Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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.8- 'nr iie Billboard < JULY 2, 19. N. Y. VAUDEVILLE Comment on the Various Variety Acts, Composing the Programs Last Week at the Vaudevillje Theatres in the Metropolis _ *lttM^ UOnO HALL.—An excellent blU wai ESSyT ** K«« MmU: Ball tM> week, ■w** *!. I'll IHgl jl UoDteooMCT and Moore, wbo an MUMjMr iMt TamtenUe »p- ceiranco prior to oatcrta* lato mnHcal eoBcdrl Mr. Montsomefy'a ccecDtxie Oaneiac aad Mto Moore's spontaneogi wit. foand Ikvor «ltk a large audience. Bfflr (Slugle) OUSM. wko is called The Bean Brmnmef of StascdoB. had a somber of new aongs, which he KBdeicd la as enteltainlng manner; Mlu Bertie Fowls made a hit with her jnrenUe ImperaonaUoia. alBo by an ImlutlOB of an intoxicated Tomur ■jui; Harrey and Lee, the Hehiew comedUDt. MT« a linmorona dialogue and also sanz naro- jwp"'"' songs: Austin Brothers, satlrleal- VMjrled The American Beantles. presented their IWllaa ilUe on familiar vanderllle acta which anncht forth contlnnODa laaghter; the Bert ■nl Mo and daaem of skm aa weU as pleas- while Mottims CMMTSTMSlMSSHMrSSl plated the bm. .J£i5S^5*7™™ "g^—The inteaae heat aWMWa to bara aa cOeet apon the atendaaec a Bamaeratela'a wiiMi ndimd la tbToM week of that inlailtaUe Ft«nd> aetnaa and terer. Mile. PolBlre. who I* dallT miSiStSt •aurels to a stopendoos wreath of aacana. da- a«T«Uy so. for ahe la an artiste from Ike ttaa of her Onger to her toes. The other fe«|uie« open the blU were practically the same as last week which contlnnes to win the faTcr of the C^<>"»- Among them were Gns Edwards' BAooI Boys and Girls. Jarrow, comedy Joccler- SeCoe. the eonlllbrtat: BedinI and ^ntm^ m* « Madame X. Luciano Locca. vocalUt: El ma^xiloiihonlst; Fenry. the frog man: Byan Hty"\iS'^ dancers and entertainers, com- IB*— „ » . wa aC, pleaaing dlrmion whUe the SSSftT-V' I»tiont I wa www - aieglng dnring IntennlsaSon. - - AVENUE THEATBE.—Another hlgh- I mtnre bin was the. offering at the Fifth i35S^ .beading the bill were ■HSS.' aad Enoa Utehfleld In a re- - -f'ta wr. mirtUnl sUt,.Changa Toor Act. ' a aoae raee_«iir flnt hooora by the •^rrJ??*^! Tanderille, Hinr PUcer aa<f gertinde TanderbDt In a nost captfTatlag sS^ g« ■»? *<et. Thgr were irdmi^ nm bffa or The FoUles of 19M and The JoUj Bach- ««fa and this is the first appearance of this oerar team in TandexiUeL They were not ha- alded as headllnets bnt when they completed their neat offering there was an uproar of spon- taneona. genuine rounds of hearty applause fiom the audience that stamped the biggest kind of a hit all over them, which proved that real talent wiu float to the top and-receive recognition no matter 1k>w unknown the artLsts may be npon tbrtr drst -appearance. Others- on' a -well-bal- g'JJ'' am ot eDte.taliunent were Marrektos WtUtth. - who iocslca . figorea in snch a manner ttat ba Is wtm.HaanCtka kBBiait adding ma- *Bejba appaacata ta'^aMa to aotre any prob- !S! g^i ^mla d. BaiaaHcr Mr dlffcolt mentally S"^S?"*E*"*- aadJaaea were bewfldeved nUa phennnenal mental aathematleal calcn- lanaaa. Miss Jane Oo ui thr u u a and Compaar. In LoekT Jim: Mr. MatahaU Montgomery, iitcb- trlloqnlat; Belma Braatz. Kaufman Brothers and the Five Mnsleni MacLarenz made np diverting bill for the hot weather during the week. BBIGHTON BEACH MUSIC ITIirf TTtadliia the bill at the Brighton Beach Mnsie HaB this week Is Bessie Wynn, who proved herself worthy of the posIUon accorded, tat she certainly Is a winsome comedieime. who sings herself Into the hearts of her listeners. Jack Wilson, sssisted by Franklin Batie and Ada Lane, kept the au- dience In Fcreams of langhter dnring his act. An Upheaval In Darttown. The Top O' the World dancers were well received with their Bovdties and the collie ballet proved to be .tbe hit of the act. Other* on the bOI were: Bave Lane aad 'Cbailes OnXmneB. Harry and WoUdrt, Mr. .aod Ibt. Mark Murphy. Mile. . Cheater, Winlleld VmndtM and the Moscrop Sis- ters. KEW BRIGHTON THEATRE.