorcrdea are In the beat sort ot condition. The grandstand, too. haa recelred hla careful attention and Is In readl- neaa to comfortably aeat the Immfnan oowda which are anticipated. The piess work ot this big crest ia onder the capaM* dbectloB of that TCteraa pohUclty maaler. Calonel Jim Hattoa. He ao far. has dooe aome great WOTk and lua done mnch to Introdaee the public at large to the praposltlan aad maintain the keen intenat ' bas anotsd. Tb* matt aboald ba a bam aac m.-. :it. la. b% B «» b * ii a > ac Mr^wasa, handled br big men and pat np to the pabllc at - meat.^IMWBBa^tlaia, wblrti y^Bf^jufUp WNOIR \CMKyV» VACATION.. taSb* JIM H. RUTHKRPORDANDTMKHAOKNBBCK'WAUJ!^ (pLpWMB. xatOfBad to bla desk after a Aart pcsloA of icereattoa, daring which he Tisitcd potais ot lotereat on the Great Lakes. Mr. Singer la known to practicallr erery one of the bnndicds of exhibitors who take serrice from X.aemmle. Jallos StcTD, who alao la asaoclated with thla aame company, has been home from Bnrope tor aeveral weeka and hasn't ret bad enoojch time to ten ahoot all the good times he bad while aolodmlng abroad. Mr. Stem is a brother-in- law of the famous Oarl and under hla dlnctloa la taaimtac tt*. aMc Mtati «C tta. Oi ' by Kim Men Cbicago. aaae ST (Special ta Xka BDIbsaid} To take a comaleta pKtw af ^'^^^^ rreou iBCidealarta HmT^ ni pmooage laaded at KMr^^ik OcT aad SlS^'ar" * » bat th^ war* z«a at leading vaMerllle heoea by »:S0 o'clock, tb* •rcBlac amoant of work. The fact that PtSSS^ JCSL^'L »«««»Pllabed by the C- irg P««tt'bo''ng and Salcn Oampaar Mtnde^ a fMiher ta the cap of that orgaaln- Il^i. J' w?"^? gjgg^g't. oppoctnalty folly »ii^~S?.JtJP"'!'^"*''* maanfactnrera hiifJ?™^AJ*" ta data* ao mad* aim Iii^.»^.£!'".L"' ■»»■»••* «■ deeba. rreaaoe S? tESJSJ*" •* selected la which CoLRooscTcit appears all tba war tbrooita. It o<_,"!on'*bm*at ^oStt? big 2L f>«dl«><ea who were amatcd to Jit 1521?»cr«*n a pictortal rerlew of ; A"" »rttn*sa»d ta actoalttr hot >sniBt_aamber of honr* before. Aim th* Salm g5Sf^J.«»» sn •xeloalre pictsr* of the Aher- ■MlKADO;>«T(»WJ^ Okleago. Jan* ST (Saaelai ta'''tlM''linaM.'i Ji ' ■ Tl.j rerlral of that™t3U!S!ilS^!ffVir ^>;lo. br the Abora OtaaS^pSTSSSuim wia ■..ln<d a rrrdlt to that onnSatteaaA the BC.I- »«'».»athnatasMc la Iheir ii. .j"'' Jowph Bbrvhaa aa KankI Poo. re- »nJ.. RLi"*t V Watroos. Harry Lock- u7 B.&^ E."^- Phil Fenl Th? SISSLJJSL/S VJ""!'^^- MIksdo mack. Mrt'iJLS?"*'*?.*' wwratlc sngsoa at jSJ M^iM.V.*" I«a«it*5rt« Chiago ea i n ^t!i^^ sa loag aa the pattoaag* jnitiSed wooira w ooot ii;ymiTEW. :: tjhicaso, Yane 2T (Special to The BtUhoard).— Ococxe S. Wood, tba psbilelty man whom rr- etybody known and Ukea. haa a new and norel card ta the torn ot a lead pencil. It la an old Idea, of coarse, this medlom of norelty adrer- tlalng, hot Mr. Wood Is ntllixlng it la s maa- ner nnlqae. The pencils are practical, hare aa extra quality of lead (quite eharacterlstle at George S.) asd are encased in dark wood upon whi^ his name appear*. Incidentally there are a few who claim that Mr. Wood la lemonalbl* for the saying. "ETrtroae mas to the iMoalal Theatre to aee Madame Sheny. bat a pendl most be lead." 2S0th PERFORMANCE IMPENDINCL Oilcsso, Jaa* ST (Sgeelsl to Tb* BlUboatd).