Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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10 Xti.e Billboard BROOKLYN, N. Y. WMther Conditions Contribtito to fimyrity of Amui u ii n n U Open-air Variety. since Use weatbcr hu become more settled, tlie tmaMmenU or attracUoos at ttie rarloos Brooklrn beicfaes are dains onusnallT luge boii- ncss. CoDej Islaod. of course, attracts tbe latest ciowda. BockawiT Beacli Is as popolar aa (Ter. North Beach, Bergta Beaeb and Ca- attnctms tlie mul etowda. ' ' at tte Tazion wfn'woa be Hpc Cor one or The lint elreos on the la- wlU ao dooht get big moner, owing to the Caet that an the principal snmmer leamls on C<oag be rtrj attractlre this year. Most all the well-to-do people are alread; oc«t>- pylng their bomes on I/<ng Island. Stewart BarD««, the TaadeTllle actor, had a w escape from drowning during a heary off Bockaway Beach last Saturday- Anaooncvmeota bare been aeat pat txam Syn- enae. N. Y., of the maiTtas*- tt .Vtm Kap Wood, the popnlar treaaater aC SBiita Bnad- way Theatre. Brooklyn, sad ettlar-aC BaaD4iaec Xima. to Miss Clara Doro th y BMimHUag. ThCT aia at home at SS Uenick Boad. Jamaica, £. L. aae of BnwUyn'a h a n di naii —lim b a . Walter Bnssell. who waa tnaanr jCttc Cteseent Theatre here 1—>• ap—» jp JWaljfl for the ffommcr In the btE4fl9'*4('tfeS^Sd^b- ton Beach Mnslc Hall. Morrlscm's Masic Hall, at Rockaway Beach, feas opened for the season. A monster concert and Taoderilte pexforasanoe wiU be held at the Arreme Ptencatziv Ar- cane. Ii. L. Sonday ercnlac. JHIr 1; Im " bra Hit «C t^^me^y^^i'^i_^Snm Aam P. WUaaik. .Abeadr > aC tka tot fc—inii.»« In tte n adai lll i tt waUd haTe TOliiBteered their aerr- tkB affair promlaea to be moat en- The Beacb has i niana;:ement ton Thettie. LoeWs are doing lat bOla. — — ~ ~ B tM t o o Bnctaneatra laat Bra^^iy. Pour Tuaila, Jamca World and Kiagaton, Hoey mA Ayer, The lessoes. Pett- B IMghton Bfsch Mnslc Hall laat weak waa: Bcaate Wjnn. Top o' the World Dancera, JMh Wilson and Co.. Mr. and Mrs. Mark M > I1| I >J, WInfleld DoOElas and The Mas- crop Slatera, Barry and Wolford, Lane and CDonnen. _ For the (Lrst time In eight jeara, ixom M. EUls. general manager of the Hyda ae Ben- —— iMiiarmsnt Coaapaay. la taklnir a nea- B* left Braaktra iMt Snoday for Moont ■a. lOck, «k(fa_ka jrfn nnialB foe t^ce weeks. KortofL. borne at Stoar Mrt,'W Br • abort atay. Cohan and Harris and the Chnrch Aeroplane Companr. of Brooklyn, bare aigned coatracts for the deUToy of a Bledot_n. atOBOtfa ae of the Channd >aJ a^*lM>W|^i a^aa ^ The ATtaton ' ~ Bplarea of the Grand Opera __ and the Grand Opera Hooae, _ mta tender to 3. Harwood Sprlng- agrr of the Brooklyn Grand, a mon- • oatins at Midland Park, Grant City. Staten Tbnrsday. Jone 30. There will be ten athletic events, besides a ball game by t» tnma of the two honses. Prlies haTe been Maalcd to these special prents by ex-Comp- tTOUer aiett Watkcr and Patmaon, loaeph Me- Canr, Rank Oamaa. DasU WeDnjC and John H. SDilnccr. Bart I. ■■H i l l lir yBl be lodse oC aa ercats: JMa Pert U_^al« Ma • f_the nt coonatttee. and Taha Gnmr Can- B- Wataon'a two big eompaalea bad a Terr laceessfal nio at both the Casino and Em- I^re theatics lietc. The report In Coney Idand last week ttat CoL BooscTdt was tbere on a Tlalt eansed some commotloo. He