Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY % 19101 AT PEACE NOW Warring Independent Factions Hang up the Flag of Tn^ Biury the Hatchet and Decide Upon a Cooperative Plan of Operation. n> VUTlDg faCtJons of tlie Independent mov- JfeB^ JpletllTe Intenata, after weeka apent in TlT~lT ud Rcitiiilnatteiis bare Oiiallj JiaiM to IniiT the hatebtt and to woifc la gjnce aal kaimonj tat tlw good of the canac. lit jm itateA that It waa the attltnde taken bj- K A. Boetonan, ptealdent of the N. I. U. ' and 3Ir. Ploogh, :o fthe AnU-Xtnat FUm BJ, of Chleaso, that led np to the coa- MUdatloii of Intereats. Wlwn Boeknuua and Ftoogh aaaerted tbenaclTta «B Hondas, It waa wttk « lUaaoorl-Uka «zfcas- oc coontHHaaH. -.Xkar - maMaC to k*- *'«lMyink'* why the aMtaaaiw^ahoidd iM' pot u jnztapoaltlon to tho wurinc clemcBta, taSUMr reeclTe the butt at the warfare. Mr. Boekman atated Tery plalidy that he came Sact to set at the seat of the txonble and. If It were among the range of bmnan pcaalhllltleo, he will atrire to do his utmost to apply measnres, amicable or otherwise, to elimtnAte the chaotic condition of the lodepepdent fleld. A meeting v*m called at the oOlce of tlie American Rlnograpb Company, at which were present all the manufactorer* of the Independ- ent Association of Manafactorem and Meaan, Bockmao and PIooKh. After considerable dia- cnaalon, a teotatlve proposition was arrived at and Blr. I. O. Oes, of the Great Northern Xom- waa appointed mlnlater extraocdloary to Ytfe.Maf Oaapur^aaUnjgMaaMl- ■ uCtaSad op. A edi to am Ma tte flflM «t l(r. -A. KM- Ml bMockt th» pMNH .that b* «< tho 8dM OanpaBT la TBnfirwrOi A hao^ OMettss took pUcoit the oOc* of the Now fork Mottoa Pie- tan Company, and after oonalderaUta talk It WM deelded to hare the alUed Intamts mMt Monday OTmlng at the odiee of the American Kln«imph Company. Promptly at eight o'cloek on Monday the fac- tUna Iflled op for battle, which WBiced with becoming or onbecomlng ardor on both aldea llBtU fcng after the chanticleer bad heralded the approach of another mom, and atill the end was not in alsht. More talk and more becoming and unbecoming characterlsatlona followed ontll, at 2:30 p. m., tlrod natnrai aaaerted Itaelf and _ ontU the fallowing hCTlng been decided No date was Mt for th* etoeUao, as It wa* deemed wlae to let the variooa mannfactnrera celehrate tlw nattoD'a giast holiday In peace. Tb* new ofgaabntloik will bave twoitT-elght idaaaca a week and « chain of df ty-two haying exchanges. The matter of the Salea Companr contlnning to direct the etCorta of exctiangea haa t>een deferred ontll the eooTentlon of the N. L M. P. A., at Niagara Fhlla. Jnly 16. Dnder the new treaty, the Alliance will be recognlxed and the Sales Company will aid it, as far a* eoasUtant with their working plans to THE FIGHT PICTURES Licensed Manufacturers Arrange for a Communistic Picture on the Order of the Roosevelt in Africa Films, from Which All Shared the Profits ChleasOk AUr * (Special to The Billboard).— Mncfa tOMT rad a few facta have preralled In the newipapar aimoaneements aa to who woidd take the morlng plctnrM of the Je(Maa.JohbMn flatic eneooater. A praa ahaet received on Jane ao ttOM aictala Ueeaaed maaa fMUn eia told oa aat tlV- Vfilf hmi. (*M MMlac pletno caaana atatUatd aboot .wf tiac to make the greateat sporting film erer prodneed. The names mentioned In this sheet were the Essanay Film Mfg. Co., the Sellg Polyaeope Co., and tba TI- SMidar waa aptet la tUnlablag. bat Mthlag fatal took pteM nntll TMadar " =^ a muHiia waa cafladf tt ' tt waaMM tbM tb* ahonld b» MMMaC't*. " take or nlaeb -n Iowa: ^ That the Salea OMBpaaiy ahandoti tbfir pres- ent charter and apply to 11m Secrrtary of State for a new charter that would make them more of a fraternal and bi-nevolclit organisation and would cover ground on which the diflTcrent in* tercsta would meet on « more equitable footing. The Inanrgenla deddad hy balk>t the names of tba partiM to aaboUt thla to the Salea Company, aad who ware to'aet Is tba capacity of directors to tba now coopaar vblcfc tbir hoped wooM he fOcmsd. no namaa at ;lbaM alalwarta were Veaan. Oca, MeOM,- T binb oaw f, "Whjrte, Hotd^ and I. G. miman, of the Oolomlrta Film Com- pany. Tbls body marched to the cdices of the New Tork Motion Picture Company and aubmllted their propoattlon to the mrmbers thereof and the armlatlce was signed. A tentative sgree- menf which had been drawn up bj the InsuriEents wss banded to the dlrecUog powers of the Sales Company, who asked permission to go into ex- ecDtire aeaaion and they woold report.aa qnielcly a« poaalhla on the propoeltlaa enhmltted. After a wait of an boor, during which tbe buargenta bneed .the.heat.ithe'coaamlttao o( '/apmtad tbat tbay bad canfoUr, aatl- noa orer tba oamM ualltad b(y tbe aaao- ,. wara wHifled witfe all aava aaa, aaaMly. IfbAMar o. — Ob tbia aaBomieeawt Aaoe. Tlie yoimc breach and, m a ni labors In the dcld oC iMd beea dramatle , arraigned tba pany. Mr. Wliyte'a remarks did not meet with the approbation of either the Sales Company or his own constltnents who. at first, were ready to Champion his cause and stood ready to defend him, resented Mr. Whytc's action In taking np the cndjels In tils own defence. HsTlng selected him as one of their directors, they rather in- ferred the right of defence r^ted upon them, aok accccdingly. tbey demanded the right to do a Uttlo ezeenttra aaaatoBbut «B tbeir own ac- count; with tbe nanlt tbat Ifc Wbyte la aald to bare nalgnd In (BTCr.4lC Mfc - Haiiy Barer, «( tba IfMograph Own pany, of BalUmora. , wttb fOrrent wlahee of to the aaaadated manufac- toran tbat tte-faOMHag ganOemen woold con- atttnte tbair boort •C^Dnebm: XMctl Bow- awn. Poweia. ' SwaaaoB. Stelner, Mllee and Leemmie; that tbey would comply with all the eondltlanf of tbe agreement and would immedi- ately make application to the' Secretary of State. Cor e new charter, imder the new coodl- tlcna. It la mideratood that, under the terms of the agreement, the Salea Company wlU to the fotnre act mm a diaboraing company for each and an manufactnren. that remittances win be made to the companiea direct, that all ahlpmenta will he made C. O. D.. with inrlTllege of exam- ination. that the board of directors will consist of twelve—six trim each organlcatlon—and that a» recent agrecmoit made wltb tbe Colnmhla nMoosraph Oonpaair.'aoaaclitg tbe.Blaaebl eam- an. wm ba left to tba diaaotka of the fazloaa aompanlae to I -- - aa hidlTlduda, The offlcers oC _ ^ed. the boaiA afHTattiM'to'la other aet. -.-r...3:k.v'!!s-'>-.-!'.v*»-,: frji- ALHAMBRA THEATRE, CINCINNATI. MeMahon and Jacfcaon'a new gSS,000 iiidun- bmrc on West'Fifth alteet. pany product* will only be handled by Iboae bring about a coodltlon whereby the Salea Com- eichanges who restrict themadras to the re- leasee made by It. Mr. Carl Laemmle, who la at nieaent abiaad, aMt • cable from Mijnic.i, as followa: "OoDgratalatlOBa. ' flaad me partlealara." Once more the warring elementa ba/e abated and tiiere is pesce in the independent camii. Unless some unforeseen circimistsncce mvw. ibe long-looked-for