Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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. ULY a, IMOt. Xlie Billboard 9 CHICAGO VARIETY New Acts Reviewed by Billboard Representative-Dis- cussions of Other Acts Appearing at the Leading Vaudeville Houses in the Windy City . JUUEHTIC. Ewk la tbeir eUw- WlllUm Hawtrey anil IV. aai tbo Three Wliltr Kubnn were taeid- Itarm. mmA Ma ib«t dUtluctlon on the M«ie»- ■Ik MM iMt wteck, Ilawlicr. wko wai reicanled !^4MIw<>Wm< obUI trttmOr UUIatad wilh akHck nIM CaapnmlMd. See N»«r tlH> Tkic* WUte Kabna were a lerelatloa. their ■MtlMl «A«tac pIcaalDc to tke desrre a( ex- iiniir MtMartieB. ETrryooe waa loatb to aee 1^ Aria boi^a leave the utaite. and ao eolbnal- (iillr wan thf> Mooday matinee aadlenee that h wem-d to fonret that tlier bad overworked llH-ni^'lvcK and their allolled time Id irveral ■ll(r. r. at waj-s. But these ohapa arc morieatly nlllhii; to do an.vtblnK to pleaae. and friend HiHllenro i;ot all the K004I maalc thej wanted—■ lull It took -a half bnur to accompllsta the (eat. Tlu> Turn Danre. which closed the show and roiKm.'.i The Knhoa, WM-sDOtber act new to trie Chlraso crltlnl, M WM tbe little bit or Kuseasi! offetcd hj Ban*r Bernard aiid Lee ilaiilna t>r. Benua. who la billed Tbe EI*m-- nM VInii. tat wkkk H Im realllr a m<enl- M Ihlc. ladMW hte awn company of wllllue- li>-he-BM4e-a-BM>iiker-oat.of aabjects, an'I pro- <ve<l* 10 work comeijy as well as aclenee. In fan. tbe former waa ever In evidence. Gran- ville and Rocen. Hlo^lna. danclnir ami talktoc artist, made a decided hit. almo<t captiirlniE the apiilaaae hoaor* nf the entire hill, while Jolly Wild and Co.. In their comedy piano act. P._T. Ilamuni. Jr.. waa ]ast a* htm a* emr. Tke Slelnoiie Twins and Clay Saltk. la artlMle Jeter and Roceta. tainiy skaten and ^ " Oneria. tttnatrated sours: __JWk aarelty acrobata, were m ar wkM. allhooKb he- ia H^'-^am- af- ■aMam- p l ian ia .after Anolber brlmnlnc h a tlls -M Kood vandevllle. earb art a hnnimer, and placed Joat right, made la.ot week's bill one of tbe moat acceptable In tbe llebt of Tsnrtevllle extremea. First and r.irrmost was Prank Sheridan and Co.. In one nf ih<* mr«t realistic playlets seen thia ataian. , .It'iilltMi account of which will be faaad la ibe New Act column: tkea tker* waa OaiNe Ca.v. the InlmHahla t a aic a r . waa tt-Trlxle rrleansa. iska aaifc tka MX MnNat: bttt At any rate, la Htktr «aia. tt intelr wtf a ble hit. Tridc aaac Dinah. Vm WUlloit to Try Aaytblac Just Oace, and rnmes. which when made tbe cnMts and lairer of aome Frljcania wlttlrlsms. made ber's one o( the most de- Ilchlfnl offerlncs of the evening. Charlie—well. Just talked It over, and we laDKhed our bead* off at runny siyinics oerer before beam. Matilieirs and Hannon. Indolrtinc In their ever- popular military travesty. The Battle of TOu Soon ran«e<1 many laniibs: Bamold'a Dote and Monkey Acton enacM a latWfcaM* paatoailr wblrb la Irresistible 'mmt faaay;. Iha Baaaa , Opera Co. pleased a« wbea laal beard aboat three months aso: and Dilla and Templeton. In their roMln den act. received aeveral moments of apidanae for the acenic a|>ectacle. which en- enlfa even tlieir own artistic elforts aa his sa tanic majesty, etc. Willie Hale"s parlor pas time act. a Jncxllaa olio, la covered more spc rlBcallv under tbe beadInK New .