— - nwb aaa. at tb* OiyatpieTbaam _ _kt^* Iba i l b tt Mbr iwrfO«aaac* win b* fb* SBOlh, twaaty-toor moc* tbaa tba lengsat ran la Chleaso oC any other attraetlaa this season.' Of cooxa* be refem' to The tor- tone Boater. Tbe 'Dlay Is i^olt* aa good as th* BST* I OS bellcTe. and Uat Is Jay Caulfield Aroimd Rescae Hoer No. 1 Is aa ortglaal barh s q a a Ire setae It Is the laagblBC bit af tbc Hascbbe^WlIlM* SbMr ber M« tb* Mi clowa mm ai* ■!«» •MBMi'br Mr. with tb* show. Brunner Does Great Work FRANK PEERS' PUBUeiTY PLANS \lnrwJJ:SSI? «>• BlllbOStd).— r.'i'.^/*''»g>** JWSWmt baa been MO«!d by th* Hurt iTi- HSIilS? ^»«"*«M- Fraak O. Peera I "'„..'l'*,.'f*y'«»»b« -wb» at* keeping Mr CIn- Enl^L ™l?t.''*"jL'» "w.nwmotT at the tbeatre-, l^"*?! V- WbMaey «|»ra nous* has m"/Ci.*'? f«»«<'»^<»' tbose aggtcmlf* pnhtlrlty h.. .1'' ""T fasoo to bellPT* mmt iJ.T'Sf."'"?"* •tacre In II* aaaooae*- ST wiSJiJ*!'* ?Sf* *"« «»«»««Bb„th* nmnllted (a. tba «ritl«a at tba "•Msta Chicago. Jane ST (Special to The Billboard).— Frask Broaner, who 1* bandllDg the publicity for the Oraod Military Toaroamcnt, which ta aooo to be noder way In Chicago, bas done much (or Ibis ereat In tbc matter ot keeping np public talcfcat. la the aewapapers. Braaaer haa writ- lea la aa meiaM* stortni. concocted mor* than a* bo*x aad baa ao far placed crerythlng he laa wrMlea aad baa aot tallea dosra oa a slnde ' f l a meR* I* alaled to resone nark with the fores* of Heory B. IIarris when the season opcaa aad la tba aieaawbll* la keeplag bis head ia aad lacMtMallr.Bhlblttai:* nttis boMte of tb* —• = SAM laKbHIKR PLANS KUftQPKAN - TRIP, i ■ ' Cblcigo. Jane ST (Special to The nillhoacd).— For a wbllc. at leaat, the Olympic Theatre Is l« he deprlred of the active direction of Sam Iisdeter. Tbat Is, at coorae. If hi* prrsrat plaa* msterialla* aad bla trip to ■ni«|i* Is taken ta fact ae «*tl aa la. (baey.' Mr. M*rar. at preseat. e api t ail s tb* lateatlaa af. : l*a » .l a g oa bla loog toor. MNBttlai* lata Id JWy.- ' LAUam OALORE AT THB PRIN- CESS. Chicago. June ST (Sprclat to Tbe Rlin>o«rd).— Th* Princess Thestre seems destined to be illled with langhter aa long aa Baby Mine remalaa tbet* aa th* atlmetlon. Tb* (*i«c Is not aimed at by tbe aarlag that "every farce Is not a laacblat taatler.*' for heyood qoestlon ot a doaat, as an eatertalnment of mirthful porfM)** It baa lb* aeaaao'a record ot oae bnadrcd par Mat^JHMtMrtta Otob. Otto Bar ^ wpaiqr af luabli iboiiia.' Prim^ Joins Job* tt (Special to Tbe BUIboard).— Joba T. Prlae*, Jr., -who reeeatly resigned the positton of general repreaeotatlTe for W. K. Zlegfeld. U now at the bead ot the Central Flay Bureau. We are Indirmed that aa manager of this horeao be haa the excloslre ageacr for a Boaaher of high-claas plays, musical comcdlea, sketches, songs and monolosnea. Mr. Prince haa mach la- herrnt ability la bla chosen Held and a store of Tsloable- knowledge lalaed In his long term of prsetlcsl experiaac* . Be haa a boat of alaeere fticada aad tbaa* aiba know hba. oaa.aad " — : «r Mela m aad TO 'MET A T .HIAC ^MIA PAU» Cblcaa*^ Jaa* ST (Special to Tbe Bmbaaid).