solotlon of the Independent prob- lem has been solved. to OUT readers. Just what will he the actual happenings way oat In lt«io can onl}- be sor- mlsed at this writing by tbe evaslTe Mexicaa who alwaya aaya: "Qnlen Sabet" NO THEATRES NEAR RESIDENCES Kanass City, Mo., July 2. — ^Ad ordinance baa been Introduced In the lower booM of tbe conneU, prohibiting the conatraettoi or main- tenance of' bnlldlnga naad for morlng plctore ahowa, TaudeTlUe, alot machinea or for theat- rical perfotmamM of any kind If the alte of any such building la within 200 feet of any reel- dence, in all city blocka, or la blocka where more than half the frontage li need for resi- dence purposes. A One of tttm 910 to .$100 la ptorlded for Tlolatlon a(. tba orflaaMab The BMaaore was refarred taHw aMnittM CO pub- lic Impiorements. Mth and SacbarwaDad OD Mia Iswclited tagraph Company. To quote literally from It; "Laat TiioA<1ay fonr photographers and sasllt- snts from Ibe Essanay Company left Chicago and arrived In Reno Thursday night. They Were joined by tbe photographers from the otber two companiea and, according to plana pre-arranged Friday was spent In visiting the ringside and erecting camera atanda about the ring. Oreat carefulness in every detail will mark the making of thla big film and, though the battle may go forty or fifty rounds, tbe picture makers will cany with them enongb of the ribbon ammnni- Uon to keep all of tbe nine cameras grinding oat tba.atory from the Brat blowa of the com- batanta to the final kaockoot. On tbe night of tbe Foorth the picture makers will be hurrying Eatt as that as their apcelal train can carry them. Freparatloaa wUl be made for the devel- opment of the negative film Immediately opon the arrival of the photographers at the varlooa concerns and the complete negative which will be made of the beat parte of the film obtained from tbe entire nine cameraa will be need In making the poaltlvea of the fight film. It la ea- timated that over 00,000 feet of film w4Il be need in the making of this picture." By tbe time tbat this sppeara In print the battle and tbe actual work of taking tba moving plctorcs win be a matter of blatcir- Tba above mention la merely BMdc M tbat tba totantlbna «( «bMa.«h«M MK-MMfactaamba COLORED PHOTOGRAPHY. Wltb tba coming throogh tbe Cntom Boom of tba ant eoloc maeblnes of the nrhaa-aaalth KlnaMacrtoc type. It looka w U tba UoMEli ardMd wbn MMiad pbotograpby vUt he saea M an attraction at aome of the American tba- atrea and mnalc haUa. Menn. Aymar and Bacoo, of Allentown, Pa., are tbe peope who havel had the temerity to alga a ccotract with the London KlnemacOlor . Company, to eulolt the Urban-Smith pnceM hi thla conntry. ft la the Intention of thcM gen- tlemen for the present to content themidvea with Importing film from the other side, hot the ptocea a la anch that wbeiaver Inatallad It will tcqolie a ' they bava bean ^ fine of whicb ta airlva m tbIa the cnrrent week. In a talk with Mr. Aymar, be seemed very cnthnalastlc over the posaiblUty of Klnamacoloc In the United SUtcs. He said it waa the In- tcotlon of bis asaoclatea and himself to boUd a factory at Allentown for the production of col- ored photography, and tbat work woold be com- menced at a very early date. He expressed the idea that Kloemacolor having atarted, woold very rapidly replace black aad wlilte photcg- rapiv, aad ha aipMtid tbat bla a om pan y wonld have asm haatnwa etfared them than thay woaM ba abia to taba can Aaked U be had a UeaaM ftom the Patenta Company, Mr. Aymar aald, no, nor did