\cts. Arl- moa Joe. with his Broocbo Boaters, played ihi-lr bolil-over week, ami proved a pood closer, tbe orcbeatra by this time bavlna became ae- lailiail to tbe ramp of tbe dashtnt sMda. 8. * C. BUY FILMS. Sullivan U Consldlne hare latradnccd a nOT elty Id the nature of booklnr their own alms In conjanciloa wttb their vaiidcTlllc acts. Tbe tat at m acflM at vkMn acta la The Catled Katca Han. a' — ibtalart'4>wo«h special insM wMb the IMtaa Btntes Oovero- . Ml K win he ahoim at crery S. & C. I Ika coast time. I*ter tt U ssid these J wlB have perfected this Inoovatlon to tbe extent that errry bill made op will Inclnde an ejcellent featjirr dim. and the boose manaicer, who up to date has l>een vrorryln* oyer tbia rather Important detail, will be plctore-care- rrre. waltlnK until Monday nliiht to paaa bla Juilicmcnt. either canceling or acceptlnit the reel In the same IlKht as a vaudeville act. TKD STOVKn WITH TF.TX S.NYPKU. T>d Stover, tlio popular compoeer of moat of the Hottae of Chrlstnplior catalogue. ha» sev- ered his connection wllh that concern and algaed ap wllh the (oundei* ot Menilelssabn Taan, OrCaalr Bear, and a number ot other sooc i h H TbeTyd Rarder Maale Co. Btorcr la ■asr lacaird at the Ohieaco adkca.- and uader tbe able —IdhMt arm of Frank Clark. Snran^ Chicago aMaaitrr.'be sbnnld hare little dlOciiltr In maklna e*m a greater name for himself than ban In tbe paat year. Stover, who la a Wbltp Rat, Is In no imall war connoclwl with the reason so many of the Rata Inhabit the Soyiler otBres. foe tbe JOTlal Ted la one of tbo heat-llke<l nlbblers In the Chicago lodge. He la the composer of Sometime. Somewhere. Do YooT Don't YeuT Will YouT Won't Yoni Airy Fairy CaaOa Land. Bad ran and SItblnc. and, when Inat tefi wliae d waa Dnpariiw a tan which be aaya wm artkpne area Ranir Bair, the ealr alh' •r ai^'w :lNb daaa ha erar wmI*. . ^•Bwm." TOO "man OAiiBOir* won GARY. Tlllo sketch by Pajlou Iloa- •ewapaper nan. waa booked laday at tbe Darby Theatre, aMulator. THE BILLBOARD. 41 • Kim St.. CliMlnfM«l, O. aa>7. lad., lha ' aC the SM Corpor- atloo. It'araa b»*ia«a baaa the tat ai^pear ancc of tbe ifceteb ta aay atase. and Mr. K. II. Murray, under whoae peraooal dlrt^tWm tbltt bit of metallic drama la being produced, had picked Oary for the Initial performance, feeling that there at leaat, tbe full tealliatlon of rvery line nod action would be feIC and appreciated. .\oU that'a jiut about what Mr. Moe, manager of tbe Derby Theatre, thought, for In ranreling Mur ray'a act, he ezplaloeu that an act of such bni- tal frankness carried with It too many posal- bUllles ot getting him "In bad" with the au- Iborltles. The Steel cast, which cooaiats of Edward HUllson Murray. Cbarlea a Tafl. J. C. StcDoa- ouch and Neoaub Pattee. la a sa f a r h ane. aad alibongb barred fraai Oair. thv wUtJaia a chance to show at tha HCal SMe WHITE RATS SCAMPER Banquet, Oratoriccd Eloquence and Vaudeville go to Make Scamper of the 1910 Convention the . Most Successful in History Altbaaili aaaa ar Ika aaaataa tooebed upon any BMUefa oC frctlaa Matlta to tbe prrseat dIBetencea ezlallajr between tbe White Rats and the Actors* Union In Chicago, thIa point was freely dUeaaacd in the clnb rooms before and after tbe banquet. When the hour of Jolll- hcatlun bad arrlreil. however, no one thought of UUtorb'ag the amicable almoaphere which ever keeps these Rat celebratlooa well ven- tilated. The afllllatloo dilemma, nevertheless, is the one question. wUch. although In no degree a iroubleaome worry. Is tbe moat Important labor question confronting the organlxatloo to- day. Dally conferences have been held. In which every possible exit from tbe preaent miaanJer- aaMTaa ta tb»- la alt a» ' MLLK.POLAIRE If tbe eoadlct Is pccelplMted. aU raodevUle theatres, aad many p!crara beoaea. wlU doae. but the amicable agreentent. lain which the White Rats ever staad rauiy to ealsr. will, la all probability, piereot any aneh ceapllcatloa. The scamper, or banquet. In Itself, waa oal7 one of tbe week's celebratloaa which went to make up tbe conrent'oo. but It carried with It moat of the tiivlal and bottled-np good reellas which tbe Rats hold for the tbeatrU-al world la xeoeraL When, at 4:3U a. m. Thursday, history had recorded another to an already long list of succeafui scampers, every one In attendance bad left with a feeling of good will and aasur- aace that a higher plane of theatrical welfare had baea reached. Edward Eamood. toaat- ■aatcr, handlad tha.latntdnetory relaa In an able auaner; the eatartalaatent committee bad ar- ranged aa axedlant ptearam: the "eats" hit lha right apot. and acrred aa a good appetlaer f«r the speeches and talks to follow. 