Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY 9^ 1910L Xtie Billboard 27 ShTMt to Iki JSSSm wL Oa tba floor be- rid At the laiB* momtBt tS* old ous lo r*- ft to f«ll. »tTttlii« tb* tacjac* b|gow KDISON. THE TALE OF TWO COATS (Cm*^; t»- lM«fil Ju'T 8: lenitli. «S fe»t).—A tall, ,CX- tremrlT (lender and anciair bat dlcnlM eiUaM ttDii • mrtKSger boj wltb lnjtraetleaa to take bl> 'ult cue eootalalas him dzaa* aolt to tbe hotel, which u to b* tf* Kooa of • baa- met. A fit, ]oilr tad v«y aumrnw Uttto ctack hii bis nit cu* checked to ■ ■■ b Bi t oo knoo b, me.«i of m mmm fcy.. n o fc M —1» My •nit f«ie», wMA ooo M*Btl»l tnaapouuMO. ■bed an. nt MHtt li tko tan. rtwfir Mtow ssiroT lOoMdr: lo- feMN Mr *: Cwtl.—Oada bu (MM to TWt Ma acpbfw, «ko haa ft aarrled. Bdait wttbont ■ cook, tbo roosc wtf* eoBwaU to pur the part. Slw uoamca tbo nl« to well that nncla wants to nca<* bar. sot knowlDs that ttt la tbe wire of bla Kpbew and the cM to wbocn be objected aa a fflemiMT ot tbe famUr. Sba flaallj coutn a t i tbo (ifceptlon. bat olten to BOko ■■aode la the iveetest vaj pocalbl»>-«^ kMM ■■Ml»_|Mi the kiss he moat (MflM Wt^mt, tm. OMa rvadllr coosents. A WIRELESS BOICANCa (Dtama; tdcaaed Jul; 8: leoftb, 096 feet).—1 lore atorr ta wbleb tbe wlteicea t« pat lata play. A ' at aae liiloiao two yacbta ts aao aC tb iiCBm. HIS CHILD CAFTITB (Dfaaa: niaaaad Jaly 4; leasth, 930 feet).—Lewicaeo tH. a praaperooa banker, baa aettlcd down to a Ufa ot domeatlcltj, aod baa almoat eatbolr foeset- ttn the wild oata daya, wbea a note ceaca from Era Labdan. aa actreea. wbo ^«»«"*t tbat her old friend Tistt ber. Deaptto bla reaolre oat to go he Tlalta her and tbea promlaea to eleoe. He retnma to hla borne late tbat al^t for Im- portint papeiB. and his Uttia Bco, nlclmiaed Bfdakla. ewtnria blm and l e atut ta bim to kla tram the nab of work la tko afleo. writsa his flioree. asklaa tbat a wtpe be a aat blm aom- moolhg him to tbe bedalda of bla dTtas ilitar. This la done, aad raidle eraltaatlr ania traai the offlee. off to tbe eooatiT. Be la bevlaa a corklsK good time wbea a wire co rn ea fnm tke boaa that he la atopplac off to see FlerdSe aad tbe ilcfc alater—aad rerdle aOTcr bad a alatrr. let alaae a aiek ooe. Bla aueae'e bretbcr dieted tbe deter. Far a ttae all smo, THE RED MAN'S WAT (Oraoaa: lalaaaad Jnl7 7: leacth. I.OOO feet).—Aa ladtaa farmer aad hla mU» protect aad aecrcta t gambler who bea lajurcd a eewbar ta a fl^t oter a gaae et rarda. The caablar lepaja tbo ladlan tj ateallac tbe affeettaaa of kla wU*. • luitltbl Indian weeua of ef«bt»ea The toMaa ~ to ciTC toe maw ta tke laMkiar. kat their chnd. flee Tcaia later tko gamttm U a eosdrmed dmkaid. whlla tbe eqaaw, allow, neglect and bardablp. U trlam. dlaa learns of thia aad wiaaka kla ^ la tbe red man's way. THP SHERIFF fDrama; ralceae July 14; length. 730 feet).—Ta«s Lawtoa and Joha Ka- aoo were rlral candidates tor odice of cooatj aherlir. The election was near at hand, aad excllemnt plentlfnl. Maaoo wsa la Iot* wltb bawtoQ'a aUter. bat tbe feeliac exljtlac bo- Iweea tbe two meo rendered tbelr ouirlaae ISPOMlNe. Wbea tbe rotes were eooated Jofaa waa elected. Lawtoa bccooes InrolTod In OMHo aad a wairaat for bla arrest U placed m tbe baada of Ifatfla. wbo aow ataaoa bo- tween lore aad doty. For tbo aaco et the (trt be lorea be permits Uaaaa ta aaer" " withont lis atteiglamriita** aai A nnNTue It: lesftb, am worthy ^ Slaty." TBB BUNAWAT DOO (Oomedy: releand Aly 4: leagtb 881 feet) Jooaa baa porekaaod adog. which soddcaly yearns for Its old awetar. aad with a sDddea daab dies off at a beadloBC IMe. tbe nafortaaale Jooea betas draned along n hla wake. Down (oea erecybody with whoa 'ooea comes In contact, wltb a reoolt tbat be ta belabored wbea bla yuLWiie copttro blm. THB HHINB FEOK OOLOONB TO BINGKN tacenlc: released Joly 4; la^tb BK feet) A eeenic pictnre abowinc craadeor of aeeaery, tbe am of the Ttaeyarda. aad tbe awe Umpired mm tbe grim caaOeo Hgh apoa fnnralac craga. •"'Otemi (Dtama: tdeoaed Jaly 6: lM«tk MS Ibat). Aa «t OB tkat de- ^^ X Sales Company Annoimces THE GRANDEST PR^ OF MOVmC ncniRE RELEASES V IN ALL THE WORLD EVEIV -ECLAIB IMP NESTOR KINOfiMPH LUX POWEBS ATUS CHAMPION ELEC1RMUMFF EVEIY THinSDAY ..CENTAUR CINES IMP EVERY FRIDAY. BISON LUX THANHOUSER EVERY SATURDAY -CAPITOt COLUMRM GREAT NORINERN ITAU POWERS The Motion Picture .DistributiDg and Sales Company^ the Associated Inde- pendent FOni MiunifiMstiinn and tin National IndependeBi^ Alliance are now acting as ONE^ .hai^Bg Ixiried aU ^cranc^ that insures complete satisfaction for every Independent exhibitor, ex- change and pianufacturer. ANY or ALL of the above named brands of Idm aM available aftei^ Jiity ISlii to AM* eonftuigBB ii^l^^ (Chicago) Sales Company agreement before that dailB. If you think thia, acti(A ia for the general good of the Indqpendenft ^anae^ put- youriahoulder to the wfaed and—fae^ push. JViF» BISON DtFEXDER ATLAS OWL .A!VIB"R0S10 CI IVI CI IV INI AT I JFILIVI EX:CHAISJGE 3t!t--ff7 vv.-^l Kouriri *»«e-*-'-i Clisr l">Jr>; A r I. <>. t-onn til^lunec- "Rt^oiic. Mnlii l^SO. ••the: holjse fha^t euYS eilivis" Connect wirH ^ real, live. i-D-»o-date Film Exchange that can give you a real service. Refer...r-< V10T0N ^'CrURE DISTRIBUTING 4, SALES CO n ALA THANHOLISER— ^FlLVl D'AFn YAfS/KEE OTHERS