was tbere flgnratlTely speak- ing. If a wax figure or tbe ei-Presldent can be said to have represented blm. - This wa^ nsed by George C. Tllyon. of Steepleehaae Park. Abont 1 o'clock the flgnrc arrlred In a aman boat at the pier. Here It waa recelTed with great eclat and aecUla tke aaacaUed "weleomlnc" coanaltlBa. and a taaae liaad. A little African kmr-tvw«d costionally to the aiattasnlshrd -rleltor. and a brass hand ^ay«d Ikctani Be a Hot Time In the Old Town To- aisM. Then a proceasloo was started tfarongh the PaTilllon of Fun to tbe monster elephant at the entrance. Here sereral "welcoming** aoeechea were dellrered. In tbe catherlng was a slant negro, bearing a placard on bis hack, which read: "I'se from Africa, too, bat nobody pays any attention to me." George C. Tllyoo, who also controls the amnscment parka at several of the reaorts In the East, has a rery enterprising preis repre- !<entatlTe. Aside from havlog Mr. Tllraa** pte- tnre In moat of the New York p apc this press representative baa aeeana. s deal of publicity for Mr. TOyoa. _ rrm~tmtf Jadfc Baoarlta. ia u ias lt n g wllk neli wmtSSmm aeBacer of tka naak a Boatock .ahow at Comer Ulaad. Ur. BonaTlta haa a plfialnr pcraonallty. and Is very popalar amooir an showmen. Aside from this, he la a hard •Dcker. which means snccesa. At a meeting of the Coney Islaod Mardl Gras Associstlon held at tbe Cone.v lalanil Bank Rnlldlns. Snrf avenne. It was decMe<I by thi* members to hold a one week camlral at the pleasure resort at the cloae at the present aoo. While the date haa aat kcaa defla^ settled. It wm pasbably he kdd tlw areA Haatar "ape 12. Ue ftdl oalua adiecis were Reeled and chalr- mm. «r rwaiHleii aaoalated: Stepkea B. Jack- - - - - got vice-president: Adolph P. Amaelter, second vice-president: Charles Scbiffaaan, aaaetaiT: William B. Lake, U e aauiei . Cbautttee of Ar- rangements, Hemaa Wackc, rtalnain of >• nance; Ftederldc W. Klatcr. ckalnoan of loata; Henry Graahom. ckainaaa of mnaic; J. H. Porter, Aalmaa of elechrtelty: Fred- erick Lnndy. chairman of police; Lewis M. Potter, chairman of permits: James U. Conahao, chairman of press and pobUcIty; Con- rad Stnhenberd, Sr., chairman of prizes; Tooy Pidackea, chairman of decorations: Joseph B. Vendlg. chairman of aatomohUes and carriages; Sigfrled Gnggenbelm. chairman of bsdgea; Fred- erick ZeUer, cbalrtnan of lodnstrlal Boats; Frank Savarere. chairman of confetti; F. W. Von Wlegen, chairman of grotesques. GEOHGE H. ' PITTSBURG, PA. Extramely Hot Weather Drawa Large Crawda to Local Parks. The extremely hot weather haa finally brought the paUently-awalted and longed-for effect, and as a resolt. the local parks opened their gates to an overHow, Sonday. the like of which has not been seen for many years. The large nnm- ber of amtiaement seekers natnrally glsddened the hearts of the management, while on the other hand, the mnltltnde enjoyed their "money's werth" by deriving pleasure from all the op- p es tiui ltiea presented them. Tbls famished eon- Tlnelng evidence that the thitMis has — In need of jnat such direnka. tlig^i^e n^for loat time. at ■ew dally spots tor _ . ttve aide lanei apfeal to tke wril as to Oe yaelktd aad matved. In apite ot tbe tardy araaim. appearances indicate tliat the present season win piore the banner one for all the amusement