'These latter flowed eloquently from speakers Fred Nlblo. Rev. Father Shannon. Sol. L. Lowentfaal. Harry .M,>nt- ford and W. W. Waters. The topic ot "White Mice." the ladles' auxiliary, furuJsheil some ripe comedy along electloaeerlng rnci. but the ab- solule siiKurance uf thU mov^-nient WM-t made known when Mr. Moontford annouocetl that aa soon as the necessary arrangements have bwn made "White Mice" will bt^oie a koowb qnantlty Instead of a mere posslb'lliv. The com niittee OB coBTeallan coaatoted of J»ie|ih CalU- haa. chaltBMa; Bobhr Oaylor. Jscs Ganiuer. Law H. Fullar. Oaka bamw. Cliff Uean. stbort Collliw, J. Caaaaa. aad «.-FllBt. Those who at. taaded ta tto haafMt aad. acaaper wew Cti* Deaa^ chaliaMMj.aa* Ta* i»pa. Aika UatTMr. NELLIE RBVELL AND THE FRIARS. Very recently an arllile appeared In The Billboard, atatlng that Nellie Revell was 'to ac- company Mile, rolalre on her return to I'urla. It would seem that a remark- relative to the attitude of The FMara toward tbo little lady has caused some adTrtic coauaeat. and for ttala reason an explanatory aole has been Issned by her. and la glTea herewith. ••WbUe I thmugbly appreciate the kindly spirit which actuated the tenor of the article. It Is apt to be misleading, as It sounds like a defeniie as well s.1 s congratulation, and might Sive the Impression that I had complained about tbe Friars, and I should deeply rvgvet such a rumor, inasmacb as I am Indebted to tbe Frlara In many ways. In fact. It waa a Friar, Mark Lenacbar, who fliat called Mr. WUUams- atten- tion to lay week whilo I iraa la Cblcaga. aad waa -lailiBaMMal to air-bacaabv aaaoeialed with XT. nuMosMa. aad at tka tiaie of atr recent hetcaTeatent. and at other times, baa rendered me aaalslanee, for all of which 1 am very grateful. White I admit that dlaqniet- log ramot* occasionally leicfa me concerning the attitude of certain Frtars towsrd me. ther were people who were too bosy changing their vesta and telling bow they gave Todj Hamilton. J. Brady and Wells llawka their ideas to look fiv a position, aad resented Mr. Williams having accepted me. especially on account of my sex. •at tha. Maia^ aa a body. haTO htea itrj talkH^ taawM aw. aad aoaM at mtr heat f rt tad a aiw Mars, and In the laaigBago of tha circa*, one good one makes up far aarefal bad, soon as tM launched. SCARS-WILSON MUSIC CO. OPWR Vt CHI- CAGO, Walter Wilson, who ovma tbe EUla Theatre, at -KM and Hlta are., haa combined his musical and husineaa talents with those of Walter Sears, and a new mnaic publishing company la tbe re- anlt. Both are popular In Chicago and the Middle West, and lure log been aaaoeialed with the dealer* In mnalc. each having been preTtoudy coaaccCed with the cemniercUl bcancb ot tbe nHMapaaa Muale Co. The biggeat bit of tbo new Saara-Wllaon catalogue Is a pretty lit- tle swing called Oee. It's Crest to tie In t-ove. another one of those Dreamland numbers, with aalca already In the thonsaad-a-weck column. Another melody which Is being raunde<l Into Into shaite at tlielr Indiana avenue odicvs la Chlldhooil Pays Are Dear to .Me. by the same authors of Fssrlnatlng Moon and I Want a tllrl to Lore Like You. TO MAKE TICK ET BOXES. Bearer Falla. Pa.. June Sf.