Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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4 X ti c Billboard "54 B'ijULY 9, 1910. CHEATER Unusual Event of Serious Play Being Presented in Hot Weather Defies Precedent and Cpmes Sew lork, July 4 (Special to The Billboard).— Tke Cluatcr, ■ coibIc play. In thne acts, by iMis MattB, from the 0«rman. D«r Doppvl- ■Bmuch. oC WUbelm Jacobr uul Artimr Up- ichltt. Ljric Ibeatn. XBB OA8Z. GodCiM PUttanOort .. .. .. .. Lonii Uann Leoludte .. .. ... ;. aUtUIdc Cottrellr Bllr PUttendart .. .. .. Parke Patten Clemcntlaa aa f —...' Btbel Conrujr Jack Oeafm .i ...... Melrllle Stewart Aorella Jeffreys Lewis Wmie .. .. E. A. Kelly Henrjr Hammerflr Albert Parker Sjndory DeWItt Jennings •> ... JUmtd Barton . Aaa WcUinn > nnl-wrlwia ptas^ dmlM di»4in aapMii to be tb* beUht otMSj, aMnOttew WHIIim A. Bradr deflad lit Mt nda* ot prMncara and m- Mnt«d LonU Mano at-th«,I«Tle Tbcatre oo Wedneadar nitbt. Ian*' SB. In a comedr enti- tled Tlie Cheater. The adaptation was made by Mr. Mann from the German farrc. D«r Dop- pelmenscb. and Is to be nsed as Us own starring rehlcle. In his trannIatioD he has ahlfted tbe acenes to American soli, and provided himself with a most hamorons character in the person o( a Oermaa State Senator, whose ambition la to wua a cmaada aitalaK BMit)nlaaiia..aad dncefbalb: his aolo olijMt.lBT» to'iti bocoo* • dne Kfoniier In Its pimlt towaee. As- Bod- ator Plltleradorf, Mann'a apeclal object Is to was* warfare airalnst a famooH dance-haU known aa Splllerman*s Orpheum. a center of tbe sayer forms of night life. Just as Plltters- dart'l* getting resdy to launch a campal^ for ■•.•Isetloa to tbe Stale Senate on the strvnKtli Of his antl-Tlce crusade, he learns that tbe dance-fasll has for many years been on-ned and operated by a black-sheep bslf-brotber: that this half-brother has recently died, and that tlje Urpheum. tbe i<ecood one iKlng the occa- sion of a fancy dress ball, wben be must lead the Kraud march- His first Tlsit InrolTca Mm irltb a foong 1^*4^'M<n8!^%!aaSSikatt 'tn'tbe guta* of a burglar. leads to an amnslng complication dm- log wblefa his wife, inspired by a silly ass nephew, imagines that he is really acting; at* a cracksman—or rather that his "double self" Is doing ao. As the Times pats It: "The flrst act is clean cat. direct and amoslnf;. bnt there Is more or less padding to tbe second, and especially to the third act, that may he eliminated with ad- Tantace. It may be truly said that so long as Mr. Mann was on tbe stage, tbe fun waa nn- llagglng, and a bit of pantomime suggestlTC of a very sleepy man, who has been oat for n Bight wtlti tlie boys, waa especially well done. William Gillette's First Big Success to be Revived :lyy<;^ia^^ Thus Adding tb theSeii|£ Kew Xork. July 4 (SiKClal to Tbe Iilllboard). —Cbariee' - Frohman will rcvlye TVtlliam Gll- lette'a llrat great success. The Prlrate Secretary, next seaaon, with the actor-playwrl^!>t in bis orisbial Mle of the Rev. Mr. SiuLlding. A notable repertoire of Gillette plays Includ. tng such successes as Held by tbe Enemy, Sher- lock Holmes, Too Much Johnson, Secret Service and Clarice has already been announced. The PrlTate Secretujr was written by Mr. Olllette when be waa not yet twenty-eight years ■firaater, PlltttfMlort boMi «nt far a brief «*n agalagt tamptatlon, bat tba BODajr looks Band to Ub.. Bt aaaUjr soaaaaba, after baiog aasoisd that h» SMd..aika-bqt^tim vMta to Mamigers.Buy i ltpne)^QOii Trail aM t lM w a U, afta hm yttmSSF m i ar mii Tran ftaaa Uart. B.-aiacar. Mi* abaa» aa»i ■aglag a cast. lUtr ptsfla-aad'lha •riflnal sceblc pMdaetiM wUI ba *~ ag tbe prtaelpalB ata:' - Loals U- ehaC. AiUae BoUa^ Oait. Oearga. 