parks In this section. In order not to be forgotten entirely. Lmxa Park keeps open two nights per week In order that the large nnmber ot followers oC the light fantastic, may dance to their content. The pavilion at Lnna has alvrays appealed to coont- less numbers hecatise of its smoothness and am- ple dimensions. The orchestra employed to render the **wherewith** ao essential to keeping In step la being UbemUy .pcalsed by glider*. Tlie Hippodrome at Kennywood Is drawing exeeedlagly latse ci owd a at every performance. Tke Inleimhana an p e eked to the daahboaid cantinoally. so lasps Is'tke'liABa tarn the oat- lytax towBB. Tke aew aaial xadBK eoester haa tnmed oot to be ooe of the most popalar con res ■Ions. This, onr largest park. Is aarely worthy of the liberal patronage It has thna far eoloyed. West View Park's pavilion la one of the hhc hits of tbe season, a fact which attests to the statement that dancing Is not decreased when the temperatnre la tnctcaaed. Tbia reaort is widely reputed for fta ssnAA'-aMaacr with which the management fratMW'ftr.'Ike eoaSirt of their patmns- Tbe greate?.t of all tbe open-air e t l tS C U cBa here U the HIpoodrome. with its resMcace St Voabea Field. The fact that the srai la tact tte In- _^led within the past fortalsht. ' Tke kills sre of exeepNoaal merit and ceBtlaae to aive eadi spectator Car more than their BOBiT*S worth. Tbe stock company at the Grand is this we^ presenting The School For Scandal. Tbe cast la to t>e very favorably commented npon. and in spite of the prevaning oppressiveness contliraes to draw the crowd. This Is In part dne also to a very satisfactory artlflclal cooling arranae- ment recently Installed at the playhoose. Be- port has It that the stock plays will cootlnoe for another month at least, the time at which the bnlidtng la to be rcnorated. prepsratocy to the opentnr ot the WMl aaaasa. IffBsn Howe's T ta sJ - nt.l a ie a aeO _ t eiy tnterestlni: to tke asnir wko pnAr to glae tbt Nixon their snare aMsaeata. Patrona aay that tl>e latter Is tbe t ao leat plaee tn or aronnd Plttabonc The amateur company which presented George Atle's Collejre Widow eo snceessfully last week, will present the same offer tbe cnrrent week. They have already secured a neat little snm for charity porposes. The OrT»han*» picnic, which comes otT nevt week St Kenayarood Park, promlaea to be tbe latMpated with . a( a ^aC aastes. BALTIMORS, MD. inhabitanta of the . Monumental City Domlepins WabbMi fMk m • Cen- —qMOWcie <f tliB ftwiMi wm Rainfall this Summer. Althoagk the weather Is somewfait wanner, there kas keea a cesslderable qoantltr of rain. Ereiy dsT tkcce is a shower or two to add to of s safferlDg pobllc. Tbe iseaaM so s ec n a tamj to car- that It Is ataast a kahlt. . . J ast aotalred Om paik habit owine to tke aaple aaa nt weather, kat anae are braving tbe dements to rentnre a tllp ts tke resorts. The Hippodrome has been a great aoc c tas aad the openini; week was an Instantaneooa hit. The Idea of ugio;; tbe baseball proDoda at night haa attracted mocb attention. Tbe frreat array of splendid features Is a matter of noteworthy InteresL Tbe wonderfnl pantomime borlesqne of baseball by SUvera waa wen exeented and mnch enjoyed. Oneida, the female m em k s r of the aerohatic team of MoMre sad OseHa, wss pstefslly In- Imcd