—An smnsing Sljea at the Sew Brighton Theatre with Mia. Far la hs mystifying as well as aaaaalnx teats la niad-nading aod spltltnallam M Out f catnie. Tames aad Sadie I«oaard and entitled, a satire Tbeatre. was the magnet that drew capacity bnslnesa deapite the extreme spell of hot weather wlileb New Xorkoa cndoicd dnrlag tbe week- The popDlatitj- ot this artiste keeps ^eoatiag aa a aowa seed In Ceetlle aoO, taas* Ber. eeaadcM eOorts to please ber '" _ at alrnim etery la tbe mala naaaa tar bs "Ftan bolt on tbe people. The ap pl aoa e sbe icceived for her efforts to please was like a leas drawn-out roll of thunder, aad wWch failed to cease ontli sbe had exhausted her repertoire of aeady nine numbers in which she appeared lu as aiany changes of costume ttuit were creations of ^"'"t beanty. Valerie Bergere and com- pany In Edgar Allen Woolfe's oaa-act eoatedy. The Snltan's Favorite, waa « most cntcatalaliig playlet aad bdd tbe iatostst aattt tbe dose of NEW YORK CHATTER Short; Crispy News Items Gathered Along Broadway Pertaining to Vaudevillians—Their Plans and Intentions for the Summer Season A large crowd of Tandevilllaas gathered at ColamlHia Ciide last Satorday aosa with tbeir anlaawblUs to partake la tbe parade to MgfelM : .BtMfe; wUck waa poet- peacd oa the p « atl »a a Saaday «■ aecoant of tbe lala. Tbe ante parade started at. 11:00 A. M., each ooe having a sign on the car giving the name ot the acts which were lu the differ- ent machines. Ra.v Cox bail to do a little work, which was caused b,v tbe wind shield on hei' macblce being broke, ana while repairing same amused tbe crowd with her quaint remarks. Lonev Baakell was very twsy getting the autoa In line, and Zit was there very strong giving orders and superlntendlop the Job. Among those who were see In tbe different autos Tvere Ed. Wynne. Belle Btaoche, Strongfort. the Homau Bridge, and bis wife; Pat Booney and Marlon ceaiiMiar. la a laegbable , Wba Caesar Scca Her.^^yrered^ to be i Oespa- a( 5e WM atawlF eaa eaatfiiKna round <it langhter dailaf tbe pn ssalalKia of this akit. A sprightly dami a i amber was presented by the Four Fords, who bare recently returned from a tour ot Europe. There are few equals to the rouT Fords, either in America or In Eu- rope and they proved featm-es of the New Brighton program. The comedy element was fnrtber stringt licoed by tbe presence of Jolm W. Wodd aad Mia* Mladell Kingston, whose offer- ~.aC Wl llb taafertr Mot. tbe audience rVMI Ua. oa BAtew eom- ' Ito^eC pattor and parodies. - : tbe tna-makets. OOers were Brown aad Arer In a pleasing TrtrliHr Sbe Iicaaoes. Aastiallan Jogglers. la a aani act, aad the Pettmaa Trio of comedy blcydlsts: conirieted the bllL AT.HAMBR*—Tbe aame of Era Tangnay eleetrlfled over the entrance to the AUiambra off.TlMBUUkMrd the act. Ed. Wynn and Al. Lee. In their ab- surdities, certainly Iwep tbe aodlenee goiog with iangbter. These boys have more ttian made good, and are -nclaie fasodtea upon every bill tbey appear. XaM's Motoring Is one of tbcae aoTdt7 aeto oaalsA^'tw laagUng purposes oaly. and Baiarfrito la^fBWa. Otbeis wbo a^risted la eeai^aMaB-aiJ** bm were Bany FoxnTSa fimS&lpmcn. Winy Paataer and Company. The JoaNlos, Mr. and Mrs. Stoart Darrow and Ed. Morton. BRONX THEATRE.