'Maa CUIdta aad^aaias P. Boas- I iMII csiapclsa twaitr-twe alas^ ■MIL IM _-,-_^:/ fc'.'Oa tat% ,. apaad Ita aiaiao'Aasnrt SS .tt DRAMA'S FAMOUS MONEY Plays ttat.Mfce money arc ot eternal inter- est. Tha. aaniacs or certain dramas are his- toric. At tba head of the llHt Is nipponed to stsnd Rip Tan Winkle, wblob Is ernlitp<I with being tba oaly play that ever earned $o,000,000. It ran coatlnooasJv for tliree seasons at the Boston Theatxe. OlUnc ercry seat eseiT night, at aa aggttgata piodf of a«uly flSOMia. jaf- faison Is said to hare appeared la tba titl* mo ■,000 times. Tbe Old Homestead is said to bava - aaxaad 94JM)0,000 daring tbe Brst ten or eleven years of its career. Charley's Anot ran for 1,400 per- formances In London, and Is estimated to have earned V3.SO0.000. It earned for Mr. Penley alone tl,000.000 during Its run at tbe Royalty and tbe Globe theatres. Tbe Private Secretary earned f700,000 Ut London, and Our Boys ran foor weeks at a prollt ot (3,000 a wdeek; Ed- mrt Tmr paid Plaaro nearly (800.000 In roy- tflT. aad'tbaa daaisd ((00.000 on sweet Lae- aiillsr TBir proBts on Onr Flat toactaed (300,000. . A Oblnese Honeymoon yielded a ptoflt approx- :liaaiair or SSSO.OOO, in spite of the great .cost Of Staging it. and tbe fact that tbe scenery and coetnmes bad twice to be renewed. It Is the only mnsleal play that ever ran 1,000 nights In London. Dorothy rsn for 831 performances and is reported to have earned (630,000. Skn Toy has a record of more than SOD consecntlve performances and brooght George Edirardes about (400.000.- The Uttle Minister at the Hay- auBfeet. la I<aatea. carscd SSOaOOO at a mlnl- araaa. . Out of the prodts or Trdby Beetbobm 9tea bant Bis Jtajeatrs Tbeatn, W. J.. 6n- MIR HUSBAND'S . WIPB CLMIS JULY 2. New York. Joly 4 (Special to The Billboard.) —Mr. Charles Frobman has decided to close the Criterion temporarily to give the prlnclpalK of Her nosband's Wife a moeb-needed rest. This play will reopen at one ot tbe EYohman thea- tres In tbe llrat part of September before going en tbe new iBtenutlnnal Mrvnlt annAitneed hr ut age. Tbe piece opened on September 29, 1881. at tbe New York Comedy Tbeatre. It made an Instantaneous bit and run contlnuoaSly for OTer twenty months, when It was replaced by Ur. QlUette'a next succeaa. Held by tbe Enemy. The comedy, though not priglnal, was only partially adapted from Tan Moser's De Blblio- thekar and was flrst cslled DIgby's Secretary to distinguish It from a much less effective adaptation by Charles llawtrey. called The Private Secretary. NKW> MiLWAU KEE 'QAYBTY. tM'" ■IM .3lna.i;:aur ,4<^ is (tatad that iS^aitr 'ttSkVOai^.'-'fkaalia'i-iBaateni «B MM' i aav 'ttNati* :at :<ba aarth- of tbe 1810-U aeaaon. The m-w loeatloa la oppoalta tbe BUr Theatre (Weatera. Wbsel), which condition will undoubtedly maba tha wat atroBcer next aeason. Both theatres have been refaiad lleiniig t» operate rathskaUeis this asaaoa.- Tba 'Oaystr manageaMBt flsaraa that they. wilt ha araatad a .Uecnaa la their new theatre, wh«e tha cafi i^^ba <a tbe ■toond floor. 8. a. BRI NKLE Y VISITS. rone of laat week'a visitors at the borne oIBce Ot Tbe'BUlboard waa Ur. S. G, Brlnkley, tba long bearded gentleman, whose home is at Magnetic City, N. C. He bad Just come In from Chicago, where he bad s|ient a few days, after severing his connections with tbe Tsnkee Robinson's Shows while touring Minnesota. Mr. Brinkley bUla himaelf as "The Longest Besrded Man tn the Wortd," having a hicsnte appendage ot fire feet, tour inchea In length. He la an excellent attraction for outdoor en- tertaliunenta of various natures, and eataiaC the side show after bavlug spent over flra jaara tlUlac^the.North Candlaa aoU.,, John Cort Goes West New York, July 4 (.Spi-clol to Tbe Billboard). —President ot tbe National Tbeatre Owners' Association left far Aaattla aa<Jaaa M,. ..BO wtu spend indepeiidaMa- llaF'itti Ma. oaiMav hssM near that city. Air. Cort cootemptntes making a Western trip of about four -nrekii. lie will visit Portland, San Ftandsco, I^s Angeles, Salt Lake City. Denver and Chicago. Ur. Cort aiuonnced before be left that A. J. and W. Bnaby bad applied for membcrablp In the aaaoelatlon.' 