hjr a Call dariaK tke peiforawnce Setaiday alckt. Ar paztaer kaMs her eloft and anp- lieHs her ea a pais wkkk brake. Ife broke her fan as be eanght ker witk hia dmolder bst be coold not bold her as he eoold not releaae the pole from hIa belt. Ber nose is bellered to ke keekaa and abe la sa»aiely teal s id . A In the aodience attended hex and she was re- ed to ker hoarding house—529 North Howard Little lUas Tkoma and her hlgh-achool horae, ladlaa GUet; Ikiee Mdaees. aciobatle wondera; PnUaio. tke dack-wka umllwii, Uarreiona Udrllle In a sicat aoW act: Tke JanUnc loibbels. Tke Great BlacUac. Tke UseUaPsm- lly; The Adeais Brothers, Spellmas's Bears. Er- nesto Sistets, Waitcnhorx Brotiieis. IcsUe'a Barnyard Clrcns and other acts nude op the program for the week of Jnne 20. The Academy ot Mosie was closed last week aa the public school commencements were oc- cupying the hoards. Tbe vaadeTtlle ahowa have been resnmed and the tide of Intereat has once more turned to the shows that are tbe talk of the town. The Abom Opera Comiuny presented Bobin Hood last week and It was a nnlqne and enter- taining performance. Tbe opera was well pro- doced and tbe company was highly praised for lu efforts. The performance lecalled the days ot tbe tamoaa Bsstaalaas. Binw B. IMk- Ingham ap George Ii. was the Maid Marian. King Dodo was tbe foUsnrtw attiactiaa. Robert Lett was tbe king and Blsit«t»e Xaetissn was Plola. Tbe tnnefnl melodies were aa popn lar as ever. Electric Pork is doing fairly well coa&lderin^ tbe weather. The numerous attractions on the gronnds are doing well. Frederick Brenner and others have applied to the CircGlc Court at Towsoc. asking for a receiver for tbe WUllam Springer Construction Company, which operates tbe Firemen's Christ- mas Eve. Jndee Duncan alffned an order ap- pointing a receiver nnleaa canse to the coo trary tie ahown on or before Jnne ST. nie hlQ ~ that the eompaar is la ddit to certain !«ka la private wcee heo^ht to thia iettjr and kuikd . She was sa acticss ot aoaw sMUty aad distlaetlao sod she waa a well- kaowa aaernhCT ot tlw George Fasreett Stock Company.' She was taken ITl aeveral yeara ago and went to snver City, N. U., for tbe re- covery of her health. She died there laat week. Her sister, Anita Brady, was a popular member of the profession and she died several years ago from the same disease—..tnbercnloals. The BItie Moose will Khortly present some films with scenes enacted on tbe streets In this city. .\ corps of actors were engaged for this pnrpose. The site for tbe theatre on Park avenue la beiac dearcd aad tke work la attract ine mnch attotloa. Ulas Malorie Patteisoo. a BalttaMC clrl. haa been engaged to play in Shakespercea tolea la Stratford-ae-Aaaa P. E. Benaaa. tbt w<dl- known Engnak msaager. Cliadea E. Peed aad Harry Ford were recent ly In Atlantle Cttx* They aaw the production ot Tbe Follies of 1910. which they enjoyed very mnch. They expressed their admiration of the cleanliness of tbe show and Its artistic prodoc tkm. Georae C. Wilson, bead of the Wilson Amose- meot Company, has secured control of Blaney's Theatre on North Eotaw street. It will ha completely remodeled during the acmmer and fitted with the latest convenlencea. In the fall it will reopen nnder the name at tbe SaToy Theatre, playinc TsndevlUe at - It. haa ken . ke