ho expect to apply for one: that he was perfectly Independent of the Fatanta Company, or any other moving picture rganlsatlon; that tba KInemaeolor waa big enough and great anoogb. to go It alone, and these were the lines be pro- posed working on. MOVING PICTURE SHOWS GEN- la tbe preaeatmeat oC tta Qraad Jnry tor the aty of New York, which waa recently made public, the following crlttelam and reeom- mendatlona were made: In re Moving Plctnra Showa: "In thla connection mention ahonld be made of the moving picture ahows aa fomiah- Ing to tills claaa of persona an opportunity for leading Kirls Into a life of shame These ahOwa naturally attract large unmhers of cblldrea. aad. while tbe law provldea that ao child ondM tb* age of sixteen shsll be allowed to attend laaM unaccompanied by ptzaot or goardlao. It It • fact, as ahown by a number of arresta aad, convlctlona, that tba law la freqncatly Tlo- latrd. Evidence opoo which lodlctmenta have been found and coavlctloaa aobaaqMaUy aaniad has been Uvea, w blca|lbg»a tba t to qjlta at tba places, aaar '^g^M oSS Msi M m^MUbf ■■Tbe Society for the Preventtoa «f Oraaltr to Cblldran bu fnmlahed alattatia abowtag tbat ainea Deeambar 18, IMS, tbtoty-tbraa cbmi of asasnlt orlgtnatad to BOrtos ^1 in eome InataacM Iba po^alMtan empIoyM of tba show*. .. - . _ "It la act the parpoaa of tbIa zefOiaaee to bring an ludtetment agalnat tbe moving pictnia abow, which, under proper restrietloas msv be an important and valuable edncatlooal and ic- creative factor, but poaaible danget* Inhetcat In performances carried on In the darkness, and the obaervanee of safegnarda by paraatt or gaatdEw aad Of tba aWet. aal gi ga Mt •( t|M law far tba protection of aildw.* T.... : FIRST RBLEAW BY CHAMMON FILM COMPANY. ' In this age of keen coopetltSoo ta tba i- picture field, whea taatara flima prtdoaitoata and arapendona aSaato am toMdoead to ersata aalaa. It^TalMaat a OMMNlh ttak ta pat oaa over that wtU naha tba teada rit ap and take notice, and yet, Mark If. DlttanfaM acepmplUhad what othera have faUed to do—reglatored a scoop. Mark ta the gnldlng aplrit of tbe Cham- pion Film Company, and if their first release. The Abernatby Klda to the Rescue, la an evi- dence of the prodneta thU energetic .cjncOT will torn out, Mark baa aet a pace which wUl require some Ull huatling on ibe part of tta otber manufacturers. Money waao't tbe matanai factor In the production of the first release. Tba Otaamplon Film Company haa higher thoogbta M view; they wanted their first film to ba a bom- mer. aooiethlog out of the ordlnazy and, to aay the leaat, they have sneceeded. The aobjact la aa naoaoal one, tba aaaeatlOB aad pbotoctapny pertMt, aad the length approximates a taoa- aand toot. The detalia of the film give. In bold relief, an cxeolleot view of the babha and mode of living of tbe Abemalhy Kids,' who rods twenty-five hundred miles on honeback to greet ex-Prealdent Roosevelt on hia return from abroad. A rcallatic scenario of weatem life haa been worked Into tbe flln to add iMtuaa^af horaemaMbb aad .doria*.' It to. of a flUa >ttat " moner- MOVtNd mibtUIIB^'THKATttn' Bletma tbai ray S IM a i —. - . J banaM and gtva tba pnhllc a rest. iilU MM M Ananat U. MM ObMlia. Tletoria. Tezaa, haa nred Xveraton wUI daM aa tn toiai Tba L Tba bean porcbaaad by IVaak OMton. waa the former vmuKi . _ , „. Tba I^rte TbMtta. NavaMto, Vnaa. eloaed loM .Ml tat tba Mmmar. It wttl ba Kopoad SaitoMMr.S, playtas TaodavlUa aad pJcMtaa. Kik ft WfanTtha taoprietraaa. wltb bit t«» k«B. wCapiad tta aHoaMa M Iba coaat