80MB .SHUBERT ABBIONMENT^ New Torfc. 7aly 4 (Special to Tbe Bnihoard.) —^Eogagemanta annonneied by tbe Sbnberta for the coining seaaon locloda Bertha Waltxinger and Emma Franela for Tbe Bdle of Brittany, William Boselle for Tbe Lottery Man and Helen Darling ^or Harana. Arthur Stanford will also travel under the Sbabcrt. banner. VETERAN SHAKESPEAREAN ACT- OR RETURNS TO STAOB. New Tork. Joly 4 (Special to Tbe Billboard.) —Frederick Warde, It la reported, will return to the stage next sesson for a limited period In a special production of Tlmon of Athena, which has seldom been acted in America. Ur, Wards baa been on the leetnre niatform for the Delamater-Norris New York, July 2.—Miss Justlna Wayne baa been engaged by A. G. Delamater and Wro. Nor- rls. Inc., to appear under their management during tbe next Uve years. Miss Wayne will appear In Beverly next season. Uargoerlte Snow, now playlni; lo My Cinderella Oin. Will also play tbe title role in a BerartT .esapany, under the same management, ' The nad tonr ot Uy Cladesalla OU will begin at the PaTldsoB Theatre, MU w aa fc a g .. fcptasaber TED MARKS APPOINTED REPRE- SENTATIVE FOR 80MER8 A < : ^vWARNBRvAND^ C. m. ER- ■• ■-:-■>.>■■■' •■•COLB. New York, Joly 4 (Special to Tlie BUIboard.) —When Ur. Theodore Marks returned from abroad be aanoaneed thst be had been appointed sola Amsrican and Canadian rcpieaentatlve tor SooMra and Wanar and 0. it. Ereoie. Mr. Marka btoagbt with Urn aararal TaodcTine afcateh. lododlnf The Bad ot tha Thread. Tba Olssa Eye. A Ural Car ttm, A Tariaeatloa. la tta Bl jj^ ysl,. A Otwwititmt ftwi 1 to. «. Worcester. Maaa,, Joly X'^-^mm:- Bloek Ooaipaay, with Joha Oambatland.' . a MHotssAil saaioa to-alght Tha WotoMlar naatre, whieh the company had nsed, will be tha aemmar. rsopanlag iB_^. Noted Actress ' MentaUy Deran^ illnneapoila. Ulnn., Jnly 1.—Over aadti anUelpattng the iasoe of tbe tmStlm-ti combat, cooblned with orerwork, li Itspt for the mental derangement ot Ulaa ' Kat* Blaneke. formerly a member ot the LvrlO-IMak Company, ot this city, aeeordlaf to adrlaa celTsd from Cleveland, 0., by her aMBbMr; Ulaa Helen Wilton, Ingeooe ot the Lyric SbaattO Stock Company, bare. Ulaa Blanche haa.haM playing an engagement In Toledo In atoek. Has WUtoo states that she belleres after a iboct last at the sanatorium, her mother will be abla to go on with lier regular dntles. AN ABRUPT CLOSING. Aftarl.bclB K^«B:gt>> Bold, Okla.. Joly . S.- road one waaki' tha which started ~ be a „ , OkU. The dsndsa \waa eaiissd br. atrMO: amsof the playera. Hatila B.^S(isatar.-aaaaaar. a^, — aaaa.. haravfaas ts aiid^fitaaUr, „. «■ JUir^ flKiiH thtvMlM. ' Maasberaer. o: It.- Paal.- Bany H a Baar and wife, are atill aneagaged. . '.- PHILIPS' FORTUNATE ESCAPE. WUkes-Barre, Pa., Jnly 2.—Roy Philip*, of PoU'a Stock (yompany. bad a very narrow es- cape from death, or at least serious Injury. Aa automobile In. which he waa riding was aUneb by a street ear, - damaging tha . ' " but fortanataly tha oeeopaata^' Injury. ' • : .-.^ Hrs. Matt. Saundera,-wife of Aaalatant |Ua- sger Ssunders, at the Poll Theatre, and who- haa been with the Buffalo Blll-Pawnc« BUI, baa T*""*'-* her engagement with aad'la. MW at home. A LUCKY CORRESPONDENT. Dell E, Ueneman, The Billboard's correspon- dent at Schenectady, N. Y., In a winner of a caah prise ot (281.24 to cover all expeosea of a trln tn «!■« i«ir>i —-■-!.» i- n »»— CHARLES MARKS ENGAGES NliM DOROTHY BRENNER. Mow Tork, July 4 (Special to The Billboard^ —One of tbe Important rolea In Charlas Uarka' masleal comedy, (8,000,000, haa bean sasf~' to Dorothy Brenner. This comedy Is a to opea at the OainmMa Xbaatia, Boston, time ia Aa giMt.'.: - . • " y . . ' MLICV IB CHAliaBO. Jacksonville, III., July 2.—The AInlome has changed from vaodeTlIle to stock, with a change ot plays twice a week, vaudcvllla and b'o''?'' pictures will be shown between the acts. The Howard Stock Company, comprising fourteen ■ ■■■li aaiaiS ■■SMfcjfca.^^Malla—labaiadM