—A fairly good-sized audi- ence waa tn attendance at the opening of the anal week ot the seaaon of tbe Bronx Tbeatre and tborooghly enjoyed the offering wiilch waa a wdl dintMlcd program. Tlie beadlliw tea- tore waa eaa ot Jesse L. Lasky's prodnctloos, Tbe -Ion Walts, which rIghtfnUy termed wooM be eaOed a mlalataie epetctta. briastal of aierHaaleas ^^Uca. apr^^^gMa aad .ale- tareaQBe atage cffacca.' It sooted hcarlly. Bell tcaiie and Company, In a aniqae aketcb. ca- ttllad Hogan In Society, iittnred a moat caJoreUe aamber aad did not fall to keep tbe aadleace la a state of cheerfnloess. The bird Mlllman Com- pany performed some novel and dUBcidt feats on the wire and made an empbatle Imprcsalon. Mtaa Bird MUlman had the audience fairly apelllKNxnd watching and wondering what next she would do on the web thread of steel, upon whldl sbe pcasessed as much confidence aa tboogh she was working directly upon atage in- stead ot the swaying wire rope. The Avon Comedy Psar were eatastalaing aod presented llanvey Jc Ba.vlies. while playing Syracu**-. N. T.. were entertained by Dr. and Mrs. nelman. Mra. Jessie Urlman waa formerly Mlsa LouUr Henry, **Tbe Sal Skinner Gal." who waa onc of the leading headline acta In vaDdevUle, hav- loc played aU at tbe Kellk aad Ptoetar tbr- atrea aad atber Mc dicalta. Mia Bcarr, wUIr la eaaderllle. after bar -malar aiaaoa. woaM spend ber Taeatlaa at ber bv farm la Wlacbes- ter, Va., where abe bad oae of the largest and handsomest apple orehaida la the country, aa<I would ofleo have several «f her friends spend a few weeks* vacation with ber folks, as ibe was ooly too glad to entertain ber friends Id her home town. Mra. Bebaaa baa retired tren tbe footllghta. aad eajaya dotocatlc lUa. Tan Alatyae aad Wtniaaia. tbaee twa' dem- soog wrllafs, wbo appeared In Tanderille last, aeason, has* last pat aaother feather In their caps. Tbis tnae taer bare pot over a winner, baring tbe boaor ot writing the lyrics for tbe show called Girlies, u-hlch opened at tbe Aoi- steidam Hoof lately, sod proved a big siiccess. The boys are now going to rest up for tbe mtmnier at their farm la Kalsmaxoo, Mlcb.. where they will spend tbeir time In fisbioi:. boating aod farming. Van baa Jnat purchased a complete line of new fishing tackle and farm- ing implements, snd Harry Williams baa pur- chased a new canoe and several new motor boat attaebaaent*. Kelson's Nine Jolly Toongslers are meet in: srith big success In tbe different bouses In which they are appearing. Miss Ada Hoffman Is msking s big hit singing Havlland's Cnpld's I O. r. song: also Mlsa Marlon Schaeffer Is scoring a big bit singing Meet Me TMIgbt la Dreamianil. by the Rosalter Mnale no aai. aad Miss Lain Kenny, tbe cb a r mlag ysaasrtv. H slnciag BartT Coopefs b f i t b a ll .a e aK a—.amb- lag coed witb sasM. Tba tbRa* yaaas laases aie wlaalag tbeir andlcaeea aUbtUr with tMr sweet voices, and respood to many encores- Tbe above names mentioned sre with the act. Tbe following acts left New York last wert: to play Lake Componnce. booked >ar_ Jag. J. Armstrong, also; Frank and Sadie ll B ll l i a a . German Comedy sketch: Lawrence Cotbetfc-ija. irlloqalst: Catraa aad MUtM. tn Tbe CItrOH and tbe C iaa W y Tap, aad Tkaiaor and MaaftOL singers aad talklag i. sm<d l a n s. _Mlsa ttasl FoUy. the coaceaial aecretary of Mr. Arm- strong. Is kept very basy making out contracts these warm days, aad shortly will take a few weeks' vacalioo at tbe monotalaa with Oertiade Steinberg, of Ibe BIJoa Clrcnlt. -i^ JU. y \ Nervo, the Boy Despeiade. wka Mia. iia «C l>« teatate attracdoaa at P a llMdia I " ■■■ g* PaA srltb bla startllag asaaa tl i g a l Jt-'gyg from a «0-foat ladder onto a elide, laadtog aa Us cbert.' kaa often beea commented od, as the blgb rate ot velocity attained In a descent of am M feet, and tbea to atand this enormous — -•—It. aeeaaa to be marrelooa. James Madisaa caadades bis