— Aeeecdtag to thefritaaa as at ptcsent " tb* Aisoielatiid Film Maaafbcttuoa irlil eon- Tcae OB Jair D, at Niagara Falls and will there leanme bnslaess confereoee along tbe lines started soaw time ngo at Detroit and mor* re- cently taken op at Cincinnati. It la expected that the Chicago delegation will inelDde aU tt the regular "trlppcra" and tbat the time In- cidental to tbe lonraey will be replete with the Diaal torn ot amatement. Tbe association has aoihe excellent plana and principals and Is for- ttnate in the sIBIIstlon ot men of sblllty and film experience. "DOC" BEATO N DE NIES RUMOR. (micsgo, Jnne ST (Special to The Billboard).— Dam* Bnmor had It (or mm» time that "Doc" Beats*, waa tb* assvlac aptrit la a pUa which bad aa^lta pnipoea tb* cMCtlaa «( an Immeas* MBlteite -for - v^t *e tb* "pcateaaloa." Chlcigo. Jane 2T (Special to The : Jay CaalOeld. who has for manr Identified with Powers' Theatre, has w cOTS r sd sufSdentlr from his lllnesa to again be aionnd tbe tbeatre district. Ererybody in Chicago'* ahow colony knows Jay, and ercrrone wha knows bim Is bla fttend. Ooaaaqaatly It waa. a esse of general zcJoIcIbk whaa his riag* •* alcknesa was lifted aad b» iras asalD abia ta b* ap. For ■«v«TaI seasons dorlac &t ba f asl MClOd SinlSel -.unUeld has operated a botd at ^ Lake, wbleb bas been a rest bsTca (Br oaay ot the profeosloa. and a place of recreation for a oomber of men associated with Chleaso theatre*. This snmawr he wiU seals eoBtlaas tbi* eatar- prii* and wlU, as bag low Ms csMml Ml J§ TaaderlDe performaaeea ft* lb* bMSt aC'tb* week-end aojoamer*. i CRUSADE MADE AOiAINST PIC- TUR E SH OWS. New York. June 20 (SpecUI to The BiUhoud). —OIBcers of tbe Board of Bdncatloa hare made complaints sgalnst sereral moilag plctoie booKS tor admitting minora imaccompanlrd. and aaked the authorities to enforce the law. Folic* "oramlaaloner Baker had a speclsl sqnad looking for rlolations which resulted in a rooad-np M Ot* proprietors who were Oaed la Special Ssa> aioas 00 Tfauisday, Jnn* 18, oa cbatfea of ailttlng minors, onaccompaaied. Into their as. tabllahmeats. Jnstlee Boyt warned th* n*B >h*t the law In this respect wUI be rlgorotmly tiphdd aad th* next offense wtmld mean a term ot Imprlsoameat. Tbe nwa Itaed. wUh tt* •awBti, ate: Bonis BczsoKen of 48r TbM. aTwn*. tlOO: Patildc Nngent ot 140 Flrak . aTeane. »»: f* !^ peet arenac. th* Bronx. SBti; PbOlp (MMntM ISO Clinton stitat. tSO. aad William Ummm of 222 Clinton atrcct, tSO. > The hearlest Oae was lmpo<wd oo BettoSaa. Jmtlc* Boyt aald. beca ni* there were seeetal coB^atata agalnat bla place, made by CbUdica'a Society agcats. PLAYWRIGHT THOMAS RETURNS; FROM EUROPE. New York. Jane 2T (Special to Tbe BOtboard). —Aagostos Tbomaa. tbe plarwiight, was a pas- senger on the St. Panl. of the American line. Mr. Thomas bas been enjoying a two moaths* pleasnre trip on tbe Continent, staying in Paria most of the thae. He had charge of the shIoT* coocert Saturday night, the entertainers In- cludlog Miss Bertine Freeman, who Is to witb th* Chicago Otaad Opera OHapany' and Vac* aic(9aeS..a» a ttn ia aC Ob__>.,„