oiML At tte Skabecto. kat tta dMiTMf " present lesaecs era Stair aai ', hsae been upetating ,inadiilll>-ia< »j>i>n fle- MINNEAPbLia. MINN: Bijou Opera Hottaa Will Ctose For Sea- aon—Lyrie TbaalrB. Stock Company :y;:;-il»Bij ^Wifc <Bfc ■ \. • On Saturday, July 2. tbe BIJoa Opera House win close its doors untn the opening of the fall sessoiL Tbe final anrnmer attraction la the KUmt ft Gaxiolo Stock Company In Hnman Hearts this ireefc. Tbe bonee will be thoeomch- ly oveiiiauled aad renovated, and win opea dur- ing State Pair Week, eariy In September. Har- ry Hayes, the iMpolar treaanrer of the BUoii irlU apend hIa aommer Tacation at tbe lakes, returning to hla position In the fall. The I^Tlc Theatre Stock Company has two new aconlsltlons to the ranks In the shape of Harry Unkey and Arthnr S. Caspelea, thr latter a loed bov. «ka.Jdas«.tke csst wltk the prodaettM of a*(:^Sb IfeeVve* s( Jnne 12. ^ " Tben ka*a keea aoaM ehesges hi tbe ksase staff at tke P M aa s Tksalic. aad Bay Tkaey hss left the statt EL Don Ctelea. wko wss formoly with this theatie. has ictamed la Ike capacity nf chief naher. C. J. rlynt. the well-known tressarer at the Dewey Theatre, wko win a«ala be wltk tkst theatre In the tcsaiar ainaia. is kUIIar sam- mertlme by aaalattaff Manager flL -K. luhm at Foreat Park. On Satorday afternoon, Jnne 18. a theatre waa (laen at tbe MetropollUn ODer> House hr the Baatem Star, in lionor of MIsa Grace Hayward, of tbe Gi ~ " " OMapaay. arbo Is a member.eC Hon. Ooe hondred and fifty _ _ tbe nerfonnsnee of St. Elmo, whidi Xias Hsy- ward dramstlsed. This week Is marked by two chanaea In the casts of the local stock cofflnanles. Miss Haxel Hice sDsments the force of the Kllmt snd Gas- solo Stoclt Comnany at tbe BlJou Ooera Honse. nlaylng tbe chid role lo Hnman Hearts, whlh- ~^e'o^ Mlnneaprthf'«M'SMk fli ieii l ea . JOea Conanein Bailey. liaMMB MB' iC tte ffkMmts has rc^ared VaiMMt CMkia'tt* ^ ill CSSt of aiBk tke ft ■■■a. A local boy. Frank Bidnaky. Ia now aaaem- bling a beadlloe vaoderUle act. la wklcb flaa accomplished planlats aad tma sets of special scenery are reqnlred. A f satata ot tbia aer la the optical iUnaloa of a plaao wltk tia i Sfiarently In mid-air. with fear . inoa aU playinc aatlonsl aba la i the mld-alr piano lerolTea on plane, and each time the back of the laatra- ment facee tbe aodience, the Interior la elee. trlcally lllamlnated with aeenea and colors of the nationa Indicated by tbe mtialc, tbere tielng In aU twelve set aoeoes. cloalog with a portrait of the Prealdent and tbe American colors. This act Is now being booked In tlie East. Tbe Sootbem Theatre, located at Seven Cor- oera. which haa been ao anecessfuUy operating aa tbe Edw. J. Flaher Taodeviile Circnit this seaaaa. e l ostd Its doois for the summer on Jane 2S. This tke sU e vUI opea sssia early, la Aa- gnat,^^iri«kjr^^t^JIE^ ^^^ajaaMa^,kjikl^ AdwM^ikF^;: Amusement Reaort*. with tbe warm weather now oa large crowds visited Fontaine Pray Park last week to ivolj the sweltering beat of the town. Tbe patron- age of last week waa nndoobtedly the largest ever known at this park. The Park Theatre also bad Ita ahare of large aodiences. The bUI waa beaded by Onlap. wt&.Ma illadao Xystery. aad atkses ea tbe bill are tka'^Vsadool Bros,. Mb aad Xla CO., tvii- 1ts«e ■ sad Tkompsoo. X Ikaads Dooley