stock bBrl<«l«> seaaoo at Mloefs Bowery Thestre oo Satnnlsy. Jnae 2S, eveiT we* baTlng been a big winner for him. Mr. MadlsoB wUI pat In a busy sum- mer writing new actt for Adolf Zlnk. Bro<*s aad Cariiale. Bea Weleb. and other vaodeTlIle Xat Caw aad P aa rs aa. aad Oar- Bent. Ed Keller. The Scbenck Brothers. Mayhew and Taylor, wbo, by the way had the largeal sign oo their ante, aad ooold not be missed; BaUT aad Wolfacd, .Vlaais Beasbaw. Bra Fay, Oataiel. PaaUa^. .Mawaa Idew, Xeataaaaery aad Jloote. MIMIetaa aad SpeBaeyer. Vartoo aad Moore. Yocke and Adams. Cronch and Welsh. AL Lamar, and last. iMit not leaat. Will Bock, srbo was flyiog around In his auto as if he was going to make an aerial flight. Will did not follow the party, owing to some Important tmal- ness. Manager David Robloson received the party at Brighton as hia guests, after which they had diimcr at Relsenweber's, nest to the thestre. Bennett Mitchell, ot The Dsncing Mitchells, who la signed op for next season with Miss New Xork, Jr., Co., proved himself a llfe-saTcr last Satmrday atteraooa while oat sailing In bis boat. Apacbe, ia Caaarala Bay. A Mg storm aroae, aad ercr tweatr dWaiaat beats were opaet. Mltcbcn, wbo wag - aear tbe beat. Jolla B.. aarcd a man aamad Jaba jnamhiia. wbo was drowalar- la order to aaee him-lfilcbdl' bat to dire after bla atmat tlmei, aad wbOe aa doing lost his gold srateb and chain, also Ms cnfflnitton. and gat bis salt mised. After this happened, another beat with tbe Wlllard fam- ily, father, -mother, son snd a five weeks* old baby, waa upset off Roibnry Point. Mitchell quickly went after tbem aod brought them all asbore, but later on the mother and child died. Mitchell was coogratulaled for the great heroic work he accomplished In tbe short spaca of tiaac. There is another body nisslag, that of • .MB, aad a 11,000 lawaid baa beaa aCaicd ftir tba body, so MUcbeU. wbo Is aa egpatc awbaaNV. Is golaB M dire aad tn to eaia tba SS&^mSSed sone talorlce to Mm. Is araood town again feeling like a aew man, Kd. baa loined hands with Hal Floe, formerly or -the team of riae 4c Klaaen. and tbey will open s^mtlF ^_tbe tacw-tlaae srllh a aew comedy ■aw act ftr Baker and IMpla. aattlM Recre Hob Bawma. wbleh tbey win. pat oa aext se aoa';lB'bartts«ae. - . At toa'Park tba fMlawlaB acta are appear- l^boofced y>r Jaa. J. ArmatroM: Mlaa Louise TSIb.' la ber serial act: Tbe Oteat Betrara. in Us perch act: Shields aad Oate. Roman ring artlsu; The Jaitllag Banetta. .»be 0»eat,BIg; lings. Mile. La Mm. t ea to i lla a l a n a^ »ba St. Leon Famllir. wba art Ike faatara aet inr all anmmer. Boota Mnrray and Mlka Toaag will sbortlj be aeen in Taoderine In • aew sketch written by a prominent newspaper nan. entitled Tbe Troublea ot a Telephone Ojserator ana a Stenog- rapher. The two clever people have often been commented npon for their cleverness, and no doubt win be ooe of tbe feature acts In a short time. Bines anil FenloD. eccentric comedians and dancers, bare played tlic small time with sacccss. Their comedy is tbe good, cleaa-cat. and every line of tbe aMoologiw a laiiflj>j|ettw. These boys ate daaHaed to aoanlbr and expert to ptor-tta Ha tbaa'! ^y tbe MorrlsXaMe lUil^ Omi! .'.Walton and Vivian are WO* an tired oat ami needed a las tlV* unK^MUtr coaaecntlTe weeka. tbtF-*art fMl aa lkv look. Ibey aay. aa bare eaolber batek ef eoBtraeia aad win itart right oat agala,' Brea If the rain will aerer atop, tbey will make hay while tbe aun ahlaea. Will and ranlloe Uoyd are sllll making tbeir act a big soccesa at the digetaat. k«—■ tklf arc playing, having added seseial aaw: e eag aad a new line of talk. Tka cat .Mak la aWI a Ms langk «atler. aa t kwr .k W ' to Siva aovsfal eacanat (OeMtaMI «• page d«) '