—Tbe McCnllongh Mfg. Co. Is a new Arm to manufacture theatre ticket boxes. The box l« handsomely finished in any wvod deain-d ami tbe top la fltted wllh six brass slots, which empty Into a locked drawer with alx separate apartmenta. which separste the tickets and makea ■>:ount- tnt np" easy aitd CMiTenlcnI. Tha box alas rootalna two other drawera. which can be aaad (or door etaecka and etc. Th* ana la eoaspoacd U aaeatat waatata Paaaa^Waala caattdMa. aad mm atact ■aaaHMflat to a rticrthM. theatrical caapllcatiau niay take place la Chicago, and If It does, the «*«» can only be attributed to a sane and sensible ad- herence to their platform. Whether they will aOllate with the Chicago Federation of Labcw or Local No. 4 ot tbe In- tematlooal .Vctors' Union, Is tbe question. Tbe Actors* Union, which has sought to compel aU Taudevllie theatres In Chlcsgv to eiiga«o on-y talent brlooglng to that organliatloo. I* ssid to have the support of the Federation ot LatvT. and if this prove* to be true, all sorts -< atrlke poaalbUlltc* will imanta tha paaeatal ataaa- phere. Although tha lai p oH a a e a «( tkiaa Itort. hllltle* ana not caaatoc aar Crfit dlatarhaaoe. tboae paatMa wha MfMT to m9 await derdop- menu to:ta.W « ClMbiaMaaa at* !b atnt- eglcal attitudes whkb. It tokaa ad*aat)s« of. will revest torethooght ea the part ot thur* heads who attend to tbe real wrifata ot tha performer. The White Bats ar* la svaapathy with tbe Federation ot Labor, hot nnaltcrably opposed to Local >'% -t. and latber than hare acceded to their demand that erery artlat de- siring work first secure a penult from the union, they wvmld ptobahly have "cut" Chicago en- tirely. Local No. 4. however. In one of these dally, long-drawn-out eoofoence*. made It known that, on one condition, the White Rat memt>er- ablp card irould be accepted aa a permit from the union. That condition, which was no more nor leaa than an agreement that the Bata would ever ataad ready to back up Local No. 4 In any ittomar, dtffsience. petty disagreement. Mai aus-np la which that ' IToloped, tbo Rats _ •1 right at this patot la what* the Mv«a llaaU at ACTRES S PR QWNEP. New Toifc. Tone 23 (Special to The Billboard). —Mis* Marlon Ilell Snelder, whose parents live In Kankakee. lU.. and known In the theatrical world as Marlon Taylor, was drowned In the Hudson River on Wednesday night. Jime Si, when a aklff In which she snd three other tlu- atrical aasoclates were riding was amaahed by a barge. Walter Fataaa. oae ot the party, a theatrical manager, aada aB cMict to. aavp hH'. ' th* darkneea imaalid hia lacaliaK bar m ahe aank. • alhaa to tha party were Atthnr Ser- r. Ifeaattlcal aiaaager. ot Xo. S4» West I street, aad Waa Gertnsde Arden, of No. =43 West ffltatath atreet. ,Xtor_M been connected aHb toa I which recently tailMl a toar •( Sew York. Only for tbe onmpt action ot Seymour, Mias Arden atao would hare been drowned. A* aooa as the boat waa atruck be grabbed her by the arm and retained bla hold when they fell Into the water. After coming to the anrfare. be graaped a piece of the wrecked skis and held op bis burden until help arrtred. Mlaa Taylor lived with her brother and alster- D-law. at No. 528 West 134th street. New York. might AOELE RITCHIE DECLARES SHE IS BANKRUPT. New York. June 23 (Special to Tbe BUlboatdl. —In tbe statement of her ttnancial condition In the petition of bankruptcy tiled In the United Stalea District Osort. on Wedneaday. June S2. AdHe Rltehlo, whooe home la la Pelbam, N. T.. state* that her IlablllMrs are »lS.2ta. and bat OBO aa anata. The gowoa. fus sad mUUnety MUs BlttMr adarita swalas aia «• etapted. aha a**«rta. Ca ptapaia lb* haalMgKr papers, tha a ctii a a aaysw ceat her tsaa to nca to the ana of Wolf and KOha. 908 Broadway. Tbe petition dtocio*** that alaee 19M Mlaa Ritchie, who recently appeared here la nnda- TUle, ha* purchased clothing valued at $S.S18. on credit. One Item In the list ot ItahlUtlaa la a lodgment of ISIft-obtained by tbe Otto Saiaar Company for photographs made In 190T and ISOBi. Among tbe creditors Mlaa Rlt^e adsalts ab* can not pay are Lord and Taylor. tS.4Sl.TI, for dry goods: Joaeirii. No. 3 We*t TUitleth (tnct. weari ng appndi l ajto . IBhi*. Jhriy^alghto sttact. ' oflW.' Ilv *. " - — - »»,"l«\a? 1