aad Cbrrloe Slsteis. Miss JaUs Xhitia. tke tocsI soloist with Grrgc'a Band, ia maktag a Ms bit at tile park with ber aweet alnging. Tbe Steamer Hiawatha, the moat popular ex. ruraloo boat aroond the three falls dtles, hss begun dally tripa between Fontaine Ferry and Rlvervlew parks. Captain Keodle la In ber command. The Banda Roma, the new band at the Rlv- ervlew, has taken the place ot Slg. UUveri's. who left laat week. Ooe of the best bins erer sees st the BIt- errlew Park Theatre was aleen here laat areefc. It waa headed by Waks. and k sadiia ^jllklllS Peemer, and JngsUnc OttI, Zaia Ttcet; aad Herbert XltckeL . Tbe asudaellle and picture booses sttn eae- tinoe to do a Me bosi ness In spite of the warn weather. ABTUL'B V. SHBCKUIL HOT SPRINGS, ARK. Capitol Amuaement Company Inoor* porated to Operate in Hot Springa. The Woak'a Nawa in Tha Var • ;"v; P OP CH |fc'^^;-:..y'. ■ T%e Capitol Amnsement Company ts another new theatrical enterprise in Arkansas. This company have incorporated with a capital of 900.000, Their flrat important deal waa tbo bnytOE of tbe Capitol Theatre, at Little Bock. Ark. Tkia thealie baa alarays played Slew ft B>l e ng e i s ttra c ti otm. Atrsnsimints have beee BSde tSr K. sad B. sttisetioas. At s reeeat SMettnc of the etockbddeia, tke foUowlaK were dected: Joka O. Hlgstes. piesldeat: Cbtis Led- wiga, vtce-peceldest. aad J. Frank Bead, seere- tsry. Abont tlS.oaO win be epeat fSr lapcoee- menta. Whca eemplited tfcls tkeatre wU ka practlcaUy new aad ao ■aaey wm he apssM ta make It one at tke aMSt iv-t»date Iks a l iM ta the South. The Billy AHeo Mnslcsl Compsny waa the attraction at tlie Head Airdome for week of Jnne 13. Boalneaa la capacity every nigbt since the epealas. The company ia wdl aelected. Kr- ttf- aMBbtr eC tts chores deserres credit for tba war tkey work. Tbe skew has pleased Hot Bsdaaa Ik e nt ii goti s. A caad-d«w always gets% s ila u . St the AMMatT^:! * Ika Lyric Taestre bss aMpM a'asw piWty. Ifanacer Hale haa msde snaaccncats wllb tbe maoagemeDt of the Lyrle Theatre at little Bock to run split weeks between Hot Springe and Little Bock. This change haa Improved hnalneee consldersble for lx>th bcmses. The opening of tbe Princess Tbestre will oc cur in August. This new vandeville tbealia la now nearly completed. Tbe front will. bO ooe masa of electric Itgbtft. No expeaso to k^ ins spared In bolldlng thIa theatre. Whittinicton Park, nnder the maaagement of Geo. (Dr.) Oweoa. opened for the aeaaoo. Juae IS. to a eenr Inrae atteadaace. Hsay Improra. aMalB an^aitaB^^lUa BBtk^ by m Dips. Tbe Olympic Airdome recently Ofieaed tbe maasBemcnt of Wm Tate and Dick report good bnslnesa. This Atrdome plays mar- Isg picture ' and vaodevllle. Tlie Lyceum Theatre. Hot Springs* leading moving pictnre theatre, has aeveral fealnree that are pleaslna ita pstmns. The orches- tra, nnder tbe directorship of Geo. P. Montgom- ery, and tbe aelectlooa ot Ftaak Bitter, tlie ponalar vocalist. Tbs Orpbeum Tfceatrs haa beee tatiodadait a new featare to tbetr pelieaa lelHea pietanm. TMs^atsr BMMWa.egy^tMii^av^^^^.-'^^ for^ Sr^wiSS.' Be te suiaipsalil^kr- Ma wife. LAWRENCE: JEAN RIMAUia O. L. Mix writes from Daytona. Pla., that he baa keea spendiac three weeks ss Ike meet ar Mr. J. A. Oibsia. paapeietar of Oska ia r a — - - Bs vM lem ta Mnr Tsik aMa la -